Exeter Advocate, 1909-12-09, Page 81 • r STRIKE OFTHESWITCIIMEN Not a Wheel Turning on any Freight Train Between St. Paul and Seattle A despatch from St. Paul, Minne- ( advised the general managers of all sola, says: The strike of switchmen the Western railroads that if any on the Northern transcontinental attempt is made to replace the lines -between St. Paul and the Pa- striking switchmen by non-union ific coast has already involved 05,- nlcn he will call a strike. The 1106 people directly and indirectly, situation at present is tins: That and before the strike is adjusted it none of the jobbers of Chicago. the is believed that 150,000 persons will Twin Cities or Duluth can ship a have been affected. Not a wheel is single article except by express. turning on any freight train be- Not a farmer in the North-West can tween St. Paul and Seattle. In Min- deliver to the commission houses of neapulis three of the big flour nulls the Twin Cities except by express. have closed down for the reason That the prospective Christmas bu- that they could not receive grain siness throughout the North-West nor ship flour. At St. Cloud. Minn., on all lines is paralvzn4. Millin;► the Great Northern has cl•,scd its and manufacturing incl'Istrles Pre shops, putting 500 men in idleness. hourly being sus :end^d and the loss At Superior, Wis., the Great North- in m:,ntiv rens i'+to the hundreds of ern has closes down its shoos and th'ensands of d 'chars every 21 hours. ducks. crowding out 350 men. At This is the most f,•r-r.-to gin_ and St. ('loud, in the granite works, 500 disastrous stthy) )i i -erred men -were thrown out of employ- in th' ter °':, +:•.•1•', r'n,l the ment because of the uncertainty of determinati.0) 4.4 b ati sieft's fo fight the future. From St. Cloud. Wil- to a finish premises to prolong the mar, Forge. flr,ind Forks. .Tames- st'ii r41e for wsoks. town. Devil's Lake, Minot. ilillings, Telegrams from the northern M n - Livingston, Butte and Helena 105 nesota iron ran'!n t•'wns r''1 \We(1- enarile. crews were called off. The nes-fav night. which includes a po- switch:nen have allowed perishable potation of rno••e than 17..000. say freight to be attached to passenger flit if the strike continues for a trains to he taken to terminal sta- week there will be a food famine in tU'ila, het this only applies to the all of the towns. One of the ef- next. 12 goers. This situation is fects of the strike is the suspension practically the same clear to the e'[ the big pocking -houses at South coast. St. Paul. They can neither receive The chief of the Brotherhood of live stuck nor ship their present Locomotive Firemen on Wednesday supply of produce. IMMIGR.1TiON DOUBLED. NEW B01TS FOit THE I'I('IFiC. Enormous influx From U. S. Dur- The C. P. R. is Preparing to Build ing Past `even Months. Then) at Once. A despatch front Winnipeg says: Complete figures regarding the American immigration to Canada have just been compiled, and show the construction of two new boats an enormous increase in the num- for the Pacific. Const seryiee at a ber of immigrants arriving front cost of abort. R1.250.090. ('ant. J. the United States this year. Tho W. Trolls. manager e,f the Pacific biggest months were April, May, r;ervie' . is now in Montreal diseess- June and October, the first two es- int: arrnn'-ements as to the building Seeding any of the ether months of those new boats with the offic•i- L•V about two thousand. The figures els at