HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-12-16, Page 1will pay for The Advocate to any subscriber living in Canada. Take advantage of our Low Club Rates TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. et at EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1909. Try The Advocate Office For Wedding +mid; Busi- ngpr: Stationery and Cards, Posters, Tickets, Bills, and fall ; kind.. of Printing. • Type, Styles are the Best L NDERS &�CREE(IH The Old Reliable Gr n eat Clearing Sale of Reddy -Made Clothin A $2,000 Stock of Clothing will positively be cleared to the last dollar before Xmas -so look sharp for bar- gains. 24 Men's Tweed Suite, regular $0.50 to 810.0n To Clear 81.90 12 Men's Black and Blue Clay Worsted Su;tr, I egular $8.50 to $12.00 ,Clearing at $0.50 14 Men's Black and Blue Serge, regular $0 50 and $7.50 To Clear $6.00 Men's Heavy Dark Stripe Tweed Suite, newest cut, regular 40 $13.50 For $11.00 A few only, Mena Tweed. at $11.00 and $10.00, sizes 37. 38, 39 and 40. These are all heavy, durable suits and of the newest styles and will be Cleated at $8.00 !den's Double Breasted Tweed Suite. regular $10.00 and $11.00 For $8.00 Men's Canadian Tweed Suits, Single -Breasted, regular $7.50 and :-16.4. Clearing at $8.00 Youths' -.,,,,,, in Tweeds and Worsteds, ranging from $5110 to $10.00 To Clear 25`Off Boy.' Suits in Fancy Tweed. Single and Double -Breasted, at Clearing Price $4.50 for $9.50-$4.00 for $3.00 --$3.75 for $2.75 25 Bove' Suite in Good, Heavy Tweeds To Clear at $1.00 23 Men's Overcoats, ranging from $5.00 to *1200.. To Clear at $3.00 Come earl and get your first choice! Highest Prices Paid for Produce and Poultry dead or alive! Butter 23c, Eggs 26 These prices subject to I change, Dried Apples 6c per Ib. Potatoes 50c per bag. CARLING BROS. aimeeceececcesiosoawawa a* 06 ft ftETIRING FROM BUSINESS Co with the Crowd to R.N.Rowe's Creat Clearing Sale of his entire stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. MANTLE -,FURS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HEAVY AND LIGHT RUB- BERS, WALL PAPER AND LINOLELTMS- ALL COOD COODS We have the cleanest ..tock in town and must 11 be cleared out regardless of 4:obt. as 1 arm giving tip bu inese- Highest Prices Paid for all kinds of Ferns Prod e We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE PHONE 22 - ONE DOOIt NORTH CF POST -OFFICE reefreaalaaal Carla. Da. 0. I. IIO1TIMTON, L D. 1., D. 11. 00111T111 limbs/ of the L• 0. D. S. et Outstlo 'Red Roser Uadsate o1 leees$s U.1'.retty. 0%I101: Ovee Daitson It ( ',stag's Law OSee, la Es. asdenee's tern*, Destal Panora DL. A. L [AMMAN, 1. D. 11., D. D. ft.. saes graduate of TorosUaalve►i tr. DENTIST. 'eel/weed without say pats, es M7 bed 'awls Ono seer aiadsas a etanbery's office, Mals street t4eNM. Medical U R 1151011T. M. D , N. C. b% 1 a. HU50R ale Ondust* of Toronto Univ. t Two years resident physician Royal Aleaandrs 1 ita1, etc. 0 . std Raeideoce, br. Amos' OId Stand, Andrew Street, 6IKTLL. DR. A. T. BOND, TORONTO, tsT GRADUATE of New Toth Pon Orrivat College, succinct itpraetic* of Dr. A. P. Malloy, Et ter. Resides. e - dy occupied by Dr Malloy, A raw St. Offce - merly the Elliot Law tan r, ppnt!e Cen'.ral N1. DR, T. P. Yot.Al'OHLIN 6a* resumed practice atter ape ding a year (Cel lege) se 541.1 and Continental 11p.pitala. General ',settee with epe.ial attention to Aire, (with refra^.- t:oo) Lar Noe* and Throat. O fi. e: Dashwood, Ont. Legal . D101110N a CARLINO, BAltkisTERB, SOIJCi en, lRotaries, Conreyar•.•}f's, Commlaeicoers lollelters for Notions Bank, .t..1 Mosey 10 Loo at lowesl1rate,nf to Office*, Main moat, :ate►, L. Oaat,tse. Ka., L H. lesson 1gOHLT TO LOArc. - We have a Isrge amount of private funds to loan s farm and Tillage properties at low Rtes of Inter eel. (BADMAN a STANBI'1<iT,I Bauble's, boli' tore,Saln et., goiter Os A. S. PHILLIPS. Ia LT1s M. Llceaael Asctteieer. Pelee attended 1' alt parts. 