Exeter Advocate, 1909-12-16, Page 9a " Foe three err- ettt► 1 actually kiss) to bo fad like ono feeds e t S , lacunae toy ba>;:ls and Willi mere 810 rsgcred With t^sc-.:ns that agcy bed to be bourn up an tie time." - .co sap -`,Sita V. ateserlty, 7 ti Gore Ego_, Sau:t Rua Marta, and acids: "trots finger tips to elbows *Ls dis- ease s- e se apra 1, nay finger nails ease off and my Utah was ors raw masa. no itching and the pain were aimed et ftcteia r,;. I had area months of ate rogues and •t tall :ia:e +mpate ton warn tiecnttsad. "Zam B k alae eared nay Lands and arum. I puasrared aIto h, Lila to -day I ata cured eosaplettt2Ytft every tr.,.oa of the dreaded femme. I ter• renl1i�y sa _dimes way •"a of ti,o "lir aela641u4lb lass marked in cry case." Zara-nnk is wit!oala for etssetr.s, ringwcw t, ulcers, . stacked k, sada, coli Pare°. ayappcd plum, and all akin Salaries and die;um. Dronista and stets at 50 cents s box, or post free trio Zorn Shalt Cie.. Toront.3, for pries, I • ORIGIN Ot' "WINDFALL." I:vpres.•iioa was Probably Find Ap. plied to 'frees. What precisely is the origin of the expression "a windfall" 1 An old encyclopedia explains that bottle families of the English no- bility held their lands on a tenure t.l,it h forbade them to cut down trees, these being reserved as the property of the royal navy. But any trees which fell down without human assistance they might keep, s., that a hurricane causing a great "windfall" was heartily welcome. It seems probable, however, that the expression was simpler in ori- gin. Even an apple that fell to the ground without the trouble of pick- ing it, and which a passer-by might often annex without feeling that he WW1 a thief, would bo a lucky "windfall." "Adventurer" is a word, once bighth' respectable, that has degen- erated with the lapse of time. It was once a compliment to call a gen- tleman an adventurer, and the Mer- chant Venturers of Bristol, Eng- land, are still respected. The Hud- son's flay Company dates from May 2, 1070. In the royal charter it was described as the "Governor Land Con►nany of Adventurers of England Trading in Hudson's Bay." "Alcohol" is really the Arabic "alkohl"—"al" being the definite article, as in "algebra" (the reduc- tion) and "alkali" (the soda ashes), and "kohl" the black powder ' wherewith the eastern beauties stained their eyelids. But "alco- hol" carne to bo used for any finely triturated or sublimated powder, and then fur sublimated liquids. 1 "Alcohol of wine," being the most interesting of these, it gradually tock the name entirely to itself. IF YOUR BABY IS SICR NYE BABY'S OWN TABLETS The little ills of babyhood and GRAND NEWS FOR WOMEN EDUCATIONAL. EARN TUE BARBER TRADE-NEW �/ TUE cystepo constant practice; careful iuntruetion: few weeks complete enures; tools free: graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly; write tor cata- logue. Meter Barber College 221 Queen Emit. Toronto. Good Penmanship is often the "open door "to a good ppnnettinn. When taught as thoreighly and •Ifeetirele as It is at this a• bool. good results are cer- tain. Write (or particulars IRITI$H AMERICAN ROSINESS COLLEGE, Y.M.C.A. •'Id's, Toronto. T. M. WATrION. Principal. AGENTS WANTED. Ihiiit t AMEN!' RErki:.Yti IA 1 IV erg w a s r- od •rery where. ALCONO Nna-1le,he'ie ,vOrII ams consuers V% (load et to went. (,sty those raauanow. t'trk '4 •1., •' t ', inn on• (SOCKS. '�'o INVESTORS - TOUR ORDERS TO hu• or tell Stocks will receive m1 Personal attention. H. M. Mathews. Brok• er. 43 Knott at., Toronto. MRS. F. P. RICH %RDS 7'1'1.1. HIM DODD'S K1I)N1':1PILLS CURED ll tai. After Suffering for Twenty-eight Years from Pains and Weakness and Sleeplessness - 1)odd's Kidney Pills the Only Medicine She Wants. - Cottle's Cove, Notre Dante Bay, Nfd., rice. 6.—(Special).--Grand news for suffering women is that being scattered broadcast by Mrs. Elizabeth P.-fliclards of this place. For years she suffered from that terrible weakness and those agon- izing pains so many women know. She has found relief is I)odd's Kidney Pills and she wants all suf- fering wolndn to know it. "For twenty-eight years," says Mrs. Richards, "1 suffered from Rheumatism, Kidney Trouble and Neuralgia. I got so weak I could not do my housework. Sleep was out of the question except for a few minutes at a time. My back ached so I could not sleep. I tried all kinds of medicine and had come to the conclaeion that there was no cure for me, when reading adver- tisement% led me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I now sleep well and rise refreshed every morning. Dodd's Kidney Pills are all the me- dicine I want." The woman who has healthy Kid- neys will never know the pain and weakness that make life hardly worth living. Dodd's Kidney Pills always make healthy Kidneys. 1909. -TUE IIEST YEAR VET! One of the most remarkable things about the depression of 1908 was the rapidity with which busi- ness COMM it•nS recovered them- selves. 1907 was perhaps the best year in the -history of Canada as far as business conditions were con- cerned, and 1904 showed every pro- mise of increased progress and prosperity at the time the Wall Street panic upset conditions in the country to the South of us and brought about the money string- ency that was world-wide to its far rcaehiug effect. • Reports, as far as they have comp ie from Canada's leading Financi- al Institutes, show progress un- precedented itt their history. t'er- haps the most marked of such re- ports came from the Traders Bank of Canada, who have made pro- gress during the past year that will he extremely gratifying to both their customers and shareholders. The Traders Bank is regarded as one of the most solid Canadian Fi- nancial Institutions, and this year the progress they have achieved along the lines of conservative Banking methods has been great. Their liberal and far-sighted me- thods in dealing with their custom- ers have resulted in an enormous increase in deposits and to accom- modate their rapidly growing busi- ness they have had to increase their number of Branches in Canada to over one hundred. In addition, they have recently increased their Dividend to shareholders to 8 per- cent. and Traders Bank stock is in demand at a very much enhanced figure. VALUABLE RAT SKINS. Traffic in Skins Amounts to S250,- 000 a Year in Great Britain. If a consular report from Calcut- ta is to be credited, the common, ordinary, every -day rat, despised by everybody and everything except terriers and lean cats, may soon be GENEALOGICAL. She --"How far can your try be traced'" He—"Well, when my grandfa- ther resigned his position as cash- ier of a bank, they traced him as far as China, but he got away." It is the Farmer's Friend. — Tho farmer will find in Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil a potent remedy for childhood should be treated prompt- an article of importance in com- wounds or pains in the body or for ly, or they may prove serious. An pierce. Says Consul Perry : "It affections of the respiratory organs occasional dose of Baby's Own has been found that the skin of this and for household use generally. lie ances- Tablets will regulate the stomach and bowels and keep your little ones well Or they will promptly restore health if sickness comes un- expectedly. Mrs. Lenora M. Thotnpsov, Oil Springs, Ont., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tab- lets for my little girls as occasion required, and have found then al- ways of the greatest help. No mother, in my opinion, should be without the Tablets." Sold by me- dicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from f:tc Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. WHY CATS RUN AFTER MICE. The traditional antipathy of cat and mouse has hitherto been re - carded as a matter of pure instinct; hut a recent study by an acute and expert ohserver demonstrates pret- ty clearly that pussy has no instinc- tive impulse to kill and eat mice, nor the mouse any instinctive fear of cats. A mouse may smell the nose of an inexperienced cat, or even perch happily on its back. So l..ng as it docs not run away, it is , mite safe. The instinct of the kit- ten is to chase any small, moving abject, such as a hall, a spool, a tail, or a mouse. Pussy is not in- terested in the mouse, but the mo- tion. If one day the kitten is rough, she may accidentally dis- (over there is 'neat inside the cap- ture. Cats specialize their hunt- ing, some catching mice, some squirrels, and some birds, and it seems in each case to depend on ac- cidents of discovery. Thus, a good mouser is not necessarily a cat with a strong instinct for catching mice, but one with a strong habit of do- ing so. WANTED. HOME WORK. -we want at once reliable amiss (o operate our new Automatic Carpet 1.nnms at bnroe, whole or spare tiros. t:.t,u day ("mil, e•,:na.1 lent. for NI par:ieular4 at out*. T I.e i:sed \f le ('o., It"t :'fu, (►rillla, 017. CALVES Nadu Them without Milk 11 .•ales Tree. Rte3le,'nrigea geed Co. t.td.. Toroat',(Oi/. DEFECTIVE REARINC °Te h, 'ha ;DEFECTIVE on n•r t the ;marvel. .1 the e'e•tt•e.1 ate. iu •., ,r- ugh o:t the world. tt'rIte for r,tel c .••. eieueral ,lr.usli; , el ,tt•I►d• Ltd . 458 Yuu),e Mt.. Toronto. Your Overcoats sad haled Mut'• er.,id loot t..a,er evet if rn et, 5 ears in roar town, writs ewes%tn 15 n•rr•'., hut I', British Arnisrloen Dyeing Co. RAW FURS Ooasigaaseata Solicited. Write foe Price list. Canadian Hide & Skin Co. as FRORT ST. WT. TORONTO, OMIT Type‘‘ raters Hertel tl 0) per m'nrh N.t m •nth. t Ratatngtan Typawrtts► Cs., Itm.tee. IN aay ft., Toronto, ra N►roale Tomppls, Landon, 2 Merir.k !N., fl*miit••n. 1 FU i)o yots trap or bu Furst 1 am Canada's largest dealer, 'pay hiR iest prices \ our shipments ool lied. I pay mail and ',t- ress charges; remit promptly. Also largest neater In Been. - Mice polo as. etc. Quotations and shipping t-nt fire. 6 JOHN HALLAM, TORONTO TO1.I1 I\ DEN \1.11;h. Returned Explorer— ' t t•a, the cold was eo intense nt the Pole we had to be very careful not to 1 et our dogs." Miss Yonngthiug—"Indeed' Why arts that i" Returned Explorer --'•Von sae, their tails were frozen Miff. still if they r agged them they would brr:ll, ^' ,. -Ktdnoys Wong, ?—. 1f they Are r•'n are in dancer. alien Through weakness rr disease tb• kldo.•fs fail to flier the impnr•tie• from the blood. trouble comes at ones Backache. Rheumatism. R•-ia• Ilea. Gravel. n.abetes, (tail stone[ and the dnadty Bright's Poems*. are 'Ante of the results of neglected kidneys 11r. Merle's Indian Root ills ,-.main a most ,Recuse dint - eta. whish strengthen. and etim• 0/ales the kidneys en that the♦ de their work thoroutb.• and wail. Try Lir. Morse' El :Indian Root Pills NEW USES OF CEMENT. European engineers are said to be very appreciative of the value of cement grouting for repairing de- fective masonry, lining wells, and for making tunnel roofs water- tight. In Germany a well polluted by infiltrations was put into satis- factory condition by lowering into it a sheet -iron drum, filling the space between the Brum and the walls of the well with Portland ce- ment, and withdrawing the drum after the cement had Ret. The dam- aged masonry of n tunnel was re- paired by injectintr liquid cement under pressure.- of 7e pound per square inch suf- ficed to force the cement into place. lir at a ressure Use the raft, pleasntit and effec- tual worm killer. Mother (,;raves' Worm Exterminator; nettling equ- ni4 it. Procure a bottle and take it home. animal (the rat) is well adapted to will also final it a convc a variety of purposes, such as the is treating injured horses, cattle, binding of books, the making of etc., or relieving thorn when attack - purses, gloves and other articles eft by colds, coughs or any kindred of feminine use and adornment. It ailments to which they are subject. is stated that already the traffic in this commodity amounts to about THE PHILOSOPHER OF FOLLY. $250,000 a year in Great Britain, "When a man says, "and I know and advertisements have appeared what I'm talking about,' " says for supplies of skins of the brown the Philosopher of Folly, "the only rat in lots of 100 to 100,000." Who way I can tact even is by asking him knows. now that skunk farms are to ,rove it." numerous in America, that rat 1 farms will not soon be establish - friend VILLAGE IN THE S1::\. in New Guinea the silinge of '1 tupueelei is most remarkable. The houses are all supported on piles. and stand out in the ocean a con- siderable distance from shore. Tine is to protect the villagers from the attacks of the dreaded head-hunt- ers always looking out for victims. Other siltages in this queer land are perched up in trees for the same reason. it's better to deserve success and not have it than to have success nod not deserve it, althcogh less pleasant. "The Ills of life" appear under edl At any rate, here is an 'ndus mnnv guises. Many of the physical try in which rncn have nothing to ones and some of the mental could fear from icntalc (•ompctiliun• be prevented or even cured by a m A LiTl'ILE COLD. He caught a little cold— That was all. S(' the neighbors sadly said, When gathered they heard that he was dead. ,\ booklet with full iefornlntion V{f He enught. a little cold— "'fife Welland," St. Catharines, That was all. (Puck) Ont. SLOW PROCESS. Neglect of a cough or cold often course of treatment with the saline waters of the "St, Catharines Well." A mild clinta:e and pleas- ant environment aid in the process. Beached via grand Trunk Railway tem. As ed round his bed, Sys will be sent. by addressing; anager, leads to serious trouble. To break Ma;, very often runs in debt, up a cold in twenty-four hours an cure any cough that is curable, mix two ounces of Glycerine, a half ounce of Virgin Oil of I'ine com- pound pure and eight ounces fof ore Whisky. n B. vond a doubt; Bnt it is very safe to ►,et That he creeps out. Try Murine Eye Rentady ned, Weak. Weary, Watery, Eyes. p \1'h' k Take » teaspoonful arAOUlalinn. Pink F.re and ).re �trein. every four hours. Yon can bay Murine I)..e.n't rlmart; t*cx,the. t:yr Pafn. these at any good drag store ane 1. Compounded ompo n t l�by E Experienced ed Physicians; easily mix them in a large bottle. .pry Murine tar Ycur Eye Troubles. Yon --.�� Willke iit in S'Scaleyyel(de. 1r(Rito ellMurine • Pretty School Teacher -"James. at sec. The Murine Eye Remedy Co.. ('hi. naso. 1x711 rend Too Interesting Eye Books iS 'to kiss' an active or a passive }rs . verb'" James (oldest boy in the _ class)—"Both." Pretty School Mrs. Newlywed (cheerfully) --"Do Tca•'her—"Iles ig that, James f" you remember, Tom, how. before Janus—"At'tivc on the part of the we were married, you used to tell feller, and passive on the part of m<�9„ Was niyed (ab (abstt racted- blushes the girl." Pretty school teacher gd blushes and 'narks James perfect Iy)---Yc's; and tin you remember iu grammar. how terribly thin you used to be then V' The fill That Lends Them All.— Pills are the most portable anti compact of all medicines, and when easy to take are the most accept- able of preparations. But they must attest their potter to he po- pular. As Parmelee's Veeetehle Pills are the most popular of all pills they must fully meetall re- quirements. Accurately compound- ed and composed - of ingredients proven to he effective in regulating the digestive organa, there is no surer medicine to he had anywhere. KISSING THE BOOK. April. 1909, brought into force a new rule in regard to taking the oath in the courts of New South Wales. Each court was supplied with a new Testament. The first itne=s to be sworn kissed the first leaf, which n -as then folded in the centre and turned over. The sec- ond witness to he sworn kissed the second leaf. and the third witness the third lest'. and se on. 'When the last leaf of the Book has been kissed. n new It los is requistii ncd. HOP.SE OWNERS! USE seuirs TAN tAWalto CAUSTIC BALSAM. r►. ..'..t, • • • , N, a t e R 'we, e..4 5.0..., all 10...1,. Veal 11 • • • • O. Ir,.••.,:•'e t •%• -. i .. - t .a foie e 1c • tower, .e, •-•tv. I W11,1 tAlta 1 U. 'r.'•.•r • •e. Sadden transition from a hot to R cold temperature, exposure to rain, sitting in a draught. unseas- onnhle substitution of light for heave clothing. are truitfttl causes of colds and the resultant cough SO ,ossit,le. The first care should he perilous to persons of weak lungs. to restore healthful action of the Among the many n,cdicine% for > _ _ stomach and the best preparation bronchial disorders so arising, • e for that purpose in Parmelee's ' e - AN INCOME RETURN OR /0 IN THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Of THE C11NAPA CEMENT COMPANY, LIMITED. SECURITY These bonds arc secured by a First Mortgage en t7,4 properties of the Carlad(t Cement Conal any, Limited. They represent an armed investment in N1•• property of practically 8 times the atn.,unt of the present ouhtanding bonds. The mills sieved or controlled by this Con?' any are among the test eatabliiled and most efficiently cgvip- ped on the continent, with a (opacity in extras of 4,,500,C00 barrels per annum. They include, The Lakefeld Portland Cement Co , Ltd., Aloneeal, P Q. g'he 1.ak.fee/d Portland Cement Co., Ltd., lakefreld, Cat. The Gwen .Sound Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Shallots Lakes Ont. The Alberta Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Calgary, Alta. The Belleville Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Belleville, ( tit. The International I'urtlnnd Cement Co., Ltd., (lull, P.Q. The 1' *dean .Portland Cement Co., Ltd.. Alontreal,P. Q. The Lehigh Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Belleville, Ont. ?he Canadian Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Jlarlbank and Port Colborne, Ont. Arrangemenfi !rate also been made to aegitirs a eon- trolling interest in Nie following companies:— The 1{esters Canada Cement et. Coal Co., Ltd., Exshate, Alta. The Eastern Canada Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Quebec. EARNINGS The net earnings in 1908 by seven of the constituent Cunipanies, representing less than fifty per cent. of the capacity of the new Company, amounted to twice the present bond interest charge. Estimated yearly net earnings, $1,1,00,000. based on the sales of the Companies comprised in the Merger and the cost of manufacture under existing conditions, to- gether with the restoration of normal prices. Proper and successful management is assured by an efficient board of directors and capable executive. Strategic position of the plant: of the Canada Cement Company enables it to serve the trade in all parts of Canada. INCOME TO INVESTORS After careful investigation, we believe this bond issue to be well secured, and do bonds should form an attract- ive investment at Par and accrued interest yielding silt per east. DOMI 014 StCUR1TICoRpoinof 1-1MITE0ES HEAD orrice =TO R.0/4 26 turas ST EA!T MONTREAL — WINNIPEG — LONDON. ENG. MEI tioa Consum � Ravages of p • ALL HER RELATIVES HAD DIED OF CONSUMPTION 10 the year 1890,18 years .go, Mn.G. S. Game .1 Belle isle, N.S., was its a and cooeLtiea. All hes relatives grad died et oossassptioe, and there was evesy indication Bat she was ries the same way. At this point her k tiband suggested to try Psychise. The doctor who attended said Psychise was worthless* but it effected a w oederNIcure. Eight/tea ars after is a hast betters. date August 4, 1908. Mrs. Gamer says. "1 am be tut duel have bees for years. My fuses flays sot mushiest tae sines 1 sash your treatrecat. My physician tell ma 1 e..ti sat take abetter teals this PSTCHINI, sod t reeossrfe Ie andit to ll Gee are suferiag Iron Leg sal Debility... Me. a t1 r•r, 610e. Dr. eD >s Dr. T. A. S LocUM UNITED, TORONTO i Dressed Poultry ANY QUANTITY. market Prices Guaranteed REMITTANCES DAILY Ship by Eapress and Advise THE J. A. McLean Pr oducgl Co. t mei rtO, 74 to 76 Front It. East, Toronto Mili/Laritaff, •1 ltltaatlars er/au seats 1Radwaya RIatr 1lw Bet oats. tb• worst pal..eIn tram owe to twet mtnntea 4 iorleadaetr• wh.1hsr Cirri or at nehr,ousea'.mTooth•1.at, arta, Nertr& ta, otttbate rains aid weatneas 1n the Lank. ,.nine or kidne• around tate Mer plenri+7. y+•wetltrtt of the lolnta aro{ pain. of ail kande, Rad - way's ttea':r Reiter will to a taw Asha el- se's a perman.•ii, cure. p(1OIt AR(lh'btl':ll'' hlndly mention the name of this "IL may be t rue," said Uncle pa per in v ri11ii g to adnerllnera. Eben, "dat riches don't bring hap- mos piness. But Ant ain't no good ar- gument fob goin' to de slither ex- treme an' wrestlin' wif debts." Clean Stomach, ('lean Mind. — The stomach is the workshop of the vital functions and when it gets out of order the whole system clogs in sympathy. The spirits ting. the mind droops and work beeomev nn - in none better than !tickle's Anti- Consninptive Syrup. Try it and be• cotne convinced. Price 25 cents. SOME LOSS. Stranger --"Rastas, do the people who lire across the road from you keep chickens!" Rastas—' t)ey keeps some of 'em, bah." ----- Ono good turn doesn't always get the other it dererven. witrois000l A DOSE OF 150' CURD in bast *AMU t '111 11s r> S is as safe as it is effective. Guar- II anted to cnntarn no opiates. It is very palatable to:) chik;ren lAe it. Alt Itttreseglerta. S6 Cants getable fills. General use for years has won them a leading place in medicine. :\ trial will attest their value. Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing to adscrti'ers. „('1?I,TS." After a man gives l.is word, he should try to keep it. Some things go without saving, Intla womRn isn't one of them. The span who marries in haste of- ten ha. not leisure to relent it. You are a philosoi.her of the best type if you duf►'t waist abet you can't get. The maiden whns" face ie Also her fortune should be careful hew An invert. it. The blindest man in the world is the than who doeen t believe an) thing he can't see. 11 von always stand up for your rights. you will hove to wait a )ong time for seat. ''It i, hard to teach an old dog new t rake," says tba proverb. Vo • now tricks want Lading., t ISSUE No. bI) Ob. If all men were compelled to prac- tise what they preach the major- ity would discontinue the preach- ing habbit. Have von tried Holloway's ('orn Curer has no equal for remov- ing these trolthlesorne exeresetiecs as many have testified who have tried it. Ai'OLOGIES TO MOTHER GOOSI?t (lid Mother Hubbard She went to the cupboard. As always had been her habit. "1 can't (Mord beef," She murmured, with grief ; So sire made her poor dog a Welsh rabbit.