HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-12-16, Page 44 fcetez Abuocate,l Sanders * Creech, Props. THURSDAY, Dec. 16, '09 By -Law No. gee A BY-LAW TO PROHIBIT TILE SALE OY RETAIL OF SPIRITUOUS, FER- MENTED OR OTIIEIt JL\NUI'ACTUIt- ED LIQUORS IN THE TOWNSHIP QF STEPHEN. LI, Municipal Council of the Township ,t Stephen hereby enacts as follows, - 1. That the sale by retail of epiritu- eu,. fermented or other manufactured liquors• is and Khali be prohibited in every tavern. inn or other house or Place of public entertainment. In the said muele1pelity, and the sale thereof ex- cept by wholesale is and shall be pro- hibited In every shop or place other than a house of public entertainment 1n the said municipality. 2. THAT the vote of the electors of the Township of Stephen shall be taken on this By -Law on the day fixed by Statute for the election of the members of the said municipal council for the year now next ensuing, that is to say, --on the third day ot January, A. D. 910. 3. THAT tne polls for taking the said vote will be held at the Hamel hour, the seine day. at the same places and by the lame Deputy -Returning Officers as shall be appointed for the purposes of the said annual municipal election. 4. THAT on the fifteenth day of Dee - ember, A. D. 1909, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon at the Town Hall, In the Village of Crediton, the Reeve of the said Township of Stephen, *hall aprotnt itt writing. signed by him- self, two persons to attend at the float summing up of the votes by the clerk and one person to attend at each poll- ing place in the various polling sub -div- ision -9 o:l behalf ot the persons inter- ested in and desirous of promoting the passing ot this by-law; and a like number on beelif of the persona inter- ested in and desirous of opposing the pestling thereof. 5. THAT the Clerk of the Haid Muni- cipal Council of the saki Township of Stephen shall attend at his office in the said Village of Crediton on the Fourth Day of January, A. D. 1910, at Die hour of two o'clock in the ar- noon to sum up the number of votes given for and against this By -Law and to era;:t th' requisite certif:ettes. O. rlIAT t.i.; By -Law shall take et - tee and come into operation on and of -ter the first d•ny of efay• A.• D. 1910. Coq h eli CLa:n'.'r, Crew" , n, th:• day o' A. D. Reeve. Clerk. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the atoms is a true copy of a pt oposed Ily-Law which ttas been t iken Into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Township ,f Stephe:t and welch will be finally pajee 1 by the said Council (in the• event Of the assent of the electors being ob- tained thereto, as provided by " The Liquor License Act" and amendments thereto) after one month from the first Publication thereof in THE EXI:IER ADVOCATE, the date of welch firat publication was rlhureday, the Ninth day of December. A. D. 1909. and that at the hour. day and p:atc3 therein fixed tor taking tho vo'e3 of the electors the polls will be held. • IiENRY FII.IIEit, Clerk. Crediton, Det:, ' 81... 1009. f- - Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA haw Furs aid Skins -- WE ARE BUYERS of ailkinds of RAW FORS aid SKINS We Quarantee Honest Assort- ment, Highest Market Priem, and Quick returns. Wit PAY ii:CFRE$i CItARUtlt Send for our 1909.1910 PRICE UST FREE REVIIrIAN FRERES 114 et Ise etedll 11., flestrsrsl. Winter Term from Jan. 3rd 1•a,.. put .1 wal tea .. a 1.e! N u,.ltrin We offer sd.ants airs n t altered ei.eh.re in Cana to oar to when ere eapetirn ,d, •-our'ee 11.'r•,uiti ins prsct•esl.a-•I'.P aee.e' `rMaNes 14 Rood poeuinse Th. • em and e1 present creams ea .ate the ..,I,1,1y tie prepare Teachers fee assist" Colles* Mort. Write for •„v free •asesets 11. A. d.,L.ae'HI,AN t'rl no' pal. By -Law No. ee. A 13y -law authorizing Inc payment annually, for a pt reed of ten years, of Nle sum of Thrt: hundred dollsre to the Jacksoic Sia:.ufacturing Company of Clinton, for