henelnuarters. ft has been fsr November have not yet been definitely de^ided that their con - compiled. The totals for this year structien will be immediately lin- from April to October, inclusive, cicrtnken. het details hate not yet ale: -1909, 65,755; 1£08, 88,a•t4. been worked out. ('apt. Troup will There has been on increase of near- sail for England next. Friday from ly 109 per cent. in every month. St. John by the Empress of Britain. and in the month of October there and the final errangrments for the was an increase of over 100 per A despatch from Montreal says: Arrangements the new tinder way lav the Canadian Pacific Railway for cent. 11 .1TE:11 IN THE BUTTER. An Extensive Fraud Perpetrated by Foreigners in Montreal. A despatch from Montreal says: A gigantic butter fraud is engag- :\ despatch from Edmonton, lug the attention of the city and Alta.. sats: A settlement of the 1'ruvincinl authorities. Thousands coal strike in all the local trines of pounds of butter, it is found. has been effe: ted. Th^ Standard have already been disposed of, and mine. the largest near Edmonton seven provers are known to he im i affected. will pay the men 2l'/ elleated. The Nutter was purchas- ! cents more ner car alined and will ed from the wholesalers at 24 cents' t recognize the union in cheek off a pound. It was retailed at 22 centsand other matters. which it before a pound, which aroused the au- refused to do. The Frank mine thorities. Investigation showed and Ritchie mine also agreed to the that the butter had been workedsaner terms and the men in loth over with water unit made heavier, 1 cases are again at work. 1'arkdale sr.. that a handsome profit leas be- mine will be cl„sed up. as it is in a ing made. In one case there was bad condition financially. .\t Car- per cent. water. Most of those (liff' thine, near Murinville, where implicated are foreigners. • construction of the two new boats will be made there. Krill SETTLED. Operatives and Men in .Alberta Mines Reach an .Agreement. t'lits'r SEA LARD. Sir .trthur hn)vet Wilson to Sue- ('cca1 Sit' .lohn Fisher. A despatch froth London says: Sir Robert Knvtet Wilson has been appointed First Sea lord of the Ad- tniralt,l , in suceesslutl to Sir John Fisher, oho is soon to retire. WILL .1!MOURN ON 17'1'11. Commons 11111 Reassemble on Ninth of Next Month. :1 despatch from Ottawa says: i'arliamcnt will adjourn for the hristnlas holidays en the 17th of this month. and will resume sittings en .l'anloth. fiftv mets walked out on Monday with the advice of a union oflieinl, the trouble was remedied and the teen have returned 10 work at the old terms. 1111411; \111) iN RIDEAU 1N IL. ti'oane It union Broke '1•Ill•uut:h lee 11 idle Skating. .1 (1espatelt frenl Ottawa says: Miss Annie Plet, aged nineteen. of i)rununond street, Ottawa East, was drowned while skating on the Rideau ('anal on Thursday night. SIie was with two male companions, when the ice gave wav and all three fell into the water. The young men managed to get to land, but efforts to rescue Miss Piet were unsuc- (r- fel TWO KILLED, THREE 1I'IJIIBED CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS tl.tl't'1:NINCS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOK& Irletrapalo Briefs Proal Oar Oaa sad Other Countries et Recent Events. The revenue of the Dominion will he nearly $100,000,000 this year. The Montreal Street Railway Company has been fined for using its cars to carry building material. Building