HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-12-16, Page 5SUPPLEMENT TO THE EXETER ADVOCATE EXETER, DEC. 16, 1909 V1813oltNF: COUNCIL Council von 1 • 4t.. AU the mein - bees were prey •. The minutes of the last meeting w: .- read and approved. Titc nomination meeting for the pur- pose of nominating a move and four cJuncillurs to serve In and for the mu- nicipality for the year 1910, will be held 1:: t;:e Township Hall, F.limvill!, OU Monday. Dec. 17th, at one o'clock. It an election is necessary polls will bo held on Monday, Jan. 3rd, 1910, aa follow••, -Div. 1. Hall. Ellntvllle, Sidney AtArcw. D. R. 0.. deo. Kellett, Poll C,erk : Div. 3. (Ito. Cornish's hpuee, Let 6. N. T. R.. John W. 1HE,rney, D. R. O., Dan Dew, Poll Clerk ; Div 3.1 W. H. E'enwarden'a house, Lot 3. Dan. 10, T. W.tatburn D. R. 0.. lfugh Berry Poll Clerk: Div. 4, 1'yblie Hall• Farau;tar. Jorn Duncan, D. R. 0.. Silas N. Shier. Poll Clerk. Tne account of the Board of health for services and expenses amounting to $.7.50 was paeaed and paid to the ;secretary for distribution. A grant of $10.00 was given to the Kirkton Agricultural Society. Accounts amounting to over $3000. which will app e:.^ in the Financial Statement. were p.s3ed and orders Issued ht payment,. Adjourned to Wednesday, Dee. 1G, at one o'clock. F. Morley, Clerk. MAPLE CitoV®. (Too late for last week.) A number of the f,t;ut-rs in this, viole- lty :save disposed of their heavy t orsea and received handsome prices. -Mr. tired Neil hap traded his pacing horse. bet- ter known as the ''Eel" Fred says he has teomethtng that can go yet. -Mon- day w.►'r election day. Everything went of'_ quiet In this neighborhood. -Mr. J. Gi.fl till spent Saturday with friends 1:. London Towiteltip.-Darius Edwards and wife spent Sunday wita relatives In Us - borne. -Elmer Murdy was visiting It: l.ucan Sunday. -Mr. Moses Simpson le quite 111 at present. McQILLI V RAY. A ee. y pretty wedding took place Nov. 21t ,.'. : ,e home of Mr. Geo Saunders. We3t McGillivray. when his daughter. M:sy Adah was married to Ezra W.Mat- hers. Son ut David Mathers. 26th con. The immediate relalivea were present at the cer.:nony, whleit was performed by Rev. S::.:n1dt of Parkhill. lit the sprin.A they will move to London, where Mr. Mathera has a position as a maehtr'tet. Congratulations and best wishes. Geo. Belrnes died recently at his home at Solgirth. Man.. in his S2nd year. lie was well known In McGillivray. having realded for some years at Moray. His wife died some 11 years ago. The fan, 111 consists of 15 children. of whom 11 survive. xeter D 1 AMOND HALL Our Jewelry Counters and Cases Fairly Teem with Christmas Interest ! Do you know that we are selling thousands of d.11larw worth of WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE every year. is ono of the leading jewelry stores in Huron Count-, and we prove it by the LARGE STOCK we continually carry the year round. Christmas Stock Thi s WE WISR TO EMPHASIZE THE 1' ACI' that we have paid particular attention this season to the put chasing of a large and varied assortment for the -Xmas trade. This stock has entailed a cost of hundreds of dollars, in addition to our previous largo stock, and comprises ARTICLES OF USEFULNESS, VALUE AND RARE BEAUTY. It has been said repeatedly, that "IT IS HARD TO SELECT PRESENTS' -BUT WE MAKE IT EASY. as we have the variety to choose from. THE AGE OF INVENTION. -No won- der that one's spirit freezes, they're an ways finding new diseases to rob tai of our breath; each day the scientists a- lright us with something new that ends with "itis". and scares us halt todeath. In olden tones the 1.1s were simple; they rar;;ed from jaundice to a pimple; and simple was t:'e dot.: the doctor came. as smooth as satin: attd spoke some words in bughouse Latin. and bade us )seep up hope. He'd prop us up and mildly Jolt us by putting on a linseed poultice, or he would teed us pills. wl and then he'd soak us for a dollar. maddened us until we'd holler. and thus forget our illy. In nose old days the them ,: y cac la tt d. we c seldom of a Flick - re av pet:v''., t1 : s,d live 1111 b•'•'t at.1 old men we'd drool awl t:...