HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-06, Page 3f
The Christmas Blizzard Brought Woe on
Newfoundland's Coast.
A desl,at •h from S . .i,,hne, Nfld., pal business street of that place
says: Eleve•l Nowfuundlend schoon- resembles an ocean beach, being
els and their crews of 60 men, aro pile} high with flotsam, Hest was
believed to have been suet in the cast up by the unusually high tides.
Christmas blizzard, while great de- The village of Black Head, three
structiovs to property throughout miles from. this city, wits almost
tail Wand colony baa resulted. The swept away.
•term raged for six days. All tele- December was the stormiest
graph lines is the interior of tho mouth the Newfoundland coast has
colony are down and reports from experienced in half. a century, and
inland points are Flow in reaching it is estimated that its cost to the
here. fisheries and general trade is more
The town of Placentia was flood- than three-quarters of a million
es 1 fir three clays. and th princi- dollars.
Over 1f)0 Applications for Positions
Already Received.
A deepatclt from Ottawa says:-
ffver a hundred applications have
been received at the Marino De-
partment for positions in the pro-
posed Canadian navy. • Included in
the: number are applications from
several tuen who have served in the
British navy and aro now on the
reserve. It is not likely, however,
that any large proportion of those
will be engaged, but younger men
sought. The wages of the officers
will be similar to those which ob-
tain in the British navy, but the
soak for the crew will bo higher,
and more along the line of what is
paid in the united States. It is ex-
pected that the cruiser Rainbow
will arrive in Canada early in June.
Conclusion Reached at Conference
in Australia. --
A despatch from Melbourne says:
The conclusions reached at -the re-
cent conference on the subject of a
wireless system in the Pacific were
made known on Wednesday. Repre-
sentatives of the British Admiralty,
of Australia, New Zealand and the
Fiji Islands shared in the discus-
sion, the result of which was a re-
commendation that high power sta-
tions be established at Sydney,
Doubtless Bay, New Zealand ; Suva,
capital of the Fiji group, and Ocean
island, toad medium power stations
in the New Hebrides and Solomon
Islands. MI these wireless stations
will he under the control of the
British (lnvernment.
Girl Says George Emmett Did The
A despatch from Winnipeg says:
George Emmett was charged on
\!'ednesday Morning before Magis-
trate Daly with attempt to murder
Bertha McLean, his sweetheart, and
afterwards attempted to commit
suicide. He was committed for trial
at the assir:es. The case is a most
remarkable one in many respects.
The girl was found in a dazed con-
dition with a bullet wound in her
temple, while Emmett had three
wounds, all in the back of the head.
Three doctors declare they could
not have been self-inflicted, but the
girl maintains that Emmett did the
shoot ing.
Our Ports handled 370.00.000 Deis
she's of Western Grain. i
A despatch from Ottawa says: -
The proportion its v..?ic•h the West-
ern grain crop has been shipped
from Canadian and Atnetnan ports,
is indi,ated in returns to the Trade
and commerce Department. Ship -
melee to the eail of navigation are
figured on. The total through Can-
adian ports was 36,904,307 bushels,
• and throe:gb American ports 19,61I,-
216. Of the latter 17.377,151 bushels
• went by way of Buffalo. The' total
• number of term inspected to Decem-
ber 11 was 65,1s3, containing 7.1,-
1e1,6•41 suit Is •.( grain. The Can-
adian Pacific handled 40,000 ears,
the ('an:ilian Northern 19,271, the
(Treat N.•rtheen 2,693, and the
(Irani Trunk Pacific :3,510.
Edward Burley Fatally !utensil at
C jAll.
A despatch fie le (' shalt says: -
Edward Burley, an Lnglishinen,
formerly eu,ployt 1 at the British
American urine, but for the last
month at the Rochester, died on
Wednesday afternoolf from injuries
received at the mine. Barley and
his brother wer e working at the 75 -
foot level. Preparation had been
made for blasting. Burley lead
lighted the fuse and was walking
away to a place of safety when an
explosion, supposed to be prema-
ture, and possibly front a defective
fuse, took place. Burley's body was
badly broken up by flying rock. He
was thrown on his face and his left
shoulder was very badly crushed.