permits aggregating in value 816,535,682 have been issued im Toronto so far this year, a now record. Mr. Miller's hill to abolish raco- traek betting was discussed in the Commons and referred to a special committee. GREAT RItITAIN. The House of Lords rejected the budget by a vote of 350 to '75. British Columbia was awarded a gold medal at the Colonial fruit show in London. It is stated in England that the Duke of Connaught would be Pleas- ed to accept the position of Gover- nor-General of Canada. The British house of Commons passed a resolution declaring that in rejecting the budget the 'House of Lords had committed a breach of the constitution. UNITED STATES. Eight miners are entombed in a copper aline at Duektown, Tenn. The United States Government has severed diplo:vatic relations with Nicaragua. Miss Juanita C. Ho1c.^.rd of Chi - $1.00, and small lots here $1.70 to cage was married by the side of her father's coffin. $1.00. It is estimated that 200 lives were Relic•`--C(libs. dozen. $2.25 to lost in the recent tornadoes in the *3: r xt 1•acted, 10!Gc per Ib. southern States. 1•'n•.' --No. 1 li'nothV. $14.50 to 815 \\'iilinm t'. Lilley, Treasurer of and No. 2 $13 to $14 on truck, To - the Pittsburg. 1'n.. Cresbytery, is t ronto. 21 04 short in his accounts.I Straw-- f:7.5u to $s on track, To - Mr. J. P. Morgan has porchn t' l a rent°. majority of the stuck ill the Beloit- Potatoes - '5 to 50•• per bag on able Life insurance Company. ('"'(:k for (?alar:„s. Abraham Reef, the Sae Fre Poultry - 1'h'e•kens, dr-sse'l. I1 to co boss under sentence for brit, •,•1'. '._ - per lb.: heel. '; to Pe; turkeys, has been released because cel ill- 1- t•' lee per Ib; clicks. 1b., 11 to health. 12e; geese, 9 t.i 10' p:•r lh. Chicago's Telephone Commission . -- has ordered the telephone Sampan- j THE E)1 (R\' M. RKETS. les operating in the city to place I;t:tf r -Pound prints, 23 to 21c; meters on their instruniettts• )tubs and large rolls, 21 to 22 in - THE WORLD'S MARKE fS REPORTS FRO!I THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. BIREADSTUFF'S. Toronto, Dee. 7.--Flour--Ontariu wheat 00 per cent. patents, $4.30 to $4.35 itt buyers' sacks on track, Toronto, and •$1.20 to (425 out- side in buyers' sacks. Manitoba flour, first patents, $5.60 on track, Toronto; second patents, 85.10 to $5.20 and strong bakers', $4.90 to 8:, on track, Toronto. Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Northern $1.01, Bay ports, and No. 2 North- ern, $1.02%, Itay ports. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 mixed, 81.03 to $1.04 outside, and No. 2 white and red, $1.01 outside. Barley -No. 2, 60 to Ole outside, and No. 3 extra, 58 to 59c outside. Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, 36 to 37e outside. Canada West oats, 37% to 380 for No. 2, and 36% to 37e for No. 3, Bay ports. Peas -87 to 88e outside. live -No. 2, 7 to 73c outside. Buckwheat -53c high freights, and 5 -le low freights . Corn -Old No. 3 American yel- low, 71% to 72e Toronto, and new No.3 yellow, G�%c on track, To- ronto. - ronto. Bran -$20.50 in bags, Toronto, and shorts, $23 to $23.50, in bags, Toronto. COUNTRY PRODUCE. :\+)pies -•-$2 to $3.50 per barrel, according t„ anality. Heaus---Car lets outside, $1.50 to ADNIFT FOR THREE DAYS Terrible Experience of Two Nova Scotia Fishermen. A despatch from Digby, N. S., says : One of the most appalling stories of hardship and suffering ever experienced by Nova Scotia fishermen