HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-27, Page 5w The Iolsons Bank s lar. poted 188111 Capital (paid up) - $3,500,000 1,500,000 Rest Fund - Has 46 Branches in Canada. and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. A SEVERAL RAISINS ROSINESS TRANSACTOR. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. Dfotsor & CARLIKta, Solicitors. N. D. SIUF,DON, Maaesr, *Not& mottos, SETTER THAN SPANKING. does not ewe children of bed- wetting. L a constitutional caws toe this trouble. Mrs. 3!. Summers, Bos 144! Windsor, Ont., will send free to easy mother hoe successful home treatment, with full Instructions, Bend no meney,but write bee to -day it your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child. the ohanoes are it can't help it. This treatment ao aures adults and aged people troubled urine difficulties by day er night. ZION Mr. Louie Herts of Exeter is catlii R on friends here this week.—Frank Cor- nLlt is the first to thrash I: this ne)glt- ,borhood this year, Sir. Fred. Ellering- ton doing the job.—Miss A. 13rimac)nllbe of Londor, 1s visiting at Mr. Hern's.—Miss Fearlie Hern to visiting friends at Rockwood and Galt.—Mrs. M, G111 of Grand II: d is calling on friends hero this week.—Miles [fettle ;•hitetord of Exeter is renewing acquaintances in the neighborhopd.—Sir. John Johne is Preparing his hoose for steel siding.— Horse buyers are looking up the colts In this section.—Clarence Levy has sold his colt to Mr. Mills of 1ilrkton. —Ser- vIce will be held in the church her on Sunday morning next instead of evea- Ing, to be tett by the Rev. Jones Of Auburn. $AINTEIso1RY 1 IPARQUHAR church Wedding bells are again ringing In The Tlu.nes (toad Preobyterlan our nadst. Particulars Inter,—ells. held their anniversary on Sunday and !alas Doupe of Kirkton is visiting Ptonday last. The service oa Sundae In tangs in the nt►gribereeeeg—The ladies the morning was conducted by Rev. Mr. of M. Patrick church intend holding a Hobbs of Sister and in the evening by Shallow Boa Social on Feb. lith in the ice. Sharp of Exeter, both of which Raeey hall.—Mr. Frank Davis was Call- were tishly appreciated. On IfondaY ed to London Monday owing to the 111- evening the oyster supper and entertain nes of his father.—F. Smith and T. :nen! Were well attended, and on Tues - Quinton trade a fly:ug trip to Crediton daT eventnt to *octal was held, when a Friday•—A sleigh load of our young peo- good time was also .punt.—A large num elle attended the oyster supper .at t]en. bee trom here attended the Auction tralla on Monday evening. Mr. 11. At- Sale of David Gardiner and also Jas. kinson sold a team of hor.es to H. Scott of erleeltrty. when hint, pineal Rodd for a handyonie sung•—«'Ui Elish were rt•allzed.—Frwnds around here of has his cage completed now. What Mr. Donald Park of Hetlsall who has ;text ? been c o•:fined to t e house fur same T1.e Girl's Branch of the Woman's time past, will be pleased to know that 1 utillary [net at the home ot MtssaML:i- let 1s Able to b: out again.—Mss Laura try Davis on Thursday evettIn4 and pre- Basset formerly o: tide p'ar'e. spent t1'o seated her with a hand p.tinted tea ser- ptet week hi this vice! tty.—t1r Wine vice and the following address :— Key. jr.. has purchased a new driver. Salutebury, .1 an'y ;lir"i. 11110 a pleasure-eletgh fold of Seaforth To atlas bunny Davis— :riends attended the wedding i;i our We, the members or the Girl's Branch burs Inst week. also Dir. :rad Mrs.John- of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Pat- son Stewart and fir. and Mrs. Waiter risk's Church, Salt'tCbury, do learn with Stewart of St. `tart, s.