HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-13, Page 5Fullness and Bloating After Eating?
Little Digesters
25c. a box.
Cure or Your sewn? iaeh.
At all Druggists or direct Erol,
Manufacturing Furriers
Here You Will Find The
Largest Stock In
Western Ontario
Zero Ton Buy Direct from the
Manufacturer and
Save All Double Profits!
Iii!Here you are told exactly what goods you
are buying, because we maks' them and know
x what each garment is composed of. and guarantee
every g irnlent as represented. and will refund the
price if goods are not approved of.
Special Fur Garments made on shortest notice
under the most careful supervision.
Catalogue on application.
Whence the Wonderful Bread -
Life in Five Roses
Dt) i;,:cw, Madam, that billowing from the Lake of the
Wcot!s clear to the snow -peaked Rockies are the finest u'heatlands
that ever threw baA golden kiss . a a 3 ;ailing s :.i ?
Ou • se'ec;ion cf a bl: Llplace was ..s.. _ 1 most rafrc ions,
We cannot too fervently congratulate ourselves over•being born
Can'J:7ians, can we ?
A:1 the infinite resources of Provi-
dent Nature have concentrated to
produce in our c :vn Northwest a per-
t.cl /ooh bony,
It i s t:te cream of this Manitoba
crip. nor Me skin m:lk, that
rcaaeth FIVE ROSES quality.
An.i i:anitoba wheat. oaring to
climate and soil Is the prim! cereal
of the world.
• it 1' a
Just listen to the explanation of Sir
James Grant. a real C.M.G. :
" The ietrnse wntrr frost penetrates
deep rr;w 1a.r grvbnd. In ;ht spring
l m..
Is the 5.4i1 is p.'oughed. Furrowed
and planted, the .ower depths are not
• greasy drstu rb d : but rn tit sant,
• ssmrer mon,:ks this cold storage
chamter o/ nature imparts gentle
moisture to the roots of the grain.
• keeping if cool during the tnt.•nss heal."
Therein lies the goodness of theme).
wheat fit for FIVE ROSES.
4 • { •
If you. Mistress Housewife
with your own white hands
were to pick the very ,rean
of this fine wheat. wouldn't
it mean pert-:tflour?
Yet. you couldn't be more faatidloua
than our expert buyers.
Just as you wouldn't let Mrs. Brown
do your shopping. we watch our
own wheat buying and selecting.
Wherever the fairest crops are har
vested are one of the 75 FIVE
ROSES elevators, sifting the perfect
Years of practical knowledge ani
experience stand behind tach buyer,
who is well-paid to know where the
rare grains grow.
We have the money and the skill
to control the wry best. Certainly
your interests are well looked after.
a a ■ •
Believe us. Madam, FIVE ROSES
con tains only the plump, wholesome.
well-filled berries of the aprin
wheat : the mellow sun -ripened.
transparent berries. All this
and men is yours if you will but say
" FIVE ROSES " to your
gr cer
FIVE ROSES tread -Ilse,
heal thf ulness, purity.
str-reth, economy
Read the label. Madam, and
be flour -happy at last.
We Now Make and Galvanize
Our Own Wire
P,r many sears we hare .ern .here the
qua:. ty of Wore conilJ be improsed. So we
bare set a re. standard for the Wire ,n
Prat Fen.. Nut. to set this tetter Wire.
we must Make and l; i . anise it ourselves.
Heretofore. we. like all other Pence -
Makers. had to buy our Wire ready-made
anJ r aJy-galsaniteJ.
The Woe formerly used •n the Fro.t Fence
was made under out own gnat rw t.,,ns. 1
gave better satisfaction than most Wire. bu
we line* that we could make far better
4.s sow we Aare erected special Mils fn
these Milt. we have installed the most
„sndern Wire Drawing sod Oalsaa,a.ng
equipment ,w eusten:e.
10 we are naw equipped to make Fetter
Wire than has -ever been used is Canada
Ari .e art the only Vence -maker.., ,'
,aunt,. Makin), and Oalraniring N,.e
etclu..,e;y for IF erne.
Nearly every %Vire Pence t. Galvani, d
too thinly for Canadian purposes. That .
why say many rut about twelve or fiftrea
years ,*parr than they should.
Front scientific Galvanising is about r,,
pet cent, thi:ker and smoother than that of
any other Fence made in Canada. Vet it
will not chip. scale anJ fall off.
Ne matter where you look. Oe how ,.,err•
Ityyou test. you simply cannot find another
Feeler built and Gals anise., foeppeermanen:y
lilt: the Frost Send f..r free IToo•k'et.
The Frost Wire Fence Co., Ltd.,
Hami!taet.Oritan. s1
Agents 'Wanted en Open Oestrids
The peel/ elected council of the Town-
ship of Stephen converted ht the Town
Hall, Credit rt. on Muuday, the lu'h of
Jat'uary. 191st. After each nth•tuber had
subscribed to bets declaration of office
and property queliticatlon; the minutes
of the pre.iou_s mettle: were read at'd
The clerk. purauist to 3 Edw. ell.,
Creep. 19, Sec. 364. filed a enrtifieate
showing the number of vote. given for
and against the Local Option By-law.
Yer Anderson and Yearly -That Sam-
uel Brown be appointed Treasurer . for
the Township of Stephen at a salary ot
$90 without extras. and that tee file a
bead with tate cleric to b? approved of
by this council for the due performance
of the work.
R uerth-In amendment that the sal-
ary of the Tretsurcr be $80. Tnere be-
ing no seconder the motion was declar-
ed carried. Mr. Wuerta requested that
his motion be recorded.
Per Love and Anderson -Th at Jay.
liodgens be appointed caretaker at a
salary of $20 -Carried.
Per Anderson and Yearley -That C. K.
Bluett and Henry Sweltzer be Toweenip
auditors at $8 each. -Carried.
Per Yearley and Wuerth-That Jos.
Gu.tlnall 1* appointed assessor at a
salary of $8u and that he rcc the 110
for the truant book and attendiee the
Court ot Revision. -Carried.
Per Anderson and Yearley -That ily-
Laws, Nos. 158 and 159. being by-laws
to arrolitt officers of the Township.
etc:, having beet read the third time
be passed and signed by the reeve and
clerk and the seal or the Corporation
attached thereto, -Carried.
Messrs. John Love and Frederick
seuerth handed in their resignations as
members .ot the Board of 1tealt't.
Per Anderson and Yearley -That the
following be appointed members of the
Board of Health, Ctephen Webb for J
years. Alonzo 1Lodeins for 2 years,
Nelson Paker for 1 year, and their
n.tlaries to be $2 per diem.
William Lewis, Edward Broker:e:tire,
and William Oliver were appointed San
nary health Inspectors for the re-
spective divisions held by them in 1909,
William Lewes to do all the dlst:Vert-
Ing if not done by Medical practitioner's.
It was resolved that the members oL
the council should sell and dispose of
tees for cattle to run at large on high
ways and collect Inc money before giv
Me tags to purchasers. The folio ming
inspectors were appointed to enforce by-
law No. 137 to prohibit certain cattle
front running at large on the public
highway -Jonah Sims, con. 1 to 3. in-
clusive, Alonzo Hottgins, 6 to 9, Thos.
Mawhinney 10 to 13 ; Chas. Lochner 14
to 19, Richard Webb 20 to Western
The clerk was instructed to notify tt.e
clerk of McGI:lrvray that the Council
would take all corner lots off the
Boundary tine between the Townships
of Stephen and McGillivray and place
them on the concession line for Statute
A t.u,nber of accounts were passed and
• council adjourned to March 7th.
Henry Eliber. Tp. Clerk
Complete returns front McGillivray Tp
show that the council of 1910 will roe -
mist of -Reeve, M Miller; Deputy Iteeve.
J. J. Poore, actor. Councillors, E. F.
sturdy, Frank N!ckle9. O. E. 1los• r••.
F'ollo'NinZ is the result by (Wrists) -
For Reeve
Miller 80 32 62 50 64 19 31-
Ulena 19 43 31 23 47 69 89-- .
For Councill ,rs
Moreau 44 :i1 71 1 • 3:1 :12.10-287
Murdy Err 7.6 14 41 7:1 46 79-11:1
Nickles 23 7 27 22 81 119 62-291
Rosser 42 67 51 19 42 20 6 t-331
' . ',pieta- return, from Flay Towneaip
N that the new rOu;l tl will ai191t1t
of Iteeve 1'. Lamont, Councillors Wm.
emelt 3€0. henry Neeb 395, Fred Wil-
lett ,:114, Louis K .'bfleiech :144. John
Geleer and Itob rt McArthur, old
caunclllors, were defeated, their totals
being 298 and 265. respectively. Lo:al
Option was defeated by a straight
vote o: 248 for real 41:1 against. Tho
by-law to raise $10,000 /9r culverts and
ayfri.t;e9 was also clef fated. 216 to 297
Ml.rs Mabel Walker of Detroit was
the guest of Miss Margaret Ilonthron
last week. lac new coul,ci1 elected for
Tut•keramith are, W. Berry, 11. McKay,
11. Clrech and it, D. Bell. -Ernest Car -
:le is 1s home front iridian head, Sask.,
w'tere he Is engaged In a general store
bu tlncse.-it to the intention of W. Per -
It ns io completely remodel the Commer-
cial Hotel. Ile will move It back some
:..t, brick 1t up on the outside, build
an addition, heat 1t whit hot water, and
e`aerwiee :ntprov • it ; also move and re-
m)•tet the sheds and stables. -Fred.
Smaller ombe, Chas. Metro::ett. and Dr.
Sellcry went to Sarnia last week and
took part in the curling tournament. -
Mrs. Dr. Reid of St. Georges. formerly
Mess Minnie Scitatter of this place, 1s
very 111 at the home of her mother in
Toronto. following two operations that
,he recently underwent. -On Thursday
evening Willis!n Dougall and wife ec'Ic-
brated their eflver wedding by inviting
about ninety guests to spend an evening
with them. A dainty supper was a fea-
ture of the etttnieg. During an intere.tl
the esteemed couple were presented by
flair in'mrdlat' t,elgh'-ors with a ;tend -
90111e cabinet M. silver. They were the
recipie:lts of a number of other kindly
rernembranccs.-Local Option was re-
pealed here last 'Honday on a three -fifth
vote. When the •tstllots were all counted
it was found tlta 149 had•voted for re-
peal and 89 against. This gave the
repeal by-law 6 1,-5 majority: The
hockey Clue, wait r --organized last week
with the following officers, -Iron. Fres..
Geo. McEwen : Pres., II. J. D. Cooke
Vice Preeldcnta, 1 s , N. E. Cook ; 2nd,
r. C. McDonell : :lyd C. A. McDoncll ; 4
Dr. Sellery ; Ste .Treae. Tom Palmer
Man. Committee, Alb.'t Reichert. P. 1'.
Tout hanan W. Shephert.: Capt., A. [temp
hill. The season Nailed here or. H •'d-
net><tay itght when the local juniors de-
tested the Sealort 1 jun'ors b7 a
of l0 t0 5.
Fence ;ilik
ChFOR dFeCnHE at
CASTORIAoral Dealers -T. Hawkins & So:,. Ex taArr. ilalgert.Far
UEBO1INl'at COUNCIL staged to manage Ute road grader at
*4 per day for amen and team. A few
u• ousts were paid and the Council then
adjourned to meet Feb. 5t'. at one o'-
F. Morley, Ce:k.
PA1tii:1111.44,-16e death took dace to
'euro:tin on Dec, $est of Miss Laura
Mtdcoff of Parkhill, atter a severe at-
tack of fever several montes ago. The
body was brought to Parkhill for frtter
The council elect for the Townslitp of
Cabot he stet at the Tow:•ship Hall, 01,
'tonday. Jany lo. pursutnt to statute.
All the members were present and after
•ubseriling to the necessary declarat-
ions of office and qualltication. took
teetr aeata as t::. .Marectpal t:eeeetl for
the .tatti township for the year 1St19,
viz : John Moir, reeve ; G. Andrew, Fred
E11 rt:.gton, Win. Atkinson and S. Itout-
ley. councillors..
The expenses of the municipal eLcc-
tio:t amountittg to $40.:33 were paid to
the Clerk for distribution. The salar-
ie:i for 1910 worse fix,J as follows: -
Clerk. $160 ; Treasurer, $80 ; Assessor
$65 ; Collector, :6n ; Auditors, eaea $6
Caretaker of hall, $7 ; Reeve, $50 ; Coun-
cillors each, $40 ; Members of hoard of
Health. and Sanitary inspector, $1.30
per day ;Medical Health Officer, $3 per
day when on duty.
The following applicatia.ia for ap1-0't:t-
nuent to office were tail b't are the COW: -
.:i -for Assessor, R. hunter ; for Col-
lector, Wm. Brock.
The following officers were appointed
C,erk, F. Morley : Treasurer. 1'. Coates :
Assessor, It. hunter; Collector. Writ.
Brock; Auditors, 11. Strang and E. N.
Shier ; Caretaker of hall. G. Kellett
Board of stealth, W. H. Passmore. A.
(it hell J. Handford. with the peeve
.end Clerk; '.1. 11. O., 11. K. Ilyndrnan,
t. D. ; Sanitary inspector, T. Sntale ;
Fence Viewers, J. Hanna, J. McQueen,
C. Harvey. F. Delbridoe. it. Doupe and
J. Earl ; Poundkeeperrt, F. Luxton, S.
Bunter, R. Keddy, J. Westlake. 11. N.
Taylor, W. Hazelwood. T. Cameron and
J. Shute.
A grant of $5 was given to the Sick
Ctlldren'a llospitel, Toronto. The Ex-
eter Times was Riven the contract for
printing for $55. Wm. Moody was en -
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior
partner of the fim. of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing busi-
neva in the City of Toledo, County and State afore•
said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY
Sworn to hefore me and sube•vihed in my pres'
ence, this 6th day of December, A.D. 1966.
(Snot.) A. W.GLEASON,
Hall's Catarrh Curtis taken internally, and set*
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
seetem. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY a CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75e.
Take Hall's family Pills for constipation.
Remember, we
are always in the
market for all kinds
of Junk.
M. Jackson & Sons
Ol'i'u31TF: Eii: -rR1(' POWER 1lOCsE
alkAke&eie atLailk,ikAk.ea"kg
Manure litters
Beatty Bros.' Feed
and Litter Carriers
Overhead Conveyor's.
Beatty Bros.' Steel
Stalls & Stanchions
can be installed as cheap as
lumber sad last forever.
Beatty Bros.' Load
4 These three things are great 0
labor -savers for farmers and ne-
cessities On la farm.For gale by
Wm. Gillespie, Exeter
t'HON R 51
IPgWV" *iF lir WWII.
Winter Term
January 3rd
Students may enter
any day of the school
individual instruction.
Our gteduate9 get the
best pil.itiuns.
Mail Courses. We
train more young
people than any oth-
er management in
Affiliated with Com-
mercial Educators'
Association of Canada.
$Vrite for particulars.
Clinton Business CollemirwmpriPir
The annual meeting of the Kirktoa Ag-
ricultural Society will be held in Aber-
deen Hall. on Wednesday. Jan.19, for
election of officers, receiving the an-
nual report and general business
Children Cry
Potatoes. per bag
Hay, per ton
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per cw
Live hogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
Dried Apples
1 05
13 00
1 50
1 06
2 75
1 56
8 30
24 00
2;i 00
Everyone needs something
to • ereet .inti maintain
strength f. r th; daily
round of dtitita.
There is nothing better
than an Ale or Porter, the
pu t ity and merit of which
has been attested by
chemists, physicians and
experts at the great exhib-
SEAFOLITli.-Wm. Ballantyne la nurs-
ing a sore chin these days. the result
of failing from a ladder while cleaning
snow off a toot.
Accurate Sporting News
If you like a Sporting Page that is always reliable
-newsy-full of personal interest -well illustrated -
you'll enjoy the "Toronto Daily Star". _ -
Our staff of writers includes men -active in athletic
circles and amateur athletic organizations. Conse-
quently our news is tirst-hand and authoritative.
We have fairly earned the reputation of reporting
athletic events, wherever they may take place, more
fully than any other Canadian paper.
Always, and above alI,we aini to be f air to every60./v.
Subscribe now and take advantage it Jur special rate of
$1.50 A Year
This paper and the "Toronto Daily Star" together forone 'oar
.7uarartt•ed Fountain Pen given for 50c. adJs I t) a)•na subscription pr, .os.
Toronto Daily Star
Make Each Animal Worth
250/0 over Its Cost
On h of a Cent a Day
Kohody ever heard of .:..1. i rid- carne the hots or cu:,., making
hens lay in winter. mcreasir.g the yield of miik five pounds per :ow a day.
nr restoring run-du.n anima14 to p .:mpne+s and vigor.
When you feed "stuck food" to your Cow. horse. swinenepoultry,
you are merely feeding them what you are rowing on your oto n farm.
"EC Your anim..ls do need not wises feed, .t .omething to help their
1 CL" bodies get all the gond out of the feel you give them so they _..n get fat
and stay fat all year round; al we to prevent di.ease. cure disea•..• and keep
••;1 if'.,•nrr o/ thingup 10 the boot +tote _ m !,•,n. hi i .tocklt food" can J .all the+e
•• .e . ) c e • ew loOYAL PURPLE STOCK SPaCIFIC sari andd,ers- It is
i,r�Circ„tr, .`y Not a"Stock Food" But a "Conditioner"
ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPaCI !C:nnt cin : no grs:n.n.rform products. It ir•;re..: t
of milk from three to five pound; per cow per d..y before the Spe. tic has been u.eJ two
...rim It makes the milk richer and add. fte.n F...•rr t , .n any other preparation known.
Young carves ted with RdVAL PURPLE ..r:.. largo at six weeks old as they would be when
fed with ordinarymat Hayden wee
SPECIFIC builds up run-Jown animal:..r 1 restores them to
plumpness almost magically. Cures trots. colic, worms, skin Jisea.ea anJ deb,tdy�pe rmanently.
Ban 11 :Heron. the horsem.in, vy ' I have ustj ROYAL PURPLE STOCK : PP.CIFIC
n •-.,stent:y in the teems of 'The Ret.' 2.021. target winner of art paver on Oran) Circuit in
1 ' 11 .anJ •H:nry Winters.' 10.I. brother of Allen Winters.' winner of lle.000 in trottir.i stake;
i i 1 i11 These h,rs.•s have never been off thc.r feed since I enmmencea using Royal Purple
SOecilic almost a year ago, anJ 1 will always have it in my stables."
One See. packaged ROYAL PUR PLR STOCK SPECIFIC st,'llast One an•rralse. en. y
drys, which is a little over he i thirds of a cent a da Was! stock food.. i @f•• cert a.l.. rs
I iv: but fifty days anJ are gh•,n three times a Jay. ROYAL PURPLE in
f..4i: en biton e a Joy, and lasts half again a. I•108 A 111 51) a.I containsrq four tin es the
am tune of the fifty cent package ne.tl last POdova ROYAL PURPLE w, 1 in _rea.e the sake
of y' r stock WS 1t to an astonishingly quirk fattener, s•imu'ahng the appetite and the
relish for fool. assisting nature to digest and turn feed1'n Pep's As thug fattener es i. # leader
!t will save many times its cost inveterinary lotus. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECI•
P11..s our other Spe:,tic far emitter. not for stock. One SO cent package vial last tnenly.*t t
h:0470,1., s, ora pad coshnq $1 .w will last twenty-l1ve hens 2•i) days. winch is four timesmo• •
material for only three tames the cost. It fro':a laying machine"nut of your her.
. homer and wintery,1' vents f�,,nr11s tin
mr 1S .n�t t me. nJ s tr se2.e•
ttvery package of i QYAL PURPL tTOCit`, SPICIFICi oe i Oot?Ry aPkcIPlt-- , (-
Just use ROYAL PURPLE nn one ofyour animals anJ any other er:ptrati•n on another
animal in the same con Minn • after comparing result. y, 144,3 sayP.OYAL PURPLE h,.
them :01 heat tadeath. or11;.bock cisme. ynarMoney. Pltl'R-Ask
your merchant or write us for our valuate. 32 pigs booklet on cattle
and pioo�ultry tredcontaining }also
rf y)•4 cann.x get R,yal Purp!s
SpecsiT s imm merchants or agents, we
will supply yeti, direct. express peepeit
on receipt of f1 90 a pail for either Poultry
or St0_k Specih.s.
Make mnnev a: tine et our agent in
pour district. Write for term; i
Por tee hr all up todate me -.Sant a
11.1. Jenkins Nig. Co., Loadon, Cu.
ROYAL PL•111`LF F4TOCK AND POt1,TRT SPECIF'ICt4 and far Mokleta are
kelp' , i sere by W. J. IIEA%LAN. F.XE"TF.:t, s„d if 1NLON ! O'BRiRi4 Clentrati.f