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Exeter Advocate, 1910-01-06, Page 2
• iNE MYST[RY Glf AHED UP ; OR, 1.I1E t1f:k1i'A(iE: OF MAI)AMI: ('f1Al'T1:1t 1.- (( r,nt;t,tied.) Tia• 1.,.. feared. if the doet,.r, a.• 'With that nobility of mind Which he left Maximo were : .'.1. 11 0110 of the young man's minor "Do not forget my instructions." -fonts, he had almost conte to he- Maxinte was firmly resolved to be t. ve for an instant in the chance true to his promise, and he had ' e-sertions of a valet and an office moreover no inclination to waste tours." lea , but was already regretting , conversation on others during the ".Mine ? but I have none. I was having considered them seriously, time the countess should accord early left an orphan. I have only arid that he should have distressed him. On the first story he vas an uncle." les best friend by revit int; disagree- received be- a femme de chambrc, colnh, he could not help wondering if the eotutess was about to pro seise :t quiet life in some retired ' rner with hint. . s► ilis astonishment was t•:u visible, that Madame Yalta laughed and ,, ent en : "1 sae yeti do not un- derstand the meaning of the eon- „ rsation I have annonueed. The 111:41 Ile countess whom yon have known is no mere. I have taken a t,•tt to live simply, and to aid the accomplishment of this vow, wish to , , nneet myself with a pat lie retial .:: il:. 1 can think of no 'teed that ,•.epreeses my thought better." "Such families are rare enough in Paris," said Maxinle gayly, "and at, least it would be necessary to search for theta in a world-" "Which is not mine, 1 know it. But it exists, for 1 know one •- • "Anda cousin. it is of these I 1 TAX/CAB STOCA4 rf Every dollar Invested in Taxicab Stock will be Toronfo't. Tattic;.bs, atter six months of actual working, h pay a dividend of 10`., per annum or 2'.. quarterly comm The Time fo buy Taxicab Stock is now. We advise its purchase 046.00 per share, par val $unscriptions will be accepted np to 100 shares in the ord E • • ENGLISH Adalaider a ri a Victoria Street3 able associations instead of nun- who requested hire to follow her. art thinking. It was On my mind ' gratulating him on a marriage of She conducted hire through various when the doctor brought von here am certain that M. de earned is which he heartily approved. apartments which resembled the and I have conte to believeour innocent." His usual hour for repairing to halls of a museum ; there were t.:eeting was predestined. 1 must "I hope so," nuirmured the friend the Avenue de Friedland ha 1 gem! be, and he found that ;laving dedi- cated so much time to the affairs al • there was neither ante -chamber, this chance is a premonition, and of others it was high time he should nor boudoir. nee salol. Braving that my destiny is to know those be engaged a little with his own. the preju*tiees which impose upon who are dear to you, your uncle He left his uncle's to make his the rich the obligation to inhabit a and hie daughter whom 1 have but mansion arranged after unvaryiitg just seen. 1 ani drawn toward her rules, she had saerificed stye\ 1, • a feeling which 1 (moat define, thing to •fancy. "This is seta - and Ser. a determined to beg M. RNJNGS eking dollar. proven that the biocr, tea Inc Jan;taly,•'• t)ta e $5.00. ✓ received ;a this cff'ce, OR "NY O Semi* fur our Inu,trutra 4*.uk1 t. A •, tii1 pi -entice paying cr• the farm and go 1., : (:i, what would be better -I n!• -.eh many objects of art and but little „ 11 yen that I run superstitious to"' •lulu Vrgnmry• seine other employment then fere,- furniture ; nothing wr.s convention- c Nee.e.It seems to nue new that ' And beg of yon to tell me what ing, at once. Life is largely what passed between Mlle. Alice and we make it, and a young than .daily visit to Dr. Villages. -The liveried servants of Madame Yalta's mansion had become famil- iar with this assiduous visitor, and t thing tineonnon, ' Maximo- 111111•- 11eren-i- t., present me •, her." gave him every day the same wel- inured, as he followed his c(ndue- •'Ile would be de1igl►t to be come. A colossal porter received tress. "The habitation is made af- agreeable to you, .' stammered hint at the entrance, announced ter the image of the adorable per- lfaeiine, wile little expected an hien by a stroke of the bell, and sons vliom fools call ccceut1ie.