Exeter Advocate, 1909-12-09, Page 1SI to JANI ' 11-----tTry The Advocate Oihc will pay for The Advocate Iteltt/ For Wedding andaBu.i- r nese ,itionery and ...._ ( any subscriber living in Curds, fosters, Tickets, /� Rills, and ;all 1 kinds of Take .advantage of our / ( 1'r intinStg.' ow Club Rates • Type, Styles are the Best WENTY-THIRD YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9. 1909. SINDEI:S & CREEC.H The Old Reliable Great Clearing Sale of Ready -fade Clothing A $2,000 Stock of Clothing will positively be cleared to the last dollar before Xmas -so look sharp for bar- gains. 24 Men's Tweed Suite, regular $0.5') to $10.00 To ('leaf r.1.1+O 12 Men's Black and Blue Clay Worsted Suits, regular 88.50 to $12.00. .Cleaning at $0.60 14 Men's Black and Blue Serge, regular $0.50 and $7.50 To Clear $5.00 en's Heavy Dark Stripe Tweed Suits, newest cut, remittal 813.50 For $11.00 few only, Men's Tweed, at $11.0( and $10.(0), sizes 37. 3s, :tel and 40. These are all heavy, durable suits and of the newest styles and will be Cleared at $8.00 n's Double•Breaeted Tweed Suits, regular $10.00 and $1100 F'or $8.00 Men'a (':i, ul an Tweed Suits, Single•Breasted, regular $7.50 and 4‘ Clear ing at $6.00 Youths' in Tweeds and Worsteds, ranging from $500 to $10.00 To Clear 2.i` Off Boys Suits in Fancy Tweed, Single and Doable -Breasted, at Clearing Price 84.50 for $3 60-$4 (10 for $3.00 --$3.75 for $2.75 15 Bovs' Suits in Good, Heavy 'rweede To Clear at $1.00 23 Men's Overcoats, ranging from $5 00 to $12 00 To Clear at $3.00 Come early and get your first choice! Highest Prices Paid for Produce and Poultry, dead or alive! Butter 23c, Eggs 27c. trade; 26c cash. These prices subject to change. Dried Apples Gc per lb, Potatoes 50c per bag. CARLING BROS. F1, RETIRING FROM BUSINESS Co with the Crowd '� e row row to 146414114410041410041410004/00.10011414). tit R.N.Rowe's Great Clearing Sale fist of his entire stock of DRY GOOD -4, CLAMING, MAN'T'LE', FURS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HEAVY AND LIGHT RUB- BER, WALL PAPER ANI) LINOLEUMS- ALL COOD COODS We have the cleanest stock in town and must all be cleared out regardl (•ss of crest, as 1 tun giving up business. Highest Prices Paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE PHONE 2::1 -- ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST-OFFRIE reotetNl.mal Colds. MONET TO LOAN ON FARM AND VILLAGE Iva Pro rt' st lowers rates of int ERNPXT P-LLIOT, Ds O. 110ULtTON, L. D. D. Om(a OI•poelte Central hotel, Exeter, Ont. D/MTIST WE WANT Mutts. of the IL O. D. 1. of Ostarlo and Honor Oesdusts of Toronto University. 0111011: Over Dickson t Carllog s Law OfEce, fa De. Aaderson', former Dental Parlors. `DR. A. iL KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. 1.• H.sof graduate of Toronto Uafverlstr. DENTIST, tests a*Vscted without any pato, or any bad elects Vol foal and Winter months In Exeter and surrounding country an active re- liable agent to take orders for nursery stock. GOOD PAI' WEEKLY. OUTFIT FREE. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY Coo ACRES of tl.c clie:(est nursery stock which you Ods. over Diadems t etanhury's office, Maio street re II direct to your customers. This In lls.ler, one of the advantages our men have over jobber°. We guarantee the delivery of Modica) trees In 000I) CONDI'"ION and Ur' TO El A BRIGiIT. M. D., le C. P. t S , HONOR e, Graduate of Toronto University, Two years resident ph ,ician Moja) Alexandra Ho.1-sal, eta,. Ole. anddencs, Dr. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew !WO , 616TER. ( nit. A. T. IwNU, TORO\To, POST GRALJUA21: LJ of New York foot Graduate College, succe nor ISo practice an.1 ofR•e of Dr. A. F. Malloy, Andrew Exeter. 11IIII u DR. T. P. MoLAL'OHLIN Has resumed practice after spending *year (Col lege) K Defies ies and Continental Hospitals. General practice with .pedal attention to E)e, (with refrac- tion) Ear Noe* and Throat. Omcv: Dashwood, lot. Legal. DICKSON a CARLING, BARRISTER'+, BOLiCI ton, Notaries, l_'Jnr e) an, ere. ccuaLlM'cners Solicitors for Molsone Rank, et.