Exeter Advocate, 1909-12-09, Page 9art : -- 5c/ sa ' CH1tlsTMAS" TAILOIRING. Bila In a n.tche as important as "u c,f every day tailoring. WE MAKE SUITS FOR DRESS ANI WEDDING OCCASIONS Every garmeat we tailor for either of those function's are tailored in the most workinantlVp like manner. PERFECT FITTING GARMENTS. MADE HERE i'OR HOLIDAYS. A lint of i ... k; ar.d 19uee for $15 and fl6 .+.a• W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario leslaess Locals -- Read Them Stewart's Fur -Lined Coats are the best values you will find. See them. R. N. Rowe is retiring from business and selling out i,ie large stock of goods TWO FOR 25 CENTS. -For the remark- ably low price of 23c. we will send the ADVOCATE and MONTREAL STAR or The ADVOCATE and MAIL & EMPIRE to the end of 1909. Subscribe now and get the full txneflt of this very low club. Coats for young and old; all styles and coeurs at popular prices at Stewart's. WANTED -An experienced housekeeper. References required. Good wages. Apply G. W. Hardier), Canadian Bank o: Com- merce, Exeter. All kinds of produce wanted: Eggs Dried Apples, Butter, and Poultry, (dead or •dire) at Stewart's. Statham's is the place for Christmas Candle', Froits, and all Confectionery. Have you seen those liandkerchiett at R. N. Rowe's 7 They are lovely for Xnnas. presents-o:.ly $1.515 a dozen. Fancy 11,rndkerelriefs, (°liars and (felts for Suras. Big assortment at Stewart's Or. Oyes, Conius. Dr. Ovens. Loudon, Eye and Ear Surgeon. will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on Monday, Dec. 2Oth, all day. Glasses properly fitted and diseases of Eye, Ear and Nose treated. Hours .(.m. to 1 p.m. Sec Stewart's 103 -piece 1 'inner sets ab 7.50 to $15 00. They are good raluts. --- SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and get all the n:ws. Stewart,' showing of Ane Xmas. (hint, will surprise you. (_"all and air them. Kay. have 7,o° been to Itowe's Sale 7 That's were you get good value for your money. Try Stewart's for (lean, .fresh grove. its for your .Vitas. needs. F'oL'oA) e rowel c it. N. Mo'se's great pall. --- HOUSE To RENT. 1 1-2 she y Brick !louse, on \Vllliam street. own d by Mrs. Perkins, all In first -close state of repair. Apply to S. !1. SANDERS. Exeter. CHURCH DIRECTORY ,.it:= -sr METIIOD1ST CIHUlll'Il Rev. IL'l,ard Hobbs. Pastor Su (dr)! Pub'lc \Vorship-10.30 and 7. Cases Service -9.30 a.m.and atter Morn- ing Sen•vltc and Wednesday night. Young Men'. Class and Catachumcns - Sunday at p. m. Funda) Se loot and Blbie Classes- 2.150. Epoor'Ji Lague -Tuesday 9 p. )'raver Meting -Thursday 9 p. nt Dae. 12 -Missionary Day. Rev. R. Woodsw' rt!, of Toronto will prcac` THE BEAUTY behind a suit is not confin• ed to other clothing estab- lishments. There's a love- liness about our garments that will simply delight all who come to us -that's to. For a Nice Tailor -Made Suit this shop has a good reputation Let us make yours W. JOHNS 1Morokeet Tenor. Exeter rir 1.1".""."1.1111, ier� LOCAL DOINGS. ank 46.4k AIL As a& THE Tu\\N YUl 1.1.'E IN. T• • k Atli o: it. Stand up for it. Speak in favor of It. Patronize Its nterehauts. Encourage its industries. Cheer every live enterprise. Hurrah for the enthuseteth•. See all that Is beautiful lu 1t. Chal.t praises to the 'good it possesses. Sing of its wonders, you'll find it has some. Pralse it and laud It if you wish thrift to come. Welcome Improvements -stagnation is a sin. Love it, stick to 11. -stay by it thrtough thick and thin. Just two weeks to Christmas. Mr. Harry Taylor has moved to to from Hensall. Go to W. J. Statham's !or select o sters-served in any style. A man usualiy drops his prosper° look when a bill collector calls. We