Exeter Advocate, 1910-01-27, Page 7✓ t' ECZEMA CURED THROUGH T,fE BLOOD; l:at'b • By the Aid of Dr. William' Pia Piss- ¶ht Wonderful Tule Medicine Eczema' or salt rheum is a dis- ease of the skin which sho•..s itself' in small. rod, watery blisters ---these sisters break and leave a scale w hich may be rubbed off by the hand. The affected parts are in-, tensely itchy and the victim cannot idea,' the touch of any article of rlt.thlrtA over the parts. The disease is caused by bail blond and roust be cured through the blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured many eases of eczema J)ecause they are the one medicine: /hat acts wholly o• the blood -the 0 seat of the trouble Among those aurid by these Pi•:: is Mrs. Chas.' Ii)avidsen, of Ami, rst, N. S.. who: says:- "I stiff(' Ad greatly from; 'salt rheum or e;• :ma and toy bands /sere badly cracked. I tried sever- al ointments, but they did me no !tm(1 whatever. I was advised to ry Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills and )ad only used them for a few weeks when the trouble disappeared and! nig hands w•cro entirely healed.- 1 Ant very grateful for Khat the Pills Iaave,ione for mo and would advise' other sufferers from this trouble to' try them." What Dr. Williams' Pink Pille did for Mrs. Davidson they have donei For many others -not only in eases' p.f eczema and salt rheum, but for etuptions and pimples, chronic erysipelas, scrofula and all other Maladies which arise from the ood. They banish these troubles !simply beeause they clear the blood 'of all impurities and leave it rich, ;flu', aur. 'health -giving. The Pills! ;aro sold by all medicine dealers or :direct by snail at 50 cents a box or ai:: boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. t $ -- CRUCIFIED HERSELF. en Italian Girl Inflicts Awful Tor- tures. A strange story comes from Tur- in about the act of a servant girl who became possessed of a religious mania. The woman who employ- ed the girl found her crucified on a bed. After an investigation the employer discovered that the girl, after placing a crown of thorns on her head and influicting a severe wound in her chest, nailed her feet and her left hand to the bed boards and calmly spent the night suffer- 'og tortures. tit TCH DI\NJRS. Maid Receiver Her Portion I'ireft and !Retirees. 'fhe Dutch, when they invite one --and they are not a guest-seking nation --are extremely hospitable, says a writer in Hurper's Beier. They snake one at once welcome. Sometimes, however, when it conies ti' dinner, their active hospitality demands an energetic recognition. The table is laid with piles of plates before each chair. On one's 'first visit the spoons and forks are of heavy silver, the knives of the finest steel and ivory. Neverthe- less, one never eats with tner again. 11 'hen one has been shown tl.at a family possesses them, that et•dy it. One eats thereafter from eery -day ware. "What ".could the silver be like for our children if we used it often?" an old lady asked. "What should we possess if our ancestors had been careless?" In this house of which I am speak- ing the maids came in as we took our places. The host carved the Kidneys and also that they are now great veal roast, -veal is the conilooked upon as n standard medi THIS WELL-KNOWN ADVOCATE SIAM Nle 110("I'OR ADVISED 111)1 To TAILE DODD'S GIDNLY • PILLS. ,1ud He Found Them to be all They Were Advertised --How and Why i)odd's Kidney Pills ('ure. Montreal, Que., Jan. 17 (Special) .