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Exeter Advocate, 1910-01-27, Page 3
5 • LMMIGRANTS TO BE CIILLEB Importation of Boys and Girls of Defective Type Should Be Discouraged. CONDENSED NEWS ITEAS[T1IE WORLD', MAIM TS 4000 40 t+��rt'LNINCs 1 holt A1.[. •OVE11 THE GLOBE:. 0,004101 iturof-rs 'Tom TUE I.I:.►ul\t; IRAt: CENTRE!'. lNegrl,1ale Briefs From Our Owa ''rices of Cattle, Grain, ('bee a and and Other Countries 01 Other hairy Produce at A despatch from Toronto says: is the study of psychiatric prob- Retell! l:veuta. Houle and Abroad. The Province of Ontario deported lens would he ahle to detect the C:1NA4A. 131jk.1DSTC'1'Fa. 263 "undesirable persons" during weak spots in many of those who Toronto's fire losses last year 'Toronto, Jan. 23. --Flour - On - the year 1908, arcurdin to the of at present safely run the gauntlet totalled $7-!0,931. tariu Ivheat 90 per cent. patents, g or port of arrival inspection. !lir. George ;<lcl.. Brown has $1.25 to $1.30 in buyers' sacks ou tic:ial report un prisons and as; - ' •The importation of boys and been appointed European wan_ track, Toronto, and *4.20 to $1.25 luras. issued the other day. In girls of distinctly defective type ager of the C. P. it. outside, in buyers' sacks. Mani - the two previous years, b7 and 19, should be absolutely discouraged. 'fen thousand Italians are need_ tuba flour, first patents, $5.60 un respectively, were the figures. Our experiences with these weak- ed for railway e' nstruc•tion work track, Toronto; second patents, The report says : "An analysis lings make us realize how great a in British Columbia. $5.10 to 85.20, and strong bakers'. of the admissions proves roust strik- menace they are, and how careful The British Columbia l.egista $1.90 to $5, on track, Toronto, inthe importance of carefully we should be to have a thorough lure was o lened on Thursday, and Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 North - scrutinizing !Mase who come to our examination' of their antecedents Mr. 1). M. Eberts was elected ern, $1.12, Bay ports, and No. 2 shores. made before admitting them. Bet- Speaker. Northern, $1.10 Bay ports. '•How• some of them can pass ter still would be to exclude them Bubher manufacturers and job- Ontario 11'heat No. 2 mixed, allot- isy en I n amysterylsystem of inspection ; the genera paretics, voice ther, and upinior+ruf many oftthose real decided er stint ieeting ut 'Mont- 1.06, a d No. w}'ite and ted, down Me's s.I Vickers, !Sons & Maxim - t definitely eq alordered proportions cfbetwe n on a g increase in piss the precocious dement, the obvious who have had to deal with these oa. Barley -No. 2, Enc outside ; No. have received the order to build . Vickers, rung, Whitworth i Co., and degenerate 'all slip by and reach questions practically." Ottawa City Council has voted 3 extra, 55 to 56e; Ao. 3, 50 to the cruiser -battleship. This about ; Vickers, Sone & Maxine. Each us in a surprisingly short time. Mr. S. A. Armstrong, Deputy for a reduction in the number of 59c, and feed 4Sc outside. will have a replacement (if aboutibattleship) will be G00 feet long and Surely it would be wisdom a t sand of the charts cial Secre+vary, submits alarming tenses licenses front 67 to 58, and shop li- to Oats -No. 2 Ontario, iwhite, 37is ginesc)caltble of gi+ing, and will hal e therine en- I Gi feet a speed' d with toil})12 12 -in. lillll9 nd will be arrnbe good econom on the from 26 to 21. 39%c outside, and 39,•, to •t0c on !g which will be Federal authorities to have some proportions of English and fore- titin. Bell of Montreal was shown track, Toronto. Canada (Vest of thirty knots an hour. The Pick available for use on either broad - of their medical inspectors trained ign-born inmates of Ontario's pri-t , have taught her eleven -year-old unto, 41; c for No. 2, and 40', c for ars firm is already building the I side. The :Admiralty order for the in psychiatz '. Even a mere tyro sons and asylums. sore to steal, and the boy was sent No. 3, Bay Ports. turbine machinery fur the Lion. lyes is estimated at £2,500,000. _ _. ________ .._______. , t) the reformatory. Peas -85 to 86e outside. ENGINE CHANGED ITS NiNU. GOOD BANK STATEMENT. Morris Hickey. a Windsor but- Rye. -No 2, 67c outside. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. - cher who failed, left an insurance Buckwheat -52c high freights, Montreal. Jan 25. - Prime Turning Suddenly About Crashed That for December Shows the policy with Judge McHugh for the and 53c low freights. benefit of his creditors, and the Corn -Now No. 2 yellow, 75 to beeves sold at 5'i= to near 6%c per Into Roundhouse. Country is Prospering. proceeds will, it is expected, satin- 7514e, Toronto, and selected No. 3 ll'' ' Pretty good animals •1/ to A despatch from Nelson, B. C.. A despatch from Ottawa gays: fy all claims. at 73 to 73%c Toronto. 5'4c; common stock. 3 to 4c per says: The engin of the Slocan The December bank statement., Bran -$21 in bags, Toronto, and Ib;, and the lean canners at about city train was left at the coal pit just issued, reveals a substantial GREAT BII•IT:1iN. shotts, *22.50 to $23, in bags, To- a jc. per II). There were about an ready to run on Wednesday, when addition to the country's prosper- - ( ionto. equal number of milch cows and 1 P11r. Lloyd -George, speaking at springers on the market. The -suddenly it started and ran swift- ity. While the notes in circulation , hangar, said the Government ly into the C. P. R. roundhouse as compared with the month of would have a good working major- COUNTRY PRODUCE. frriner were in *30 to $60 each.e demand at Calves sold where a number of mechanics were November show a decrease of 85,- sty. 1 )les- at 3 to near 6c per ep busy at other engines. W. H was . Tor- shrinkage0,000, ndf taelu current deposits Mr. Asquith, speaking at Leven, according tof quality. per barrel, about 4','.2'c per Ib. lambs, �6%oto re boilermaker's helper,said. he regarded the vote of the Beans-- ('sir has outside, 81.65 to utes after his arrival at the hos-a little over G%c per ib. Good fat badly crushed and died a fou min- savings deposits show an seeress© diet against Tariff licfarngreat industrial centres as a ver- *1.70, and small lots here at $1.50 to $ hogs 9c per lb. from 8493,253,823 in November to l. 2 pita'. J. H. Jackson has a broken N.:99,062,024 at the end of Decem- Toronto. Jan. 25. -Picked choice Honey -Cobs, dozen, *2.25 to well finished steers and heifers aeverhl children. The cause is un- as an indication of the extent to — wrist. Torrey leases a wife and Ler. This increase is to be taken L'NITGD S'fA'1'i:a. �,:1 : (extracted, 10, ,c per 11,. were bought for butchers purpos- known, although it is supposed which the results of the harvest Two women and a roan were Ilay-- No. 1 timotl►y, $13.50 to es up to $5.85; ordinary to choice there was either a leaky throttle have been placed in the modern murdered in a flat in New York's $1-1, and 10. at *i to 812.00 on butchers' sold freely at $5.25 to or that some ono tampered with stocking. As for the decrease in east side, on Thursday. track, Taranto $5.60. ('ows were strong, selling the engine. There will be au in- note circulation, it is said to be An unknown man mureferral a Straw ---$7.30 on track, Toronto, up to 3:, for the finest grades. -quest. due to the fact that several of the jeweller in n Brooklyn store and Potatoes -17 to 5(k per bag on There were a few export cattle on '.