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Exeter Advocate, 1909-12-16, Page 3
SIX MEN WERE DROWNED i` Dredge Was Being Towed Into Port Arthur for the Winter. A deepatc•h from J'ort Arthur, Ont., sap:: By the sinking of Dredge No. 8, owned by the (creat Lakes Dredging Company, near Mutton island in Thunder Bay on Thursday night, six Igen lost their lives. They wore : John Fraden- burg, whose hurl(+ is in the United Statt•s ; Peter McDonald, watch- man, Port Arthur; J. Phalen, fire- man, Port Arthur ; John 1% ikon, cook, Sarnia; ---Cameron, deck - hand, Port Arthur, and A. Smith, second cook. Tho disaster was caused by the ici cutting holes in the hull of the dredge, while she was being towed tato Port Arthur. Eight of the fourteen men on board were able t, jump on the scow alongside, but the others, who endeavored to save same of their possessions after the dredge started to sink, were un- able to get ab,nrd the scow. Tho drodge was in tow of the tug Inez, and sank so quickly that the tow line had to be chopped with an axe to prevent the tug Keane hauled down. DISTRIBUTION OF SEED (H.1IN From the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. By instruction of the Hon. Min- ister of Agriculture a distribution is bring made this season of samples of superior sorts of grain and po- tatoes to Canadian farmers for the improvement of seed. The stock for distribution has been secured main- ly front the Experimental Farms at Indian Head, Sask., Brandon, Man., and Ottawa, Ont. The samples consist of oats, spring wheat, barley, peas, Indian corn (for ensilage only), and potatoes. The quantity of oats sent is 4 lbs., and of wheat, or barley 5 lbs., suf- ficient in each ease to sow one -twen- tieth of an acro. The samples of Indian corn, pests and potatoes weigh 3 lbs. each. A quantity of each of the following varieties has hen secured for this distribution :--- Oats.---Banner, Abundance. Dan- ish Island, Wide -Awake, White Giant, Thousand Dollar, Improved Ligowo—all white varieties. Wheat.. --Reel varieties: Red Fife (beardless), Marquis Stanley and Chelsea (early beardless), Preston, Huron and Pringle's Champlain (enrly bearded). White varieties: White Fife (beardless), Bobs (early beardless). Barley. -- Six -rowed : Measure., Odessa, and Mansfield. Two -row- ed: Invincible, Standwell, and Ca- nadian Thorpe. Field Peas.—Arthur and Golden Vine. Indian Corn (for ensilage).— Early sorts: Angel of Midnight, Compton's Early and Longfellow. Later varieties: Selected Learning, Early Mastodon, and Write Cap Yellow Dent. Potatoes.-- Early varieties: Ro- chester Rose, and Irish Cobbler. Medium to Tate varieties: (told Coin, Carman No. I, and Money Maker. The latter varieties are, a5 a rule, more productive than the earlier kinds. Only one sample can be sent to each applicant, hence if an indiw'idu- ` a1 receives a sample of oat,' he can- not also receive ono of wheat, bar- ley, pens, Indian corn or potatoes. Applications on printed cards or sheets, or lists of names from one individual, or applications fur more than one sample for one household, cannot he entertained. The samples, e ill be sent free of charge through the mail. Applications should be a(ldreas(•d to the Director of Experimental Farms, Ottawa, and may he sent r, any time from tilt' 1St of Decem- ber to the 15th of February,. after