-"Dedd's Hitlney Pills were re- 1►emruended to rue by our family physician, and I must say they have proved to be what they were ad- vertised." This statement, made by L. J. R. Hubert, the well-known advocate, of 214 James Streit, is a double tri- bute to Dodd's Kidney Pills. It shows that they are recognized by reputable medical !nen as a peer- •retnedv for diseases of the pany meat, --and gave each maid her huge portion. They then were served with vegetables, and with- drew. The soup, of course, came first, and the maids received their por- tion of that also, 'but in the kitchen. The door shut Lehind them, the un- married daughter rose and served the guests. The first course claimed the top plate, the second the next. Werda are absolutely inadequate t', do justice to the variety and ex- cellence of the small cakes, or tar•t- jies, of Holland. Each city has its own, and each baker guards jealously the receipts which have conic down through the ages from father to son. This hostess, in particular, set about introducing me to all varie- ties, and on one occasion, to arouse toe, had twenty-four kinds of de- licious confections of pastry, light as feathers, whipped cream, pre- served fruits, almonds, "sugar, spice, and all things nice." The hour for dinner that is most in favor is about half past five in the afternoon. WORTH KNOWING. Simple Remedy That Any One Can Prepare at Home. Most people are more of less sub- ject to coughs and colds. A simple remedy that will break up a colo' quickly and cure any cough that is curable is made by mixing two onncns of Olveorinc, n half ounce pf Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure .and eight ounces of pure Whisky. When discovered the woman was You can get these in any good drug exhausted from pain and loss of store and easily aaix them in a large blond and was taken to a hospital bottle. The mixture is highly re- enmmended by the Leach Chemical 'rel a (lying condition. She admit- ('o , of ('incinnati, who prepare the ted that out of love of the Saviour, she had voluntarily crucified her ; genuine • Virgin Oil of Pine com- self. Her reason for this, she Paid, pound pure for dispensing. was that she wished to share ft)hrist's sufferings. The doctors declare that the girl is hysterical and therefore insen- sible to pain, but the common pee. ple regard the case as miraculous. IIILDfl00D INDIGESTION JOINS $ICILI BABIES The baby who suffers from indi- gestion is simply starving to death. if it takes foul it does the child no good, and it is cross, restless and j►teepless, and the mother is worn rut caring for it. Baby's Oan Tab- let% always cure indigestion, and dive th'1 little oue healthy natural tlseep. Mrs. A. P. Daigle, Lower apin. N. li., s:i'ri : -"For severe .aces of indigestion I think Baby's torn Tablets are worth their weight 11 gold. Ids little one suffered ter - ably from this 1ronble and the 'ablets was the only thing that re- moved th^ trnuhte." 'olid every- il:ere at S.!5.- n box or by trail from 'he Pr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. HIS t 11A11lTV. . he aa• per. but otherwise bon- s rt. and hr: had just proposed to the heir(ss. "Are you Fare." she queried af- t' r the manner of her kind, "that you flu n•etwant to starry me for 100, ntf'ney !. ••O( coer'c I don't," he repined. .l' 1 nn► anxious to marry y'nu he - rause 1 haven't the heart to let you become an old maid merely because yon happen to base a paltry half 'billion." Arts w ay it Ireuble than LOW BIRTH RATE OF L4•'ION. But the City is Healthier. Thai Other Large PItie+. Many of the facts in that com- pendium of statistics and valuable information eoncorning the health cf old London -the annual report of the London County Council Health Committee --issued recently, are striking. It states that, in 1908, there were 38,200 marriages, an an- nual rate of 15.9 pee 1.000 persons living, and this was the lowest rate recorded since statistics had been available. A satisfactory feature is the gradual decrease in Ahild- mnrriages. Marriages of minors we. re 3.2 per cent. in the case of males and 11.8 in the case of fe- males, compared with 3.5 and 12.9 in 1907. '1'he birth-rate continued to fall in the metropolis, the official sta- tistics for the past six years being: Per 1,000 1903 .... .... .... .... .. 28.3 1961 .... .... .. .. ...... '2 .7 1905 .... .... .... .. .... 27.0 1906 .... ...... .. .. .... 26.5 1907 25.6 1908 25.2 A more pleasing fact is both the death -rate and the rate of infantile nit rtality show a decrease. In 1909 the death -rate was 13.8 per 1,000, (unlpared with 19 2 the average in the• years 1891-1900. The medical officer of health completes that this represents a Raving of 26.205 lives, or a gain to the community of 1,- oec,77i) years of "life capital." 