Dr. Melbourne was called in, and
removed the victim to the Red Cross
Hospital. where he succumbed to
his injuries just after noon.
Fishermen Rescued _1f1(: 'Their
('raft Ilad Sunk.
A despatch from Toulon, France,
says: -- The submarine Cigogone
performed a remarkable life-saving
feat during a recent storm. The
boat was practising diving in the
open sea, when the commander saw
a large fishing boat suddenly over-
whelmed and sunk. The submarine
immediately dived right under the
fishing craft, of which the masthead
alone was above waiter. The valves
were operated quickly, and the
Cigogone rose to the surface, lift-
ing the boat and holding it, above
the water long enough to take off
the crew.
TR ADE IN 11'001) }'1.1,1'.
United Mates importing More and
Export lug Le -o.
.1 despatch fre.ml \\'ashi.lgton says;
-Ninety million dollars •was the
contribution of the forests to the
exports of the United States dur-
inf; the fiscal year of 190.3, an in-
crease of twenty -fold since 1851.
This is one of the striking facts
told in a bulletin covering a period
of sixty years, issued by the De-
partment of Agriculture. The for-
est product imports have grown
even more rapidly. From a little
more than $1,000,000 in 1851, they
reached snore than $100,000,004) in
1908. Wood pulp shows the great-
est increase in import. From a
value of $5,000 in 1880, it has grown
to more than $7,000,000 in 1907. Ex-
porte of wood pulp are compara-
tively small, and are decreasing.
IN 1.11Il' Ol__TYPHOID.
Over 1.0411 (elsee W ilhonl 11ospilal
A despatch from Montreal says:
A canvass made by one of the local
paters of thy, private medial prac-
titioners of Montreal indicates that
there are over 4,000 cases of typhoid,
in addition to the 800 or so cases
now being treated in tie public
hospitals., Thirty-one new cases
were reported at the effuse of the
civic Health Department on Wed-
nesday !leaning. Twenty-seven
cases were refused at the city's hos-
pitals owing to lack of accommoda-
Revenue for Year Shows Big Increase
---Some Large Expenditures
.1 despatch from Frederickton, N.
11., say, : The provincial financial
•statement for the past feeal year
published ,'n Wednesday in the
I;o}. l Nanette. anti shows ordinary
expenditures of 011,2.33,391, as com-
pared with $1,012,198 last }-ear,
while rfeeipts show a big inereeee,
and amount to $1359.820, leasing a
balance of About e1,001, The Inrg-
spendit me was $304,419 for
evil,. about $75,004) mere duties. 1111,393 liquor :
that last year, tiltilc for agriculture
the expenditure u:ns $31,191, or
$10,030 more than last yet►r. Other
large eslpenditures include *210,077
for e:tr tt3r.n, i?3't,176 fo :ee
stye 4. •,ernneent, and
forest and game prote
menta in interest am"
457, \111111` last ,;veer it
The receipts inetude re
minion subsidies. $:391:,,.
its re,enue, *12,131
Telegrt.pafe Brief* From Oar Owls
aad Otb(•r t'ouutries el
Wrcat Events.
CANAL ).1.
The C. N. 11. will h:.i!d a hotel in
The C. P. R. hotel at Victoria is
to he enlarged.
Dominion neteorologieal informa-
tion now includes Europe.
St. John Harbor hoard offers the
city. wharves to the C. P. 11.
The boilermakers' strike, is now
off in five cities, including Montreal.
Hamilton city council passed a
by-law to raise $25,000 for the Car-
negie Library.
