HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-06, Page 1,04 -ea SI to JANI 1 1 will pay for The Advocate to any aubscrit/er living in Canada. Take advantage of o ;r Low Club Rates TWENTY-TIIIRD YEAR. The 01 =s Ittt EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, 'JANUARY 6. 1910. enable w 4.5tock-Taking Sale Now()n! Snmc Good Bargains CARLINCBROS. +.rltil c- c -c -00C -C ' 1i ik tear ItC iirer ETIRINO F ' • 1111, Co witfi'ild :1 n'1U R.N.Rowe's Ci "'Lite Uil of his r'f, lr DRY GOODS, ([J) ' 'Lr'ar, BOOTS AND SHOES, ' KERS, WALL PAPE ALL CO__ BUSINESS rowd to learing Sale stock of [ANTLE-4, FURS. AND LIGHT RUI3- A NOLEU MS- OODS We have the cleanest stock it'own and 'tint all be cleared out regardless of cost, as 1 ant ttil'n,g •tp burliness. Highest Prices P.tid for all kind- .f Farm Produce. . ---- We Keep Nice, CJlea:. fresh Groceries --- R. N. RUNE PHONE 22 ------ ONE 1)001 NOHT1' 1r POST -OFFICE - LOCAL OPTION GAINING GROUND Local Option In Ontario Is fast g;all.- inS ground as is shown by the result of the voting on Monday last in( 161 municipalities. About 60 of the places voted in favor of Local Optlu,i, while or.ly tau places repealed the by- law, out of ten where tenting to repeal took place. In nearly every place where Local Op- tion way tried the by-laws received a majority but failed in many places to secure the necessary three-fifths. Hertsall and Grimsby were the two places in which tee Ly -laws were repeal- ed. the former getting 16 votes mora t'... the necessarythree-flfthe. The latest dispatches from various centres say that the vote for and against local option in some places is very close, and that there will prob- ably be bonne hard work on both sides before the real decision of the ratepay- ers is reached. As near as at present ascertained the vote stands: LOCAL OPTION CARRIED LOCAL OPTION REPEALED 1 Grimsby . . . (16 Ifensall .. . , , 16 Portland .. 297 LOCAL OPTION SUSTAINED Niagara Tp.... 53 McLean and Ridout Tps Grimsby S ... Innisfail . .. Onondago Tp . Port Carling.. Portland 297 Bruce LOCAL OPTION DEFEATED CITIES Brantford 56 Peterboro ....140 TOWNS Aurora-.. 56 Lindsay .1....130 Carleton P1 11(1 Meafotd 8 Clinton 27 Oakville. ... 48 ('obuut•g. . 75 Parkhill tl Burn wall 112 Pew t• Dte.d a a 15I ►c t n Dundas ... ...199 Port Hope28 Essex 04 S. S. Marie ..139 Hespeler . 51 Steelton 52 Keewatin .. . St, Marys .. , . 42 Kenora To W N-, Aye .. Maj. Alruonte 140 Bratnpton 8 Collingwood.. . 34 Galt. 7 Leamington50 Newmarket 103 Cornwall %'11.1.A(+KS 7 Fenelon F.... 15 Maj. Bane' Ofi 10 Fergus 19 Orangeville . 4 Blyth :3 Georgetown.. 60 Orilla .. .21 Burlington 34 Holland l.dg. 42 Renfrew.... . 9 Bradford 5 Kent Wyllie Stayner . 7 Brnssela.... 2 Lanark ... 19 Strathroy ....166 Bath 7 Markdale ... 9 Meafotd ... 8 Bayfield 1.6 Newboro .... tie Chatsworth Oil Springs . 13 Delhi 14 Port Perry .. 27 Dutton ... Tiverton .... 3 Elora ... 75 Vienna 8 Exeter 29 Winghatn .... 44 To w'NS1111':+ VILLAGES Acton . . .... 10 Alliston 3 Ailsa Craig 23 Beeton 60 Bobcaygeon .... 19 Bruce Mines.... 4 Chesley 2 Cobden . .. 4 Denfield . ... 41 Dundalk .. . 2 • • • • • • 2U.. 29 Kingsville ... iP Shelburne.... 90 'reeswater.... 90 Tottenham .. 2 TOWNSHIPS Adelaide `2<68 Grey . .. . 30 Alhiyn Gwillimh'ry E.120 Augusta . 190 holland Beckwith Kincardine .. Blenheim .. 374 King Brooke Leeds and Burford Landowne ('aladon ... .. 6 l'harlottenberg. Colchester$ .... 00 Dorchester N . 