Exeter Advocate, 1909-12-16, Page 7Silo Given AwayFree EDEN. T2te p-tte:,ts a: d trleuda of the pupils of Eden school are invited to visit the school on the afternoon of the e2nd. tr.e closing day. • A BEAUTIFUL CA68NDAR WITH EVERY $2_100 WORTH OF CflRISTIAS GOODS Remember that Cole's Drug Store is head- ' quarters fur beautiful Xmas Gifts. The present you want is undoubtedly in our stock. Before purchasing look over our complete stock of choice and desirable presents. Exceedingly low prices will surprise you. Remember the Place COLE'S DRUG STOKE KIRKTON. Mr. Thos. W. Walker, formerly ft -Ach- e( at Kirkton. is now engaged as a teacher at Orkney, Ont. His family ve been residing at Galt until recently s he went West to Altaerta, but was ontpelled to return ovia:g to inflanttna- ory rheumatism. HENSALL Urs. Alex. efeEwen has teen seriously i11 the past week.—?fist Yuill, teacher, of Alberta to home visiting her parents. Mrs. Jae. A. ileal Is confined to her bed thruugi. illness.—Hugh Buchanan has go:te to Toronto to resume his trade.— Bert Stoneman, who has been in Essex Coui:ty. has returned tome.—Miss Flos- sie Foss went to Toronto Last week to try her musical examinations.—W. Hog arth attended the Guelph Winter Fair and c-''tbited three birds. He secured a first and a second prize.—Sam Swaz- le left last Wednesday tor Michigan to attend the funeral of a sister who re- sided there.—The anniversary of Iien- sall Methodist Church, will be conducted on the 19th by the pastor.—The people of Ilensall are asked to vote on a by-law to repeal Local Option at the municipal election in January. ZURICH Mrs. Ruben Hamac:ter of fort Arthur is visions her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Deeper Weber.—Conrad Schtlbe's eldea' son had the misfortune to break h!s le; Welneedey while trying to get Int., a burey.—sae. Wurns of Crediton an 014 7.urie hoy, nag purc•h te^d Mr. J. H. Hayter'• i ery business, and has taken posses o t.—Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weido have nt'vet to their new house west of the Eva:•gelical church.—henry Leobold, sr.. an old resident of the Township. dee 1 at tee hoose of hi• son. William, 0n Tirureelay last. Weedel.—A very quiet wedding was em ti•tei at the home of Mr. and Sirs. Frei Deters on Dee. 1. at 4 o'clock w' -e t t'teir youngest daughter. Miss Ete 1, beeeme tee bride of Mr. John \feticide of Stanley. The ceremony was perforntel beneath an eve green arch by Rev. MA :ea .n tee pr. deuce of immediate relatives. The bride wore a gown of w,it, elk and carried a shower bou- quet of write chrysanthemums. and her travel{Ia1 costume was of dark brown 1tAl-s' ,.:,,t'., H'.th hat to metres. Willi Ala asAlla lib sea ALAS' w.t illki Manure litters' 1 Beatty Bros.' Feed il and Litter Carriers 0 ()v. -el C,itiveyr.t Beatty Bros.' Steel a Stalls & '4tanchions .•..n Ie eistalled res teseep nil 1 iitile.r and le -t hirrvrl. Beatty Bros.' Load : Binder These three thirgs are great labor•eevere for farmers and ne• comities on a farm. For sale by Wm. Gillespie, Exeter LIRP-RFAFIIP RP vorl PRONR 51 1 Here'sOood News The market prices for old junk are alive and so ie the old reliable firm—M. JACKSON h SON—one boor south of the Metropolitan. Just look at the following prices no trade and no track, all ('ASH: Rags 75c per hundred Iron fronl'FOc to 75c " Old Rubber Boots l per Shoes �'.7c rib Copper & Brass 9c Horse Hair 30c " head and Zinc tic " IRON PIPE A arrest •brims of iron pips alwsrs on hsn.1 at s ►asst• sNe pm•...uitaNe for IAVt'R £ '.t'• RRACiNO .R 1101FLEt'ARDIRO M. Jackson & Sons WAiN ST.. RXRTKR. OretwatTle E LKt'TRIc POWIR NOCK KHIVA \Sys. lie. nerd Milligan of Dublin, vino Las bee:* visiting at her home here, re- turned to Dublin bfonday.