HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-13, Page 4t
slitter Abvocate,
Sanders a Greeoh, Props, ttev. It. N . li..uwlc• o: Aveii. • form
ei pastor of Credits:. circuit. /LAS beer
very successful 1.1 a••, uri:Ig his degree
-THURSDAY, Jan. 13, e10 of Master et ,\rte w:!:: ilia -clavi
Mr. Reichard Wilhelm has rented
hie dwelling to Mr. Geo. Lawson, who
will wove to the village in the near
future. We welcome Mr. and Mrs.
Lawson to our midst - Mr. Wilbelw
will dispo.e of his household furniture
and effect* on Friday. 21.t ins'. -Don't
forget tbe weetiug iu the Fire Hall on
Friday night of this week, called by
our village fathers to reorgauize the
Fire Depa►tweut and to discuss other
important Watters. The tire protection
is one of vital interest to each and
every one of our ratepayers and a
good representation of tbe town's citi-
zens should he present. -There is a
rumor afloat that there will be a
change of business men in our burg
before many weeks. -Misr Mary Bert-
rand is visiting her brothers and sie-
tere in Detroit for a tow weeks, -Our
young people are enjoying the splen-
did skating on the river. Mr. Sam-
brook, our genial barber, has given
the youngstersthe use of his back
yard for a skating rink and they are
certainly. wakioggood use of
Hilber. M.P.P., attended the annual
meeting of the Hay Tp. Farmers' In-
surance Co. in Zurich on Tuesday.-
Our newly -elected council had its first
sittings in the Town Hall Monday.
Reeve Sweitzer occupied the official
chair quite naturally. -The heavy
weight of snow has caused the collapse
of several of the church sheds. -David
Fabner of Saskatchewan is visiting
his parents after an absence of six
years. David's friends are pleased to
see hini.-A load of young peeple
BIG INCREASE -The wheat crop of
eatnede in 1909 is officially estimated
at 160 744,uuu Wallets. an increase of
54.310,000 busltels over 1908. The av-
aresr yield per acre Is placed at Jt.31
bu.shets, as against 17 buer,els In the
prevl)ua year. Not only was the yield
greater, but the farmers secured more
tor their crop. the avva;;e price being
e4 4-3 cents, as compared with 91, 1-10
- cents. The total value was $141.330,-
•000, as against $91,228,000 in 1909.
' The Western: provinces showed an in-
creased proJuctlon of 55,029,000 bush-
• els.
The amou:tt o: cerasin used in (maria
•last year would be sufficient to build
a Sour -foot sidewalk halt way around
• the world; it would p the a boulevard
15 feet wide from lite Atlantic to the
•Paclfie ; it would produce a column a
toot square and 15,000 miles In height ;
the barrels In which 1t Is contained if
laid end to end, would stretch 1730
The provlc:clal aut,totities, it ea uu-
derstood, cxpret the Dominion Govern-
ment to hand -over to provincial mag-
tatrates and judges the right to impose
indeterminate sentences. This will as-
sist. and, in fact. will form the basis
far reeson refotm. Repreeeutations have
Wee made to the Minister of Justice
:and a favorable reply is looked for catty
next year.
The test testimony to the value and
profit of the farm telephone le that
when once a farmer uses it he never
willingly abandons it. Time is money
and the telephone saves tinea every day.
enabling the farmers to transact bus-
ine3s among themselves. and with the
• town without losing hours in driving
to the neighbor's house or to the town.
Success in fanning depends on recog-
nizing that It is a business and con-
. ducting It wi-h approves business m<th-
oda. and the use of the telephone is
• clearly among these methods.
There will b: a demand for years to
• come for the beautiful picture "'rhe
Soul's Awakening," iaaiie1 by the Fam-
ily Herald and We_kly Star of Montre-
al. Teere will aisu be many sorely die-
a0l•a.nted when very soon they are told
1 that not another copy can be bad. It
is n weeder -fully charming picture. it
towhee the heart of mankind. if piac-
• ed le a show window. alm)et every pas -
per -by will atup at first sight of it.
study it and gu away feeling better for
flavins seen 11. Hut there is o3 re x :2:
for beime without a copy in your own
hone. Tee publishers pueitively guaran-
tee teat for some weeks yet they will
shall a copy to every parean who re-
mits .e tlo?lar r.a: a year's subactiption
to T. T. o '- :at; : ; 1, .-.ted tad V. t tea- es a-.
