HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-12-16, Page 6SUPPLEMENT TO THE EXETER ADVOCATE EXETER, DEC. 16, 1009 THE LAYMEN'S MISSIONARY CON- VENTiON Tee afternoon and evening sesaiorts uh V1"edlle»bay. Dec. 1st. the closing flay Of the Laymen's Mtselottery Convention held In the Trivltt Memorial Church, Proved most au sstul, both 1n point of numbers a• d r • usiasnt. The Mads meeting i:. , •• .::.e was especially worthy of commendation. In the afternoon Mr. Gordon dealt with the attitude of the giver under four aspects of tae grace of giving. viz,-10- divIduallty, Responsibility. Stewardship aid Prayer. lie advocated the tithe ey'e'•.•'. of re.e-ttetit of our income :to. .t debt. aey amount beyond that might h+ considered a free will olfettng. I4r. Preston devoted most of hie add- - Ives to the history. growth and general workings of the L. M. A. Mr. Allan cce.ductetf a conference in b(tasioos In w;de`t questions were ask - el'. a::d answers given. as a method of imparting missionary Intelligent:, and the plan is an exc lleut one. In the evetdrg Mr. A11111 gave an ex- haustive deacrlption of the Catladlan West with its 178 trillion acres and barely to per cent. of that occupied. The problems confronting tate church are stupendous. With the arrival of from two to three hundred thousand people on our shore eiety year. nearly otie-half of •v'.om are foreign to our language and our institutions, to say nothins of their loose :morals and low social sta.:d- ing, is a serious question In itself. But of our own speaking people from the Urias:. Isles and the United Stater the great rills are loneliness, gambling. drunkenness. immorality. The only counteracting power Is the Goapt•1 of Jesu a Car Sat and what it stands for. M . Preston spoke again on the gen- era', questions of missions front a nat- lo ,-:1 and Individual standpoint. it.; lordship. the 11:shop of. Ituron, g.tre a masterly address 011 missions. Ile took Lour points around which he marshalled an array of arguments and facts that were unassailable. 1. The Great Commission-' (lo tato all the Wort! .n4 pre telt the (tosprl"-The mtar- chins orders of the Christian churc!t. 2. Th*, Gospel -The only moral regen- eratinI force In the world. Two subsidiary reasons, - 1. tea.'e'y of Christendom demands it- T`:- history of Rome and she Northern Flarbztfa:t tribes may repeat itself. Tei.a le the fullness of time and of opportunity.-' The open door." Though the hour was late the Bishop was lis- tened to with marked attention. An interesting nature of the Conven- tion was the reading at the close of the mass meeting of a strongly worded res- olution, prepared and moved by Mr. L. K. IDckson and ascended by Mr. Jos. Senior. The resolution is as follows,- GE!T SALE ES11 (LOTH PIG Ever Held In Exeter. A $2,000.00 Stock of NEW Clothing, Overcoats, Suits, Odd Pants, Etc., to be clear- ed before Xmas. A Genuine Cut Price Sale. EVERY Suit and Overcoat, REDUCED to the Lowest Price ever offered in Exeter. Remember ! Every article is new, made for us and we guarantee it to be as represented. Compare these values. Overcoats One complete range Fat:cv Tweed, were $12, sale price $9.25 Y M Black Melton " 15 " 12.25 ,, rSze+ " g:cepti�n 11 27 to :II `�� `S 1 �} t'aluee 8 3 only Black Meltons, sizes 35, 36, 37. 11 " Youths' Tweeds, 33 to 35, cut to 2 only Men's Green Fancy Tweed, at RESOLUTION In view of the universality and of the finality of t he Gospel of God, and of the Spiritual needs of mankind. we believe that the church of our generation should undertake to obey literally the com- mand of Christ to preach the Ctnepel to every living creature. Aceording to our several ability and opportunity, we believe as laytnett of the rhurrhC3, we art: equally' respon- sible with the ordained ministers to pray .and work for the extension of the Gospel so that the many Divine bles- sings welch wo enjoy ratty M given to our fellow c•rcaturen in every part of the world. Wo believe that every Christian should lve•ffntze the world as his field and to • ' ca:le..