203 Downie 108 Dungannon .... Dumfries S .... 2 East 139 Era mora Erttestown ... Erma ..... ,270 Faraday .... Glanford 127 Gower N . ... ft2 Colborne .. - Dnuwich .. . IteCO1!•C-0 000 \ C ^. •,40i/00.20 S/"i/"'S/ire 0 rr'afbasle.al Cards. DB O. L*0171.ToN, t. s, D.D./. DBNTIIT ester of tie B C D 8 of Ontario aril Honor redraw of Toronto Vole /reit). ofIICI; O,tr Dkkeen k ruling'. Lat. OlEce, !o Asderecn's forcer Dental Par!ore DB. A. A. KINSMAN, L 0. 8., D. D. 8 • *nor graduate of Tor.,t.;o Coive►fstr. DENTIST, sato sikacted without aro pain, or ani bad ale. t4 /N o,., Olerdm►a A Stant or) • calf e, Main etre.; OsO M. Mailed .la TO LOAN ON FARM AND Cif.1,.A; l Ptopertles at lowest rates of interest. ERNEST F:I.LIOT, Offce Opposite Central Hotel. Exeter, 0-,: WE WANT Por Fa'l and Winter months In Esc 1 surrounding country an active .blo agent to take orders for nurse :oak. ;'OI) PAY WEEKLY. OUTFIT F11 EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY 600 ACRES .t the choicest nursery stock which y ,9411 direct to your customers. Tills ire of the advantages our men have Ove Mbbers. We guarantee the delivery of trees In GOOD OONDl"'ION and tJt' TO P )t ARIGHT. M. D , M. t'. 1'. t s , ll„holt CONTRACT GRADE. Write for rt Graduate of Toronto t'ntrerslty, Two fear pa lc- otphylaion Royal Alexandra VerldW0 et. Mars-PELIHAM NURSERY CO., TOR. andd RReeeridence,Dr. Amos'Old Stand, Asdre. ONTO. ONT. Please mention thls paper. /M ICTca. IA T. BOND, ToRW(TO, PORT (.RADL'ATE t - cis ere r;wt Graduate Dollese, foresaw i FARM FOIL SALE. n toe A. F. Yalloy, Exeter. Resldesee - Dr Dalby Andrew At. tithes 1 100 acre farm In Usb roe, two and one 01 Law agree, opporl:e Central halt tr.iles teem Exeter, also a bel :k house cn blab, -street. Exeter, and a car- , . YOLACGi11.1?i load of preen cedar poste. tVM. 11. RLATCIIFORD art prs.tl-'e after speedinga yea. (Col. ttr Olt and Continental Hoeptale General e,th'pedal attention to Eye, (wits refrac• Noes and Throat. Office: Daebwoo�, Ont. I.esal . L CARI.iNrG. BARRt5TRRs, 80LiC1 !Iotarios, Convtysn• en. Ccmmladoner, `r Dolmas Bank, etc. FARM FOR SALE. One cf the finest farms In Osborne Apply to HANDERS & CREECH. Exeter 11O13E EXCHANGED. M Leas at base.. rs'..cf Interest (lives. Dain street, E..•r,. At the Elirnville church shed. on Nom - ICI 0. om- veto x ination day, a Saska'thewan Robe was exchanged for one of the same kind 1 _ but inferior. The party milling the. T TO LOAM. • - cl ,st, will kindly return same and save - 1 further trouble, otherwise legs' procefd- Ings will hr taken. as the party Is know:. SIIERWOOU HUNTER vi • iatfe amount of priest, funds to loan sod •tllap'properties 81 ;ow rates of Inter OLADDAI(1 I'TANBt'RT,I eerrtstare, Solirlten.Me!a Pt.. Latter On B. S. PHILLIPS, Erns& LleretesM AscHostile. !heeded le alt part* sane/ethic rams. ♦.s pay. Tana reesoaWs. AL ellen lett .o us n will M peemptfy atksded to J. SENIOR at Coot derstion Life Apen ran'ct ay, oleo Fire lnetirance in lead. nod n - lash Comp^nie; , n•SL. Eseter IONEEB rerlied Au, t ens ;faro t ttr Advr' - r's Offirr, 1. Emu T. Canstren, curt oaeer, raiquha PIANO AND CUTTER FOR SALE. A r e w first -e lass Piano for salt cheap , :,1, e < utter. Apply to W. Arnold. Stater. FARM FOR SALE. Choice ' undred acre farm. being 1. 