•. Mousy to Lime at lowest rate@of !unreal Mees, Main street, Exeter, 1. II. Casioi., d.A . L H. teases lirl R O IiIT TO LORA. r owe have a large soount of prl, ate funds to loan s farm sod singe properties et low rates of inter ens/. OLADMAN t STANBt'RT,t Barrister', Soflcltors,kftin .1 Ewer on B. S. PHILLIPS, Exit -rim. LIc.as.d *sett Pelee attended le alt parts. Ratiafartion gaaran• Med or no pay. Term. reas.-nahl.. All orders lift et Advocate 001:e wa; se promptly attended to. J. SENIOR `Agent Confederation Life Assurance Jompany, also Fire Insurance in lead. iD$ Canadian and British Companies. Main -St.. Exeter. L1CF.NSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANDEL.SJN. L!. cr.sed Au(fiot.e••r for I I uron Cou its. Terni rtanor all". 1)a ,a can be made at ate Advo -ate. Fxr'ce or henry i1IDer's Ottice. Cred- Iton. s - (' )N1 RACT GRADE. µ'Ate for rartle- ular,r- l'ELIIAM NL1LSERY CX)., T011- ° 731'0, (-INT. Please tncn:lon this paper. FARM FOIL SALE. 100 acre farm In Usb roe, two and one hall milts from Exeter, .also a br1!k house on ;fair, -street. Exeter. and a car- load of gtten cedar posts. ". M. M. IILATCIIFORD FO11 SALE Cbttagc and three lots in Exeter, being iota Nos. 55, 56, and 57. on the South elle of Slrncoe Street. On this property Is a frame cottage brie e (brick toundatlon)con talnh,g five rooms and a good cellar. Also a good well and a large arable. Good garden and fruit trcee. The pro- perty Is to be sold to wind up the Estate -Apply to OLIDMAN & STANRL'RY. Barristers, Exeter, Ontario. ESTRAY STEER T . re carne onto tt.e premises of the r ,dcrsigncd. Lot 20, Con. 15. Stephr.-,, )1 or Wore the let of September. a -.sung stet". Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses, ALEN. WiLDS, Dashwood P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. („lolee hundred acre farm. being Lot t, Con. 1. Usborne, London Road, 3.4 :isle' from Cie -.trans, 3 miles front Ex- eter. On the premises there is erected , good brick houseall conveniences, Lege book Lara 80,145. flnl.hed in 'Best Imyroved style ; drive house. good )retard, never failing water. wen In barn and house. 12 s^vee tall wheat. Ail plowing done. It not sold prlvate:y n l or before the 20 day of Dec. wilt to •old by public auction at a date to to ';v.l later. Easy t.rnu of payne:it. 1 r terms a:id particulars apply to Jae. tlandford. prop.. Centralia, or to T. Oameron, auctioneer, Farquhar P. 0. CItEIITON. GRAND BEND Mrs. Geo. Feltner. who was taken it in Winnipeg some time ago. has re turned huwe and we are {{pleased t, learn that she has improved consider- ably. --The Dramatic Concert Corn - pony, which gare a concert in the hall on Monday evening, didn't meet with a very good reception and were at a loss financially. -Ed. Worm has bought out a livery business in Zurich and will move to the neighboring town in the near future. \Ve wish him every suc- cess in this business ventare.-Mr. and Mrs. Keys of Parkhill were guests of Mr. and Mts. Jas. Lawson Friday.-- Dr. McCue Ras returned house from Toronto after attending his brother, who was taken ill there. -Our merch- ants are beginning to decorate their stores foe' the Xmas trade. Business' has become quite brisk. If our people will do their Xnias shopping a little earlier they will get a better choice and besides save the merchants and clerks a great deal of worry and anx- iety. -Miss Bender of Zurich visited her sister, Mrs. llowald, last week.- Young Bros. are placing a McClary furnace in the Evangelical Parsonage. -Misses Alma Hill and Rose Itoesaler spent Saturday in London. -Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Haist visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Sweitzer Sunday. -We are sorry to learn that Fred Finkbeiner still continues in poor health. His many friends hope there will soon he a turn for the better. -Mrs. Dan. Coughlin of Centralia visited her daughter. Mrs. (Dr.) McCue Ha tutday, -Exeter plumb- ers are doing some work for Aug. Hill and in the ronma over Iloltzman's shop for the rooms which will he used sly the Bank of Commerce staff. -We are glad to state that Mrs. Howald, who was taken suddenly ill last week, is