HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-06, Page 4•zefex nauseate,
Sanders e! Creech. Prop.
THURSDAY, Jan. 6, '10
Thls weed .tu •stloa la one tlt,tt slay'
well be considered during the whiter
mouths, as that la the tanner'.. great
U•laurc flare. The •lucstlott is a p.•tsear
one !n mat is is not the, farmer wir) al-
lows weal• to go to seed on_ h1a awn
farm who :a1o•te suffers. ills neighbors
suffer also and o.ie f.trm allowed to run
wild with weeds will soot) bifect a whole
district. 4t to tbctefore absolutely ee-
eentlal that weed• niiou11 no be allowed
to go b) jived on any farm. If !let own
er will i.ot take steps to keep weed• In
check thee: there should be some way
to compel hien to do so. In Ontario the
law's already on the statute hooks 'ere
sufficient. if properly enfuiced. In the
Vest the farmtr Is notified by the in-
spector to rut the weeds In time to
prevent their developeig seed. if the
work Is not dime at the tittle set, the
Inspector Bends men to cut the Weeds
and the expense. uZ the work Ia rh:vg':tl
up to the farmer re.potisible. Teia
looks like a fair propoaitioa and he
better than imposing a fine or touter
punishment for heelecting the weeds. In
that the work la do.:e by varve nue to
prevent the spread of the weed seeds
over the whole neighborhood. The weed
question is a serious one, and only dues
tic measures will Effect a remedy. En-
forremcett of the weed laws for a few
years would work wonders in ridding
the country of injurious we^ds.
Y. M. C. A. -The quarterly meeting of
the County Committee of the Huron Y.
M. C. A. was held in the County office
In Clinton on Dec. 29th. Present, F.
Buchr nan of -W in,;t ata, J. McNay of
Egntondville, G. Qteet.ey of Seaforah,
E. ]lender of Blyt e, J. Scott and Dr.
C. W. T.)oenpson of Clit,ton. In the
rebset:ce of G. F. Blair, Mr. F Ilucnan-
arl acted us chairman and in the absence
F etll..'t
Mr.L. C.I g
of Mr. R. Maxwell
acted as Secretary. Atter devotional
exercises the minutes of the, last !nert-
Ing were read and approved. Treas-
urer's. Report was then recetved.-
Rerelpts sheet Sept. let, 1909 $497.17
Disbursetltel';te since Sept. let, $409.82
Bal. on 'hand 29th Dec. 1009, t•8 i.35
Outst:u1dlu: pledge of 1909 $132.72
1.tabiilt`e3 to Dec. 29, 1909. e504.10
Estimates deficit for 1909 $43.05
Th. County 'Secretary's Report showed
that a financial campaign had' been
made to Sr t fort and EentondvIlle for
t:.eie share ,eC tele budget for 19.)9,and
Lh*t myth and CWt:on had been ran -
v) .red for 1914). Se,ttorth had al•»
been organized, it being the sev.nta
Aesor dation It. the °auetty. A very
profitable day had been spent In Str:at
forcNov. 12th. at the Yitystc'l Train-
ing Institute, as a rebut. ": wn`''a
•true:1 work is .being dole at sume of
the organizations of the C:untles JI
Huron and Bruce by the volunteer lead
ers of the physical work who altenlel
th ii,;tt:tote. A nominating committee
w. uppo:rated to nominate fiver Wren 10
I t the place of the following five ra-
ng member s, -etc eat s. It. Mace/ell, C.
•(1. Thsnlinou, T. E. ICandt. rd, Il. E.
)podzeee. It. M. Young. Mte9are. .1.
Hartley and W. S. R. Moines were ap
po'.nnted to audit the treasurer's looks.
The meetltts t' • .e,l t.wr net -L. C. 1'f'in
siee -
Winghann- M .vow Holsten. l'oun-
cillors-M,Kihhon, Red 1. Bone,
Elliott, Gi.•gory, MI'I)otutld. 1Vater
and sewar by-law cal ried.
Children Cry
aaancous % y,n,
44811.D 14,1.7.. w I•anoo3V
NO11 11\ V I I
1"1'1"1 "O:) V \:1(1'111 ' la\Nil:)
'va(.m +q1 4q ;,3a111.,.r11 A;111t •
131.3q 1.,q .yl 1.1m not 1' nos.m,ti
aq. 4nq l.nt• 'rat.,.aaf 11,4 1..