8stl.fa,-tlon name. seed arse M Terme reeeonaW.4 All orders left at Advocate O0 . win be promptly attended to. J. SENOR (�11tent Confederation Life Asettraoce mpany, also Fire 1ntt+rance in !wad- s r $ Canadian and British Compante.. Main -St., Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER RM. AN1)F.1leoN. 144 -en wed Au,tloneer for Miro, County. Tama, reasorahl,. Dates ca•, he made at tt a *Overate. Exeter. or ilrnry Miler's °finer, Cred- iton. I MONET TOOAN ON FARM AND VILLAGE PrepertleeAAAAII et lowest rotes of Interest. =NUT ELLIOT Otte Opposite Central Held, Laster, Ont. WE WANT For Fa'l and Winter month. In Exeter and surrounding country an active re- liable agent to fake ordera for nursery stock. GOOD PAT WE 'LT. OUTFIT FREE. EXCLUSIV TERRITORY 600 CRES of the Ci,o ctst nue ry eta* which you sell direct to your u.tomcrs. Thin )n one of the advantage our sten have over Jobbers. We guarant c the delivery of trees 1n GOOD GOND -ION and 1.1,' To CONTRACT GRADE. %Veale for partic- ulara-PELItAM NI.RSERY CO„ TOR- ONTO ONT. Please mention this paper. FARM F011 SALE. 100 acre farm In Usb rne, two and one halt renes fro Exeter, also a br1:k 'louse on Mairi.p rect. Exeter, and a ear- n -n(1 of green ere r poets. M. M. DLATCHFORD FARM Fon SALE. One of the nest farms In Usborne Ahoy 'c• SAND RS A CREECH. Exeter HOUSE FOR SALE Lots 36 and 37 Huron street In the village of Exeter ; brick house, kitchen and wood shed ; ha Td and soft water ; large drain house and stables. Tills Is a nice convenient one,. and must and will be sold to el se an estate. 11 not sold privately on or before the 19'h Dce nib -r ft w;i1 sold by public auctlon at tho Oen al Ilotel. Exeter, on December 31st at o'clock. p.m. For terms and particular apply to Wm. & A ltodgert, executors, or to Thomas (intron, acct., Farquhar P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. Choice hundred aver farm. l. -;:.g Let 1, Con. 1. Usborne. London Road, 3-4 mile from Centralia. 3 miles from Ex- eter. On the premise there ie erected a good brick I.ou.e. all conveniences. large bank b.cn, 80 finished to iate.t Improved atvle , rive t.ouae. good orchard, Lever failing water. well in barn and house. 12 rear fall wheat. All plowing done. it n t sold private;y on or before the 20 day t Dec. wai Ge Fold by public auction a a date to tor t,aed later. Bary terms of payment. terms and particulars apply to .la.. llandford. prop.. Cientralia, or to 1' (1,,rcc-o'-, aurt:oneer, 1'.:qu'•ar P. 0. Osborne Boy Murdered The story reached here Saturday of .i murder near Euillchart, Ont., whereby gPercy Parkinson, the victim, had the top of his head blown off. He was 2) years old, and a son of Mrs. 8. Parkin- son, Usborne Tp. Young Parkleso i, with Walter (toss, a man 33 y,ars cf age. who comes freta Yorkshire, Eng., and a third partner,had built their three -roamed shack Just off the T. and N. 0. line, near Raymer, 7 miles from Englehart. They were dig- ging on what appeared to be a good min Jng claim. On Dee. 6th avow descended on then and the temperature fell till a roaring fire was necessary to Insure livable temperature. Isolation began to prey on the soli- tary three and they began to wrangle. Ross. who did tae shooting, says that he and Parkinsorn had words over a rumor Ross had heard that Parkinson and the other man were trying to freeze him out of the claim, widest; looked valuable. A quarrel ensued then but nothing serious happened. Next morning after breakfast Ross got' up, and picking up his 303 Savage rifle, started out from his shack to explore. Rose say@ that before he could reach the door Parkinson secured a short axe in the cabin and stood between him :und the exit. . Parkinson began to crowd him and !toss backed up. finally getting hemmed in between the table and the stove. Parkinson then started to awing his .tze and Rose fired aa he saw, the axe descending. The soft nosed bullet hit Parkinson on the 'temple nearly tearing the top of his head off. There were no eye -witnesses. Re.'rs