Exeter Advocate, 1909-12-09, Page 2NOTES AND COMMENTS.
The Savili,u professor of astrono-
my at Oxford, England, has sug-
gested a method for explorers, ar-
riving at the north pole, to furnish
satisfactory evidence that he had
reached t►ae exact point. He pro-
poses that a series of contiguous
photographs of the horizon or cf an
irregularly constructed snow wall
built up all round the camera at
a short distance from it might be
taken, in which there was a con-
siderable and recognizable overlap
in the successive plates. Then if the
sun be photugranhed on at least
three of these plates, showing three
equal altitudes, the series must
have been taken at the pole.
Another astronomer suggests that
a star near the equator might be
selected which, by refryeting, would
appear just above the horizon, and
that this star remained at the same
distance from the horizon all
through the twenty-four hours a
sufficient proof would bo furnished.
But this method requires that the
sun be below the horizon. Another
w'aY would be to stay at the pole for
six months, and determine how long
perpetual day or night lasted. An-
other method less onerous is pro-
posed with a pendulum.
The pendulum, suspended on a
point so as to be equally free to
swing in any plane, set up at the
pole, would appear to describe a
circle about the point of suspension
hi exactly twenty-four sidereal
hours. The drawback to this method
is that it would require accurate
mechanism and a good chronome-
ter. For at a degree from the pole
the length of time required for the
complete rotation would exceed
that at the pole by only thirteen
''Stop, thief!" in Rio de Janeiro
means the cry of an electric signal.
At different street corners through-
out this progressive South Ameri-
can city 5S0 call boxes similar to the
fire alarm boxes have been erected.
These are connected by electricity
with the central police station and
branch offices. For these call box-
es the citizens have numbered keys,
which numbers correspond with the
names and addresses of the respec-
tive owners. By this means all pos-
sibility of misuse is prevented. For
once the door of the call box is op-
ened the key cannot be removed
save by a policeman, who carries a
special key for releasing the nte-
Pessimism Makes Neither for Peace
Nor for War
known of him, but the passage is
part of the proof that Paul had re-
cently been east.
The books ---Probably papyrus
rolls, to distinguish there from the
parchments, w hich were prepared
from the skins of goats. ►+ hen
made from calves' skins, they are
called vellum. Why Paul wanted
them especially is not known ; per-
haps, because they were mere pre-
cious, being parchment and not
"The good of the land is yours. cern of life ; th sue are but the let- paper. It has been variously con -
Gen. xlvi., 20. ters, as it were, in which infinite )ecturocf that they contained the "O}1 yes, that new one !" chimed at th left. d
Honest gratitude is simply the love seeks to spell out the story Old Testament in Creek, docu-
ments in ]iertha. 'Out of Place, die! you Fluffy malities aro usurping the
ability to give expression to true of a universe designed in goodness to prove Paul's Roman Citi- call it, Aunt Ruth?" place of the jabot.
appreciation. If religion is our re- and calling for perpetual gratitude. zenship, or even sayings of Jesus. ''}'or lack of a better name," her There is an enormous vogue fort
action to life's ideals, our search How trivial is our religion, if we 14. Alexander the coppersmith-
assented, full draperies.
after the good. the true, and the can have faith that seedtimo and May he the snn►e as the Alexander "May 1 it this timet" bogged Tho little bonnet is cunning :'+ ter
worthy, then the religious mind harvest shall not fail and fail to whose name is coupled with that of Alice.
ought habitually to dwell on the have the contiden•�e in the order and Iiynrenaeus, the heretical teacher ec'euccasiona.
If you'll promise not to make it Long jeweled gold chains ars now
good, ought to cultivate the pow- law that is over all as a law of love, rt Tim. 1. 20; 2 Tim. 2. 17). As such too hard,' said Dorton. worn outside the coat.
ars of appreciation of the beautiful fail to see written all through life ho was a personal opponent of Paul. "if you'll agree not to make it
in this world, and constantly find that which should make us The Lord will render to him ac- too easy," said Carl, laughing. There are many maraboutyne:k•
itself moved to praise and thanks- cording to his works -Not an ex- "Don'tR R• pieces in shawl collar style.
thanks -
GLAD TO BE ALIVE. put the tongs on the table Watered and metro silk ::erfaras
giving for the joy of living, for the pression of personal bitterness, but "You come too, Aunt Ruth and wore never more popular than n.,w,
happiness there is in the world, and Faith in the goodness of the world "zeal for the truth." mama !" called Bertha, as she ran Among the fads of the moment :s
for the chance to make life sweeter is faith in the God of the world. into the hall, and Alice was left that of dein furs to mate, tea
and richer. Here are the real causes for gra-
dyeing It makes a tremendous difference titude, not alone in the crops of gown.
gg GREAT SPOT -CASH DEALS She looked fond the library, to Tulle, edged and weig .i' d with
whether you approach the days with the field save as these suggest thesec what article she could put out embroidery, is much used fur ,,tel
the spirit of appreciation or of de- bounty that is over all, and rather of ,ince and have it least observ- dry.
precation. You will find in each in the fruits of the soil, the joys of 1 eery.
able, for that was the secret.
Ottoman cloth --a woolen m -'eels;
just what you look for. Make up the spirit, the permanent and rabid- CONCERNS CHANGE HANDS IN "The very thing!" she thought, with a raised rib -is fae' i ,naFie.
your mind that the world is bad, ing blessings that each day brings A }•};11 MOMENTS. as her eye felt upon Bertha s
t, those who sincerely seek them.golf The smartest overcoats for the
cape, and she chuckled to herself. small boy are double brealte1 with
To count our wealth in terms of Back into the room they docked plain coat sleeve.
you can depend on it the universe home and friend, of joy given and
Millions of MoneyHanded Over and at once began a search for the Jet buttons are a favorite mercer
stored in other lives, of happinessmisplaced object. of adding the invaluable tat en of
People who vent all their breath found in little everydaydeeds of for Great English Is it in plain sight i' asked Nor- block to a colored
kindness,this is to find endurington. garment.
in sighs find themselves short wind- }states. Mar; of the handsome.:: ai!l: rya lz_
cd for life's walk. The wise man satisfaction, habitual thanksgiving. ,
The people who are trying to <iEnouglt of it," answered Alice. es have printed borders whi'h work
knows there is sorrow and evil inThere have been numerous sales Oh, not all "' cried Bertha. well into the new drap •ries.
make this a better world are the „
the world, but he determines to ga- gratitude of great English estates during the That gives a clue." The spherical button in gilt and
ther to hirnseh all the good, all the ones who believe in it •last tweet But it did not seem to be of u.e, also in silver, is appeR+'rr nr�► -ng
powers of blessing, all the joy of for life as it is leads to endeavor Y years, and more than for round and round the room walk- the novelties in dress tr' srnier
love, that with these he may be able for life as it yet may be. The belt $2,500,000 has been paid on at least ed the five, yet no out of ,
t, face and to overcome the owers'way to show your appreciation of tae occasions. One estate alone-pinct Small dtgskin gloves fur :, lit -
of evil, that he may so enrich hes the past, is to make this the begin the Kensington -realized over $3,- article could be discovered. tle one are made like a m is's gl :ve
rein of the habit of lockingfor the Is it little or bi 1 u
R 000,000, and the whole transaction g' q Dried Dor- and eloae with a single class.
own life with joy as to have an over -did not cover two hours. Even ton. Black and black and whits - ,•r
Rowing cup for all. best, of faith in the triumph of the "Is that a fairquestion, Aunt magpie effects bid fair to restrain is
How foolish we would be if, while good and confident endeavor, knos_ within the past three months two
giving thanks for the fruits of the mg that we do not work alone, `o -
field and the material blessings of ward the best we can hope for eu
the year, we should fail to see that selves and for others or may dr:anr
all these are but indicative of the for our world.
goodness that governs every con- I HENRY F. COPE.
arealeoestmeeeemassooceseeerraisals 1111-1-1-1-14-14-44-0-Hee4.4-1
Carl Chapin shut his grammar
with a yawn of relief. '•Let's have SEEN I\ PARIS SHOPS.
,c game before supper," he propos- Every other hat seems tustied up
esi e.
that life is not worth the living, that
men are false and unfriendly, and
Ruth 9 appealed Alice. , favor all through the w1v'eee
estates changcl hands for $1,250,000 „ g
apiece, says London Answers Vie all seem to need morel The puff :a again in evidence ; ;t
Dir. Pierpont Morgan has been as- light,"replie,h,Aunk Ruth. 1 adorns the sleeve anywhere eeem-
sociated with manybigdeals. Some "Well, then, answered Alice, "1 ingly, between the sao ride • and
should call it pretty big. When it wrist.
years ago he was shown a celiac was new it was larger than its own- There is little li►nitat'on u
tion of ',Id masters, and prornptly er wanted." t -n the
purchased the lot for $5,000,000, "Whatlength of sleeves, but the gener•sl
THE SUNDAY SCHOOL drawing in the world can it be! tendency
victoriously to the end of the a single cheque for the mused Carl. � is toward shorter une3.
course, bearing safe the faith which amount. Lord Amherst of Hack -Tulle is to be worn ne► riv ui a
"And where?" scowled Dorton, 'foundation material ,f many rl^i•r•,-
had been intrusted as a precious de- nay's C'axtona were withdrawn from ' pacing up and down in front of the
posit to his keeping (1 Tim. 1. 11; ; the sale because the American mil- es, but as the trimming tied dec,ra-
i Bonaire bookcase. tion of man others.
INTERNATIONAL LESSON, 6. 20). Then, resuming the langn- , privately offered $125,000 "There!" cried Bertha,sudden Y
tBlack hats may be w,r:r `este ev•
DEC 12. age of the games, he points to the for the set; and his cheque was h "I told Clementine Hotchkiss erything and are always a wise
crown which is to be his reward promptly accepted. 1 ; that the next time we played this choice for the woman who may not
fur righteousness, just as the vie- s Mr. Morgan is famous for his I would ask her over. She thought invest in many chapeaux.
torious athlete wears the crown of quickness of decision in these mat- it must be fun. Say, you wait for Some of the handsomest evening
physical supremacy. ters; but his promptness has not me -don't try to find it: -and 1 11 and house dresses arc glove fitting
At that day -A reiterated word of always been successful. On one te- run in and get her. Where's my princess forms with a leaning to -
the oia Testament, connected with casion he went into a curio shop in golf cape? I thought I left it right 'ward the stiff boned waist portion.
Judgment and the setting up of the Paris, where he was well known. here on the couch. I'm sure I , There are renewed predictions
Verses 1 3. Believeing his own end Messianic kingdom. In the New The proprietor produced for his in -AIL
didn't carry it up stairs, Do you that the old hip paniers are to come
to be not far off, Paul exhorts Tim- Testament it gains new meaning by spection an ancient cope ; in fact, know where it is, Alice?", ' back into style and that it will be
othy to teach the truth with renew- its association with the personal re- the one worn by Pope Nicholas IV. ; "I'll get you my jacket," se before the winter is over.
ed firmness, especially as a period turn of Christ at the end of the The millionaire took nut his cheque- answered evasively. iblack
, l
of error is fast approaching. world. In the early church, to be book, and paid $20,000 for the trey- i "Oh, I have a big guess that's velvetblack% of narrow lplaitedox
ribbon areusedagain
1. I charge thee -A word full of able to stand "before our Lord sure. Later on he was informed what she has hidden :" cried Carl. in trimmings, not only for coats and
solemnity, emphasized by the feet Jesus, at his corning' was a great that it had been stolen from the ca "Yes, it is. I know by the looks gowns but for hats.
that the adjuration to 'timothy is aspiration and controlling motive. thedral at Milan, and, in deference of her face. Come on and let's find Black satin dinner gowns with
uttered in the sight of an all -seeing To have loved his appearing was a to popular desire, he restored the it! Clementine can wait for the only gold ur sitter lace in tlle b
Lesson XI. Paul's Last Wordy. 2
Tim. 1. 1.18. Golden Text,
Phil. 1. 21.
God, and of Christ Jesus, who is
to judge all men, both those dead
and those who will he living at
chanisrn, sir that he knows exactly Christ's appearing, which. together
who is responsible for the call. As with the final, glorious kingdom, is
soon as the key is put in the lock invoked to impress Timothy with
the signal is given at the central the weight of his responsibility.
station 1•} means of an electric bell 2. Preach the word -The perfect,
authoritative message of the gospel.
and by the instantaneous lighting
t: a red glee- lamp, so that the of-
ficial in charge knows at once on
which lire the call is made. A strip
of paper in the receiving apparatus
Paul has just (2 Tim. 3. 16) declar-
etr the profitableness of all inspired
Ile urgent in season. out of sea-
son -"The voice said, Cry.''
registers the number of the call box, Preaching roust he passionate if it
Gould be potent. And that, whe-
also the time at which the call is ther the opportunity is apparent or
wade. not. If the door is net open, storm
Reprove -Convict of error in be-
lief or conduct. (Compare 2 Tim.
3. 16). Ilishop Ellicott thus enum-
Th,• message is at once forwarded
t , the office in the particular dis-
tiiet, or, if necessary, it n,ay, by the
mere turning of a lever, be passed
ie to all the offices on the system.
The time occupied in this is from
fifteen to twenty seconds. A police-
man is then sent from the office in
the district from which the call has
come. Ile learn., the reason fur the
call. aid inside the call bac there
is an indicator which he places on
the and on a dial, thereby inform-
ing the brad (Ace what is wrong.
On this dial are such words as "Am.
balance," "Fire,'' "Police," and
the like. It naturally [olives that
as the central office is in connection
aith all these different departments
the necessary hell, is immediately
touchstone of judgment. cope. As an acknowledgment, the next genre. A golf cape can't be in dice or sleeves to relieve them are
it -15. Paul bids Timothy hake Pope hod n special medal struck in the match-ox.t" among the smartest evening cos -
his honor. Eagerly the searchers peered into
speedy journey him, I tumes.
certain necessary articles, and Many people will remember the every corner for the missing cape, The Robin Hood hat d d dl
warns him against nn enemy. sensation created by M. Blanc when and although Alice had assured
I. eel C
thorn that it was In si piquant, oracle of green velvet with?
10. Deman was with Paul during
he attended the sale of the late ght, cushions n brim cf russet beaver and with
some of the first imprisonment, and Duke of Westminster's horses, and were overturned, newspapers peep- a couple of queer feathers at th4
figures in the greetings to the Co- gave *1`+7,000 for Flying Fox. Odd- eu under, and even the couch -cover ; side
ly enough, it proved one of the best lifted.
lossiane (4. 14), and in the letter,< Large turban toques with crowns
to Philemon (24). 'tradition says bargains ever struck, for the ani- '
"Because she aeknokledged it was of draped `elect and brims of ftp
that his shrinking from his duh•, mals progeny brought over $300,- only partly in vies, apologizedof
among the most generally at -
000 to M. Blanc. But even mare Nonoil• tractive and becoming of the winter
and returning to Thessnlonremarkable in its way was the "I wonder if she can have stuffed hats.
which was possibly his home, end -;cher cheque for $50 000 which Mr. Sie- it in hack of the books thought
ed in total apostasy, 1The latest aigrettes are shaped
('macens is known only by this ver paid for Sceptre. The marc Bt'rtha. and then a familiar shade like a palm leaf fan and many of
was a yearling, and what. she could u. blue caught her eye. She step -
reference. do was merely a matter for runic• ,ped nearer the bookcase, and there, thorn have two erna,t Mercury cwint ►
Titus had probably gene to Dal- Y] poised at the base in a most riff c•
tore ; but that did not deter Mr. neatly wedged between the volumes
matin, on the east coast of the :1d• �iccrr, and in a few minutes the and folded so ns slosely to resemble lice rr.onner.
riatic, en some mission for Paul. • animal was his property.Ia book, was the missing garment. i Nothing makes a more nttr5etire
He remained one of the most trust -With a glad cry Bertha drew ;t afternoon gown than the silk and
ed helpers of the apostle, who had But deals are not always sates- mercerized cotton mixtures. 'These
him for a companion in a journey factory, as the ((Mowing story forth.
f ] ) ••That a•as a hr' 1 t tl n } „ ' ore to be had in a wide cartel• of
crates the uses of Scripture : it through the East after the first int- proves : :1 wealt'ty man eas spend- tg l ' ug ut, locals colors.
teaches the ignorant, convicts the ,,risonment. At that time Titus ing a few da} at Brighton, and he ,,raised ('ail, with a smiling nod Among the new buttons are those
evil and prejudiced, corrects the
was left behind to organize the was overjo., d to see a magnificent (�>,wngcl lall is sister. "This some
good."---Youth's*--+ K polished soil
me mri
made of wood highly fallen, and trains in righteonsnc ss ;church in Crete from which Paul painting by nn old toaster hanging Companion. rxquieitely inlaid. The designs are
all tncn. In order to make the I wished him to be ready t„ go (Titus ,n le dining -room. Ntw, he prirlcd often quite unusual. both a5 to col-
t serve3 1') to meet him in \ieopolia. Thishimself upon hie art knowledge, �, oring and ferns.
must exercise all long-suffering; place was in the neighborhood of and he was certain that the picture The newest hood for automobiling
that is, patience under all circum- Tlalntntia. (See article, "Titus," in question was worth at least $30,- COGCH BF.1II DIED. in rough weather is the ons sshich
stances. ITasting's )tibia hietionan.) ie used abroad for skiing and to -
l1. Luke -He alone of the usual To avert suspicion. he decided to Onion Syrup-- Parc and slice five b„gganing. It is a knitted scarf
the talar teaching which even then traveling companions of Paul re- purchase the hoarding -honer as it large onions and coo'h
k them in --e shaped affair that has n point. iit the
was beginning to crystallize Intl the rnained, although other Christian atnod, end n^cordingh he Rppn,Rcli_ pints of vinegar. 11'hen tender t•�p and hack of the head. rind point -
fables (4) of the Gnostics.
3. Sound doctrine --As opposed to
' disciples were near (verse 21). A ed the landlady. She was greatly strain through a thin cloth, aqueez- act ends that wind ground the theist
Haying itching ears --Uneasy, `writer of the third century declares surprised ; but he told her he wish•
ing to extract all the juice, add a and cross at the fr,.:►t.
sickly longings for Howell, lode`' that Luke died in iiith)nia at the cri to art up R punt relation es s Pint of granulated sugar and b rl
ing them to seek teachers who will age „f seventy-four. hoarding•houee keeper. 1'inall}, until reduced to one pint. Lott'.•
soothe their consciences by pander- :hark is useful to ter for the lace changed hand; for Alru,n's) and cork securely for future tic.
ing to their lusts. "-1 corrupt will!ministering-Thisp g 1 dose fora child cf from four to AMCSiNG SICK CHILD.
1 indicates a re- -about four times its real value --
ewer cheeses its own doctrine." :versa' of Paul's judgment implied and the delighted purchaser hast- five years old is a totnapoonhrl evaY Whet'
the child
ie Ril
to a;i u,u
5. Be sober -The verb implies i;, his refusal to take Mark with cried to secure his treasure. Later,hour, increasing n tablceaets ',r h,, will be amused f+,r hours nt a
both watchfulness and sobriety. him on the second missionary tour a committee of experts broke the fur elasdult. This remedy seta pit tune aith a piece of paraffin. 11'arrt
forthcoming. The same instrument 1)o the work of an evangelist --- (.lets 15. :17-10). The latter made news to hien that it was a clever bowels as a'e!I ns lungs, ru it is ,u,t it thoroughly, then sug,rra that he
also serves as a control for the pn- Not the specific work of the office good, and was with the apostle in forgery, worth about $250. ,necessary to administer a physic as have a menargerie, makinganimal►
called by is often the care. ' fee himself by breaking off pieces •►!
lice on dol, as there is a elc,ckw'ork claiming ofp the' gospel tiwh tch pro-
was theHorne
letter the
the of the
ansl ((ole disclrhvereen d, thatEgyptian
` +nstrntie ne.,f Flaxseed Ten and Lennon Juice is paraLapin in and forming doge, deer,
arrangement for receiving the time i another 'nest excellent cough -on- r t , t,ants. .1/tether time 1.•t hen
still incumbent upon Timothy, 4 10). !the great darn s as absolutely per • eds. To prepare it. ,uta tea , 1'
at w Lich they rase the call boxes in though he had Attained a loftier I 1 . Tyehi na Together with Tro- reenn, if t1 land of the Pharos- ing tahles� uonflil of whole flaxseed ' make a toy tea Ret, melding it owe)
their district. Iposition• ke kept intact,they some small article of the rigi,t
phlnnrs'le is in the party with Paid ohs was to he ,{shape. Give hien a pair of blunt
I in n pint And a half of cold water,
Fulfill thy ministry - (]ice faith- un the journey from Macedonia to looked round fee the best man for and Ix,il until reduced to one pint.. s -ssors to mil, with. we have seen
+ ful heed to every• phase of the work. I Jerusalem, although he is not men -the j„b. C'tnttactors from every ; c I
6. Already b ire ns ,9, trait► Rnd Add the juice of one one little tel get 8 great deal
g'i'••ung la,Iy The last bread igpro'rrhinptllmar- 'have comet ted the j arra+ltm Again.itay not tbutcintthcn hene world et.n,lirl enseted for '!arge or two small lemons and fun by peruadiing the older mernr
,t „f „u was st hard I •couldn't thinking of hi• a en utzh granulated or loaf sugar to
eat it. Baker (indignrinllc) --its rdorn, and describes it in terms ; we find him at Berns with Pani dur- ' selected. in c fleet he said : "/;ice Rice it a pleasant taste, and take 'fere r,f the family to make animals
"1oung lads. 1 sant yeti t., kiss, ;,.f the drink offerings of the Jews ing the first imprisonment. and me *I5,(lr}O,0(s), and 1 alit .,ee that for the menagerie, which resnItel
that 1 made bread before yeti nen, and heathen, poured out. upon their l.nuw that he was sent with the woo have the yen heat work.' a ate of it as occasion aidened.es, rrad i a laughter provoking collection
g1 sacrifice s. p s.apoAi • They 'relief will soon be obtained. Thio is inexpensive. clean, and
bo n.'' l'urrn Lade__ Oh. i don't s 7, e. At the lea ofhhis2lrfe•)he ` t� n to the at Ephesg us s and e let- i workand he kept his
Wall word,
f.' n,ar lr Glyeerinc• and lemon juice taken Petty harmless, and will pass away
doubt it. 1 think that was sire of1 P in equal ,reefs and thoroughly natty an otherwise fretful hour for
i' coo sold toe." look; hark upon his career as a ('olol(ar. Ttaditi,•u makes him a ; welltue, and had it been aecom mcrrd, is an other effective cough the little ronwalescent.
contest similar to those with which bishop. i plished by an Amcrienn his enter- : remedy, but it is a good plan to use
every inhabitant of home was fa- 1 13. The cloak ---.1 long. thick, up- , prising countrymen wu•11,1 have a compress in connection with any
The trouble with the ateraee tt,iliar. The g „ d fight is not that ',.er garment, which the approach of boomed it so loudly that it wonl•l (f the remedies, as ester pons ssca .1 +toinan rnake4 as mueh fuel
young man is that he ;inesn•t 'hank of h•uttle. but the strife of the : winter ('erre 21) would make most have been added to the won(lers of a string rernedinl wallie and is e!- abort ,netting her romplexion on
seriously of marriage until after 're I games. Remembering the words of ' grateful. I the world. As it was. firitishers re- ways a helpful adjunct t,, ether re t traixht as n man does about ger.
faces the parson. '4.s Lord, "It is finished," he coves I Carpus - Nothing further is garde(' it as all in the da)'s work. 'medias• tions his hair cut.