HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-13, Page 7WOMEN WHO SUFFER
Cr, Williams' Pink Pil1a diva Be•
gularity and Good Health.
Every woman at some time needs
a tonin. At special times unusual
demands are tirade upon her
strength. Where these are added
t'i the worry and hard work which
falls to her lot, weakness will re-
sult unless the blued is fortified to
meet the strain.
Weak woolen fired in f)r. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills the tonio exit"tty
stilted to their needs. Bost of the
I1!a with which they suffer are due
tc blocdlessness-a condition which,
the Pills readily cure. These pills;
lave the girl who enters into wo-
manhood in a bloouless condition
from year of misery, and afford,
prompt and perr•anent relief to the;
Roman who is bloodless, and there-:
fore weak. Mrs. R. Fisher, Coato4
Mills, N. B., says : "Sometime ago'
my system wa3 in a very anaemic`
condition as the result of an intern -1
al hemorrhage caused by an acct-•
dent. Though I had the services of
a skilled doctor for a time, I did!
not recover Iny strength, and grad-
ually I grew 50 weak that I could
rent do any house -work. As I seem-
ed to grow steadily weaker I be-
came much discouraged, for pry vi -
ons to my recident I had alt :
■•s Had • Prosperous Year.
CLAIM OF TORONTO UNE- The thirty-fifth Annual Report of
YI:RSI'l'i' GRADUATE. most
?lank of Ottawa directors phew'
snost substantial progress during
the year ending November 30th,
1909. Though the earlier part oI
Dr. Armstrong, of New York, Has the year still allowed the effects of
Had Great Success In the financial depression of 1909,
oonditiona have charged materially
l TMeal7llel1l' during tlio last three or iot.r months LL..
! Dr. Thomas M. Armstrong, of
and t.
The prospectsbak'snet profits fofor 1909 are bri ther i • sae. is he his disco\er- year were $421.05. After paying '-"^-'-�cd an almost certain cure fur �`an dividends, writing off $57,57 fromver ;Other physicians seem to agree the valuation of bank pretnses and' IN DOUBT.
in this opintun•Iftlrniture, and providing for the Bacon -"What's his business 1"cIledepatmnwas et tui Toronto Lt1 from the et:- onicors' pension fund, neary i$50,-raeteti 000 was °dried to the balance:rr`ell, is he a brewer or u Janemedicine in t•he west and in New :brought forward from the previous mg mastertYork. Twenty four years ago he Year, making the balance carried tbegan to study cancer in the living forward to next year 81453,919. Do not dela♦ in Getting relef for
atient sod microsco :call and During the year 5.00) shares of p p Y t new stock were issued at a prmiuln ithr little folks. Mother Graveschemically of 100 Iter cent., increasig the pa- IWm Exterminator is a pleasant
FIVE MONTHS FOR CURB. and sure euro. If you love your
ue captial from 33,000,000 to $3-
"I found my cure nine years 297,550. As the rt fund was in- cluld why do you let it suffer when
ago," said Dr. Armtrong. "Since .creased by a similar amount the a remedy is so near at hand1
then I have treated thirty-nine bank's eneit:tl and rest together
cases of cancer; 1hirty-six have i now total80,55,100. ELECTRIC BREAD -BAKING.
been cured perfectly. Tho three I The increase of $4,000,000 in the Electric baking -ovens have long
failures, I believe, resulted be bank's interest-bearing dposits been available, but their use has
cause the physicians in immediate during the year is a further indica- not spread very rapidly, probably
attendance did not strictly follow , tion of the growth of the institu- because of the coltmy method of treatment. Ninety , ur the difficulty
days is the shortest period in which, tion business with the general f procuring the requisite current.
I have effected a cure; successful i public. In the little Swiss town of Kerns,
treatment. has taken from throe to The total assets during the yentl where electric power is cheap, the
five months on the average. have also increased very ma�enall electric baking -ovens has just been
a healthy mutilans About tis GIVER IT TO OT$ER$. -from 833,524,891 to $39.212.189,e•stabl.shed in a satisfactory mari-
time I received a prmphlet telling ! tl Altogether the Bank of Ottawa itier. In a furnace less than eight
yee of the strengthening powers of l the knife. •i trent- to be congratulated on a very sat feet long 100 pounds of bread, in
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I pro- : ment is twofold. I use a lotion and isfactory year's business.loaves of one and three pounds
cured a box at once and began us- a medicine taken internally." ---- s - --- _ ?sell, carr be baked at ono time,
)ting tl•emwlren they were gone 1 It seems that Dr. Armstrong con A[IRROLOGY• and ei ht bakin s can bo made in
of three boxes more, and by the fides his treat-nent toother physio- 1� hougv. The B st of the heatintitne I had used those I found m- ••s ni.,. tle•1 A fortune awaits the !renins who g
elf somewhat stronger and my age• profession require. He mentioned can invent a mirror that will con is a little more than ono cent and
ereral nhvaenns in vinco s women she is as )retty as three-qarters per pound of bread.
titemuch better. Before I begat:� 1he pills I could scarcely walk u{I New York who he said have em- she thinks she is.
