HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-12-09, Page 7Back to Life aiid Loie;
And the sfiring carte, bringing a
strange sense of renovated life to
the poor cer•ant at Witch Elias.
Every one noticed noir, how very
pretty she was grueing.
Will Berger, the youngest of the
boys, just growing up tltto man -
Owed', and ten yea es younger than
1 Marie Serafinne, took the fancy to
fall in love with her, and he did it.
!But instead of asking Marie for
herself, he asked his mother for
This proposal did nut strike the
German woman as it does us. True,
Marie Serafinne was only a set. -
CI X.----(Cont'd) Serafinne had nothing to do but to want, teed ten years older than her
put out the lamp and go to bed suitor, and without a dollar in the
After dinner, the men went ouL."What"Whatdoes it all mean?" site world. But then she was very
Ile their work again, and Mrs. Bete
said to herself. pretty and lady -like, and had a
ger prepared to go into her sitting- ''Who doeswork for mel" power of w.,rk in her that would
tc.ou► and sew, to complete a new my be money in the reeket of a labor -
dress for herself, to be worn at In great bewilderment sheex" ing fanner. And, besides, if Ma -
Christmas. tinguished the light and went up rig was ever to be married, as such
"Marie," she said, "as soon as to her attic to pray end go to rest. a fair woman was apt to be, it
She felt so greatly refreshed by would be better for them that she
dishes, I want you to wake ,oma youhave washed up the dinner her long, deep sleep in the kitchen,
disshould marry one of their own lads,
nt'at sho scarcely felt the need of
doughnuts and jumbles for tiand remain at home to work for
must have some ` that th y• more sleep that night. Yet,
d had ne as she touched her pillow', the, than that she shuttle,shuttle,marry
biscuits andrice waffles, and
and sluts well.
she slept again, n stranger and go away, taking all
some of that cold beef and haat to her usefulness with her.
„ether for a relish. And mind be As on the previous morning, she So the German mother told her
as smart as you were this morn was waked up by the first beams son that he was welcome to marry
leg. Do you hear l''
of the rising sup, shining on her
Marie Serafinne, on condition that
"Ycj, ma'am," ausive;ed the face. As before, she started up in they should both remain on the
poor woman. a panic on finding that she had form and wee( for the family as
And as soon as her mistress had overslept herself. She hurried before.
left the kitchen, Marie Serafinnz down stairs, and into the kitchen. The boy cemented to this pro
recommenced upon wonders! off in a strikingly
recommenced her stronger task. previous, all poral, and went a
She had felt this day :\s on the morning forward. practical way in search of
than any day for the last twel+• the work was done. The kitchen
Marie. He frond b3^ "in the soap
months ; but as it drew near night was clean, the table was set, the at+cls," busy with the family wash
her strength began to fail, and ty :breakfast was cooked and smoking in and he asked her plainlyto
the time she placed the tycll c , ,i;ra I on the stove, ready to be dished. g
marry h:m.
supper on the table, she felt al- Marie Serafinne sank down in her She stared in mute astonishment
chair, so overwhelmed with i- t a full minute, and then flatly re -
Mrs. Berger praised the cookine, piexity, that she felt as if she would fined.
most ready to faint.
but did not notice the pallor 9 td lose her reason. He went off with his story of dis-
weakness of the cook. Who had done her work 1 apps intmettt to his mother.
As sho arose from the supper The unanswerable question al -Anal she told him rot to despair,
table, she said: most crazed her brain. She had but to have patience, and he Wright
"I uht going to finish my alp,:^n heard of Nous:hold spirits, called win ha rreheerr after all.
dress, Marie, so you must get aline "Brownies," who were said to make ;1lrn::L me summer waned into au -
the best way you can without me themselves very useful in domestic tumn, and -autumn faded into win-
ter. evening. After you hese( 'labor; but these sho had consider ter. Christmas holidays were again
washed up the dishes, and •scours -1 e 1 as the creations of imagination
approaching, and all the married
the kitchen floor and the dresee:. !only. Now she caught herself in daughters, with their families,
I want you to iron those thins a quiring were Corning to pay their annual
you sprinkled down. it will t .ke i "trap it be a'Srownie' that helps visit tm their parents at "Witch
you till late, but you know the woes: me 1" Elms."
