HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-12-09, Page 5SUPPLE'IENT TO THE EXETER ADVOCATE
bearings' Bazaar'
The Bode of Sania Claus
Holiday Goods for Everybody
We have just equipped our store
with a full and up-to-datH line of (:hrist-
mas Goods that will please everybody.
Look at These !
FANCY CHINA -Complete assortment.
LEATHER C O OO S -Hand Bags, Purses, Etc.
TOILET ARTICLES -Manicure Sets, Combs. Hair Brushes,
Shaving Brushes, Mugs, Etc.
STATIONERY -Envelopes and Paper, Albums, Books, Pictures, 1.tc.
TOYS -Too numerous to mention. ('all and see then.
CO N F E C TION E R Y -From the Choicest Chocolates to the Mixed.
FRUITS -California and Spanish Oranges, Dates, Cooking Figs, Etc.
PERFUMES -Selling out at halt price. Lovliest on the market.
For November
Ii. S. Department
"corm ill. -Honors, L. G. Wats•tn 98.7
I \larthaad 85..1, A. I'lcitatd 77, A.Dow
77 Pass, W. Monteith 74.3.
:a:d 72.7, it. Dougall 71.1. 31. Carling
69.e, it. itaro3'cr (i9.7. E. Copeiand 07.3,
{f. Janes 67. No. on roll 80, average 28
W. D. Weidcnhantmer, Il. A., Prin.
Form 11.-Ilonot s. B. I logarth 97, E.
Ctst' 81. O. Passmore 80, 8. bitty 77.
Pass, 11. Dearing 74, W. McLean 72, 11.
Sweet 71, M. E19ton 70. 1':. Copeland 70.
A. Coleman 70, E Homey 68. 11. Fake
66. O. Acheson 06. W. Stewart 63, L.
Grieve 64, L. Stacey 61. 1.. (•'ray ne 61.
E. !Wilkie 6.1, W. Weis:n(11er 01. No.
o:t roll 31. average 29.
E. M Robb. Teacher.
Form i. -honors. C. Pickard 95, M.
liobklrk 83, H. Glenn 8:1. I. Montle, 82.
F. Welsh 79, It. Wood 78. 8. Geiger•78.
('ass. I'. drown 74, It. lllse'tt 70. I.
Misery 68. F. Trteb,ter 68. 11. May 68.
A. Willis 67, V. Geiger '.7. A. Morgan
67, S. South ott 64, M. Hanlon 61. F.
Eseery 63, L. Harvey 62. 33. Case 01,
M. AcI esor 61. Commercial -Sr.. hon-
ors. O. ilooper 80. S. (Dares 77, 1'.Iloylc
77; Jr., pass. C. Harvey 72, M. Jewell
67, B. Atkinson 64, E. Itrackwood 64.
NO. on roll 46, average 44.
A \l. Johnston. le.. n., r
P. S. Department
Room 4-3r. IV. honors, Jean Seldon
86, Joe Davis b1. R. Baikwnl 79. D.
}tall 78. Greta Dissctt 75; ('ass, Willie
Snell 74, F. Arnold 78. D. Gillies 63, V.
Rowe 62. Jr. IV., honors. L. Harvey
91. M. lone. 78. I. Swc't 76. fast E.
7tttkell1 72, E. Day 62, E. Ilutdon 412
Qur nee 81, It. give's 6u. No. on rv)ll
89, averege :31.
C. Vosper. teacher.
Sr. 111. -honors, L. Ilcdden 75. M.
Heywood 73, W. Manson 74, J. Foll'rk
73. E. noway' 71, l3. 11o1g.'rt 70. Pass.
A. Knight 66, A. Drell 63. 0. Davi. 60,
A. Day 60. Jr. 111.-11onors, M. Ilus-
:o:t 73, 1'. Jack 4011 73. M. Seldon,71. e'.
Howey 70, A. Mack 70 ; Pass, E. Davis
66, h. r'arnons 62, F. Wood 00. No.
on roll 32, average 29.
J. Murray. Tea'chcr.
Form 111., Jr.. 1lmwrs-Lila Zuefic,
99. M. Vincent 8i, )1 Gladman 80. B.
1•,rney 80, D. White 79. G. Fittonl8,
1'21.9-K. WcIdenhar n er 71, i). Kunz
70, O. Ford 67. G. Wells 66, 1). Houle
den 63, A. Johns 62. Form Ii. Sr.,
Honors -A. Taylor 83. M. I'.ckard 61.
31. Kydd 81. M. hardy 80. R. Cornish
79. 11. hector 77, A. Davis 77 ; Pass -
V. Welan 74. M. Dty 72. M. Walker 72,
E. Johns 71, L. Walker 71. W. Jacobi
70. D. Knight '63, C. Dearing 60%
No. enrolled 34: average 31.
IL N. Kinsman. Teacher.
Jr. 11. -donors, i1. Moyle 83, W.
Davie 80. B. Rivets 79. M. Sharp 7 1 ;
Pas., L. (',rimer 68, D. Charlton 64.
C. Mallett 63, A. Cornish 60, C. Manic..
00. W. lleddon 6'1, M. Morlock 6n, V.
Sweet 60. No. on roll 43: average 87.
A. Mleetn. Teacher.
Sr. Pt. T-11onors, V. 11111 91, M. Ilar-
vey 88, M. Taylor 86, 1. Davis 81. E.