—eir. a:td Mrs. J. regret regarding your removal froth our J. Mitchell who visited friends In this midst, not because of the course you ve lefty last week, hav'- returned to have proposed to pursue: in changing their home in WitIZhant. aero }less your mode of life to ahuther sphere of Laura Neil front London. --Miss Bella usefulness. but b cause of your depart- Gardiner Is visiting under the parental um from our ceeinntunity. roof. We embrace the opportunity of ex- pressing to you our heartfelt love and apprectatfon for the many valuable Ser- vices rendered, trot oly in the Wom- an's Auxiliary, but also in the church and Sunday school. You have proved yourself to be a devoted and zealous worker in every department ot church and Sunday School work. We ask you to accept this present as an expression of the above sentiments. and when you look upon it you will see. In your mind's eye, entwined around it, the footprints of many happy associations. We pray that God's richest Messing will be strew ed on your pathway through life, and that you and your future husband may be Song spared to enjoy the gift, and may peace, happiness and prosperity be closely associated with you through your Journey through life.—Signed on behalf of the Girls' Auxiliary. Judging from an answer given to Mr. the Sant Sharpe (North Ontario) bY the House it its posstble that the veter- ans of 1S4S-:D may receive a land grant. Sir Wilfrid Laurier declared that, whereas the Government had teat reached any conclusion regarding e ththe grants concerning which had recer.tly waited upon them, • dects- ton would bole be dannounced In a very In the rt time, and House. Stara or Outo. Ctrr or To1.s00. C yi. Lucas Coesrr Frsnk J. Cheney snakes oath that he is senior pertoer of the firth of F. J. Cheney a Co., doing busi- ness in the City of Toledo, County and State to{ afore. said, and that said firm will pay the sum HUNDRED DOLLARS tot each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by_ the use of hall's Catarrh Cure. /RANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and.ubseribed in my pres• encs this eth day of December, A.D. 188[1. (Saar.) A. W.OLLASON, Nasse Pomo: Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts ssyye�tennt. Sendor testimonials frblood and ee. surfaces of the F. J. CHEERY tkCO., Toledo, O. Sold Its all Druggist', lac. Take Hall's 7amtiilly villa for constipstiou. Good Wheat Thoroughly Cleaned The Vital Essential NO DOUBT. when purchasing flour, you have often wondered at this legend flaunted by all cheap (lotus—" inane from Selected Wheat." Certainly. the w:leat was " st • '°`. •. ice there would be no flour :3t a11. But what sort and ;•J+ _...J ' : 'wheat it telle'h Maybe it doth not wish to carry tales out of school ; relying on the average housewife's /'mitecl milling knowledge, taking full advan- tage of her disadvantages. We arc proud to label FIVE ROSES :so that all may see—" Manrtoba Hord When!." We are jealous of its reputation. We are convinced there 1; no better grain under the sun, none as good. s • • a Alter ceiling the cream of the crop. twenty -ore years' practice has taught us how to take care of the good stuff. Coming direct from the farmers' wagons. even bet re it it admitted to the elevators. the grain t; rid of it3 grasser impurities. Cock e, ,r Instance round s,eds. Sind. rant . •• 1 earth balls. rens 0J String. na+: -1 goodness know; [what. if this ever got into the flour' • • • • These impurities if ;toted with the wheat for even a $ho' • time will cot:ter stele the e• tin. just a; one l,sd boy caa vitiate a school- ' -nom . The cleaning and separation trust be done at the elevators. Madam. No amount .,f subseluent cleer.irg or •• doctoring'. will en! ray e:imi nate the influence of its eiriy as- sociates You understand that of course. • F • Thu: is the childho>d of FIVE ROSES immaculate and irrepre ach- able. • The pure Manitoba berries are e'• at the outset cel kept clean. and when they reach the Keewatin mills a further process LI relied on to palish off any possible bad manners which might smuggle r:'• ;a the way h sme. There is never a speck. ner s:ain. nor smell to vex the saul at the fas- tidious housewife. F • • We w111 eat believe, Madam. that you are wholly inditfer-n t to the welfare of your family 1Ake. ro t?eck:'ec; ^'r•-'/ '! yeti, taking `Me know yea vil. r:x•ry. use FIVE ROSES. 