Exeter Advocate, 1909-12-09, Page 4(Exeter avocate, i Sanders & Creech. Props. THURSDAY, Dec. 9, '09 By -Law No.... ' BY -LA TO P1tol uti f THE SALE it) ILETAII. OF SPIRIT oLIS, FER- MENTED OR OTHER yLANUI'ACr('R- EI) LIQUORS IN THE TOWNSHIP QF PTF.Pi1EN. The Mu:-.lrip.ei Councll of the Towitehip at Stephen hereby enacts :es follows, - 1. That the sale by retail of opiritu- aus, fermented or other manufactured liquors. 1. and shall be prohibited In -emery tavern, inn or other house or place of public entertainment, In the said creuniclpality. and the sale thereof ex- •eept by wholesale Ir and shall be pro- leibitee In every temp or place other 'than a rouse of public entertainment 1n ethe said municipality. 2. TIIAT the vote of the electors of 'the Township of Stephen shall be taken -on this By -Law on the day fixed by Statute for the election of the members of the said municipal council for the year now next ensuing, that is to say, "-en the third day of January, A. I). 2970. 3. THAT the polls for taking the said irate will be held at the samel hour• the same day. at the same places and by 'the same Deputy -Returning Officers ye shall be appointed for the purposes of ' the said annual municipal election. 4. THAT on the fifteenth day of De -- ember. A. D. 1909, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon at the Town Hall, In the Village of Crediton, the .Reeve of the said Township of Stephen, s.eall a by him- self, h1 wilting. signed Inn self, two persons to attend at the final anmming up of the votes by the clerk sad one person to attend at each poll- t�g place In the various polling sub. -div- isions on behalf of the persons h(ter- ested h! and desirous of promoting the passing of this try -law : and a like .tuntber on behalf of the persons Inlet -- sated in and dextrous of opposing the -passing thereof. 5. TIIAT the Clerk of the said Munl- elpal Council of the 0.11(1 Township of Srephe. 'shall attend at his office in site said Village of Crediton on the 'court': Day of January, A. D. 1910. at tttni hour of two o'c!o'k to the . '1 r- raoen b, sum up the number of votes given for and against t:te Ily-Law and .e grant the requisite certificates. '3. THAT tele By -Law shall take ef- fect and conte into operation on and of ter the first day of May• A. 1). 1910. Connell CLai,.tr•r. Credit.;:,, the /lay of Reeve. Olerk. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that tine above 1s a true copy of a ptoposed By -Lew which t:.as been taken lieu consideration by the Municipal Council of the Township elf Stephen and which will b' finally passed by the said Counell (!n the event of the assent of the electors being ob- tained thereto, as provided by "The Liquor License Act" and amendments thereto) after one month from the firot publication thereof In TICE EXEPKR ADVOCATFi. the date ot which first publication eaa Thursday, the Ninth day of December, A. D. 1909,.and that at tee hour. day and places therein fixed Sar taking tha votes of the electors the polls will be held. HENRY EILIIEIL, Clerk. Ceeditute 1)c,'. 8r:.. 19(19. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Revillon Freres � IN -*o 170. 'rhe largest dealers in Puri and Skins in the world. W. poly th. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for all kinds of Raw Furs and Skins Honest assortment. Quick returns Ask for our 1°C9•I010 PRICE LIST t IT'S FREE 00,0.01 •ro etoos.00re 134 sad 136 Mc(1111 St. Manfred v. t' )'.AV EXPRESS CHAR Ws. Winter Term from Jan. 3rd The t.wtra. twat training erhool „e ()rat trio. We offer al.antages net offered el•nher. in • ;Nina to our tem -hen are e'Fatteen:ed. ronra.a tssoroogh a• d pract;ea!, and f. alai.