Exeter Advocate, 1910-01-13, Page 1-'�■�"t. 'T-=t'�,;,��:5th; SI to JAN. ' 11 r~/ will pay for The Advu.•ate to any sulwcriher lit ing in Canada. 1P► Take advantage of our � r• Low Club Rates et t Try The Advocate Ofkt MFor Wedding amew ud•130.i. pleb, Stat tot, e't' f And Cards, Yo -torr, Tickets. Hills, and all kir.ds of Printing., . Type, Styles are the Bos TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JANUARY 13. 1910. • SANDERS & CREECR The Old Reliable Stook Taking Sale Ladies' Furs A few seta of Furs, both in Stole and Ruff shape, with Muffs to match, at $17 and $35, to clear $14 and $28. A number of Odd Ruffs, ranging from $22 to $32-20 per cent off. Black Astrachan Collarettes at $6 and $4,50. Black Electric Sable Collarettes, trimmed with Astra- chan, 20 per cent off. Men's Furs Men'. Fur Coats, good reliable furs such as Galloway, China Dog, Calf Erin and Wallaby, 20 per cent off. Underwear and Blankets A number of lines in this department must be cleared out. A job lot of Men's Fleece -lined Shirts only, 86c to $1.08, to clear 76c. A few pair of AU Wool Blankets, to clear $4.00. Flannellette Blankets at $1.20, $1,60 and $1.86, Print -Worth 121c, to clear 10c. Bargain .Table This table is now laden with short ends of Flannllettr, Dress bloods. heating* and many other articles too numerous to mention. Come Early and Make Your Purchases ! CARLING EROS. 111.01110010041006.00000001,111,04136 L RET1R1NO FROM BUSINESS Co with'the Crowd to R.N.Rowe's Creat Clearing Sale of his entire stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, A.NTLEA, FURS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HEAVY AND LIGHT RUB- BERS, WALL PAPER AND LINOLEUMS- ALL GOOD GOODS We bave the cleanest stock in town and must all be cleared out regardless of cost, As 1 am Riving up buainese. Highest Prices Paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE PHONE 22 ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST.OFFICE rr.fe..t.nai Cards. DL IOUlaTON, L. D. S., D. D.& DENTIST Mew of le. L 0. D. t .t Ostatk sad Rotor t#suMss sr T..e.to University. O/:IOE: Prat Dickson a C,a:liag's Law Otc., la Ds. £a/ewes'. foresee Distal Pauses. DL A. L KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. II.' DL graduate of Tomato UdveiIsty. DENTIST. E ssig eukuNed school say pais, of oily bad rattle Otis seer glossas a f3taabury's ounce. Kala street 111,011. Medical oug t Bt10UT, K. D.. M. C. r. t 8. HONOR • Gratteato of Toronto University. Two years OgraaWico •, )rAmoarOId 9ep,11 1nderk. S tmt. EXETER D• A. T. BOND, TORONTO, Purr! GRADUATE of New Tots Post Graduate College, auceeetor to pNetieel M Dr. A. F. Malloy, Exeter. Resideece-- I.stsly occupied t' Dr Mallon, Andrew St. OIEce-- Forserly the Elliot Lw (sit..., opposite Central Hotel. DL T. P. McLAVOHLIN HM resumed practice atter tpeadin a neat (Co: lege) M 1114116 aid Continental Hoepitale. General memos wine special atteotion to Eye, (wits refry floe) Eat Now sod Tbtoat. Mee: Dukwood, Ont. Legal , DgE/ON a CARLiNO, BARRISTERS, 80LC1 fess, rotaries, Cooveyancen, CommiesI00ett golleftoes for Moleooe Bank, etc. Missy t. Leas at lowest tattoo, interest Ogees. Main Keret, Exeter, I. It. 0aaL 1. B.A.. L. H. aeons M O11ET TO LOAA, We Nes stares as000t of private fonds to loos Xarm asd video/townies se low ,Mee of Istel j M• OLADMAN a IITANBUBT,1 Barrfsues, Iblkiters,Mals H., Exeter Os B. d. PHILLIPS, EXETER. .1 Lis. ss1 Atsctl.rs*r. $s1M.tta.ea+ Is all porta Bstlseset Moa j11MaM wad w 10 peg._TMs. tesssad.le. All ascots 1Mt st'4dv 080 OMee ern/ be promptly attssdsd la J. MINIUM Meet Confederation Ufe Assurance O F also Fier Ineuraaes la lead- Igslan and British Companies. [( Main•St.. Rioter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER M. ANDERSON, l.lccnaed Atartialuer for Huron County. Torn.. reasonable. Dates can be made at tr. Advo-att. Stew. or 1ltnry Ellber's Otflre, Cred- eam 4164 lean. MONO TO LOAN ON FARM AND ViLLAGE Properties at lowest rates of Interest. ERNf$T ELLIOT, Office Opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. WE WANT For Fa'1 and Winter months in Eseter and surrounding country an active re- liable agent to take orders for nursery stock. GOOD PAY WEEKLY. OUTFIT FRES. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY 404) ACRES of the cr,oicest nursery stock which you sell direct to your customers. This Is one of tf.e advantages our sten have over jobbers. We guarantee the delivery of trees In GOOD CONDI-10N and UI' TO CONTRACT GRADE. Write for p.ertic- ulars-PELHA d NURSERY CO., TOit- ONTO ONT. Please mention this paper. FARM FOR SALE. 100 ac:e f..rn, !n Usb rne, two and one half n•..ics from Exeter, also a bre rk house on Malr.-etre"t. Exeter, and a car- lnad of green cedar posts. WM. M. MATCH rORD (it FARM FOR SALE. ct L'.e (inert farms In t'ebor..e Apply tc SANDERS h C1IEECH. Exeter IIORSES N',\NTEI). Having opened up a trade in the llrlt- Inh Columbia markets I will be at my nwn home. Exeter. every Saturday for the purpose of buying all classes of horses that are sound and In good con - (1 (1('n T. E. IIANDF'ORD. l'IANO AND (7UTTEIL F'011 SALE. A r.ew first-class Piano for sale rheap also 'utter. Apply to W. Arnold, Dseter. FARM FOR SALE. Choice hundred acre tarn), being Lot 3. Con. 1, Osborne, London Road, 3-4 Wille from Centralia, 3 inlles from Ex- eter. On the premises there is erected a good brick house. all conveniences, large bank bars 90x45, ftnlehed In latest Improved style ; drive house. orchard, never failing water, well lIi darn and house. 12 scree fall wheat. A11 plowing done. if not 0014 prlv&Niy on or before the 20 day of 'bee. will be sold by pub:Ie auction at a date to be Lied later. Mary term. o� 1'.'r terms and particular* Jae. Ilandford. prop.. Oentn T. ( nxaron, auctioneer, For, Fytrtent. 1y to or to tar P. O. LOCAL OPTION FINALS. Teat the Province of Ontario is fast roing dry through Local Option is an Indisputable fact. On May the 1st licit g11 licenees will be tut off through the passing of Local Option by-laws in 76 ruuniclpalities. 1lad the straight majority been all that was necessary to proh:tblt Ilqu)r selling the vote would have been favorable In 130 municlpal- it:e.i and 434 licenses would have been - cut off. The three-fifths requirement, however. assist es the retention of 1 ocal Option in practically every place that once passes It. i) it two places. Het: - sail and Grimsby, au.ceeded in repeal - in:; the by-laws, the former by thee• fifths, and Cie latter by a majority Vote We believe Ifensall stands In a unique position in Ontario) as the only place that has every repealed Local Option. by a thre'c-fifths vote. Truly, the tem- perance sentiment id gaining ground. --- COUNTY LOCAL OPTION -The Ontar- io Moral Reform Council decided last Thursday to ask the Provincial Legis- lature for a measure providing for Lo- cal Operon by cuantles, !n,''uulc,g 'Wes up to twenty -'1v: thousand InnaWtants, and for Local Option by wards and die- trict., In the larger cities. It was felt that such a Measure would greatly help places like liraritford, where the few votes lacking of the three-fifths would be amply made up by the vote In the county. It war alao resolved to ask the Dominion t uver,tntent to make the laws relating to uaturaii:.atlon of foreigners store stringent, the foreign vete being shown to be largely responsible for a number of defeats of Local Option. Mr. C. F. Verity, Brantford. is tee Treas- urer of the Council. In Huron County Local Option carried In Colborne, 306 to 178, Grey 514 to 202 Tuckeretnth 305 to 197. Lost by re.h t 1.0•.e -C into n 322 to 266. Brueeels 166 to 112, Bayfield 85 to 57, Exeter 281 to 220. Stephen 500 to 442. Turn - berry 251 to 195, Wingnam 294 to 268 It way defatted c't 14,jority vote In ltlyt'e 1111 to 122. lity 289 td 413. Rc- pe.ilei In Ileneall 148 to 89. ' LUCAN MAN KiLLED \\"n ep 2. Jan. 6t',.-T:mothy Dorsey, !1 lr•e it ceeureio,.iet from Lurar,. Ont., wlille visiting Paddy Bennett at the local fire hall yesterday aftcri,000n, stepped backward through the elide pole anrrture, and tontine in mid-air struck hie head upon lire pavement below and was Instantly killed, his skull having been fractured by contact witn the floor Dorsey, In company with John O'- Meara, a relative, had just come in (rent Somerset, where he had been em- ployed on John llantord's threshinit out fit during the fall and also one the Gov- ernment telephones. Bennett conducted - them upstairs to this room and was showing them .t eicture over the pole aperture, when without warning Dor- sey stepped into it backward., making a wild clutch at the wall as he fell. Bennett attempted tc :.asp lilt», but failed, falling with all the weight of his 190 pounds on the hard floor. Just previous to looking at tine pictures. Dor- sey had be -n commenting upon the aper tures. ar.d stated that they were much entailer than. those In Detroit. Ile and O'Meara were going out to Prince M- bert to lumber camps on friday. Ile was unmarried and had two sisters In Luta:i, Mrs. Jas. :.lecke and Mrs. John ;\tc L.au:h1ir. Cedar Posts for Sale We have the finest quality of Cedar Post at moderate prices. G. E. HICKS. CENTRALIA MEETING uF' TIIE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL T ,c Ccs ii of the C)rporat 01 of the (feu ty of 11urUr, will meet In the' Coun- cil Chamber In tt c Town of Cw)drrich, et :t o'clo' k nt. Tuesday, the 25th day 0: J.er nary, 1910 All sc'ou'ts again- •! the county must be played with t he clerk before this dote. Latel Jan. 10th, 1910. W. LANE. Clerk FARMS FOR SALE OR BENT Tits unde-slgncd offers the following Linde for sale or rent. -Lot 11, Con. S. 14.: S 1-2 Lot 4 and N 1-2 I.ot 3, Con 5. Stephen. and Lot 11. ClonA N. P. McGillivray. Far.its are In excellent con- ditlu t v.lth an abundance of water and about ten acres of hardwood timber on each. Lot 17, Corn. S. It Stephen has :noJt-n house .teed two bank barnreeith ter acres sown In fall wheat and 7.0 acre, ploweJ. and situated 2 1-2 miles south of Crediton and 1 1-2 miles from .t school. Kindly apply to the under- ilgne.1,-MRM. JOHANNA ODUCIIILIN Credlto•t Ontario. FARM FOR SALE 74 acres of farm land in the tillage of Exeter, 13 acres in fall wheat. fall plowing nearly finished. well fenced. well drained ar.d watered; good 1 1-2 storey brick house. rontalning 9 living rooms, hard and soft water In the house : good barn, number of fruit trees. situate north of the station road. Exeter For particulars apply to JOHN HAWK - SHAW, Proprietor, or R. S. PHILLIPS. huctlonecr. FOR SALE Cottage and three lets In Exeter, being lots Nos. 55. Mi. and 57. on the Routh side of Simeoe Street. On this property is a frame cottage (br:rk foundatten)con talr,lttl five rooms and a good cellar. Also a good well arid a large stable. Good garden and fruit trees. The pro- perty le to be *old to wind up the sedate -Apply to OL\DMAN & STANPUi1T, alarrleters, Eseter, Ontario. Farmers' Institute The Town Hall was well fined o t Tues dayafternoon ernoon and evening, the occaelom being the regular Exeter meeting of the South Iluron Farmers' Itistltute, ()w- hiz to i"news one of the speakers, Mr. R. W. Grierson of Oshawa, who was •(dvcrtieed to b' present, was unable to (0110. The other speaker, Mr. Anson Groh of Preston, was present and gave very Interesting and Instructive addiess- (er. Mr. J. J Alliston acted as chair- nitn owlmg to the president, Mr. A. mustard, in the absence of Mr. Grierson being reciueated to give al address on Silage Corn Growing, in the course of which he gave Lie hearers much valu- able lnforntatio:t on the subject. Mr. Gro`-, then delivered a most admir- al' a address on ecientille feeding of eat- tl• . showing by means of a chart the r letive velars or the different feed ,tuffs. sucn as June gtaae, cont silage, inane els, t''::otlry hay, red clover hay, alfalfa hay, wheat, oats. etc. Mr. Groh recommended feeding twice a day in- stead of tire: tint's as is almost lnvar- ably the case, and he argued the ques- tion well and intelligently. Ills address was a very excellent one and much ap- preciated. Many questions were asked and answered particularly as to the ;;rowing and feeding of alfalfa hay. RE SURE TO IIEAIt THE NOTED REV. SAM SMALL IN THE JAMES STEET METIIODIS'T CHURCH JAN. 20711 AT 8 O'CLOCK P. M. The fo!'pwine extracts arc front the Toronto Mali and Empire regarding the famous '-outhern evangelist, Rev. seemed White Small. "itev. Sam. W. :t:tall, the famous southern evangel'et, journalist, author and lecturer delivered his address on Hirt Majesty Tit- Devil" In the Prin- ceton Tneatrc, W',.•,) hundreds were turn- ed away unable to gain admission. .fust a line or two ahwt this nta:. it would be easy to fin t',is whole ecc- (fon with word, of commendation from (Toronto) admirers land their name is 1e•elon) who remember his brilliant ex- pcsitions of scriptural truth when he came here with the late Sam Jones. his 'other In the gospel, :o mnduct that ut^nec:able camp lige of 18d6. Any 111..)) even an apostl. *night be proud of the complImeety paid him at the close r'f Ile address last Sunday night by 1101) who would not b. to taller d h1 en; turn- s:" ',octal reformers, or a•i•e.e.atcs of -x- actine prohibitory legty'a o'.. ilut s there shy necessity l0 quote local tee- tlnlony where ne Is so well and favor- ably known when the great ntetropol:- tan and cosmopolite') papers of the En- Rlia't speaking world have procia!nwd with rlar:orl notes his aba0:e5 and the uraterlcal logic wheel the New York herald gpcitks of feint as a 'nutgnetc master of assemblies" and the Boston Iltrnld, as 'The most gifted orator the •outll has ever sent this way," and the \W..shlnetton Poet writes 'There are not aalf a dozen men In the country who . arc egu tl to hlnl !n popular power as a public speaker," and the Philadelphia 1',e.s, 'Mr. `;mall', address 1.4.14 night w'a:. superb 1'1 all eta parte. a grace- ful e'.tntple of rare and ,(fined ot- ato: y," and the Ceiclnttatl Inquirer, 'H' Is an emotional orator of the first rank in his generation" -to which a ehutu9 of old time songsters among them the Chicago Tribune, The Detroit Free fres,, The i :dlanapolis Star, The Ncw York World, The Des Moines Reg - tater and Leader, The St. Louie Globe- Demot rat. The Kansas City Star, chant the rcfrelrl. There need be no question In less trained and critical minds as to hie ability and power an a speaker. Sant Small was educated by private tu- tors, then to the b^et schools 1n Ncw Orleans. and finally graduated with high horrors from Emory and Henry College In Virginia. He holds the lit- f•rary degrees of A. B. and A. M. from his Alma Mater. Ph. I). from Tavlor Un- iversity. and D. D. from the Otllo Nor- mal Unl%t: )ltv, Ile is a trained journ- celiot, serving many years as editor of leading southern newspapers. principal 1y with the noted 'Atlanta Con,tltulon" In every capacity from poLicr• reporter to leading editorial writer. CHISELHL ItST -- Mother or the pb)r,rery of Ilibbn,t ptmovel .(way on January 1,1 the per - '.01) of .\dclli:c Latta. relict of the lair John Brintrell to tier 77th year. She was born In T1,urlow Towner.ip. Ilaet- lnze County, in 1833. and In 18:13 she married John Brintnell and moved to llibhert Township, where she resided continually ever since. Sae was of a jovial dl'pcslttnn and beloved by all who krew her. She never knew a day's •:ekness u::til t,te last two weeks when inflammation of the stomach set in and p-ovet too strong an e:e my for the aged body. She leaves behind to mount her decease four sons. Joan of North Da- kota, Trueman on the ,tont, fame/antes of Exeter, Donald .R Cllsclhut et : and two daugl tcrs, E. za Cookson of Exeter nand Nancy Ellen Boa of Klppen. Tnc :u :e cal took place on Friday. Jan. 7th, front her late residence to the Meth- ndi.vt church. Chiseihurst, thence to Mr- Taggart's cemetery CENTRALiA W. it. Elliott shipped a car load of horses on Thursday to the Northwest. - Wm. Luker has been laid up for some time with rheumatlanl.-John Colwell is recovering from a serious affection of the eye.-itev. W. ;l Butt preached missionary sermons on Sunday levet in the Methodist church. The Rev. J. Ke:.edy of .VIsa Craig Is to preach in the interests of misslons on Sunday next. -The Ladles Ald of the Methodist church rust at t:.c residence of Mrs. W. R. Elliott on T ,uraday last and a most enjoyable time is reported. A butt load went free' the village. -Tru Lad- ies' Ald are preparing for an oyster supper to be l:cid on the 24th. Rev. W. Quante Is to preach on the Sunday prev- ious. T1IE EXETER COUNCIL The coun" 11 erect for the Municipallry of Exeter in d !n the Town Hall Monday Jan. 10th at 11 o'clock a. m., and took and subecrtbed to the necessary oath of office as follows,-Fte_ve, Wm. haw den ; Councillors. W. 3. Heantan, C. J. Luker, W. 11. Levett, W. A. Ralkwill. Rev. D. W. Coliine, by request of the reeve, ld In devotional exercises. Mr. Conine congratulated the council upon their election to the vatLou3 offices. Per Neaman and Luker-Tnat the ideal bers of the board b'3 b) thank. Rev. Mr. Collins for being present and opening the 3110 nteetirigs of the couccil with p ri ye r. -Ce r r ted. Tot following appointments were made and salaries fixed. Per Ileantari and Balk will -Teat Jos. Senior be re- appointed c'lerk.-Carried. Per Levett and Luker -That the cleric's salary be fix- ed at #175. -Carried. Per Luker and Levert -That S. Sanders be re -appointed Teeasurc:, salary $75. -Carried. Per W. \. l:.alkw111 and C. Luke:' That Joe,Cavls ter appointed auditor. Per Beaman and Levett-That W. D. Clarke b,: appointed auditor. Motions were put and carried Per Heitman and Ralkwill -That F. W. Gladman and W. D. Weekes be ap- pointed nuntbars of the cemetery board. r --Carried. Per Levett and Ralkwill - That Councillors Beaman and Luker with the Reeve Ix the represeitativea of the Council as menlbars of the cense ter: board. -Carried. Per Beaman and Luker -That the clerk post up a blae-k- board notice caliint 1,), tenders for the ice one the pond ab,ve the dant., ten - dere to • be closed at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Jan. 111h, the r.eve and clerk Leine er n- puwered to .)pen and let the contract. -Curried. I'er Balkwtll and Levett - T:iat the clerk tall for applications for the position of assessor and street contnd :sloncr ; also tenders for ringing the bell, weigh scales and municipal prfnt1, g.-C:erricd. Before adjour;ntng the Reeve invited nr•n)b.rs of the council with the officers to take dinner with him at the Central Hotel. The council adjourned to meet Friday, Jan. 14, at 7.3' p.m. on motion of Levett. Jon. Senior, "'Sere. FL1'mIVILLE -- Vire. Harvey is quite ill a:,d under the doctor's tate at the how of heti daugh- ter, Mrs. J. Tucker. -The Ladies Aid was dispensed with last week. Owing to tete 111eeas o' %Ira. IL)bt. Wool where the meeting was to have been held. -Mrs. Stu:r of Nissouri is visiting witi) her dau ghtcr. Mrs. John Greaso::.- Mr. and Mrs. \\'nt. Sltanton returned last week after spending the holidays with frtcnds at Sylvan and Parkhill.- JAev. Vance of K'oodh.t, will occupy the pul- pit lure un Sunday morning nest and Rev. Butt of Centralia in the evening. - Now that the ('lotions are over and, the officers have got their old ;obs again . for 1910 the nerves of 500:0 oil the sag er aspirants will settle down to nor- nrt! for another twelve months.- 14), Writ. Andrew of I(.iatiota, Man., arriv- ed home Saturday evening to visit the old home for a few week•. -Quite a Number 11'0(11 this vicinity attended the Farmer's Institute Meeting at Exeter on Tuesday. SALE REGISTER Furl Q.. 3.u.. 2i31. -110r113, Cattle and Brost ti)wy, the property of David C Gardiner, Lot 8, Con. 11, Hibbert, Sale at 12.30 v''arp. T. Cln,cron, auct. BIRTHS \h'F'Jiib-111 Itlddulpii, 0.1 Jan Oth, tc, 311 and Mrs. Henry McFalle, a daugh- ter Carroll. -In Blddulph, on Jan. 901, tlo Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carroll, a sons. Dickens. -At Sallrtsbury, on Jan. 5th, to Mr and Mrs. Phin. Dickens, a son MA ItRIAGES Bawd, ii -?forth -In London, on Jan 7th at the residence of Rev. W. Martin Mr. Bandy G. Bawd n to Was Mildred Mare 'in. daughter of ,l'r. and Mrs. Samuel Martin; both of Exeter. Bond. -Spencer.- At St. Johne Presby- terian C,ur•ca. Toronto. on Jan. 12th, Dr. A. T. Mond of Exeter, to Miss Eleanor', dau,l,tCr of airs. Alive Spen- cer of Toronto Vit et -Duncan -At the Presbyterian manse, Grand Ilene, on Jan. 12th. by the Rev. Mr. Ciritrc, Norman Vincent of Stephen. to Miee MaieS Dunca:;. Alllaen-Gardiee:.-At the 'home of the bride's narente, itegina, Sash.. on Jan. 4th, by the ltev. Henry, Mr. Wm Allison, formerly o. the Thames Road to Miss Jeannette Gardiner. eldest daughter of Mr. and MIs. Mores Gar- diner. formerly of Exeter. DEATf1S Barri),.-lit Exeter, on Jan. 8, PJtocbt - Mee g, relict of the !ate Henry Barris. aged 83 years. 11 months and 14 days. 13rintnell.-1 , }IibLert, on Jan. 5th. Mre. John Hrintnell, In her 77th year. Mothers. -In Parkhill, Jar.. 5th Ma y ]*. wlin.c of the late lien.., Mothers. aged 48 years, 2 nicerths, 5 days. Biggest 83�Q�1�S ever offered iu Clo�hi�� of'I Wile Things for Moa Mufflers Ties in Fancy Boxes Gloves Sweater Coats Fancy Vests Sl i ppers, etc. We carry the most up-to-date line in town SANDY BAWDEN Tinsmithing Furnace Work and Plumbing We are in position to promptly do all kinds of Tin' smith and Furnace Work, also Plumbing Bath and Pump Work. X -cut Saws from $4.00 to $4.50 Axes from 65c to $1.00 Files, Saw Gauges and Saw -Sete Skates from 50c to $5.00 Hockey Sticks from lOc and $15c to bOc Skate Straps, Ankle Supports and Pucka IIflIAN'S IIARDVARE & STOYB STOIK All accounts are now due and must be settled at once.