!dila, and could do no work at all Played the treatment successfully• -- A MARK OF FRIENDSHIP.
One is Dr. P. W. Popham, of There are a number of varieties
ow after taking three boxes , "They're close friends."
as able to walk out in the opt 'Brooklyn. ;of corns. Holloway s Corn CureI am using Dr. Armstrongs lwill remove an of them. Call om "What mnkes you think so1"
ir. I kept on with the pllsan, i Y "l judge so from the hearty way
after usin six boxes was deli tette treatment in��two cases with excel- voterdruggist and get a bottle at• g g lent results, said Dr. Popham. oneshe laughs st his jokes."
n find that I could again attend r•(lne patient hsa n deep .'sneer of
to my household affairs. I took mall but Potent. - Parmelees
tw•o more boxes of the pills, and l the flack. After three months of VERY API ROPRIATE. ttreatment both atients are greatl \ egetablc Pills arc small, but they
tlt. thr_t I was as well as ever ?p Y Wantanno - 'Why do ou call are effective in action. Ther fine
bad been, and a nal to any kimj improved. The lotion which Dr. Yet eree eeeseribee sems to that boy of yours 'Flannel' 1" qualities as a corrector of stomach
of exertion. I have since rccum eradicate the discos^d tisue; to Duzno-'Because he just nater- troubles are known to thmisrils
friends Dr. \Williams' Pink fills tq dispel the cancerous growth." ally shrinks from washing," and they are in constant demnnd
friends with boncficinl resells." IT CURED THIS CASE. everywhere by those who know what
Dr. \Williams' Pink Pills are sold asafe and simnle remerly they are.
by all medicine dealers of will be. Do you know of a case which PILES CURED IN 6 TO to DAYS,has been cured absolutely by this PAzo OI'Tt1RVr I. en.rance•d t. euro any Thev need no introducton to those
gFnt by mail rot s0 cents a box or „ e.. •lr unilt, Rlied. its, Ili nr I rutnl,rleaaeouainted with them. but to those
ix boxes for 82.50 by The De. \A'i!- treatmentl Yit•se6tu Isdara urla.nay retund•d. wo. who may not know them they Prejiama' Aledicino C'o., Brock idle, �rlea, one, said Dr. Popham; entrd as the beat n thcvtinea woman. This patient had been ALL GOLDEN. iDnt' treated for cancer f,r two years Ever • o ortunity that is miss- f.n the Inarket for disorders of the
WHY HE'S GROUCHY. : and wns going from bad to wore. pp stomach.
After Dr. Sparks had treated her ell is supposed to be golden.
"Excuse me for looking grouchy for four months by Dr. Arurstrong's BOUND TO St"CCTe:D.
this morning, says the Philoso- , y.1 -: She ,•'r1. as far as is A Standard Medicine. -- Parme• •There's a man who's bod to
pher of Folly, "but a fellow I owedpossible to determine." lee's Vegetable Pills, compounded succeed."
8ik to has jtat recovered from "I do not care to talk to a re• -s- lel entirely vegetable substances /r, ,,neumonia." «hat makes you think so'P paper about my practice," snid Dr. known to have a revivifying and Hes putting in rt11: his throe
1 Anes Sparks when asked about her salutary effect upon the digestive minding his own business."
So pnpuTat is Pirkle's Anti -Con• patient. orans. have through years of usesnrnptive S'rup as a medicine in . a attained so eminent a position that
the treatment of colds and cue to' \1 ITT HE RF.ALhY WA:�'TED. they rank as a standard medicine. ' ib. fl t l= M.ih 4 Plut aster.n here Periunrii m;
or ailtnentt of fire throat, due to The ailing should rernember thio. a•nrslgla etc.. n •tnitsg is belt•r. lia4. aaly bexposure. to droughts, or sudd,a "There's a strange man at the pDarla Lawa•C• Coany.
changes of temperature, that drug. ' door, sir," announced the new sergists and alt dealers in patent medi-' vant from Dublin.
cies keep supplies on hand to "WWhat does he wantl" asked
meet the demand. It is pleasant the master of the house impatiently.
to take, and the use of it guaran- "Begging your pardon, sir," re -
tees freedom from throat and lung plied the servant, a shade of disap-
'diseases. proval manifest in his voice,wants a bath, but he is asking for
EQCAI. TO OCCASION. something to eat."