* frralnate' "1 gout p.'etiena Th. r't•nan.1 at present eeeatly eae ad. the •npptt. We Prepare Teacher. for Bewlae" Lepage Mort. sNr.te f r one „e. 1(010.11e I). A. Mcf.ACHLAN .I'riacil,wl. By -Law No.... \ 1ty-law authorizing the payment •lly, for .1 Period of ten yeais, of sum of Three hundred dollars to the Jeck1)r, iia:,urea tui )z1 Company of Clinton, for the rent of a factory poen- :1.13 in the Village o. Exeter, granting the iota I.'ontpiny Exernptlen front Mure- Ic•ipal taxation (except for certain pur- poses) and tree water service for a per - ‘11 of telt years, and authorizing the p+y'ment to the seal Company of tete aural of Two hundred and twenty-five Dollars for a gaaollae engine. Whe.e.s the sell Jack.o.r Manufactur- g Comp.iriy are desirous ot opening a br.tii0i of their clod.' ,g manufactur- ing business 10 tate Village of Exeter, and for that purreee have applied to the efunle'pal Ceuracil of lite said Village of Exeter for certaln ply lltent e, exemp- tions arid couc•esieorts which are set out and detailed in an [ndehture of Agree- iner,t bearing dtt' the sixth day of Dec- intber, 1909, nude and entered Into by and betee:n the said Contp.hy and the 'said elteticlpe: Council and which is 1n the words and figures following, that 19 to say: - THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into Vele Siete day et: December, A. D. 1909. BETWEEN The Jack.yon Manufacturing Company of Clinton, Ontario, (hereinafter called the Company) of the fleet part, and The Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter, (hereinafter called the Cor- poration) of the second part. WHEREAS the above named Guntp.oiy !s an Industrie! Company having an es- tabli:shed busineea 111 the Town of Clin- ton for the manufacture of cloh,ing, and being desirous of opening a branch of their said business in the said Viiiage or Exeter, have applied to the said Cor- poration for the paynient to the said Corptily, annually for the period of ten years of a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars as the Company shall be required to pay as a rental for prem. lees, to be used and occupied by them als a factory, to the said Village of Ex- eter, and further have applied to the sold Corporation for exemption front Municipal taxation. except for certain rates hereinafter ape'eificd. far a period of ten years, and for free water service for the same period, a.td for the pay- ment to there o' th sten of two hundred and twenty -fire dollars for the purchase of a g'(soline engine for their said fac- tory. AND \VI1E1t7Ad the said Corporation La desirous o: securing the paid Indus- try for their Munleipel!ty and for that purpose have cany2nted to grant the ap- plication of the said OJlnparly, subject ourse (., the saner!)•t and approval t( ratepayers. NOW THEREFORE Til1S AGREE- MENT WiTNESSETII that the meld Cor- p,ratlon hereby agrees to pay -10 the t ):npar,y annually for the period of ten :.• ars 0001 sum as the Company shall upend annually for rental of premises uael ahs (.erupted by them as a fa'•tory (.ouch annual payment not to exceed t::ree hundred dollars in any single year) and t.) grant them exemption from Municipal taxation except dor school purposes and special frontage taxes, for 11 period of tern years, and tree water service for a like period, and to pay to them the said aunt of two hundred and twenty-five dollars for the pur- chase of a gasoline engine for their said (wtory, upoe the following terms and conditions: I. The solo Company agree to estab- llsh a branch of their said manufactur- ing buelness in the said Village of Exe- ter in the premises known as ' The 1:. Pickard Co. Store" situate on part of Lot flambee Twenty-five on the East Bide of Main street, or such other su:t- at l r premises as the Company Ina, lee ebb• to oblate a satisfactory lease of arae to hive the sante fully equipped as a 1'tory for the nrutufactuee of cloth- ing end to have said factory in opera- tion not liter than the first day, of E'eb- ruery. 