1 on Ion is 1 • far the healthiest i•I,cttei to Lormrr J the great capitals, and with two it i- t.• ovale it exception- Bristol and Leicester_ the healthiest of the large towns of good ter free samcle t• Dobai Orus a Chemical 1v., T•rente. • 3e t. W 1.., Na England. The death -rate of the ca- pitals per 1,000 are as follows tot f+n4 : - Lnndon . . .. . . .. ........ 13.8 Pnris.. .... .. .. ...... 17.5 Brussels .... .. .... .... 14.5 Copenhagen , .. .. .. ... 16.4 ht4uckholrn ... .. .. .... 14.7 St. Petersburg .... .. .. 518.6 Berlin .... .. , . ..... 15.4 Vienna . .. . . .. .. ...... 17.e Rothe .. ... . , 1 k.8 New York 'R.5 4TH of pe eple you don't know NI' .11 cine by the best people in Canada. And the reason of this is that they do just what they are adver- tised to do. Thee cure diseased Kidneys and put them in condition to clear all impurities out of the Wood. They cure Bright's Disease, Diabetes and Backache, because these are Kidney diseases. They cure Rheumatism, Lumbago and Heart Disease, beeause these are caused by impurities in the blood that the Kidneys would strain out, of the blood if they were in good working order. If you haven't used them yourself, ask your neigh- bors about. Dodd's Kidney Pills. LOOKED LIKE IT. The visitor rang the bell and the dcor was opened by the wild-eyed youngsters who were towing the house cent around by a hose. "I heard that your mamma was up at the mothers' congress deliv- ering a lecture on 'How to Raise Children,' " announced the visitor. "Am I right t" And the oldest boy pointed to the overturned chairs, the scratched wall -paper and the bsaken table, and said simply : "(317e, don't it look like it tees et fleets, snarls and pais in the chat may sot mein consumption, but are bar sign,. Allen's Lang valiant 11.48111 the oeogh and hells lanais'. •d ait pasanges. Not a grata of opium in it. "But.," protested the young honse- keeprr, "the milk is four.'.. "Yes'm," replied the honest milk- man: "it's shameful how lazy them farmers is gittin'. Ye see, nla'arn, they've been oversleepin' their - pelves lately, an' before they git their cows milked the stuff turns." i He :p your children to grow trona and robust by counteracting trything that causes ill -health. One ,rent eause of disease in children s worms. Remove them with Mo - her Graves' Worrn Exterminator. 'It Dever fails. - "The collection for the heathen last Sunday," said a minister, "was very gratifying. We got a dozen shirt buttons. If the congre-stitious people is that in 1910 Good gation will kindly put a few shirts 1 Friday occurs on March 25, Lady in the plate this morning to go with Flay, and that is supposed to fore - them." them, no more can be expected of bode great. evil. Children's Coughs `6,,'" Oases lilt'.► Uaaeceeta•rs Set/Feriae IS CURE `1lL bLS1 SIAM IIMSw s Lc.... iseasit ,mLcF-.wait' aid hook de hale dooms.:.! pes.eab more anima fila Chadian kb k to.- n plosionsLuauons to take sod doer net d lbe eteetsc6. Au Dreaglab. 2S c.sts. NO SURRENDER! The Stranger -"And who are the Murphy's ancestors?" Mr. Murphy - "Ancestors! What's that ?" The Stranger -"I mean, who do the Murphys spring from 1" Mr. Murphy -"The Murphys spring from no one. They spring at thim !" You cannot he happy while you ;save corns. Then do not delay in etting a bottle of Holloway's Corn 'Cure. it removes all kinds of corns without pain. Failure with it is un- known. "I was sorry to bear, Brown, that you have failed in business." "Yee, 1 struggled hard, but I lost every- thing save my honor, thank good. nese, and the property I was wise enough to settle un my wife when I found myself getting into trou- ble -„ Fres to Our Readers. Write Marine Fye Remedy Cn., Chleage, ler 48 pare fllurtrated Eye Aoek Fret' Write ell ehnnt Yonr Eye Trouhle pod they will advice a.e to the Trans Apeliee• lion of the IIlnrine }:.e Remedies in You? Aneefal Case. Your Drnegiat will toll you that Marine Relieves go-. Mees. Strength. ens Weak Eves. Daen't Qtnart, Itoothe1 Pre