Mrs. Cole and two children were
burned to death in a fir;; that de-
stroyed their dwelling .,ear Elk
•Victoria, B.C., on January 13 will
vote on a by-law to raise $1,500,000
to bring water 25 miles from Tooke
:Athol Marshall, of London, while
walking home found a drunken ratan
sleeping of the C. P. 1t. tracks.
The G. T. P. will make a grant to
the Selkirk Fair. cinditional upon
a premise t•e delay the show till
The Ohio is jammed with ice, and
the coal barges are held up.
F'ivo men were killed by the ex-
plosion of a boiler at West Read-
ing. Pa.
Duties eolle:•tel in 1909 at the
port of New Y rk totalled $217,-
Five trainmen were killed in a
collision on the Baltimore & Ohio
Southern in Indiana.
Lonesomeness caused by abnor-
mal bashfulness prompted the sui-
cide of a young elan at Toledo.
Gov. Ebevltart's attempt to settle
the switchmen's strike in the north-
western States has failed. •
Madison Square Garden has been
sold and an ofliee building will bo
erected on its site.
Champ Clark, of Missouri, says
that in twenty years the United
States will not export agricultural
The motion for a new trial trade
cm behalf of Charles W. Morse. the
former ice king, has been refused.
Carrie Nation has appealed the
conviction by which she was fined
$100 for smashing a bar in Wash-
ington, D.C.
Bernard If. Pall, an or 'el of
the Philadelphia and Bele Rail -
may, went violently insane ecause
of over -work.
Drinking on Christmas 1), was
responsible for tee deaths by cci-
dent or assault in the mini! vil-
lage of 13114fells, \V. Va.
The Kellner fancily of Lee
Ky., in an attempt to field their
missing little daughter,lne:t, have
written the secretary/cif every Ma-
ecnic Grand Lodge st1 the e•o•ltint rat
to ask the assist:ufce of men'hers of
the craft.
:Austrian army officers eon t wear
Berlin churches will chau•g•• a fee
to see weddings.
i)r. Cook's fake polar res ,rd will
be placed in the criminal museum
at Copenhagen. .Montreal, Jan. •4.--Oats--Nu. 2
Two companies of the 1 ti7lh steel- Canada Western, 42%e to 42%c;
mr•nt of German infantry, fought in N....3 eats, -11%e to 11'{c. Barley --
barracks near Strassburg; live were Nr,. 2, 06e to 07e; efanitobe feed
fatally injured and one, killed.
Prices of ('attle, Crain, Cheese and
Other Dairy Produce at
Dome and Abroad.
Termite, ,ian. 1 -Ontario wheat
--No. 2 mixed winter wheat, $1.00
to $1.07; No. 2 white, $1.07 outside.
Manitoba wheat _ Spot No. 1
nerthern, $1.10; No. 2 northern,
$1.09 en track, Take ports. For
early January delivery. No. 1
northern, $1.15%; No. 2, northern,
$1.13, all rail.
Corn - American No. 2 yellow,
7:1e; new No. 3 yel.ow, 69e to 69%e,
Toronto freights; kiln -dried No. 3
yellow, 72c.
Oats -Canadian western, No. 2,
40%e; No. 3, 39%e on track, lake
ports, December shipment, all rail;
No. 2 white, 35c to 36c, outside ; No.
3 white, 34c outside, 37e to 39e on
track, Tor•mto.
Barley -No. 2, 58 c to 59e; No. 3
extra 57c; No. 3, 51c to 52c; feed
barley, at 49c to 500 outside; Mani-
toba, No. 3, 52e; No. 4, 50e, track,
lake ports.
Peas -New, No. 2, 86c to 88e.
Hye-No. 2, 70e, outside.
lBuc'cwheat-No. 2, 52c to 53c out-
Manitoba Flour - Quotations at
Toronto arc :-First patents, $5.60;
second patents, 85.10; strong bak-
ers', $4.90; 90 per cents„ Glasgow
freights, 29s.