must be done; and if you want to And immediately, in alarm, she Again th work at the faun house
stay here, you must do it." exclaimed: was doul-'.ed. and quadrupled as
"Yes, ma'am," meekly repli' i "I am going crazy, or I never ('hristnraa day drew near.
the poor Komar. should think of such a thing! Tint this additional labor made
And as her mistress left the ro•,m, The entrance of the family recall-
no difference to Marie Serafinne,
Marie attempted to rise and go ed her to practical duties. fihe who received mysterious help ac -
her work. But she was m.ee put the breakfast on the table, and
cording to her need. She had no
prostrated than she knew. As silo prepared to wait on these who sat
trouble hitt the constant longing
tried once more to stand up, an down. But again she was invited desire to know who her secret help
overpowering faintness and drow- with unusual kindness to sit down
e: could be.
siness came upon her, and relaxed and partake of the meal with them.
her litnbs and weighed down her .\nd with silent gratitude slie There was ',.Ie night, in every
eyelids, so that she sank back in availed herself of the privilege. year, that wen very terrible to the
Ti►is ryas (tuist►nas eve. And poor woman. This was the night
upuu this day all the married of ('hristnia'i Eve, the anniversary
daughters, with their husbands and of the bird and death of her child.
children, were exepeted to arrive. It was on the eleventh anniversary
And in the coarse of the day they o! this tragedy that, her mysteri-
came. one party after another. ous helper had first come.
And the, work for that day was A then. andear )ad he r relied helper around
But Marie Serafinne found failed her. She had grown aceus-
strength to do all that was require totted to the secret supernatural
ell of her; or if her strength flag- aid, but had not become recot►cil-
ged when she happened to he at ed to her .gtcrnnce of the identity
work in a rooni by herself, she of the agent.
"Who does my work, when my
her chair, and fell into a deep and
dreamless sleep of some hours' dur-
She was awakened at length by
the loud voice of her mistres., call-
ing from the next room—
"Merle ! Marie! haven't you got
through there yet 1 It's after
twelve o'clock, and I have just fin-
ishe•l lay dress, and I'in going to
bed : and you ought to be through
with your work, too, by this time.
Now hurry ! because you know you
have got to be up very early in the
"Yes, ma'am," mechanically an-
swered the poor woman, slowly
waking up from her profound sleep
would ben overpowered by drowst
nese, and after a restful sleep t f own aim fails?" she asked herself
several hours, she would wake :., many timrs, and asked in vain. l
find her work all done! "If •I could only ser, hear, feel, sweot, sad, as the softest not of c.,nneetion with the .cork ..f the few ed. by being forced to do under
degrees she reconciled herself or even dimly pereeiye. my help- ithe Acliim bar 4acure labor Exchanges already Irl compulsion that wn hich they decline
- • tcrious help; an l et !" she would riRh, and sigh to 1 • The child you bore „in fine existence in London and rl``' t'Laborftheir oetenal colonies ares ll he es -
The exact details of the scheme tablished, and to these will he draft -
are not yet settled, but when they eel the "Weary Willies" of all kinds
are made known to the British and degrees. One result of this will
worker lie will open his eyes with the
the ls,mthetion of profc'si that
pest of
Afforestation, reclamation of The able-bodied professional pap-
waste lands, and other similar pro- Per. too, will find his "occnt)atiou"'
ductive works are to be undei•tak- gone.
en by the State in order to pro- But to guard against ons possihts
vide work for the workless. abuse of the liberty of the subject,
nt tea colony will er.ly
The Story of the Dollars
The Ideal way of earning money is to make your dollars
work for you.