Thos. •.':,o tt..ve airtady eucese lo.:i ate
sure .). It. Titoat who have not altould
do !JD vow, and be sure, torr they will
Iert - v.Lll went a copy If they vee.
SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate
;et alt the news.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Etigna'uro of
"Cord Cooking
with the Bother left out."
That'. the title of our free book.
We'll wail you one oa request. It tell*
how the health of your family demosde
• So•vsais Rings. The Aerated Ove■
mean' perfect, wholesome aad militant
eooki.d. Send for nue hook tn-day• ft
gives proofs of Sou.enir superiority.
Hamilton Montreal
Cattier Wisslse/
•ea: Veacovver
is the great pia, -.:-Al trailing hool e1 weed -en
C Ontsri . ettnde•.t. are .need .( eery .eek,
You take no risk tn'cring sur cl.*-..11 trot
oonrs.'etare the t -.t An.1 our Cr* ware. ..,,.re
the h'(he.t potif:one
Three drpartmente
Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy
l)et our free catalogue and inteaissh• Into
rh merits of tdleahool. TA'- time to enter ie
• eJ
Business & Shorthand
Resident and M-:1 Cour:x 1
Cate:ogres ir.-a
1. tV Westervelt, I V.' W•werv.tt, 1, , C. At
Prissiest \ .r•.M row tt••I
drove to the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Raiz, Khiva, Friday evening
and gave thea' a pleasant surprise
patty. All had a jolly good time. -
Large quantities of wood are passing
through the village every day for the
brick and tile yards. The splendid
sleighing gives every opportunity to
pile on large loads. -Rich. Howson of
the hank staff spent Sunday with hie
parents in 1Vinghaur.-A quiet wed-
ding took place at the Evangelical par-
sonage Wednesday evening when Rev
Bean performed the marriege cere-
mony which made Mr. Geo. Eilherend
Miss Mary Wolf. man and wife. -Miss
Catharine Fiokbeiner of Dashwood.
cousin of the bride, acted as brides-
maid and Mr. Oscar Wolf as gonms-
man. Both bride and groom are high•
ly respected in this village and neigh -
hi .lhood avid th.er many friends j..in
in wishing them every heppness diit -
ing their wedded life. -Mr. and Mrs.
Wes. Mitchell of Togo. Man.. are re-
newing acquaintances in this neiRh-
hw ho''d.-Mr. Phillippi of Alhet•ta,
after an absence of 28 years from thi.
neigbbot hood i+ ron"wingold acquaint
adios. especially among hie friends otr
the lOth land llth concessions. -Post
master Brown has made some improve.
meats to his office booth. -We. are
pleased to learn that Fr•.•d Firtkheiner
N rapidly recovering front his illness.
The Ladies' Sewing Circle held their
last assembly at the home of Miss
M4delit.e Bertrand. -Mr. and Mts.
S.auri►el Rr.swn attended the funeral of
the fete Mrs. •w
. Moyer, mother of Mrs.
Brae n in Berlin Sault day. Deceased
was well known in !hie village, her
husband, the late Rev. Mayer. being
at one time a Minister in this circuit.
The bereaved family have tete sympa-
thy of the vicinity.
Miss Lisle Gunning visited with her
cousins hete during the past week. -
Mr. and Mrs. NOr►Ila►t !tern visited
relatives at d ft ieuds around here dur-
ing the past week. -Mr, Hector Mill -
son and sister, Ethel, visited their
cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Basting
near Ailsa Craig on Sunday. -Miss
May Mattson of Toronto is visiting
her cousin, Mrs. Wm. Ogden this week.
A number of our your';{ people spent
a pleasana evening et the home of Mr.
Aaron Davis at Saintsht►ry, Thursday.
Wet ete sott•y to report the illness of
Mr. Archie Rycktnau, who is here on
a visit to his wotbt'r. ile was stricken
with actulet fever, -The remains of
the late Mrs. John Brintnell were in-
terred in McTaggart's cemetery Friday
Wilton Bolton and bride of
St. Marys were guest* of their cousins
Messrs. John and Gordon Bolton the
latter end of last week. -Mr. Todd of
Bad Axe, Mich., w•ty a visitor et Jae.