lifted the victim up and putting '1:nt on his bunk closed the shack and went to the railway station. When a train carne along he saw A. T. Rowell, provincial eonetable standing on the views of a coach. and gave himself up, telling him what l.ad happened. They returned to the cabin next day, and there was Parkinson's body frozen stiff in the silent cabin. The late Percy Parkinson was 26 years old. !lis mother, a brother, Wes- ley, and several slaters live on the farm In Usborne. Percy left his home a year ago last October to so to Cobalt as'a prospector. Since that time he has bean engagc3 In prospecting In different parts of the country. The remain, were brouzht here for burial, the funeral taking place from %lesars. Rowe & Atkiason's undertaking oonts. V .AUCTION SALE OF 25 CATTLE AND 4 HORSES. There will b: sold by public Auction At the Yards 'n Shipk at o'clo k ,p. m., Thursday, Dec. 23r 909, 25 cat- tle and 4 horses. 11. Boescnberry. Auct'oneer ; J. D. Jackson, Proprietor. TOWNSHIP OF STEPIIEN NOMINATION AND ELECTION. Public notice 1s hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Township of Stephen will be held In the Town Hall Crediton, on Monday. December 27th, 1909, at one o'clock In the afternoon, for the purpose of making and receiv- ing nominations tor Reeve, Deputy- Iteeve and Councilmen. And further no- tice Is hereby given that in the event o' more candidates being proposed for any particular office than required to be elected, the proceedings will be ad- journed until Monday, January 3rd, A. D., 1 91 0, when polls will be opened at ft a. nn. at the following plares. as fixed by Township By-law. viz: - Polling Subs -division Lot Con. 1. ?fills' Shoe shop 5. 1. 2. t'e:tlale's Kitchen 20. 2. s. Harbor Shop 11. 0. 4. Towyn hall ]O. 7. Cunningham's5. Kitchen 11 13 et. 'Llmmer's Hall 28. N. 11. 7. Ilannan's Hall 11. 17. $. Wilson's Hall 40. S. iI. it. Maccabees 11 l 1. Sauble And further notice s hateby given pur- suant to the Consolidated Municipal Act and Amendments thereto, that for the purpose of taking a vote on By-law No. being a by-law to prohibit the gale by retail of spirituous. fermented or other rnanulactured liquors In the Township of Stephen. a vote will be taken on Vie- same day as appointed by statutes for the election of members o: the Municipal Council. And that the Polio for taking the said trots will be held at the same. hour, the same day, at the 'ante places and by the same Deputy -Returning Officers as are ap- pointed for the purposes of the said a nIIU tl Munfelps1 elections. And all elf.' ors are hereby request - c1 to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Henry Either. Returning Officer C -editon. Dee 16. 1909. i!OY WANTED On a farm -yearly er,aagcn,,enntt- good home. Apply at this office. FARM FOR SALE 74 acres 01 farm land In the village of Exeter, 13 acres in fall wheat, fall plowing nearly finished. well fenced, well drained al watered ; good 1 1-2 storey In ick louse, rontainln- 9 living Towne. hard a';d s • t wat : In the house ; good bar::. nota . f fruit trees. situate r,ort'n o: !'u ;on road. Exeter For particulars Apply to JCtIIN ItAWK- SI1AW, Proprleto-. ut B. S. 1'1111.1.1i'S, k ur t i o' -ear. FOR RALE Cottage and tis one In F to , bt{rig lots Noe. 55, 56, d 57, r. t! -e, Noutr, side of Simroe St et. tt,at property is a frame gotta • rk teundatlon)ron talr.Mg five rooms and a good Cellar. Also a gcod Mr3 ar,d a large stable. Good garden ai.d fruit trees. The pro- perty I. to tar sold to w1•.d up tar .elate -Apply to (IL ADMAN & STANRI'RT. barristers, Exeter. Ontario Local Items Tor regular mcet'ug of the South flor- in' Farmers' Inat'tute will be held at B:uce_4•ld, on \lo,tday, Jan'y 10`and at E:eter, Tuesday. Jany 11. IMPORTANT NOVICE.-Ilaving re- sumed bual:,ess in the old stared north of. the Metropolitan hotel, I will be pleased to have all my old customers call, as well aa hundreds of others wl.o have not yet paid me a visit. 