3. Con. 1, Usborre, London Road, 3 tulle from Clentralla, 3 miles from eter. On the premisee tr,rre is erne a good trick !Louse. all convene large bank L.rn 8()s45. finish latest improved style , drive house orchard, never falling water, we barn a:,d house, 12 ....cr. fall All prowing done. if :sot sold r on or before the 20 day of Dec. emit by pubil: auction at a flat• fl:ed later. Rory t. rale of p..' For terms and particulars app Jastlandtord. prop.. Cier,ttalls, • Lobo'. 2 Nelson ...289 Oakland 103 Oxford . 208 Pakenharn134 Ramsay 132 Sadwicb,8 143 Sullivan Tilbury W .. 7 Uxbridge . 283 Waintleet 214 Westmeath 310 Westminster Whitby .. 111 Dysart. 84 Finch Flavins op, lad up a trade In lhr 1111t- ish (blwnhla markets I will be at my awn home. Erect r. every Saturday for the purpose of buying all classes of horses that are sound and In good con- dition. T. E 11ANDFORD. 8 ARMS FOR SALE OR RENT The undersigned offers the following lands for sale or rent, -bot 11. Con. S. 11.: 8 1-2 Lot 4 and N 1-2 Lot 8, Con 5. Stephen, and Lot 11. (Ion{ N. 13. Mcnun.ray. F4r.tts are In excellent ren- dition with an abundance of water and about ten acre, of hardwood timber on civil. Lot 11. Con. 8. 13. Stephen has modern house and two brink barns,w'Ith 20 acres sown In fall wheat and 50 acres plowed. and situated 2 1-2 miles south of Credit -on and 1 1-2 miles from a achoo1. lltnd;y apply It) the under- aIgned.-}1RS. JOHHANNA fY_RX 11t.IN Crediton On:arto. FARM FOR SALE 71 ;ores of farm land In the village, of Ewer. 13 acres 1n fall w',eat, fail plo•a1rg nearly fi;,lshcd. well 1• .•e.1. well drained and wat. reel , good 1 1 storey brlrk house, rontainfng A livl::g room., hard and soft water in ti.e house ; good ba nup't,er of fruit trees. situate • e station road. Exeter to JOHN HAWK - B. 8. PHILLIPS. 3ayham.. .... 20 Delaware Bangor, Nick- Escot Front lows and Me- Hihl.ert over 100 Clore... k. • .. 2 L:,salon 24 Chaldean - L. • • 3 Malden .... 4 Christie 1 29 Tin cherry 17 Colborne ... . \ \\••rl.inghnrn S 27 Cornwall`' Whitby E 1 Bedford St Joseph h-tjueasing.. ' Mai tan onlzh Eltua t; Sunnidale Pilkington'�3�Tu' ersrnith.... 9 ELECTION E. For: Pie l'e2vcst111I ,ESULTS Ell , Ezctcr the (0n - tate result being test was a close I}a favor of William a majority of 12{ vote being 258 to Bowden, the total fo; the village for 246. The counciv italist of Reeve, Wm.11110 will thctl,,,ors, W, J. Heaman, C. Bowden; Coumreeett, W. A. i3alkwill. Luker, W. li. t131 -Law was carried by The Jack•-n:iitjority of 111, althouKh only a br,fall+was largely ht favor of the vote ca: t being 818 for a.:•1 • 70 SucI, a ily-law vote aga!nitar try that l:, ret= if'h3 of the .4 Habit, vote b- cast for the by-law. T • available vote wa3 50'), conaerrient .• vote of 3111 Is only. 18 abow.. the re 1.... e 1 r. urrber. T• • i. ..1 Option By-law failed Iu be - .ns; , ,.: r .ed by a very small nuntber,thc by-law lacking 20 votes to secure the fauces-ffft:,s. The eotcb for the by-law amain ra.: :.+ t ...id those against 220. he total yule w is ,i , re'fvre 501. th,ee- ((tb:, of which would be 301, minor ru:,aly t:,( defeat was h, the differ •: r. tween 301 and 2111. which is 2o. The result. In Ex -..tar In detail we.-,:- Reeve Ilawctc'r 66 54 66 72-_",,. JlcCillunt 51 60 51 84-110; Jar k'u 1ty-LBW For lib 74 78 100-815 Against 14 6 21 24- 70 Lor .tr Option For 68 57 63 Against 52 51 57 60-22" eSI)ORNE Ir. l',bo:c John Moir was re-elected Reeve by acelanl.IU.in and on Monday the old councillors Messrs. Atkinsor,. Andrew, E1;erittgton and Routley were 1e -elected by vote of the people, as fol.- 109‘6. - ?MVO/ VO/ Atka/110h Ellerinfto:. Pats amore !Rooney Sen: t h .1'2 40 Su 95 37 118 86 80 41 50 51 28 48 46 71 5U 40 67 . 