the rent of a factory prem - 1.3^a lit the Viliag: of Exeter, granting the said Computy Exeueptimr front Mun- icipal tux:iti tt (except for c •rt.tin pur- ees:a) and free water service for a per- lo.l of ten ye.ar3, and authorizing the payment to the said Company of tee sura of rwo hundred and twenty-five Dollars for a d.taollaa engine. \Vhe:exs the sill Jackson Manufactur. !ng Company are desirous of opening a branch of their cloth' ,g ntauufactur- ing bus'eees in the Village of Ezeter, and for that purrose have applied to the Mutefe'pa; Council of Inc Geld Village of Ezeter fur cerlaln ptynecnts, rzenhp- tlons and cohcess'ocie which are set out and detailed In an Ind: itture of Agree- ment bearing date the sixth day of Mc - ember, 1909, made and entered into by and between the said Company and the said Muuicip.i: Council and which is in the words and figures following, that le to say ;- THIS AGREE)IENT (made and etttered into this sixth day of December, A. D. 1909, BETWEEN The Jackson Manufacturing Company of Clinton, Ontario, (hereinafter called the Company) of the first part, and The Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter, (hereinafter called the Cor- poration) of the second part. WHEREAS the above named Company Is an Industrial Company having an es- tablished business hi the Town of Clin- to:l for the manufacture of clothing, and being desirous of opening a branch of tied: said business in the said Village of Exeter, have applied to the said Cor- poration for the payment to the said Company, annually fur the period of ten years of a sum not ezceedang three hundred dollars as the Company shall be required to pay aa a rental for prem- ises, to be used and occupied by them a3 e factory, in the said Village of Ex- eter, and further have applied to the s.titi Corporation for exemption from efunicipal taxation, except for certain rates hereinafter specified, tar a period of tett years, and for free water service for the name period, and .for the pay- ment to them of. the sum of two hundred and twenty-five dollars for the purchase of a gasoline engine for their said fac- tory. AND WHEREAS the said Corporation is desirous of securing the said indus- try for their Municipality and tor tnat purpose have consented to grant the ap- plication of the said Company, subject ): course b.) the sanction and approval of ratepayers. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREE- MENT WITNESSETH that the said Cor- pee.t:on hereby :agrees to Pay .to the C)nhpany annually for the period of ten years such aunt as the Company shall expend annually for rental of premises u tet ens uxupled by teem as a factory ..u''t annual payment not to exceed I.t'e• !.unered dollars In any single reel and to grant them ezetnptioa from efunicipal tazatiou except ',tor school purposes and special frontage taxes, for a period of ten years, and free water service for a like period, and to pay to them the said sun) of two hundred and twenty-five dollars for the pur- chaec of a gasoline engine for their sail letrtory, upon the following terms and conditions; 1. Tho said Company agree to estab- lieh a branch of their said manufactur- ing business in the *said e'illage of Exe- ter in the premises known as ' The 11. Pickard Co. Store" situate on part of Number Twenty-fiv_ on the East elite of Main strut, or such other suit- able premises as the Company may be able to oblate a satisfactory lease of sett to hive the sane' fully equipped as .t f.tctory for the manufacture of cloth- ing arid to have fetid factory in opera- tion not later than the first day, of Feb- ruary. 1910, and by the close ot the ye tr to 'lave not less than t wettty-flee cetpleyees at work therein. 2. The said Company agrees to In- stall in the premises within eighteen months front the first day of February 11110, machinery, plant and e tuipntent to the value of at least cwt) thousand dollara. 