—Miss Susie tluerin has returned home from Cred- iton.—sir. Angus McCormack has gone to Case City, Mich., to visit friends. — Mre. James O'Rourke of London. wl:o hays been visiting at her home here. re- turned to London Saturday. The following is the report of Khtva School for November,—V., Charles Gower IV., Emma Cunningham, Harold Gower, Leona Fittkbelner, Thos. Yearley, John Wilhelm: Jr. IV., Lewis Johns, Ella Wilhelm, Roy Johns, Flossie Hart- man, James Mawhinney, Edna Wltzel, Maggie Hanover, Joseph Regter ; Sr. III John Cunningham, Francis Flynn : Jr. ilI., Gladys Mawhinney, Veronica Han- over. Wilbert Ilartman; Sr. II., Irene Mawhinney, Arthur Hanover, Peter Resler ; Jr. IL. Fred Cunningham, Edith Flynn, Bertha Hartman, Catharine Mc- Donald ; Pt. 11., John Hanover, Edgar Mawhinney.—M. E. Sherrie, teacher. WIIALEN Our young people are making ready a good program for the Chiletmas Tree. Arrangements have been made with Santa Claus to be here ot. Thureday,the 23rd, and distribute to the children his annual Christmas pret.ents.—Mr. Frank Gunning is preparing the material to rale.• his barn next summer. —Mr. Jno. 0.2 -ten is finishing the stabling in the • • *ern of Mr. Samuel Gunning. Mr. n : now has a splendid building 40 1-;. 7 r ::let a cement block wall fac- et beAut:fully, a well equipped stable wl tt the ta'ej' co.,vct.lences. also it large and ep'd.)ue bar:t where he can bestow all the peoluct.s of his splendid farm.— Mr. and Mr... Geo. squires visited Itt Londo.t the fernier pact of this week. —Mien laud:► Gunning has returned af- ter .peadine a few days last week the gu^at o: Mies Lulu Godbalt of Wlnchel- ses.—Fr.,nk Squires is learning the ' 'rneee making with Mr. W. Clark at Granton —Lloyd Hodgson Is attending bu'lnesa calieee at Stratford.— Waiter Chemin:, and sister Edna visited friends el St. Ma -ye Friday.—Masa Gertrude Sutherby is Ionto with her mother for the holF!ays.—Messrs. Debert and Wil- son Morley visited with their brother Oscar on Sunday.—Witt. Brooks attend- ee the Wester Fair at Guelph and re- plete a fine outing. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R A A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All Women : I will send free, with full instructions. my borne treat- ment which positively cures Leucorr• huts, Ulceration, Displacements, Fall. Ing of the Womb, Painful or Irregular Periods. Uterine and Ovarian Tumors or gross tlee also Hot Flashes, Nerv- o,tsness, Melancholy, Pains in the If.'ad, Back, (towels. Kninny and Bladder trouhbts where caused hy weal.neee peculiar to our sex. You can continue treatment at horns at a cast of only at'out 1e cents a week. My book, " Woman's Own Medical Adviser." also sent free on request. Write to-dey. AdArees lire. M. Sum- mers, Box ea0 Windsor. Ont. $962 One year ago, Mr. Oeo. Wakeman wan eat ping shout $101) per year as fern] leI,orer. Now he is earning at the rate of 8962 per year. 91t months training at our Rusi• nein College made the differen.v. Was it a good Ineesttaent' Ile thinks*, His Wrest. is New od. vole. Auk. Pour Courses PR11PARA1ORY COPUARRCIAL !FITEROORAPNY iaLRORAPaY Rater any time IndiviAual in• ruf tit n. Write for parti.•ular.. Clinton Business College s'•INFs+. ORO, SPO/TON. PRINCIPAL LUCAS. The death touk place on the 9th of one of our oldest residents in the persue of Robert Brante ell. le his 79th year. The funeral took piece from his late rcel- dence on S'cturJay to Bin. cemetery. CI I NELl1 L ItST Our merchant, elr Ackland 12 doing a stood trade.