elite!' the lists will be closed, so ;hat the samples asked for may be lent out in good time for sowing. Applicants should mention the va- riety they prefer, with a second sort as an alternative. Applications will be filled in the order in which they are received. so long as the supply of seed lasts. Fartners are advised to apply early to avoid pos- sible disappointment. Those apply- 'ing for Indian corn or potatoes ahuuld bear in mind that the corn is not usually distributed until April, and that I•.,trtoes cannot be mailed until dance r from frost in transit is over. No postage is re- quired on mail matter addressed to the ('entre]. Experimental Farm, Ottawa. ('.151111:3CS SUICIDE. II. F. ileenan. of St. John. Short in His Accounts. A despateh from St. John N. 13., says: Harry 1. Heenan, local book- keeper and cashier of the Domin- ion Fire Insurance Company of Toronto, committed suicide on Thursday afternoon by drinking carbolic acid, and his body was found in the street. Heenan had been under surveillance the past week by the company's officials and police for a shortage of about $2,- 000 in his accounts. He confessed his guilt and had been given time to raise the money, but being un- able to do so, a warrant for his ar- rest was sworn out on Thursday afternoon. Heenan learned of this and went to a drug store for car- bolic acid. and drank it. with fatal effect, while the police were look- ing for him. He was about forty years old, and leaves a wife and six children. W-HiSKI•:r IS DRUGGED. Some Queer Mixturee Sold at Fort William. A despatch from Fort William says: The despatch from Toronto stating that, according to Govern- ment information, poisoned whis- key is being sold in hotels here, has aroused a sensation, and would teem to shed light on several p mysterious deaths recently. It is charged that some of the whiskey being retailed would cause death if consumed regularly for a few mocks. One man is known to have gone completely blind after drink- ing five glasses of doped liquor. It was killed when his machine fell ie believed by medical men that !:c I near Nice. may never regain his sight. An- The Nobel prize for physics has been divided between Onglielmo Marconi and Prof. Braun of Stress - burg. —•� rl„•leml•• of I.1 artp'• t Prince Erecter:•k Von Seen Wit- .11'1'I.ES .1`; 1.IQ1•:)ll 1'1 !'!', thought to be the water, a:I,! the tgenstein a German Prin,e, tine Bacon—Long eie,:r, 11 to 11' 1 situation may ie -come serious. forfeited Inc.) Print"!,' rank by mar- per !b. in case lot•:; we,.. e. i1,• � fee I'hy•iiI:ul Say, They hill the There are Itr3 ruses in five hospitals, rying beneath hint. 1, $211.50; short cul, c':r a • .-'.....01.1 e•te for Drink. end fifty cases are turned away F_ r__ Ifants--Light to inefltion, 1a t.' i 1bc; do., heavy, 14 to 111 1 ucil from daih. r. ;i., , m lies Ilia'es, 51�1:_1T('fT1:11.1\'S I:STI,1-1'1'I:S' Till: L.tkI- OF 1111. ::t N. Ii to 1t'.c; shoulders, 12' to 1'1 • 1' •,`'• •'':,: 1'r. Samuel I'a:lt, of — bre 1. . le to 20c; breakfast bacon, \Iotrol .1' r••'• 'and a prominent mem- WATER AND LiFE. • 9ur;,ln: of S!_!.I (.i for the Year is ('prion: Spot on Mars a-4 l,::rr•. a+ 1 =' . ' 1s . Ler .