3. The said Connpetty agree, to oper- ate and continue is operation their said feetory for a peeled of ten years. com- et airing on tee first day of le'ebruat y. 1310. 4. The said Company agree to em- ploy and keep employed le their said fee tory and upon the premises occupie•1 by them. for and during the first year of eft• said term, at least twenty-five ern- ployees, and for and during the second and each subsequent year an average of at least forty employees. computation of such .Average in any year to be based on the number of .'ntplayees of the com- pany at said factory during the years that alt 111 have elapsed excepting the first. 5. The said Company agree that they will at any time during the said terms ,tt the request of the said Corporation el, clot satief t:tory evidence os to the u nber of employees engaged by th':m ter said factory. e1. 1t Is hereby further agreed by and between the parties hereto that t he said yearly sum of three hundred dollars so to be paid by the said Corporation t• the said Company. shall be paid as fol- lows. -The first yearly payment on the fIret day of Febru try, A. D. 1911, and 1Uhsequeet payments yearly thereafter but the 'aid Corporation shall be and art' hereby empowered to withhold pay- ment of the '.aid yearly sunt' or. Any of them. It the said Company fall in the !c-• 10:ttuce of .any part of this agree- . .1 on their ptrt to be pertormed. it 11 hereby further :weal that said ezemptlai from Stu•;tetpil tax )n hereby granted by Cie said Cor- '''at'oe la the said Contptny shall,with exceptions aforesaid. extend to .and 'ode tasat;o:l en their Manufacturing . . ee, (or buts lees assessment) their e • .t .and the bundtngs ant land 'o to uael and occut.aed be than as afore- , 1 hot sun exemption nein reale if .1d Company fail in tee perform • of any ptrt of thie agre'ment, in it part to be performed. The said - .t elle% shall date from the first day t 1'chru try, 19: J. 8. It Is turtller agreed that the free water serric•: so to be supplied tl.e said Compaey ',Lill lie of such service as the for and against this by-law. said Corporation shall ta• enabled to supply by their system of water works NOTICE now being Installed, the. gild Company The above 1, a true Copy of the pro - to make All nec(searv. and proper con- posed By-law which has been taken nections with the Corporation's said sys into consideration and which will be La- tent and to p.ty for such c ont.ectiona and Wally passed by the Council of the Cor the maintenance thereof. poration of the Village of Exeter, in the 9. And it is further agreed fast the event of the assent of the Electors be- s.tid sunt of two hundred and twe.tty- Lig obtained thereto after one ntonth five dollars iso t ) be: pall by the said front the first publication in the Exeter Cotporati tit to the e..1,1 Company for tee advocate ,t td Exeter Times Newspapers purchase of a gasoline engine for their which Brat publteatiun is Get the 9th said factory shall become due and be day of December, 1909; and take notice paid on the fifteenth day of May, 1910. that the votes of the duly quafif;ed El - 10. The said Company further agree ectors of Cie said Muntclpality will be to deposit wit's the said Corporation the taken tliereo:t at the hour, day and the auto of seventy-five dollars, which sun) places fixed. and by the Deputy lteturc,- is to defray the expenses of submitting hue Officers and Poll Clerks named in a by-law to the ratepayers of the said the preceding By-law. Corporation hereinafter mentioned, Every leaseholder entitled by law to should such by-law carry and the said vote on the proposed By-law mall at Compete. fail to carry out the terms le•)st tett days next preceding the day of that contract. But el.ould the said of polling file in the office of the clerk by-law be carried and the said Company of the said ntuntcipality, a statutory de carry out the conditions of this agree- claration elating that his lease meets meat, or should the said by-law be de- the requirements by law entitling hint heated