Broadfoot'e first of the week. -Mr.
and Mrs. W. I. Kerslake were at home
to it large number of their friends on
Tuesday evening of this week. All
report a pleasant tirlle.- Messrs Peter
and John McEwen of Chicago were
guests of John McEwen and family the
latter end of last week.- -Mrs. Thomas
Glenn has recovered nicely front her
recent illness. -We are sorry to learn
that Mrs. Matthew V. Miller does not
enjoy the hest of health.
LV.Uper, wt.o has been clerk
'.r< in New CeitArio for some months.
•ra.i returned ' Det • for a visit.- etre.
Taut.; Durango, d to ;: for of Mrs. J.
re • -.lie returned front the
West. was operated 0:1 for appendlcitla
on Tuesday of last we'k by Drs. Gunn
111 mptVf. She Is t o•A doing niece
`y. -Mr. Meru) (4.9( -1. jr.. son of Mr.
Monte oe.vcl: of the Damson Line. died
)n ?u'idty o: 1i.tr we•ka after an 111-
t^.ss o: netrly sit ye -are. He was _,
: • •'.1 3:-1 and unmarried. Ills fattier.
ell '. number o: brothers and mestere
tu-•eve.-lee:•ry Heideman o' reetroe is
�ptr for a visit. -Sento:, Geiger of
Stiehl/an is visiting with his father Mr.
A. Grirer.-Miss Eleanor Mtartlelb is at
to ndtns business c3llrge at Clinton. -
`.tr.i J. Preeter wee ranee to Betlln
lett week to attend the funeral of her
et e'er. Mrs. Mnver, wee) hie been
'o: •o:n: we'ka.•-The ch'-rtb it for
n):1 -e trutt''s .`3- the village resulted -
W. 11. Ilote:lin 94, Ferri \Vitwer 99. W
')':/ 1.'.e 71. Ernest Girt, who was de-
:- eel g.)t Oa -Messrs. Charles and
T e.nt.q La tdreviae, bothers of Father
1.1 ••1-e'1:1. o: Drysdale and a nep'teN.
all fern Joliette, Qu'.. are visiting in
t. '1 3 itis'..-- Aqutct but vtry pretty
-'e t'i :J was sole:nnit'd at the home of
.1 ani Mrs. Samuel Mc -Heide. sr., of
11'11: y, ): Dee 27th, when their theme
dau:'.ter, M•rgtret Jean, was happen
u t tel i , n..irriage to Mr. Alvlit B.
N. l )1son a peospe-oue young busi-
nelsl man )f 111ake
Old ltertdents honored, -A happy ga!il
erine of neighbors and (fiends assent
bled at the hong o' Mr. Chester Stan
lake. L.ke Road. Thursday night las
to do tioi.or to two or their. number. Mr
a:.d Mrs. Sanwc-i litanlake, on the eve of
their departure to Exeter. the object br-
ibe to express their regrets at losing
such worthy and estimable reaidentd.
and to show i:t :some degree their apprec
ciat:o:i of the good qualities of the 'ie.: -
tired eueste by preeenting then' with
an address, expressive of their good
feelings, and a beautiful easy chair. The
ever it,s's enjoyments were Indeed moat
:tains to tete occasion and a nappy and
pleasant time was aper.' by all. At ap
opportune time a lull was called In the
proceedings and the guests of trpnor
were asked to comc forward, when Mr.
John Carrick read the appended address
and Mr. Chester Statlake presented tnc
chair, to which Mr. Stanlake replied in
behalf of himself and worthy wife. At
atoms, one o'clock a bountiful supper
was served, consisting of oysters and
other choice viands, after which all
joined in games acid pastimes me
711 the wee ansa tours. Followi:+g is a
copy of the address:-
To lair. and Mrs. Samuel Stattlake,-
We, your friends and neighbors, have
Gathered 'mere this evening fur a pleas-
ant and friendly purpose. !Lavin: learn-
ed that you are about to depart front
our nn-st we fee 1 that we cannot let
tine opportunity pass without expressing
our der pest relatt at your removal, and
at the sante time to ask you t.1 accept
at our hands this easy chair as a
slight token of our affection and regard
What we offer you Is but a poor sym-
bol of our feeling, but we know you will
receive it kindly, as a simple Indication
of the a•tachntent which each one of us
cherishes for you In their heart of
hearts, and we know that you will
prize the gift for its associations and
not for its intrinsic value. We feel
feet we are losing in you tried and
true :rlends. who have illustrated your
worth and good citizenship more etrik
Ing than a thousand elaboraie essays
could do, and the value of your good
qualities shall never be forgotten by us.