•t t!,,• \'.ttionnl Medical So- :111 over the civilized world at - 1 Leary 1 Ilei. 1 France. ! ? i'i,•rces, 15 ,c; tubi, 16c;: e rt} • , n 11 ednr�,lat' hrforr. the ! tention is bo!npt concentrated upon A rlrapatcil from Regina, Sask., M. Camille hlarun;:rriou, the. 1'' i,,. ; , fit:tt, Ilo,1:• alt 1iil Sorirtw doe!!!r-, the best methods of irrigation. The saga: Estimates of revemie and eminent scientist, contrndiets they ed that apple cr1inkills the treads r10.iducticit,:' the planet and its amounts to be voted for public set.- allegiation that life u:1 Mara has; I;i -I\I-; S .1'T J10':TIth.11,. fur e'ckLr.l- peal. other a;t .,r{ ('^n•e'ttrnt ability to support life vice for 12 months ending February been ended by a terrib'c Cala- I 11' ,.}.•'al, Dec. l I. Oet,'_ \,, 2 eirink c, He sue i it is the meal-e•►t. are Rhus gradually incr,,tad in a peen , Or :3.1.1 Western, 40; to 41c. Bar- ''r` who 1)1.....111:.! nddiete•l t , stro+•t twat' that would hr.rdlc have been During the last throe months, ' ; les �•,. �, G5 to CCC; llapit.,l,a lictuor, and that f a i.ir•tting should 'teethed a•great le n Fenernt'o:n ago. twit a M. Flanlnlarion, "the planet . feat bar!o,... i2 to 63c. flour a! he encouraged as a •.glutsou of the : There arc';rest ureas, hitherto re - !CONDENSED NEWS !TENS THE WORLD'S MARKKE fS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER itl:Poll"f3 FRoi Till: LEADING TIJC GLOBE. Telegreoa}e Brief* Croat Our Own asd Other Countries of Recent Ereutr.. CANADA. Additional cases of typhoid fever are reported at Cobalt. Ontario medical men propose the formation of a Medical Council for the Dominion. Mr. J. M. Cole and Mr. R. A. Pat- terson have been Appointed school inspectors in Oxford county. Hon. Dr. Pugsley and 1)r. King have gone to Washington r n husi- l1ea5 connected with the boundary dispute. A remonstrance will be forward- ed to 11'ashington by the Canadian Government against the actions of immigration officials in turning peo- 1!e back at the Manitoba boun- dary. GREAT BRITAIN. Mr. Winston Churchill is con- ducting a vigorous campaign in Lancashire. TRADE CENTRES. Pricer of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. OVER SIXTEEN IllLL1OS Iminenso Output of' the Ontario Min©s for Nine Months of 1909. According to returns made under lilt EADSTUFFS. the mining act to the Ontario Toronto, Dec. 14.—Flour - - On- Bureau of Mines, the output of the tario wheat 90 per cent. patents,. metalliferous mines and works of 84.23 to $-1.30 in buyers' sacks on the Province for the nine months track, Toronto, and at $1.15 to )f 1.- • ending September 30, 1900, was a.•t 20 outside in buyers sacks. Mani- follows: --(}old, 1,125 ounces, valn- toba flour, first patents, $5.60 on e:1 at $13,9.2(1; silver, 18 73 truck Toronto; 1,519 onto of tto • s . ccond patents, ccs, valued at $9,3a5,(i00; cobalt. $.2.10 to 85.20, and strong bakers', 427 tons, valued at $;9,450; arsenic, 84.90 to $5 on track, loranto. 17.50 tone, valued at $:19,221 ; cop - Manitoba Wheat—No. 1 North- ( per, 5,533 tons, valued at $740,677; ern, $1.06, Buy ports, and No. 2: nickel, 8,91.9 tuns, valued at $1, Northern, $L.04%, Bay porta. 