Pain. and sells for flee. Try it In Yonr Fyne and in Aaby's Eyes for scaly Eyelids and Granulation. Jones -"Why un earth do you offer such a large reward for the re- turn of that horrid, yapping, snap- ping cur? Brown -"To please my wife." "But such a large reward will be sure to bring him back." "Oh, no, it won't. He's dead. I drowned him myself." AphyeN a leant always at heed Guard yeas felt against sudden a -:use s and colds by keeping a bottle of Painkbutr ice the 'b'Painkiller 'Od.Y� beth totes, there erry Davis' -t6• aad wt' Tathor-"Yes, sir, I began as an office -boy. and here I am at the top of the tree. And what is my re- ward? Why, when I die my son will b: the greatest rascal in the town." The Prdigal (calmly) -"Yes, pater. But not till you die!" SmitatteIM Aaeund, but tnatst upon getting the genuine. "the b k 1," Month •1 ►'lut.r. 1l has ,Ionil tbe bat et years. It einem aches and palms E■taer thou any plaster. .y-- - DIRE FATE 'I'IIREATENS. Something Terrible Prophesied to Happen John Bull. That the New Year holds some terrible fate in store for John Bull is predicted, although in more or less vague terms, by the majority of those who 'trofces ability to lift a corner of the veil of the future. The latest i!1 omen to scare super - Mherenertee is Al; Issas are friends of Paha. killer. at•adre.I• .f letters testify to the fast I.ady's lap For aeerdeata and sodden .rn.•rnneles. much M England shall meet with grave sprains, ruts and bruises they nod ft loyal...dile Acord sub.titete•. there is but ems " Painkiller ', hall -- Perry Davi*'- 25e and sic. When Good Friday falls in Our It doesn't take a roan long to be- come used to making a fool of him- self. 'ft Knnw is 10 Prevent.- If lh• wa'nt's who Bork in cold wale •cost "f thr div would rub their fro! and lege with Dr. Thomas' Felectre ')it they would escape mulenlitr rheiimatisnr and render their nethe- limbs proof ngeinl't the ill effects of exposure to the cold. Those set. ting ant for mining regions would cl • well to provide themselves with a supply before starting. Professor (coming home late) -- "1)rat it! There was something T wanted to do. What on earth was it 1'' (After thinking about it half an hour) "Alia ' now 1 know - I wanted to Ke to bed.'• in the race for we:11th the. aver- age Iran looms up among those who also ran. 1M18UR NO. 4-41 • mis- says an old saw. Strangely enough, when Good Friday and lady Day have coincided there have been an unusual number of disasters. The events of 18114, fur instance, include the Fenian outbreak, the killing of 2'•C persons by the bursting of a res- ervoir in Sheffield, 200 killed and wounded in Belfast riots, the loss of a warship in the China Sea and the burning of a steamer in the In- dian Ocean, when ninety•one lives were lost. in 1853, 1842 and as far hack as 1796, also years on which Good Friday fell en Lady Day, an un- usual number of grave disasters were recorded. The Rowel. Most Art Healthy. in most ailments the first care lir the medical conn is to ere' that the hostels are onen and fully perform - leg their functions. Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills are so compounded that certain ingredients in them act lir, the bowels golds' and flier are the veli lest medicine available to I produces 1t'^hire action of the bow- els. frolee'f. the i• no ether spm - rifle so serviceable in keeninil the digestive+ organr in healthful action. Mr R. Ore ham --"1 urn sorry, d,'etnr, yeti were unable to Ott nd my supper party last night. it w.'uld have lane you good.'. 'Thank yon' ft has already done m•• good. i have just prescribed fo- three of the guests'" Hotel Proprietor -Sir. you t'1111 - pro an- pnr leat•e this betel until you pay your bill." Mr. ". A. Lett -'•Ah. at last 1 have found a man gener- ous enough to µrant nie the one thing i have shwas s desired - a per- manent home." SAFE. Bertha "I'll tell you soniethin in confidence, which you Must keel a secret. l'Iw engaged to Mr. 1► Riche." . Daisy -"A11 right. 