1 skilful work and courteous treatment re any criterion to y,) by, I !tope to merit a stare of the public patronage. j also have excellent facilities for cleaning, p:es.ing and repairing clothes on short- est notice. -M. VINCENT. IbAKEIt-FULL;CIC-A private church welding of more than passing interest to a large circle of friends Was solentn- ized in the Main street Methodist _•'lurch on Tuesa-ty :terno)n, Dec. 14, 1909, when 'Dalai,: L. (Mattie) Follick, eld- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Follick. and Rev. C. W. Raker of Arkona Ontario, were married. Miss Follick en- terel the church escorted by her father. The ;'eremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Godwin of Parkhill, a former pas- tor of Main street church and a close personal friend of both bride and bride- groom. ltev. Mr. Feat, the present pas- te; of Main street church, assisted in the cerennour. The bride was unattended save by her nephew, Master Joe Follick. who served her as ring bearer. The music for the occasion consisted of Can- tor's "Oh Fair, Oh Sweet and 11oly." very acceptably rendered by the bride's niece, Miss Edna Follick, the Bridal C.torus front 1 •,tterrtgt'In and Mendel,- sohn's Weddleg march, the latter two rendered by t to church organist, Mrs• J. i`.latchford. The u"hors were Messrs. M. Southcott, L. Coultls, R. Wilcox and W. May. After the ceremony luncheon wart served at the home of the bride's parents, to the families of the bride and grooms and the officiating ministers and Clear wtve.s. Mr. and firs. Baker left on the 5 o'clock train, and after a short vla't with friends will make their 11o11ne in Arkona. The presents Were nunter- oua, msny costly, and all useful, and cave evidence of the popularity of the b.Ide, who has been a highly valued member of start d'rcet church for a number of years. Rev. Mr. Baker is a promising young member of the Meth - olio: ministry and is now approaching the end of his talyd year as pastor 'pf the Methodist church in Arkona. The Advocate joins the ntany file/ids in eon - gratulation' and well -wishes. SUICIDE IN 1•'ULLAItTON John Burrow. aged about :10, who had been Jn the c;l.ploy o: .ilex. Dow, F'ullarton, committed su:t'0o early on Dec 6th. About twenty seven hours afterwards the body war found In a shoot in the bairn, at the top of which a role way tied, and the otnor end about hie neck. lits razor was missing from his room, which first aroused the suspicion that he had taken his own life Dr. Armstong. coroner. of Mitchell, wart sunanonel to the seem., and atter inves- tigating the circumstances connected with the sad affair ho deemed an in- quest uenec.esary. Despondency 1. sup- posed to have been the caure. HIDULTLPH Mr. and sirs. rely Armitage rr- turrle.i home on Saturday after ' their wedding trip. -Mrs. Thom. Armitage Is recovering from her illness. -Sid. flod- glns visited his mother on Sunday. - Harvey Hudgins is visiting hie brother Iteilrtald in Parkhill. -A school core ert Ls to be held in 8. 8. No. 2 on Dec. 22 -There will be a public nneetiang at L. 0. L. No. 493 on Monday Dor. '20, at 8 in the evening. -We are glad to iter tit tt F. G. Abbott, who has been on the rick list, Is lni roving• BIRT118 Steep r. -In MtGillivray. Dec. 4. to Mr. and Mre. J. W. Steeper. a daughter. Con1111-ln Ni.0 llivraY• De -. 9. to Mr. and Mrs. I'. P. Conlin. a son. FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT The undersigned offers the following lands for sale or rent. -ht 11. Con. S. R. ; S 1-2 Lot 4 and N 1-2 Lot 3, Con 5, Stephen, and Lot 11. easiq N. It. airGllllvtay. Farina are in ex, (lent ron- ditlon with an abundance of .a about ten acres of hardwood r on e tch. Lot 11 . Cori. 8. B. Stephe!' has moke-n house and two bank barns,wltl. 20 acres sown In tall wheat and So serea plowcl. and situated 2 1-2 miles «ou'h o: Credit,)n and 1 1-2 miles from a school. kindly apps; to the under- . gnei.