Us.s simper ru• nus sal•11a. n q
•4n.nunta ('^r ant
'alum po. •r..daa 13110 ..n s 11111nn.ad
uonsno.on3 •.1 'siq.mp r.• 104!u.4
.UO3 '1.a.•uou. +a 11 nua.n.•S aql
• a1..1
pont or roil 8o,..a14 •14onaeo/o,o of u/•.
•.p .11 wird aql sl'aal sus e1n.a4 1111
MAIM aaunq s..) a+os.s,.S IN
F)r till by '.V .1
•TBATroito.OFT. ,
Winter Term from Jane 3rd
, ferh+ hast ),r. ti •al tralrang .'h,8u1 .if Ontario.
We offer .1.•nt.ge4 n+t offered e1
Camila. 0,
?be t e .t.4.r.8. Cert.
There Was *IAN our complete die
made for the purpose of coining money
by the Confellerute States of America
-tint for a one cent pier•.., which was
wade by Lovett, the Philadelphia en
.:rarer, in Deli. After he ball finished
the Mee \1r. Lovett found that lie was
unable to send theta to the per..nus
wllo had ordered the work done, and,
be.'umiug; l4lar! Ciel, he "struck off"
twelve nicki•I cents and then carefully
secreted both coin.. atilt dies. 1'or
twelve long ye:irs 11 N eng;aver kept
his secret, w•Itieh w'a finally reveale•tl
through an accident. tine eery in le:3
he went to the Iiiiiitis place of the rare
volts and eelectc,i c ne for u po.'ket
piece and within the month passed It
out unknoe ivaly to Hazeltine. the
1'hila,h•lphia restaurant keeper. '1'Ieis
man, knowing the piece to be Lovett's
work. sent It to J. C. Randall, the coin
collector. After some little trouble
Hazeltine and Randall succeeded in
buying the ale, and from It they struck
fifty -eve copper pieces{, twelve in silver
wed seven In gold. Title accomplished,
they mutilated the die, and coln dealers
now hold Confederate cents at a very
high figure.
Herd seats.
It Is not well for sedentary workers
to sit on cushions. In man, owing
chiefly to his erect carriage, there Is
a strong development of the muscles
of the pelvis and the thighs, which
almost completely clothe the strong
bones of that region. In the seated
position, to obviate undue pressure,
nature has provided it proper cushion
over these bones. llyrtl'9 saying Is
well known, "We sit on the fat of the
seat 119 On a mattress."
In sitting on a smooth and hard
surface the body rests upon three umtn
points. but in sitting on a soft cushion
pressure is Imparted to the muscles
and interferes with the circulation In
nil their parts.
Great attention has been paid to this
matter In the construction of bicycle
saddles and, speaking generally, with
very beneflclal results. Nothing can
tie said against a certain amount of
covering, if not poo yielding, but the
office stool, properly shaped, la an ex-
cellent seat.
Food Aversions.
rows' milli is said t , bo ahhorre,l by
the .hisses.., sail rabbits are never
eaten by the Abyssiuian'.1, who explain
that rabbit' aro too tnuclt like big rats
The natives of the Sandwich Isl:tu,1-
wattle not take caviare for a gift.
Cheese in Mexico is simply curds ilea
icca'ea and pressed in pancake shape.
and even then It is patronized only by
the Caucasian -colonists. The half
breeds accept It with herittttion, nod a
two ounce slice of limburger would
stampede a tribe of mountain ltnilall1.
i'br•.• resent it as a prat -tit -al joke In
,tae.tiouable taste. But why the No
.eschew lee creast. u+ u traveler
•.,• .the ,.
is is (.ase, Is less Bas}• to ex
len. Perhaps they share the Japa-
.u'..e preJudloe against dairy products
or the C'himete predilection for super-
heated tidbits.
• Queer Italian Crstera.
On Aug. 1 of every year the people
of Val di floss. In Italy, gather In the
im''i1 square, which 1s alma a thrnai:htl;
!herr. and proceed to exorcise the devil
for the benefit of their own dreams and
for the well being of their vIneystrels.
'I'I:e most int.'lligent man In the coin
nntinity Is chosen ►nttsle•r of ('erenmuie.a.
A small lire ballism is trade ready and
to this 1Ite master of ceremonies s 11
t•ntnly nttnebes n puppet repro+eaten;(
hie Satanic maj4'ity, Amid the Mt .:l.
of the peasantry the balloon, with the
et'. II attached, Is liberated. The good
• • '.le believe that for the rest of tine
air the e•ll one will not disturb their
• (anus or damage the vintage.
Y'rsRe. All t.pers.