1910, and by the close of the yet: to 'sive not less than twenty-five employees at work therein. 2. The said Company agrees to jn- itall in the premises within eighteen m.)nths front the first day of February 1910. machinery, plant and equipment to the value o: at m'a'st two thousand dollars. 3. The said Company agre? r to oper- ate and contl,iue h, operation their said factory for a prated of tete years, rom- nt'ncine on tee first dry or E'ebruety, 1910. 4. The said Company agree to em- ploy and keep employed 13 their said fac tory and opal the premises occupied by them. for and durlig the first year of tee said term, at est Twenty-five em- ployees, and for arid during the sec,nd and each subsequent year an average of at least forty employees. computation of such average In any year to be based on the number ot rmpleyees of the com- pany at geld factory during the years that ih'all have elapsed excepting he first. ♦ 5. The said Company agree that they will at any time derin.e the sat,' terns at the rebu'.st of the said Corporation ru-nese 0atlefactory evtdear• es to the nunlh'r of employees engaged by there 1n tee said factory. It. it Is hereby further agreed by and between the pirtle.s hereto that t lee said yearly' sum of tare' hundred donate so be paid by the geld Corporation is • geld Cornptny, shall be paid as fol- . , w a. -The first yearly payment on the day' or F'ebru pry. A. D. 1911. and eu• a •01e.,t paynierats yearly thereafter bur the laid Corporation shall be and are hereby empowered to withheld Pay - treed of the Sall yeerly sums or, any of therm. If the maid C.ormiputy fall le the pe-fo-ntBi(e of ,any pert of this agree- m'nt on their part to be perf)rmud. 7. tt Is hereby further agreed that • ail exemptloe from Muneepil tax • t`ereby gruht'd by the said Cor- e e.on to the said Co:ptny ah.all,with erceptton, aforesell. eiteed t) and in lute tasat:)h on Heir Manufat-twine buil tees. (or bustnese ase tent) the-f- etx-:< and the bu.1.l:rags aril land so to h' u 'et and c.c: u(.ied by there ag afore- s.a'd. hot suet exemption shall cease 11 '.re 'veld Company tail in the perform .an^a• er arty part of this agreement. in their part to br p'rf o m'f. The said -",apron 'hal; dot- 1ro::: tee first day ,' vetnuary. 1144,1. a e. it Is further agreed that the tree water service so to be supplted (140 said Tuesday tlac 4th day of January, 11110, Wmparly •!tall be of such service as the to sunt up the number of votes given Bald Corporation Lail Is enabled to supply by their strident of water works now being Installed, the sold Company NOTICE to make all heccssary and proper con- The above i• a true Copy of tr,e pro- nections with the Corporation's said eye posed IIy-law which has been taken tent and to pay for such connections and into consideration and which will be fi- nally passed by the Council of the Cor poratlo:t of the Village of Exeter. hi tl:e event of the assent of the Electors be- ing obtained thereto after one month from the first publication In the Exeter advocate and Exeter Times Newspapers which first publication is on the Stn day of December, 1909: and take n)tice that the votes of the duly qualified El- ectors of the said etunlcipeltty will be taken thereon at the hour, day and the pl:cei flied, and by the Deputy Return- ing Officers and l'oll Clerks named 1n the preceding ley -law. Every leaseholder entitled by law to vote on the proposed lly-law 811311 at least ten days next preceding the day of polling file ie the office of the clerk of the said municipality. a statutory de elaratton stating that his lease nets the requlren:ents by law entitling hint to vote on such Dy -law and the names of leaseholders neglecting to file such n declaration shall i.ot be placed h, ti:e Voters' List for such voting. Dated at Excter this 71.11 day of Der - ember, A. D. 1909. a JOSEPI! SENIOR Gla r'i: or 1.t Village of Exeter. for and agolnst ti:is by-law. the maintenance thereof. 