---- banks took advantage during No- then committed suicide, on Times- I track for Ontarios. offer. which sold at $5.83 to $6. A REMARKABLE RIDE. vember of tiro recent• Act of Perlia- day. I oultry Turkey•, dressed 17 to l:i Milkers and springers were in men! legalizing increased eircula' F'nlr girls and one man lest 1Q( per lb.: (lurks, 13 to 15e; geese fair demand at prices current for Russian Lieutenant's Remarkable tion fur the purpose of facilitating their lives in u fire in a shortwai-t 1': toy 13c; chieksus, 13 to I le, and the last two months. The large Journey With Ono Horse. crop movement, and then evident- factor' in Philadelphia, on R'c,.{. taw l0 l., 1Ic. run of sheep and lambs caused a ly returned to normal circulation. nesday. I little weakness. Hogs were weak, The statement shows that the THE DAIRY M.1RK1:TS. although a large number were sold amount represented by call and GENERAL. I a: 88.40 f.4)4..1)1.5; selects are still Butter Pound prints, 23 to '25c ; (looted at f.o.b. and 88.70 fed short loans by the banks up -,n the A new cornet, which can be Seen tubs and Targe rolls, 21 to 22c; in- and watered. security of stocks and bonds in- it the day time, has been discover- fcrior, 18 to 20c; creamery, 27 to creased by *5,675,545. Current ed by Prof. Drake of Johannes and solids, 26 to 26 4�,c per lb. - - loans, too, increased by nearly burg. Eggs- ('ase lots of new laid. 32c FARM LANDS AND STOCK 2,500,000, standing at the end of -----4' -.- --per darer, and storage, 25c• per the month at 3392,741,812. On De- DIED .1UTE R .�ItitEss'1'. dozen. cember 31st the chartered banks of --- • Cheese ---12%e per lb. for large, Canada had at rest or reserve Charles E. Boivin Collapses in and at 13c for twins. FIGURES FOR THE DOMINION *77,817,333. Montreal. • •----- • l FOUR NEW DREADNOUGHTS The Ships Are to Represent Improvements on the Original Warship, It is reported, on what appears The Press :Association confirms to be good authority-. says The, this statement, and adds that an Manche -Ter Guardian, that the order for a battleship of the Adrni'ralty hay placed orders for. Dreadnought type, but larger, has the building of two battleships u[, been placed with Sir %C. Arm - the Dreadnought type, but refire...,strong, Whitworth S ('o., of New - senting improvements upon the eastle and Manchester. Orders original, and that a conditional of- for turbine engines and boilers fer has been made to the Thames : have been placed with Messrs. Lonworks Company to accept j Hawthorn, Leslie k Co., New - their tender for the construction of castle. A similar vessel and ma - a third. .A fourth vossei which has shiner- has been ordered front been ordered isa cruiser -battleship: Messrs. Beardmore of Clydebank. similar to the Lion, recently laid 1 The armaments of the three ships A despatch from St. Petersburg says: The Minister of War has re- ceived a report of the arrival in 'tiepin, Plotsk Province, of Lieut. Shikutsk, after a trial ride of 2,- 403 miles without change of hors- es. Both horse and rider finished i,l excellent condition. Lieut. Shikutsk, a Milan officer, using an ordinary officer's mount, rode from !tiepin to St. Petersburg to attend the annual festival of the Military Order of St. George, of which he is a chevalier, and re- turn, averaging a little over forty eigtlt miles per day. He was fifty days en route. FLOI'KIN(. TO CANADA. Immigration Continues to increase --Many From States. A despatch frurn Ottawa says: The immigration into Canada for December was 8,673, as compared with 1.960 for December, 1909. The total immigration for the nine months of the fiscal year, April to December, was 158,Q29, as com- pared with 121,553 for the sante period of last year, an increase of 31 per cent. For the calendar year 1909 the immigration was 194,291 and for the calendar year 1909 it was 149.700. The immigra- tion from the United States dur- 1118 this period was 90,996, as com- pered with 57,121. + HOO PRODUCTS. $16,000.000 FIRE. Bacon - Long clear, 14% to ne per lb. in case lots; mess pork, The Turkey's Parliament Bnildingsare h p 1' 1 ta27 to *27.50; short cut. Rn to Destroyed, with Contents. 