1sal 01 .N1 WOODS RRL$ MAID.. MOstTat tV ddcd.—A very pretty wedding was t,,; •nu ized at the home of Mr. and; etre. N 111 Stewart, "11111 Crest." N ar4uhar, oft Wednesday, Jan• Ilett, when their their youngest daughter, Clara May, 8 ; came the bride of C. A. Route,• oe Harristott, Out. Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. H Watson, of Elitn- vilie, in the presence of about eighty, guests. Promptly at the hour of five, to the strains of the wedding ne Sill ams, tastique) played by Mrs. Geo the bridal party entered the parlor and took their place under an arch of ever- greet:s, with .t back-groltld of white bunting and trimmings of white chry- santhemums and whitebelle sanestableb draped with smilax and ib - bort reached the floor contained a wreath of white carnations In which the bride's hand rested. The bride, leaning on the arm of her father, lookeldecharmD[t- iny in a Princess gown ot esa Bettie trimmed with Ilab2 Irialt lace and !tall fringe, the whit.. net veil being ctuttta up with orange blossoms. Iter only ornament was the groom's emeralds beeutltul brooch. set v attd pearls. Little Miss Gladys Stew- art of Seaforth, cousin of the bride, acted as ring bearer. Sipe wore a beau- tiful ea A titul dress of white Pallette silk, trin'rrtngs of lace and looked pretty in a little Tulle veil. She wore a beauti- ful bracelet. set with amethysts and pearls, a gift from the groom. After congratulations were extended to haPPY couple all oat down to a sump- tuous wedding dinner In the dining room which wen belutifullY decorated red, white and blue streamers,lnJa .g nese lantern* and red hour a number of toasts were given and all drank to the health of the bride, alsdin- oto etall host and After r paired to the iterbeingover par- lor where a choice program was giv- en. consisting ot speeches, duets, read- ings, solos and instrumental m u s ic . The to esteem in which the young couple held was shown by the many Cost'' and ueefui gifts received. The hvelngo bleed reel fr Groom lett the following where their future home to Lia Helen, they will be at home to their Weeds after March lat. The bride's wn etpegoi g: nway flown was of best veae ti:ut, with hat to match. The best wlee- eti fu- ture accompany he oeoftTh tppinessm anit`a: d ['prospeheir r - it y. afilltaRsaleileg a1��aAcadcaEa Manure litters Beatty_ Bros.' Feed ,� Carriers f1P NSALL lfensall citizeity are offering Sae° a year to a good band leader.— Bernard Thompson, though atilt quite til. Is doing nicely. His brother, David of Toronto has been home tor a few days. —bites Flossie Foss passed her Univer- sity Junior musical examination.—Thos McPherson, after visiting his parents here, has returned to his home in Est - even, Sask.—Alex. efcEwen has been laid up for some time with trouble in Nle legs.—Rev. Hibbert of Thorndale occu- pled the pulpit in the Methodist church Sunday.—Miss Yuill, nurse, leaves soon to take charge of a fever ward in one of the New York hospital..—Mr. Solon of Saskatoon, formerly of Fanneville, is shipping some ilne horses from this .section.—A number of our citizens met in afeRwen's Hall and formed a Board or Trade. C. A. DfcDonell was elected chairman and J. Welemiller secretary'. —The carnival given on Tuesday night of last week by the hockey baya was well patroaize•J. Quite a number ap- peared in Ccetuinc, Zurich Orchestra fur niched the music.—Mr. Cosworth is or- derlies the material for i,ie new three- storey hotel. and work will be contnlettc e•i 0:1 it in the aptlt.g. Galvanized Rust-Proof— But Won't Scale .. 11 Extreme weather changes ,n Canada is the reason why so mach av,re Fence rusts abut 13 years sooner than ,t shut 1. Neattyevery t%,re Fen:r,s4 alvin,redtw, thinly to fight cif the retu:t .d these weather eatreatit,es. Two-thirds of the Ide of a t1',re Fence le. .t.