HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-06, Page 7IfrP.
Cannot ha Crtrad by Salves and
O'ntllents - The Blood Must What is Going on In the Highlands
be Purified and I.onlands of Auld
A blemished skin, irritating sores,
pimples, eczema, salt rheum and The building trade is very quiet
Ether skin disorders are all signals at Borth Berwick. tions project is realized, make the
reef distress, telling that your blood
Os impure or weak. You cannot, The
rade in Dunbar was never quieter English airship look like a dwarf.
Iare eczema and other skin trou- than at present. The vessel is to haven lcuethrof
les with ointments and inotrou-rd 'lht' annual income of the Edin 984 feet, with a diameter of 11.,,,,
,applications. These things may give burgh charities is nearly $1,500,^OO. feet. The envelope is to be of matt
Itemporary relief, but cannot cure, At Portpatrick the matter of the Hallam alloy, with a capacity of
fbccause the trouble is rooted in the proposed public hall has been taken 3,031,216 cubic feet. The builder
u eery heartily. intends to fit the airship with me -
blood and can only be removed by , The dredging and repairing of tars of 1,20o horse power, with
purifying and enriching the blood.Straurtter harbor is now completed which he proposes ter attain a speed
Dr. Pink Pills speedily It, has cost $25,000. of from 45 to 55 miles an hour.
cure skin troubles because they en -
Good progress has }ren matte in According to the calculations the
rich, purify and build .up the im- the operations prieliminary f~ vessel will
possess a total liitiaQ
poveriehed blood • that caused the building Leith's dry dock. power of 103% tons. A vessel of
trouble, As they feed and cleanse At a recent conference in L }in sueh dimensions snould weigh at
the blood the skin grows fair, the burgh, various differnces in the least 75 tons, leaving a margin r
bloom of health returns and new shipbuilding trade were adjusted. 2A'/+ tons It is further
strength is found. No other medi- 1 During the year, the Poor child stated that poss•ble
eine has ever had such wonderful 'ren Dinner Table Society, of Glas-
results in curing all diseases due to gow, supplied dinners for 847,46'1
bad blood. Miss Elizabeth Gillis, The ringing of the town bell It.
Kensington, 1'. L'.I., says :--"Words Saltcoasts at eight p.m. has been
can hardly express how grateful I i discontinued on account of the
feel for what Dr. Williams' Pink ! noise.
Pills have done for me. For seven' The opening of tho night service
years before I began their use 1 Of parcel post motor vans between
aa- troubled with salt rheum. M%. Glasgow and Edinburgh has oaken
hands and arena were nearly alwa.. s Place.
a mass of torturing cracks and, The appointment of Police Judge
sores. I tried rrveral doctors and A. S. Millar to the provostship of
spent a great deal of money with- ; ealtcoasts has given general setis-
a est getting any benefit. Indeed I faIt has ben decided to const'I.ute
eny hands seemed to be getting
arse all the time. Finally my bio-: an ash ologienl society in Edin-
her persuaded mo to give Dr. Wil- j burgh to investigate into the tradi-
lama' Pink Pills a trial and I am of astrology.
happy to say they have completely ,This year the employees of the
cured me. 1 used in all seven boxes North British Locomotive Company,
'and I would not be without them in Polmadie, have given over $1,910 t.,
A case of this kind if they cost five j local charities, .
dollars a box instead of fifty cents.' A company hasben form$1 ,-
I hope my experience will be of F.c}inburgla with a capital of $IfiO,-
4 benefit to some other sufferer from 000lto cared un tho grubber. business of
planting; and cultivating rubber.
dkil, trouble." Dr. Thomas Graham the oldest
' 'Those Pills are sold by all medi- linedical practitioner in Paisley,
cine dealers or N. ill be sent by mail paced away in his sleep at his 'esi-
nt 50 cents a box or six boxes for dence, Garthland place, recently.
$2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medi- The cost of the recent jubilee
lr cine (2o., Brockville, Ont. celebrations in Glasgow in connec-
—�' tion with the opening of Lock ?Ka -
I ', J'R0l'OSED INSURANCE BILL. trine Water Works is about $5,00C.
'— Alex McLelland, iron driller, was
Opinions of Fire insurance Prc. found do in the hold of a new
tnium Payers of Canada. steamer in Scott's dock, Greenock.