"I fear I am not worthy of you." To Know Is toPrevent.-If the
"Never mind about that," re- mners who work in cold water most
marked the young lady with the j•f the day would rub their feet and
square jaw. ''Between mother legs with Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
and myself I imagine we can effect they would escape muscular rheu-
thc necessary improvement.." nratism and render their nether
limbs proof against the ill effetts of
wa Mvat 0o frrm hated rnins Is the o,12ex osure to the cold. Those settinentra!r. an1therhantesetsus eonghIngcur-p t31ng winter '.IJa is net bnt Ii n take Allen's Oiit for mining regions would do
,Itilt iiatitte. A negleted todb troublesome ;ell to provide themselves with a
Save the Baby -Use
t 6LST Mt1It rtShould be jve. at oace when the ,
one coughs. It heals the deliotte throat and protects tbo lunge
trout inteotinn-guraniscd sate sad
ery p atabl.,
AU Druggists. 25 comas.
supply before starting.
?antrimnny is something like
"Alas!" sighcfhthe tramp drama
building shouse. The extras til tically. "No matter where I turns,
wive make it more expensive than there's a hand raised against me!"
the origins) figures.
"Which shows you ought to be
thankful for one thing," said the
- Ooh (Itis "BROW) QtJNIxp'• farmer. "What's that 1" "That
Tb,! is 1 &X y 1tv' CRntln ql IXiVE Ln�k ,
ter •hw r.vnature of 5 W e1R0. 5. Vaa.1 the it ain't a foot that's raised!"
world user to cum a ro14 in One Day.,--
.� R• RausewabI. Man espeete to ears a eegqte•ted
A father seldom whips his small •old In • d ty. Ilut time an•1 Allen'! I: rt g Ital.am
200 for fighting if he shURs that he .111 overcome the cold an1etAve tiff r ,rnurapti•,n
Cough will cease mad lungs to, sound u • now
I'as been cultivating the habit of "UM'
victory. ---
Cork. cut in very thing Rheels and
treated to remove all resinous mat-
ter, is being used in Franco in the
Leaking of wnterpronf garments and
hats. cepa and shoes. After treat-
ment/ it becomes RA flexible as
leather and will not break. In the
manufacture of garments such ma-
terials as cotter, silk, wool and felt
Ale rented tt lth it.
Mothers. Give the Children a Chance.
Spanking doe' not cure children of bed-
wetting. There is a constitutional cause
for this trouble. Mr.. M. Summers, I;,•x W
71n, !Windsor, Ont., will seed tree to any
Mother her successful herr.' treatment,
with fall instructions. Send no money,
but write her today if tour chi:dren
trouble you in this was. Ilan'1 blame the
hild, the chance% are it can't help it.
This treatment al.,,, ores adutta and aged
people troubled with urine diAi: ❑'tics by
day or right. �-
A dapper little man aas making
his exit from the dining -room e.f a
fashionable hotel wheel the heed
waiter stepped up to him. took hint
by the atm, and said. "I have
tumbled to your little game, yeti
rascal. This is the foarth time
you've hnd your dinner here with-
out payirg."
"Sir," exclaimed the lilt:- men,
breaking loose from the waiter's
graip, And lookint, the eflieial stern -
1.: in the face, "you are Heist:;ken.
I' is the fiftet•Ilth !"
Before the waiter had recr -errd
from the sheik :hc Ilia i •. ;s; i:: the
next street.
'I' N U
L \US 5-10.
Simple in their composition, they
can be assimilated by the weakest
stomach and are certain to have
a healthful and agreeable effect on
the sluggish digestive organs.
Bring up a child in the way he
should go, but he sure you aren't
travelling a different road yourself.
rimmed to the Rene f A tee.peenfel of Pate -
tither 11111 eup of h .t water sweetened w111 ware.
you and avert a ••''d. Aruld substitute., there in
M ea* "talakUler ---Merry Dade -44e and sae.
Never criticize a woman's hus-
band in her pres'nee unless you are
!coking for n job lot of trouble.
Free pi One P.',4a-t.
writs ifrrtnw r-.' Rn.. •a- Cr, • P111."•e,
r•,.• a^ nave 111n.• -,o.4 t•ew ^.•.l• r -^r,
I•-r:f.' geld nhn,lf Ynnr re. eeeet.iw
fhn♦ w;ll pit. -i..' p• In ,r•w T,
tion of •I,• %t,..1.4. r.w P.....A:w• l_ T(4n+
Q.•wpi'' e•-,.' •-^nr TI-•.»•.•.• ,r• ill •w•1 -.•1
tl."• 1..,.; .' 11,"”...n•• a^-, •`--.'• e•r..-•-•1,
gent •••n'5 P..^h.n•.. • a."p-• e,.•est
r.•n r^: .tie .til•_ •.r ran Ty {• r i
T Hr r-.. .n, fn 11".1..•e Pyea for essl-
Eyeltds ar_•i Granter !len.
LACE -)t t1k1"t: iN 1itFL1NT).
q•►fq.11 Nam %i,ltlul;l apieepeej
Keep: t 1. al (tome.
In 1905 some of the people of
Cootehill, county Cavan, Ireland,
started a lace -making class with a
view to providing pleasant and pro-
fitable employment for some of the
girl,' of the district. A competent
toucher wns secured, end so sue-
ecasful has heen the litt'e industry
that the amount realized by the
sale of the work during the past
four and a half years has amount-
ed to 91.32:1.
One hundred girls have been kept
at home- in proftal.le rmpioyment
who would others ise have emigrat-
e.' to America.
The demand for A good class of
Irish hand -ma ie Ince is so Greet,
it has been etsted by more than
one manager ('f a lace depot, that
there are orders honked that cannot
be executed in twelve months. Tho
occtipation of lace -making is clean,
healthy and not lab•-r;o•Is, and Irish
girls have shown n remarkable
adaptability in acquiring the b-auti-
ful art.
Multiply the ('ontehill case by •
score or two and some idea is gain-
ed of how local industries are
Springing up in the Emerald Isle.
Possession may he nine point,' in
law, but self-possession is all of it.
.•dw.re It a ) i:n,:..
area the w r plain, 11
t2 t1 un- is !went)
min.,tea For Real
0,1.1. Toot haotte.
o,nti s . Rhe ,
matt m, Lnmbng ..
ow'7s In ilio bac i,.
steno n. kidney3-
tpains around t 1. r
fiver, plearIe)
awelllrtgsof the Jul •ta. and
pains of MI kin a• use
Young Princes is Endowed With
Excellent Brains.
Pricess Mary of Wales, who in
future will have • little suite of
rooms of her own at Marlborough
house, is in her thirteenth year.
She is tall and strong for a girl of
het age, and is endowed with ex-
cellent braille She is now to have
two governesses, but her educa-
tion will, it is said, not be so stren-
uous as that of her aunts, daugh-
ters of the king and queen of Eng-
land, who bad to go in seriously fee
mathematics, in spite of their ob-
jections to the study. Princess Mary
is fond of fishing and of all sorts
of out-fluor-atnuseinents. A few
;years ago she was a decided tom-
boy, and her taste for adventure on
land and water often made her lead
her admiring brothers into situa-
tions from which they were extri-
cated with some difficulty by their
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
cure many common ailments which
ere veru differ^rt but whtnh e11
arise from the name C811.. -a ors•
tem clogged with imnnrlttce. The
Pill• cane.' the bowel' to move req-
ntarly, atreneth.'n and eftn.nlote
the kidney and ore" r-, the
pores of the skin 'rum nr•r.ns
lroverola.•.•ty throw of, the are•'•na.
1nte4 i-^narrlltea. and Pntnnprnp.,
THAir•n•inn. Liver e'nvnnlatr• !ret-
ro.. n•rnnhlr.. TierAeetove, Rb.•.w,-
p,tcr„-and pin -'lar p". .--1s vanish.
Dr. Morse's Indian Rn^• Pills
wager- r clf`te- ' IRIf1•-
Do you trap or buy
Pure? 1em. •nada-.
largest dealer, I ply
highest pricea. Your
shipments bolicitee.
I pay mall and ex-
press charges; remit
promptly. Also largest dealer in Reelhides.
Sheepskins, etc. Quotations and shipping tag'
sent free. 6
SOc, NO. 1
Canadian Hide and Skin Company,
a: Trent St. E., Toronto, Ont.
Dear Dr. Marlattt
"About eleven years age my hair
commenced coming ent in patches. and
continued to do so until I was rori•
pletely bald. 1 here now used your
preparation for alt mouths anti have
pleasure in stating that rov head is
completely co•ered with a g0111 growth
of hair. The gentleman who i'rrsuad•
ed me first le come to yell is surnrsaed
that i have ebtsined such rood results
in so short a time. although he Vied
complete cnrltde •co fn your prepara-
tion ',Afore 1 here^ its asp.
"I consider Maristt'a 1'sir• Promoter
• wonder, and ran fully recommend it
to an• person losies their hair nr who
ip already bald. Enclosed please find
two photos• one token before treat-
ment wed eommrnt•ed and the other
sig month,. liter •"
Tours vpr• trnly.
Fhe•OR ifc•CARTHT,
Delaware Ave.. Toronto.
atH,ilar ce ec which will be ebeerfully
furnished on •pnli.atinn
J. W 1f4WATT.
93 Bathurst St.. Tomato.
Yam bleed les become this and weak.
Tim atria upon rope system Ole past few
mouths has bora eery peat. lino are toa-
requeetly halms " eft out of suns- sad
"rug Jaws.' four ap i,et,re u bad and
you hardly have eses +'wogs lei, to de
your d.ib duties. You shoo:d tale
PSYCHINE, I)w greatest of Tonics, a.-ith-
out delay. ilia Wal put you on your feet
Al oliva.
C'eatiemen:•-"t have used PSYCHINE
esti 1 do thunk it is the greatest tore sad
system budder ko wa. 1 would aoi.:1e atl
whs are rur..dowu or elys.cal'y weak to
use PSYCH:NE." l ou,,u,?_ , M. Jas.
Bertrsad,''eat Toeonto.
if no an weal iSYCID2E w8 mal* rte sew
Fes ssi to oft R.wsis. as ::•sheat s .- a SI
s++r ►est..
1)r. T. A. Sfi.oct'
• buy or sell Stocks will receive ell
personal attention. S. M. Mathews. Brolte
er. 43 Seott Rt.. Tornn.o.
!4 system -constant practice; caret
instruction; few weeks complete course
tools free; graduates earn twel"
eighteen dollars weekly; write for cat
Logue. Moder Barber College 121 Queen':
Feat, Toronto.
whit van ahnr,ld yet t-,•-•1 a hr•'
• e.+„n^•ton 11 yon et••^4 t,•.
- •I • r.•l:onl. Write for particular.,
nt the
antis', '"..ries. Susi--+s ^.11eg.,
V.M.C.A. 3tdq.. TOPONTO
T. St WATSON:. Principal.
`V A*'r.:n -- P•rITln'te P'RTTI4
d'a 1,1”00‘1.•1,1”00‘1.• kni•t(n./ for tie N
bonne: 97 to C'w nwr er.',t ,-•.a. .'. rne��
synod. stn., fnre4.%,4 r-•.,. Ar
11tH.'__».- F .. r..1,
th. nnminioe Kni'ttr' e'o . Dunt W. Or
• PPTTTAT-p r.nrw.•v•.rrnn w.nfed
A ^vie lnrplil♦ 1n ..I) •'5fn,ieee •
;Heftie. !:wen-. ,tats ewe. ..•. now. "Tyr
time i• to enld •• gt M 1,, stn ni dpi ea
1,0 .'aatl• ,, sd. W'l•a t•, -A.. V.4
Goods Co. of Canada. Owen Round. Ont.
19` lab DOLEnRSm 'binea.uEx;--leu...' rtnn.eel
limy. Everybody buys. They sell themsel•e ,
&gents wanted iter 'where A p...tal tnd
brlogs particulars. ('hat:ea Adales, as:nia. Oats
/_1I' %,,_ I'(0VR Mogi11'.15 4n 6'111
1 . f.•m fiar.. !.hiding.. township •,(' • 'gar
•w. r:*.. -.d (In'y
01,41 down, hal,:..-e_ 69
r.•. •r , mat. L inlio■ Lo -.a i.urilpany, of i.aearti,
1. n11 ,... oat
CAL VCS Raise Th•mlet thoutn•. Milt
R • .kwiY
btee.e, Itt:l;lrs Seed Cu., Ltd., Turoato,toq
one (.5 the raa'vels rf the e -• 1 teat ag
1. ue• tt,..4,1,uut the w,„11. %hits for eas�
Ingue Ueueral A.'n..lic Co., of Cabala, 1.
468 Yung. street. ionto
ESTABLIsiiSn 187t
We Make Everything
In Furs, Coats, Jackets, Nut
51,.11. caps, Gauntlets, elm
N rite for catalog.
RAW FURS w• pay h'tb•at prices. Write
for price .l.t.
;; Huta 51. E. Tomato.
The famous new discovery of the age,
positively, quickly. comp etely relieves
and cures Goitre. Thick Neck, Sciatica,
Slrellings, ilunions, Qninet. etc. $i.00,
or 6 of SS.eo, mailed on t e: e:pt o' price by
"I speak for Ztm•Rnk bee:vise it
cured me of a terribly had fort," as?.
Mrs. Alice Perryman of 15.0 John St.
North, Hamilton. 6h,• alta t "The
injury was caused by a wagon wheel, and
the sore was oa any right too; It
came very tr.tlarred and swollen aril so
painful that I fainted away. In stilt, t f
treatutect, the wound get no better a• ti
ter fent be-ame more and m: r• •wo1!en
sirs! •1 it was several times its usual sinew.
• he tie.h was terribly braised and Wank •
.'ned and it waa quite impossible kr rue
to walk. My husband's mother at last
hreught me a bot of Zam•Rck. Tb:.
auplied to the foot and it was stir.
{-rising 5 w soon I found re':el from the
severe pain. A f nr.her supply of Zam-
R3uk was obtained and I persevered in
using t••is 1,:1m alone. In eonple of
days the eaeliinga had gpra down con-
siuerahly, site di•eoloratine w.. tars
di.•tint and the pejo wpm banished. In
four (fess f cn;i1.1 go shout as an:al : 11
bruised and injured foot had been tor
n ighly oared by tba timely sac of ::act•
Did you over , 4k To::: e31f:
"I33CV iA It ^•t [.t l J ul' IX SO
p )r);llar ?" It is becaur-e it 13
superior r-n:i d.tforent to other
aalvea. Cont:ant them! Moat
'Alves ter• nine•tentte anims1
nil or fat. Zarn•Buk hasn't a
trace of animal fat in it. Moat
aalve coe;Alio 7n.noral colt):!"?
matter. Z.am-B-id Isabsoiut,iy
without f Man r er.1vesl contain
pneoiioue stet:l-agent..'. Zane.
Birk doesn't.
Zen -Bek is aetuatly more
po seerf',filIT antic-eptio t ha n
crude carbolic, acid. Yet it
at 'pm tns-ead Of eaueines pain
an 1 smarting when put c n a
It heals more gci^A!y tl.ao any known
nlhetanoe, abrcesa•a, u;c••rs e-,•els,
b'n,J iaoe n,ng, cut*, sr t:p eo. e+., cLs;..
and a:1 skin Iajeri•• and diocese.. A:1
d•alssitsts sad stone sell at 601 a
b:.t or Thin-Eak 'L, Toronto, for pet..
�• A.taf?t': -r'e"`; 7�
t � �k-li i frtir'• !7r
Ifni. Frank Se Dents of 205 Thomp-
son St., Winniper, •lecke f.r 'Lar: -link
t•ecause it cured Lar of a je,;ao;lo4 Boger,
oansed her days of agw:y.
Beer her experience. 81.e sari t
Oo. r..ui r n *hilts ,'sisal', I tilt ()tight pain in the end of any Boger.
This pre; s:!y gist more ante until by
Ire o, f the ne:t day the roll of
the tin:sr had become •woll•n and bard
anJ so blue 1 beean'e alarmed.
"The pain from it was •!most too mach
to bear. It ori• toe Sera qu is ol. k 1
Yuultieee of i!r't one kind and tiles
another were applied, but seen eJ t,)
give we no relief. My daughter iu law,
who bad b •d mane tire•ious •tp•ricn ee
with Zan risk obtained a Iv t for me.
I anointed the sore place liberally with
.s bairn, and is a few hours, the
tleroLb.ng seh:ng Fairs were eul.Itted. "
rartb.p •po11c•tiesa pf Zara -Rat r•
me thew eae., to that 1 nnnil get e
e'a•;, T.•NI, my. lh•ulleama of,
ahoy tA.s Eam-Aek seemed le relate
t ' 1- lam'aarlononMtly l !mitten&
Stud 1• •tamp fu. Ylsl boa. eo:.riete c"re u ���