1'11 sec tha the report is spread thoroughly." EAS)'. Lumps ----"When a man says he ea manage his wife, what does h mean 1'' Humps --"He means he eau mak Ler do anything she wants." An Easy Pill to Take.- -Some per ernes have repugnance to this be cause of their nansenting state P'arme%ee's Vegetable Pills are s, repared as to make them agree ble to the most fastidious. 'Thi est delicate can take therm with nut feeling the r'evulsinn that fol .lows the taking of ordinary pills ►This is one reason for the popular tet of these celebrated pills, bu Pie main reason is their high toni Cal quality as a medicine for the stomach. GIRLISHLY. A girl gets mil( if a young mal tries to kiss her. And if he succeed she stays mad if he doesn't keep i Up. PILES CURED IN 6 TO t'6 DAYS. PA7.0 OINTMENT Is guaranteed to .nre an ewe of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles 1. 6 Is 16 days or money refunded. 60•. Old Lady (rather deaf) -"Are yotl any relation to a Mr. Green?' Green -"I am Mr. Green." Old Lady --"Ah! Then that explain! the extraordinary resemblance." There is no medicine on the mar kat that can compare with Bick}e' Anti -Consumptive Syrup in expel ling from the system the irritatin germs that colds eisgender in the air passages. It is suicide to neg- lectyour cold. Try the cheap ex- periment of riding yourself of it by using Bickle's Syrup, which is a simple remedy. easily taken, and once used it will always be prized as a sovereign medicine. CHILDREN IN SLAVERY. Italian Authorities Arouse to Fight Odious Traffic. The Italian Governtnent is en- forcing stringent measures for the suppression of the traffic in chil- dren under age by the glass -work- ing industry in France. The Min- ister of the Interior states that of- ficial inquiry has shown appalling conditions. Agents of this odious sweating system tour Italian country dis- triots, bargaining with poor par- ents and guardians for their chil- dren for a terra of years. If successful, the children are packed off to the glass foundries, especially in Southern France. where they are utterly at the mercy of their captors. They are subject- ed to a life of heart-rending slav- ci.; and ill treatment. The ministerial decree severely censures the Mayors or local au- thorities, but for whose convenience or culpable negligence, it says, such acts on the part of the inhuman parents could not have been pos- sible. Dr. Morse's indlen Root Pills eraetly meet the need which to erten arises in every family for a medtrulr to open up andlregulate the bowel!. Not only err they ,ittctire in all cane• of constipation. tint they help greatly in breaking up a ('old or La (hippo by cleaning nut the system and purifying the blood. in tke some way they railer•' or cure ntlleusue.s, indigtwetlo., Kirk head aches, Rheumatism and other come mein ailments in the fullest .erspe Of the words Dr. Morse's ludian Root Pills are A Household Remedy Sneei-%lilt. • • r, .ltall sen.r•t, Ito yon trap lir buy F urer 1 not anodic. largest dealer. I ray boy omit prices. Your shipments solicited. I pay mail and ea - pipes charges; remit des.er in neefhid.a, cna and sbipl•:ng tags JOHN HALLAM TORONTO 9 JUNTA Ravages of Consnmptinn AL1. first RFLATiVEP HAD DIEL) OF CONSUMPTION In the year ISS, 10 yes" ago. illi -.G. S.(;cnoel, o! rcl:e:a'e, N.S..% a* ton rad coed rico. Alt her relatives t ad d,cd of co:ma:option,arta there Neu tvery iadreat,oe that she wee goisg tttr same Nay. At this point her h usb.rrd kggcdes! to try Pnchiae. The ,odor whe tuer.d.J er-id F'syth,ee wit wn-tEkts; but it elector a wond--rfulror-. E.ghtern years a!vr i-, e hoer tear.ng date August 1 I. I'x�R. �.!;•. Geiser up, "1 en t,0 fret tint. ! I a, e for years. ply luso. l.arr nit ern ;l.l.$) me sine• I took your teeotm,et. 11y phvrreisn 1.14 me 1 could get take s better teak has PSTCN1N7., end I recommend it to all w•he are suffering trek Luse Trouble and Gee. eral Depu't'y." Fee ods b .E Brw v is 9t'.. 6 42 ser hate. Or. T. A. SLOCUM P$YCHINP PRONOUNCED Si-$(EUN L FARMS POR SALE ' e t 1 : i ' I' i 1' emplc 1 r a1OgO�•e FOR SALE. The nurct per oand IIIth. ti hest (aril In l.rnsos t'4 Add.n`te• al minim Ileal route lb/ am to a Mot eta 3 4oseee and .tables pleat' neagain.