titers the said Hual is ens Is yto bore- to vote on such By-law and the ttatiwe returned to the said t. of Leaseholds ra neglectieg to file such 11. This agreement entered into tt declaration shall not be placed in the upon the understanding that the said \'oters' List for such voting. Corporation will submit to the ratepay- Dated at Exeter this 7th day of Def- ers of the said Village of Exeter, a by- ember, A. D. 1909. law authorizing the said Corporation to JOSEPH SENIOR makethe said payments and to grant Clerk of the Village of Exeter. the said exemptions; and this agreement Is therefore subject to the said by-law being carried by the said ratepayers in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Municipal Act. 12. And it is also agreed and provid- ed that any ceassation of operations due to any rause not in the control of the Company shall not be deemed a breach of the provisions of this agree- ment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hand and seal and the said Corporation has affixed their Corporate Seal and the hand of their Reeve and Clerk. THE JACKSON MANUFACTURING CO. Per W. JACKSON Sig.ted as to execution by The Jack- son Manufacturing Co. In the presence of J. MILLS. T. 11. McCALLUM, Recta, per J. S. JOSEPH SENIOR, Clerk. Signed as to the execution by tne Corporation o' the Village of Exeter in the presence of L. H. DICKSON. CREDITON. to sum up the nuntber of votes given awls■ Arty Oddities. Many, indeed. are tat• curions cry toms connected with the Rttsstsn artily, says a writer in a London Jottr. tat. For Instance, none but giants are allowed in the Preobrasbenski body guard regiment. To the Ismallowsk' regiment none but fair men are alt Witted. while a turned up nose 1s the qualifying adornment of the Pawl:tw guards. The Guards cbassesrs, on the other hand, are cotnpored excluslvely of dark hatred Ween. Then, too, the dlatlnction between officers of the guards and those serving to line regi- ments is most marked, a guard lieu- tenant until recently taking precedence over a captain of tate line. Further- more the pay of Infantry officers in line regiments is ludicro:tsly small. \\'hat the Infantry prlvwe' a lot Is can better be imagined than described. AND WHEREAS for the purpose of making the said payments to the said Company as set forth to the sale agtee- ntent, it will be necessary to raise by epeeist rate on all the rateable prop- erty in the Village of Exeter duringthe year 1910, tate sunt of Five hundred and twenty-five dollars and during the sec- ond land each and every subsequent year o: the said period of ten years, the sunt of three hundred dollars. AND %VHEREAS the whole rateable property of the said Village of Exeter according to the last revised assessment roll being for the year 1909, is $573- 513. AND \VIie:REAM The amount of the Debeatu••e: Debt of the said Village of Exeter exclusive of local improvement c!eht.► seru: _al by special rates and ass- e.smcnt la 3:34.964,24. and no part .)f the p l :re.•1 or letet•.'at t?te•eon Is In arrears. THEREFORE the Munictptl Cou:cil o! t'te Corporation of the Village of flee- ter enacts as follows, - 1. That for the purposes L1 the fore- going rectal, and agree:tent' mention- ed. there shall be raised annually by ap�cial rate on all the, rateable property of the Municipality of the Village_ of Ex- eter, the following aunts for and during the following year', - For the year 1910 tee sum of 1525 FO:" the year 1911 t'to sum ot 1300 For the year 1912 the sum ot 1300 For the year 191:1 the aunt of 1300 For the year 1914 the sum of 1300 For Lee year t a 15 the sum of 1300 For the year 1916 the sum of 1300 For tate year 1917 the sum of 1300 For the year 1918 the sunt of 830t) For the year 1919 the sum of $300 For the year 1920 the sum of $300 2. That the said The Jackson Manu- facturing Comp.