conies from Wostpori, „u the schooner Venus, and 1r''u,;hb lite Westport in an exhausted eett- elitien. They had been for throe and n half days in their open beat, with the machinery broken down. 11itli- the Ray of Fundy. Last Monday out food. helpless, and exposed to morning at three o'clock, Ge-. Re one of the worst series of storms noot, aged 55 years. and his son, in years. They are as vet 'inul':o Ray. aged 20, left \Vestport in :1 to give an account of 11. •ir t:'rrih!o small 20 -foot gasoline boat for the experiences. Wilco 111 •ir en11'l.,l fishing grounds. They were a::'1 broke down they were c„•Tattle I to hauling their trawls at 10 o'clock lie at archer throughout the r'`.' •et the same morning by ('apt. Nelson gales until Thursday morning, when Thurber, of the schooner Swan. and they broke adrift from their n;'e'r- nothing was seen of them until • ings and were carried to sea. Tho about one o'clock on Thursday af- hoary rains sl:polied them with ternoun, when they were nickel up • +'•iter or they would have perished. off Trinity Ledge, 20 miles from • The doctor thinks that, with care, land, by ('ap`.. A. J. Thurber, of the men will recover. lb.: good lots of fat hoes. '-' _. to s!eri per Ib. Toronto. Dec. 7.-A few extra ch'eiee picked steers and heifers sold up to 85.50. and several lets realized $5 to $5.25. Butchers' cows of the choice class were very much wanted, few selects selling g at 84.80, whilst. $4 to 44.50 were common prices for well -finished ani- mal�. Stockers and feeders are still tieing bought by farmer's. Milk- ers and springers were the only stock that showed any signs of be- ing easier. Calves of the choice va- riety reached the $7 mark. Sheep and Iambs, despite the abundant supply. were very firm. Hogs -Se- lects (luote'l at *7.50 f.o.b., and $7.75, fed and watered. 4. I'1..1TIN(: ON 111E 1('E:. Mr. Win. Boyce'$ Ten -year-old Son Drowned in Mettle Lake. :\ despatch from Hnliburton says: 1{ally, the ten -year-old son of Mr. Wm. 14uvo, a fanner at Maple Lake. twelve miles north of here, was (frowned on Thursday morning while el:tying on the ice on the lake. With mane younger coaly:m- inns he was testing a weak spot in the ice. when he broke through and was drowned before his c mipan- ions could get help. The burly was GENERAL1 feriae., IS to l9:: creamery, 27 to recoverc 1 all (lour later in 21 feet 128e. and solids, 20 to 26%c nor .h. of water. The Australian naval loan hill has Ecgs ('ase lots, 3Zi to 32c por passed the House of Itepresent,t- dozen for fresh. and 25 to 20c for tives. st(rege. 'fhe Austrian Government. has : Cheese--- 121..r per Ib. for large, decided to establish a ('netts tt At sties at. 12!4c for twins. Winnipeg. The Italian Cabinet has resigned, following its defeat 011 a fiscal re- form measure. + WORKED ON s('NIl.1W. ('ontr•aeturs on Regina Parliament Buildings Disregard Law. HOG PRODUCTS. .A despatch from Regina ::tys: Bacon -Long clear,13!% to 14c Considerable feeling has been arouse(1 in the city through the ne- per lb. in ease lots: mess Lurk, tion of cunt victors in continuing DILLIIN Is 1NS.INF:. I f126: short cut, *29 to ?30.50.1 work en the Parliament buildings Hams Light to medium. 14,'1 t') on Sunday. An army of men with Montreal Murderer of Constable is -..c; d"•• hr•It'1•. 1:11/S to lie; rolls, machinery were busy all day. much Shea nm Go to .1s)Innt. II to I t'se; shoulders, 12•'„ to 13e;to the Ritmo-once of S81)hatnriuny. hick 19 to 20ti; breakfast Lacon, mitt) remembered the fining of farm A despatch from .Montreal says: 17 t.. 1'-e. ors . 