HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-06, Page 5(LONDON) India Pale Ale Preiudi. e 1 in 1 area: r i; a:ous vendors :nay ...raged other, bat compare it ay way you will-- purity, freedom from acidity. palatablenes.-l.abatt's Ale is surpass- ed by non.- . egnalted' y few -it about half the price of best imported brands. ROSS' FURS Manufacturing Furriers Here You Will Find The Largest Stock In Western Ontario Here You Buy Direct from the Manufacturer and Save All Double Profits! Here you are told exactly what goods you aro buying. because we make theta and know what each garment is composed of, arid guarantee every garment as represented. and will refund the price if goods are not approved of. Our range of MINK, LYNX, FOX, SABLE, PERSIAN LAMB, IN MUFFS, STOLES AND NECK PIECES IS SPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE and COMPLETE. Special Fur Garments made on shortest notice under the most careful supervision. 196 DUNDAS ST., LONDON, ONT. Why Green Flour When You Can Get Five Roses Age is a wonderful improver -in certain things, and flour 13 one of these. Practically all cheap flours r .1 " ^-een " (lours. Up till five or six months r ...ng, good flour will go on im- protiing steadily in quality and dryness. developing many admirable traits which It would not otherwise possess. ---For instance, clearer color, smoother "feel, " increased absorption. and so on. It is in obedience to this same principle that good wine gets better, and a mere " fiddle " develops into a valuable violin. - But It must be vain the beginning. At the end of a century or more. a cigar box would hardly become a Stradivarius. When a flour is Improperly milled or milled from cheap. off -grade wheat, it has lost Its keeping quarries before it ever had them. It can only get worse with age. Your dough cannot rise - shows poor graining In the loaf with a crumbling crumb and sickly crust. Your best pastry efforts are rewarded with corresponding pastry evils. 4 • When your friends are seated round the table. comes the discovery. the very embarrassing crestfaller apologies. FIVE ROSES. Madam. Is millet nett frorrr� perfect materials in a sanitary plant cleaner than your own kitchen. i/ that be possible. it Is packed nett and stored awhile In our own store- houses. until expert exami- ners declare it aged to proper dry- ness. without a trace of acidity. Marvels of cleanliness and care are these storehouses of ours. To visit them would gladden the heart of the most finicky housekeeper. 'Twould astonish you. Madam. really. ♦ • • • FIVE ROSES is never " green." never weak. nor " dead." nor acid. FIVE ROSES is drier. and being drier absorbs more water. producing more of those light. toothsome. flaky have; and rolls which tickle the knowing palate and fill a vacant place most pleasantly. Those extra loaves pay more than the difference in first coat. Since yo t want a flour fully matured and seasoned. that cannot spoil or sour )n your hands or misbehave in any way, that does not acquire the "w)rm habit'but improves with age If you wan; this our. Madam. you will insist on FIVE ROSES from your grocer. LW Or flit woos MIlt11MG p., Lf•„ IIOMIlltAt McGtI.L1VIIA r-1ir. and Mrs. Ant- bro.ie J. Prost and d.tuinter. Eleanor of Toronto here oi, Thursday last. Mr. I'rest and his daughter have been ser- iously 111 and It is their intention to re- mail, for a few weeks w th relatives 11 NdrO 111 i vray. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ti;CASTORIA e Jek Ali As rdudkalkalls Ault M'bure litters 1 Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions CA n he installed as rheap AS 4 lumber and last forever. 4 Beatty Bros.' Load 4 Binder 4 These three things aro great Iab0rasawere for fat titers and ne- Cesdtiea on a farm. For sole by 1 1 iIAY-\\'e regret to have to report the 1'r'ou1 Illness of Mrs. Alez. McEwen s'td unite with her many friends In wish n.t far her recovery. • Winter Term OPENS January 3rd Mtnd.•nts may ent'ar any day of t he w heel year. individual Instruction. Our graduate:( get the hest positions. Mail Courses. We train more young peOpi' than any oth• er management in ()Anode! Affiliated with Com- mercial Edue Association o Write for pet Clinton B11Kin The see--- IeM le teem gsnlesers le l'errYli Sob weaki have beta ImreeeM, M kd i1 soy seeds twe stere el nerd aro. Vie have Ude e Wiesen Of expect of slams everywhere. vmatf's MMmss £i•t01LL Free on request D. M. FERRY t1 00.. Madame, orM. KIRKTON. Mr. It"uaxrt Fletcher has a:r.+e1 home :1,3111 t!.( \Ve.at.-M r. J. Williams is Y1110. icing with ft lentis in Lrahtford.- Mr. Joe Doupe of lira.:dot, Is vlsiticag fie mother. Mt s. 11. Doupe.-}i and Mt*. S. N. Shier of Crand.tl, JLan., are vistt- ins friend:. around iters. -Mr. J•Heattt of Hanley. Sasif., 1s 'salting fele par'- eits Mr. rad \1,rg It. 13wtty: Misses Vera Hazel' )oi, C,la D.aupe, Radial Kirk and Nancy St',t•eon. add Masers. Alvin Doupe and A. Wiseurian spent the vatatlo:: was. their parents here- Lr. John lL.zlewa.3'1. sr.. is at present ua- tier the donor's carr. -Mrs. Thompson :end children of North D.akot.a ars visit ing her parcl,ts. Mt. anti \t:a. F. Swett zcr. • I1U1tONDALK Mr. J. C. Horton. acc5)untant of the Unlon hank at Indian Ileal• Le Nott for a s:tort vacation. ZURICH Mr. Edmund Delchert of Armada,Ddiob• la vi:iitt::g his mother. Mrs. John Did - chert. -At the annual school meeting held o:i Wednesday Mr. Simon Saral%s. whose tern: as a trustee had expired wag re-elected for another term.- tar. acid Mrs. Salm Faust have moved to their new resldence.- Aqulet wedding took place at the Lutheran parsonage on Monday evening of last week when Mr. Beers of Buffalo was married fie Mrs. Itutk:r Hamacher of Port Arthur formerly of 'sur Ic'h.-Mr and Lira. Wm O'Brien and children are visitins ralai fives in Michigan -over the hofldays. A pretty wedding was solemnised at t s Methodist parsonage. Creelman, Bask., on Wednesday of last week. when two well-k:town and higl.ly respected resid- ents of that district were united in marriage, Mr. Norman BostubsrTy and Miss Stella McCrurit being the contract ing parties. Stephan Mcidinger of the. 14th con., who has been a srftera'r froth cancel; of the stontach for so.ile months, suc- cumbed to Itis illness on Kowtow elea- Ina of last wt.ek at the agevt 411iyeare lie leaves a widow and lards ural? Io•.aites nunu roue friends and ieslatltlse who sincerely regret lass demise. ?ie rtece.sed was a hart: working add In .luatrious man and a good netgbber, Another old restde:rt of the Township n the person of Mr. aro. Thiel, dr., died at the family reside.:, . 14th cots., 311 Thursday last, having; reached Ears ase of 84 years. HE had been in poor health for some years and the end cans not unerpeetedly. Ile was one of IA* Pioneers of the Township. and though •)f a retlrtn:; disposition. he issues •tiiny ware.: personal fttende, who re- erot his departure. He is dor-vived by , widow and grown up fsnslly• M 3ORKSV ILLE. Murray Nell_ and RoY Si:nDao't 114 London visited under the parental root. -Mr. John T Simpson spelt a few 1 ty.a at Sarn'a.-Messra. Joshua and ('vaster Miller of Ohio pt.J a flyltag v sit to friends here. -Mrs. Beaton at •tarn(•. in the .guest of 1t1 a. J. Oli- 'nare -Mr ar.d Mr•. Go:l..t B1vom- f:eld, John Bloomfield and daughter a pent New 1' •-v Wkth ;heir rather John t iiocmfteld.-M, . and Mrs. W. Donley, (^tris Donley and itobcrt tiatlten and f•amlly spent New Years with W. J. 1odZtn' .-Geo. Gilmore or Port Buren 1.1s returned after a pleasant visit with Js broULer Joan !films• to -?Les• Geo. F;atrctt and daughter L',ulse ate vislt- iar the latter.s sinter. :fr 4. Mete lwip- .ton.-Weddlmg bests will soon b ring - Messrs. Wilbur and Arnaid est T tro.•ba eper.t the hol'daye with Mr. Norman Farrel. -Mr. J. Kelly ot Lon• .tan 1a'd .t flylag visit to friends Aare. .-'tr. and Mrs. Walter Lewis sntsr- .4:ed a number of friends on New 1"e•r.r day. -Mr. and Mre. Gottsrill d isir.(nrdi'te are visiting friends AWL - at:. and Mrs. Armitage ut Kincardine arc ',netting at Mr. Will. Simpuon's.- T`te S. W. C. held .a successful dance 3n New Years Evr. .Ui report atatted time A number of our young pSOp e spent a pleasant evening .a• 't'a hem et '1r. John Coursey. P.OGF.lt\ ILLE. Mr. and Mrs. ltobt. }toss of Byron via. ;ted herr during tile holidays. -Kt. A. McTaggart of Toronto sus bash visit- t:a3 in this locality. -Mr. and )Lr1. Wis- est White of Lucknnw vlatted here Let week. -Mr. Wen. White of the t7NaIt ,i'etrict, who has been visiting, at big gone^ here. rrturncd thio welder-Kessrs. Ben -son and George Game, sone at Dr. ?. Olin of Dungannon have returned tri their home. - $r. Fd. Case, vitae bee tees on an extended trap t• (kli•ernlh :and elscwA Ic, spent a few days tome witf, friend,. but has since rectitis/ to Toror.t's. Ills trip south baa behalf %t-. Cage considerably and its a new m ie 'physically. -A of young people enjoyed 've'.ing at the h. one earning Dick were were hcs t iliUlt`.t'. i1IPEr/et.--lisi.ter-On December 29th fir hone of ?!r, and firs. Simon Hunt- er e: 1.et +, t�l:1. 4. was rho scene of ea user happy event, the occasion be - tag than mar. ug•' of their daWilkie: • filth to Mt, T„.nna.a, 11. 431o.t of Ku,. &sten. Sasla" a. lua appo:r,ted Mout of rive •'close. to t... strains of Mendels- • . 'a wedd'nti :parch. played by M.3. Jarmo Hodgson of Granton, the b. da Watered the tasteft • decorated parlor, issn'IaR on the arui of her father, where. among the immediate friends only of ties bride and groom, Rev. Hugh Wet - seen perfurnu d thr c'crcutuny-. Tne bride w.ts ..tared (u .a b tuu(u1 .:;own whits silk and t anted a bouquet of white carnations. Sha was .attended by !tier sister Pearl. similarly attired, who parried a bouquet or p'i k carnations. ILr Roy fled -ant of To 1 do, brother M tie groom acted us best m.an. Co-t- tratulatleit9 over t)IC guests 941. clown to the sumptuous iepist that await.d Veen. The pastor's iota( to 'tic bride and groom Was ably trap's:tdcd to by the tteoni. The young couple writ epeAd a ahort tone vtsltii rela,tvcs and friends, after which they will take up their residL:ncc 1,1 the \test. Th., pr`s- *eta w.•r.' i:unyeruus. curtly and useful, among Mem Wm: a auh'tantial cheque tram the bride's I. trema. and also nue groin the groom's ino.hcr. T11. Advo- cate bins the ritaray ft-ten:is to het eortgratuL tions and beat wishes. Dtctill.LIVRAY-The body of the late Ono. Olbson was brought here Last week train Winnipeg, where ht. died to a 1104- pital friday night after a brief illness. Mowed was a native of MCG'llivray anti wilt West about 19 years ago. Tie funeral took place Thursday afternoon treat the family residence, West McGil- livray to St. Mary's cemetery, lirinatey. MI '.I LL -Wednesday mo:m:ln; Mrs. Grace dampbell, beloved wife ot Mr. Jas. Patter, whose home is in Logan, Just en tbe outskirts of Mitchell. died very suddenly Tia lady had her breakfast but In a few minutes later complained et net terll:t: weli and laid down upon a Lounge, and almost Instantly passed away. A sorrowing husband and two cblidr'e.n survive 1:, r. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 8T MARYS-After an illness of near- ly a year ltev. 1•"ather !Drennan died early on Friday morning. For thirty - tow yenta (lecc.aeca waa paatur of St. ll[sry's Catholic church, and was be- yseed ta)' Lis uwn p.ople and nigttl; es- teemed by the cititens generally. IIe was born Li Ireland :tad ordained bre the `rtnithoed ;II 1897. allAF(tltPI1--\tee. Michael hael T.eg:.Py. for many years .t resident of Seaforth, died Aare on F'rldas Last. the salt , renting with terrible sudJt Incas, Mt a. Ta -;hey was apparently in her usual health. when without warning she dropp''ti dead heart L,tlure being the cause of dead:. The dece..aed, whoa° maiden name was Mercian, was a native of Ireland, bu' had been a resident ot Seaforth for many years. Sire w-sa f:, yearn of .age. Mr T.as:iiy lied sc;eral years ago. She is survived by a fancily of nine chil- dren. KIPi'l N -The Methodists held their annual Christmas tree last Friday ev- entng.--Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper are here from the West on a visit to relatives and friends. Mrs.Cooper to the youngest daughter of Mr. Jos. Upahall. -Mrs. John Nit -Gregor. loth con. of Tut kersmillt..,ttcnded the funeral In To- ronto iaet .tevk of her youngest broth- er, Alet" Me Cloy. who was just 22 years of ale. * rays er thus. COTT or Tattoo, i ss, (.ACAS 1.'ursrr i Prank J. Cheney makes oath lh.t h.• to rimier peer d the firm of F. J. I Ilan.' 4 1'0., doing I u.i ales ta the City of Toledo. ('nuut y and State of»re• :li sad that sai.t firm .111 pay the•om of ONE tQ�DRRD 1)01.1 -ARS for ea'h and every ,•r.e of UVa tint ("anent he earnl la the u•'e of !!all's Catena Cute. t'ItANK J. ('HENSV S worn to before o.. and .nb•,•ril..a in nn pr.•s- setos, takis nth day „I I I..•easier. A.D. fav; (leas,) A. W.f:I,RAN(l5. Solite Beira 1'atarrh Cori I., tater,, internally, and a• le d iraeely on the bl•oal arse) ow'''ns ,urla•es of 11v 1111411m. Sonrlf,,t teal ueonials free e J. t'HENY.Y Aro., Tulalo. 0. laid be all ft,- ai.ts, 7f..•. Tate Hall's Fsmity fills foe ro,istilation. The following le the rc.(tart of Y. V. No 5. Ueborne, for I)eeember.-`tr. 1\'.. mon- ors, Itutu.• Knell.. Zinn) .t Fli'.(: ; Pass, t31n1,'r Mi Falls, Fred Perkins. .tu'tin Ford : Jr. Iv.. Motor s. Lila Moir i'sss, Gert!' Johns ; Jr. 111.. Pass. Garnet Mc - Falls. Clarence Johns . Sr. if., Ilan ors. Thelma Ford. Ferrol Higgins. Or - by Kest.e. Pans, Harold Moir; Jr. 11.. Honors, Arnold 'r'urd. Pane, Albert }tout tarter. Gordon Perkins: Pt. L. Donors, Kae Pe -d. ('Carley Fisher. Pa 4s. Amy Plwher, Or.t.r Moir. -F, L. '!('Pherson. Teacher. f).\N :KIWI'S I),1Nf l UI F', Will lt.tkr ('.t•,.td.a ,t it•tldheadcd Peel If Not Check K P.,.hur Ian of LITTLE DI(iESiERB Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote Digestion. Money back if they fail to cure. At all Druggists sr direct fres 25c. a Box. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto Revillon Freres -� i 144440 teas The largest dealers in Furs and Skins in the world. W pay the MUST MARKET PRICE for all kinds of Raw Furs and Skins Honest assortment. Quick returns Ask for our 19094910 PRICE LIST IT'S FREE O/r,C■ *NO •Te4INOoa• 134 sad 136 McGill St. Mentr•st Wit PAY PJ(PR}?S3 C1LARG1i"S. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A EXETER MARKETS. •0HANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat Barley Oats. Peas Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cw Butter Eggs Live hogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton Dried Apples... Turkeys... Geese Ducks. . . Chicken..... ... ... . 1 ski 3.-, 1311 1:1 00 1 51i I Ili e Nei ra 1100 275 155 2•I 7 75 23 Oe 21 00 8 1• 18 1:t 12 Mr. J. T. Clark in England to cover British. Elections for Toronto Daily Star Another instance of aggressive enterp.ise on the part of the "Toronto Daily Star" is furnished by its actlbu in send;ng to England • member of its staff. Mr. Joseph T. Clark, to remain there until the Close of the British Election Campaign. Since the 14th of December Mr. C1ark'e cables appearing in the " Star " have been commanding attention and favorable comment. Never before has a Canadian paper afforded its readers the means of following day by day a British Election Campaign so intelligent1). Cabling is an expensive operation, but the " Star " does not spare expense when there is an opportunity to nerve its readers. Mr. Clark, who is known throughout Canada as • writer if un- usually graceful English, with au original point of view that gives distinctiveness to everything he writes, is describing the campaign at greater length for "Star" readers in frequent letters which can he truthfully describe,( as masterpieces. The British Elections are being covered in the "Star" by no less than four distinct services, two of then( exclusive to the " Star," as follows: 1. Mr. Clark's cables and letters (exclusive to the "Star"). 2. A special cable service from a strain( permanent corre pond'nts in Britain (exclusive to the "Star"). 3. The Canadian Associated Press cables. 4. The Associated Press cables. In no previous British }?lectins has a Canadian paper made similar preparations for getting the news. it is smother proof of the increasing closeness of Canada's relation+ to the Mother Land. But, also, not 1n our tithes have there been as great issue: at stake. The Inn:a'et. free trade, the future of the House of Lords, the British constitution loch(, are in the melting pot, end who know. what will come out? dor coni patisons one has to go back to the great reform of 1532. and one authorit' saws it is the most tnourentons stru 41•• since the Revolution of 1688. The "Toronto Daily Star's" news coluines will keep you fully posted as to the progress of the tight. 51.50 a Year This palter and "Toronto Daily Star" together for one year 52.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. added to above subscription prices A Toronto Daily Star .1 Make Each Animal Worth 25% Over Its Cost "Tee 1 CL" u ,• er. r oe (:. ,,,.i Ci,rwlf, ',,.r On z.; of a Cent a Day Nobody crer hc..rd of .hook foist- storing the hots toll., making hen. I,,y m sinter, tn.reeratog they tell of milk hve (wren'... per sou .1 Jay, or rastunnit run•Jnun :,nom.,!, t.. p!onapno.e and a,gor. When you tend ".t„ek 6.1.1 " t.. )our curs, hnrse, .a, 'nem. psut,r). you are merely feeding thorn uh..t sou Inc:gram Int on y'.ur ue n (arm. \',suer anim.J. Jo need nit more (cosi. bid otmcdting to he;p thele (ashes get all the good out of the 1.i..1 yam gess them su they van get fat .end .fns tit all y.. 1r round: aicn to prevent J,.a•.I$c, a un' fine.,.'. and ',rep them top to the hest p. hie can,I ,non. A„ t...k L.sl ..'n .!o all these things. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC can u:Jdocs. It i. Nota "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPSCIFIC,,.nt:tins nn grain. nor L,rm pr,stn, :. It in( n.., . 01 of milk fr.,m ttres 1, fire r.,a def • . per .1.1) befnre fha•tipr.,ho ha. i,.en "..J t A m aka. It makes the _milk rich. r • J 11.fle.ti faster than .,ny other prrpJ, alum'.noaan. 4:Ave* fcd w,th ROYAL PURPLE .,re ... Targe at ata wick, old as !hay uwld bee hen fed with ordinari m.teraals•at Ian tye.ks ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC Lund. top run J.,w n :animals and restores them to plumpness alm•.st m ,t,atly lures Nate..oha. wino., 'tin Ji.e•.,.es and 410..1;typt rmanantly. I an .ttkhwan. the horsem in. stye: .1 have toscs ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC p:".,.fenny,n the fccJlna'•f'The itch' 2.0:1. 1 ,eget a mnar ..1 .ny p.'aar m r.r,nJ Chea ant In 1911, .inJ'H. my Winter..' 2.1)41, brother of ellen Winters,' winner of f.ts,Oia),n trotting stakes i i 1961. The.; h.,r.. s have never hen mfr thc,r Ic'.J tiny I comman.cd usoof 11..) al Purple Specie:i almost a year ado. and 1 will ale ars have it in nay stat!,, .•• al Purple