The following extracts from a He had fallen into the hold.
booklet recently issued by the Com- Edinburgh corporation aro re
(' bore to a depth of 850 feet before
11 rnittee of Insurance Premium Pay- they give up hope of striking water
.� ers of Canada will be found inter 'in the neighborhood of the cattle
e.,ting by all classes of the coin , markets.
ay in
1II., with two Daimler -Mercedes
motors I,f 130 horse power each, hats
a calculated sped of 30 miles an
The British airship may be ea-
pretestl to be ready for its trials in
four or five months' time.
It looks, howev.'r, as if Great
Britain Mill not be allowed to re
main long in possesion of the larg
est airship, for from Germany
comes the information that Albert
Wetzel, an engineer, has completed
arrangements: for the construction
of a vessel which will, if his atnhi-
for cargo.
it would he
carry passengers on
muni iew of the proposed In ` Over _00 brace of English red
surance Bill now under considera- grouse are being introduced on
tion by the Dominioq Gover•nruent. Dirnanean Kindroga.n, Glcnfernnta,
The opinions herein expressed are in Upper Strathhardie, to improve
taken verbatim from the literature the stock.
issued by the Committee and we The Countess of Airlie performed
assume no responsibility for them. I the naming ceremony at the launch
�1'he public, however, can draw of the Inion Castle liner Balmoral
their own conclusibns as to the cor- ('astle from the Fairfield yard,
rectness of these views from the Glasgow.
facts at their disposal. The ('oin- A beauty contest for males and
nrittee of Insurance Premium pay. females was held in Edinburgh re -
era is composed of busiuese men contly, but no men came forward.
representing all classes of business Severs ladies had the courag.' to
in ('anadn. This Committee came ' parade before the adjudicators.
together for the purpose of organic There passed away in Linlithgow
• ing definite opposition to certain Mrs. Christina Ross, or "Kirste,"
dairses in the proposed Insurance
`Mto posessed some interesting rem-
P.ill which were considered Iiarm inisecnces of the '45, -as handed
ha! to the best interests I,f the busi (town to her by her forebears.
Hess community, and to offer some Cemperance workers are claiming
D' opposition to the lull sway o[ what credit for the reduction in the con-
- sumption of whiskey in Scotland,
they call the Insurance Combine.
The following extraets front tho
booklet issued by' the Committee are
interesting in this connection :--
"Because of the combine to which
refernce has been previously nettle,
rates are excessive; insurance 1•e-
Ftuircd to reasonably expedite large
business transactions cannot be ob-
tained. Necessary and very desir-
able forms of insurance in the pro-
pel conduct of business are not
procurable, and on the other hand,
conditions are imposed by the Li-
censed Compnnies which are not re-
quired by other nflieer', and the op-
eration of which entail additional
4nrdens ups n the T're►niunt Payers
-s,f i'aned:I.
Other iri-uranc(' than can be ob-
tained i:a t'nnadaa its therefore most
d••sirable, and in many cases, abso-
lutely essential. and the Premium
'flyers want the Insurance Act to
rovide the useans aherebv the
ight of private contract outside of
'an.ada, now an inalienable right
of the citizen, maty be carried out,
d the co -incident requirements
and scoff the notion of the budget
having anything to do with it.
it is stated that application is to
he trade to the Board of Trade for
n previsional order to construct• n
shipway across the isthmus between
the east and west. lochs Talbert
The movement to recognize the
distinguished services of Professore
(.'leland and Jack to the Glasgow
University is receiving hearty sup-
port, a sum of $6,300 hating leen
received to date.
Rothesay new town council rem -
prises two drapers. n hatter, ar
outfitter, a bootmaker, a grocer,
two bakers. two chemists, a res-
taurateur, a farther, an aerated
water manufacturer, a bus and 'ab
proprietor, a grain merchant, two
srcdsmen an(1 an auctioneer.
1111 11Jt1 1N Bit; .11RSII II'S
Enl:land is Building a Flier 51N1
Feet Long.
Beyond the fact that it is being
e,: in •peel- .n and adjustment of built nt Barrow, T:ng;laud, h)
i r•sc• aithin`t'anadaa not interfe•r- Uessre. Vickers' Sons and '.Maxim,
no details regarding the new Brit -
.1 a tit. ish naval airship have hitli rto
I'hc Premium t ayers d•i not hccn given out . lrcorvling to in-
�sith the insurnuce Act 1- lower 1l'c
formation collected from unofficial
bars whereby unlicensed insuran. c selrees the airship will he the big
event sniee %fold l,e p"rrnitted tt' greet yet holt, its length being over
canvas or solicit business in ('an- 6(K) feet against the 416 feet of tho
t1ota. to advertise or open offices in largest zeppelin.
/he country. but they strongly pro- tri construction it will resemble
t"st Against any Ir'gislation wbleb the Zeppelins. inasmuch as it will
will restrict their right of contract,. have a metal frame. and the gas
by imposing penalties on the in(li bng will be ditided into coutpait-
tidutls elm a ill perform in ('an stents. It. will be able to lift• some
ads. the acts incident to that con fwenty Sons, ineludi:.g the' ('
tract. as for example. tho inspec- ii, practice it. will probabl
tion of a risk or adjustment of a found useful for lifting n
less." about five tone.
y clear. 111.1 '.na 'aakc
tkc otlt of t i.,• 1, eek kook i"
,, '('tt. l.,t e . -
--\,cll. I tli„ugl,t I to-tcd . uc • 1
c covets."
1i. 1
The two motors will h
heavy bu►•dcn in thrmsrlr
are underl•tocr(1 tom- be \Vol
eines of eight cylinders. de
,11110 horse power each. 11
drit ing force of 40A horse
tie' reed of the Bit Shirt is
t 1 at 43 miles an hoot.
IT NO LONGER trerund, who stuttered badly, re-
turned home at four a.m. in a bliss-
ful mood from an "evening" at the
club. O11 entering the house. he was
greeted from above by Mrs. Ge -
rend, and the following dialogue
"Is that you, John 1" accused
}Itis. Gerund f► -em the landing.
' • Y -y -yes, m'dear, that's m -me '' •
delightedly answered Gerund.
"What do you mean, sir t'' thun-
dered his wife, "by' coming home
at four o'clock'!"
"'F -four We -clock!" echoed Ge-
rund in a gently surprised and hurt
tone. "Why, it's j -j jus' OAP
"Sir," carne the frigid voice from
above. "the clock has just struck
When Gerund replied, it'was in
a subdued, almost hopeless tone,
but with absolute conviction. "D -do
you know, my d -dear, that the clock
is st-t-tuttcring again 1"
Manitoba Man Tells Dow His titin.
ary '1'roubll's Vanished Before the
Great Canadian Kiduey Remedy.
lianirlik, Man., Dec., 27. —
(Special).- Probably there is no dis-
ease to which roan is heir that
causes such a general dread as
Gravel, or Sterne in the Bladder.
The frightful pains it brings and
the terrible operationri it nccessi-
tates cause a shudder of apprehen-
sion whenever it is mentioned. But
there is really no reason why any
man or woman should fear Gravel.
1. is purely and simply a Kidney
disease, and as -such can be either
cured or guarded against by the use
of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Take the
case of Mr. Calvin R. Snyder, well
known here. He says:—
"In the spring of 1907 I was al-
most laid up from a lame back and'
was also troubled with excessive'
urination. I got a box of Dodd's
to 400 board The increase in prosperity and
growth of business in Ontario Cit -
,t I bl d 1 ie; and Towns during 1909 is some-
thing that deserves more than pass-
ing comment.
One reads in the Toronto papers
of the new Branch of the Traders
Bank being opened on the corner EARN THE BARBER TRADE NE
1 5 of Richmond and Yonge streets this tin ',Teem constant practice: car fi
from his disease," he said, turning If you follow Mr. Snyder s ex- it.trurtlnn t.w week, corn tit
A pompous doctor was going Kidney Pills, and used them with
round the hospital wards, followed :satisfactory results. Dodd's Kid -
by a crowd of students. Hey Pills are the best Kidney medi-
"' can tell a man's occu nation eine I ever heard of."
If K•glected, it see neat, the Lup
sad say hove Fatal.
Mr. G. L. Carew et 116 Mipicent St-,
Totoat., woke under date of Seg.tetaber
13, 1904, "Dos Teat see HIMapr.ng I ton-
t•acted a severe cold is the that, which
developed into Rtonck.ta I wok three
k t:ds of aaedicilte and found so improve.
real. A meed of mine advised me to try
PSYCI 1 NE and in three days 1 le't like a
new man again. I desire to hit others k naw
what a valuable cute you have in f'Sl•-
CHlNEfor lasted one wlaeseal1 etl.e, me4-
'tines leadfarled. 1 ate morethan that ►tut to
bewailagain,asdforthesakeofothers who
a.ay be ilt,yau may publish shistesti.conial."
Step that c.,:d er lb. results w,il be
serious. You can do this by loniud up rive
ystem with PSY'CHINE.