511111*Word was reeliyed In the Cllr en I.artl-Tierces. 15'.,0: tubs, la:; : nu+r.f o• n similar offence last Thursday afternoon fro'o Ottawa to tail:, 10%e. the effect that Jolla Dillon is to es- cape the gallows. The report of l{1'SI\ F:88 AT \IOX'rltl:.11.. the specialists, 1)r. Phelan of King stun and 1)1.. Burgess of the Ver- 1 Mororeal. Dec. 7. --Oats, No. 2 dun Protestant Hospital for the In- j Canada Western. 1011: to 41c; bar and their ronr(esy, tt'hrch begets sant`, o11 themental contusion of ley. No, 2, (i0 to 07c; Manitoba feed i1tiletne.-S and dist•retinn, are both Millon was made keeme en Thurs-' barley. 52 to 53e; buckwheat. 5f4 to brought reit by al writer in St. nay. In effect the r,ene•i is that :r,'.1' • Fleur--Manitelet Spring Paul', Magazine.Dillon is not of tllfl'I.ie',11)' Fallll(l wheat epatents. firsts, *5.74l; Nflnl ••('r\. It will du Vol.) geed. • 1 mind to appreciate the sentcn •e, tuba Spring wheat patents, Pec- said en:• ' t'i a poor Japanese 11•' and that, in View of this. 111e ('t•own Mills. 45.20; Wintee wheat latents, ratan, atlo. crouching hesiie In r would not be justified in carryingSteele: Manitoba striing bakers, P5; ,Ding hu.bnnd, was cantrulling out the sentence of death pronounce st raigllt rollers. $:1.10 t•' $5.25 ; herself with an effort that wortld, ed upon hien in September last.straight rollers in hags. *2.• 1) to : 1 feared, make her ill. •----re- 82.50. Feed -Ontario bran. $20.- She laid her little slim brown .1 111' NTF11' 4 MISTAKE. SELF CONTROL. The self (•11111i'.,l of the Japanese, ('yen in times of the tit111 --4 stress, FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE NE11'S 1;1' M 111. 1110 1. i11C- 1..1ND'E SHORES. Happenings in the Emerald isle to Interest to Irish- men. There took plate at Newry rec- ently the death of Mr. Joseph Fow- ler, J. P., after an illness of ::hors duration. The number of schools in Ireland ie which Irish was taught in iso£ was 3.017, as against 2,s011 in 1907. Fire completely destroyed Mc- I)owell's motor and cycle works, Armagh, with the entire stock, ex- cept two cars. Bev. Alexander McMullen, one of the hest known Reuutu► Catholic clergymen in Ulster, has died at the age of hi years. $21.5°: to $21.10: Ontario oliddlittti`g . Singel upon her trembling red lip' chil(1 was treated ill Stceven's }Io.pittl, Dublin. who had sttallow- ed 0 number of beetles contained in a potter bottle. The King has appointed the i:ari of .Arran to be •t Knight of the Or- der of St. Patrick in place of the Earl of ('arvsfort, deceased. The underground system of tele- graph is to be introduced bete een 1►ublin and Belfast by way of n be- ginning of the system in Ireland. A bey eycling out to deliver '► telegraph mewing,. at Tungalee farm, near Roscommon. was met by several person. and cautioned not to d( liver his sue -•'.age. tle persisted, however, in doing s ,. Tho matter was rep„r:cd to the po- lice. A tree which a farmer c'►n1:'d Geo. Hart. 811 aged 1111111. Was cut- ting down at Famlaghnwrc', tell more quickly tnan expected. and Hart was fatally injured. The death is annuunced of Mrs. Hannah Alien, of St. Olaf's Road, Fulham, who was for thin} nine years in the set•%iv,. of Gucci Vic- toria ns gnu.sekceper. !relan(I'•: tabic,',. crop thi., y^atr, on nceount of the sunny went!, •r 'n August, is much Mute the average. Last year some 00,0017 pounds were grown in Ireland. 