,\tan this token ever re:rind you of the
hi;h estimation in which the giver,
held you. and in your reclining years
may it afford comfort and relief to you
both as long as you stay live."
err. and Mrs. henry Bellin;f. Mr. arid
Airs. J. Cliffe and Mlsa F. E. Neil spant
pee t:i an' evening at %tr. W. J. Eng
I:.r.,1 ..-Mr. and Mrs. N. Laughlin and
Atlas Leena Laughlin of Parkhill visit-
ed Miss Mae \Meson. -Miss Mary Day -
(d.100 o: M!chl;an spent a few days
with Mrs. John McGregor. -Miss Lau -a
atewnrdsoa Is vlslth:g relatives In Ex-
eter. -Mrs. Cobbledick returned to her
home In Exeter on Thursday after a
c luple of week.+ visit at Mx. T. Stew-
nrdeon's.-Mre. John M1. McGregor and
M!.:3 M. Davidson spent a pleasant af-
ternoon with Miss Mae Wilson. -Miss
Matti? tteward.o:t ep itt Sunday ev.•n'ng
::ICs tete Messes Mellen. -Mr. Roy and
Lydia Sherritt and Mss Jean
itayter vpe .t au'day eve:I'n3 wlt't eller
Mac W-1
1)0.. ,tr. John Wilson o: Ar-
kona p.01 a :lyeie vi -al I, oil: burg on
Friday evenhns•-Mr. G o ge Shank of
Moore3vl!le spent a few days the past
week with Mr. Nelson Itayter.-Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Goodhand and Master Penton
spent F'rl•aay evoninT at W. T. Bien'e.-
DurfnT the winter W. J. Wilson will
choir his store every night except Sat-
urday at it o'c;.;Lk.
Sot') oft he [armors In Lha vicinity
are taking advantage of the sleighing
:3 draw woad aad gravel. -Mr. Brinker
efich'.ran is visiting at A. Gravelle'e
-\1 eurice Brenner has returned from a
•: ' t In Forest. -The fishermen have
'.tartei'o put up their 'c•e.-Scheel com-
menced Monday with Mr. Dodds of Sea -
forth as teacher. -Wilbur Dewey, wh'le
cutting Ice cut tats leg below the knee
Saturdty.-Some children around here
are sick with the ct,leken-pox.-Mr, Pet-
er Lamont of Zurich was in our burg
\Vedne.,day.-- Meagre. Schaffer ttnd
Marks of I'arkhlll were here Thursday,
-A nunib^r from here attended a dance
:at Shtpk- on Friday evcnhn3.- There
:11 baa dance In Brrnner's Hall 0:1
i"iur.sday eve:ntag of tele week.
S.\ iNTSIt: itV
Huth Ctrroll and Iienry McFall* are
j,ry:ill t' eqe days over the arrival of
.. se e:.1 dsufhter. respx•tively, John
It i•int u. Muskoka Is visiting here
...ie. hie brother. Thos. D:rkene, and
.lair re'atIve3.-Oil's a ':umber at-
ter:del tee I) strict L. 0 L. nteetlne at
1'a -kill' o:, Tuesday last --Alexander Mc
Donald of London visited around here a
few dtyi last we -k.
Mr. Geo. Ryan of Ninga, Man.. Is vis-
iting In thio neighborhood. -A horse
to longing to Mr. \\'nt. Quinton. while
b:lnT driven near here on Wednesday
lest ran away. The occupants, Mr.
'et':'to : ,'n 1 !its tweo daughters. were
unset out o: t 1e cu••er but sustained
n) 1n2u-;r,. 1':e t:o-s• •Aar caught a
• `.l: !n'ie ca et <. t 1:,.' ma'le's the w,)r,;c
:3- les rine.-.\ rear' :oad of young
p'3ele dries by Mr. 1,1. Jat•ques•apent
. e•c'y fee. eel: day .at Mr. Nath. O;-
dr:a'.s e.1 T..ureda•, last -A new amuse
.1 1.3-1- 1,) graro t:)• 11,0,^ of ,tr. Phln
Dake :.i. a ao •.-L:.'. •)' st:ow and
tri::Ir 1. rale d:ffiru.t.