regret very much to report Mr. J. W. Ilroderick is seriously at his home In Luneto::. Rev. T. Wesley Cousens of oto preached very acceptable sermon t .lames street church on Sunday. Mr. Harmon Gill of fort Man fiat trly of. Grand Bend, has made a r::gnntent for the benefit of his c o Mr. John Mallett had the nil ut tp have his foot jammed one d a week which caused him to lay o or at the Central for a few days. Mr. J. H. Pipe. who has been in in Mrs. Perkins' house on William st :cored with his family to Mitch a week, where he has purchased ar ry business. Mr. Peter McTaggart and farm v moved to town and are occupy th realdence lately vacated by Mr. t ley on Sander., street. \Vc m Clem to town. James and John Stafford of McKillop brothers, aged Go and 68, were it tel to the douse of Refuge las week The provincial I',spector visited th m and found everything in fine o At the municipal elections on Januar 3rd we w111 have two by-laws to o: as well as the vote for the Chun :,c trustees -Local Option and the J nt By-law. Care will need to be is ed so that you vote as you inter Tne Trlvitt Memorial Ladies Gu a zaar, Filday atternoun and evening.c 10. Afternoon tea from 2 to 0 k Admission 10e. Evening, good o grain. Admission 10 cents. Al) d of fancy and useful articles and e ta:de cooking and candy will be T.:e farmer who tried to run hl n without a farm paper 1s not dolt n self or his farm justice. Take Th v cote for the local news• and In a be sure and add The Weekly t your list of reading for the comm a Helpful -that Is what you will I Is, and you will never want to t out It. Only $1.80 for both paps Messrs. Wne. Bawden, Al. Aft l and II. Smith were Arbitrators cattle deal Saturday, b tween Mr.it Hawkins and Mr. Samuel Stanlake.r Hawkins had purchased two h of cattle from Mr. Stanlake, but bei de- livery the cattle died. Mr. Stanlakecon- sidered he should receive part payment at least and the arbitrators were s- en to settle the amount, which w f- fccted to the satisfaction of bot par- ties The Curlers re -organized for th son on Friday night, when the following officers were elected ;-lion. Pres., .. Seldon; Pres., 11. E. Huston ; V1 d. Jones ; Sce'y-Treas., G. E. Anderson. The netting was a large a nd cnth - lc one, which Is a good augur r he coating season. Those desiringto txiome members should band in it names to the secretary. The ria s been secured for three nights and y ftcrncon but Saturday. w'ri y - us that ill CILn he 151 s- ro ne st k b st c - e c • n - r e y s 0 n 0 r h 1 a • John e in Flanks, t� an red(t ;foil ay 1 ff. w resld 13155 Mitchell 1 gro ly ha fug Gree welro 'KIll admit t c ho order. anus vote t11 :t Jacket -it ezen• id, Guild Is De o'clock pr kin hof sold. 5 fA1 g hit e.1d addition Sun g ye say o with papers. Done on Jo! 11 sad ore aynt chos- en e h pa e sea- son 11. C Vice, E crso uslae y to Their k has a ('ver d, Boy ers o n P1 Wood th acus ormc say en �e offlc O en e wll rcrtls ap buy) us to delay store ut the vlo- eaet- lerce' the d to:- the and 19 e lY reac- per- t the FRASER-CUDMORE.-Tt.e. residen!e Mr. George Cudmote wag the scent. A pretty event Thursday. Der. 2, It ing the marriage of his daughter, is Clara Eitel, to Mr. William Pi seer. 7.30 lit the evening the bride, attired a beautiful dress of brown Venetian th and white silk waist, entered the rlor leaning on the arm of her father d was met by the groom. whereupon Rev. Richard Hobbs. pastor of mv'q-st. Methodist rharrh. pronouriaed myotic words that u•nite•d the lives these young people. .