recovering and we trust she will regain her health soon. -Last Friday evening, more than one of our citizens wished a constable was at hand to take the young men in hand whowere using profanity to tt shocking degree. This state of affairs is reaching a stage when something should he done and that pretty soon, The v 1I Mr. R. Sanders of Exeter was here . hunting this week. -Fred Page and licet Jos. O• •tare smiling, to the former' wife a boy and the latter•'s a girl, both on Dec. 2nd. -Mr. A. Baker of the 11 line visited at Arkona Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilds of Hay visited at Mrs. Allister's last Friday.-Meeere. Jos. and Ed. 0111 visited at Arkona Thursday and Friday. -Jonas Green gave the young peuple a dance Thurs- day might. - FAI1QUIIAtt The body of the late Archie McCur- dy, ..f whose death we made mention last week, was brought here from Is- ley, Alta., on Monday and taken to the home of his father, Mr. Thos. Mc- Curdy, tjshotn(-, from where the fu el al took place to Kirk ton ceniete on Tuesday afternoon. The since sympathy of the community for t relatives and their regret at the s death, welt! evidenced by the ve large attendance at the funeral. i 111DDULl'll Mauritius -The marriage was p formed by Rev. Carlisle of Lucan. Dec. 8th, at high noon at the residen of Mr. Joseph Armitage, of Miss Al Carter to Mr. Percy Armitage both Biddulph. Miss Mildred Carter, sist of the bride. acted as bridesmaid wh M r, Labanah Hodgins was grontuema The bride was dressed in white si and the brideatnaid in blue silk. T groom's present to the bride was handsome gold bracelet, and to t bridesmaid a beautiful pearl limos After congrs'ulstions and a weddi dinner the young couple left for T ronto and other points for a short tri The Advocate j.611-: in wishing t young couple all pi o.perity and haps ness. C'ENTRALIA Thos. Willis, our butter maker. moving into F. Abbott's house, take rnum for 1Ir. Quint.on, who ecided to move from his farm in 1 .erne to our village. -Mrs. A. Broo nil Mrs. lnd.•rson spent Friday ixeter with Mrs. llirne•y.-F, Abbo n- ry re he ad ry e r - on ce ma of er Ile u. Ik be a he h. ng p. he is to as ks in tt instead of raising themselves to ale standard of respectability. are lower- ing thenl.eltes so that it is a disgrace to to a village such as ours. Cut it out, boys !-Mrs. A. Haist had a birthday i pat ty at her hone one day last week. Her children were in attendance and all had a jolly reunion. We congrat- ulate Mrs. Htatst on having passed another milestone in the path of tittle and trust her health will he spared to live many more years in our midst-- Mr. and Mrs. John Sweitzer spent Sunday with Mr. and Sire. W, Dearing of Exeter. -The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church gave their bazaar in the Church Thursday evening. it was a great success financially. The receipts amounting to over $11.1. The basement was beautifully decorated and different booths were placed, where the ladies in charge sold their wares at fabulous prices. The Fancy Work Booth was in charge of Mrs. %wicker and Mrs. (Rev.) Hicks; the Confectionery, by Mrs. Nicholson and Mrs. Clark; the Farmers,' by Mrs. Hill and Mrs. McMurray. Lunch r'erved, all did justice. Congratulations,Ladiea. WINCE SEA Milton Clark spent a few days in London la'it week. -Geo. Godholt and wife spent Sunday wsth Mrs. J. Cald- well, Heneall.-Mia. Hilda Gunning of Whalen spent a few days this week with Miss Lulu Godbolt.-The many friends of Mrs. Matthew Routley will he glad to hear that she is improving after a severe illness, -Roy Coward underwent an operation for appendi- citis on Sunday and is doing as well as can he expected. STRAYED 011 STOLEN A black and tan hound, with white breast. Called ' Rack". Party 10101 -11 - leg dog will be rewarded. THOS. EDW'ARDS, Crediton East P.O. DOG LOST 111,c,, and tat. houol. not very large, lost 1n bitty swamp on Etc. 4th. Re- ward for return or Information.iIENatY GOULD, Exeter. HOUSE POR BALE Lots 34 and 37 Huron street In the valag_ of Exeter; brick house, kitchen :oat wood shed . ha Td and soft water ; large drain house and