11. limed to hate 1)01.11 struck by Le -lotting. the i'rotestant church of h'leektegrlo•r, ('entity Kilkenny, was recently destroyed by lire, nhich originated in the spire. Three cattle drives to -,k place in :astral• district on a recent merit - *23 l.. 823.50; Mnnitolrl bran, +1'+ klug. twelve men were arrested, :and shook For bend, then tlhisper Iand were subsequently bound over .lolru Smith hills W. Nel'rwlt•). to $20; Manitoba shorts. $2.2 to *23; 4.4. •• ft might disturb hili.' f 1 , he of good behavior for Loosen Taking Himfor a Deer. pure grain mouillc, $32 to 833: ; ••1'1.1. It will de, yon gn(ide ," 1 1 raunchy, ..r in default three months. A despatch from Rnthwell, Mini In\Aesterns. 11'$2.t`to1 ' e for irhe1 `t.• was dead. next 'I }1 • aeeme il'nlnu►ast I h'• report ul the Inspectors of t•I,a. says: The first fatality °f the Fall make. and It's to 12c for firs) lostrntt• with grief and ,•ter en-' Lunatics on the nlnnnl(enicnt of Ire - big game shooting season oc'nrred comber mike. with eastrrns 11% to „reed self-control. total les rind ulnatic• asylums in tete near here on Wednesday nfterneete I I',c. Butter fie pt cream- ; I Inod during 1!Nlt shows that cheer when .Zahn Smith -beet and killed W. 1 "11 w„uld he must rude to n18kc, vele 23.931 insane persons in such when ,,ire ill 'MA ake far n deer. ere •. :':e to 23'. le. and current re • a hi,leuus noisy before the sacred i establishments, t'.unpnred with 2:1,. 'file bullet hit M .l'tenry full in the "'lit' at '2t to 21!.,c. henry Select-' tt.':a,l,"" came the soft reply. I its in 1!N►i. Tito and caused instant death. Ills "1 stock. 27 to 2Se. and Nu. I Sind- -__- ,1.�._, Icd nt 23 to 2nc per d,•:' ', I'1+o iri�b centenarians have esti A lvornan Patient at file cork tw„ brothers were in the tush with I ) t house hospital, oistio Ira. ("unity .lied n w„nuln of the small farm- , Lill) and at ems, e•„nvel'cd the bed 1'N!'1'I:I) STATES 1�I.111I\1:1" laoacot'tnn,n, was said to have c"n- to this town. Sn irh also tame in r..,{ dos. n1 Tinnekilli, nes, Olin. ,,,mrd in one day 10 glasses of and gave himself up to the police. Buffalo. she. 7. 11"11 Ir Slea,n,z Limerick. at the age of 105, and ,•hntnpagne, thrcc Itlasse• of win- - whc:lt, X„. 1 Nettle !I.. sarlealo 111 4 il11(tinr Near'., of 4 lunfre''' •:anis, two glasses of brandy, three i :nt If 1l: lll:sh 1PRI(1: EVEREVERP1111, -'-1'.• 41.11: 1Vintel. Xa. 2 r .I. !_ 1yn, county liosconlm°11, at .,f milk, and two eggs. •_'; ' No. 2 white. 181.22. ('oro ti, • .e_ • of 101. 1 �•. •slow. (12',,e; No. 4 vol!: , Prime Steer Sold at 1 hic•Ito fol Ten Cents a Iilieel. N.. ;i whit'. vie. (lit- e t Fatal Explosions in McKinley-Dama11 and Prine`sters',n IA al:' ;iv reach- 1w`(ihi�•H�.te. I)ec. 7 Vtlont 1 :1.1) I i•ii Li e.l the highest prit.• .-..•r paid on 1No. : red. 81.10 ti. `41.21 : X•• . , ',I the open neatket in (.11ac•ag'. Nine -+$1.12 t„ *1.17: No. 2 lentil. P).• teen steers. averaging 1,572 pounds. to 81.00: N(i. a hares. Pl.o2 to Al.- ��( ' t ,} S slid rat *0.30 per hundred -weight. 'An; Nee 1 Northern. ?toori r„ A..-' Eitilway Mail ()lerk Charcred With Stet • 1 j 811(1 too 1(arlin•ts, we•il{tling 1,041 , 0','. : X.•. 2 Northern. $1.0e' to A despatch from Cobalt says: lobi Mci.cod hid his face a,na.e'- ,sun'{s. alp' 111 :►t Ih" -:enc ,rice 0. \•• 't Stela ►Zl.lt to z�l. jekaG'f Picking tali a missed 1101e at the 75• ed. a rock crushing his cheek lion, i 1,. . 