30 -2 -or 54-'014 6'2-_71 73-202 95-'_19 53-210 STEPHEN In 11t(phe.. 'arc old council was re-el- ected, with t:,o czccptio.l of the reeve. Mr. Wiliert, who was defeated Py Mr. $w. liver. Loral Option was defeated by 65. The following 13 the result by polls.- REEVF. 1 t S 4 5 6 7 8 �ATotal eweitut 59 27 76 118 W 30 68 40 75 5er2 Willett 34 57 Sb 29 47 114 3.1 47 39- 42.E Derctr•Rutcs Anderson 80 :.- 74 ti, 31 l( 29 50 39-50(, sanders is 45 24 37 39 b2 49 14 39-314 Corse -aunts Fiokttieet 17 24 3.4 37 25 100 aft 35 34-374 Kellrrerann 30 .17 3d 49 30 76 37 36 66-377 Love 67 39 63 62 41 41 40 64 94 -491 Wrenn 54 49 79 )06 46 44 24 32 20 04 Yeartre 66 49 56 61 5? 44 27 49 13- 411 Vx:AL OPTION Fc•r 6h .. 52 71 36 36 40 64 83 '.cn A`a art 39 25 51 64 45 199 81 25 3.1 44? McGillivray tp. Reeve. Marshall Miller. Parkhill- Mayor -J. C. Knapton. Reeve -Morino. Munro. Mitchell --Connell, Davis, Hill, Skin- ner. Cameron, McLaren, Yarce. Ailsa Craig -Reeve, J. Morgan. coun- cil, Alexander, Chapman, Jones, Mt -- Ronald. Blytb- •Rteve - -11111. C'vuncillora, Carter. ('aide. Cott, Mc limy. St. Marys --Mayor, J. Willard;town• cil, Pratt, (Graham, Fitzsimmons; oth- erw elected by acclamation. Hay-Ree%e, Peter Lamont; Cnun• cil-Feed Willert, 11. Neeh, Wm. eon - alt. Louis Kalhtteiach. Ooderich-- Mayor --M. G. Cameron. Reeve- C. A. field. Deputy -Reeve - B. C. !tannin'''. • 'i -J. W. Van. iter, J. C. Me ith awkint', o• to et wap LUMLEY. IMr. John Vance of l.lstnwr11 was a visitor lure the first of t ht week. lei• old friends were plcase'd to see him a- galn.-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson,Mr. and Mrs. Forbes of McKillop ware here attendings the Kerslake nuptials. -Mr. and Mts. John Beatty of Varna spent New Years with relatives In this vlcln- Uy.-Mrs. Grant Ryckinan le at Hills - green visiting her parents. -Mrs. Pallip Rycknlan 1s the guest of her eon} Grant and family. -Mr. Wm. Glenn. sr., is busily engaged hauling brick for a new house to be built the corning sum- mer. -Mr. W. Fraser of Attwood 18 the guest of her aunt Mrs. J. Simmons and family. The ceremony that united in marriage Mr. Win Kerslake and Mlsa Tillie Sim mons on 031c day. Dec. 29th, was e performed by the Rev. Colin Fletcher at six o'clock under an arch which' was a white foundation, with trimmings of holly and smilax, in front of a bank of palms. The bride was dressed In cream surah silk with trimmings of ribbon and entbro'dereu chiffon. She carried white carysanthcmunls and wore the custom- ary eel and orange blossoms, and was given away byher brother William. They were unattended except by little Miss Vioict Ste'+vart, recce of the groom who acted as ring bearer. She wore a beautiful white dress. The march was Played by Miss Mirtreua Homey of Ex- eter. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold locket and cicala and to the rias tearer a locket and chain also. The tables looked fine, being decorated with pink chrysanthemum and smilax. The dict';‘; roost was decorated with green and waits sprigs of holly. Toasts were tendered the bride and hostess. The rcuesta numbered about 80. The bride was the re:ipicnt of many handsome and useful presents. which testified to the e,tCarl wh she is held. The ;tap couple wInill hicreside in Uaborne and willpy have the very best wishca of a host of friends for their future r.appiness and brc•sperity. . GREENWA Y. of •1r'a' la and Mast& Addison Ralyd r u. •+p-.4 at W. 3. Efllson's•- Try The Advocate Office For Wedding and.Buai- nest Stationery and ('ands, Pobtere, Tickets. Bills, and all kinds of Punting.! Type, Styles are the Bes SANDERS & CREECR \fru Jas. Mose of Rayfield is vlslt:ng tsar slater, Miss Jean Ifayter.-Mi e. C: bt ledick of Exetcr is visiting at Mr. 1'. Stewartson's.-The annual enrlatmas entertr.brment 1't connection with the Heston Methodist church took place On ICtrisin-fa night and was largely at- tended. The program which had been prepared under the direction of sirs. W. T. Ulens was one of the L-ast ever held ,arc:. The sword drill under the train- inS of Capt, Wm. N:c'aois was enjoyed by 411. The procc_ds were $70. -Maes C.troltne Wilson is visiting friends In mm Emma McPherson of Ruffolo spent New Years at her home here -\fist' Florence Nell returned from Tcrct.t•a on Monday. -Mr. 11 -weds lim- ited 1 -.Is father in Port Huron the pantweek. DIRTIIS W 1 NCH ELSEA Mfr. Ed. L•-,adc•rhousz 'a on a busineeta trip to Ranvoniville, N. Y. -Mr. and Mrs. W. Il Karr are spending the New: Year holidays with Mr Kerr'e mother In Cleliton.-M ss Jessie Hamilton resWn- ed duties as teacher in tae: school son .fond',y.-Hiss Nellie Heywood retort -al to St. Marys tiih .encu on Monday- M'ss Dcra I?clb:9dge returned home af- ter a pleasant vltlt ht Ila n:1ton on Tuas day. -Mr. Newton Clark left for Chat - liana on Tuesday, where he is going too attend the Rosiness College. -Master Iievto Routclf fe r.,:urned home on Tues. Joan 1Urock.-Mr. Wm. Roffe spent New Years at Wooden ck. day, after a p,C.lat 11 visit with MARRIAGES Garvin -Shaw -At Forost, on Tuesday, Decentber 28, Miss Wtnnifred Shaw to Mr. W. 11. Girvan of Ailsa Craig. WIndsui-Collins-At the home of the bride's parents, Clandeboye, on Dec. 20, Mr. Percy \Vtndsor, of eon. 2. Mer Gtllivray, to Miss Clara Collins. Cian- deboye. Cutttnore-Watto-In C1'nton. on Dec. 27 Miss Minnie Louisa Watts, •,ounzeat daughter of Mr. 11. W. Watts, to Alel- aoder Fisher Culaiore, both of town, DEATHS Spare -At Staffa, 0:: January 4th, Sam- uel Speatc. aged 5; years. The home of Mrs. Joh;. Dew, Usborno, twat Bargains iu Cloliling ever offered 20 per cent Off Suitable Things for Men Muffler: Ties in Fancy Boxes Gloves Sweater Coats Fanny Vests Slippers, etc. We carry the most up-to-date line in town SANDY BAWDEN Air Rifles, 1.00 to 1.25 Steven's !Wks, 3.00 to 4.50 Shot Gu .r, 6.50 to 20.00 BISSELL 11 CARPET SWEEPERS criodre','e al+e•.., 25 and 35. The] Biggest Stock in Town to Se- lect From See our pikes on Catlefy, Sweepers he. 1'es ket Knives from 5c. to I.:" carvers In pairs. 1.00, 1.25 to 1.7 1, carvers Lt casco 2.25, 2.50 to 4.50 Pie- Knives. Rcrry Spoons and (1d Meat Forks. hood Mow re. 1 40 to 1.65 Italaln Scalars, 65c to 1.45 i print' Skates. 50c. to 1.00 iloekela Skates. 1.00 to 5.00 ltoekei Sticks. 10, 25. 40 to 75. (Gillett Safety Razors, 5.00 Ever Ready Safety Razor. I.00 tarbe-Magnetic Razor. 2.00 Oti,er Make Razors. 75e. to 1.25 N. P. Tea Fete, 80. 90, and, 1.001. N. P. Coffee Po• *, 11 to 1.00. Bread Mixers. 2.25 up. BISSELL'S CARPET SWEEPERS Large Sizes. 2.75. 3 00, 3.25.3 WISH SCISSORS AND SHEARS Se assure, from 20:. to 1.90 Ev - lr Warranted Shears 'r lm 50e '^ 1.25 E •r Warranted • • R • ' •'. 90, isms. and 1.26. Cr; • ..10e. L • to 2.00. AMAN'S HARDWARE! 4,,,,,, NSTORE All accounts are now (ue aV x- tiled at once. r itm.at Pans, 31., W 65. h!e•,r lfli,, 1.20 to 1.11 S.d trona, i.20 to 2.00 50