• a'^.s the of his ability work for its ev.• Teltzat'nt•. tri r Ae-,pt t.v' t•st:n: •'es u: our ntle- te.. tt !eiderq a9 agreed upon al the Nation ti itleelo:.ary Oongress, heel in Toronto In Aprl!, 1909. and agreed to do our utmost to bring the Missionary contributions of the churches represent- ed here. to at least the standard tired by these estimates. We brit've that tits movement which se.• ;, to make dominent on our )lupe and In all our human relationships. the principals. the teachings and the Spirit of our blessed !,esrd and Redeem- er, presents to ascii one of us. a su- preme opportunity of developenleltt, uee- tulness and satisfaction. and wo confi- dently appeal to the men of Exeter and vicinity to charge their Intrlll;enre. their energy and their possessions. 1 n Me great effort of Combined Christian- ity to reieent the world. We recommend that the Cooperative or get,crel Committee already formed. remitting of representative laymen of Lhe v trlou.i churches 1.1 our village be contiowt'd :n office for the present year and We think It dcaircabie that there be selecte.1 Spe:'lal Committees. two for tarp '.hurt ''. rompriaexi of at least 14 Lu- ne.. with t'leir clergymen al chairmen and )elder. and that these special ernn- vette", be eh•'rget wit,: the duty and responsibility o! perlertl:+g the work w:dch we have now so sot'•ttvtly engaged owtelvcs to perform - " a 6.2 5 9.75 6 00 9 75 Full range of Youths' Grey Freize Coats, big value at.. 7.50 40 Men's Overcoats, one of each to be cleared at 20 per cent off Suits Complete range of Grey Worsted Patterns (leader's) at $8,25 U u Green Shade of Tweed " 8.25 2 only best Blue Serge, sizes 38, 36, ($20) sacrificed at..16.25 M Blue Serge, sizes 42, 44, at 10.50 " - " 39, 36, " 15 25 5 only Fancy Worsted $21 Suits, at 17.75 50 other Suits at 20 per cent off. Tee committee meet tmmcdtately it ter t0 'old a gettcrtl commence meeting clove of the matte to-ri 7 and decided on Monday evening in 1: Trivltt Mem- orial Ilall to embody and carry into. et- teet tate rlau.aea of t'lc resolution. On Monday evening the general Corn- t::'t e mist and p•roveedctl to orga:tize for 1:.e cornl:sj year. ()Mete elected,- tion. Pres.. Rev. Colin Fletcher. M. A.: Pres.. T. I1. McCallum; t Ice )'res.. J G. Jones John Essery, J. T. Morgan. -Revs. Bean Bea:' and Glechte- to nominat^ one each to represent t ., vat 31 : Sec.. .1. (1 Matt - bury ; Tress.. L. :l. Dickson; The exec- utive to consist of the clergy of South Huron and t••tl officers of the aseocl- atior: It was decided to hold monthly meet - 1 se on 11-e date of the meeting of tate r, .; t.s .sl • e' i.tt!u' cowl Nurun The Revs. S, F. PI tarp. D. W. Collins. and Mr. L. 11. Dickson were authorised to draw up a resolution adopting the platform of the Laymen's Missionary Movement, and pledging the members of the aesOclatio:t to the same. The follow ins resolution Is tate result of their de- liberations: - 1 e Executive of the Laymen's Mis- elor,ary Movement. In session assembled does hereby place Itself upon record - that sed whereas being deeply though the irspirin4 addresses et the recent Laymen's Oontettnce. and bellev- I:tg that the missionary proposands as presented. is In lull accord with the spirit and teaching of Holy Scripture, and whereas the ' Duplex EmreloPe" la proving to be the best mottled tori eath- Odd Trousers One ct'mp t:te range 1*•st value Worsted ever shown. , .