829.50. A despatch from Constantinople Hams -Light to medium, 1:►'.: to says: The Palace of ('hero a Me : do., heavy, 1 1' : to 15c ; rolls, g , brought Boivin in on a charge of 14 to 1•t'4e; shoulder~, 13 to 13'",e; A report issued by the Dominion where• the Turkish parliament failing to account for 83,880 which hacks. 19 to 21e : breakfast bacon, (c'nsus and Statistics Uflice recent - meets, was entirely destroyed by he was alleged to have collected 17' to 18c. l+' shows that the average value of fire on Wednesday. buy. The loss is as agent for the Snuvegarde Tnsur Lard -Tierces. la',c : 1"1" 1Gc, occupied farm land in the Domin- grcut, ns thr building alone cost deco Company. Boivin was much pails, 16yc, jolt is $38.60 as compared with 835. - about 81(>,000,000. Little furniture worked up over his arrest. and _ 70 last year, and that the average and very few of the important do- was in a state of collapse when he _ f wages for competent native -horn cements were saved. Practically arrived at the station. He lapsed BUM N ESS I� 11<)N'f It E.%1.. farm and domestic help during the all the archives of the chamber of deputies, including important bills 1 f females, and budget estimates were burned. ' The superstitions orientals regard the fire as an evil omen. A despatch from Montreal says: Charles E. raisin, a sometime newspaper reporter, died suddenly atthe police headquarters on Thursday just after he had been arrested on it charge of theft. De- puty High Constable Lambert ISSUED AT O'I'1AW.1. Report Shows Steady Ad - tenement in Values of Land and Stock. 4. 111111:1..11iS FIRED FiRST. ' Montreal Saloon -Keeper "Wings" MIiduight Visitor. .1 despatch from Montreal says: "Stand back or 1 shoot,"' said the I'I4'KI:D Ur SEVERED ARM. robber. "Well, I'll give you shot for shut,'' replied Julien Martin - 'New Rrunsuick i,nd Carried it eau, raising his revolver, which A remarkable phenomenon appear -tat ie middlings, *23.50 to *21; Ma -i sear. The, upward tendency is due against. 8531,000,000 in 1908. The Length of Platform. missed fire, while two bullets from ed in the western sky here on r,itoh(t bran, )122: Manitols:, 1•, the sierrased market value of all s;llue of horses is put duan at the in:trawler's weapon whizzed Thursday evening, when a comet hinds of fare! products, the low- ; *27'+.759,000, milch cows at *103,- 1 shorts, a?3.3: pure ,, Iii ! n,e4,- 14, ,.,t value. *20.40, is shown for .►I- .1 despatch from St. John, N. B., foss him and shattered a large of the first class suddenly appear- *31 la srts3: Inisc,l n,• nil':•. �:,; to 6ul,rn/0, other horned cattle at (lays 1u English boy named Whit' mirror. .1t 3 o'clock on Thursday e.l shortl,� after sundown. It lead Ave. (''tees,• 1C•'stcie 11' t„ 1^ '•t:l. and the highest. $73.44. for: *120,:326,000, swine nt $34,368,000, fell under a ('. i . 1(. train at morning robbers broke in the hack a tail Inca snring twenty -two de- 12c; ei.tern,. 11' ▪ 1.. 1 t `,:. �I;ut . iealish ('alunlhi•t. Vahles are high and ',beep at $5,735,000. linr+e} Station and had one nim door of the saloon owned by Julien gree`, equnl to about. thirty -live in the l:ittr1' Province owing to the cut off, on Thursday. He picked Martineau on Notre Darns street. ter and fresh eosoporr s.;' _ t•, I 4,— million miles. Great interest was , and fresh recti ,t• •, '''rill!':tratiyrly large extent of farm tip the severed member and car- After a furth. r exchange of bol. amused generally, as the majority - I 1 t" : land there ill orchard and small i Louis I'aulhan, the French avi ried it the whole length of thesta- lets one of the robbers was hit,thought it. was Halley's comet 1.'=K Selected1Noinew laid. t(: t' •-' • fInits. • Louis flea 93ul miles a Fr country g .I.1t rl•'d No. I stuck. 