•' overture of this sort, "only ---Alice Passed him on to the vale( de pied, To tell the truth, however. he is still so young." alio introduced hien into one of the e.-peeted to find her in some nee.- - ":\nd I ---ant so no longer" in- sr.lons on the ground floor. He had scarcely entered, when M. Villages appeared. Ile had an anxious expression, and Maxime feared ho brought bad news of his patient. *'Well 1" he asked impatiently, "have you come to tell me of a re - find Nathan cleared something like n million. a A few • 'ars later the P•olltsehilris tine to the aid of the BBaik of Eng - (end duri11g whet was probably t' o laest serious, crisis in its career. nl himself in the Bois .le Boulogne.'' shoulcl carefully study his own in- A (�Tr tf3A'1' ('OMM l•:i ,I 'tL 1':1\ IC Maximo thought that, having elination and capabilities in times- ldenly took re:` ld of the antes: tied gone so far, it would he puerile to ing an occupation for life. 1f he d in i ,Iltant. smash en have recourse to :t sui,terfuge. has no, natural liking for domes - "M. de Carnoel dud n.•t cwne to fir animals and takes no interest the rendezvous l:, it :.l itl,p(inte(l,'' in animal life, better choose some he said. The Cfnu►tess turned pale. "Is that true :'" she asked in an Imitated voice. •'I swear it en my honor." "And you have heard nothing of him since?" SYSTEMATIC FARM! ar01•n1011P number .. erre forced to close t heit''ilor Auk s "The great bank in Threadneedle other occupation than farming, for suet, began to feel withe h chtr aim. A the raising of animals of some kind „r. in is a necessary adjunct to the beetportions until it was feared tae development of the farm. 1.�Id Lady" herself would have to re the tate of the smaller• firms. shs house of Rothschilds again took T '.and in affairs, and, aided by r nwney, the Bank of England To keep accounts tthich give re -1 several outer banks managed sults comparable from year to ycalf' to Heather the storm. the farm must be arranged accord From first to last ole} Mr. Rotl:s- Inc a accepted ing to a system. The fields must ehilds is supposed to have Ieut s�eluce as a confession of (;gilt': She Ire) definitely laid out, preferably in .£60,000,00'► to various govern • has condemned without. hearing groups, so arranged for rotations ncnts, but after successfully help - him?" that the number of fields- in u..eli 1 the country 4ht.,ggh the railway group equals the, number of years . a new era for t -ho Rothe- • the rotation tuns; that there may s set in. be the same acreage devoted to each' e, goversment decided that, in - et' the three great classes of rota-, of borrowing huge suras from tion crops and of the permanently tothschikls, they would apply seeded crops each year, viz., the t to the nation and thus save grains, the grass crops, and the fission. After this the Rothe ' cultivated crops. The live stock d turned their attention t:) and other means of reducing the! Is commercial undertakings, crops to more finished forms, bring- ing railways, mining, and ing higher prices per acre, must . 