► ty shall (subject to the terms and conditions of the said agreement) be exempt front ntuniclpal taxation upo t .utd in reApect of their manutacturi.r; business and stock, and upon and irn respect of the land and building • occupied by them as a fart- ory. In the said Village o: Exeter. dur- ing the period of teen years computed from the First day of February, A. 1). 1910. but this exemption shall not ex- tend to or Include school taxes, nor any special frontage tag. 3. The said. The Jackson Manufactur Ing Company snail have ire+ water ser - tree for their said factory. as provided in the said agre'ntent, for a period of tett year.s, to be computed from the date of the completion of the water works iyitent now being installed by the said nunlclpal11y. 4. That this by-law (hall come Into force and take effect on the day of the fl::ai passlr'a thereof. 5. That the vote's of th' Electors of the said Vlll.tge of Exeter qualified to vote on t;tls by• ens shall be taken un Monday. the third d.ty of January,It110 commencing al trine o'clock in the fore- noon and o.)ntinui.tg until five o'clo'k in the afternoon of the saute clay at the following pelling places within Inc ;aid V111 tge of Exeter by the following Deputy Returning Officers,- i'olling sub-d'visto:t No. 1. at Silas 1Iandford'.•i residence, Edward Treble, Deputy Returning Officer and iierbett Ford, Poll Clerk. Polling sub-•l,vislo.t No. 2. %Veeketo' Marble .'Pop. W. D. Weekes. Deputy Returning Officer and Jams Weeks. Poll Clerk. ('oiling sub-dlvisio:t Na. a. John Mit- cicli'1 office. R. G. 8'Idoe. Deputy Re- turning Officer, and A. G. Dyer. Poll Clerk. Polling subdivision No. 4. Toett iia11 Joaep:e Davis. Deputy Returning Officer and R. N. Taylor, Poll Clerk. 6. That Thursday, tlhc 30th day of Decembar, 1909, at Eleven o'clock a.nt. 1ht11 be the day and hour. and the Clerk'. Office in the T.)+vn hall. Exeter. ..'till be the place where the Reeve shall attend (0 appoint persrta to attend at the various polling places eforeiai'1 Aid at the :'root summing up of :ie vote.' by the clerk on behalf of persoets interested in promotirt; or opposing tr.( P11.1111 of tole by -taw respectively• 7. That the Clerk of the Corporation of the said Vitiate of Kzeter gh:ali ei- te•td at his office In the weld %entire of Exeter at twelve o'clock noo.e. o. Tuesday ter 4th day of January. 31)11 PURCHASED IILACKSMITi1 IIUSI- NESS.-lfaving purchased the !Hack - smith Business from Mr. Alonza Hod- gins. I ane prepared to do ail kinds of Blacksmith Work for the general pub- lic and respectfully solicit the patronage of all the old customers of the shop utnd many new ones. I am sure we can give you entire satisfaction- Horse shoeing a specialty. -DAN MacISAAC, Crediton, Ontario. ?Ir. Geo. Lawson o' Artlanl, Iaak , Creamily of Stephen, writing irons that 1'la :e says .•-"The weather here la vee•y 011. tee thereto:niter **(teetering b:- •'acett 40 and e) below zero. There is very lbtle snow on tate around." Oeorre Felber has been engaged by C. Z`vicket to assist hits In his seed hu.ilnesq,-Edward Wurm has sold his eine and lot to Jot,, Finkbcincr, who •.vitt move to t,w.t in a few weeks. We w •;",:me Mr. a;td Mr.. F'itkb'iner to )'l t0'tt,-Jul.• tat et.lt etor 019 been yr bu. t 1. Neck ta.:Lt; in the ts'tee. S•)ne• of aur fartnet5 have to dig down putty deep. -Miss Kate Zwlcker who has been assisting In the millinery trade at Zech ker's, has returned to her home In London. -Don't fo get the Christmas Ctmt.ata to be given in the Town Hall next Wednesday night, the 22nd inst., te: the 3rholare of the Methodist church Sunday School. The program is mute to be a good nne.-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor were In Stratford Wednesday. - Mrs. Telfer and son of London visited. iter parents Sir, and Sire .Ewald the( be- Sinnine of the week.-, Mrs. Samuel 11:own has returned to Berlin. having been called there on account of her nlother'a Illness. -Yesterday the council held their lost niecthte for the year and front now on the municipal pot will h,t,ln to boil. leo far nothing has been maid regarding the aspirants for mun- icipal honors. STU\1,-('11 AGONY. Abolish the ilium'. and Misery and Die - tress o' indigestion will Vanish. Ct:t indigestion he cured ? Hundreds if thousands of proper who suffer from belching of gas ; biliousness. sour etunt- tr`t. fullness, nausea, shortness of bre.t- Oi. bed tvstc in mouth, foul ire ata:, tier- vnusnees and other dtstr •using :symp- toms. are asking E-ents'ices 1.:.it ,lu2s- tto:, dally. .inti i' t.inw sante dout►titt; •tysP''p- t!• .t ••cud only reed tate thousands of -cerce letters from people who to . e muttered as badly as they da now. but who have been quickly and permanently cured by the use of Mi -o -nae the mighty dyspepata remedy that cures by rentor - Ing the cause they will do to W. S. Cole this very day and get a large box of ,Ml-o-na tablets, and start themseivee on the right road to health at once. The price of Mi-o-na tablets la only 50 cent', and W. S. Cole guarantees them to curt indigestion on money hark. Thin or lout or Acrawney people will find In M1-o-na a maker of flesh and blood, because it causes the stomach to extract more nutritious matter front the food, which quickly enrichers the blood. OME (m1144•40 N,VN o Illi) CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Br.,ochitia, Croup, Coughs and Colds, er money bac:. Sold and guaranteed h" LONDON (NTARIO Business & Shorthand SUAJ[CTS Resident and Mail Course t Ceeslese..e free ,. lir. Westervelt, 1. \L'. tlVe.Ker,.`i, J. , C•. \ Prinei/pet. Vi,. •Pun.,,.., THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE RRAD OPTIC& TORONTO I$T*RLIStlBD 1M1 1. It. WALLIN, Prmolest { Paid-up Capital, _I0,000,000 ALRZANDER LAIRD, (isaeral Maaapr I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by telegraph or letter. COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign count* FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States, Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. in Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Orediton r s The Imperial - Oxford Rano S A PERFECT BAKER -note the little arrows from Bre the divided flue on oven top -that means that the front of oven is heated as well as back --- call in and we'll show you many more features. For sale by We J. HEAMAN yr e► w -ATI •uy a fano for Christmas Surely there is nothing Netter for Xmas than a Piano. It is something the whole fancily can enjoy, something that will Last a lifetime -and if bought right can be handed down for two or three generations. You do not take any chances on any piano you get here. The standing of this establishment is a surety that you will get your money's worth -a GOOD RELIABLE PIANO. Then on top of this you have our guarantee -so why should you take any risk. Come Here, Pick Out a Piano That Pleases You in Appearance and Tone ! You will find our prices reaannahle and the terms of payment can easil he arranged to your satisfaction--at:d tt:e• instt'intent will be ABSOLUTI{L RELIABLE in every respect. We aro now displaying an Unusual Christmas Stock of the Finest Line of Pianos on the Market. PIANOS from $200.00 up ORGANS " $65.00 " IO' Be an early caller and receive one of our Art (aIendars S. MARTIN & SON, EXETER Only a Few mays to Buy for Christmas Our stock of Watches, Clocks, Jew- elry of all kinds, Cut (lass and Chi- nas. Everything suitable for old and fie, r young was never so complete. Have already laid aside choices, and will be pleased to do the same for you. The earlier the better, A. Marchand Jeweler and Optician --- Exeter, Ontario The Molsons Bank incorporated 1S3.', Capital (paid up) - $3,500,000 Rest Fund - - - $5,500,000 If•a•. ti.i Branches in ('enada, :and Agents and Cori .' pondentr in ell the Principal (;ilii',, in the SYnihl. A 9EPRRAL RAINING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. lr,'erest allowed et highest rnrrent rate. - - EXETER BRANCH - Agents at fixeter for the Dominion Oove•rnment. T)IoiAos As CARLING, Solicitore. N. D. HURDON, Mozart,