\t the concis n of ins ceremony tt.e guests adjourn to Pie dining room sen..cre a most ntpluous repast was partaken of, af- wh'ch the evening was pleasantly' nt in social rhat. Mr. and airs.aver ager wl!l testi, In town, and to them extend Our heartiest congratulations wish that their future may be one happiness a.ni prosperity. \Ir. J. A. Sanders, an Exeter Ol ! t. Lig a son of Mr. Samuel Sand f ninon Street, has just been appufntP d 5.: Cra1 manager of the Ilelnti.ma e ono Co.. with head -quarters at - stock. Mr. Sanders Inas been in q employ of the company for over n years and la one of the best Int d piano men In Canada to -day, so s the Woodstock Daily Sentinell-Revlew The many friends 'here of Mr. Sanders will extend to him hearty c ougra• u::t - lions upon his appointment. NOTI:;E T.r •\D: Ei1Ti9Ens,-Ch e of advertisement must be In the e not later than Tuesday morning t - sure insertion the same week. W I do our best to acconirtodatc our ad era but as the holiday season Is proaching we are exceptionally and hope our advcrtlstrs will help arrange our work no as not to the Issue of The Advocate. HICKS FORECASTS. -Very low bar ometer and marked tine in temper will begin In western sections abo IOth. and during the llth to 14th lent winter storms will sweep warily across the country. F sales and high tides will prevail on Atlantic O:ean gen^racy, at this an lowing periods. Hlizezards front northwest, followed by a cold wave !sigh barometer that will reach far the south, about the 12th to the . A seismic period Is central on th s•overing the 9th to the 14th. A tionary storm period Is central onthe 16th, 17th and 18th. Tne strain of I)cr • ntber solistice will be manifest by con- tinuous boreal storms through thio rod and throughout all this part o month, especially over the north Atlan- tic roasts and seas. "f tar \t5 tt ,0 PI .t n tl'•e • of n:0 c1 su 'Pr •e pe 1"r we seri of Miss Cnarlotte Dearing was In London. this weep on business. Mr. Coleman Moncur of Detroit is vis !ting las parents here. Mr. axster Stanlake returned (tom the West last week. Mr. A. J. Rollins of London spent a few days with friends mere last week. Rev. C. W. Laker of Arkona visited at the home of Mr. and Airs. W. Cloultls the past week. Mr. S. J. Hogarth Is this week attend- ing the Experimental Union and Winter Fair at Guelph. Mr. Rich. Roomer, who has been in the West all summer, returned to las home here last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Clarke went to London Saturday, where the latter will ttemaln for a few days' visit. Miss E. l'enhalc, who has been visit - Ing relatives here for some time, return - el Thursday to her home 111 Vancouver. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ac,lull:a Eeell and son of Winnipeg are vlalting the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snr11. Rev. Jas. Livinguto:.e of Mitchell wast In town Friday assisting his old friend Rev. Hobbs, in celebrating his birth- day. airs. H. S. Smith of New York, who visited Mrs. E. Sanders last wcek,left Friday to visit in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Statham were call- ed to Acton Sunday owing to the ser- ious Illness of the fornter's sister, Mrs. Smith. Mr. Bonner Bagshaw, who has been.in the West for some years, 1s visiting his parents here, with the intention of staying some time. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Miss Alice Iloward, Dr. McGillicuddy and Mr. Wilbur Martin attended the Opera in Londoa Friday night. atrs. Mary Canning and little Rubble Ellwood of Brantford, who have begin visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hodgson at Mi!gu;re, were with Mrs. Hodgson visiting In Exeter last Thursday. Old whiter struck us on Monday and Tuesday night we had a real old mid- winter storm of wind and snow. EXETER C. O. C. 4'. No. 94 meets on Friday evening. Dec. 17th. Election of officers and other important busl- ness.-'1). N. itowe, sec. Preparations have been made for the ;banal ' At bonne" of the 1!. S. Liter- ary Society, to be hold In McDsonelf's Ball on Wednesday, Dec. 22. Mr. Samuel Preszcator of Stephen Is this week moving to the farts he recent ly purtniased from Mr. Robert .Sanders on the 8rd con. of t he aaine township. The report of the latter part of the Laymen's Missionary Conference with the renolutle:cs which were only eomplet el Tuesday evening are withheld until next week. Word was reeelvcd licit on Monday of the death at Ganauoqu: of Mrs. Ell Cosh. Mr. Costs was a former and much respected resident of Exeter and he wilt have the sincere sympathy of nil in his great lose. On Tuesday evening t t annual elec- tion of the officers of the James street Epworlit League was Lcld, with the following revults ;--President, A. E. Buswell; 1st Vice, Dr. Roulston ; 2nd vice. Mise Effie Taylor. with Assistant, Miss Ettic Whiteford; and Vice, Miss J. Hardy ; 4th Vice, Miss b1. Minces, with assistant, Miss L. Hobbs; Secy Melo: S'A'e(i : Tress., Clinton SWC .t. One by one the pioneer residents are being removed Prem our midst by the cold hand of death, until few are left. On Monday last the death of Robert Frayne, aged 88 years. 10 months, oc- curred at the fancily residence, James Street. The deceased enjoyed his us- ual good health until just a couple of days before his demise, old age being attributed to the cause of death. De- cersed was a native of England, being horn at North Moulton, Devonshire, in the Seat 1821). In the year 1844 he came to Canada, first settling near Centralia where be remained four years. Ile then moved to the town- ship of Usborne, and settled on the farm now occupied by his son. Mr. James Frayne, on the 2nd concession. About 20 years ago he retired from the farm and moved to Exeter and since that time has proved himself a most worthy citizen. He was a man of sterling principal and was highly esteemed for his many good qualities. He was a consistent member of the James Street Methodist church and took a deep interest in all spiritual matters. He and his wife shared the hardships of the early pioneers and his passing removes another of the men who sixtyHve years ago with strong hands and stout hearts entered the forest to snake a home for themselves. His aged partner predeceased him 1'1 ears ago. He is survived by a frmily of three sons and Hce daughters: John and James of 1'.horne; Peter, Exeter: Mrs. Wm. Oke. Usborne: Mrs. Thos. Wark, Poplar Hill; Mre. Geo. Herrman, Regina, Sask.; Mise Lizzie at home, and Mrs. Ed. Tomlinson of London. The fancily have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. Owing to Mrs. Heaman's train being delayed, time of funeral is indefinite. IMPROVED RACER SAWS HIGH GRADE P!uffibiug Goods AND Sanitary Specialties We offer a selection from nothing but good quality, with every element of risk eliminated for you in advance. You don't have to discriminate gihere between good and bad. Estimates cheerfully • ven, The steel in these saws is specially prepared by the SECRET CHEM l('A 1. PROCESS. This process insures a uniformity of temper and so tong the steal t hat t hey will hold their cutting edge longer than any other. Price, guar., $4.25 \Ve also stock other reliable brands. Greening's Patent Cow Ties These cow ties have stood the test for years. Undoubtedly the best and strongest on the mal ket. It will pay to buy only the best. Headquarters for Cutlery, Sporting Goods, Mechanics' Fine Tools, Nails, Roofing, Building Paper, Glass, Iron Pipe and Fittings. It Wont Chop Wood FOOD 5A CHOPPER GEM Chirp Raw Meat, Cooked Meat, Vegetables of all kinds, Fruit, Crack- ers, Bread, Eggs, Cheese, ItWill Chop them all rapidly, Nuts and other foods. easily, coarse or fine, in uniform pieces, without mashing, squeezing, tearing or grinding awkins & Son 's Stove Store • .M -..les- JONES & CLARK MODERN METHODS raring for the. eyes are a great inn, 3.• otencent over those of former days. r- or instance, Instead Of tic great eluni- -• ? horn framed spectacles, we supply DAINTY EYE GLASSES to gold frames or without any frame at all. Spectacles are made to improve your appearance as well .is your sight. They make handsome and useful pres- ents for anybody, Including yourself. Ask to sea our reading glasses. Wv, 8. 1LOWEY. I'hnt. ("n:nIst, Op'.it an, Exeter. Ont OMNI THE BEST Bread Can eoly he gotten freta the hest Sour The toiboam,rbrandsare arsei gilled Try ;hundred neat time los hake - Try One of These : JEWELL (Ontario Blended) PURITY (Wetter& ('anal& flour Mille) Leave your orders or e- all up Phone 2 R. G. Seldon, Exeter •O•N•!INIMIN ••t1•• COATED TC NGCES are popular only 115 hospitals. Bushiest, •:o need of them. it you get ore through, don't throw it away, but come to us and get It fined. We have PILLS FOR (X,ATED TONGUES and It wouldn't be a end idea to buy a box of Mowry'; Stomach aril Liver Rale and have Len, handy. Indigestion. biliousness or a bad cold may coat the tongue Our p,.ls will cure It. Only 25e. a box. Coated tongue, very cornmeal du:irg Xmas Festivities. -.k good tiny to try our Pills. W. 8. HOWEY, Pl.m. R.. Q.crt'st, Cptlelar., Exeter, Ont. • •07, 4elf,-• ) , FLOUR TilE BUSY i1UM Of the Exeter Four "4111, can be heard as they are bush arr,ding STA12 FLOUR HAVE YOU MEI( TRiED iT^ Well. you ' better had" 11 you wls'. to know what good bread .t..1 pastry and rakes are. There is no doubt of its svrrlorlty, and the price makes it the best and most economical flour ori the t::1! kit. PHONE NO. 32 Cliriztas Shopping News Only 20 More Shopping Days Left! IT is time now to get busy and think of our Christ- mas buying. The early shoppers get the choice of' the good things that are going. Don't leave it un. til the last few busy days. Buy early and often and avoid the rush. Here are a few of the beautiful things for Xmas. Xmas Hand- kerchiefs 200 doz. Fancy H'k'f s - the hest in the land for the price. Prices :k up to $1 each Xmas Linens A big seller. Fancy Doylies. Centre Pieces, Tray Cloths, Runners and Scarfs. See them. XSilk Waists in black, brown, green and cream. Net waists in all new de- signs. mas Waists XSilk Scarfs and Fascina- tors in white, cream or black. Very dainty head or neck gear. Prices $3 to $ 7 masSc arfs Xmas Collars and Belts Something entirely new for this Xmas. The nic- est we have ever shown. XOne of the best pres- ents to buy. Ruffs, Scarfs, Muffs and Caps. also Fur•lined ('oats. ('rices 25c to $1 mas Furs Xmas Gloves A good thing for this time of year. Kid, Mocha and Dog Skin. Lined or unlined. New shades. mas Millinery On you ;ant a nice, new hatfor Xmas % Corse and see the big bargains we are offering. Gents' Furnishings for Christmas 1 Oar New Neck Scarfs in all the new shades and shapes, the very best shown. " " Ties are all the latest and the largest stock to pick from " " Gloves are the hest yet -Kid, Mocha. Suede and Dog Skin. " " Fancy Vests are very swell -the real thing -have one! " Shirts and Collars -W. G. k R. brand- are the very best. We carry the largest and best assorted stock of Men's Furnishings in Town and are in the best position to fix you up right. JONES & CLARK HARVEY BROS. - POLE MANt'FA(TI'RERa ONTARiU Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing EXETER 1