9. And It is further agreed that the 'sold sum of two hundred and lweety- five dollars so t , be peed by, the said Corporation to the said Contpahy for the purchase of a gasoline engine for their it'd factory si,all become due and be p.tid on the fifteel,tlt day of May, 1910. 10. The said Company further agree to deposit with the said Corporation the awn of seventy-five dollars, which soul (s to defray the expenses of submitting a by-law to the ratepayers of the said Corporation hereinafter mentioned, 'should such by-law carry and the said Company fall to carry out the terms of this contract. Ilut should the said by-law be carried and the said Company carry out the conditions of this agree- ment. or should the said by-law be de- :e.etel then the paid sum is to be re - returned to the said Comp.:iy. 11. Tttis agreement 1s entered Into upon the understanding that the said Corporation will submit to the ratepay- er's of the said Village of Exeter, a by- law authorizing the said Corp -oration to nreke the said pay'melits and to grant the said exemptions; and this agreement is therefore subject to the said by-law being carried by the said ratepayers In accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Municipal Act. 12. And It Le also agreed and provid- ed that any ceassation of operations due to any cause not in the control of the Company shall not be deemed a breach of the provisions of this agree- ment. IN WITNESS \VHEI(EOF the said prrtie.4 of the first part have hereunto set their hand and seal and the sald Corporation has affixed their Corporate Seal and the hand of their Reeve and Clerk. THE JACKSON MANUI•ACTI:ILING CO. Per W. JACKSON Slgee 1 as to execution by The Jack- son et:a:ru(acturing Co. In the presence of J. MILLS. T. it. McCALLUM. Reeve, per J. S. JOSEPH SENIOR, Clerk. Signed as to the execution by lite Corporatism o't1 V to illage of Ex, ter in the prea(nce of L. 11. DICKSON. ANI) WHEREAS fur the purpose of ranking the said payments to the said Company as set forth In the sate agrcr.- ntent, it will be nece0sery to raise by ,specie! rate on all the rateable prop- erty in the Village of Exeter during the year 1910, the sunt of Five hundred and twenty-five dollar's and during the sec - old and each and ev.ry eubse•tuerit -Al" o: the said pzriod of ten years, 1'11. au•n of three hundred (toilers. AND \W1IEItEAS the whole rateable property of the said Village of Exeter ace ordiee to the lee! teased assessment volt he' n; :or the y car 1909. is $:,7:1- .i3 ANI) WHEREAS Tree amount of ire Debenture Debt of the said Village of Exeter ezclu.elve of local improvement de')t.s secured by special roles and aae- element Is $34,884,24. .and no part of the principal or lotereet thereon is In arrears. THEiREFORE the eluntclpal Courant of the Corporative of the Village of Exe- ter enacts as follows. - 1. That for the purposes fn the fore- going recital, and agrccm'tat mention- ed, there shall le- raised annually by 'special rate on all the rateable property o: the Munlcipelity of the Mtge of Ex- eter, the followl•t f 'sums for :arid during tie follow!ng yc.era,- For the year 1910 the sural or ia25 Fo• the year 1911 tee sunt of $300 For the year 1912 the suet of $300 For the yetr 191:: the sum of $30() E'or the year 1914 the sum of $800 For the year tar., th' sum of 5300 For toe yeer 1910 the sunt of $800 For the year 1917 the sults of 1800 For the year 1916 the sum of $800 For the year 1919 the sunt of 6800 For the year 1920 the aunt of 6800 2. That the Sand The Jackson Manu- facturing Company shall (subject to the term's and conditions of the said agreement) be csrrnpt from municipal tazatlon upo:t and in