••.. until tike autumn leaves v:,'.1 shrivel. and like them blow away. But no'•', when we are teeltng dtiZY• the lea'nit { physicians all get buav and stand 'round our bunk. and feel our pulse. and prod and smite us. and say we have some blamed old "111." - all Irises are punk. Then one of them pts weapon greases and saws into Ihree- inch pieces, regardless of out squeals )," t.tke.s us all apart. and pokes u4. and sews um up again and soak, for seven hundred wtieels. u, Remember This. -Merchants whose ad- vertiscttt'nts appear Itt the column's of this paper have well stocked elorea.- Goods of every ki:td. with holiday spec- ials arriving almost every day. They deserve the liberal patronage trot only of citizens of the town but also of the eurroulndini country. Hy supporting home merchants the money is lett here to further total development. A visit to the sto.es of adterttsers will conelnre Ir.tendl to pureha,ers that goods are sold at prices rctnarktbly low. end in •once tires, lower than In the city. After tate nem year the interest on money 1.eld in trust by the high court will be four per cent. instead of three and a half per cont., as at present. The amount so held In trust by the nigh •ourt of Ontarl-) le in the neigl,borhoel of four million dollars. Following Is the report of the clam - Illations held at S. S. No. 1. UsWrne. for the month of Nov.. names beteg In order of merit :-V.-O. Rlatcltford. J. Strang. G. Oke. C. Down. iV.-T. Dau - gall. R. Down. E. Dell, J. Dougah. It. Vt'hite. Sr. 111.-E. Harvey. 11. Uowt'. 0. Tlowclltte. W. Dougall. W. Strang. Jr. It1.-F. Neil. C. Harris. R. Dick. G. Moir, H. Neil. Sr. IL -M. Stran;. J. Dougall. F. Jarrott. R. ttowclilfe. Jr. it. -M Dew, V. nell. K. Sanders. 1" 11.-A. Dick. C. Moir. 1. Milel cit. M Neel. L. Oke. Pt. 1.-C. Neil. R. Moir. M. Dougall, 1. Moir. J. Alvin Drfntnell. Teacher. HiCKS' FORECASTS -.1 regular etortn period. central on the '.'_nd, rover, the 20th to the 25th. This period 1s at the Centre of the winter solstice. In all reason it will bring heavy winter storms on land and sea. The Mercury period begin, at this time and will Increase the Intensity and prolong the existence of storm conditions. This means hardship and danger to unprotected live stock and unwatrhtul men. These storms are apt to continue over t'te limits of the period In ea: eetuencc O: the Atereury disturta- •nee ar.d the opposition of the moon the 26th. SUBSCRiII for the Advocate ant 44 ill the IlewO. We have some fine DIAMOND RINGS in our' stock and within the reach of a;'. Pure White Stones at.. ..$5.00 up to $60.00 Ladies' Pearl Rings, single or five pearls in setting, at $3.00 up to $12»4) Solid Gold Child's Rings $1.00 Ladles' 14 k Pearl Sunbursts, reit; fine pearls in each setting 25.00 Ladies' 14 k Brooches and Pendants at $6 to $12 Ladies' Gold -Filled Neck -Chains, line, Ro- man or bright finish $1 up to $6 Ladies' Gold -Filled Lockets, plain, pearl or white stone settings, at $1.50 up to $8.00 Gold -Filled Expansion Bracelets, with Signet 'fop or Amethyst Stone Settings, or Plain, at up 11) $8 REGINA WATCHES Ladies' SBIid 14 k Gold, Gold Filled and Silver Watches, at ... ....$j4 up to $35 Gents' G61d Filled Vest Chains, sold- ered links, curbed and fancy patterns, at $1 up to $8 Cuff Links, guaranteed to stand engraving, in fine leatherette boxes, at.. $1.r10 up to $8 Gents' GOId Filled Lo.';ats, round and oval, plain or pear: settings, room f'or two pictures, at $1.50 up to $10 Clocks -We have never had a better or more varied assortment of Clocks to choose from, t'am'ing in price from $1.00 to $12 Tick, Tock, says the clock, We have a bia'ztifai line, of Cut (.Hass. Remember, we are the only official agents in Exeter for the famous and unexcelled "Regina " Watches. We guarantee all this make of watches and to possess one is to possess the lit. A. Marchand, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER EXETER, ONTARIO The Home of Santa Claus Do Your Xmas Shopving with Us and You Will Have The Best ! E HAVE CHRISTENED our store the " Home of Santa Claus " this season and we confidently believe there is no place in Exeter or elsewhere that is more deserving the name. It is really the home of Santa Claus in the true sense of the term. It is well worth a visit and you ar.3 as welcome as can be to come just as often and whenever you please. If you are on buying bent you will find useful, sensible gifts by the score, all arranged for easy seeing. Perhaps you will get many a hint that will help solve that very pe lasing problem : "What Shall I Give For Xmas ? " Whether you come to look or to buy, again we say: COME 1 We will not attempt to give a list of all the nice things we have, but a few will suffice to show some of them : Toys, of all kinds Dolls, from lc to $2.00 each Toy Horses and Rocking . Horses, ToySetsof Dishes and ToyBrooms Xmas Stockings from 5c to $4.50 g Xmas Tree Decorations Post Card Albums, Scrap Albums, Birthday Books, Xmas Cards and Booklets Brush and Trays Water Sets Lamps Glass Table Sets A Nice Lot of Vases China of all kinds, Salad Bowls, Jardiners, Biscuit Jars, Cheese Dishes, Cups and Saucers from 5c to $1.00 each Pin Trays Spoon Trays Bon Bon Dishes of all kinds A Nice Lot of Hand Painted China Large and Fresh Stock of All Kinds of Confectionery and Fruit DEARING'S BAZAAR 3M2C3H11I9MR, ONT. J. 1. Carter of Sarula otters for com- petttton by the pupils of tete dollegiate Institutes and high Schools of the County of Huron five scholarships. val- ued at $100. lift, Sen. $40 and $.i') re- t,pectively. The scholarships are to be awarded to those candidates obtatning the highest aggregate marks an Upper School subje••ts at the mid -summer ez• .amination•. McOILLIVRAY-11. Levett of Parkhill purchased a turkey from W. Dixon of the 7tt, t•orcessio•t of McGillivray. 'weigh 34 pounds. the biggest of titc season. It r etted him $'I. This to tnc ;arii- eet r•nccd one ever gold 1 t McGillivray. I'ARKHILL.-St Paul's Munn' was Inc scene of a pretty wedding. when Miss Orace Edith, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Kinnisten, eras married to Mr, 3 Waller Yount of Hall- eybury son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas Young of Renfrew. Miss Della flaird was tic bridesmaid. The groomsman was Dr. it MacF'aritne. Berlin, and the ushers. Mr. 1'. Grieve. Parkhill and Mr. Tont Maglu- dery o' New Listard. FiiBBERT.-Very muc.t regret was telt o t Thursday o t learning of the death of Mrs. Rottr_rt Coleman. which occurred at her home o5 the 9th rote. The, decaas el, whose maiden name was Maggie Pat• rick, was only 15 years old and tier death came as a sad bioe to tires. the reia- Tearlter, Meet -The Executive , net• miltee of the %%est Huro t Teachers Ass- ociation met In the Model School Clinton on Dec. 4tlt. Those present were.-Mes- ere. J. H. Johnston. secretary. Kippen J. A. Lowery. President. Clinton: Miss A. M Johnston. vice-president. Exeter W. H. Delgaty. Hayfield; Miss E. Wlq• tins and Inspector Tom of Goderleh , O. 1laird. Clitttntt : 14. W. Trewartha. 1101. ntcevtlle. tt was decided that the nett Institute Meeting will be held in God• *rich on Friday and Saturday. May 20 and 21. C:uaper Drawing Books. -A reduction of from 35 cents to five eent,r in the price of Public school drawing beaks has been announced by the Departm^ta of Education. Tite contract haw been awarded to the W J. Gaefe 0,. ti a low- est tender being arreptrtd. The High school deewir.g book which forn',eriy coat 10c. has been reduced to ;c. In each case a discount of 20 per 7010. Ott the retell price wi,l lie given. Tne I'ub- IIc school drawing books formerly con• foisted of a stat!• of five, containing In ait 12•► pave. The new book will con- tain 144 pages. The Ittgh School Hook w:11 be of tAe •Sn1" eine its formerly.