HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-13, Page 8The iaivary Sale OF Odds and Ends in Suits and Pantings IS NOW ON AT PRICES THAT SHOULD SELL THEM QUICK ! Suits worth $24, $22 and $20 for $14, $13 & $12. Pantmgs from $2.50 up W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, aseter, - Ontario Iuslness Locals -- Read Them 20 per cent discount means a 110.00 Buff or Muf for $8.00 at Stewart's. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Exeter Ag- ricultural Society will be held !n the Town hall, Exeter, on Monday, Ja:,uary tlth, 1810, at one o'clock P. ret., for the purpose of electing Officers and Directors for the ensuing year. A meet'ng of the Directors will be held at the Town hall at 10 a. ret. to Elvish up the years's business. All the no m- bere are respectfully requested to at - 'trend. F. C.r:.tie. Pres.: A. G. Dyer, Sec 'y ^------ 'lice best rine of Fur -Lined ('outs we have ever shown, at 20 per cent disreunt at Stewart's. WANTED --A:. experlcaced housekeeper. References required. Good wages. Apply 0. W. Harrison, Canadian Bank of Com- merce, Exeter. Men's Coon, Wallaby, ( rel% and Yak Coats all at special 20 prr cent discount at Stewart's. HOUSE TO RENT. 1 1-2 story Brick House, o:r \\'ia,lam street, owned by Mre. Petkllhs, all in flret-class state of repair. Apply to S. M. SANDERS, Exeter. L)lt_scp (..'oors_Coats less 20 rer tent means $48 to you. Good time to yet ore! See Stewart's. Pc. Ovens Coatis'. Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear Burgeon, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on Saturday, Feb. 5th, all day. °lasses properly fitted and diseases of Eve. Ear and Nose treated. Hours 9 a. tar. to I p.m. 20 p -e t.at diseuunt yicenon any Fur in the store at Stewart's. HICKS' FORECASTS—A Reactionary Storrs 1 e • •.,3 falls centrally on the 20 and .1. 0a and next to these dates may be eepeeted the regular lige of ten. perature—:'11 of (he buronretcr, cloud- iness. char Ce o' wind currents to east- erly and vouteerlY, all cndleg In renew- ed rain and snow, and followed by tie- ing barometer and clearing, colder weith.er. No successful student of nie- terolo;Y can fail to know that the in- .cphlon and oncoming of all storm per- iods are marked by more or lees rise of the thermometer and tall of the Wr- enn:. tea-. C-:117I1C1 DIPE(7T'011.11 JAMES -ST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Richard Robbs, l'aetor Sunday l'ubdc Worship -10,30 and 7. Class Service—t tO a.m.and atter Morn - tag `'e. v e acid Wednesday night. Young \t a Class and Catechumens — Sued.tp at 2 p. in. Sundae Seeool and l able Classes— 2.30. Ep,vo.. a League—Tuesday 8 p. ret. Pray•: NIC(ticg—Thursday 8 r. m Jan. 1 tit:: Rev ; Byron Snell of Kirk - toe wilt preach morning and evening. THE BEAUTY behind a suit is not confin- ed to otber clothing estab- lishments. There's a love- liness about our garments that will simply delight all who come to us—that's so. UA if eau W. M.robset JOHNS TNNe. B1tett•T fi.1'•11f:IFrt:?♦:'IIIPIt♦ttIP• lilt: BANKRUPT STOCK M I ()CAI. DOINGS, `L C Et eptlonally Fit& Batkrupt Stork la . L . . c u: F•',:ncY Dry -Goods, being the late IlAL 4116.Alla ��>L ,4kAs„tlkIIIaearlk sty1( of J. 11. Touai. Toro:Ito, will be placri on sale on Taurslay morning. 113th, at (1 a. me at tate Exeter/ Bargat,t Stott. The stock was all bought !:(W aunt t; the last berth months, aed con- t.ina something fur everybody—chit- :toe 'a wear, ladies' wear, face's eaa!— a cut price sale. Terms strictly cash; r.0 goods Ceas nixed ; 1,0 goods •old on Approval. :m.. l'. Garda.tt rats h , rt-tictt(d i school trustee fur ier.ry Sutton, prob-lb:; the old. st lean . Ontario. died near St. Thomas :est week In Lis 105th year. Quite a ::umber from here and Nut- roundtr.4 villages attended the Poultry S':ow at Stratford this week. At Santa Mortice, Cat., last week 12 fe reons at a dinner ate tainted pears. cold ll of them have niece died of htonhaine poisonlreg. Since silver mining was atarttd at C'.,bal: in 1904, the mines have yielded 8e,5toarera ounces of salver. having a value of $33.000,000. Serubb. the Englishl Marathon ruiner was beaten in a ten -:vile run at Tor - woo last week by Mead, ws, who did the distance in 13,31 3-5. Serubb quit at the end of the seventh mile: - Rev. Sneer of Klrkton will preach In J..rnes Street Church on Sunday. The pastor, Rev. Hobbs, will be In Ilensall a'.d Rev. !fart of Ilcnsa.t at Kirkton; all preachlnte missionary sermons. Florence, the four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Torry, wntlo playing arou•.d tier 'tome during the ab- $aeeee of her mother on Thursday last, had three tlngets painfully frozen. The Exeter District Sunday School and Epxorl't League Convention was held in the arc thodist Church, Parkhill, cal µ-ed::esday, Jan. lath. .% number from Exeter attended the convention. Mr. Samuel Stanlake of Stephen, who some time ago purchased the dwelling of Mr. \Vellthgton Nail on Carling street and recently vacated by Mr. Thos. Case, eat) moved therein with his family. We welcome them as eitizcne of Exeter. afr. B W. F. (leavers has taken over the bush:ess a:td premises of the late J. W. Broderie k, and having purchased a new and up-to-date bar:krupt stack, will open It up this week as a,.nounc•ed In another column. Mr. Beavers Is a !nen of good business erinciplee, court- eous and obliging, attd will doubtless cenun.4nd the liberal pt;rehage accorted his predecessor. A number of the lady friends of Miss Cera Fowe't gave her a pleasant eut- eriee on Friday evening last by gath- ering at her horse and "showering.' her with a variety of useful house - .old neceysiti. s in the way of various kitclhea utenslle, etc„ tat ant'' ipation of her arproachlne marriage to Mr. W. eV, Taman, which has been announe.d for January 15th. Th. al,:.utI m^:Ifn.; of Exeter L..0 L. No. 924 took place In their lodge roots 01 thee' ;inter.uh:ing night Io December when t:.e following office•re were '.1- '•ctei,—\V. \1., Jame. It. Hrintnell , D. V , James Acitcso:1 ; Cnap.. Roland (trim ell ; Iter. Sec.. J. Alvin ttrintncll : see., James Sanders: Treas., Henri Lambr ook : D. of C.. Samuel !lacks : Lecturer, lid. Digna i ; Corn., Jatnes lis, Wm. Miners, George fiurdo h. I,Tay- lor, John Preszcabor. The two rinks of Exeter curlers, who went to Sarnia to take part in the big tournament, returned home Fridayeven- ing, not covered with glory, but gleatly delighted with and loud in thele praise of the treatment they received at the hand• of the Sarnia curlers. The boys pay they could not possibly have been usei better. The rt:hke were,—R. N. Tay tor, Jambes Taylor, R, G. Seldon, Gco. Anderson, skip; F. Sweet, H. Gould. E. Jones, Alf Taylor, skip. The first rink won two and lost three games, and the second woe two arta lost two. Tee annual entertatnnhett given by the Sunday School o' 'ire T,lvltt Memorial caul -01 was held 1n the Town (fall on Friday evening last. .'. goodly number were In attendance and a pleasant and profitable time was enjoyed by all. As a prelude t;e members of the Sunday School partook of a dainty luncheon, peeved in the School Hall in the after - soot:, after wl,lca all repelled to the Town Hall, where a lengthy program was given, consisting of choruses, solos readings, dialogues, tableaux, and other let rest n; t.'aturee. Th' nurnb_rs Meet be the cnildren wore admirably per- formed and the little encs deserve much emelt. The rotor, itev. D. W. Collins, performed the duties of Crtatiina:t. MARRIED IN THE WEST.—Last week retention was made in these colunnh• of the marriage of apes Minnie (,,ear, a clau:hter of Mr. arid Mee. \Vin. Cann of Carnduff. Sesk., fnrnierly of Exeter. Ancther happy event of a e•Inhilar nat- ure took place et (lett tome an V:edn •s- d:ty. Jan. Slh. it weir the n'nrriage of t'..1• eldest dau;htcr. Mies Cora. to \ir. Hardie Forsythe, of !dente, Man. The bride was handsomely attired In a t c•int etlk dress, and her travelling dives bettor of navy blue, with :rat to match. Miss Cann was .i former Ex- eter young lady, popular in ftp -hal cles, and ter rn..ny frit ods will wish for her a happy married SENTENCED FOR NON-SUPPORT. — :d tgietratcs Kay and Sandere on Satur- day morning let eentrnced Janes Will- iams to ttuee months at Godtrieh for non-support of his wife and family. 1t will be rern^mbered that the \Vlllierne family was found in Flay Swamp In a destitute condition last September al:d hrought to Exeter North, where they ie^civrd ninth kindly help from the peo- ple of Exeter. \Villiarn•, it appears, had 'Once ben offered work nhany thnes,but would rot do anything, and on com- p:airht of his wife for ton -support he was tied and sent to Goderich. The min. It would perm, wished to presume contlaually on the good nature of a eympa'hetle pul,lic. MARRIED iN LONDON.—A quiet ntar- r1aRe took place In London on Friday, Jan. 7th. at eleven o'clock In the morlt- irt”, at the reeideatce of Rev. W. of, Mar- tin, formerly of Exeter. of two well- known and popular young people of Ex- eter, Mr. Sandy 0. Itawdrn, son of Mr. \\'nn. Pawden. and Miele Mildred, rld- cet daughter of Mr and Mrs. Samuel Martin. Miss Family 13awden, slater of the groom, and Mr. Wilbur Martin, brother of the bride. acovmpanied the young couple to the city and were pres- et at the marriage. wtelrh was Per- formed by Rev. W. M. Martlre Mr. and Mrs. itawden later took the Itatn for Torcntee. 'there they spent a tees days, returning on Monday ever.fng to Exeter to reside. They have the hearty con- grrtul.tt!o'..e of their :nany fr.cndp,wth 1 whom The Adv,rate }oto• i't br•t wish- es for a 11!e of h\ppiness and prue- pertty. 11. \V. F. BEAVERS Sueteasor to the late J. W. Broderick. Mrs. (!as Seawright is very ill et �ar t.onte. Mr .John Blackwall of itosebank, Malt Is visiting here. Mr. John Dier.ey bras returned to his :301110 in Oshawa. Mrs. Wilt. Fraser Is confined to her bed through illness. No leas than three Wade of horses were shipped from this 'station this week Miss Gertie Sheers was 0onfh,ed to her roost through fi!ness part of tat week. ‘Ir' Faulds, nee :.tare Friend, and tit . t+itdrer. of Edmonton are visihin. at .1 1 Armstrong's. Mrs. Norman Jarrott of Usbor he un- derwent an operation in one o1 the Leh - don hospitals last wee -lc. The operation was eucc^tofu' and she +s recovering nicely. Word has been received from Sarnia that Mr. it. N. Taylor, who remained :or a visit after the curlers returned home, is suffering from blood ro:sor-- Ing in one hand. The members of the Exeter Council took and subscribed to the oath of of- fice in the council chamber on Monday morning last. Rev. Collins assi„ ted in the werht..'; services with prayer. Mrs. Saniwen wishes to warn boys against trespassing on her premises or playing around the barn. Several ar- ticle.e have been taken and othe-s brok- en, coneequentJy the boys must keep away. Mr. Jos, Creery, 'who for many years hair/ resided in the Township of Us - •borne, has moved with his family to the neighborhood of Ilctesall, where he re;ontly purchased a farm. His many Upborne friends regret Ills departure.. MARRIED AT TORONTO.—.t quiet star t rage took place in :;t. Johne I'res- byte:t.tn elite ch, Tot onto, on 'Wednesday January 12th, when Mlss Eleanor Spen ter, daughter of Mrs. Alice Spencer of Victor Avenue, Toronto, became the bride of Dr. A. T. riond of Exeter. The ceremony was performed at 1:1.30 in the morning by Rev, Mr. Scott In the• presence of a few pr-sonal friends of the contracting parties. They were un- attended. Dr. and Mrs. I3orhd will re - tilde in town in tee residence recently vacated by Dr. Malloy. a.td t: ey will have the b et wishes of the people of Exeter. 1Itev. Hobbs spent Wednesday in Lou- don. Dr. McGillicuJJy was In Handtto 1 tear week. W. W. Taman spent Wednesday London. Mrs. Wm. Jacob: Is 111 at her home le Exeter North. Mr. Will Murray eisrtcd in Goderlch during the week. Mies Gertic Kemp o: Toronto is VtN- Iting friends In town. Miss Lottie Ilyndntan of Beeton is home for the holidays. all. Harty 1lcoper li !ante from the State of Michigan on a visit. Mrs. John \\'illy of (internee is vleltieg tier sister, Mrs. J. A. .Stewart. Miss Jamieson of Brandon, Mao., Is the guest of the Misses) Dow. Mr. and Lars. Frank Durd:e of Brus- eels arc visiting relatives here. Mr .art S,•Idon of Ingersoll is vis- it'ne, it it ld:s read rel:attvea there, Mrs. F'lintoff, who has beer visiting at SIi..1:ur1. teras trturr:e3 to Usborne. Mr. Geo. Palmer and his little nephew e•01 iieI a visited In