F.r Sale by .7 D,as:4 ,, Y... a S1 per ketch
buy or sell Stnek+ will r/reive toy
personal attenti..n. S. M. Sluthrw,. Probe
er. 43 Scott Ft., '1'oren.n.
i D . a course
to a patient. "Nott•, this man is a ample and use Dodd's Kidney Pills week. Another Branch to handle rnnln tree;" graduates earn tt�elce
musician. Aren't you 1"
"Yes, sir."
"And you play a wind instru-
ment 1"
"You see, gentlemen, nothing is
worse for the lungs than the wind
instruments. What is your instru-
ment, my friend 1"
And the man replied, "Concer-
tina." o
Children WIII Co aretghlna. Tb•y come hauls
cowered with em.w. Hai(., teaspoonaul of Paiui,
killer les hot sweetened aster will prevent an,
111 effect& Avoid suhstitut.., there is but one
"Painkiller "—Perry Dane -2A. and seal
He—"Wonder why it is they al -
for slight urinary disorders, you the increased business of this bank eight e`Molera Barb weekly
write ►r Qum.*
will never be troubled with Gravel. in Torontn, and within two blocks Last. Toronto.
of their big fifteen -storey Head
.Office means enormous growth. The
Traders had already eight branches
in Toronto, which might seem to
the, ordinary layman to be more
than sufficient to handle any rea-
sonable amount of business. The
necessity of opening a new branch
6a its own town shows part of the
reason, doubtless, fol the very sub-
stantial growth of this Institution
a meal he is oppressed by feelings this year.
of fullness and pains in the sto-,' Shareholders and Customers of
If you have Gravel, Dodd's Kidney
Piths will cure it.
"That woman's conversation is
is deep as a well."
"Yes; but she never dries up."
The Pill That Brings Relief. —
When, after one has partaken of
We Geer
a practical training that will
enable you to secure a good
posit' . 11 will take only a
.hart time to acquire and the
cost is small. New terra begins
Jan. 4th Write for particulars.
British -American Business Collage,
Y.M.C.A. Bldg., TORONTO.
mach be sutlers from dyspepsia,t the Bank are looking forward with FOR SALE.
wcpc rsist if be not dealt a good deal of interest to the re-
with.hih wPillarmerlee's Vegetable Pills port that will be presented at, the w,F, Ann' frame buildingRI1,. totwnshi
are the very best medicine that Bank's Annual Meeting on Janu- 120 neve' et.ared. Only Ede dawn,
can be taken to tin relief. . ace par rent. London ' ---- Cempa -
(1 81'V 2$t}1 1910
London, Ont.
10 A('R■
p n, IJnd,ay,
1 ...lance ail
if Canada,
bh i f These
ways speak of the 'blushing pills are specially compounded to '
deal with dyspepsia, and their stet- A BAD SIGN,
She—"Nothing very remarkable
about it, considering the kind of `ling qualities in this respect can be
men most women marry."
A Mild Pill for Delicate Women.
The most delicate woman can un-
dergo a course of Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills without fear of unplea-
sant consequences. Their action,
while wholly effective, is mild and
agreeable. No violent pains or
'vouched for by legions of users.
"A,re you sure these sheets are
clean'?" asked a traveller. "Quite
clean, sir," the chambermaid all- l OPE FOR THE DEAF—IN ACOUSTICON
swered confidently. ''They were — I one of the mnrlela of the erectrleal ratan
only washed this morning. Feel It is an Elixir of Life.—Since for- .1 u.. throughout the world. tt -11. far rata
." otten t1mC men hate been seek- Jere.. Ueneral Ar..ustie co., of Canada, Ltd.,
them, sir—they are nut dry yet l'• f1 n gal Yong. Street. 1orouto.
in f
, g or the Elixir o[ Life, which ,<
a Raslraas gh drivels al••p and eomfaA tradition says once existed. Dr,,
purgings follow their use, as thou- away. Yen ca,nauer It with AIntlen'• t,,mg Thomas' Eclectric Oil is an Elixir.,
sands of women who have used them rh tie .twh bili iti•s A�'bhreetbI p to .! Before which pain cannot live 1t:
"Do yon believe that she really
intends to marry George?"
"I don't know. Her mother and
father think so well of him that I'm
afraid there'll be no wedding."