—\ir. Norman Phybus of Moosejaw, Seek.. Lau returned to spend the winter with 1.13 psi -cies here. —Miss Violet Cluff hal go:te to Blenheim to visit friends.—The Ladles Atd of the Methodist Church packed a bale of clothing and fruit for the Deaconess' Honte, Toronto.—The date of the Xmas. Tree here 1s the 33rd. Everybody wel- coine.—:disc Sutherland of Oonetanee is engaged with Mr. stckland aa clerk.— Miss Liza Newell of Hensel, to visiting her sister, Mr.. \tcKelg. CENTRALIA Sophrolia, the four-year old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White .of'.the 4th con. Step'tee, met with a painful accident one day last week. She was playing with tee doe and it running against her threw tier off the verandah, with the result that little Soparona'e arm was broken a little above the wrist. Dr. Orme reduced the fracture and the little patient is doing nicely. Leed l,uaaop pars/ems pont a sees ogee 'aa{dde Jo telonn eeee alas{aed at;1 pee aopseodeea ay; a1 uoaeae sell p{oe set{ at{atH '1j\ 'aulogell 'Benin [.ttttrg •114110J epee! oval lees ate paeard pooee (algid(' 'JIi 't.toaeae strut 10j Supped Pagel"TJ ea3301d o{ddu aqi seam lee'I , 'Platt 1)A3 leaq 3t{j oq o1 east -ulnad 2C1U3Aa iCrpuol.4 eco juatuup esoeta a4J, 'SujuJow ate ul sat{aeasd cotton eau •Aepuojp ptl1 Asperse lzau plait aq e1 a1 saeaJaeiuuy I00No8 espune leipotl;ade etre; — feel eapaaupa_» uo wolf °Sauna -Jed l8IPd4)aJt ail' u{ ttoltpas3 Jo dole ea:,agau sa13e o) pateeetu aeras Ae1AIt1ID -ate IO ei et re AJteli 'ate— aeuea2UaA tf 43!M Lalunoa oto Jo lend ono Jaao aaldoaa 8111 2teitt jms uaaq etrq Yuki ]faces' aqe LLSILEY. Mr. Fred Ellerigton and nester Katie visited frienda to Clinton recently.—Wed ding bells will be rinsing le the ttoll- days.—Delet forgct the box -social In our scl.00l this Tituraday evening. Conte and have a good time.—Mr. and Mrs. James Droadtoot spent Sunday at R.D. Bell's, Tuckerentitle—\ir, Reid of Ever - toe paid his slater Mrs. Ryckman, a short visit.—Miss Nan Horton, Ifarpur- hey, has returned to upend the winter with her aunt here.—ytr. Bert Workman was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Grant Rycl*nesre here over Sunday.—Silas Hoggarth of Cnonutrty spent the past week witit Miss Lill. Simmons.—An oys- Ater supper in connection wile the Thant es Road Det Riad was held'at the•honse of Mr. Fred, Ellerineton on Monday evening last, when a very profltabie and enjoyable tante was spent Just a word regarding telephoner of which tate Tucker smith line is one to 1* .17oud of, because It gives tap many con- nections free of charge, and is the only p:tone in existence in these party whirl, elven a night service. In case o.' iret- tin;; a medical doctor or veterinary it in invaluable. It would be a great con- venience to subscrlbcr•a of ether phones If a night service were supplted at the central offices,. eTF.t'i1F:r4 COUNCIL. The Council o' tee '•en met le the Town 7.1 today. the 6th day al the :t- J: Cr: 1 pen Ant. The .uututt s of Mg we:t read and ed Tee tiers kaolin d the a ns:L , that oa Oct. 23, 1909, at 11.50 a. m. a petition addressed to the Municipal Council of the Township of Stephen was tiled with 'tint in his office, praying that the CJunc11 submit to the electors of the municipality, a by-law for prohibiting t to sale by retail of spirituous. ter- •„ otted or other ni inufactur'ed liquors ..t thy tavern, Inn or other houses or piece of public entertainment and for peeetbiting Inc sale thereof, except by wholesale. car. The petition was laid on tee tnhle by the Clerk. who Informed the Council tlt.tt t:c had carefully exam- ;eoi the sane .ted that it was signed hy more thin twenty-five per cent. Of to total number of persons appearing its tee Lest