$3.uu 3 ,111 other 20 per cent oft', gorxl vs tight Tweed at 1.910 Children's Clothing at 20 per cent off A large stock of New Clothing {n•t added to this delnufluent OVERCOATS, ODD PANTS AND SUITS Overalls Unheard of Bargain Sale of Overalls. 10 per cent off f SMOCKS, OVERALLS. SHIRTS, Fire. Special on Wool Sox Grey Wool Sox, extra heavy weight. at .. , . C Underwear Good Weight, Unshrinkable Boys' Hueco Underwear, at .... .. .. , . YO‘w Lined, at ... 29C • Every article in this BIG CLOTHING SALE must positively be sold before Dec. 25. Not one will be offered after that date. Do not forget this! ALL MUST GO ! And we have made the prices such that they will go without a doubt. The point for you is to secure what you need while the stock is complete. We assure you that there never was such a chance offered in Exeter before. It costs you nothing to look the stock over. We want to see you here, whether you buy or not. Prices all in plain figures, and ONE PRICE TO ALL ! Get in on our Christmas Present of a Watch or Clock Sandy G. Bawden who wants to meet every man and boy in his store, Main.St., Exeter Remember we carry a full line of all Men's and Boys' Furnishings ering nliesiooary funds. in that ;t Is in full accord with Scriptural usage (tar i. Con. 16 .2) and In harmony with tits' molt approve, methods of church fina'tee, we would therefore Most heatt- ilv recommend to all the churches anis watchword.-' Tee evangelization of the world In this generation." and aiso the presenting of weekly offerings for the ere rnpiistmwttt of this task. SCHOOL REPORT. NO. 1. STEPHEN for November. -V,. Flosait. Davey. IV. Rita Raker. Ella Anderson, Anthony White, 11. White. Madeleine 11a1st.Rttca McCurdy. Clara Jacob. Sr. 1!!.. Carrie Davey. Mabel Elliott, Ethel Bowden. Wetlle Raker, Irene McCurdy. Hubert Neil. Jr. 1i1., Milton Jarob. .\rt`.ur It.,- bltaon. Eimer "Nilson. W1111e Smttn. Viola Neil, Alonzo Malden. 11.. Leon- ard liatst. Ervin Jacob. James «'1,11e. Edna Bowden. Sr. Pt. 51., John Whitt t,'gton : Jr. Pt. II., Cooper McCurdy. l't 1.. Laurette Ottawa. Guy Jacob. F. Bow den, Mabel Brown. Dorothy Cooper. Teacher. CENTR,.LIA SCI(OOL REPORT for November. -1V., It. Andecson. E. Neil. M Hanlon. le. Fairhall: Sr. iii., 14. Ilea - man, R. !Isidro.; Jr. 111., L. Abbott. D Brooks. L. Uaynham. 0. Hanlon, If. El- ston. E. Culbert. S. Nestle. R. Ales - ander: Sr. ii.. 1i. Essery. R. Mills. V. Davis. L. Clicks, F Iluxtabie; Jr. 11., (i. Culbert. M. 'frown. i. Alexander. A. Mite. ever,. 1. Taylor : Sr. Pt. 1.. D. Hackney. L. Ellalt. M. Brown. Jr. Pt. i., E. Abbott, V. Royce. C. Colwell, M. Nell. even. F. Elston. C Culbert. Elsie M. Pomeroy, Tea. -her. SCTi(NJL REPORT NO. 11. STEPHEN. for November. Names to order of mer- it. Jr. iV., Ghas. Stephen : Sr. iii.. L. Stephen. Frac."ts Latond: Jr. 111.. Ent ma Zeller, Jos. Latond, Irene Witter' lthvnard Stephan; Sr. Ii.. ira Tetreau Olive \Villert ; Jr. 11.. lienry 1.afo:.d. Willie Stephan; Pt. i1.. Eeron Lator•.d Myrtle WIllert ; Pt. i.. Sr.. Eddie Greb Otto Step^.an, Amos Stephan . 1't. t.. Jr. Merida Willett. \dela letfond. No. x. roil 21, average 19. 1!. R. Keyes. '`rather. 1' • tollov►t:tg to the repel( of S. H. N.,. :t, Uatlorne, for the month of Noy. V., total 2,)0 -Rota Mier tat.. IV., total 300-E. Doupe 225. L. Hartle 209; A. Copeland 151; 0. M' Curdy (ab. sent). Sr. IIi., total 300-11. Doupe tel 1. Irvine 10u. Jr. Iii. total 300-4/ Bttfour 193. M. Holger' 182, F. Pain - e:4 119, I. McCurdy 1711. 0. Copeland 149. Jr. i1., total 200-11 Shute 111, L. McCurdy 117. R. Vie -her 105, 0. Copelani 99. 0. Har7ah!t8. Pt. II.. to' - al tun --H A;,ler 128, 71 'J Curd, 113. Pt. I. Sr.. total 200-M tft'Curd> 119 Prur'.ary rises -f. McCurdy. M. Doupe No. on roll 22; ave*ARtt 'tttnc4a,tee 19. S. M. (Int ee you Tearhtl.