Ref.'re the discovery of Lucifer
r:tateheo a Targe hoof shape,' fum;u,
]wiring on the trmiks of trees w•.11
used tbrunglttnt northern Europe for
taking anuIduu or tinder. The thick.
i,rowue woolly flesh of the sash• fun
0,11s, cut Into slicer and beaten until It
;''suniey the appeared.e of felt, 14 a+e.I
at the present da} in t;ern•nny for the
eiatiii(nt•ttire of chest protee tors, cepa.
1,•il••.es. be.1room slippery and veriu;:a
n. .•r artivl0$,
Ore Rse.ptIon.
"1'spa, Is the 1011)11 that rocks the
Cradle the tine th.:t rales the world?"
"'That's what I've heard."
"Weil, 1 knew one that don't."
"Who is it?"
"Nurse. She %vented to go down-
town, nail martinis told her she'd fire
her if she went and twouldn't give her
no r.'+•,•rn mend.'thin .,.
A ('Aroele Nablt,
"Nn" "aid the matt alit , had recently
-e 10 tit' neat•
Mr. Levi McCann of Detroit spent
the holidays at his home here. -!firs.
Wm. Cunningham and daughter Miss
Jennie spent the holidays at A. Cun-
ningbatn's.-Miss Laura Lochner of
Shipka spent Sunday with Mrs. David
Lippert. -Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kenney
of Sbipka spent New Years at Charles
Holt's.-Miss Kate Currie sent the
holidays at her home in Mt. Carmel. -
Mr. Chas. Holt and Miss Kinney spent
Christmas at Parkhill at John Kiri-
ney's.--Mrs. Yager and daughter Tillie
of Exeter spent New Years at B. Cun-
ninghani's.--Mr. Ezra Rritzel and sis-
ter Ella spent the holidays et Haden.
-Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeh and family
returned house after speeding the hol-
idays with friends in Michigan. -Miss
Mary Querin has returned home after
spending the summer at Mat Regan's
at Mt. Carmel.
Mr. Rich Neil and wife spent Sunday
evening with friends on the 2nd. -Mr.
Dan Hicks and wife spent New Years
with Mr. Darius Rdwarda.-Mrs, T.
Simpson returned home Friday after
spending a few day@ t iib friends in
London. -Mr. Fred Simpson. wife and
family spent New Years at Clande-
boye.-Mr. Albert Simpson has pur-
chased a teani of heavy colts. -Miss
Irene Dixon is visiting friends at Ma-
guire. -Miss Susan Cunningham is
spending the holidays at her home on
the 4th con. -Mr. Wm. Darling die -
posed of a heavy colt the other lay for
a handsome figure. -Mr. Adam Neil
and wife spent New Years with their
son Mr. Ansley Neil. -Mr. Lloyd Fra-
ser spent New Years with friends at
Mooresville. -Mr. Thos Smpson paid a
flying visit to friends on the 2nd on
FF:1.t. To DF:ATII,-The accidental
death of Mr. Samuel Speare of Crone
arty, has cast a gloom over the whole
community and it is hard to make
manifest the deep affliction and sorrow
that hes fallen upon the home of de-
ceased. On Tuesday last Mr. Speare
left his home to go to Mr. WVestlake's
at StatTa where he was engaged in tak-
ing the roof off the barn. While thus
ensi,ged a part of the roof on which
he as standing collapsed precipating
him to the ground, a distance of six-
teen feet. and alighting on iia head.
He was'killed instantly. the accident
happ•'eing 1 e'elnck in the afternoon.
He leaves to tunurn his untimely end
it grown up family and a grief stricken
widow. Ile was a roan highly esteem-
ed by every person who knew him.
Deceased stmt leaves a number of bro-
thers and sister's, among whom +ire
Moe Jelin Shiite of Kirktnn, Mrs.
Fluffier of Iiibbe►'t. Richard of the
Nest and Mr. Joseph Spectre of Cro m
arty. Deceased whit, 53 yearn of age.
Tile funeral will tike piece Thursd/ty,
Christmas and N••w Years visitor'.
have h.•eo ..u.. some of 'a hem
are es follows: It •v, (leo. i).iI lley of
HIaWa11,., at Mrs• Anderson'-; 1tew. E.
Kerslmw of Nona -tock tt S. I)t ole':
V. H. Butt of Teluoto Medical Col-
lege and Miss Mabel Butt, professional
nurse of Detroit, at the parsonage;
Austin Duplan, lateen at bolus; Miss
Katie Elliott, London, at home: Mr.
and Mrs. Redden and family. London.
and Ralph finndferd of the Northwest
Mounted Polk.• at R. Handfot•d's: Mt'.
and Mrs. Fred Lane and Mr. and Mrs.