respect of their manufacturing business and stock, and open and In re.apect of the land and building; occupied by them as a fact- ory. In the said Village of Exeter, dur- ing the peril of tm years computed front the First day of February, A. D. 11110. but title ceentptlon shall not ex- tend to or include 'retool tares, nor any special frontage tax. :t. The said, The Jackson Ma,hufactur !nJ Company en•ell have free water ser- tvr! for their said factory, as provided 1n the va!d agreement. for a perloa of ten years, to be computed front the date of toe co:npletl`)n of the water works system now being Installed by the said mUnlclpallty. 4. That this by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of ttw filial passlr.g thereof. 5. That the votes of the Electors of the said Village of Exeter qualified to vote on this by-law shell be taken on Monday, the third day of January.I910 commencing at 11:110 o'clock 1n the fore- noon and oontatui.:g until five o'cto •k In the after noon if th.. same dsy at the following poilil,g places wltten the said Village of Exeter by the following Deputy Returning Officers. - Polling pub-d'vislon No. 1, at Silas llandford'o residence, Edward Treble, Deputy Returning O:f!rer and llerbert Feed, Poll Clerk. Polling sub -division No. 2. Weekes' Marble Shop, W. D. Weekes. Deputy It •turning Officer and James Weeks. Poll Clerk. lolling sub -division No. :t. John Mit- c1011.3 office. R. G. }adore Deputy lie - turning Officer. and A. G. Dyer. Poll clerk. 1'oblI:r gob -division No. 4, Town stall J irepe Davis. Deputy Returning Orf:cer end 11. N. Taylor, Poll Clerk. 6 That Tnurclay, the 00th clay of Oe.-enibr r, 11109. at Eleven o'clock 1'1311 be the day and hour, and the Clerk's Office In the Town Hall. Exeter. 1.111 be the piece where the iteeve shall Mend tJ app):rat persons to attend et the various polling places aforesaid 1.41 at the final suiup:ng up of rte v)t'-: by the el rk oe betel: o: persons interested In promoting or opposing the pteehhe of leis by.; le re,pee'ively. 7. T.tat the Cork or th' Corporatlon o: the• said Vlllade of Exeter shall at- tend at hle office l't the seed Village of Exeter at twelve o'clock noon, un CREDITON. PURCHASED BLACKSMITH 13US1- NESS.-Ifavtng purchased the Black- smith Rusjrte s from Mr. Alonza Bod- ging, I ant prepared to do all kinds of ltlackymlth Work for the general pub- lic and respectfully solicit the patronage of all the old customers of the shop and many ucw ones. 1 ant sure we ran gIle you entire satisfaction. Horse shoeing 11 specialty. -DAN Mao ISA AC, Crediton, Ontario. Rutz -Feltner -A very pretty wed- ding was solemnized at the home of Mr. era Mrs. John Feltner on \Wechtes- day. Dec. let., when their eldest daugh- ter, elise Laving, became the bride: of Mr Win 11. ftatz, a prospe:'•405 young lumberman of Khiva. The cerento,ty was pc -formed by It: v. Mc. (lean. .'h areptIY at tl'c hoar of I.:10 &reek :0 the eIii1.s ot Mendel as,,:a •M, df i,..• g '11-rc0, played by \liss Laura Raiz, sls ter o' 12.0 groom, the bridal petty en- terel 1:.e: parlor whet. a bea•tti'ul meta n' evergreens a •as everted and uero-atcd ahe white bunt;,+g ar:d pink .1::d whip (1arO:et!uns. The bride looked stately :end lovely gowned In white silk trim- nmed with valenrlennes Insertion and wore a bride' veli or silk ntulllne with orange blossoms. She carried a boquet of white chrysanthemums. The groom •w by 'her Milton of as .uppo•hd hla brother `'tip;ca, and the bridesmaid was Miss l.,ul le. sister o: the bride she being beiu'Bully gowned In pink nolle, trim - mei wit': net and satin ribbon to match, and carrying a boquet of •pink ropes. The ceremony and congratulations be- teg over, all rep tired to the dining- roon, v'ltlrh was beautifully deco, -aced with bunting and bells, where a sump - toots, and appetizing feast was par- taken of. The guests numbered about nn0 hundred. The groom's heft to the bride was a heeteiful fur -lined coat an d to the brldeenit'.d a h-ooch sal with .nr•tey'sts and petrls. to the grooms- men gold ruff links .4111 t) the organist a brooch set with petrls. The estima- tion In which the young couple are held was shown by the many useful and cost ly presents given to them, among them being a hundred dollar cheque front the grooms p.erei ta, and a beautiful art n: silver knives and forks from the bride's parents. Amid showers of con- fetti and rice they left for Centralia where they took the train for Detroit ,and Howell, Mich., and New Hamburg, where they will spend their honeymoon. The bride's going away gown was of \Vlsterla Mirror finished cloth. with :tat to match. Ott their return they will re- side near Khlva. The best wishea ac- company theta and may their future be one of happiness and prosperity. SCI(OOL REPORT FOIL NOVEMBER. -Contlnuatioh Class, subjects. Arlt:une tie or French, Composition, Jr. Teachers M. Drown 84, O. Short 79, E. Gabler E. Truernmer 75, R. KIenele 70. M,e- tnculatlon-It. 11111 04, E. McMurray 41 Class I. ed)Jccts, Composition. Spel- II: g. Arithmetic, Grammar. L. Gasser 7.1 1.. Finkbeiner 73, 11. Sullivan 09. A. leinkbeiner 01. M. Oestrelcher at. (.lase 1. Subjects 8(010 as class Ii., L Hod - gine 03, el. Wenzel 56, E. Slurs 51. 8 F'inkbeincr :17, L. Schroeder 36,L.Brown et. C. K. Bluets, Teacher. Div. 111.• Class 1V. honors. V. Holtt- et t , 79. E. illuett 79. Pass. If. Holtz - eon 74, W. Haisi 70, 11. Haig' 7'). M. Brown 07, 1'. Feltner 63. Cragg Ill. Mr. Motors. S. Wein 7:., E. Ile ever 77. Pass W. Mots 72. 1I. Drown 71, E. Treitz 711 e^•tas i11.. Jr., C. Oestrelc'te: 110. F.. S:nit!) 61. Mien (7. KIcnz10, Teacher Div. 11. -Cleve 111., Jr.. Honors, L. Il.lst 92. (1. illuett 79, K. Sweltzer 77 M. Nicholgu:t 76. pass. V. Kestle 72,, O s.':nport 7n. I. Wolf.. 1J. A.Sambrook roe L. Been 00. Claes IL. Sr.. Ilo:tors. E. Wuerth 77, A. Geiger 75. Pass. L. 41 rlternenn 74, V. lledden 71, E.Ga:ser et, M. Brown 0e. N. Sambrook 01, E. Swettzcr 01. Max 11 Jr., R. Clark (14 L. !leaver 02. R. 11111 00. Pt. IL,honors M. ltcnedlrt ma. M. King 77. Pass. D. E;:311'sh 01. W. Bean 03. --?Ilse Lore. Teacher. Div. 1. -Class iL. Jr.. Honore, C.Halet 75, Pass, A. lioltzntann 71. V. 1!)ft- nein 09, el. l.twson 61. Part ii.. !lo 'lore, L. Lawson: 76. Paso, It. Itafst 69. 11. Heiden 69. L. Brown 61. Part L. Sr.. honors. It. Brown. L. Sambrook. 1),/i, %V, Appleton. L. Iledde,r : Part t A Sr.. N. Geiger, L. Eilhee G. Weiner . Part 1 Jr.. it note. K. llowald. F.Short !.. L,w.s 11, Rtes. E. i(eist. E. Guenth c W. Snell: Part L . A. Jr. Hollers. A. Swclteer, P. Lawson. ('ass. O. Sart+. - Mile Stothers. Tca. her. AIMED LONDON. (ITAR!') Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Course: Catalo'v,s FINN Westerv.h, J w Pnac.pel V.ce.PAneia.e: THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISHED IOU $. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, 6,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to farmers and others for the transaction of their banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. Ni BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened by mail and monies deposited or withdrawn in this 123 way with equal facility. Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton itrA1'IT A TALK WITH YOU WHEN you call - it is as much to our credit to sell you a good article as it is to receive your money --Buying a range to most people is a worrying proposition,-- doJtbts will creep in, fears will be as facts. Why not share our knowledge, our exper- ience has given us abundant confidence in the IUPERIAi4-OXFORD Call and we'll tell you just why. For sale by 11 V. J. HEAMAN $962 One year ago, Mr. Geo. Wakeman was earning about $100 per year as farm laborer. Now he is earning at the rate of $92 per year. Six mouths training at our lluei- new College made the difference. Was it a good investment' Ile t\int* So. Hie address is New 0• goode, Saab. Pour Course*: PREPARATORY COMMERCIAL STENOORAPUY TELEBRAPaY Enter soy Lime. indivi.tual 1u rut lion. Write for particulars. jClinton Business College iriwilrivrioritrAvvriviurryi GEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL High -Grade PIANOS are always a pleasure to their owners We have sold and are selling a great many high-class pianos -and always at reasonable prices. Our Numerous Satisfied Customers is the strongest guarantee of the truth of the above assertion. Our pianos today are the beet that the piano -makers produce and our prises and terms are what you will appreciate. Do not be (ori quick to believe per- sons who tell you different from the above for the purpose of selling you cheap and, in some cases, traehy goods at big prices. Call and see us and be convinced tbat what we say we live up to. S. MARTIN do SON Exeter's Leading Musical Frrtiwtiittn• They are noted for the quality of their grade 4,0041000000.0.61064141,24% it Only a dew jays to Buy for Christmas Our stock of Watches, Clocks, Jt'\\'- elry of all kinds, Cut Glass and (:Ili - nay. Everything suitable forold ttnd young was never so complete. Have already laid aside choices, and will he pleased to do the ltine for you. The e.i1 lien the better. A. Marchand Jeweler and Optician --• Exeter, Ontario I(t!tb'l.F:l men and neighbors, assembled to give a ---- farewell to their son. W. it., whp 1s Mr. and Mr., Archie Neill, '1f the moving out to the farm lately occupied A.R. Line .tent Sunday with the Lit - i h Mr. Jones. Ys \ prcye:ntatlon was made tet'4 p+erent., Mr. and Mrs. John yh"r v' a golf watch +nal fob. and the follow- ritt.-J. H. McGregor and stir• ( . ;3 address read by 1t'•v. F. O. Newton. Greenway, Snndayed with Mr and -"We are mel together as church peo- Mre. S. Webb of the A 11 Line. 1 Beg- ple and neighbors to express our good tars has a gang of men from Thedford win to you, our appreciation of you as and Foroat making Scythe Strath.' 0111 a churchman and neighbor, and our of the white ash timber in his buah.- Mr4. John (lower of Shipka Is 4perld• ing the week with her daughter. Mrs. J. Kenny. -The Snn,l,+y School of lsoli uprightness of your life. As t Shipka is the first of the season with church officer you have enjoyed the re. their ('hristrna, tree entertainment. it .speer and co.ifldenc' of your fellow being nn Monday evening, '20th init.. r •urr' m'n, and have dl,charged your with the White church shoos. ()rand dutiee as source warden with zeal, reg - fiend. on 2I.t and the l'rosbyterisn cal..rity. carncgt:: eri and fidelity. in ."hoot of Grand Bend. on .Ind. (his connection we do not forget that Mrs. Vlr:a You' q, who Sas tlee':t a I the rebuilding o: Urac^ Clurch owed resIde.,t of Greenway for thre' yeirs much to your earnest efforts and unflag was merrkd kit Wednesday last to Mr. ging zeal. As a neighbor you have been R)bert W. llodglns. a prosperous larrn• manly. unselfish, and always ready to 0: of Ilarpley. Ti ey wi,l live on the help when needed. We. therefore. wish •,om's farm near Crediton. Trc Ad- you and your future partner in life v r •t' jo'n's In washing them itt happt• all the blest es that Col earn glv.' to tete and prosperity. your new sphere. Accept this watch as .\ ae y p:e's:ent eveni,ig writ spent a token of our re,peet. Signed on he- at the home of Mr. and Mee, .1. 11. ileal- half of church and neighbors. F. G.New- g;tus when shout slaty streets, t march- ton, J. E. }lodging, John }Merritt. sorrow at you. removal from our vide - ay. tee have 'latticed for wonne time pas' with since:e Interest the usefulness •