revised voters' list of the 'lunlc!p.sltty. to be qualified to vote at tlunic!pal elections and that he, the Clerk, had prepared a by-law which had been approved of by the sotIeItor. An- dereon—Year) •y—That the by -!ass b' tak- en Into eonslderation and be read twice ,ltd that the clerk be and 1s hereby in- structed and authorized to publish the said by-law in the Exeter Advocate. published in t he Village of Exeter, in the issue of December 9th, 1909. and tete publication Aha:l be continued 1;1 at least one number of Duch paper eacit week for three successive week,.—Car- rlee. A nderson—Wue rth—That Uy' -lass No. 155, being a by-law to appoint Dep- uty -returning totem is. Poll -clerks a:,d select polling bootee. t'aving bee;: read the third time he passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of 11.e 1orporatIon attached thereto.—Carreel. Love—Yearley—That By-law No. 1 est. to prohibit certain cattle from running on tate public highway and By-law No. 151 tells a by-law to def'ne what shall con- stitute a lawful fence, having each hcen read the third t'me, be passed and sign- ed by the Reeve and Clerk ante the seal of the Corporation attached thereto.—Car rend. Orders to the amount of $1999.+3 were passed and paid. The Couac•l ad- journed to meet again in t`:e Town (tall. Credlton, on Wed'testtay tee 15th d.ty of Dec. nest, at the hour of ten o'c:o.•k. Henry Ellber, Tp. Ci•rk Tee/11320p of Step - Hall, C-cdito't. on of 1)e est e,_:. 1919, Ali eve...b:ra pees the prteioua m, ;- opted. CASTOR IA lot labiate sad Children, TM KM Yes Nan Always 6N1Mt s•an tk• >1Mgaattlre of DA811WOOD Ga {i. YI1011ZIieH1RE, DABIIWOOD CONYIY ' L e 1310U. stands. W ill., Sorteagsa end all Legal Docusse.ta carefully and PromNh wormed Cb&Kea moderate. lamer of carriage Cleanse Mr. Fred Wl;lert sold three horses i s et week for which to, retell' d lite sunt o'. i<R .O. There is money In raas].g good Larsen yet.—Mr. Henry Willem also sold 3 fine horses recently for whtcte Le also got a anug suet. Although we do not know just what it is we know the stamp of horses would command a 'loo,i figure.—itcv. iI. 11 Lelbold or u- p;ed the pulpit in the Evangelical chum, last Sunday evening in the absence of the pastor, who l.>,uk ltev.A. D. Gte- chler's work at Zurich that evening.— eLrs. J. L. EIdt of Berlin who' has been Visiting at -the home of t:er son, Rev. L. K. EIdt for some ;.:..r 1 Tltut•a- day for her home In Ilerltn.—Mr, W. L. Siebert was csilcd to Berlin Saturday night owing to the illness of ttls mot- her who resides in that place.— The stores and shops iters have already donned their holiday :mire and look very attractive indeed.—Rev. L. K. Eldt conducted the funeral of the late Mr Ltebold of the Babylon Linc on Satur- day afternoon —The political pot 1s beginning to simmer —The merchants stere have decided to ke-ep open (h' Ir nLtree of business every nlgl*t next week beginning Monday, Dec :0th. T :.• following ie tate r. p)rt of S. S. Na. 5, Uaborne, for the month of Nov. Sr IV.—honors, R. Kestle, V. Moodie. Pass. E. Fisher, F. Perking, E. Mc - Fails. Jr. IV.—Honore, L. Moir ; Pass, G. Joints. Jr. III.—Ifonors, M. Mood- ie: Pate. G. McFalle, C. Johns. Sr. II. Honors, T. Ford, H. Moir, O. Kettle Pass. F. Higgins. Jr. II.—Ifonors, A. Iloulter; Pass. G. Perkins, C. Prout. Pt. I.