Make your dollar work where it will earn the most, by seeking
for the investment that will pay the best.
The dollar that earns but 2 or 3 per cent. is almost as bad as the
idle dollar which earns nothing.
We advise Taxicab Stock at $6.00 per share, par value $5.00,
for beginning January, 1910, it can pay a divideadof 10 per cent.
per annum or 2 1-2 per cent. quarterly.
The Idle Dollar The Busy Dollar
Tho dollar that is working for you all
the time-
-the dollar that brings you a big per-
centage of returns-
-the dollar that is invested in good com-
mercial stocks or industrial enterprises
and earns away above the ordinary bank
-the dollar that by quick turn3 and
clear foreiig`ht doubles, 'trobles and
quadruples its,lf -
-th.s is the busy dollar.
To keep your dollar busy make it
work for you and earn big esu. ns.
An investment in Taxicab Stock will
Trove the best known medium.
Tha dollar that is tied up in bad in-
--the dollar that is investel in (conser-
vative) low interest bearing securities,
usually sold at a high premium -
-the dollar that is not Invested any-
where, reposing in the old socking under
the mattress, or in the tin teapot on the
pantry shelf--
- the dollar that buys the thins that
you would be better -without-
-this is the idle dollar.
The idle dollar gives no man comfcrt in
holding, keeping, owning or wasting.
T. 1d4:-�a1 Investment
An f nt iciry that fills a long fsi want, which supplies an ius'.stent and growing
demand, which has possibilities of irr::at ft:tura cx2ln,ia:1, is the ideal iavestr10 -
Such a one is Toronto's System of Taxicab3, for in barely six is:s:`to it has proved
its big earning capacity.
What it may do in the future, with an outnt inoraased many til\los, you can only
Taxicab Stoc't has a gnat fiture, and the tine to hay Taxicab Stock is naw.
Subscriptions will be accepted up to 100 shares in the order receive:1 at this office.
Vail us your cheque at once if you wish to participa'.e before the t:�;:e is exhausted.
E.• Adelaide and Victoria Sts.
�.� Itch Toronto
to the alarming coneclousncss that to this most ..- Cliffs, a dozen years ago•
she had slept ever since supper time her health and strength visibly ;In- n.► puniest,. t* *
and had done none of the work that proved, and consequently, to her The year hnd rolled around ;Cliffs' *
bad been given her to do! Twelve, mistress's great approbation, ser again.eTboh twcl twelfth
ef her chilof (T" be continued.)
midnight, and she lied not wushcd usefulness increased. and the second anniversary ..f the 't' nu�
the dishes, nor scoured the kitchen, 1 "She only wanted rousing! 1f l
nor ironed the clothes that had had indulged that girl's laziness, corning of her surernatural helper pull,Il l- u 1vs FOR WORKEiIS,
been sprinkled clown. She had not � alae would have moped herself into a was at hand. 11 cat► the -
even lighted the kitchen taint)! consumption, sure enough
Now Marie Serafinne, the last one �talr is Going to Deal
It was sunset when saie had been `err how well she is!" said Mrs. about the house to retire, crept up
• i dangle- to her attic and went to bed.
sleep. On this nnniverearys to ty clerks; are a t CXpett9e will be heavy at first, c,"11°allnrnc
never could. She lay litlthinkingof mart engaged in working out the but The will he more than met in tit, r allowed to be enrrird out en •
the pjtemts fate of her little baby, j details of a sehcme which well. long run by the abolition of the ,
magistrate's order, while the period
burn and Brad in one night. twelve when eompletrrl, sting theta the of detention is to be lin►itcd to there
1 11 t workhouses and all the costly sys ,years at any one time
With Unemployment.
overtaken by sleep, and now it teas lir este to her oldest mantes rug i -
midnight, and the kitehen was as I tor, ft% they int at their sewing one 11111 on this night she could not in a room in Whitehall some for -
dark as pitch, but for the glowing afternoon early in January. 1 t this present me
• the fire through the crevices of , But little did either mother •,r
the stove.�� daughter su'peet. but that \l a ria
"Marie, are you through 1 Serafinne slid all that vast 1 tu,unt
called her mistress again.
