HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-27, Page 11I t $1 for 12 Months will pay fur The Advocate to any subscriber living in Canada. Take advantage of our Low Club Rates eh� TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. --. ettt �tl EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1910. II Try The Advocate Offlct 111!!!'441> Fur %t•eddiog and Busi• fees Stationery and Cards, Porter'. 'Pickets, Bills, and all kinds of Printing. Type, Styles are the Bes SANDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable Stook Taking Sale Ladies' Furs A few sets of Furs, both in Stole and Ruff shape, with Muffs to match, at $17 and $35, to clear $14 and $28. A number of Odd Ruffs, ranging from $22 to $32--20 per cent off. Black Astrachan Collarettes at $6 and $4,50. Black Electric Sable Collarettes, trimmed with Astra- chan, 20 per cent off. Men's Furs Men's Fur Coate, good reliable furs such as Galloway, China Dog. Calf Skin and Wallaby, 20 per cent oft. Underwear and Blankets A number of lines in this department must be cleared out. A job lot of Men's Fleece -lined Shirts only, 85c to $L50, to clear 75e. A few pair of All Wool Blankets. to clear $4.00. Flannellette Blankets at $1.25, $1.50 and $L65. Print—Worth 12+}c. to clear 10c. Bargain Table This table is now laden with short ends of Flannllette, Dress Goods, Sheetings and many other articles too numerous to mention. Come Early and Make Your Purchases ! CARLING BROS. 404040000,0020/366310.06 Are You Taking Advantage of R. N. Rowe's Clearing Sale ? This is our week for a Special Sale of All Our Boots & Shoes We want to clear out our entire Stock of Boots and Shoes this week and we have put our prices away down LOW in ordet to do so. Highest Prices Paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. We Keep Nice, Jlean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE PHONE 22 ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE — rr.ttee.l.sal Carta. IM ONET TO LOAN ON FARM ANIT ViLLAGS Properties at lowest rake of interest. DB.°. I. ItOULIITON, L. D. a., D. D. E OlEce ERNEJT P.LLIOT, Opposite Central Hotel, Titter, Ont. DENTIST 1Msbss of OS L 0. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor tltadsale et Terosto University. OIf101: Over Dkk.on a Carling's Law Once, Is Itr. sinless. formes Dental Panora a,. R. IRN.si. 01 TN.er t D. a., D. . a,• graduate of Toronto Valrsrhtt. DENTIST, Insall• esteseled without any pals, oe any bad elects Ogee eyes Oleda es a Btanbery's otllic,, Male street Isom Stedlcaf 12 R. WONT, W P., M. C. P. a 8. iIONOR s or..M. of Toronto Uolyerdt foo years reddest an Royal Alexandra Marital, etc. ����nce, be. Amo. Old Stand, Andrea Cedar Posts for Sale We Lav( the finest quality of Cedar Peal at moderate -prices. G. E. HICKS, CENTRALIA FARM FOR SALE. 100 acre form In Usti rhe, two and one half wile, from Exeter, also a brl:k house on Main -street, Exeter, a: d a car - toad et green cedar poets. WM. M. 1LATC1IFORD DR. A. T. RIONP, TORONTO, POST GRADUATE,Cr t of New York root Graduate Cotleee,'uccessor q pr : y to practice of Dr. A. r. Malloy, Eleter. Residence -- lately occupied Fy Pr Malloy, Andrew St. Off., -e - Formerly the F.li ct Lw 001 e, opposite (intra. Hotel. Dft. T. P. MCL.AUOIILIN Hae rertmed pruti. e after spending a year (Cc' lege) at 3, Ii and Continental Hospitals. General peibettea waS special attention to Eye, (with retrac- tion) Ear Nose and Throat Olt.c: Dashwood, Ont. Legal . 10180N a CARLINO, BARRISTERS, SOI.IC1 sock Notaries, Cent e)an'ers, a ommissic Dere II Helton for 'lobelia Pant, etc. / Mosey to Leaf It lowest rates of Inkrest Mows, Main street, Exeter, 1. a. Demme. ILA.. L, H. irsur. MONET TO LOAA. We have a tars* as;oust of private fund' to loan Roane and village properties at low eaten of inter M GLADMAN a aTANBURT,I Barristers, l(clir dors, Main st., Keeler Os H.S. PHILLIPS, Barran. Liaised Asctles,er. rslNnttswdsd to all parts, ttattehc•tloe grans. teed lose pay. Teems roasoaaW,. all ceders left M AhecM' Mee will be promptly attesdsd to. J. SENIOR Anent Oonfsderation Life Assurance company. also Fire insurance in lead- ing Oanadian and British Companies. plain -8t., Exeter. LICENSED AUCTiONEER p141. ANDERSON. I.'0 -need Aortloneer fir Miran COurty. Terni r('asor.able. Datt♦V:'an be r:made at tre Ad,o•atc, Exeter. or Henry )liber'• Office, Crcd- N.n. . is 11111 of to FARM FOR SALE. the finest farms to t'sborne SANDERS & CREECH, Exeter PIANO AND CUTTER FOR SALE. A new first-class 1'iar,o for vale cheap; also (tette. Agri;: to W. Arnold, Exeter. ---- WANTED- - To know the whereabouts of Sadie McDougall, formerly Sadie rage of Spring:11in Ont., or ter son, '.Villiarn Janes McDougall. Any acquaintance or ;lend FIvIng Information address WALTER 11. MCDOUGALL. Mcoecjaw. Seek. FOR RALE ( tttage a;.d arae lots In Exeter, tee.g Tots Nes. 55, 56, and 57. on the South side cf Simcoc Street. On this prrrcrty in a frame cottage (brick foucdatlon)con tainirg five rooms ar.d a gcod cellar. Also a good well and a large stable. Good garden and fruit trete. The pro- perty is to be sold to wind up the estate -Apply to OL\DMAN & VTANPC'RY. Barrister,, Exeter. Ontario FARM FOR SALE. Choice hundred acre farm, teir.g 1.ot 3. Ccn. 1. t'sborr.c. London Road, 3-4 mile from Centralia, t miles from Ex- eter. On the pren;tats there is erected a good brick house. ail coneenierees, large hank bane 010e4r•, finished In iatret fmprovei style ; drive house good orr!.a-dr.erer falling water. well In barn and house. 12 erre* rail wheal. All plowing done. It not sold p teiy re or before the 20 day of Dee,/ be mold ty public auction at a d frx..1 later. F.aey terrane cf Ft, terrine and particulate Jas Ilandford. prep.. Centra T (,n,eron, auctioneer, Fa, IIIS MAJESTY, THE DEVIL." This was the title of the Rev. Suns. Small's torture in James street church T on huraday evening last, when th large audience was treated to a rhos admirable discourse on the personalis: characterlatica and methods of lit Satanic Majesty. Mr. Small. as a le turer, 1s all that has been said of hitt in the announcements of his appearing In Exeter, and those who heard hit were glad Lhat they had not missed 1t. Mr. Small 1s a clever speaker, with a fine command of language, a pleasant manner, and he held the attenti•r1 of all from start to finish. lie alternately had his audience in joyful and serious moods, as he told some witty incident or p•-esaed home a telling point. In the course of the lecture he said he would rather be Judas Iscariot t,. Hell than deliberately vote for the license system. HOCKEY. London Meds. 9, Exeter 7. e Las* Friday night the first gains of t hockey for the season took place ort the Exeter rink, wie n the London Medical is College team played the locals to a - is ore of 9-7 In favor of the visltore. t The rink was crowded with t•nthualas!e, who rooted for the home team in fine h style and were delighted with the game an- Cee result. although their favo:- It,e di1 no' win, theirs was a ver: cred- itable defeat when it Is considered the Meds. have not bzen defeated this year, rend are tite bat bunch of players in the• Loddon City League. The visitors go' bu'y the minute play was c•omnr-nc- cd and before Exeter got down to wolfs tour goals were scored up in favor of London. This was followed by one for Exeter and another for London, and it remained 5-1 until half time. On re- suning play the locals got Into the gameInfine :,!,ape, notching 4 more in short orde ., tieing the store. Dur- ing the remainder of the half London scored 4 to Exeter', 2, leaving the fin- al result 9-7. The visitors were a fine lot of players, clever with the stick, swift on their skates, practiced In com- bination work arid quick to get away with the puck and stake a combined rush down the rink, and pretty sure on a goal slot, while their defence WAS so sure that it was only by the cleverest kind of work on the part of the home forwards that they were able to get in for a allot on the goal, while the goal keeper stopped nwny a sure shot. The locals a's a whole lacked in combination work, although at times they made 5011"1 beautiful paroles that worked well; they were some lacking on playing t c..' position, but akatel fast, worked herd and were on top of the puck all tie tiro and throughout the game Ice pt the puck near their op- ponents goal fully two-thirds of the time. but had the hardest kind of luck in scoring. The quick, combined rush down the lee, with only the defence men to play against mems to be much. Wrote successful In scoring than working ,t puck through a crowd of players In front of the goal nets. Bright in goal was hardly in iia usual forst and the f.0 t that his sight :necc-tst:at- a his wear in;; glaseea handicaps trim somewhat on (•lase shots. Ilawden on point always plays a sure and steady game. Pinner on cover worked hard and stopped many a good rush. Siebert ae rover was there with the goods all the time. lie is one of the cleanest, burr at. and eae- lest players we veer saw in a game. Shepherd, Carling and Southcott make a pretty good forward lint -up. Shep- herd le a nice shot, and a good position player. Carling is a strong, heavy hard worker and was going for all the was worth all the time, and doing effective work, while Southcott Is all 10 the grad on the left win;, b:ing with etlrk and skate and a fine shot. The game WAX clear and free front toughness, lacking in "chewing", and the referee Seo. Palmer. had 110 oteamior, to penal- ize a single player. Tat' t..•aIna were. - London -Goal, Parkinson ; poi! t. Trani cover, Avery ; rover, Wagner, centre. \Vr,shbur n ; right, I'ark ; left. Collfne. Eatter-Goal Bright ; point, Ilawden ; cover, Pinner; centre, Carling ; right, Shepherd : left South ott. THE EXETER COUNCiL The council stet in the Reading roost of the Town Hall on Friday, Jan. 21st. Absent Councillor Luker. Previous ntLn- utee approved. Per Heitman and Ila1k- will-That Jae. Creech and J. G. Stan - bury be paid $1 each, error hi dog tar. -Carried. The reeve stated that he had paid $1.60 expenses to sending Mrs. Williams to House of Refuge. Mr. 1. Jackson wished to kivow what ac- tion the council was going to take in re_ards license for pool room. The council, reply was that no license would be granted. Mr Iturdon reeked leave on behalf of the Molsons Bank to erect a sign. Permla,lon was granted, sub- ject to by-law, ori notion of Heartier' and Halkwlll.-Carried . The following accounts were read and passed -A. Cottle. pump repairs ceme- tery 5.(10; C. W. Cross, salary 29.00; G. Cudrmore, labor, 4.62, 1'. Brock, sr. 6.95, F. Mallett, jr.. 1.20; T Brock jr. 77s ; S West 2,:33 , A. Itlesett, 1.95; W. Weslcott (inc; W. J. Blssett, meals for tramps Loc.; T Houlden, water - acct.. 3.60; labor, $2; Jas. N. Howard. labor at waterworks. :..art : Gladian nL Starnhury, legal feel for 191)7-8-9 to Nov. 25t1, 31.50; J. Beer, waterworks, 6.63. -Passed an motion of Levett and lieantan. Per Beaman and Balkwill-Tint Inc at tention of citizens be called to the vio- latitu; of the village by -haws in dis- tributing ashes on the roadway. The committee appointed to irrterview the School Board as to appointment of a truant officer, reported that the hoard was satisfied with the appointment of Mr. Crcwcs. I'er Lovett and ]Seaman -That Thos. Crewe•s be appointed truant officer at salary of $10 for the year. -Carried. Councillor Heitman gave notice of mo- tion welch he will present at the next meeting of the council, that the council provide in the estimates for 1910 auf- fic•tent money to repay those under spec- ial assessment the amount paid In error of taxes during years 19055-6-7-8. Adjournment by Lovett. Jos. Senior, Cleric. SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and get all the mews. AUCTION SALE —OF— VALUABLE OF— VALUABLE FARM STOCK. Mr. Thos. Cameron has received inetruetions to sell by public auction et LOT 8, CON. 3, HAY, ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY llth, 1910 at 1 o'clock p.m sharp, the lolloving valuable property, HORSES -1 driving mare, quite reliable; 1 driter rigs( 3 years, 1 driver rising i years, 1 driver, sucker. CATTLE, WITH PEDIGREE- Fur, bred cow, with pedigree, due in April; pure bred cow with ,adipes., deo in March; pure bred bull, 11 menthe eld,ellsibis for registration. GRADE CATTL3-2 cows due in April, 3 fresh calved cows, farrow cow, 2 beef ring heifers rising 3 years, 3 steer calves, 3 heifer calves, INCUBATOR AND BROODER -Cap. N0 eggs. T81YS-8 months' credit oa furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of per rest pat annum off ot cask pssitivsly se reserve as Ike Proprietor is (else West Tksman Cameros James Ooftd, auctioneer Proprietor CONTit \('Ts WITH FARMERS The Exeter Cannlr,e; Factory le now prepared to , n'cr into te.ntracts with farmer:h for growing Inc different crops for the Qantiing Factory for the sea. eon 1910. S. M. SANDERS, Manager. CREAMERY MEETING. The Annual MC ting of the patrons of the \Vit:chase-a Creamery will be hr id in the Township hall, Ellaville. on T;.u:-aday, February 3rd. at 2 0. nt. when the annual report will be receiv- ed. addresses delivered and a general dlavUeeio•4 o:. matters pertaining to the I" emery will take blare. W. G. MEDD. VILLAGE OF EXETER Sealed Tenders addle Fe( d to the Clerk of the Village of Exeter will be received up to the let day of February 1910 for t.le purchase of $836.5.97 'r ivc per cent. Local inprovenxnt Debentures repayable In Twenty (20) equal annual instal;»cats of $671.32. commencing the 15th day of January, 1910. Thr highest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. JOA. SENIOR. Village Clerk. FARM FOR SALE 74 acnes of farm land in the village of Exeter. 13 acres In fall wheat, tall plowing nearly finished. wrll ftnred, well drained and watered; good 1 1-2 storey brick house, contAInfng 9 living rooms\ hard and soft water In the rouse; ood barn, number of fruit trees. e orth of the station road: Exeter ticulers apply to JOHN iCA\VK- roprletor. or P. S. PHILLIPS. r. ifockcy players consisting of Atklneon in goal. Pinner on point. Dawdcn on rover. Seibert rover ; Carling. Elliott and Elliott as forwards, went tro Hen - sell Tuesday night and played a eratne to the oore of 5 to 3 In Ilensall'e fav- or. The half time score was 4-0. Tont Carling got a nasty crack 1n the facet by a hoot and skate. causing a black eye and a cut on hie lip that took three stitches to clone. JORDAN MUNROE ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. Orn Friday, January 28th our Town will be visited by the above Company. They carry a Moving Picture Machine of the Highest Standard, and show all the latest eubj.cte in motion pictures, including the }Judson Fulton Celebra- tion at New Yolk, The Grand Naval Pageant, showing War Ships of all natioae. etretchhng over 16 11411,5: ale* scenes of real \Vent-•rn life. Their com- ic nuntxcre are side -splitters. Thele Is as much difference between their Illust- rated song. acid Inc ones carried by or- dinary companies as between day and night. Master 'Ernest Davis, the la - old Tenor will sine a number of selec- t:one, 1;eeIJea 1.0 Illuetreted soage. The extract below is from the Gode•717h Signal: -'Mr. Jordan has wen an envi- able reputation Al a manager of high class concett. ilie work as a condo op- era conductor Is wonderful rend any tine he comes to our town. no natter what his attraction, he may be euro of a full house. The prices gor this attraction wilt be 35c.. 25c.. and 15c.. plan r.nw open at W. S. 1(owcy'e Drug Store. CURLING Two rinks of i(ennall players carne clown Ti:ureday and played two games each with the Poria curlers, Exeter bc- inc up 8 shots on the day's play. and wtnnIne three out of tae four gamer. The players and games were a e follow, E meaning Exeter and 11 r•eaning He - sa l l ,- E--hurdon. Moyle. Taylor, Anderson, 11 11-Webter Joynt,Sn,all.ac onib',iluell, 10 F.-i1rinUrell. Rawden. Collins, Seldom, 10 H-Palnmer. Perkins. Maori, Dontnroii, 15 E-Ncrthcott Taylor.:.ndcr';:, Collins, 17 hi -Palmer, Perkins. Moor, Ilonthron, 9 14--S..r.ders. Gould. Jones, Taylor. 7 I(-Wcbt.er,Rrandt. Smallac'e, Ru;), 4 Total-htr,eall, 38 ; Exeter. 41. Toe ia.t game is twcep, skips Bush and Alf. Taylor, was a particularly fine exhibition. the latter beating his op- ponent 7 to 4 In 10 ends. The home of air. ar.d Mrs. Weahy Campbell, London, former residchte of E'cter, Las been saddened by the death Ion January l6th of their youngest daughter, Louise Irene, at the age of erre year and nine months. The cau,e of death was meningitis. The funeral took place fawn the parents' residence, 213 Bathurst street, to the Grand Trunk depot, the remains being taken to Goder- ictt for Interment, wh,ch took place on the 1801 Inst. -- - -r - CENTRALIA Shippers who usually ship stock from here on Saturdays, owing to the t4torm of last week, had to hold over ti,elt horses, cattle and sheep till Mot, - day. -The oyster supper in the Metho- dist church on Monday everting was well attended and the program was a most extcllent one. Revels. Yelland and Ifobbe gave excellent addressee, and Wrests Beaver and Clark, and Mr. M. Parker of Crediton assisted honkie talent. The drill by several young ladles was ex- ceptionally fine. About $60 was taken In. Provisions being left over a social was held in connection with the League on Tuesday evening. -Mrs. Rich. Hicks is vialt.ing her daughter, Mrs. Irwin, In London. BIRTHS Wackerow-in flay on Jan. 14t11, to Mr and Afro. Frank Wackerow, a son. aferr:cr-In Zurich, Jan.6, to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Merner, a daughter. Langford -In Granton, on Jan. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. It. 1'. Langford, a daugh- ter. • MA nTIAGES Needd.an,-liodgi:.s-At tee rtaldeece of the bride's parents, S. 13. L'sburt,c, 014 Jul. 2611, Mr. Thomas Garfield Need- ham to Miss Margaret Louisa, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard !lodging. Matdouald-Lavls--At the residence of the bride's parents, Cots. 5, North Boundary, Dlddulph, on Jan. 26th, Mr. :lhxander Macdonald lo Miss Minnie E., daughter of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Houle -Stewart -At 11111 Crest Farm, in Usborne. on Jan. 19th, by Rev. Wat- son of Eliniville, C. A. lionize, V.S., of Harriston, to Miss Clara, youngest dr.ughtcr of Mr. Wm. Stewart. DEATHS Kttfc-At Lucas, on Jae. 20th, Mrs. Mary Keefe, relict of the late Robert Keefe, . gcd 9r, years. Pickard. le 131anehard, on Jan. 12th, James A. I'ic•kard, aged P.8 years, L nwuta, 16 days. Wiseman. -in I)lanehar.', on Jan. 15th. Join Wiseman, aged 84 years, 7 mon- ths and 11 days. Cathcart -In St. elarys, on Jan. 14, Jag. C.ta•t.rt, aged :16 years. Stalker -In Rayfield. on Jan. 14th, Mrs. Elizabeth Stalker, aged 90 years. Nott. -le Ci'.nton, on Jan. 19th, Geo. Nott 69 years. Glenn -In McGillivray, on Jan. 13th, Hazel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glenn, aged 4 yeare, 8 months. Campbell. -Ln London, on Jan. 1,t1l, Louise Irene, daughter of Mr. and WC Wesley Campbell, formerly of Ezetcr, aged 1 year, 9 months. xeter Opera House Friday, January 28th Joriao Mooro Megaton! CO. High Class Moving Pictures and Illustrated Songs Master Ernest Davis, 13 -year-old Tenor in Costume Mr. J. East Jordan, in Specialties Two Hours and a Half of Solid Enjoyment. Plan at Howey'e Drug Store. Prices -85c. 2rrc and 15c We Are Strong on Boys' Clothing Our Bloomer Knicker Suits are about the newest in the trade Men's Overcoats and Suits will stand compaaieon with any made-to•measure suite. One hundred Tweeds, Worsteds and Sergee to choose from. Prices from $12 to 820 i Place Your Spring Order with Us SANDY BAWDEN New Collars, Shirts, Ties, Underwear and Caps Tinsmithing Furnace Work and Plumbing We are in position to promptly do all kinds of Tin- smith and Furnace Work, also Plumbing Bath and Pump Work. X -cut Saws from $4.00 to $4.50 Axes from 65c to $1.00 Files, Saw Gauges and Saw -Sets Skates from 50c to $5.)0 Hockey Sticks from 1Oc and $t15e to 50c Skate Straps, Ankle Supports and Pucka ( gR iLET NEktry HERMAN'S HARD!ARE & STOVESTORE C A 8 T O Pt I A L All accounts are now due and must be settled at once.