'g, but they were still ready also be managed in a more syste- 11 n their purrestrings to the 'antic manner, so that the general! meld 111 an emergency. results in their relations to each' most remarkable instance of crop eon be recorded and compar- i t as given at the time of the ed. that the unprofitable enterprisesi f purchase of the lihe<lice'n he reduced and more at - listshares. An English list heard that the Khedive furnished after the fashion of the terrupte(1 the countess; "I nm "No; he has had the good taste day. tt' cnty-nine--ten years older thin not to write to my cousin." The femme de chambre opened a Mlle. 1)ergeres. And I have lived - Alice hearing nothing more of door softly. and instead of entwine. ' I hate suffered, while she is still at Lim D1J1- 11' lis this imp hint, motioned him to enter. He : the age which cherishes illusions. did so. and feunrl himself in a send , .111 : well, it i-. precisely this C9yJt obscurity in which he failed at first trust u►.ieh mutt s me wish tu/0}te- t , distinguish objects dearly, so come L•, ft; :1 1. 1 have ga rr lapse?" that he remained on the thy shell ",1114' expo 4'e an cxperienc•� "No ; thunk God. she is doing without venturing to a(har.e '. t• !Itch 1 should love to uta well; her strength is returning, and The rooms into which he «•t4' i±, ., contributing to the haq 1 may pronounce that the countess trodueect war: oval, and was lighted :t pure girl wh„111 J had jI is safe ; that is, she is cured of her front above. The walls were of !. •,e as a sister. •' ailment, but I am not entirely re- assured.” "You mean that you fear some imprudence ? I hope, my clear doc- tor, you will use your authority to polished faience, in oriental st'.le.: ••My coo -in would � and all around the room txten.l, d beer ton ••• el,. tett,Madame. a Targe divan ; in the centre ^normuns h^'' �` -1 note•', and t, t., the .,f the interest bide-`' .,t camellias. slush see turf( I, I inc remind you t1; -u have their roots in the gr,:und. the world by the to d at ••1 -le has condemned himself." ,',f Bic! "If he has not, appeared it is be- , cause he is not free." pincss of (To be continued.) arned to — p o♦O♦O e proud t„ el let ine as hat she is ei feel. But prevent it " Il she enters rCyCn "My authority cannot be suet,•`••. There was Ito sign of a nidi..,,- . ti, -,,ugh which pass u 'Ian de' , •aur neo mind. She is filled vt`"''1 a thousand was diffused through Inc room an,! IS at,out to be married." .,es. Si fancies, such as , • ou would never a penetrating perfume: It resem-1 ''\'hat. I !ler father has guess and will t naidly believe whbled notch more nearly n h:treni � t., accept M. de ('ermet?'''i ^rated 1 have inaeecated them to you, notthan the 81;artntent. of an invalid. � Maxims bit his lips. R, know+^•'g Madame Yalta as 1 do. The .letemi-h ,1 \taxithe elm the,( woken (hastily. and saw to hall bile is a woman who throws It%-rself 1' ,passionately into everything. and interests herself in misfortunes which in no way concern her. Thus, you mad• known to her, it seems, that your uncle's secretary loved (Mademoiselle Dorgeres, that she loved him, and that he had been sent away.'' "I bog pardon ; it was the countess who spoke 01 it to ane. I even s eight to undeceive her."' "You did not succeed. She is persuaded this young 'nap's mis- fortunes are unmerited. NI. de 'Carnoel's father was formerly known to the father of the countess. That was enough to make her trspouse the cause of the sun. She face. out of her large, bright eyes, and is ignorant of what has passed"nt p was looking for yeti,'; she' seemed to try to penctrat© to the ening y 1 Paid, and her voice !limed him li depths of his soul. I lee -r was sit- c0nsicl Di 1)nrgeres , she uu'rl,l ,ictutes to herself two lovers who are nn- l,rofutnfdly ; "yen ate welcnnu•:" i noel, which ended by placing Which happy, and has made 8 volt to un int she extender) a charming hand, 111axime at his ease. He was des- When dertake their cause. She has all • which ><tnxinu did not'ehlm to kiss' iterate sit having been led to this reachc lent pressed warmly. subject in spite of himself, and was is fine "If you could knot/ how happy 1' sending M. de ('arnoel to all t.lic should am to see yeti once titer(: '. he•e' - ((evils. temper, claimed. "1 8111 Being to speak with von ing if i "t know it,-" replied the (mute feanl.ly," resumed Madame Yalta, a! e. tcss. .:'til I beg you to believe that she, t . ' • You have not forgotten, 18hurnin if 1 did not receive you so,ncr it 3 1tlt,pose. o„r ^onversntion.-: uri” ed so far as to give her r --4'e' a of place, nevertheless a soft et'sl11,t1 ieetrg(oisie, all the he u door close behind him, and suppers -1 Mutt he hal al ready he, =: 1 On the Farm -p¢p-o+o+O 040a 1•lil•:1'A11IN1 FOR THE CHURN. 11'hen cream Frei n several separa- tions is collected. the churning g i ! g ► his, ofo!mitre after d not be made additionilof number ed the wnitin woman had loft hi±n: ,rr::1::.,• Su ?tf- Villa �o".•. alone to -give notice to her utistress: 1 ••Nu, inadam,•;" he •r.'1 tie,, ,tie,' last bat, He advanced, however, and when eisille embarrassment. "My Cot... itn» i• he had passed the massive shrub- i marries her father's partner. a t'•- ••" leery, suddenly found himself face •.eharrning erring man who is my in- the nu to face with Mine. Yaltri. She was! timate friend --Jules Vignor� tl,ir c, hull reclining on' a sort of stage -• .1rt1 the lover hin11" be In. fnemed of piled -up cushions - - a! •-llndoul,telilc ; Alice would. not. Turkish c�lnch-and covered up to be forced into marriage, and has the shoulders with a white. bear 1 made a perfectly free-•hnire." skin. - ! "are you oettain 1 You told one Paler than of yore. tut more.semiself she loved, M. de C'arnuel." beautiful, perhaps, with the be: tity i "She believed so. At nineteen a l: b;: which revealed itself mile to irpen: tonng girl ma:, easily deceive her- sepal' capable of appreciating the bright -1 self as tin b ', ,eat .entimi nts,•' said ing 1h Hess of her glance, and the- st nage �taxinie, milli a forced smile. ti11,e f ir'rciistible cligrm of liiis speakir►g' 'Cha cnuntese 'vice let*;;ing at him laltu�r roust therm lots P enc, 1 alike. the folly of a Don Quixote. She • would redress the wrongs of human- ity." ''And, like Don Quixote, she beats against wind -mills. M cous- in is to marry in a month my uncle's partner. i 4411) rc;tlh dis- tressed that Madame Yalta smunk- hate attached no» importance to a child's gos.il, - "Now. dei r• sir. 1 must big 3(,11 when with the countess to sa} r.eth- inte that may in any way excite her. She will try to lend the conversa- tion to a subject that occnpiee her continually. Promise to do all in your power to give it another turn.” "It 'is understood. But you ,.peak as if I might soon have the l.nppiness of being received by Mme. Yalta." "Assnredly. She is bent en see- ing you." ' When 1" "This morning. She begged me to eav to you that elle wished to think you for the interest yon have shown during her illness. I will not conceal from you that 1 t;h"lilt Pave preferred not te, hate her re- edv.• t „ti this morning. i ant 81- t• aye apprehensive of ani mental excitement ; but 1 content myself w ith reminding you of your promise t , av* id a certain Pubject." "I renew the protnise. besides, 1. ••, will nmsiet inn in doing s -u '1" ' \o. I hnee patients who require n :►tton(1(01 Moreover, the coon (in ring 10, enfor,•ed seclusion," she fes• mill prefer seeing you Alone.' said gat Iv. -projects of to form ; the 'i.i115 arrangement tens %cry agree- ettle to ?Ilaximc, theesit: he was . i remr,•11•'d to assert the contrary �t;r SI. Villages. The der -tor con- tented himself with a smile. and taking hie arm led hits to the grand stairway which led t.t`tlie private apartments of 1 h eountecs. There lee land a ra1(t (It' 1-)i^r R -I10, on ^ S'F';1 f,,,tt, the d" "r. 'Cdr`,( hi;0 to show the way. was bream& the 'teeter alet:i lit+ I'. tet'» ,,,al day ?