CAL VES Rola* Them without MDR
Steele,�Rrl'i'tter Rae.
ag• Beed Co.,�1.141., Toronlo,IODL
IVB DOLEARS a day sure. made polling nut
labora.uine ru,u-hiu.c. Expelionc• uunenes.
ry. Etenbody Luc.. They sell the mselr•a
'Agents wanted •i•rcwher•. A postal to -day
brings particulars. ( harlots Adam', sarni.a, 0.14
t •r •e an a an o • roa . ivo
can testify. They are, therefore, treaty to the obildrea
18 made up of six essential oils.
strongly recommended to women, ---- carefully blended so that their
who are more prone to disorders of Bach— "I suppose, old man. your curative properties are coneentrat-
the digestive organs than men. wife still thinks she married a trea- ea in one. It has no equal in the
surol" Benedict --"No; a treas- treatment of lumbago, rheumatism,
BOLTED AND BARRED. tll'y !" and all bodily pains.
45c, No. 1
Canadian Hide and Skin Company,
as Frent St. E., Toronto, Ont.
Un you trip or bay
His luncheon oft lie bolted down, HER KNOWLEDGE. l.mge t a ler. Iyaye
Dyspepsia hit him hard, r ( higIeayricep. ' n t
And now he wears a solemn frown, Father 11 ell, Carolyn, how do ,hlnmente rot,elte`d.
For food he likes is barred. you like school'?U 1 rear marl and ex-
pr.sc charges; remit
Carolyn (aged six) --Oh, so much, romrtiv. Also larged dealer in Heefhidee,
papa!I S e helms,etr.12o..tattonsandshippingtags
Father ---That's right, daughter. JOHN HALLAM TORONTO
And now what have 11.11 learned
to -clay 1
C'nrolyn--Its learned the names
of all the little l,.rv-.
s aVbetttutS to?''Tho n a 1:' Menthol Sumter,
aneerhs,,.. "un.rn.puI n. deAler. may en, there
a, 1te. -num a led by d',ct,q., h -spitals, clorgy
MO 0111/}1".11 for pleurisy, Miff nes*, etc.
' Only One "IdROMO QIhI' INH••
Tbal le LAXATIVE HROM0 1'isier. Lnnit
Inc the signature of B W. OltOS'5. Used the
world over to Cure a (:old in One Day. Yee.
PA7.n 01s, 1 MEN r I. guaranteed to cure any
eves of itchiu:. slim. Riesling or Protruding
Palest. 6 to 14 day, or money refunded. 1.0e,
As soon as a man really feels that
ho can at last put aside his busi-
ness en res he lies down and dies.
Aunt—"What do you think is
meant by 'The shades of night were
fast'?" Jimmie--"1Yhy, the
people were pulling down their cur-
no. M R. Soots ThM& am a bars?... ma*
yt+. tn•uble r w. fr•m had 10 w,,,.• a., ebMt-
ed. Anew. Lung Ital.aw C,',1111 the w, r.1 or
0w.•., •. 11 allays inflammation and clears the tie
A 1'Rt )JIPT R1;Pl.V.
A temperance lecturer was de-
scribing to his audience h- w his life
had been influenced by total abstin-
"] un know," lie Paid, •'that. 1
am now head of my business. Four
years ago there were two men in
cur office who held positions above
mine. One was dismissed through
drunkenness, the other was led in-
to crime, and is now in prison—
and all through that evil drink, the
invention of the wicked ' Now,
%hat, 1 ask is." he cried, "what has
raised me to any present high po-
sition 7"
"Drink'." was
reply he received
of Iris awhence.
"My hair is falling out. old
chap !•' n solicitor confided to a me-
dical friend. "Can you recommend
something to keep it in?" "Cer-
tainly!" was the agreeable reply.
"A cardboard box 1"
While more prevalent in winter,
%ellen sudden changes in the wea-
ther try the strongest constitutions,
colds and coughs and ailments of
the throat may come in any sea-
son. At the first sight of derange-
ment use Bickle's Anti-Consuntp-
tive Syrup. Instant relief will be
experienced, and use of the medi-
cine until the cold disappears will
protect the lungs from attack. For
anyone with throat or chest weak -
n. it cannot be surpassed.
Tourist—"This seems to bt' a very
dangerous pass. i wonder there is
not a warning board up. • Guide
--"Yes. 'There was one up fur two
years, but no one fell ot, r. 80 it
was taken down!"
Try Murine Eye Ramsey
'Per Red, Weak, weary, watery Eyes,
`irannlatlon, Pink Eye and Eye Strain,
Murine Doesn't !smart; Soothe. Eye pain
a Compounded by Experienced Phvairiane
Inntatns no Ininrionm or Prohibited Drugs.
ry Murine for Your Eye Troubles 1•.,n
Vill Like Murine. Try it in Baby's' Eye.
1•,r Real Eyelids. Druggists, Pell Murinll
tit 51), Thu Murine tare Remedy Co., t h14
lege. will send You Ioterestiug Eye Book/
The girl as very rich and the
the unexpected young re:atn tt as poor but honest.
from a member She liked hint, but that was all,
and he knew it. One night he had
been a little more tender than
"You are e r.• rich," he ven-
"Yes," she replied frankly "1
ano worth one million two hundred
and fifty thousand dollars."
"And I am poor."
"Will you marry me?"
"I thought you wouldn't."
"Then why did you ask mel"
just to see how a man feels
when he loses one million two hun-
dred nd fifty thousand dollars."
t_ 1_.
3 THE ?
'NUL NO. 1- 10.
the so
people are made giddy by
1 whirl.
er !eve .effnir is the best
for a le, tan heart,
ONLY' A F l- \V OF T -S.
Teacher -"Ilew many snake a
million, Johnny'( '
Johnny ---"Not many."
Take 'axe rIVit 'memo Quinine T$bI.l.
Uractimt• refund to 'nay if It fall. to onto. IC w,
ORUV&'.A signature is on each boa. tae,
"Is that grade -climbing appli-
ance of yours a buns fide inven-
tion 1''
"Honestly; it's on the level."
Are your eorns harder to remove
than those that others have hadt
Ilave they not had the sane kind 1
Have they not been cured by us-
ing Holloway's Corn Cure 1 Try a
Mrs. Parvenoo--"This, Major, is
by an old master." The Major --
"Ite'ally ! I shouldn't have thought
yo " Mrs. l'arvennn Oh, yes,
Why the man I Nought it .,f gave
me a written guarantee that the
artist was over seventy when ire
did it."
When some people do tell the
truth they exaggerate it.
When You're Hoarse Use
1 L ilii MEO;ttxt TCA (o-UGI1Strt�l09
(..,rtes immediate r^!i-f. -11I f..t C
d'-. rrlirvrt Volar aehiag throlt and
allots rile irritation. Guaranteed to
contain no opiates. Very palatable. 4
All Drwesi.t.tae. •
1:-141:1.1-44P.14 'p-•
Wo Make Everything
in Furs. f pals. J.,5.'.. M.011.
Stole., 1 sots IIIu,11let', eta.
Write for catal..,t.
RAW FURS wepayhlahest pricer. Writ.
Inc price 11.1..
;; lar;,: •t. F 1.•7 t.40.
320 Mwrk.et
Ih. 11tiJr a. n s., -r whl: a
mates .ref •ho.,lrnt eaq.
Aim 4irest,r at ,h• /Won
er wrist 11,:nr Mrd she
• ah•t ..solott•tm hr al,nwt
• e Instant
., schist or get •rt•Car
.1 a n.a, nret..l I -o, 1.
•••' pocket 4114 mut. an4
1 .ve nt a. ur 1'.;c• 53 Oil
p.eapri l les 1* e at all
tomato's*. en1.y
St.. San Fr-anr.!..c0
The famous new discovery of the age,
positively, quickly. comp'etely relievea
and cures Goitre. Thick Ne, k, Sciatica,
swelling(.., Bunion., Q ' y, etc, $ e no,
or 6 for $3.o0, mailed on re: Birt of
LYLE Mr rr,C,Nt CO.. Toronto
r'I'RU{tf, p,ra•(us. X
l016o4, c t -/la re' ft, 'crag/
For Croup. i)tphlhhAa.
influenrat (;rataP i.
`+swum., Dorn.. yoald
Ave dents'. rttlGAO.
I $Its, Otinehot
N•njbde Pol.nnnum
artce of fogs, 'Hake.,
y'ingsof InsorLe. cr.,
• Relief
11 r. .5 1, 'ins 1 hark eat canto
to our hack tem a laht night." Mrs.
Juggins—"Did it brings you good
luck 7" Mr. Jllggins -"That's what
it did. 1 bit it the very first tune
I fired.''
The Alt by glow disappearing
from the cheek and moaning an
restle*snots at nightare sure Symp.
toms of worms in children. 1)o not
fail t•• girt a bottle of Mother
-• I' "t„ r 1'vterminntoir; it IS
t 4f• c•,' t .. lr.cd.cint.