�--t• upon .t• Galvan,nng Vet, because tM costs fovr times mote than steel Wire. much wire ,a wiped almost clean ot its fiat• •sating. And, he..tes this, near[ all [Wire .e mere:), •• coated with Zinc. This Ceratin will peel off %ears hefore the Frost Fence gins to a•en show *enact wear. You see. *11 Wire. because , f ,ta processor reemufecture, has a greasy surface This diet and scale must he thoroughly rem reed bef.xe Ga'.eniung will stick. You - r, t etpeet low to alhere per. maeent4 to grim.), *catty W,rt, .-art you Bat Frost 'Y,re Son through three JdArr- ent "Ffckhng snd "Cleansing pr.wetsrs Nitrated ever 9e45 a Gahan, one Furnace These three critical tleansu t' dean the surface of Frost Wire as clean as • pia Th,s ensnare Frost Wire t., be Double -(Lal v ani sit without fear of peet.ng air e When Prost Wire goes through its JouhletiaTeaniring proc• est. the Zinc nee cwtty spreads oteI' the sur(acr, but gamy into the Wire. becoming a part of the 'Wire steel!. The Frost Fence wdl new rnJ,ne those awful weather , ariatrons from n to I3 years longer than any other Fence made We are the only exclusive Fence makers in Canada wh., Make and Gal•antte «'ns. The Wire formerly ..sed for the Frost Fence was mase rlJer our own specificatioes. It was the beat ..e could buy. But we knew that we could make Netter. no we b.nit ani ega,ppt I ,wr own Milts We art now making the best wire ever use1 foe a en:m to Ca„aJa A Frost Fence will last from 13 to 15 year longer than any Fen. -e ere know ..f. Write today for free bovilet an. samples. The Frost Wire Fenn Co., Ltd. Hamilton. Ontario 17 Agents Wasted to Open Denten. ZCI1ICII The ideal Beverage A PaLa ALd. palatable, full of the virtues 01 malt and hops, and in sparkling c.>ndi- tion, is th.• ideal beverage. Now when chemists announce its purity, and judges its merit, one- need leak no further. EXETER MARKETS. o1HANa8D ><AOS Wheat Oats, Ray, toes, per bag Fleur, per cwt., family Flour. tow grade per ow Butter W=DNESDAT 106 106 50 50 36 36 80 50 lit 00 14 00 1 50 1551 27 S 15 24 00 E3 00 6 Mrs. peers left for !sec sew t,onte to 1iuffatu lest at•edneaday.--M re. E.Appel left on Thursday morning for a visit with relatives in Stratford and Merlin. —Mr. John Galster has put -chain -1 Mrs. Ctristlan !fess' piece of land on tl:e Zurich road being five and a half .t for p400.—Sol• Bechler of the Goshcii Line. has t white wy.andotte hens that lay d or 10 eggs per day.—Mr. Leon Jeffrey. Jr.. sort of `Jr. and Atte. lr01t Jeffrey of thl.t p!•.ce was mete ted on Tuesday to Miss folly Plante of St. Jos- eph. the ceremony being performed by Father Lands -evil; • of Drysdale. --.t eel- lotr3 accident Ittppetted to Jacob Waldo 011 Wednesday. lie was hauling a load of flax when owing to the bad roads the load upset and o•ir tine of thtt fork en- tered undt r his Jaw. was driven through the roof of his mouth and out at the nose`. It was .1 very' pi -culler and naetY accident but he will recover.—Mr. Jnb. 0sum in of the 1411 c•oti. has purchased F.. App41'e dwellittg. SHIPKA FrostFenoe 1„ral Maters—T. ItawkLts i Sat F.tc:• a \::d:rw 1f 'deer! ar lat♦ehogs, per owt Shorts per ton Hewn per ton Dried Apples CROMARTY.—'A quiet wedding took place at the home of MT. and Nies. Hugh Norris on Wednesday last when their daughter, Rebecca,•was united in mar- riage to Mr. Lewis Kell of IIroek,Saek. tier many friend,' wish then[ prosperity through life. TGCKERSMITH—Blas Hannah P`lan- The v cetht r Inst, has had very poet- control oor control of late and as a result the weather has been very stormy for the plat week, making everything very un- comfortable, but Jo: n say o better times are con'Ing.—ilr. T. etc- nn was in Pat)thill on busi.iese Monday.—Frank leitht•er node a bull ies• trip to t.Jen- tralia last week.—Mr. J. D 1U-anta:t of Grand Betel has been visiting his father here the past week•—Some of the boys have started a club roosts to the village. Success boys.