-•et rl• be sold tt nn ,.eroed over 11 between! tw 1' Delle/ nnrtl . close t•' vena and Aerator. N 1 of 3 Prier ask and do 11 yolub "n •f itamll nn line of electric -keg. *gore. ate term • mile• en.*h-we to enoroc, woter, at* tenae1 rase. WM. E. OYER, Terento• �' of cuitivatton. ample building*. brink harn,.heep &heel of ;sitter and tonvrnienrrw of bay and river t(urt Thom,and down. balance yea re ('uuld well be divided friends L�, Prautift:I 1.22 se,•tion. Iraq. of ►gait•..',,.,. Sark dinn Northern Waite ay StP fowr.l.ip 't ill west t4.Yn Mrk.' bort hid Mutt b. Fold. 43500 e•lo%e to rnrpornt • ton. 16 secret'. rall•way. .ttitehle ler next le rn'' }te•autttttl ett,salbn. Ts1�f+ N •••tock ('ountr..tuun. fie.1`,0 maw. to pf Rimini. solid hrt.k r.sidnnee. horn.. ahnniart hong.. sn•1 pmt's Terme JOHN N. LAKE, t►r 114 Kind West, l' ' ' last 1 It at sot• 1 I .y A SIMPLE "I can always others," said worth, "by ness in myself." That T•na•itlst winter will Lung Bal.am obeli rhls sdtairabie he time. Anything a noise with all. "I)o you while in your visitor from so," answered "It's the best worms in the PLAN. find much good •Hi Uncle Henry Rutter lookin' fer the cussed' field that mads yea caret fsI 0.,1 case back if yea take AI your throat 14 raw aad so r.n.ed, L Ire* from opium. Talo a boy can't eat or maks doesn't interest hint raise anything worta garden?" said th the city. "I should Mr. ('roselotaf place for fishing entire village." e *- , I it • ,: E ti1. e it `1•t' �,) - s .-1 ~' ' "AMD - „Ifir cold -Sores Are your or sore 1 which open is drawn tight sore, frost bite, place, which for you to duties i' If so, relief, and will thin. 'Anoint jam -Sakes sink into the ing, and will Airs. Yellen, hands were was agony When 1 did burn as if I bad quite unable I pet 011 theta aad It sat:reeded failed. It •1•••d me ease, cathed in a very abort ZaA-nue aloe weeks,} }dos, ok.rs, sad Wee, asset'.*, Onus, Burns, irn(We, stryflC(e and *tette, huh ui e.., Y'eresle. hands chapped, Have you and bleed f Have chilblains, at times go about Zam-Sok heal the the sere rich healing wounds, heal quickly. of Portland, to Dere and to pat thim au tipsy would Doalded to get relief taatil 1 when the big the Infiimmeliw, tine brined cracked "cold clacks " whea the skits you s cold or a "raw" makes it agony your household will give you frost -damaged places at right. esserw•e will end the srrsasts • nays : "My craelied that it near water. snort and tbnm. I .eereed trots sayttring trityl Zafe-Auk, all eke Lad creche, gave mad sty beads.* redo, whiter eery, era kende nip-tcrrrw. err..` a, cpra.M. t'2/ ale free Fres foe /al, - a tar. (Wrap tit he/, /cowrie, /'t�DsM isi A. peer Prue I'': mBuk EDUCATIONAL 'EARN THE AAiRARR TRADE -NE / system conetent practices caret :Inetrw.tion; few weeks eotnpl.. romp •tools free: graduates earn twelve eighteen dollars weekly; write for rat 1••irue. Moller Barber College 921 (lueod East, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED !`v A':TTr R'-tTAALF. PiUTiP.A Ta ♦ rte machin,: knitting for es a home: 17 to 4'0 mer week e•'r�le earnest wool, rte, rut'rish.'d tr..: dirtar•re of 1tir4ranrr re• full part ic"Inrs "d,..•N the Torulninn Knitting Co . Dept W. Orhb pin. Ant Aitemnes tspr.arf^flan wanted 1� rt -•s ln.ality to rail "Modern' •nits lalfir• Lent''•• snot* tear ..•t. nnw Cora free Inm^ rot.! " Sc rs to $101x1 a els- net= Ise rn.fly trade u'ri'c t^•lar t' Jeri 41ocx!, Co of Creeds, Awe,' Sn,rnd, or•• rte•------_- - - ^ .f . _ _ _ s� CAL VES /also T/'•,a wnhoot alllb R^ MIN F•H rine,., lir rt:' host Co. Ltd., T•,raslgl4OA 11 arc FOR TILE DEAF In acossticoN e jj me at the marvel, . 1 t1. •'neutral ape/ a ase throughout the world N rite for rotai ogee. General Acoustic Lo., of Casale, 141 ASE T.ag• Mimi. Teruel& IODINOL The famous new discovery of the age, positively, quickly. comp1+lclel) fel ,rces and tures (mitre, Thick Neck, 'viatica, Swellings, Bunions, Quinsy, etc. $i.vo, or 6 (Or $S.nn, n ailed on re-eipt o' p' , e by LVLE Mrr)ICINC CO , To4onto. N w y • ( 4 1 A