London this week. etre. (Rev.l Collins returned Thurs- day from a visit with her parents at !tire. Mr. and Mrs 'tom. Gould and son of Napink., Mart., are visiting relatives In town. Masa Edith and Mr. Andy Robinson o: Sankatoen, Seek.. are here vtsith,g t'- halves. M.s. bene Handfo:d has returned to her studies In Ontario Lidice. College at Whitby. Mr. Goodwin, who has been running the Evaporator, has returned to his hunhe in C•Jedoeia. miss. Addle elor'lock left Tuesday to , ttend the wedding of her cousin, Mise Horn. 1n Stratford. Messes Mary and Margaret Itose of \Vienlp'g, are vieiting with their AI' 0:I1 - .r.7. \Ir. D. A. Floes. Mt•e Amelia Oke, who has been vle0 ing here for the past few weeks, return- ed to St. T: o ret:.a Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Golden. nee Miss Lottie Wolper. of Ilamilton Is the guest of Mr. William \Valper, Exeter Nero' err. Edwin Walker, who has been vla- itinr In Glencoe and Strathroy for a week, returned Monte on Wednesday last Mr. and airs. \Vin. Davis of Hamilton .are ...letting the former's mother. Mrs. P. F iel.er, will) is confined to the house through Illness. Wyse Merril Gould has returned fr'tn, a vleit •anti relatives i:. Brown Clty, Mich. Her cousin, Miss Ina Windsor, ,e, only Inlet] t.cr home and will visit ,ere for a this. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Handford of Holl- a;id, MAIL. are guests of the former's ptr(i ts, Mr. and Mrs. ltici.ard Hand- ford. at Centralia. Ralph was in town the other day shaklr:g hands with old 1' lends. Mies Dodds, Mies Ramsay and 'tire. 'ledden have gone to Clinton to spend a month In Jackson Bros. Factory', pre - _e tralary to taking positions In the : ietory that Jackson I3nos. will estab lisle here. ALLISON—GARDINEIt,—.1r/ event In whit). considerable int 2rest was center - c 1 and Le which a farmer Exeter young tidy contributes to the happiness of another Western home took place at the IY'aidcnce of Mr. and airs. Moses Gard - lease, lteatua, Seek.. on Tuesday of Jast week, Jan'y 401. the occasion lacing the m.rrt.ge of their eldest daugeti:r, Mies Jeannette S.. to Mr. William Ailisot, formerly of the Thames (load. The cere- mony was perforated by the Rcv. Mr. Henry in the presence of a goodly nunh- bzr of guests. The bide was assiattd by Miss Margaret Strang. cousin of the bride, while Mr. John Gardiner, the bride's brother, acted as groomsman.. The cercnto:ty over and eongratulationa extended to the happy couple the guests rep.elre.i to the beautifully decorated dining room. wile's, a tnost inviting wee ding feast was prepare,) ,the teblce be- ing elaborately decorated with carr:a. Coos and ferns. Tree bade was attired in a most cxgweite drese of create satin, of t.,e princess style. trimmed with point lace and seed pearls. Her travelling stet was of a.: an;(hh:yet 7't de, while her coat was fur -lined and mink trimmed. with hat to match. The presents comprised articles of use and value and were many In number. Tac happy couple left on the 1.15 ant. train for the coast, followed by the beet wiehhen of a hoot of Ir le gds, with whore T to Advocate and m,aey Ft ter fel^ods Join. DEATiI Ole MRS. HARRIS—bath has avail claimed another of our 014e!t res - !dente. le the p-rson of etre. Henry {tame, !futon sttect, who cros•ei the '(rest divide on Saturday last. at the great age of 8:t years, 11 motithe and 14 day:. 'tare. llarris had been sick o:hly a week of bronchitic, folloHed by tit stock o' pt+urtur,in, but from the rotnmcn'emoit of the trouble her case a•aumbrd a serious nature and coupled with the i:rflrrnitleq of old age the end r.not cane. Mrs. llarris' maiden name w•.t, Phoebe Mogg and she tens born in Devonshire. England, in the year 11126 and came to Canada 14 years lat- er, first settihtg with her parents In' the 2nd concession of Osborne. in the the year 184'1 she wan startled to \\ Winn Weetcotr, who predeceased her le I Se 1. Some time late r she married William Swift. who also predeceased 1.4r in the year 1892. and to le93 sae ,tg.ttn ntarrled, her third husband be'ng !leery lfartte, who died In June 19111. By the first marriage she Is survived by one daughter and two evens—Mee. Janes 