(Too late for lest week.)
John Isrownlec, w. o ties ben vis-
:r'n; arou r1 l.e-r•, rltur•ai home Tues.
..4y. -I rutk Smyth aril Albert Dobbs
see it hat we I r Lo:ti ).:.-\ir.F'rands
i) tvl s aveo 401 Ills le; h-'pke t 't few
system ago. is abl to he up 'or a time
vac:, dty.-Mr. Ivan Lhupr a,1 s!*tern
Euelcc and L.' r t o: K'rkt )'t viq..ted A
t•Jupl' o' days .arou ill ::erg•.- etesers.
741 he and 111C-11.1 113:.:a;.r o: Dole -
vire. a::e' .sp.:Jena a few days in
vl-L-l7y, ;,gar, retur,"d 'tome. -NI r. and
>t e. !t,'•r t Iat:y of st:1ns.1.trd aereen-
•t n,i • 1 by .tri. Wm Ileay of A7(110%
veetel at the 7')111' o: NASSAU Davis
:. •t ween. -Win. Sane -ism• o: near
'.u. a:: and E. 11 Sntyt 1 of S.alr;t,bery
.p. r' New V •t -'a DV; 1 t L',tlo-n•. ;e-
tur :,•ei tome Sunday.
Children Cry
• ENCR< Dseds, wills, holt ages a•d all
targe Docum•wte carewly and promptly peppered
Chances moderate Issuer of 1 all rrlsgs Liaensee
Mr. Jacob Kellernlat::: of Dear:woad,
who hae been suffering with a sore leg
: ,r ycal S. had the lltnb anipueit. d o::
N, .A. Year s bey. His neatly friends will
be pleased t0 learn that he is getting
along nicely.
Mr. Ed. Willert has returned front Re-
gina, where he has been for some time.
-Mr. Jacob Schroeder of Dakota 1 s
visiting /bends and relatives In this lo-
cality. -Mrs. Andrew Trieunuler, who
has been visiting friends here for the
past month, returned to het borne In
Detroit last week. -Mr. Win. Tiemann
of Stratford 1s visieng friends here. -
Mr. Sol. Miler, who has been visiting
here, returned to London last week, -
Rev. J. 11. Ehlers of Huntley,
Mr. Emanuel Ehlers and Miss Minnie
Ehlers of Northl Wes'ern College, Nap-
lerville, I11., after spending the holidays
at their• home here, returned Tuesday,
-Mr. Arthur Kellerman has also re-
turned to Napiervtli .-Tice Atlases Hart
Leib have returned to London Normal.
-,tisa Violet Graybetl, after spending
tate holiday* at her home here, hes ac-
cepted a position as t':arher at Drys-
dalt.-Mise Irene_ Pope of Hensel' is
vlsitin:; friends in town. -Miss Alma
lir-ertier Is visiting friends in 'Lurkh-
Miss Maida itoutiedge is learning the
dress -slaking with the Misses Tiemann
,-Air. and "Frs. Siebert lett for purto:t
Friday evening to attend the funeral of
Mr. Siebert's mother. -Mr, G. Graybell
left Wednesday to report at the head
office of the Farmers' Bank at Toronto.
The Scott expedition In search of Inc
South Pole is 'vow assured, the Brit-
ish Governs:est having promised to pay
$100,000 towards the e200,000 winch
is the estimated expense. ileretoforo the
public subscriptions have hung fire a
tots' only of between $53,000 and $00, -
tee having been raised, but there will
be no difficulty now in procuring the
small balance required. The expedition
will set forth to July.
MI -0 -NA
Relieves Stomach Misery Alrnost Im-
it the food you ate at your last steal
113 not digest, but laid for a long time
like lead on your stomach, then you
have lndigest cit and quick action should
be taken.
Of course there are fumy other symp-
toms of indigestion, such as belching
up o: Sour fool, heartburn, dizziness.
itortncss of brcat:a and foul breath,
alt 1 I' yo•i hive any o' them. iybur s'om-
ach is out of order and should be cor-
Mi•O-1,a t tbbets have cured t housands
o! cases of t:idigestlori and stomach
trouble. If you have any stontac:t dis-
tress. M1-o-na will relieve histantly.