Thompson of the Northwest at (lpo.
Baynhatit's; Mr. Chas. Parsons, Icon•
don at Wm.Persons':Mrs. Greellwav
Crystal City, Man., at S. Davis': Mes-
srs. Bet t and J. Trotban at home; W.
Amy and wife of Manitoba at Vin.
Caves. --Oar village is putting on city
airs these days. By action of the
('maty Council l'enh•alia has become
a police village and 1Vm. Parson.., P.
Hanlon and Thos. Elston have been
elected village trustees. --The Sunday
school entertainment during Christ-
mas week was well attended and the
program the best ever given here.- -A
Inca! option nieet1rig held here on the
..with tilt., was largely attended and
excellent speeches were delivered by
Rev. R. Hobbs and Rev. It, Hicks. -
Rev. E. Kershaw preeehed a vet v ef-
fective serninn in the Methodist church
Sunday morning and the p -star, Rev.
W. H. Butt delivered an ithle• address
nr► Iaucel Option in the evening. --Jahn
Culbrrt's stable was destroyed by fire
on Thuredey morning end some vale.
able implements as well. The los,' is
(1111te heavy as there was nninsurence.
-The election passed off quietly on
Monday and it heavy vote was polled.
Though Lured Option was defeated in
this township. thispnlling sup division
gave fie for the bylaw and :11) against
it. This shows the temperance gent
men! to be strong in this section.
CItEDlTo:l. to Cure a C'olti Way : Take
e1 as follows ,-Supt., J. IL liultuuan : r cANAD1A,N
lei Oestrelc,.er Stc'y, Ga.
Vee -Supt„ Rees. Palmer : Treas., Dan-
net Sweitz•r
(_:ortster. Albe. t Morlo(k ; Librarian,
Frazer Brews, --Elmer Lowe" •pent New
Ye.or'a Day awl fiie::da ht Lo:.don.-
(:'trlstian Beaver and sot lterbet1 at-
tended the Silver Wedding of Mr. acd
Mrs. Umtxtch of Elmira on Saturday. -
lir. Orate of Centralia was In toe. 11 01,
Tuesday. lie returned nonce arconlpa,ll-
ed by bliss Vivian heaver. who wilt vis-
it there for a few daye.--Election passed
off quietly on Monday. Our tows.sman.
Fred. Wuerth heads the Jiro as coue-
clllor in the municipality. The Local
Option vote was the result of consider-
able effort for 'both parties.
-- + -
(�- M. BROKKSSIIIRF., iIA,nwanh CoNI')iy
L' • KNCER. Deed., Kills, Mortgaged and all
Legal I)o' umeota carefully and promptly prepared
Chances moderate. Issuer of Marriage 1.irense..
altos Flo. Cudmore of Detroit la house
far holidays. -Tile Muses Geiger of
'Michigan are visiting their uncle, Mr.
Ogen Gelger.-James Carlisle Is still
very le and h(s relatives are very arIx-
lou9 about !tint. -Arnold MIcArtitur !tee
hecured a good praitlon 1.1 a bank hi
Winnipeg. -Mona Cage of Toronto le vis-
iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mdr.-Mise Blanch Dahlahtyne of Brook -
dale. Man.. Is viaitlne her relatives and
trlends In this section.-'WIIl Thomp-
son and wife and children of Cntcago
sp'nt the ho:ldays with his mother. Mrs.
G. S. Thompson.-Teos. McPherson of
E3lavatt, Sask., is here vialtin. 1de par-
eets. Twenty years ago he went to N.
Dakota, and laterto Estavaie wlter. . he
it t. 0w to -1'l lg and dotngwcll. H: finds
a big change Mn Hensel! in 21 years.
Hensall las no contest for municipal
honors this year. 'all having been elect-
ed by automation. as foilowe,-Reeve,
O. Geiger; Councillors, H. Ingram. A.
Brandt. J. W. Ortweln, A. Thompson;
and the retiring members of the school
board were re-elected by acclamation, Dr
SelIcry. W. V. Davis and W. Stoneman.
F:r.'-'r Women are Finding
It docs not seen that women i:,tv.e
:1:1-0 Caen v fair share or the aches and
p ila.l that afflict humanity ; they must
"seep up," must attend to duties In
'.lp'te of constantly aching backs, or
hetdacles, dizzy ap''IIs. bearing -down
pane; they must stoop over w I-1 to
.':sop means torture. They must wale
, .'t bend std work with racking pains
.t:l4 many ache) front kidney ills. Kid-
neys cause More suffering than any on*
er organ of the body. Keep 'the kid-
ney.) well aid healt`n Is easily main-
tained. Reed of a remedy for kidney,.
only that helps and cures the kidney,.
and is endorsed by people you know.
F. A. Wright of Kett91.. Exeter, Ont
"Mr). Wright had been a constant suf-
'e- : with or,) .an )1 g and
,ye:proms o' Bright's disease. Iler
'c w.t.) tenter an4 p*taful and she
.u: 1 .41 !lin,. scarcely g •t up from .t
..ti. .�.: ...u' ass:sting herself +•.'
both hands. There was a dropsi
swelling around the ankles and under
the eyes and the urine had shown many
signs of this dread disease at different
analysis and contained much brick dust
seiiment of high color. Different pre-
scriptions had failed In giving relief and
we had begun to think Ilothingt would be
of any benefit ; i learned of Booth's
Kidney fills through an advertisement
and procuring a box at Mr. QIe's phar-
macy, commenced treatment. The re-
sults were surprisingly good trona the
flrmt box. The dropsical swellings be-
gan to decrease. The urine gradually
cicarel of the aedtrnent and came to its
natural color. The backache soon had
gone and it way a comparatively short
time before Mrs. \Vright begun to look
and feel like a new person. Booth's
Kidney Pills gave a very speedy cure
when 411 cis, failed evotr to relieve
and I cannot hesitate to recommend
them as an ideal kidney remedy and one
to be relied upon always.
Sold by Dealers Price 50 rents. The
II. T. Booth Co.. L't'd. Fort Erie, Ont..
Sole Canadian Agents.
(Piety 4 P miwowE)
Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, cr
money bac.. Sold and guaranteed by
,v)Ll:, EXETER.
The Old Way The New
l'Ultt'ilAYE[ i:LACKS 1IT11 iICSI.
NF:NV.---Ilarinq purchasr4l tl c Black -
smell ItURI:tele from Mr. .Noma ilod-
glns. i am prepared to do all kinds of
Inack.lmlth Work for the ge:0.•ral pub -
Ile and reepettfully cotlrlt th^ patronage
of all the old cu;tonrrs of t::•• shop and
many new ones. 1 am sure we can give
you entire satisfaction. horse shoeing
a spec•lalty.-DAN Ma(IMAAC. Crediton,
81'110011 will rt eaten Mu.lday. Jan. 8r•1
b; t :r' ringing
at do must:
e tr prov.'
Cm a Cold
28c Bei. Howey'.. Drug State.
ew Absorption Method.
er from blee,ling,
r protru.Itng
tress, 111,1
re your -
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve, $6,000,000
Ar►angements have recently been completed under which the branches
of this Bank are able to issue Drafts on the principal points
in the following countries:
Faroe Islands
Fr'ch Cochin -China
Great Britain
PhiUipine Islands
South Africa
Straits Settlements
West Indies i -t
and elsewhere
Exeter Isranch-U. \ti'. It or: noon, Manager. Branch also at GYedlla .
tHE clear space allowing for
�L large size ashpan --- This is
another of the bright features
found only in the -
If you'll but take the trouble
to call in we'll gladly prove to
you wh., this range is so popular.
For sale by W. J. HEAMAN
The Molsons Bank
incorporated 1855
Capital (paid up)
Rest Fund - -
Has chi Branches in Canada. and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches. interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
Dtoltsoa S CARLING. Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manages,
Buy a 4
Piano for New Year's
Surely there is nothing better than a Piano. it is something the
whale family can enjoy, something that will last a lifetime --and if bought
right can be handed down for two or three generations.
Yon do not take any chances on any piano you get here. The standing of
this establishment is a surety that yon will get your money's worth -a 6001)
Then on top of this you have our guarantee- so why should you take any
Come Here, Pick Out a Piano That Pleases
You in Appearance and Tone!
You will find our pricey reasonable and the terms of payment can easily
be arrangers to your satisfaction -and the inetrntnent will he ABM►LI'TEI,i'
RELIABLE in every respect.
We are now displaying an
/ Unusual New Year's Stock
of the Finest Line of Pianos on the Market.
PIANOS from $200.00 up
ORGANS " $06.00 "
Ips' Be an early caller and receive one of our Art C'alendal'•
r`Ac.,\NG �q8.1-)
Regina Watches, when saki
without an Official Guarantee,
anJ by other than an authorized
age! -.4., are liable to be Second-
hand Watches, taken in trade
or procured in some other
second-hand way.
I am the only authorizeu
Official Agent here, and am the
only one who can issue an Offic-
ial Guarantee which will be re-
spected by other Official Agents
throughout Canada.