—Our stage driver was stalled at Khiva oi. Saturday night ow- ing to the severe storm and bad roads. --}Lr. Thos. Lynch shipped a carload of cattle to West Toronto on Saturday.— Several of the boys intend takltlg in the ball ai,d supper to bo held at Grand Bend Thursday [tight.—Mr. Levi Gainer visited his brother-in-law, Christian Fink bell:er the past week.—Teos. Lynch sold ft valuable colt for tt good figure to John Dlctrich. It pays to raise, good ,tock.—Christian Baumgarten visited at Grand Mend last Sunday.—John O'Itourk Spent Friday Ln Exeter. McOILLIVRAY. Tee uteri -lege took place on Thursday At Ct•rlst Church. McGillivray. of Mr. Ralph Robinson, Ailsa Craig. to Miss Whiteford of McGillivray, tlev. J. A. Bloodsworth officiating.—The combines ages of four voters in North Middiesex at the recent provirctal election totaled 391 years. Tery were—Donald Stewart of Ailsa Craig. 93 years; John McMil- lan, E. tt'illianes. 95 ; Mr. Pierce. lit -In- sley 118 ; Mr. Collins. C'iandeboye, 1,?•— Mr. and Mre. Wm. Glenn have the, sym- pathy of the community In tho death of Pere- little daughter Hazel. aged five ycatre. owing to scarlet fever, followed by erysipelas and bronehltts, and later pneumonia. and Litter Overhead Conveyors. 0 1 Beatty Bros.' Steel $talW & Stanchions can be installed as cheap as lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load a� Binder tee. These three things are great labor -savers for farmers and ne- cessities on a farm. For sale by Wm. Gillespie, Exeter LPHONE 51 VnIFIVIErIFIEPrilIFIErie 4 Children Cry FOR FLETCNU'S \ CASTO R I A i nary of this township and Sir. Joseph Gawlee of Wilkie, Sask.. were mar: ted by Rev. Father CorrOran in St. James church. Seaforth, On Jan. lett'. UIDDULPH ?Ere. Diary Keefe, rellct of the late Robert Keefe, one of the best-known farmers of Biddulph, died al her hone' itt IIiddulptt Township Thursday morn- ing atter a bclef Illness. Mrs. Keefe was 90 years old, and carte to Canada front Ireland waett a young girl. She had lived in lMddutph for more than half a century. She U survived by four daughters and three sons. Mrs. M. (uig- ley, of mall street, London : Mrs. Flan- nery, Rest London ; Misses hose and Eiii. bt•tlt Keefe. at (tome, a.td Movers. James. Robert and Michael Keefe. also t at home. Mr. Patrick Ityalt of London is a brother and Mrs. Ctrey of Iowa, Mictt, is a sister. The fu:t r.tl wa4 011 Saturday utorititt6 to S'. I'.tti ielee Church cemetery, IIIddulph.. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Winter Term OPENS �a s January 3rd Students may enter any day of the school year. Individual instruction. Our graduates get the [lest positions. Mail Courses. We train more young people than any oth- er management in Canadal Affiliated with Com- mercial Educators Association of Canada. 1 Write for particulars. Clinton Business Co�ee ."WrillivEr 010. SPOZTON, PRINCIPAL 1 The News ot all the world -Red -Hot The Toronto Daily Star's apieedid telegraph sI4 cable service brings to iia editotial rooms. on eight wares, all the world's sews while it N news. Besides the regular Canadian and American Associated Press and Cable services, the Star has the exclusive use t'or Toronto of a leased wire to New York. and gets all the world's news much quicker than any other service gives it. and ohen more fully. From correspondents all over Canada. from Sydney to Victoria and Prince Rupert, the Toronto Daily Star gets a Canadian 'Telegraph service that is unsurpassed. On account of the difference in time over hours) the Stir is able to publish in the afternoun an Jccouut of OId Country happenings up to 6 or 7 o'clock the same evening --the same news the nt,trning papers give you the next day. The Star's editing staff present this teeth, world-g•eaned news in a toren that is most "newsy” and entertaining, yet liways clean and wholesome. The Star ioes not spare expense. when there is an opportunity to serve its readers, as illustrates when it recently ,err. to England Jos. T. Clark, a member of its staff, :o