But Ml-o-na utilke most so-called dys-
p -pelt remedies, doer more than relieve;
:t perm.u,ently cures dypepsia or any
It•)mtea troubls by putting energy and
.strength into tee walla of the atontack
.v.ere tie gisttle juices are produced.
A large box or Mi•o-n-a table's costs
but :dl cel:s at W. S. Cube's and ate
gu:r.utteed to ca- • or :na:ley bat•k.
When others f.aii Mi-o-tia curets. It is
a producer of flesh when the body is
Olin; it cle neva the s'o:»aeh ant towels
purifies the blood and makes rich red
(Par -rocrD iii N -O -ME)
Brun:hit:s, Croup, Coughs and Colds, cr
mono. bac:., Soli ani guarantr.d Ey
W. S. 001.l:, EXETER.
The Old Way
to Cure a Cold
The New
Way : 'fake
2lc; Bee,
Howey'. Drug Store.
To All Women : I will send free,
with full instructions, my j1ome treat-
ment which positively cures Leucorr-
h.re, Ulceration, Displacements, Pall-
ing of the Womb, Painful or Irregular
Periods, Uterine and Ovarian Tumors
or growths; also Hot Flushes, Nerv-
ousness, Melancholy, Pains In the
Head, Back, Bowels, Kidney and
Illad.ler troubles where caused by
weakness leveller to our sex. You
ran continuo treatment at home at a
cost of only about 12 cents a week.
My book, " Woman's Own Medical
Adviser." also sent free on request.
Write to -day. Andress Mrs. at. Sum-
mers. Box 840 Windsor. Out,
Raw Furs and Skins -
of all kinds et
We Guarantee Honest Assort-
ment, Highest ■arket Prices
and Qui,'k returns.
Send for our 1909.1910 FMCS Lai
IN et ISA lee II At., nearest.
B. I. WArIVP, headiest 1paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
SDI* lam,G..ralMailer Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
$5 and under ... 3 cents
Over $$ and not exceeding $10 6 cent.
" *10 " " =30 10 cents
O. $30 "44=30 15 cents
These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank in Canada
(except in the Yukon) and at the principal banking points in the United States. They
are negotiable at $4.90 to the ,E sterling in Great Britain and Ireland.
They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety
and at scall coat, and may be obtained without delay. flit
Exeter Branch -G. W. Iiarrison, M tanager.
Branch also at
Credi ton.
)OU must have a good oven to
bake with -and you just take
our word for it, the
is the range that has a perfect bak-
ing oven -the fire and oven con-
struction make it so -call in and
we'll tell you why.
For sale by W. J. HEAMAN
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital (paid up)
Rest Fund - -
Has 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches. Interest. allowed at highest current rate.
Agents et Exeter for the Dominion Government,
DICKSON dg CARLINO, Solicitors. N. D. IIt'RDON, Manager,
Buy a
Piano for New Year's
Surely there is nothing hetter than a Piano. It issonething the
whole family can enjoy, something that will last a lifetime -and if bought
right can be handed down for two or three generations.
You do not take any chances on any piano you get here. The standing of
this establishment is a surety that you will get your money's worth -a GOOD
Then on top of this you have our guarantee -so why should you take any
Come Here, Pick Out a Piano That Pleases
You in Appearance and Tone!
You will find our prices reasonable and the terms of payment am easily
be arranged to your satisfaction -ante the instrument will be AFI5 tt.1'TI?LY
RELIABLE in every respect.
We are now displaying an
Unusual New Year's Stock
of the Finest Line of Pianos on the Market.
PIANOS from $200.00 up
ORGANS " $66.00 "
mar- Be an early caller and receive one of our Art Calendars
Regina ‘Vaatches, when sod
without an Official Gu traiitce•,
and by lather than an author :zeal
agent, ar liable to be Sec' r' J -
Hand Witches, taken in tra 'c
or procured in some other
second-hand way.
1 am the only authorizes
Official Agent here, and am the
only one who can issue an Offic-
ial Guarantee which will be re-
spected by other Official Agents
throughout Canada.