11111, Crediton; Mr. \\',a:ter tVestrot!, Exeter, and Mr. John T. West- ( -oft, Ilamilton. fay the second husbt'id nee daughter survives, Mrs. (leorge F.asterbrook of town. 1!e religion she was a Methodist and was a consistent member of tee James street rhureh, al wticht she was 1onatit t in her attend - area. Stec was a good mother. kind neighbor, and popseseed many a good trait, characteristic only of those Cood old pioneer srt'lers, who have contrite uteri much toward snaking thus grand country what 1t is to -day. She is the last surviving r.,tmtier of a family of eleven children. The ted came seertfully all her children bring present at her betelde when the spark of lite flee. The funeral took piece from her late res - !dente to Ranter cemetery De Monday. To the bereaved the sy,nnathy of all Is extended. Among those who attended the tunersl from a dtstarce were Mr. and Mrs. J, T. µ'telco': and en:. Eager of Ifamilto't : Mrs. Wm. Wcst'o t and en•e Alvah and daughter Lovlca of Fea- torth. and \irs. Jas. 11111, Credito-. Mr. Wes. Mitchell, an old Exeter toy and wife, of Togo, 5'ek., are here for a few win ks visiting vita relatives and Crler:d.. etr. alit:rheal has been In the West for about nine years. and en}oye .t p:osterous mercantile business. -sena- W ANTED To know the whereabouts of Sadie \1&Douea11, formerly Sadie Page of Springhill, Ont.. or her eon W illiar,t Janie. McDouga)1. Any acquaintance. or f,l'nd givl:lg information address WALTER IL elcDOUGALL, MooseJaw, Sask. kNt11111K feONlE •04ill THE BEST Bread Cis only be gotten from the best flour —The following breods ere ueese•elled - Try a hundred nest time ;no late— Try One of These : JEWELL (Ontario Blended) PURITY (Western Cantle flour Mille) Leine your ordeteor'eller Phone 2. R. G. Beldon, Exeter Don't Donkey with that ;�� Cough. Take Honey's White Pine & Tar Sold only at Howey's Drug Store -- - in 25c bottles. Provision Store (laving purehase.t the Provision busf- eess of Mr. John Etdt, and moved the suck to the premiere opposite t',e tel - phone office 1 an prepared to accept your orders 1 r 't,e lane of General Pro- ♦lsions. FLOUR. FEED, STOCK FOOD, SEEDS, GRAINS, ETC. ETC. The very best grade. of flour always on hand Ooods delivered to any part of the !own vee lrtvlte your patronage and eollrlt s Gail from you OrrOi1TE TELEPI IONP. O I' Fif'F. WM. RIVERS Advertise in The Advocate and of/ IN THE RACE FOR BUSINESS Tic gualunan on the turtoce represents the man who does not odsrrnse - the one who tree's to do business as it was done in the days of the tallow candle or the oil Tamp Are you in the glare of the elec- tric light --in the automobile of Modern Methods? Our Want Ads are high voltage batteries, whether you want light or power -business publicity or competent help Get the Best Results Every Time j atir•w.erti 011 Remember the Name --- Rowe & Atkinson Bear in mind that at their store is the place to buy FURNITURE, We have a fresh car load in now and every- thing will be found at the RIGHT PRICE to SUITE the purchaser. Give them a call ... 'Undertaking and Embalming a Specality ROTE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Our Greal Aunnal Sinel—Tating Sale We are now very busy taking stock and anxious to reduce it before calling in. Now is the time for some big snaps all along the line. Do not miss this opportunity. It is only for two weeks. Furs at Stock -Taking Prices All our Furs in RUFFS, SCARFS, THROWS, MUFFS & CAPS are to be cleared nut at this Hale. We have a fine lot to choose from. Do You Want a Fur -Lined Coat ? if so. you can get one here at your own price. We have several to Pell and all must go. Be one of the fortunate ones. Ladies' and Children's Mantles We don't want one left. Now is your chance to have an up-to-date coat at shout I the regular price. Remember, our pt ices will sell there quick. Remnants During our stock.taking all remnants in the store are thrown nut for a PRiCE SALT!'. REMNANTS OF SILKS, DRESS GOODS, WAiMTINOS. SHAKER, kc. Some real good lengths. All go cheap Do Not hiss Our Stock•Taklng Sale! It Will Save You Pone) 1 JONES & MAY Hfeadquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing