HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-06, Page 8r lio Mi' !low Year 811 �'wr;;"�_7 Mr.MI1 ton of Landon visited trete 1 � I `)c1AIi DOINGS. . miss I) Elston mintier has recut( . lel from Cayuga. Mr. Percy !loop Longo-& 1.o:a/eyed here tins week. IMisses May and Ethel Ar nstrorut spent New Years in Paris. Mr. Meg. it..wkshaw o: Wianipag vio- Ited relatives here this week. Mrs. Tait of I'ark:all visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. C. Lindstlislt. \trs. Ike of 1'•arkhill was at guest at the hone• of \fr. Richard Gldlsy. Miss I-loba•le T..ylor of Louden spent t!nc holiday's with her parents hare. Mr. 1'. Gard ;.*r and family alit 1.17,11 were v'sitor • 1.a re over the New Teat.' The Ntiseta \iarth.a and WJrin►e Crane Ma returned to Brantford vn leendy. Mr. and Mee. 1'. McDonald and family of Galert.t vlsNad reluttrea hate deriap the hoJldays. .tr. Ern. Rivers returned to Duna* eet Morday, atter spending tisk vacation at his hence here. Miss alliterate, Ilcr,uy left for Ohio - ago on Friday, n, tale.. up a tlSat-rent course In nursing. Mrs. Sam'! Sweet and Mies Minna were vi*itifl to Loudon tor a few days tiur- Ing the past week. Mr. Jos. Ltinbro•ak and daughter, !{Iso Loretta, returned Mei:id.. v tv their borne in Fort Mayne, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Will Moncur ot Malpp and Mr. Coleman Moncur of Detroit visited her! tnis week. Miss Ethel Sweet. having completed the millinery aerie( at It. Marys, le home for the vacatlpn. Misses Lulu Marti: and Ida Rows re- turned to their 11ig1. School &Wens to Ht. Marys nn Merida.. Mr. E. IL Spa rknian of Dlenbaslm ;pent New Years with his parents. lir. and Mrs. John Spackman. Mrs. Evans and .ails• Otte Park sg A11sa Craig apevt New Years bare with Mrs. •!..ince and daughters. Mr. Jchn McIntyre of liens&1l spent a few drays here this week on We way hone trot; a visit 1•: Toronto. Nils* Sharon of Ottawa acid Mrat War- ren Smith of Taltettvllle are stsssts eg Mrs. 1l. Spackman for a few deet: Mr. and Mrs. Peter King•nerth et London were guests of Mr. C H. San- ders and Mrs. McAvoy over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Oke, Mrs. John./Ovapa or London, and Mise Amelia ,M,• s[ St. Thomas visited here during Oa week. Mr. E J. Spaceman of Toronto &lent ptrt 9t the weak in town visiting eels. - lives and ehakL. Lands with old friends. Mr. vent* of Britton, Orat., near Lis- towel. drove down on Monday and visit ed friend. here and at 1'.tr,uhar for a rcw days. Mrs. Gregory and Miss Stella Greg- ory returned Tuesday. atter e/eading some weeks In Eden Mills and London respectively. Mr. Dan Molr of Detroit after span- nns a few days with relatives and friends In town and vicinity. returned home Tuesday. ' CHtt1MT\S.tS" T.t1LORING. tills in .. nttr it- as important as that of every day tailoring. WE MAKE SUITS FOR DRESS ANI) WEDDING OCCASIONS Every garn,cat we tailor for either of those functions are tailored in the most workmanship like manner. PERFECT FITTING GARMENTS. MADE HERE FOR 1HOLiDAY'S. A Line of I:l.acks and Blues for On at.d $16 W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario helloes Mals -- Read Them 20 per rent of) all Stoles, Multi and Ruffs and Scarfs at Stewart's. ANNUAL. tfEETING. Tru annual mc, t1-ig of the Exeter Ag- lacultural Society will be held in the Town Hall. Exeter, oa Monday, January 17th, 101o, at one o'clock p. nt., for the purpose of electing Officers and Directors for the ensuing year. A ntect'rty of the Directors will be held at the Town Hall at 10 a. m. to finish up the ycara's business. All the mem- ber, are respcetfully requested to at- tend. E. Christie. free.: A. G. Dyer. Secy 20 per eent of all Furs. Everything in furs must go. Bee thein at Stewart's, WANTED -An experienced housekeeper. References required. Good wages. Apply G. W. Harrison, Canadian Bank of Com- merce. Exeter. 20 per rent of Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats, br..t linings and .liars, at Stew- art's. }LOUSE Tti RENT. 1 1-3 story Brick Ifouse, on \ti Rliam street. owned by Mrs. Perkins, all In first -taxon state of repair. Apply to S. M. SANDERS Exeter. 20 per cent of all Men's Fur Coats - Coons, !Wallaby, Calf and Yak --at Stewart's. it Dr Ovess Cowlsg. Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on S ttnrday, Jan. Sth, all d ty. Masses properly fitted and diseases of Eve, Ear and Nose'reated. Hours 1 •.ol. to 1 p.m. T. ,,:,tete : of Leburvn, Forest Lodge Nt. 1:13, A F. & .t. M. were duly fruo stalled to their r. spective offlcee at a spec t'1 meeting held Monday night, by Hast D 1). G. M. Bro. L 11. Dick - t son. assisted by other past rnmasters as follows, -I. 1'. NI. tiro. D. W. Collins W. M.. Bro. it. N. Creech; S. W., tiro. F. herr ; .1. W., Bro. W D. Sanders; 'Net re:ary. tiro. C. IIB Sanders, TR (L ate Bro. W. It. Levett ; Rt ide t . J. 11 . Bro. Cats. Seawright . I. (I. leo 8. r. 'dottier ; Tyler, tiro. Sam'1 awe t ; S. S., taro. It Marphy ; J. S., llro E. taarlstie ; Clap., Bro. D. Nee t . U. of C., llro. W J. }Leaman CHURCH D1itEt'Tt)1tY . .1 a\ilia-8T MtETIIODIST tnIUltl'hf 'try. Richard Jtobbs, Pastor Hundty Public Worship-Ia.:or and 7. Chase Service -11.30 a.nl.and atter Mo.., - Ing service and Wednesday night. You•.g anent Class and Catachunlens - Sunday at 1'. p. m. -�r ;0. Fdnday School and Bible Classes- Epru:' ,ague --T uteday t p. p. Prays i Me.ting- 41-4 THE BEAUTY behind a suit is not confin- ed to other clothing estah. lishmente. There's a love- liness about our garments that will simply delight all who come to us --that's so. qive Unlit Call W. JOHNS Morpheme Task,. looter 415. Aid& edlaaLallaAk�,��id '.lea Zany GaLey io quiet .t1 at Lcr obit. clow ;.re you keeping guise New Year •resolutlonsr Election Day was a rather stormy one i:, point of weather e.uuditlons. both hi town and country. Grand Trunk Railway System traf- fic t.trnttnge from Dec. 15 to 21, 1009, $845,40: ; tiara, *!11.x17 ; increase :1(1,641*. qtr. L. 11. Dickson was lit St. Mares o:: Thursday. where h addressed inectin( in tl.e l:,terests of the Laymen's Missionary Nloventent. We congratulate Mr. Geo. Armstrong an old Exeter boy a•td brother of Nfr. L Arn:strung of town, on being el.•cted Mayor of Paris. Oat., on Monday. Invitations are issued announcing the marriage of Miss Clara May. youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Win. Stewart of Faryu..ar, to Dr. C. A. Iiouze; V. 8., of ILrrlston. Ofit., at an early date. A little more thea ten years the auto- mobile industry of Detroit has grown train an investnren' and output repr*s- 'ted by 0 to .t., estitratcd output in 1910 of 137,4:.i) rrtacclnes valued at 71152,074,000. \fr. Crossley, evangelist, adlre•as- o1 a very large meeting in James street .fcthodlst church on Thursday evening `:1 the intervals of Local Option. The church was filled to the doors and the reverend gentleman's address was a strong and eloquent one. All children between the ages of 8 and 14 nest attend school in the sec- tion or municipality where tl ey rellde, and parc.11s, guardians or persons with w);ons children live, must see that they do so or they are liable to pay the penalty for not doing so. Children un- der 14 cannot be employed while school 13 bring held. Next Sunday In the Mctt,odtsr churches of Exeter DLytrict a bit missionary campaign commences. wha n the pastors of the different churches preach on (missions. The following Sunday ex - charges take. piaci when the sante sub- J.rts will be taken up. Rev. Snell of Kirkton occupies James street church and the pastor. Bev. Hobbs, goes to 'Kirkton. It t9 said that there is nolhiug bet- ter to protect sheep from Jags than al, old-fashioned goat. 'fhOse strttmals have no fear of it do„ arid will bunt the life out of one in five minutes. Doge fear them and If they orae try conclusions never want the second experience. Let :very farmer add oac :oat to ale flock and we shall hear no more abaut sheep killing by dogs. A cornic•(t4.4 contract has been closed with the Parkhill rural telephone assoel- ation, covering connections at Park:till on the flat rate basis. The aasoclatlou's system will extend from the To Ali of Parkhill to points in the Townships of West Williams, East \t'il'larne. Step!acn, McGillivray, Ade aide, Warwi•k a'td Poe- anquet in the Counties of Middlesex. Hu- ron and L.ambton.-Dell Telephone Gaz- ette. Rev. Sharp of the Presbyterian church and ltev. Robbs of James street Meth- odist church exchanged pulpits on Sun- day morning, both preaching temperance sermons. Nita. Wright, president of the W. C. T. U. of London, occupied the James street pulpit on Sunday evening and gave a stirring address in favor of Local Option. Rev. Hobbs also spoke on the sante subject. Mrs. Wright was also the principal speaker at a tentper- arce meeting in the Tower (tall Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Wrigiit occupied the pulpit In }fain Street Ntcthodlst Church oft Sunday n1or: 1: g, err•aching temperance sermon A terrible conditic . of family affairs has been brought to light In connec- tion with two hcmcs at Brussels. by W. A. Gunton. ot the Department of Ne- glotted and Dependent (httidren. The moral depravity of these twat families first carne to ltrht on Der. 7, when a thirteen year old member of the Bishop family ,gave birth to A child, whl,'n 1s still living. investigation showed that ':.t• father of the child was a thirty- aix year old brother, John Bishop. The circumstaucca of the birth of the child WAS edmfttcd by the young mother, and Btehop, after being arrested. pleaded and was sent to Goderich to stand his trial. itt July last a daughter of a In -assent ntan. of the sane place gave premature birth to a ci'ild in Guelph. Mr. Gunton vl•Ited Guelph to see the girl As a result of that investigation !.e returned to Brusseis with the you•tg .ady to lay a charge against her fath- er as being the father of the child. T :r father 11 sixty-two years of age. MRS. COOPER DEAD. -Mrs. W. 11. Cooper, wife of Rev. W. 11. Cooper, of Blyth. Or t . form• r ly of El , .ville. pass- el peacefully away to her eternal re- ward on Tuesday, Jan. 4th, 1010. T::e funeral service was conducted at the parsonage at :1 p.m. on \Vedncsday,and Interment will b- made Thursday at l:cam,vflle. Ont. MAI:LIED IN THE WEST. -The home of Mr. and airs. Win. Cann of Carnduff, Sask.. formerly well-known resident• of Exeter, was the scent of a very pr• t•y event ol. Wedilcsday ntorning, D:c., when their sccend daughter, Minnle,was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Wright of Gleravon, Sask.. :a prominent grai:t merchant of that town.. The bride's gown was one of beauty and elegance, being of white s'Ik, w' 11e her travelling suit was brown, and a beautiful fur coat. After a sl.ort honey -moon trip to Jflrtic, Mar.., the happy couple will re- turn to Oklavon, and %ettle dew., In their contfortaDlc home. Thc many irked• here of t.te h.id= w111 ;Alen fo- her a preemie is .and happy wedded :11e KICKS' 1011FC,114Ta--A regular jtorrn period 14 central o:: the 14, r .veering '',e 12 to the 17. Moderate. thrcatrn- I:.K conditions will rontinue from the new moon on the 11, through the great- er Part of trite per,oi, but trona the In to the 17 derided storms of rain, wind and possibly thunder need surprise •.o student rt these foreeaete. rt,, ., storms will Is' rapid In thctr dev-lop- :n'nt and passage front \\'e•t *0 RIM. with a Coad wave pushln.r tie ht ria of •forme closely from the northwrsl. The ntoon being on tiie ulestlat equator or. ryas, 1'. and nearest Int tar•'* nn tn. 17, with the flMt quarter 05 the 10, tie dl••arbai.ee o: this period all :aturany he prof• /el out of Its norlrial Ilrnit.a- t:on0. Mr. and Mrs. R. G Ile returned from a Friday, accompanied mister, Miss lice t y. Stldo • and Lae - visit in InSergile by Mrs. cls doses t Mr John A. Gregory, 1J.ayor et Das ticford, Soak.. and Mrs Gregory. aro vk.itln4 in Ontario, and aro expected( here in a few irtys. Mr. and Mrs. Sinton Downks of Qtr. - stairs. Alta., were go, t,t.. of Xr. snit Mrs. John Spackman for a wok. Jere. Downie and Mrs. Sp.ak:n.tn are sister's. Messrs. E. Jones. L. Jitywead ash John Walker, divinity students bars r•- turred to their studies a• Rellev!>Je, af- ter holidaying at their homes here Jar a few days. Mr. James Vincent and daughters ed LaktLlcld, Ont., and Mrs. John McFar- lane and little daughter of Ottervtlle, visited at Niro. M'rear•et Afrth's du: - 1n1 the holidays. Mr. Richard Harris of Wolseley. Sarah w,e here t,tir, Week for a few days ea business. We understand t.at Mr. and [rat Harris httend moving back to Hg. tier sante time this year. Miss Daisy !Hodgson. who has bowl vfsitln3 with her parents here, lett fel Orillla Saturday morning, where else !,as acceptsl a position as teacher at :a s clary of $150 a year Mrs. Stanbury and Master Douglas •t Toronto and Miss Stanbury of Hayti*. 9pmt Monday here at the horn,. of ice/. J. G. Stanbury. Master Dougkas tarp part In s,. concert :t: (llnton on Saturday and at Kirkton Monday. Mi. and MIs. J'.tul Madge 1.11 Tues - dray mornli:;f for I.us .!agues, (lab. lee visit for a few weeks. 1d1•s OYve Madge left last w.ck for Ayr, where mid has been appointed organist la a e'Iut(b. MI -9 Myrtle Madge lett Toms dty for Toronto wiiere she will tisk :or a nurse la one of the hospttels. Nome of the New 'fear visitors base were Mi. !.!unci Howard of Arthur Aad Frank Howard of 11.otrd.u; T:.on sa Maw natn, Fred Peahalr. \fr. and Hrs. J. Inwood of l.o:tdo;t ; Mr. Allen NTeshaae Miss F'oliick o: Rt. T. innate, Ir. Das Prior of Clinton. Mr. J. E. To of Gsd- er leb ; MIgs N1ab3•1 Walter of Landon. The reading desk. oh t'•e Trivttt leets• oriel Church itave be,, graced wNS handsomely bound velum: v of the Bibs and i'rayer book. gifts '.t :fro. 1. Thorne to memory of her Late bisabani. The death took place '.1 GoMrielt se C:u'stmae eve of Mr. Henry Wi111•ssl Ball, an old ..red respected realikaat t1R t.iat town, and fatiltr of Miss WilNIF fred Ilall, for several years s tnsamtber 1n the Ezetrr Public YcheeL Ntr and Mrs. Joh Jarrett. =&rase North. very flttirtaly and beta*3ly c,iebrat d t'a(l: (!olden Wedding a*n/tlb► nary a few days since. A largo tilallp tar of friends and relative, were pious int, and notably the immediate latedINI Mr. and Mrs Jarrett will have tier Mgt wishes of a host of tr&'ids ter WARP more weddlr.g et lebratio:rr• the home of Me.. John Dew, 971611110` wast the see, of .t:1 1nte?estl at� 0:1 \Vcrtnc•day of last week, ver are 4turhur, Mite .',:ny was Wr311111.11t~use. rialto to Mr. Philip Ryskmaa ceremony was perfo. rned at S Websi 111 nro. lit the pre tt:irr o: a none immediate relattv.s a'd trine el r.•i.traetuaj p..rt.e e. by 0.3 :VO. tib IL ('olltrs. meter of •:1e Ttivitt >iameeVI r'lurch. Attrt tit curent ray SBS awe•, gratuhations til partook Of a sEMPOMr wedding ':upper Tae cremate Me& a ata/ pretty array o: rosily awn 111111.11( articles. Mr. and Mts. Ilyelrtslhs wV rrslde In 1'.t• West a1.,1 v.t: hairs b••t +Ishws u: Lair nta:,y 1rlri. whom the tdv,w.atc ))ins. Twe rinks of the Ev'eter curlers went to lia.rnLt on Wednesday. to curl. Ttrs beckuY club are busy Practicing these niil.ts. and games win be arrane- eitertly. Yea Kerr attended the• `Shooting T•aarn atnsxlts at Clinton. Ailsa Craig and Londo.i last week, getting high av- erage In each place. saw doping the Old Year out and the New Year lit on 1'i idly night last, 11.. Mg Mears were hospitably er,tertalrt- .d W Kr. 14. D. burden at hi. home. SIM. W. Oul•tfe, while engaged in her email UMleeheld Duties Monday evening totisrilsyMly tell, and her face striking the •sal Move it was very badly bruised Me. R. IL Huston, one of the cnthue- raNt mess/bus u' the Exeter Curling 4r ass post up a beautiful prize, a ties&* Stein or drit•king cup, to b • won :✓ ilia Marie Contest among the Ex - oder ewrlars. The Hedtert Estate, being the brick and 1013 86 and 37, Huron stylist, was sold by public auction by ! .. Camer•r). auctione_r, on Friday bait to lir. John Bell of to*,,. fits w k. paid was 11035. W LEN Mr. and Mrs. David f'atkin*on of St. Mas ye and Mr.and Mr-, Fled (limning visited friends here last week. -Mr. J. V. Milburn epent New Years with his sae. Newton, U.P. R. agent at Moffat, near Guelph. -Mr. and Mts. U. Hodg- son anent their holidays in Toronto, as guests of bis brother, Chester. - Mbp Ida Hero visited with friends in Lssllisn the past week. -Mr. and Mrs. gee, Dotteon of Statia, Mr. and Mrs. John Armitage of Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ogden, who are home from the West were guests at Mr. Win. O d.a's for New Years. -Mr. Walter oisstaiag and sister Edna visited at 8afsltbury on Sunday. FARQUIHAR Mr. John Vance spent the past week rearwias acquaintances around here; aim D. A. McNicol and family, Strat- les'i Meat the Christmas season here. rs s slumber front here attended Kerslake-Simmons nuptial last week. and we understand wedding bells will ehclrtly ring in our midst. - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hunkin and Mr. OM Mrs. Jackson of Logan attended die New Years' gathering at the home alJeita Hunkin, jr.-Mr. and MzLJas. Deputy. nee Mies Pheme Allen of Bur- esstrille and Miss Ettie Allen of Strat- spent New Years at the home of T. *Bien. -Messrs. Will Gardiner and Beg Ttlrnhull resumed their studies at SC Marys: -The School Concert and Bos Social held the past week was a decided success. Proceeds $2.5. sit see. Casey -71st herd !trek htetut Kenrnei 01 bear he had to hove bis leg cut ofi bedtime the ankle an' the knee. ('ns- eidy-Ay, the doc•thers decided that to e tre the (hole leg they'd have to cut alt part of It M (Merl For wiessere. Papa -I bear you were a Lad girl to day and had to be whipped. Sruall Daughter- -Mamma is awful strict. 11 I'd 'a' known she used to be a school. teacher I'd 's' told you not to marry her. Oc.alt Powers, MteR Witherspoon -Ino Jou believe. Mr. Jimsby, that there Is In us a sath sense as yet undeveloped-perbaps nes• er to be developed? Jilnsby - Yes, Ma'am: horse sense( tl�ilsosctlNftJt/111110 THE BEST Bread Clea wily t,e rotten from the lest flour -Tbe following brands are uneseelled --Try a hundred next time you 1•ake- Try One of These : JEWELL (Ontario Blended PURITY (Western Canals ►)our Leave your orders or call up Phone 2 R. G. Seldon, Exeter NNNNOH* Don't donkey with that Cough. Tate Honey's shite Pine & Tar Bold only at Rowey's Drug Store in 25c bottles. rovisien Store Marla purchased the Provision bust - IMM s[ Mr. John Eldt, and moved the dish! he the premises opposite the tel - Ms orrice 1 ani prepared to accept 1,1111, tJe r . to the line of General Tro- a / LOUR, PEED, STOCK FOOD, • SDS. GRAINS. ETC. ETC. The wiry Wet grades •f flour always on hand Owaa 1cIh red to any part of the tearer We bte/bs your patronage and Mellen • mall fern you Advertise in The 1f you have a few hundred or a few thousand dollars that is idle. you can put it to work earning you good Inter- est by placing a Money to Loan Ad. in our Classified Want Columns. People with gilt -edge co- lateral often require ready cash and will pay good in- terest for It. Put your money to work. Advocate and SNORT and SNAPPY The secret el the success sr ewe Want ads. N that they are slier. and snappy. port• Iiso a plate bethees stery told Ina Vsw erre and N they want anythlea"they rater to the place whore they will find li with the feast tesu•le. vire, the Classified Want Ade. h your tonnes represented there. taro...,., OF - s • •..a., Get the Best Results Every Time • Remember the Name --- Rowe & Atkinson Bear in mind that at their store is (,ie place to buy FURNITURE. We have a fresh car load in now and every- thing will be found at the RIGHT PRICE to SUITE the purchaser. Give them a call ... Undertaking and Embalming a Specality ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & MAY PHONE NO. Td Our Great Auaual SIocl-TaL!na Sale We are now very busy taking stock and anxious to reduce it before calling in. Now is the time for some big snaps all along the line. Do not miss this opportunity. It is only for two weeks. Furs at Stock -Taking Prices All our Furs in Rt'FFS, SCARFS, THROWS, MUFFS & CAPS are to be cleared out at this sale. We have a tine lot to chooee from. • • Do You Want a Fur -Lined Coat ? If so, you can get one here at your own price. We have several to sell and all must go. Be one of the fortunate ones. Ladies' and Children's Mantles We don't want one left. Now is your chance to have an up-to-date coat at about ; the regular price. Remember, our prices will sell thein quick. Remnants During our stock -taking all remnants in the store are thrown out for a4 PRiCE SALE. REMNANTS OF SILKS, DRESS GOODS, WAi TINGS, SHAKER. &c. Some real good lengths. All go cheap Do Not Vias Our Stook-Takillg Salo! ,,,r It X01 Sire Yoa coney l JONES & MAY arrows ?SLIM form or FIDE. re for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing WM.