80 to :i:G . :,nd tier Irlatfornl. Ile was brought. to and his companions carried him which had soddenly made its first . '{ he nccrage value of oc.0 ,ie:l near Los :ingele'' and returned the hospital Isere, and may re- off and rudegood 'their a 1 )earance'. The strange visitor" \t 1 candled, 2i t.. L' 1' per d' •'a. f'1•1)'4 in \1:I11ituha shows an in 1 uitl.,tit Ianclin escape. f 1 K K• t cover. 11,y .eeilred it few dollars. was plainly visible for upanrtls 'f! ...— – .� an hour. into ilneoriscio11Sr'(•ss, awl died be. Montreal. Jan. 25. OOis. \,,. ., summer season is 82:3.69 per month fore medical aid arrived. For ten Canadian %p ales ll 1J' t., ,.,c • las- males and $11.08 or ernII es, years Boivin was Quebec corse- Na. 2, ft!; to 11' t•: (1niario No. exclusive of hoard. and per year spondent of a French paper here, 2 white. 43e. Untaio' N. 3 white, 5216 for males and $Ila for re - and came to Montreal a few 12e; Ontario Ni'. ) l'hite, Ile. Bar males. Wages for immigrant help months ago. Previously he was en- ley ----Ne, 2, 68 to 69c; Manitab•i are somewhat lower. The average gaged in newspaper work nt Fall feed barley, 53 to 55e. Fleur . i Sallie of board per month is placed River. Spring wheat patents, first. ra5.- at 810 fer "'ales and 88 for fer correspondents it would seem that a• Rn: Manitoba Spring wheat pat- fe'uales. - this indtlelry, ening to the• ravages WINNIPEG SEES ('OM1;,'. etas, seconds, *5.30: Winter wheat t..1xi) V.1LI-Es iNCI(E.1SE. • of (.fogs in the eastern Provinces patents. *5.50 to *.5.60: 1tat,ltoha and wolves in the western Prolific - One of First Class Visible There strong bakers'. *5.10: straight rol ' •111 the Prt, in• ce. except Prince es, is un the decrease. lers. *5.10 to *6.90: straight toll-: I'dwnrd Island nn'l British ('o- SO111..1(;Cilil:(::11'1. I'i(;L'RF;a. on Thursday Night. g , cry. in hags, 8.2.10 to $2.50. Feels; Intnbia show slig•Itly increased The total value of farm animals A despatch from Winnipeg says: -Ontario bran. *2'i to 82:; • On-' values for faun land: over last i,, June was $,'M 790,(k10, as erease of $I.61, in Saskatchewan *1.14 and in Alberta an increase of *2.26 per acre over last year. In four of the Provinces the value is over $30 per acre, being *33.07 in Prince Edward Island, 830.50 in Nova Scotia, 843.37 in Quebec, *50.22 in Ontario and $73.44 in British Columbia. In New Bruns- wick the average is *23.77, in Ma- nitoba 828.94, in Saskatchewan *21.54 and in Alberta 820.46 per acre. VALUES OF ANIMALS. Although the values of farm ani- mals are very close to those of last year, yet they show a steady in- crease for all classes in all the Provinces. The average value of horses at the end of the year is *49.29 for those under one year old, as against *46 last year; $108 Rs against 8100 for those of from ono to under three years, and *150 as against $143 for those three years and over. Horses of the last class have the highest value in the west- ern Provinces --namely, *1n7 in Manitoba, $180 in Saskatchewan, *165 in British Columbia, and *150 in Alberta. In Ontario and Que- bec they are 8144. In the Mari- time Provinces they are *126 to *137. MILCH COWS AND CATTLE. Milch cows have an average value i i the Dominion of a*311, as against *34 last year. In the Maritime l'ro- vi aces they have a value of $31, in the Northwest Provinces $30, in Quebec *33, in Ontario -*40, and in British Columbia $51. Other horned cattle have an average value for the Dominion of *10 as against $9 last year for cattle under one year; $23 as against 821 for those from one t, under three years. and *33 as against *32 last year for those of three years and over. The average value of swine is given as $7.90 per 100 pounds as against *5.56 a year ago. THE SHEEP INDUSTRY. The average value of sheep for the Dominion is *5.89, as ngainst *5.