Ontario Flour --- 1Viuter wheat
patents, for export, $1.20 to 8-1.25
in buyers' sacks outside
Millfeed-Manitoba bran. $31 per
ton ; shorts, *23 to 11;21, track Tor-
onto; Ontario millfeed, $22; shorts,
$21, track, 'Toronto bags includ. d.
:apples --412.50 to $1 per barrel,
according to quality.
Beans --Car lets outside, $1.55 to
$1.65, and shall lots here at *1.75
to $1.90.
i-)oaiey--Combs. dozen, $2.25 to
$3; extracted, 1014 per Ib.
ilay-No. 1 timothy at $14 to
1$1.1.50, and No. 2, $12.50 to $13 on
truck, Toronto.
Straw -$7.50 to $8 on track, Tor -
Potatoes -50e per bag All track
for Ontarios.
Poultry -Chickens, dressed, 13e
tc• 14c per Ib. ; fowl, 10c : turkeys,
18c to 19c per Ih. ; ducks, lb., 14c;
terse, 12c to 13e.
Butter -Pound prints, 23c to 25c;
tubs and large rolls, 21 to 23c ; in-
ferior, 19c to 20c; creamery, 27 to
2 e. and solids, 2$ to 26%e per ib.
Eggs -Case lots of fresh gathered,
35 to 36C; now laid, -10e, and stor-
age, 25c per dozen. •
('he ese--12%c per lb. for large,
and at 12%c for twins.
Bacup --Long clear, 1.11..0 to 14%c
per Ib. in ease lots; meas pork, 820
t ,
(427; short, cut, $28 to *29.
Hams ---Light to medium, 15c to
16e; do., heavy, 14e to 141/jc ; rolls,
1 t • to 14%e; shoulders, 13.• to
13;ec ; backs, 10c to 20e; breakfast
bacon, 171,9e to 181.
Lard --Tierces, 15%e; tubs, 16e;
pails, 10%c.
ltl'S1N1.MSS 1N' M)N'I'REAI..
barley, 52 to 53e. Flour --Man itol'an Icaye hi; plumed hal on n form at I;:,:t. \Rock, wife ..t fitr
spring wheat patents, firsts. R5.70; which a number of boys were sit- I"'!,ert Affleck, is !trebled, -
de , seeorls, $5.20; winter wheat th.• ,'sly one wh•e i4 cru
patents, 45.5,4► tip $5.60; Manit.'ba ting. The nearest bey promptly hen 11/1"ve.l 35 a sal.•.woihi .l. It al,
MONSTI:11 LOOK .1T e•SOI)". stre,ng bakers', $5; straight. rollers, stole. ncf erallerfnthem as 3 11 .lir, I li 1e. ars that owing to reeenl reverses
•n3.10 to *3.113; (10., in Lags. $2.40 for his felloi,f ihiiim. When the' 'he It", -"net is extremely hard up,
United Stales .Will Construct Lars- to *2.541. Feed - Ontario bran, an(I ,.hen "'Selfridges op:9)M their
est in the World. Emperor returned for his halt, mere`
kt21.50 to $2.1; Ontario mirlllir►gs, than half the teeth( rs were missing. i stere here, La 1:r .lftle••k was e•le rat
X2:3 to 23.69; Man3Mbi shorts, *2°_
.1 despatch from Buffalo says: But he was not angle - net in the. the 10,0+1) who nlrli!i •.I fern situs
tea public hearing on harbor mat- is;3:S23; tilxu le grain atilli',11ll8llie, $32 to I(ast. ale prooipt13- gave away all; 1. Xt. 11. was (I. c•i•1.• 1 to Rive h••r
tern here on 1Wednesday Beprele,t_ 5 to $27* the rest of the feathers,and went •a trial in the co,tp. ees it ieirtine et.
tatiye 1). S. Alexander. chairman Cheese- --September make westerns home thinness. • e here she has jives .• 1 a desili. 1
of the Rivers and lfarb.)rs Cumuli: 117,.• it 11? t'.: Oct. make at 111.2'• 11. Lt pine, tits fa•1,.n14 Pr•f,•.•t 'nc•cess.
tee, incidentally made the ,In- t 11•. yc, and easter-is, 11 , t•' ,•I flat3'.11'1+ Petite., does est kllnwwould he constructed at Sault Ste.
-' -'•�` '�
nounecmont that another large lock l -1,e. Butler- Choicest el-Inue. . th.' tiieaiiling . 1 fear. He wily ink' 1.11 111111 II 11,1, �0T 1311.
5, ,, to N4", anti fMsl1 Inn_le, :!-1 v i4 i, the most o i,'t•rns crowds. 1rn
t.• 25e. Eggs---Mlri:•tly nee.
laid. , with nolh3nu hilt an urnbrell e
40e to 42,f; me lee. et. No. 1 stuck, `l;)e Ihlri it political tr..nhlee surra tie
try 30e. and N•• 1 cii.r.11ed, 23 (oiago a riot Ihreatene.l, and AI. I.e
27e per dozen. ; t,ir.e lin • • • .
_ ith hit,; .
CXiTKI) sT.1'rl:s 11.111Kr '
M nnnx•olis• 34.134.1i)eet'mberap, R
4i. '
Three New Ones Opened for Passenger
Traffic in the West.
\ despatch frons Winnipeg saes: will cernstitule the main line flocs
.1s a result of building e.p'ratious hoose Jaw direct to Edmonton. The
this year thi•et new branches of gine portion now being opened front
Canadian 1 medic last week were. Stettlor to Caston rovers a etistanre
opened fur pessenger traffic. These of sixty utiles. :1n important. strip
include the extension of the I.a- of new country wilk he nerved by
eoinhe branch from Stettler, Alta., this line. On the new line running
t.) Caster, the opening of the \Vey- from 1.ethuridge 'teeth to ('irmet '
burls to Forward line and the open- gay a hi -weekly service will bs
ing of the new line from Lethbridge given. The line runs parallel to
to C'armangay. The line running the Macleod to Calgary branch, and
east from Stcttler will eventually is built through one of . the finest
be built through tte Outlook and districts in Southern Alberta.
--No. 2 white, 45';c; No. 3 white, 'ger outside anxious to see him
41%e to 45c. General Hunter could not leave the
table at that moment, and told the
LIVF. STOCK 11f:\I1KItTS. - order's- so. "What shall 1 do won
Montreal, Jan. •t. -Prime beeves, 111'11 thea, sial'' asked the orderly.
•laie to 5%e per Ib. ; pretty good S'Oh. knock him down," said Hunt -
animals, 3,34c to 4%c and the soul- er, impatiently, as he turned to
mon stock, 2-e to 3%c per lb. l i. dinner. five minutes later the
Milch cows, $30 to $60 each. Calves, man returned bearing _ obyiois
from to near uc' per lb. beep, marks of the fray. He saluted
about -1%c per lb.; lambs, (.c to stiffly, and said to the astonished
6'3c. Good lots of fat hogs, from
Generel, "1 had a bit of a jub,-sir,
83- c to 9c per 16. but l knocked him down at the
+ finish"
'I'Ite.Duke of C iennaught seems to
PERSONAL POINTERS.posse s the happy knock of winning
the esteem of everyone with whom
interesting Gossip About Some he comes into contaet. '1'o a ser
Prominent People. • lain extent this is due to his of
.\s a small boy Prince Arthur of fablenes.s. As a soldier once put it.
Connaught aspired to be a clock- "There's no la-di-da foppery shout
maker, but, after helping for :t few the i)ook. 'E'll stop and tslk to
months the clockmaker who used you in the street, and you can talk
to attend his father's residence t 'int pretty straight, as lean to
every week for the purpose of wind- slam, without bein' ate up." The
ing clocks, the young Prince came Duke, by die way, seems to have
t•, the conclusion that he had inherited something of Queen Vie -
chosen a tante profession, and after torics power of repartee. ' On the f
that his one desire was to follow in 'occasion of a visit paid by him
his father's footsteps and join the many years ago to Dublin, a certain
:army. :*1r. Henn insisted MI being intro
The many compositions of the dosed to His Revel Highness be -
n Princess ofd ce, who paid the Prince when cause, he said, his
bothn hwad sat
next a visit to England recently, havepassing
almost bee ne C:aAA1CA 111 the king- their examinations for the army.
(10111 over which one day she will '1 •as then,' observed the 1)ukc.
be Queen. Princess Henry of Bat- bewtween two {,3rd-, for on Ivy
tcnberg is almost equally clever as other side was a Aar. Ptac"ck. and
a composer, while Archduke Peter none of us was plucked."
Ferdinand has published a large Debonair and always imnl:lem-
nuanber of songs, waltzes, and lately dressed -except whc•1 work.
I,carche . Use must gifted of alts ing in his office at Buckingham Pal -
however, is probably the blind race, when he takes off his e'it,
l.andgraf of Hesse ('axle., whose tucks up his cuffs. and proceeds t•.
compositions rank high amongst deal with His hfajeaty's c letter
modern nnisien1 works. }sag -Lord Knolly'-, King User•. s
Lad} our Bigh, 1•ritatc secretary, is knowi' for his
la id. recentlitalfy toldof an aturleausirlg s!tory courtliness and grace. He its- oras
ni the sennas.; ..f twins. ":1 friend e I tnuch considerate kindliness, but
of mine," she said, "had the good at the same time a man of few
fortune or misfortune2-to have words. Some little while age a
three sets of twins, and as cpch only one who his happened
craft ned:ltiphe the
pair came the parents puzzled their
where the King made a little
brains to discover suitable names epcech, went to LordKulays with
for the in. The first pair, bein
girls, were called Kate and Dupla- icy transcript and n,ked his lord-
the see.tIid, a brace of boys ship to glance over his copy. Lord
were • natned Peter and Repeater; Knollys dashed the reporters hopes
t•► the ground by saying he was
n t present at the meeting. "Come
back in two hours." he Plitt. The
Newman returned at the appoint -
o -1 time and found his espy correet-
spoeting the fourth by suggesting ed in n strange hand. LLead..1 tin and .1nether ; while in the Knollys had gone tee the King him -
case of the fifth n well known all- self, and His Majeo1 heel, with hie
thoress carne to the rescue by sig. usual kindliness, him:.• 1f sleds the
ge-ting High and ('r•}•." corrections.
The aged Emperor Francis Joseph,
of Austria: is n than of the simplest • .1 TITLED 511.1:511 0 i1 1N.
tastes and habits. He breakfasts
ovary morning at' six, and takes all Wife of English h l{aripeel Gels .1411►
his meals en the writing -desk in i in Big More.
hie librar•v , without even so much! ,1 despatch (roto afore.
1%..aa cloth being spread. bate -1' There are quite i telmber of titled
when he w•ae paying n laeliec 4",'111)4''1'- 1 with 1ea/t• in tar -
visit to the ...t a.1 acaule„„ at ieni. different Wal s in Lun•ton, but
IWiener-Neustadt, lac happened to;
and the third, ass-, buys, Max and
Climax. • But the question then
arose, what if there should be a
fourth, and oven a fifth pair f A
young lady solved the difficulty re -
Marie. According to trntativ,: plans
it will he the largest lock in 'n•)
world. An appropriation for a r►r'-
liminary survey ha.; been inclu.trel
iat this year's River and Ha • is'r
1 P8 Will' 11..101a.
I;eoi'ge Moore of 11 Jnnipec
for Damages I►s 11k 11-
A despatch feel
.\s the result
played by
Iiitilntini, In
1i -it S:,utti .1 (rice
Ise Declined.
free, tlttawa snys:
:•11 ilfrid Laurier
,en le