but I will get
of labor with her own harts. ycnrs before! Whither it was that: biggest industrial reso revolution 'a of law administration as
\,,, ma'am;
Marie Serafinne, since the days of her nerves were unusually weak, i England has ever known, says rear- temat t)of poor established. The net 1 �' -- _—
as quick as ever i ran,"
her darkest misfortune, had al- or her mind unusually n►orhid, 1 ! son's Weekly' result will be to render FARM NOTES.
the • dark the girl, groping about
rn way, been n very silent woman. da not know; but she lay and wept Every one of the fifteen millions T the near future, a der, England, grind,
the dark for the box of matches to Now, she was even ►Wore silent than for pity. c.f wase carnets in the eountn will ler, and more t)rv, hetes country There are ninny nld mrn,lews
light the lamp. and trembling lest seer before. She broods,) over the Then a strange thing happened t,c• affected lw it. For it aims anti
tel lige and work in.
which would be Israeli imprntcd hy�
}.ren miQtresa should crime in and find inexplicable mystery of her life. to her --a sort, light hand, soft and nothing Icsa than roping them A I
the scaring work not cyan begun.jute a sort c. i
g ''\\'ho did her work?" light as n rose -leaf touched her fore- f g auntie I{enefct ('tub, A' longer will the black spectre having a good scratching in the
"Well, then, hurry. I'm going When her unfinished task dropped head and passed down over her established by the State and sub f the artisan Nor start, Wath 9 light sharp harrow,
n e now ! So you must mind and put from her fainting hand', who took • (nee. The touch stilled and nwrd,
out all the lights, and cover up the tt up and cc ml I } n tartly it to
fire. and fasten up the kitchen, be -
fere yon come tip to bed. 1)o you
henr 1"
"Yes. ma'nm," nnswred Marie.
ne at. length she su-ceeded in find-
ing the box of matches.
of unemployment hover over the spring when the grass begins to
sidizcd by the State, which mill in. Marble home o '
sure tl►en► against unemployment will a bo f'thr Mashouse mean the sea 1 - nn20toh0n en thund aof pplication
of Al fee.
surmise. She tering
I 1
primarily, and air" c • • ' � chattels of the unskilled and casual tilizer per acre.
had ascertained, beycrd all sura- }v. hoped, against sickness also. •Alt Ihe:r
I R ' laborer, for special provision is al While most (arrnrrs
tion, that ne member of the family There ons no nn ace, hal the The task of necom tlishin this is be made against this as regards his al.;ck Willi sorne degree of rrfiulnr•
slid. She had tested the matter by light hand passed softly to and fro n colossal one. but it is being reso- ,articular cane, at all rears. It its, thrill air too gree who defer
oyer her face. lolly grappled with. The first stip i
searching the room and then lock may sera he t)ossihlr that we shall this till they hate nothing e!�p to
ing herself in it. alone, ..n marc "Who is it"• she asked again in will be the estland ofC11Labur Et over ls see premiums( placed upon youth rlo. Very many do not realise the
e occ. sio, she had . faint with fear. whole of England } if d State hunuses paid ' great importanc•
e of a eenstant •up-
,Ietcd it for her?
She could not even sl
but did not frighten her.