- 23 last year. They are above the average in the Northwest Provinc- es; British Columbia and Ontario, and below the average in Quebec and the Maritime Provinces. From the general trend of remarks by DEPORT THE BI1AOKIIANPEII S-- Young I auc•ouler )tan is 1'nilly of - Emheirlcmen1 Government Taking Power Under M r 1 despatch ft•,', . antruste , !f, ('., says: triers hart. R trusted of- Itl:'1.1.1\t; ON THE 1111.1•:s. Oliver's Bill. .1 despatch from Ottawa says: The immigration bill introduced by Ifon. Mr. Oliver in the Commons An Wednesday gives the Govern - Ment power, if deemed advisable, to absolutely prohibit the entrance of Asiatics. and also to deal sum- marily with members of such or- ganizations as the Black Hand, Mafia or Chinese Highbinders. Provision is made for t..e deporta- tion of any Person not a Canadian, lt\ I'I'I':I► STATES \l.11f h i •1'S. TT Buffalo. .tan. 2a. --Spring alt •, 0 II - •Strong. e . \o. 1 Northern. • • ! i. LOADING. luau. st.,1.•. 311.17'. Winter, �•• red. . X. •� white. THE CAUSE (')re \. '':\1.:1:""'3. ,trots, G9'. cello%-, (i- .e , \ . 3 caro.t t:' - 4 V ;;•Tic; No. -1 tarn. cAi'; i., .2. ',c, 141!'.1 f Vessels too FT: Beyond the Litni 'No. 3 white. Gs',, . i,;,t • 1 tint:, ficial of the Doulinion Trust Cont- No. Y rya. tr:u k. - (; ;'•,; 1 (,i1 - !.. pant•, an 'fluty -der meriting plead- Chicago. .1.10. :: Wi,� t :1.1; J led guilty to enlbezzierm'nt of *1.- No. II red, i i •' :: No. 8 i.• 1. *I ' • 00(' from the company last Septen'- to 81.24; No. 2 hard. si.in': t4 .1 despatch f,onl Detroit -i, •: d,-a.l••r., .1..1. Wright, of the 1)o - "wile by common repute belong., ber. Hart nlove(1 in society, at• 111.13: X. 3 hard, f41.0c. to :!11.12: That o'eiluadl+ift of 1-ess1'Is is the ; mildest ,tariff• .1 .+eeiatlell. said: or may be suspected of belonging tended races at Min 'ru Park lust No. 1 Northern. *1.12 to 81.13:. cause of the tar st percentage ',f • Many vessels on the lakes are to a secret society or organization' September. and his lattver's plea No. 2 Northern, *1.11 to 81.19: ac; i(1s'ut on the (creat Lal;.'s was loaded fair 10' 'i;d 11,:' safety lint - which extorts money or attempts' for clernenev u-a.s that the tempts- Xr 3 Spring, $1.04 to `s1.1'1' ,. ; 1,roltdht out by speakers n: Wed• • it. (,mint! 1•. their lint;h (err-trr•r- to control anyone by bl,l..t-rlrail." I tlall to play the pences hall been Corn - Ne. a, 64i t to 61',(... No.1 ,'-'1. ; night's Meeting of the' tit s's. At the Is• ! , ''ii of thet trod - it is understood that in a. 1•r to' too strong for his client. %Chen the shite, co'; to Cie; No. 2 velluw. (.,' 1;st.tt Lakes Prole'•ive Ass". in- 1,11; is the al)xiet. of the "atter to pt vent the rumored farther i lesokies had (j'6 al! 1111 nl,•rley he to (t5'';r: No. 3, 413%j to 6•3 •t': No.! ti.':: 1ht 1e. T., tel:ele ,,wi.:'r- of I sat the inax1I1)Uill land and this et Hindus the (government •ntl iio'if the tiirn'. foci, '.+,th the 1. (123, to 63e; Ni'. 1 vellum 11', srl.'ll..Jv t'af'"titt,':' 1 -11'1)5 (igen ; itleatest nurel.er '•f trips, ne I the plates raising the money q' ,9e id rcc•.ui'irl:., hinl'••i(. Tile re t.) 03' .c: No. 3 yellow, 63'; t•) roc: 1'.1'i -:ii nrrraif ih 4,:, I. •''s t„ lo,+ 'v3!)lAin who I' trying to Leat his tion no'v te(Ilired of each i ..'arta{ ether (barge- against 11, t., I:5'4e. (1:14'4 i'! ••i i. r' t,'i I t''•rtipt't,t"rs as:.l make the ht'st 1 K y, bio. 1 while. f i >hi a .•1:► si 1••:.t:�•• I e other than Chinese or Jap . but t11e •uteent)C +•••r'' ,'eel No. 3, !`c: No. 8 whit'' ,', 4., , ,,. - .1.•• S,n;l'!'1• I•) 111'1: .:1 t1l• t.IG('. A.; It 1., l%4• )u,;.. all ►',t lo- on entering Canada (•4 a .', will' 3't•i: stmt on ..e.•. The I. -0 ,a.; No. 4 white. t4:', 1',• ,, w,- Ie.•'enire•. i••(1 - ' I,tt•;I,•,l'• fu►' the other 111.111 a now $200. 1 r .a , est.' \ ed rentertt;s. .tafish id, 18 to No. 1 .....::j , : ti:c too.e, e,! 1 .!.. i.; • .. '