Magee 78 M. Ilouldrn 76 . Pass. T. Con•
nor 72. W. 011le.ple 67, C. SaIter63.
Jr. i't. I. -honours, C. Ileantan 49. M.
'1 trvey 86, M. Vincent 93, i'. (farness
76; Pang. K. W'ebater 73, E. Yellow
70. It Palmer 68, V. Rowclltfe 67, F.
Vincent 66. No. on roll 30, average 41
iI. Pennock, Tea^her.
T ,e cnunefl met in the Town Hall on
M'rfdly, Dec. 3rd, at 8 p.m. All :nem -
be -s prc.r'r,t. Previous minutes read
and approved.
I.etve wag grtnt el J. N. (toward to
ape t a drain act's', Main st. at the cor-
ner of 111;t1 and Mary, subject to the
nvc-sight of the street citnndssioner.thr
work to tv, proceeded with at once o:,
motion of Heamtn and Luker.
Accrnmu .'at'o , wag read from Mr.
Fatigued). re ret k iron buckles for .','39C
it was la!d over until the Dreg chief and
Mr. Farncomb can confer.
Toe by-law re Local Option as prepar-
ed by Mr. F. W. Madman was presented
and dieruesed, and on motion of .Tonne
and Luker It wag read a first and ser
and time. and ordered published in the
Times newspaper.
The council dbreussed the Jackson ity-
Law, along with Mr. L. 11. Dick.on. and
on motion of rleaman and Luker -,1 by -
I t w be prepared and a vote taken at
toe January electron. -(armed.
(`. 1*. hackney addressed the ,eou! ell
re overcharge in farm land lazatlon. and
the rlerk wag authorised to get a solir-
itor', advice and report at the meeting
Monday night nest.
A by-law ctlling tor a public meeting
of the citizens to nominate a reeve.
,• )u',rlllor• and school trustees was
mrd on 01011)11 of Jo urs and Carling. a
n at. second and third time, the reeve
.ur1 clerk rig,lln; the same.
' P.a. John. and C.trl,og-That g epee-
: 1 meeting of lir: cou:,e13 be held on
'1,,d'ty night to dt'cuss Jackson 33;-
' • ..s.. and :', tt the clerk reque.4t C. 1t.
t •11 to b- eres(nt to discuss rearrange-
• :n •nt of eertai:t electric lights.--Cirried.
1 T:v- following accounts were read and
pt.t'.e1.-A. G. Dyer. aeleeting Jurors,$4.
i lo.t. Len'or, d'ttj, 44 ; J N. Howard.
Wet. at dun. A33.23: Ed. McGui"e. sec.
II N t 1 Fee Co, 12 teen at 43. $130: Gco.
I In le -543.1. see. No. 2 Fire C3., 16 then
!at .-. Stan :ire cnief 4333, cn„it'eer $1',
:eel) an 4133 T. G. C.c,c'i, gravel ceme-
te y 411, ,travel ace• 4192.b3, labor $10-
23 ; Moana Taylor On, lumber 819.06;
Jane; & Clark, matt for doer of Tow'.
$3.1112 83c., Labor accounts -G. Cudntore
$1, T Brock 42.12, W. W'estcott $2.51,.
S. Sanders 2.10. W. Gillespie 2.12. W.
Arnold 23c., D. Gillis 42. W. J. Matfett
pirt salary 43:3. C. W. Cross pt. sal-
ary 429, Roes Taylor Co„ lumber re
new walks, $52.82; M. Jackson, scrap
Iron for waterworks at darn. 826.19,
iron p'pe 1.73 ; Electric Light Co., are
lights 63.11, aeries 30.74, Town Hall
3.60; hell Telephone Co., messages 45.
half year rent phone at cemetery 12.30
it. G. Seldon, cement and lime acc.,49.10
Tunas. advertising by-law and :ratleca.
$35.50; Thos. Marton, per certificate of
3-'. W. learncontb and charged to his ac-
eou:at 20.30; London Advertiser, adver-
tiser advertising water works lenders
5.10. J. Senior, per Dennis Wire and
Iron Co., 416.33; C. T. Ilrooks express
2.15; W. Gllfe.,pie, frclg;tt, etc.. 47.33.
r -Prosed on motion of Johns and Lu-
ker. Adjournment by Luacr.
Jos, Senior, Clerk.
C• rbett,-lferb_rt Sherritt returned on
('land.y last from the West, where he
spent some months. When he left Wal-
pole, Sask., the thermometer registered
27 below zero.
Read the London Daily Advertleer,the
beat Metropolitan paper In Western On-
ttrlo Contains latest market quota -
Done and all general and local news
wo th p Intin4. SP1rJC11L OFFER -Fend
42.00 for the London Daily Advertiser
fol 14 months in advance. This offer
ntuit he act epted before January 1,1910
TAOS JAL ilk a ate+*LA!
4 Manure litters
41 Beatty Bros.' Feed
4 and Litter Carriers
Overhead Conveyors.
Beatty Bros.' Steel
Stalls & Stanchions4
ren 1 e in'.,nlleal AP cheap as
lunt•.er and Ia»l forever.
1 Beatty Bros.' Load
These thrr a things are great
labor -ravens for fanners arid ne-
ce'9PitieR on a farm.
For Rale by
Wm. Gillespie, Exeter
r'tlolvK 51
Alrir Mr