cover the I'ritish Flections. $1.50 A Year This paper and the "Toronto Daily Star" together for one year, $2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. added to afore subscription prices. r Make Each Animal Worth 25% Over Its Cost On;3ofaCent a Day. Nobody ever heard of "stock food" curing the bots or eeic. making hens lay in winter. increasing the yield of milk five pounds pie cow aday. or teetering run-down animals to plumpness and visor• When you teed ' ' stock tail " to yuur cow. horse. swine or poultry, you are merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm. -TEE Your animals do need not stere teed, but something to help their 1 tL" a. f bodies get all the good out of the feed you give them Sal they can get tat :.uta and stay tat all year round: also to prevent disease. cure discasc and keep r al them up o the be :t aaibie conehtler Ni stock food" can do all there "'t ft,',. ""things to PURPLE STOCKSPECIFIC san and docs. 1t is por•r ow of a "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" RIVAL PURPLE STOCK SPEC ICcnntaincnograin. nor farm products. Itincres.er lot trout trothrett to five pounds per cow rer day before the Specific has been used two •, reeks. It makes the rojik * d adds flesh faster than any Other preparation known. Young calves fad with ROYAL rtrII'PLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be when tad a tPrliR EFr&IC builds up run-down animals and restores them to I plumpness almost magsically. Cures bots. cora. worms skinat��eeassi�RRs��tnnaa r prr�rt�nen ly. pan stalwart. the Union' an. says: "I have used ROYAL.PUL ItPs 1C SPRGIFIC psistently in the feeding a'Tem Be1,' 2.02 largest winner of any pacts on Oran,* Circuit in l:rlett. and 'Henry Winters.' 2.091. brother of Alien Winters,' winner of 136.41C0 in trotting stakes in lent These horses have never been off their feed since I commenced using Royal Purple Specific almost a year alio. and 1 wilt always have it in my stables " oyalSK Y One "C• packagtof ROYAL PURPLR STOCK SPECIFIC will ie.!: oil( ■r real seventy i3Odrys, which is a little over two thirds of a cent dsy_ et.. -k fin fift • cent packages last hut fifty days and are given three times d a ty, RR�,f s ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPBC1FaIC i. g vcn but once a day. and lasts half .gam a t Lon` A 1t 50 ad containing fur tures the uneunt of the fifty cent packa4t will tattier) Jai, a. ROYAL PURPLE wit mcrc a.e the v.rl•.:.• tf your stock 154. it is an astonishingly geek fattener. stimulating the appetite and the rdish fue food, assisting nature to digest and turn feedinert flesh t hng fattener it is a I a.'ar It will save many times its cost in veterinary bins ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPEC 1 - FIC is ourother Specifle for poultry. not for stock. On 30.ent pa =kaae wittiest twentt ; y._'o70da}s, ,•pail costing t1 so with test twenty five hen: 2+ndi)s.wht•h14four times vv.:e m.tteriat for only three times the cost. It makes a' laying machine "out of your Feet ,comer and winter a tots fowl" losing(_flesh et meetingtime ant curet Poultrydiseases J. ROYf t:very package of AL PURPLE OCK SPECIFIC or POULTRY SPiCIFIC is guarantee Just use ROYAL PURPLE on One of yo r animal; and any other preparation 00 IVYOIh.er animal in the same condition: after comparing results you will say ROYAL PURPLR h t t them all beat to death. or elsebeckcemesyoermonsy. PR1JR—Ask your merchant or write us for our valuable 11 pile booklet on cattle and poultry dis:asetai ,lt�contsining RTAISPPEUCpIF1Ithr(ppeRlisdrPOUalLe-,t If you cannot get Royal rums wittics front supplf y indirect. express erchants or g prepaid. on receipt of ft lO a pail for either Poultry or Stock ,'pawls;. Make money suing as our agent in IMO d. stria. Write for terms. i Par it!.? by all ep•todete mtrth. ! s •,1. Jenkins Mfg. Co., Ue401, Cu. ROYAL PURPLE EPODE AN, POULBKET TRY aSP ECIFICS and O tree booldtt•raltare ept kIn stock by