„ ferleade it." But 1 gore hint defies ••11.rw should 1 furgcl ? That wns ,ibis Morning that 1 meant from to- 8 unitised dny in mny life, for it was (uta to resume my halite, and by ;the da}' 1 had the happiness of 1)8y of beginning 1 ttis1i to 804' a speaking to you for the first time," friend again. Would you.belteve said Maxirne, glad to revert to that he opposed it ' Ilnd I listcne d these personal recollect inns. t , hien you would not be here. Hut "Thele you remember that I had yon are here. Sit down and int lceume acquainted with certain ns have a talk." bele through my protege! (leorfiet 1" In the way of went- Maxine saw ••Madame," he (said, "Georget only a heap of pi1c,1-11p cushions• has talked at random like the child but though unused to oriental hal- that he 1e. He was fond of my 'its, he succeeder} in catablishing tun(l,•'s aeeretiiey; he imagined the himself comfortably cuough. It was young Milo was to marry my cutisin, less easy to find an opening for line Rn, griI')('d at him leaving the conversation. and lhx' most skilful h„use.” of talkers t;oul(1 I,rel,nl,1v hate ex- Ale left lecanse • •M. Dergere4 may th• telltiOn s the best vetted to those whish give )' refits. w Known g how important it. was that '' 'England should secure hero, Lee / (� ` (, �� meshed off to the Prime Minister. •h of erennt. Unless lila DICTATOR ATOR OF . ENGLAND! Iry vPiitme Mieisteertisfine tI to Silt amid he a splendid thing, he knew-, this co11111I'y could seet480 •tier) fres, but he had no money at: his dinosal, and it was irnposlihte to slake the affair public by APPL\'(NG TO PAR LIAMENT In hie extremity he thought (•t iia. on Itothsehild, and in a Abort• time he teas in the financier's office, la- ;r bis plans before him. Baron the most powerful elan in heath" hill agree] to lend the fie,, hC'haucellot a 1.14. rniliions ,.old that the Khedive want - slays' it seems to be I.o1 i e4h I'd ,r 1! !.hares. and declared him And ane is t' tc'd - self 'illil,q to take the risk of c 1183' I,e. sometthini g in if tram -t refusing In npprovc of t e g pointed out. that Lord tote renent's netioi. Tho news of is the 44liici:l3 hand of the ale was soon public. and Par - trolling four hundred mit linin tit made little difficulty About ds sterling. The Roth - the (payment. e said to have (lenitive 1.n d Rothschild is one of ]ling th in eighteen years. 8rci 1:•Iw:trd's moa intimate frien(3 , sent, rnt•e continues t1r and a Rao nt• hi magnificen house elute oldsters of 80111P tv io i'ie'endile that was held the fir -t• millions by the middle of lull] ntt:'ucled by their mnjeste. •4'11 1.entury, save Pear.an's rtfter the tienth 44f Qnoen Vi t*rtmn. y. +At this famous hall the King's rule ie , , , ,e ore For the lust hundred years or se of "knee -breeches and decorations" churning. This beeentes ue.•essnry • the London house of the Ilotb'wlu,le tails calf„reed, an,l the rumor ran became, the butter -fat is a poor hes been constantly mixed up with round the nubs that quite it large conductor of hurt And takes longer the history of England. number of :o:►ng men derided to to change in temperature than the While the Peninsular \1 -au w•ns stay away leeause •they feared to milk serum. Every one is familiar raging, \Wellinet44rl wag ¢rent!. ex ,e,,,2,4» ' *» their calves t4', nnfrien•tly with the fact that oils and fats cool 'hampered for the scants of reeds a rit 'a+ism. very dimly. menet.. The go'crnrmt lit ere not 11hciio 4'r there is anything During the precees of ripening. unwilling to let him have more, but ` 1 *ng finnneialh, it is to 1,, rel the cream should be stirred octet- the diffieulty of trnnsportiug ill Rothschild that men turn. noel e - stormily to obtain best results. Just specie from Englund to Spain w.14 result 11e is (.111' of the busiest men whit is the result of stirring is not regarded as almost insuperable. Ito the eit.v. .1ay Gould. the Amer i- . known or why it is items Mr. Nathat► ilntlieehild enure for- Icnu millionaire, teen, d this t nary, but it is knots that c renin wArd and offered to transport the when he Rent n enll on him. Ifo mettr t. Pr•nt: is his 1i111t . nhd the me,.,3 e ellen frequently stirred ripens tcith I entre hack that Lord Hothsciiia 14 more uniform And finer saver 'f.