-MRS. JOHANNA (3L0111.iN (' cliton Ontario. VILLAGE Oi- EXETER Nr,>tINATION AND ELECTION Pl'BLI(' N(,TI('E is btr.hy pit en that a meeting of the Electors of the Village of E"etcr will le held in The Tows Mall, Exeter, es Woodsy, Dec ;27. 1tre+. at the hour of Toelre u',-ta k noon, For the purpose of making and or( it in g Socotra. bone for Rrere, Ceuncllmen and Public school Trustees. And further notice is hereby elven that in the et ent of more 1'andOates being prrposed for any office than required to be elected the meeting will be adjourned until MON AT, .JANUARY San, A. D. 1rl ., when polis will . o at o a m. rlo&r.g a: S p. m , at the folio plavea, a. 11 ed by tillage By -Dm, ylr• Poking vuh.hi.lsicn No 1, et Silas Handfoed'e Residence, Main Street, t, Edward Treble, H R O., and Harbert Ford. Poll Clerk. Polling Pub. Iris iris n No 2,.t Week«, Oros Mart -1, Warbe. Mtn Street, ,. W. H week,,. D R (r , and Jame" Weekes, Poll Clerk Palling sulrlr,rltece Nn ,r,at inn, Mitchells fedi., Comer of Main and wellington etre/eta, by Re hard G ANdon, D. R. 0., and Ale" O. Dyer. Poll Clerk Polus` 8obitiniaioe No t, at the Town Halt. by Jo„ph fiat ie, D k O , rnd R N. Ts,lre, Poll Clerk. And all ale^ton aTr hershr requested to title not- ice and gamin thrmerire, accordingly feed leve *be L1t"1l, Jos►rH 111E51011. ratter, le 13th, 1 eA Ret mart/ reraer MARRIAGES Baker-F'OJlic•k-lit Main strict dist church, Exeter, on Tuesday, Dec. 14. by the Iter.• Mr. Godwin, assisted by Rev Fear, Rev. C. W. Ilaken of Ar- koma, Out., to Miss Harriet L. Follick daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Enoch Fol - lick. Exeter. Young-Kiu,isten-In Parkhill, Dec. 8, Miss Grate Edith Ki, : isten, to Mr. Waller 1 oung of 1 tails r•bu: y. DEATI18 Broderick. -In London, on Dec. 10th, J. W. Broderick, formerly of Exeter. Sheppard. --Iii Clinton, Dec. 5, Jas. Shep- pard, aged 76 years. Coleman. -111 }Ilbbert• on Dec. 2, MeV. Robt. Coleman. aged 35 years. Brumwell.-At Luc•an, Dec .9, Robert Bramwell in lira 79th year. XmasG if � is for Men at "The Store for Men " - --- NEW Mufflers, Ties, Fancy Sox, Sweater Coats, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Slippers, House -Coats, Etc. Buy Early ! We will get you anything you anything you want, if you tell us early. SANDY BAWDEN Purchased Blacksmith Business Having purchased the blacksmith property and business of MR. A. E. PYM, near the 'Town Hall, I am prepared to do all kinds of Black- smith Work for the General Public. and respect- fully solicit the patronage of all the Old Cus- tomers of the Shop, and many New Ones. I believe we can give you entire satisfaction. Yours, David Russell Our. Furniture is the Favorite of Christmas Shoppers Talk as you like, there is nothing can take the place of Furuiture in the esteem of gift -givers. Nothing else is so serviceable -nothing else reminds one of the giver every day in the year as Furniture dot,. For reasons of newness and variety and all round goodness, we ask you to do your choosing from this stock of outs. You can't buy under our prices for our goods. In all respects this store stands ready to offer you Furniture cert- ainties. Christmas shoppers are requested to slake it a point to at least see how well we are prepared to make their shopping satisfactory. To -day isn't a bit too soon toget interested! JAMES BEVERLEY, Leading Undertaker and Embalmer Reliable Stoves and Ranges Big assortment on hand Wood Heaters, now and second Coal and Wood Heaters .... Garland Heaters with Oven Souvenir hand up to $5.00 from $ 15, 00 to $17.00 $34.00 to $46.00 $46.00 Imp. Oxford Ranges with Reservoir...$25.00 to $44.00 Garland M • .. 33.00 ' 46.00 National " • .. 32.00 55.00 Souvenirs " • .. 37.00 - 50,00 Also, Second•Hand Wood Cooks and Ranges on hand. Axes from 90c to $1.25 " Handles - 65c " 1.25 X -cut Saws, complete 4 25 X -cut " 4.54) Handles, Gauges and Saw Sets,, Files and Wedges. HEANAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE Use the Genuine SCRANTON (CAL ! STORE