1,30; lion err, 203,262 tons, Ontario 1i'} valued at $.173,770; pig iron, 2;t4,- 698 tons, valued at 8.1,095,735; zinc ore, 7S5 tons, valued at $8,000. The gross production amounted in value )eat—No. 2 mixed, $1.04 outside, and Nu. 2 white and red, $1.04 to $1.05 outside. Barley—No. 2 60 to Ole outside, and No. 3 extra, 53 to 58'/.,c out- side. Oats—No. 2 Ontario white, 36 to 36 yc outside, Canada West oats, 38;; to 39c for No. 2, and 37% to 38c for No. 3, Bay ports. Peas -87 to 88c outside. The Tariff Reformers in I3ritaie Rye—No. 2, 72c outside. propose to place a tax on praeti- Buckwheat -52% to 53e high tally all imports except raw mater_ freights, and 53% to 5)e low cal and a tax of two shillings a quar- ter on wheat. Corn—Old No. 2 American yel- low, 70% to 71%e, Toronto, and UNITED STATES. new No. 3 yellow, 64)/ to 65c on A ease of leprosy of the most vire- track, Toronto. lent kind has been discovered in Bran—$20,50 in bags, Toronto, Calumet, Mich. and shorts, $23 to $2;,.50 in bags, The Michigan Central Railroad is increasing tho wages of its train- men and telegraphers. Mrs. Carrie Nation was arrested at Washington for smashing whis- key bottles in a buffet. Two New York non claim that they were engaged by Dr. Cook to fake polar records for hitt. Five men were drowned in the sinking of the steamer W. C. Rich- ardson near Buffett), on Thursday.' The President. of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen has assured i President Taft that there will h'• ne general railroad strike. Potatoes --•13 to i,(?c per bag on A Milwaukee woman .lied niter track for Ontarios. suffering for four years with a t Poultry--C'herkens, dressed. 11 sponge which an operating surgeon to 12:• per pound; fowl, 8 to 9e had sewn up in her abdomen, George P. Sheldon, the reecntly- deposed President of the Phoenix Insurance Company of Booklyn, has been indicted on a charge of larceny. Butter—Pound prints, 23 to 25e; tubs and large rolls, 22 to 230; in - GEN ER 11.. fcrior, 19 to 20c; cr(•arnery, 27 to M. Fernandez, a French a; ietor, L8i'• and solids, '2!j to 2(i' %e per lb. i .cgs—Case lots, 32 to ::5;' per u..•:. •1 for fresh, and 25 to 26e for (:h.• • •.• 12' ,c per Ib. for large, and at 12,r fur twins. HOG PROUCt'TS. Toronto. C'OU'NTRY PRODUCE. :Apples --$2 to $3.50 per barrel, according to quality. Beans—Car lots outside, *1.55 to 51.65, and small lots here 51.73 to L90. done:: --Combs, dozen, $2.23 to til%; extrtcted, 10%e per Ib. Ilay N., 1 timothy, 513 to $14, and No. 2, 812 to $12.50, on track, Toronto. Straw ----$7.50 to $3 on track, To- ronto. 00 • pound, and from that down to 3':c for pretty good animals; common and Ivan stock front 2 to 3�{e per pound. Milch cows from $30 to 555 each. Grass-fed calves 3 to 4,1/;:e per pound; good seals at 5 to near be per pound. Sheep -1 to 4,';c per pound; lambs at 6 to 6'!1c per pound. (food lots of fat hogs sold at about 8%c per pound. Toronto, Dec. 14. --Many choice picked steers and heifers realized from 85.25 to $5.75; good butchers' sold readily at *4.80 to 55.15. Cows and bulls were strong; good fat cows sold at 51 to 81.75, and ex - Fort bulls ftp to $:3. All the choice cattle suitable for Christmas beef t.ere sold at an early hour. Sheep anti lambs advanced 10 cents. Hogs —Selects were quoted at $7.60 f.o.b. and $7.83 fed and )watered. RR 111SH 1'RADE IIF:T1'Eli. November Figures Show increase of imports and Exports. :1 despatch from London says: rlie Jlnaril of Trade returns for November, of this year, as compar- Suppo:+ed Plot. ed with the corresponding month A despatch from. Berlin •.-1vs: in 1908, show increased imports The St. Petersburg corre.p.-n tont an( I exports of LI1,700,745 (858,- of the Vossische Zeitung sa. that tur!cet•s, 15 to 16e per pound; :.03,723) and .£1,174,010 ($20,870,200) two bombs have been foiled oe tho clucks, pound, 11 to 12e; geese, 9 respecticch'. Although these fig- Russian imperial yacht Standart. t, 1C. per ound• ares reveal a l' peful stat; of nf- Several arrests in connection with fairs, the returns for eleven months the supposed plot to blow up the THE DAIRY .11:1RIi[;TS. in 1909 constitute a discouraging yacht have been mole at Kiel* and record. They show that in this Yalta, period, as compared with the c^tine - ----.1. months; in 1908, the import H. Ti f'}lull!► IN �1O\'I'R1:.1I L. ed ,C27,62n,999 ($139,1411,9:;:,), while • --• - the exports !t•crense(l £:3,228,450 11an: Cases in Hos;lit:ale - Wester (510.1.12,280), The timet notcv:or- is Blamed. thy feature of the November im- ports was In an increas.� of 820,- A ,lespat•'II . , �.;.. , , ••1! ,' 100,75 in raw ce.tton. Typhoid ix .•t„ ;• ,,,,r< • i,, tl, tt_ real, and as it i-. f.11.0.... 1 i... at► to $16,7e2.742, as compared +lith 813,155,511 for the first eine mouths of 190v. From the mines of l'ubult there were shipped in all 22,219 tons, of which `20,340 ton.. were ore and 1,- b78 tons concentrates, as againgk' 16,835 tont of ore and 480 tons of concentrates during the same +ri- o,l in 1908. Tito silver Conten of the shipments for this year ex.,. ,,.tl- eei tltosn of last year by 6.170.039 ounces. The output of nike! was 1,169 tons more and of copper 309 tons leis than during the eorreeponding relied of last year. There was ail increase in iron ore of 39,174 tons, and in pig iron of 105.411 tons. 11 ti71{.1J.11'S ('I{l'ISER. The Admiralty .lsked to t'nutitlenee 1(a Construction. A despatch from Melbourne says: The Federal Cabinet has cabled tho Admiralty asking it to eottimenc,l the construction of a battleship cruiser, which is to be the chief vessel of the Australian unit of the Pacific fleet, innuediatel%•. The Government propose t , proceed with the eonstruc•tiort of the re- maining vessels of the unit so that all will be euniplrt-•d si:uulta';.:,us- ly. A despatch from Wellingi•+n. N. Z., says : The naval defer••,• bill, providing for the financing 'tf the Dreadnought offer and New Z,=a- laud's-contribution to the British navy, Las peened through all its stages in the Hoube of ltepresentt- tives. The third reacting was car- ried without division. - BOMBS ON ('ZIR'S 1'-1('fl'i'. Several 1rret(s in Councetlnn with other man went to sleep and never woke after being drunk, and at the inquest on Tuesday night Coroner Birdsall declared there was mor- phine in the liquor in suf[leient quan.ities to affvet (ho optic nerves. Rigid investigation iv demanded. --- ,,( ie' ,-muse is 28, 1911, were handed out in the Legislature on Tuesday night. To- tal estimated revenue is 82;734,600, made up of general rrtenuc fund I Inas hcen within great proximity of r.itoba `piing wheal patents, fiats, luclnur problem, Thr. society en. ; g.irded as little b• ter than desats, $2,483,('00, and mentary rev - 'the earth, and has afforded an ex -:$5.70; do., srconds, 85.""0; Hinter dursed hia theory, which scientifiv study has proved to enue funds P300,000. Estimated ex- cellent opportunity for observa- i wheat patents, 85.50 to $5.(;o; Ma- ---- — 4 --•- — penditure out of general reve':r,r; film. 'nituba strong bakers', 85; straight 1'lRC11t;\ 81/.171.1► 1`t I('E. fund, 8`2.1.12,435; supplementary What has principally struck us 1 niters, *5.10 to $5.23; do., in bane ' revenue fund, $300,000; leaving t an 'tithe constant and swift variation t 52.•!0 to 82.50. Fred—Omar!„ Was 21 Belant Zero a1 $75.0811 o. the surface aspect.• These Chang- .1 bran, 520.50 to $21,:;0; do,, mid lire estimated surplus of 812,1':,. 1' ti el cannot as yet be accounted for lough investigation is the "Karoo" Mated expenditure on capital ac -1 • 'dung;, ?2:3 to t{23.30 ?ilnnitol:l at Winnipeg. g count is 82,202tiite t►lit they are not of the nature of bran, 820; do., shorts, 822 li•t fiouth Africa. :1lvery ri n dap outae)vsma, for they are neither , to };•>;: ,1 despatch from Winnipeg sari : a(•. 8r,rl, It pu4Re5Be•4 a tb• it rich soil, 4. — -- brusque nor sudden. pure bran, 420; do., shorts, s2., t„ Fire destroyed the six -storey furni at 1 dente are being built fur the mow!: is ‘i . 1':111 1' S1' l'I'Ig'I'l('`l.' "'fhe dislocation of the pours, 823' pure grain monilte, *32 to $3.3;1 • warehouse• sof 11'. B. Sterling, • �to!age of rain -water, sprainl me- truemixed mouille, *25 to 1`27. Cheese; Front Street, en Thursday at- I Ovule of cultivation ere used to di- -- I which appears to cause so much --11% custom, halal; ,l`+ Fviceei! Last anxiety, is an annual occurrence ll/ to 12c; October make at 11'" ternoun. It way talo,' I At a' OOOt ►r.i1:i`lt loss of enter be evapora- possess nearly all the elements of productitvity except water, and in most cases the water can be provid- c (l. One of these areas which has enly just b'ee the subject of thor- "Certain features ofMars are to 11,ee: easterns at 1I% to 1l':e.1 and was Insured, with contents, for Year', by 'i tin Milli/me. = quilt enigmatic; for instance, the Butter--Choiceet erew:eery, 26c;! *1,,1►0). Thr, glaze broke out at A despatch from Montreal says: changes in the .artium country current re'eapta at 2!!y to 2-p..;! the top of the bedding in some mys• ra%•igation returns show that the! known by aerographe under the dairy at 20 to 22c, n1 to quality ' teriout wny. Thu firemen f i t costo ms returns exceed these of last year by $2.012.000. The open sea - eon was nine days more than last year. The imports v. -ere a little attend of Ma but exports of cat - e, lumber and grain fell off some- what. Eggs— stock in round lots, iwi n name of the Lake of the Sun. _ ..a Rg �! the IlAmr•; e�otrr••d w'i3>tl ire nn•1 with is a spot, round or oval, and about 28 to 2S' -;e; single cases, 29c; No.: the In.•. "Y`: `1 !nth ll!! al �•.t leal"" the size of France. 1 candled, 2•l to 23'- c per dozen.' ' '''"• "Sometimes this spot appears quite round, sometimes oblong, UNITED STATES MARKETS. dome Imes simple and lonogene- ("heave. Dee. 1 t,—Cash whoa tton, and the influence of forests i bring studied with regard to their effects on the water -supply. S.'me Ince get up with the I.•t;•k , •kr :: 4w111•nw befor' ),t itkfast. WM. S 1l N DERS, cat- tle. 6 1 c 1 1 1 '• j j) _Director ,.f Experimental Farms. I ens, or perhaps double, triple, No. 2 red, ?1.21 to $1.22; No. 3 tel. 1 �� t,., . 1 I WHEAT quadruple, or even multiple. In 51.15 to `?1.19; No. 2 herd, 81.09 t • III1 addition, it, is connected with its 81.11!: • No. 3 herd, Spot to 81.,rt: Illpsurroundings by numcr„us canalsRITAIN' 1AndtheseArcalso tarinhlc nccurc[� \\rrtth,irin,plt $I.1I�, ing to fhr seAsons , lu *09.10 ., -• "These variations have been very _ '3 ?rin, 1.03 ), $1.10. l urn Wa'; One o,•tiecnblc this year, but they d, Nr' l yellow told), fir's ; N.J. a net repliin everything. and we find white c,7'/, to 57:20: 56e •!. 31 t:, s,:,.:. 1:•• 1,111141I,1r hypothesis t•o sala'14 `n. I yellow, 5:) to 3 w fiats \•.. 2 white, 1.1' e 3 white, U :. 1., IC water or tr}t(`tAt•,11, more N^• �: ', l.r. (.r lei.; alined. -int .' 13,74e; No. 4 w hitt. 40 to •t•2 r stnnderd, •i 1c. 1 ” It:te, is (rot:: Winnipeg N:1, , :4 M4.'`• of binnitoha. 9aA- "Out of all this we may infer, not i -A yt• I,1 of et, • -• Anted and teentw : katchewan and Alber- the end of Mars. but. on the con- Buff,+t Dec. i t. - 11 hent -.Spring liar}'. n pr.,digiun5 vital activity. No. 1 Noel hern, carloads store. n,ulur,u 111+h•'Is of •clleal f„r lt..+,.,,: to .. .. ..... 116,013,h.'3(i Mars is a living world, but unfor- 41.1.1'•; ; Winter, No. 2 red, 111.21; remota, pre dieted I,y nlnnw t”! •••i"sordid, :it i. il'r,v, .l!►,- tunately we ere not vet Able to .,h- No. 4 whit.', e1.22. Corn—No. 3 in the tem-, seaell: I:k•'ly to b • ('"' 7:411) :1t t.p;:) bn,'h- ,•crve it nutlicicntly elosely, yellow, 60 to (Via : No. I yellow l- rl.e. :►3,II;r.(>rA� '•TI•ere is no doubt, however, 59 10 :>t1!yc: No. ,noun, lin';(' No. lied. The final 1911:, ling r11 et r, 1, it it• t r rle+tA. that wr shall our dry have the 4 corn. Sac; N uf cour;r. Are not tet ntlu'10.1•.t I ... :i white GO:. ) l i'' 2.0)),000 f tieing so, mot 01 eat In — No. white, tee (At, f }tett U the r sIttrrrl t liar ('r :e I i r;:n-: . , B No. 3 white, I e ia1 (' � n. ; a:r p: eted 9.0!).1,00(1 our cutrio.itw." .t;,r: No. t white. 43'� t, ilc. I'ar "'t' I miner. , ::lir t t:t� ,.; .r,. i tilr,rke•!^d r.: it com'(r. ley-.—F('d to malting. 05 tee tion our llunv. : t ,•. 7Ic. lion lnt•t'rl, v:e! ,; ,. side mark. 11-,1 • • t•, •• skim; wait .•n 'I J.. The Va,nq•uard Maintained for Eight Hours a Speed of 24.4 Knots an Hour. A despatch trout London sn - than her nominal engine prover. The new I?ritish Dreadnouela The original 1)rcadn••uaht ,'n her battleship Vunttnnrd, on her trials, trials steamed 91.25 knot c. The ha• proved herself the fastest hat- fastest British battleship of the yttleehip afloat. She returned to Dreadnought class, before the coin- 'lymonth on Tuesday night, after plctien of the V tigu.,rd, ea, the an eight hours' full -power ruin, en Bellerophon, which meta, 91.9 knots which she continuously maintained on her eight•hear trial. The Vee- n speed of 22.1 knots, or 1.1 knot+' guard was guilt by 11ea:rs. %-ickr re, excite..in excp. of the .Idint,alty require- Song .t• Maxi:,,. lo` wA4 hi t (10%:1meals.• She elrtnined this speed in Apri!, lees, end b teilat •:1 in Fee. With.'n•• thee -eye' less hots.. I,.,t••er'rllar} : 1 the pie,,c:1t Vicar. Hundred and T v enty Million Bu =)lets. 0111, , fool tries 1-. •l- l.r.• the • gilt l: (1,1111 :VA hoping best. 11: 1: 1.1STOCK M.1H1 T`. 1lontir(!, 1)e.•. 11. ---Prises of tum:1hr f.•Iloaitag beat ca:t!.: ecru about 1' c per; Fatin,ated yioiJ rev - P1 u •-,,.',. , .i ,•00,000 1..,•1 r ,Ik, :,'1 . . ... I11.800,000 tl •;t : • ., f•,r 5r, c) .. , . 16,000,(1L;) ::n• e i, r bread ... .e.'01.000 a in fa rive: s' hands .. .. . . . ...... 30,717,;;;;O