\hlN( :ILL RISKS. Was sorry, but he was too busy to than cream which is ripened Witho"t 'see hien. stirring. fur an nnnnat sihsidy of .130,000 i Gould smolt senrrely believe i s The goernn,ent thankfully necept tears. ''(:o busk noel tell him. to sell his shares, and, t 111I 11 1115 ('OM!: '10 A,0-Isi i\('F: (W'IEN. markable Instances of 11;s 'en I'c•rrcplion and Ability. s w if I pericnccd the sun.,•c nL.c,i;lsenic►il• lani:,he(1 him. You gave • n4' to un- whom an 1� cd, nnd'1ntl+an raked in a tidy for \What was he to sa) to a wotlinn derstand that he wasguilty of some BRAINS AS 1W1•.3.i. .\:; HANDS. insist cd treat 1 am Air • Iry! tune over the transaction. - leuld. t:4' whmn► he has scan , ul once, and unworthy act. (Ieorget has told me There are and cows andpoor One. ,,f his greatest coups wee C 1h1, Am.; leen mils ff. 1110 .*'c tvho. however. plat '•d hint 4.8 the msec. He told Inc that a theft had g , that r„�J.d caws in all hrcY'(ls N'hate'rr tassel brought about immediately utter the* i thar•I ' f,oting,*f intimate ft:etel hill1 The tlitinlities which mak,' up con%Cr- satiioi in the world( seemed out of place'. and M. S Shape' had inter - been eununitted At•\f. Dorgcres. 1 11 find 't'Itatth• of 1lnterlon when he had I•t• i ufT. uhn ser►t not the and that M. de C'arrucl win sus the :teaks and the Babcock test. ''f Napflc. n end the victory et t fur sole. peered..' Maximus stllrtcd. dieted the only teethe 4-111(11 it weuld "You see i ata well informed,” have lite!) en* to oris, ec1). 'Clic the 1ountess continued. "1 know counter*, doubtless. 21pprccil1t(d all that has transpired. I know hi" emharraswnen; ;1 4,l spared hint that the safe was opened with n the tremble of • , n, welt, ink;. false key, and a casket taken be - "1 have (owned roans ',tortes lunging to a Russian named, 1 be liese. liorisofi. I know. ton, Ihow the theft RAs disenvered. Gleorget tins there, and heard all. The cashier called M. Dorgeres, who. on learning that his secretary hat precipitately the night before not hesitAtc to pronounce the y men guilty. Fon see I k 'F.v • air ' • exist- e. e' f 1 :,1 wearies me and I fes„it, i ' - el,a•nge it.” ' Yeti intend • • quit Paris ex- claimed Maxine. "\e, not nt',rye(nt at least. lint I datam of 1 •ing happy after the fa:hien of the tluirt bourgeois 1:111) is content. with the jese t•f fireside and home.'' 'Phie 1eg,,,ning ,•trt,li'('4 Maxi111e [(featly. }'hough he wns no cox ha kn l:ir. 1 (cit. did erg all." (` v4' rod Ale tell ion may choose you R•1 1 n :net rep y "fell Mr. (leiuld necessary to employ the serves' et , stnked ( verything on the overthrow that 1:nglnnd A ono —,� - -+- and be governed by their serdiet.:1lellingteri. He wit, nn the Conti:, Rcanchi i• the tattle of fnolP rho Tao rnueh bother t Well. perhaps eat. when he heard the news of the i':dea nil.er pr,•f,l� he themaehes. su but if you are neat willing to lire great 1Ietl.ry. and he posted) ,off to -._- ntIl your brains as well as your hnnds,'L"tiden 4'e hard ns he could. 1i•- -_ and to look carefully titter all the, t w•A8 t)" 44111' mane the Stock l: details of the business. ben ichange wt"' knew the truth. for n'I the cotes alone entirely, rrohal,ilities are you we in the right time of t make a successful way. If you ea and satisfaction details of th- improveine inn into or fail' leek' el. is of panic-striken rumors were ut the eity. nown that he stood to nusly in the event of a 1. nsd when he wand - lately about the 1'.x - s taken for grant it Iefinite news of a ry. and tile broke Rut nil the time ere buying. stooks for 'merth. While the• old did his hem to lo ,k Aged When ''Ifii Sal 11041. prices shot up, '.That mud turtle dos' just been trying to make that he is feet fifty ye "The veva idea' and of his shell yet I" --Lit e i