—Honors, C. Fisher, M. Ford: Pass. A. Fisher. No. on Roll 29 ; aver- age 24. E. L. McPherson. Teacher. No paper can be published withotu home patronage, and every man is in- terested in keeping up a home paper. It a railroad or factory is wanted tate newspapers are expected to work for It. If a public meeting Is wanted for any purpose the newspaper is called upon for a tree notice. If any of the societies have a supper or reception of and kind, the newspaper is expected to give the necessary notice. The newspaper must putt the schools and everything else to advance the interests of the business men of the place, and then give them a handsome notice when they pass away. And yet some of them do nothing to keep up a (tome paper. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseas- ed portion of the ear. There ie only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutionel remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Me perfect hearing, and when it le entirely closed, Deaf• nesse the remit, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal cosdt• tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but en inflamed condition of the muoous surface. We will give One hundred Dollars for any rase of Deafness(. ause.l by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Haile catarrh ('ure. Send far cir^tlare free. F. J. ('II@NF;Y k ('o., Toledo, 0. Said by Druirgists, ":r•. Take Halle Family Pills forwn.tipstion. .\ GOOD TREE 1.s a Xmas. tree well filled with Xmas Presents. Santa Claus knows that and once a year Ile acts on what he knows Useful articles are always most accept- able. XMAS AT A DRUG STORE. like ours means a tine display of fancy boxes. hand mirrors, comb and brush sets. toilet articles, toilet soaps. and perfumes. We have them all and want you to see theta before buying. ' it P Chemist andtician one 50 Mel. EXETER sr see Fancy Xmas Boxes of Writing Paper in Window. NEW rovision S1orc Having purchased the Provision busi- ness of Mr. John Ride and moved the stock to the premises opposite the tel - phone office i ant prepared to arcept your orders 1n t1 I::;• of General Pro• vls:ons. FLOUR, FEED, STOCK FOOD. ei SEEDS. GRAINS. ETC. ETC. T..' very best grades of flour always on Frani Gsela delivered to any part of tee 'own tee t::viee your patron ser, at:I *elicit a rail trOm you OPPOSITE TELEPHONE O1'i'ICR. WM. RIVERS ASK row ip (LONDON) Porter Undoubtedly the beat tatewed on the continent. Proved to be ao by analysis of four chemists, and by awards of the world's great Exhi- bitions, especially Ceti:Awes 1893, where it received ninety-six points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. TIE ARRATRD OVER practically places the Souvenir in a class by itself. Ordinary ovens burn the nu- tritious elements out of food; but the free circulation of pure air in the oven of The FamilySouveeirassures sanitary and wholesome cookie&. Our free book, giving the facts you ought to know, mailed on request. GURNEY. TILDEN & CO., LIMITED HAMILTON •es liseursal Wtaalp.g Celgny Vseeeevss For Sale by W. J. HEAMAN, EXETER Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA CHANGED EACH �AOHMARKETS. WEDNESDAY Wheat Barley 48 50 Oats. 35 36 Peas 75 80 Potatoes, per bag 50 Hay, per ton 12 00 13 00 Flour, per cwt., family 2 75 Flour, low grade per cw 1 51) 155 Butter 23 Riggs 213 Live hogs, per cwt - 7 55 Shorts per ton Zi 00 Bran per ton 21 04) Wool 17 18 Turkeys 10 17 Geese 10 11 Ducks. lel II Chicken 11 11 1 02 A Newspaper Not An "Organ" The matt who wants an open-minded discussion of politics, the steady support of right, justice, and decency, without cant or bitterness, and an unpre- judiced, common-sense treatment of public affairs, will thoroughly enjoy the Toronto Daily Star The Star is not tied to any party or any "interest." It has definite opinions of its own on political, social, and tuoral ettestions—but it recogniz.i the right of others to hold exactly opposite opinions without necessarily Wing scoundrels or fit subjects for abuse. The Star's-'itorials are broad-minded, honest, .t t k..eft and •_iev-r as .ome of the best writers in Canada c..n make then', and always Fair. The Star is pu t1ished for fair-minded, intelligent peo 'c .vlto take an active interest in Canada and to wori i. Consequently It Has More Readers Than Any Ot:;er Paper In Ontario. $1.50 A Year Thit paper and the TORONTO DAILY STAR tog•fhs? f,r one year, $2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50c. ad,ied .'s a59re subscript:,n prices. 