••\Cho is it'" she whispered faint-
Shelistened for a minute. until than on, ► •► when a to 1 a sorer ntn ► ► int tint nn
bent I t } andchanges.mothers and to I. o/ salt �o; live Moek. fn e•r,me.reales and then she struck the and seated up
Phe heard Mrs. Berger going up- fallen asleep, slept an hour or more , �� soft fact en down n her a c le working-class }
._ i ►.,. ....rt �u •-uchcd her. These will enable
match and lighted the lamp. and
looked about.
heaven and earth! What was
the Gloiern lex ter• emit that were made in
-W1 • i= it ''• ,he gasped in al- mens to find ort the amount of Territorials.
sir ls.
it easy i
" ' bis asked, "what France it was found that r 1•.t of
clone.P n ,
No, it was no member of the fine ',nest dying ten • -e : avoidable unem torment existing
di. Then answer. 1 a low, tender, al- ie the country, and to take steps of the wastrels? Everybody knows steers which w rirrgiven madeee n asses
'arcordingl•. One of the principal + that there are men au incorrigibly t, salt at all
lazy that no inducement that you larger gain nil the same amount of
can offer thein will tempt them to.: food than did ae not given axslr at all, lot which
work. How are yon using to deal ; ;other r lot which was salted once a
an -
with them 1"
The answer is that they are to bel week did but little hrtter than
treated as they deserve to be treat- those which were not given any
this 1 Who was it then 1 , tneet inaudible tore :
The supper -table, As if by magic. ; She 7ould have given her life to 1 • -1 Wake
Wake11'hriii 'it ? to it sdatihnse•t i steps
will he the decasuah-
was cleared off and set aside. The knew.
dishes were washed and Irit amity The Christtnns holidays peewit, !you. my Helper"... she breathed ns Instead of working a month here,
in the glass corner cupboard. The the married daughters, with their' if she were breathing her last. I. fortnight there, and then perhaps
kitchen floor and dresser were jt►veniles, left. Brier father's house ! Then carne the mysteri,.ris voice a week in yet a third place, with
scoured white. Anil es(ry copper for their own• An•i "Witch Elms" ;again. low, tender, infinitely corn- intervals of enferecd idleness to
and tin on the dresser shell(' bright- returned to its fernier compare- ' passionate. ben toren. the willing and competent
ly as gold and silver: and every tive quirt. 1 "What is the matter! \\'nke worker will find that he is able to
flirt ons ironed and hung upon And still, though now the re was up.'• command, through the medium Of
the clotheshorse te air. net se merit occeeiot► for !tell,. Ma- ; She tried to speak ngain ; but the exchanacs, regular employment
Matrie Serafinne pressed her vie Sierafinne found it. And •he Ilex breath was almost gone : her throughout the greater part of the
handy before her eyes, an.l then re- LICW hitter end younger and hap- ; hr:+rt had ;timet censer} to beat. i year.
o•—, et! them and Inoke'l *rein. trier every day. ilut one tiling ; t) ith n supernatural effort she whir -1 This is no
fairy tale. no striata
' 1m ,
-•' • v rk 'Ins alone, an,' dory troehled her• --anxiety In eolve the perm) her last mtestion .. ! 1ossible r,f nceomr+lishment. On
a. i' flats aAs no dream ren \'T• cnh matt►t'a{ Ito'','ty of Iter Iif.. "\\h0 are von \\'1i» are von?" : 1he contrary, the thing is now be
.1 .i. It w.is a stubborn fact. Marie , The winter passed away. i Then revile the final nnewer, low, 1 ing dote to a modified extent in
Pink rye.) olaro.tic,
%meolntr levet
c.1.rrAsl fever
'',!e'..re and Posts;.. pr.rant ire. n., matter now PN.r era At al.r /.t orf3•i
11 t:. •.rd or "es;oetd.' t.:qui:. elten .n the tine: site on the Ito.d art)
,iiacde.etpelethep-.!monc.(oal, t,-entbeb:dr. t'r.rr.iti.ti pet 181)01.
d ppoa,Iuman beings and it Ane 11 Arm. remedy. ! ind 118
bottle. s6 and {tt 8 dare). Out th a ant. [ren? it. Show to sour druggist,
who nsal get It f..r yon. pt.* " Ca•.ae* and
p•eT88tJTOn't--1t.t. WuntsAMAK Dauriri•sTs
!POWs MEDICAL CO.. CNrN.M .811 t..grietwisl., N$IEll, :V.. C.S-$.