1/, 1 r 1 1,2 g' ,, ing Money 1 g ants damaging one eye. and Ili•, iegA 1 `'1. .•i •1, I•••i .••.04 ,I (Si. l cr11 No, white, told. a. . foot leers of the DlcFinley Unrrngh S g 1 'unJ. • t-, 0:'' .1' : No. :t new. 56!-20. N.,. 3 were pierced with dying splinters. mine. on Wednesday afternoon. an 11, was brought to OW Hod ('toys '" " ---- white, naw. 5(i!-, e N. 3 t'clluw. Austrian nulcker was blown to pier- 11 't'ital, rind will rel••"' r. This is 7.110 k11.1.1:1) IIN T11.1('KS. (new, 1„ :,ac. Oats -No. 2 white. The Skean' of it b:,,0otl 1,:1 :: , , c•: • • • 11 ,•e r!: 11 snitlr4 1s isi.so - , •12/.., \„ a. ift (: N,o. 3 %:41‘.11i11,; ',.it- re en Thursday. when .1 �: 1 1•,': i.1, :In 1 1, - L., --en in the ser es, and Jobn McLeod, machine. man, the third man to be kine:l at the •1 r was badly injured. (ming down i11:ne 111 one sear. i:r111:1iri, of 11a11 :1111) 1/nlllan 1011nd I.tQI, 1 . 11 ,1': Nr'. 1 %%1111 P, 1: alt m,•11, 11 railway mail cif ri., 1• 11" , 1 .1 .n,• •.•---- the .I0tet•t11 r'( Near Montreal. j Rle .-tnn'IariI. •11', l0 121 -ie. 1111'"'stt it chanced with the crime 11 .�7 .. 14. .''.,t at ,in+( the +N after a series of holes had been 1not her fatal occident through `' I shot. the machine ging went to the d, aconite occurred on Wednesday ;1 des ,Itch fl' 111 Montreal says: 1- the• s/ I IIeI „( the (li•altl,. ar1a,1. ) ...11,1•:;;:::,11,,,,.11.11:4. „' t ::11 :.., Ir. :e r: n,aira ' face where the explosion had taken night. Alfred Sil%ia :tis instantly 1 I.IV1. STO('K MARKETS ,,f i ,acka a r,.otaiui,i ,t:,.t►':, fl•'n► 4s'iiii 11.•• ill .11 •t .e,•rret :llama' Th,. ham, mangled remains of i� c l g g pinec. and the dead man stuck a killed an,l .Man 1'8rywcll sees 11'iI mt:n and +t„conn weer fetm•1 nl„ng ; Montreal. 1)cc. i. )'ri,,,' Lam, lea th• moils en the ('anion Hailne} tlo ca..... 'file% admit. hott0101'.t lick in the rock. The Austrian was haul Kokkn seri„nsly injured in an the (i.T.11. tricky. e',n•'r st. Eli , 1'-, to 511.4'e pm. pound: 11rett} 1;••, (t'. b'i'tch of the ( onllli'In \ rHoorII that srteral 1'• 1•4,11, are int.,lt:•.1. killed in the drift, his head, one explosion in the Fourth .•1 .bol) ralrth Stiect and ( oto 4-'1. Paul i animals, 3'; to 1;e: c„mmoll stook, 14 itln:11 on \oo. 1. Ito c poli••'• . in lite r..l,l'ety anti that :a onnaber arra and one leg being severed from shaft at the Nipissing mine, The (toad. on Thursday night. It it, 2 to M per 111.: lean emitters. 1 1., f,,;11o) sit.ol) of tie, stotet 111one1 , of thefts of (•.tn:it 11,1, 1• et ea, ne- ins lied.. He eame to the McKln- men were mho) ' in i rnisc prepartttg svipp„ar(i the couple• weer „mtking , t„ 24' per pound: miloh cows, from 'op \WI•rulrs(1ny. Lit mitis the brut !correct recenllin the sem ite xhieh, ley •Darragh freer AiiFtria three le• fire, and it is thought Obit th•'.1' along the tr,►ek to Tiir.••et Village, 18341 to 800 eneh: cakes from :' to I''In of soh ing the to sImri„'.:= sftatr 1111ce not 'wen explained. The sog- mont:es ago, and has 8 wife and candles carne in contest :lith the when they were run down lean :•1,0 per lb.: sheep from 33% to f'.,,' 1- perusing them.i:e.t;„n i' that alt have been cum•► three children on the other side. ettpl)sive.Inline. 11%,•r Ib. ; Iambs at 5% to (1,3e i r • Barnett ;...rka lois arrest evvlly, , mitltd br the same gang. Nipissing Mines IN RIG ROBBERY .A e' 'yi.at('h front \\Illtu. '•s "1115-' (elle'.. ),•11, '•:o_•, r was 11'1114111V a e