2 a. a Make Each Animal Worth 25% Over Its Cost On of a Cent a Day Nobody ever heard o1 ,••N I. Iaod" curong the bots or ,.,',. , making hens lay in v inter.. , tea... d tr.e yield of milk hve pounds p .:ow a day, or restoring run -doss n anima! s to ph.mpne.a and visor. When you feed shxk food to tour u,sc, hor.e. awin• ne poultry. you are merely feeding them whit you are growing on your uvn farm. Your animals d,, necJ nut maws feel. S,.t something to heap their bodies Net all the gored out of the feed you give them se they ,:.n get Eat anJ stay fat alt year round: al., ro pee7.nt d..eaee. cure dix:.. a anJ keep -Tee iEL" ! *04 1 I.r' ••.r 11'•' w...,l •• r 4 i''• ow them erste, the be.,pr.uMe:u,l....., Nu •tovi tool"can Js all these Mot a "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" R)YALPURPLISTOCKSPOCtPIC „ratrn,nograin.norfarmprodtheyvcte It incases , . l I of milk from three to Ave pounds pee per Jot before the Species has been used two weeks. it makes the _pelt reeler end aJJ* flesh hetet than any other preparation known. Youn calves fog with nova'. rURPLE are as Targe at six weeks old as ti uulJ ile when f eJ with tpateripesee Isn reeks. OYLrusrLs STOCK SPECIFIC tweet up run-down animals and restores them to plumpness almost magically. Cures bats. cot... worm sk n J.J.stssca an,J debility permaneintt I)an IRa1twan, thehorsaman, says. 1 Maya u,eJ OPAL PURPLI[ STOCdC SPRCIiri n ,,intently in the feeling of 'The Eel,' 7 off; 1 trge.t winner of any pacer on O.,nd Circuit in 1.114. and 'Henry Winters.' 2.0.4. brother of Arlen Winters.' winner of S36.000 in trotting stakes is ISM. These horses have never been o,T their feed sine 1 commenced using Royal Purple el;'ee.Ac almost a via" a•o, an.i I will always have it in my stables." thi:tgs. ROYAL RPLI S OCK S act', tan and d.,es. It is oyal Purple STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS On. JOc. package of RO7AL PURPLR STOCK SPECIFIC w ill I..1 nue arom41 seventy days, which is 11.tt;e over t,t o.thinls of n cent a Lie Vo,: It tit: t e'. ,n tee cr• • savkades last but fifty Jaya ..ni are g°s-en three tome. a Jay. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPNCii IC .gi.enbat on:e a Jay. a 14 la at, half again a: lard A,I so pI I cOntlillifIg f•,ur tines test ,m,:int of the fifty cent pa -kiss will last 2110dat s ROYAL PUR PLR w.a .n:rea,e the t ....r of yaor stork 2•e. It is an astonishingly Quik fatte •es. •t.r.',lating the appetite and th• relish far f rad. assisting nature to digest anJ tura fret 'etutie: s a h.. Patterer,t .. a fftta,'c- Jt will cave many times it• coat in veterinary,.itls. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPRCl- PfC it our nt'aer Sne:,fic for p•e,:•ry, not for atn_k. no, 70 cent ..4.114e w lil last twenty fix c haps 70 da!! s. ore pail cn.tin4 /I !O will last twenty -Ave hens AO d:.1 s. wh..'t n four times more material far on'y three times the tort. 1t m.kes a "laying mwhine "out of your hens s'mm:r artJwinter, vents r.vi, In on mr tS. m.. 1?very pa;kags of LOYAL �t1RPL� TOCi�tSPf#Clfrl� or 11J0 lauitifitaaee.is guaranteed. Jest use ROYAL PURPLE on oraeofys,r animal, and any: