HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-13, Page 3y
Mr. J. F. Whitson Reports That New Gold
Mining District Is Promising.
A desp..t Ah from Toronto says: unnamed towns►.ip south of Tisdale.
"It is far !sore promising than any-. Several hundred prcopectors are in
thing in Ontario except Cobalt," the woods doing development work
said Mr. J. 1'. Whitson, assistant l on the claims v. hi_h were staked
chief of the surveys branch of the in the last two months.
Ontario Government, on his return "There is a read from mileage
from the Porcupine gold district on,. 229 in to the Porcupine district, drod million dollars.
Thursday u'ternoon. "There is! which was finished about ten days Montreal is gradually getting the
scarcely auythiug like it in On-) ago, having been cbr:structed by the better of the epidemic of typhoid
t d es, file owning stop- that has raged there recently.
Z'elegra 1 me Briefs Fres Our Ow*
esti Other Cowart.' d
Rarest Events.
Edmonton proposes to hold an
Interprovincial Exposition in 1912.
'lite gross earnings of the C. P.
it. last year will exceed one hun-
Pekoe of Cattle, Crain, Cheese actl
Other Dairy Produce at
BORIC and Abroad.
Toronto, Jan. 11.--Flour-On-
tario wheat 90 per cent. patents,
51.30 to $4.35 in buyers' sacks, on
track, Toronto, and $4.20 to $1.`25
Outside, in buyers' sacks. Manito-
ba flour, first patents. $5.60 on
track, Toronto; second patents,
$5.10 to 85.20, and strong bakers'
tarso." Ptos;tec ors an p
Ten days ago Mr. Whitson went! p ng places on the way. The O'Brien Mrs. Smits of Aortnu:nberland $4.90 to $5. on track, Toronto.
to northern Ontario for the pur-t Mining Company and the New street, Guelph, was found drowned Manitoba Wheat-No.1 Northern
pose of investigating the possibili-1 York Syndicate have 25 men at in the cistern by her daughter, on $1.13, I3ay ports, and No. _ North -
ties of the district so far as gold' work developing properties near Thursday. ern, $1.11, Bac ports.
production was concerned, and he the southwest corner of Tisdale F.fferson Lambert was killed in his Ontario Wheat -No. 9 mired.
returned with a most optimistic re- Township. One of these,• which is, sawmill 'car 11'elland, on Thurs-
pert for the !fon. Frank Cochrane, managed by Mr. Timmins, of the day, having had both legs taken oft
Minister of !.ands, Forests and La Rose Mine. has a quartz dyke be a saw.
The Roman Catholic church at
St. Catherines parish, Portnenf,
Quebec, was burned, with most of
the contents, on Thursday.
Vice -President Whyte of the C. track, Toronto. Canada \Vest oats,
P. R. has ordered that doctors at- 40;Ac for No. and 39-' a for No.
tending patients be allowed to ride
on freight trains, as it is often dif-
ficult to secure medical attention
f,••• patients in the western districts
in emergency.
"Two thousand claims have been
staked i:u fon! townships," said Mr.
Whitson. "All of Whitney and Tis-
dale Townships, except that owned
I►, veterans, has been staked ; about
two-thirds of Shaw Township, south
of Whitney, and two-thirds of the
passing through it which has been
stripped for over 1,200 feet. It is
about 20 feet wide, and free gold
can be seen across the whole dyke
in ninny places. There is nothing
else like it in Ontario. It is far
more promising than anything in
Ontario except Cobalt."
flways Say it Would be Danger-
ous to Order Otherwise.
despatch from Ottawa says: A despatch from Port Arthur
Representatives of all the big rail- says: John Scott came in from Kee -
way corpo:rations before the rail- wene on the Canadian Northern on
way commission on Wednesday op- Thursday with ten wolf skins, col -
posed the proposition of the board letting a bounty on each of fifteen
to do away with brakcrnen on top dollars. Ile poisoned them all. A
of freight ears, thus reducing the short titre previously he shot three,
necessity of high bridges and les- eri the bounty collected in the last
coning the cost of grade separa- month is about two hundred dol -
thins. 'fhe present system, it wait lars. Trappers report n large In -
argued, is a guarantee against crease in tho number of coyotes in
brakemen going to sleep. They the wooded districts of western On -
give curtain signals to the engin- tario, conning off the plains of Ma-
eer, and on grades must operate nitoha and Minnesota, driven by
the pressure retaining valve to the increase of population there.
make the air brakes effective. The +-----•-
board decided to make no change. FELL THROUGH .t MAN -BOLE.
Trapper Near Port Arthur ('oltectt
Ti.uolhy Dorsey Killed in a Win-
p'�;\1'F:It DEER R'}:11}: 1►111.ED. - nipsg Fire Hall.
Hunters Were Not so $uecessfnl A despatch from Winnipeg says:
During Last Season. Timothy Dorsey of Lucan, Ont.,
A despatch from Toronto says: was instantly killed here on Wed-
more hunting licenses afternoon in a most pecu- Detroit streets will be patrolled
were issued last year, tho number liar accident. With an o cquaint- by 150 plainclothes policemen. Rutter 1'uund prix,ts, `l3 to 25c;
of deer brought out of the woods ancc he had gone to No. 2 fire hall Eleven persons are dead in Calitt;bs and large rolls, 21 to 2^>c; in
was smaller than in the woods to cal! on a the brigade,l friend, who is fornix from ptomaine poison in
was. Last year's kill totalled 3,- a member of the and while fruit. ;c , for, 19 to 20.: ; creamer;, 27 to
inspecting the hall and equipment J. P. 3lorgan and his associate • �> and solids. 26 to 26%c per lb.
deer, as compared with 4,387 Dorsey fell through a inan-hole in may form further trust company EggsdCase lots of new laid 37 to
.c oer
!p the 1608 season. Besides the the engineer's sleeping apartments mergers in the near future. ;;SL Per dozen, and storage., 25 1
deer, there worn also 24 moose and broke his neck. Governor Hughes of New York c(uzcn.
killed. Ono reason of the smaller 4' has+ advised the State Legislature Cheese -121;e per lb. for huge,
profound posibilities of wealth tabes
dwnber kilted during the last sea- \ HEAT CROP $141,320,000. t-) pass an act prohibiting oral bet- and at 12'�c far lw•ins. backed by the finer virtues. Nor
son was that no settlers' licenses t:ng. are the Rothschilds the only Prine-
were issued. Ys an increase of $50.000,000 Over Three men were killed by the ox- HO(l PRODUCTS. es of finance that illustrate such
--- That of 1909. plosion of a gas oven in an enamel traits.
LORD FtTRAT1IC0�i:1'S LIFT. A despatch from Ottawa says: plant at Jamestown, N. Y., on Bacon -L -.ng clear, 141_ to 14';e
__ Thursday. per ib. in cane lets; mess park, $20
The Department of Agriculture re- Frank Pabst, head of an .1i:rho to 827; short cut. $28 to 8`+1• Without any exaggeration the .iTE WHOLE RON FULL.
Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars ports that the total wheat crop ofEnmity has been more than a
Cabled to Montreal. ('t:nada last year was 166,744,000 ma brewery, committed suicide be -
h v, to4 to 1411/,e; troll15 s
cause prohibition robbed hitu of his 16c; do.,, +f hankers --it has produced philan (hila Near "fine" Hied of overdose
�1" bushels per14%c; 13 to 13/c: thro Fists, authors, scholars scien-
A despatch from Montreal says: busliele, averaging . 14 I !scans of livelihood. 14 to shoulders, + 1 of !'steal Medicine.
hicks, 10 to 20c; breakfast bacon, tists, patrons of art and literature,
Lords truth^oma on Thursday alter- acre, with an average market value 17% to !tic. while its gifts and hcque is know A deeneteh from Sault Ste.
noon cabled $25,000 to the commit -of 81 4-5 cents per bushel, thus 1. Lard -Tierces, 15';c ; t:r},a• 160; no distinction of creed. If an in- Marie. Ont.. save: The four-vear-
brtc in charge of the funds for the gregnting for the whole crop $141,- GENERAL.
Typhoid Hospital, which 330,000. In 190i the crop was 112, The Roosevelt expedition in Af- pails, 16'/+c. ........
� ventury could be made of its kind- std daughter of J:,hn Fd++nriv is
Das just been created out of a dis- 434,000 bushel+, averaging 17 bush -
rico has discovered a new animal. - messes --a list which continuing timid in n lumber camp back al
need factory by the activity of a els per acre, with an average mar -
De La Gilled , the famous nvi- BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. from year to year has reached wag- Searehmnnt. A taw clays ago Ed-
ator was killed by the falling of w tr`
number of citizens, and has offered ket value of 81 1 l0 cents per hushnifncent proportions -the mere ag- (n came to town to de aeras
• further $100,000 to start a fund el, aggregating fur the whole crop hia machine during a night at Boy- Montreal, Jan. I1. -Oats, No. 2 g,rgatc of benevolence would be shopping, and among his purch-sof
dor whatever steps are deemed es-Sf1.`1`=c+000' desux. Cnnu!lian 11'Cstern, 43% to 4:1!:c; {,.l:nd less remarkable than its wa a hex of Rreit l+!1 *:t&nt nu'lt
_,p- Y' <•3 + , tLnrnetr: and yarictt, including eine This was +m t tr the c' np
sential to pretest further out OTTAWA'S DEATH RATE. Fire caused by the ilhtnrinatim,s v. 3, % to 42%c;
barley, Na. 2.
breaks. _ on a Christmas tree did great egos- 69 to 69e; Manitoba feed barley, WI lir, fistula, industrial ec!u,o1s, agri-for Iii.; wife. b,•t fell int.,the hinds
1 5 , «ltural colonies, workmen's dwel_ of the little girl, who ate the box
age in the royal Grecian palace at to 55c. !'lour -Manitoba Spring a s et•'. The tial. with int l C, r) s ""
4.Ayrragrd bras Than 16 l'er Thou- wheat patents, fiesta, >ti3.70; 11n I::,a�. Aiet:;iz eie•. r _.-•S etc
TEN ('.%JJS WERE SMASHED. '!'otos. t s obli
sand of lopulaliun. + �_ nitoha Spring wheat patents. • e.- 1i,,t., ch.ld+ realize k�c`n7} tlte;_-_ _ y
A dc: ,ateb from Ottawa says: onds, $5.20: Winter wheat patents. : stations of wealth and give more
Accident on the Canadian Pacific ati' I tT .l F111}; IN A ('.Ill. $5.50 to 85.t 0: 'S[anit,>hn strong , than the scriptural tithe for In- 1 III NIIR}:D•1IILF: l'11.1SF.
".eon Lake. The death sato of Ottawa during bakers'. $5: straight rollers, $5.10' ___
190"► was 15.7 per thousand, or a mnnity'� sake.
A despatch from Fort William total of 1307, the lowest on record. Detroit !fan Undertook to Warm t„ $5.20; straight rollers, in hnKs. Not the cheque book, but the ;nee Teo tl:elf-bis ids Caught litsr w
says: Ten box ears were demolish In 1909 the rate was 17.5 per thou -1'p Passengers. 82.40 to $2.50. Feed --Ontario bran.
and +!,,;,ten back of the cheque
1821.50 to $`22 ; Ontario middlings' hook, is the secret of their sue• cgs.
Lens (1t ts, .
4d in a rear -end collision at Loon ,and. The imputation of Ottawa is. A despatch from Detroit trays:" 823 to *23.50; Manitoba bran, $21 ; '
Lake, a small C. 1'. R. station, frf- now 83,3C0. Jerry Yorke, a former league base.; It is their lung•: hearts. their A d�.pui t, .:, } r la
teen miles cast of Port Arthur, '1` ball umpire, created some excite i ala0itoha shorts, RY2 to 1323 ptro broad svmoathie< their cultured Prairie, Mae . N1},: R. . ,:x and
TOUll O}' T11C El PI RC. ment in a Michigan avenue street twain lauille, 6330 to R3.., mixed minds, their inteiIis1errt eo!tce)+tion Jeff Sioux, Drench halfb:e•• s•: of
wereMonday morning. Two freights, mouille, x30 to *29. Cheese -Se ,
Were involved, and engine 742 -- cat on the way dawn town a !fed- -; of wealth, their patriotic attitude the C;iswolc( rrtrmrta(ion, who are
crashed into the caboose cf the May he !lade by I:rf'is.t 1►rinecs eat on morning. The car was eel(' tcmber and October make, 11;«c. at all times. it is this which hes nceutted of sellin7 I suer that re-
train drawn by engine 705, throw- p and Not ember make, Its. Butter todtea in Charlie Hall's (teeth here
Next Year. end the passengers complained' �_, ,
gained and maintained their pros
lag ten cars Deer the embankment. loudly to the conductor. Stuldcnly --choicest creamers*, ,;, to the. ,c•rity. 'rbcsr f„stune re,►resrnts• it fen days ng), were br<,usth: into
The "ruin crew of the front train A despatch from :11e1bo.►rne says: Yorke pulled a bundle Of news n lectedt No.
new-laid, 29 to 30e, to and marc• than an accum:antiun of the cit. en \\'rJnrs,l et, hating been
d n narrow esenpe, but fortunate- The Argue (taus that a private let- •t ors from his pocket, and, plat mons. -it represents a
arrested nt ('let:,lP};e}e h: L
�.aKo. 1 candled, 20 t,• 2:c per dares•titre Guertin An..l Ct.nstehlr (: •, i -
(y had beforeleft the caboose a few mo -ter rr ctircd here indicates that the ,�n them on the floor in the middle _ TRADITION OF PRINCIPLE, ot}r, after a hnnrlred r
laicals the accident occur- Princes Edward and Albert will of the car, set them on fire "to
toneiderable. accompanied
red. Engine No. 712 was damaged tom* the Empire in^ 1911, `p^obably warm up the car,'' as he explained.
UNI STATES MARKETS. dignity. char.: to They are filo- The sirs !asst be tried i,
The conductor ejected Yorke from Buffalo, Jan. 11.- :4prin� wheat, ti.ernt- in ki• d ofii t++ all forms
slanglit^r. Ti►e ,+Rieer� had r:
the ear, but the passengers enjoy- No. 1 Nnrthert. caticsnds •(."e. $1.- c.1 in"nun acrd. They are Ic,�tler•r fare, fr .. ,. + n the trip.
et; tho experience hugely. 23%; Winter firm. ('oto- No. 3 --- - ---- -- --- -
Two Cases of Embezzlement Discovered
at the City Hall
A despat••h from Winnipeg says: t City Hall discovered within a
Rumors of petty embezzlement in mouth.
the ('itv Hall, which have lee,it The other was in the tax office,
where a man "tamed Forbes is ac -
carefully uithhcicl from the public cused of having misappropriate"
for some Isms, here confirmed an about a thousand dollars or more,
Wednesday, when it wits officially by means of destroying stubs fut
stated in the Board of Control that receipts for tax payments. Thr
Walter Magee, clerk in the solid- defalcation c.as not discovered fur a
tor's office, had absconded with lung time, until some parcels o1
about $170, which he had secured land were offered for sale for !em-
Tete t�
is money coming into the depart- payment of taxes, tthen the,
ment. He had forged the solici- were produced which indicated the
tor's signature. to papers, and had guilt of the clerk. Others are said
cashed a check through this means. to be implicated and an effort is
being made to hush the matter up
on account of Forbes' relations.
to 1.0; and No. 2 white r•ud Magee afterwards made his escape.
red, $1.07 outside. This is the second defalcation in the
Barley -No. 2, 58c outside ; No.
3 extra, 53 to 56c; No. 3 50 to 52e,
and feed, 48c outside.
Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, 30'
to 37c outside, and 39 to 40c on
The British Conservatives are
complaining of rowdyism at their
meetings, especially in London.
The British Government has
promised $100,000 toward the ex-
penses of.C'aptain Scott's Antarctic { 1pples $2.50 to *4 per barrel, ex -
expedition. } uccurding to quality.
Mr. Winston Churchill, speaking (leans -Car lots outside, $1.55 to .%R1: DIST]NC['I5l11'0 BY
at Dundee, declared for the pay -81.65 and small lots here at $1.75 CHARACTER AND HONESTY.
ment of members of Parliament and • to $1.t'0.
the nationalization of railways. H-Con►bs, dozen, $2.25 to
Mr. John Burns, President of the a:•, . extroneyacted, l0!•4c per lb.
British Local Government Board,Hay-No. 1 timothy„ $13.50 to
was assaulted by an unidentified $14, and No. `2 at. 312 to 131'1.73 en
man while leaving a political meet- track, Toronto.
in London. Straw ---$7.30 to $S on track, To-
Lor•d Lansdowne, speaking at. r. nto.
Liverpool, opposed an elective l'utaturs-50c per bag on track
House of herds, but indicate
for Ontarios.
he was prepared to accept the pro- poultry -Chicks : dressed, 11 to
posals of the Roscbory commission. 12c per lh. ; fowl, 9e; turkeys, 16 to
15e per Ib. ; ducks, ib., 13 to 14c;
geese, 12 to 13c.
3, Bay ports.
Peas -85 to 86c outside.
Rye -No. 2, 68c outside.
Buckwheat -52c high freights, and
63e low freights.
Corn --New No. 2 yellow, 72% to
73e, Toronto, and selected No. 3 at
lite, Toronto.
Bran -821 in bags, Toronto, and
shorts, $2.2.50 to $23 in bags, To-
per lb. flood lots of fat frogs, 9 to in the religion of giving. as well as _
U%e per lb. on 'change. While their business
Toronto, Jan. 11. Choice well is largely to finance Governments,
finished butchers' sold up to 85.60, they were manly enough to refuse
whilst $5 to $5.50 w re common a Russian loan in 1862 swing to
Prices; common to medium quality Boron Lionei'a disapproval of lies -
butchers' were firin at $3.75 to $4.- sia's action towards Poland. With -
90; cows sold all the way from 83 to in recent decades they have sger[-
$4.50. Milkers and springers were freed vast profits by withdrawing
slightly easier. Sheep and lambs , from Russian loans owing to the
steady and unchanged at last quo- t trentment of the Jews.
tations. Hogs firm at $5.15 f.o.b. Three living tnewbers of the [am -
and $8.40 fed and watered for se- ilv illustrate the eharaeter of the
leets. house. Baron Henri de Rothe hild,
•_.___4, of Paris, who is thirty-seven, is a
physician of distinction. who de-
yetes the greater sort of his time
to treating the poor tool has fitted
un a hospital and clispeneery in
their behelf. He is now--'ntent-
plating the erection of it ho►re for
aged writ^rs w,thr,,nt means. Lion -
e1 \fvlyr Rethe,hild. member of
the British Parliament. is n netur-
alir:t of note, edits e. zoningieel ma-
aezine, And has issued a work in
his favorite line.
Other Men Ware Ability, lint Their
Reputation Counts; 'Throughout
the World.
There is no mystery in the suc-
cess of the Rothschilds. It is due
out to the power of money, hut of
character. Full coffers, interna-
tional agencies, business shrewd-
ness, extended acquaintance with
royalty, these are not the causes
of the firm's prosperity for over a
century ; it is rather in the final
analysis honesty, conduct, integ-
rity, breadth of view. From the
beginning of the house through
Lerd Rothschild. the first .T' -'. to
take iris seat in the House of Lor•ls,
devotee iris scanty leisure t•-, el:ar-
itv and the management of benevo-
lent institntiens. A governor of
the Bank of England. he k the lay
head of the English Jewish com-
munity. and sharine th warm n`r-
sonal friendship of England's TC:ng,
he is orriek to champion the inter-
o-ts of the noorest emigrant •Tow.
Loyalty to their country and their
every period of its growth, the rrlieion i• the brightest gem in the
red shield emblazoned on the old Rothschild crown.
(Frankfort dwelling has sto-,d for Is not character. then. the real
more than money. It has spiritual- twat of the Rothsehil•l t Have they
ized the material. It has shown the net deserved their success? And
le not this s„rcees due are -eminent-
ly to a coT^bi„ntinn of stir -tell fac-
tors. the heirloom of it gifted line
ahi� h kno,ve no stain on its
Farmers of Quebec Taking Advanti•ge
of Tariff Mistake.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
As a result of a mistake in the new
American tariff, snaking the duty
on cream five cents per gallon in-
stead ,•f five cents per pound. as
ens the evident intention of the
frau.ers of the Payne -.Aldrich hill,
Canadian farmer, especially in the
Prosince of Quebec. have been du-
in,z a rn•hing business, in respect
to marketing cream intended fur
tnanufn-tore into butter in the
('nitr,l :talcs. it is estimated that
Elute j November alone ct•cat:n
11'1'1,1: eIIIP11 EN TS.
.1 New Record i-+ I.ikelc to he Made
Tide Week.
A despatch tram Halifax says:
Apple shipment' front !Halifax will
by very heavy this week, and a new
- reo.ord for the wick's export may
from the 250.0 0 l of Quebec c til- b. made. The present indications 1 �„ I Northern. $ir! 12 ql 1 ►
!!lent to 2;,(1.0(10 lbs. of butter as arc that about 50.000 barrels will $ A22 ,\ despatch from Grand h,.;)c I Igo.; ted dead, nod lift. en rile is
shipped into the baited Stat I. g,, forward. The 1'urnmta Liner l; t•„ Rays: Reports heitt+eoe the heepital ;;,. a rc-uft of the af-
Cream is alert being shipped ft. Shenandoah, which sailed for Len-
ge trtir. *ibis is !lensed at 1'1• .sir,
hr•:ckvillc distrct and from pair scion on Wednesday afternoon, took *S' 0' 1 * 0 *• carmfully gu+erded and hu•i,rd nt', bt.•. a miner oho nrri•.ed from Pilot..
111 western Ontario in considerab 21,000 barrel.. This is the second rq have re ached here and been con 1 nix on \I c�ir+r•.tin+ ,esti! +. the
qt:antities. •\s n result of the l largest came that has left llnlifnx • firmed that the tight brlaern ttra 1st. r+. 140 ++as hi+n�, f a purl"• it+roe
hole provided in the American r- this asses. The C. 1'. R. Liner LIVE ' TO('1( MARKET. section- of miners at Phoenix. B. ; :•+ the f,aht. a• Lit soveacinee
Hi the Canadian farmers hate Mount Temple will take oyer 10.000
shipped during Ker oast foul. barrels. The Allan Liner (cram- Montreal, Jan. 11 --Pretty good C'.. on New Year's Eve war» a must aunplh dpric•n-trate.!.
tnfnths !+robably *e red then- pian, which sails for Liter}x+ol on Rnlmals sold at 4 to S'. and the serious+ affair. :1t least en !nen The tow heg•,,, 1', a snit"• say,
sant doiIars' well % rain int•• Soturdat•, will have four or fete common stock at 3 to 3,+e per lb. yt re. on sides in the fight, nhich but -wise hall 1,1-'0.1 thot 1,..► 1 een
OW I':ritcd St•tt , 1. nr+c(• r thousand burr!' s board. and the ti(i!eh cows from *30 �c $5 cash tun i ook plotethea\\'clh r one oat f he hotels,
elieh !miners rloing toolr ' the 1rrr,' lr{si r. 111 sl
t',c old tariff of 11n1 ser lh., Femoro liner !'loads will rimy cakes from :3 to ,,., p t P `
trculJ have bre}; k i abr.ut 1,0tt0 barrels on board. r.bnut 4l jc per lb. ; latnbs. 0 to O,sei cortin -t the Italian.. Tkre9 Inca are 1 cpu.ed a general 1.:,;cls.
yellow, 071,:,,c; No. t }•dint• . co! ..e
No. 3 corn, Cit.. 1,• (7e: No. 1 cern.
65 to 65'-'yc; No. 3 white, ., '.',e. Oats
No. 2 white, 51c: N0. 3 whlto.
50e ; No. 4 white. ds'; to 49� �e. har-
lev-Feed to malting, CO to 76e. Rhe
-No. 2, track, etc.
Minntapalis, Jan. 11. - Wheat. --
May, $1.13;s ; July. 131.12",•;, : earl!
wheat. No. 2 hard, $1.14! i to *1.-
15', : No. 1 Northern, *1.14 tv $1.-
+- . ' ort cern. to ; .
Bran -In 100-1b. sacks. to • .-
50 Flour --First 1,atents, 85.60 ter
8 ; second patents. '.. t to 5.-
60 first clears, $4.35 to $4.53: sec-
oi:d clears, 83.20 to , .Co. •
Seventy Men in a Fight, in brit is!i
Colulnbi l Camp.
t' 1