stables. Tills 1s a nice convenient home, and must and will be sold to close an estate. it not sold privately on or before the 19th Dccemb:r it wail bt sold by public auction at the Central Hotel. Exeter, on December mat at 2 o'clock, p.m. For terns end particular@ apply to Wni. & A. Hodge•rt, executors, or to Thomas Cameron. aunt., F'aryuhar P. 0. TAX NOTICE 1 will bo at the Town halt each Fri- day and on December lith, 13th and 14th, from 9 a. n1. to 5 p. m. for the collet tion of taxes. Kindly bring the right change. W. .1. DIS.9ETT, Collector. FO11 SALE Small. seco:.d-hand fruit evaporator for domestic use. Cheap. S. J. HOGARTII, Exeter. FAR( POR SALE 71 acres of farm land 1n the village of Exeter. 13 acres In fall wheat, fall plowing nearly finished, well fenced. well dralr,ed and watered; good 1 1-2 storey brick house, containing 9 living rooms, hard and soft water in the house; good barn, number of fruit trees. situate Mort!, of thexc station road. Etcr For particulars apply to JOHN HAWK - SHAW. Proprietor, or 11. 8. )'TIILLli•S. h act iv neer. qu s ite ill and under the doctor•' --Miss Lily Elliott has gone to Toronto to take a course of training in vocal music. -«'e are only voicing the senti- ments of the entire community when we say that we wish Will Fraser and his bride it prosperous, bright and hap- py wedded life. The young lady of his choice was Miss Clara E. ('udwortt of Exeter and the marriage took place at the home of her father on Thursday. "Billy" is a lolly good fellow arid well liked and highly esteemed herr anti we sorry to lose hire, but what is our lose is Exeter's alike -Miss Norris of StalTa pr( sided at the pine() S.mday with event efficiency.- -Rev. W. Wat- son of Elittnyillecircuit preached in the Methodist church here on Sunday and delivered t o excellent discourses.--- Preparations are being made for the Sunday School anniversary on the loth and 20th inst.-Immense quantities of fowl have ieen placed in cold storage by the Parsons•I)avia ('o. this fall, and from time to time being shipped to the west, -Wan. Elliott, since his re- turn from the West, has been busy buying horses to ship out to that coun- try where he has great financial inter- ests. --Elijah ('niwill has built an ad- dition to his house, erected a new ve- randah and otherwise improved and beautified his home, making it one of the neatest and niost attractive in the village. --After the 1st of January we are likely to put on municipal airy, be- ing incorporated a police village. --Mise Fledit Baker now of Pieter is giving lessons in music to a class of juveniles every Saturday, --Miss Laura Butt spent a few days of last week visiting friends in London. 1. tt . Uul'1,1: ELELTI:1 IN NORTHM I UDLESEX. J. W. Doyle, Conservative, was elected Monday as member tor North Middlesex for the l'rovloclal Legislature with a majority of 96 over W. J. Mitchell the Liberal candidate. The contest was a h•(rd 0110 and the carupalgn was one of t!.oroug:i canvassing on both sides. ito'n 01011 were well to own and popular. Mr. Mttchtll's majorities were-Alisa Graig 29, Adelaide 1:.. 8tsathroy 36. E. Wil - llama 107, W. Williams 59, total 280. Mr. Doyle', rnaJorltice were-Rlddulph, 165, Luau 79. McGillivray 55, Metcalfe 46, Parkhill 11, total 376. BIRTHS fags-At Grand (lend, on Dec. 2. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page. a son. Oliver -at Grand Rend, on Dec. 2, M• and Mrs. .toe Oliver, a daughter. Kerry -At 1larpley, oil Dec. 4. to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kenny, twin daughters. Williams -In Exeter North, on Nov. 28 to Mr. sad Mr., James Williams, a 800. English -1n Crediton, on Nov. 21, to Mr. and airs. John English, a son. Strang. --Lt Tuck<rsmfth. on Nov. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. James Strong, a ,gm. Pickard. -in Scaforth, on Nov. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. waiter- Pickard. a son. Sproat. -in Tuekcrsmlth. on Nov. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Sproat, a son. MA 1E1AGE8 Fraser.-Cudn,orc-in Exeter, on Dec. 2 William J. Fraser, to Miss Clara Cud - more. daughter of Mt. Oro. Cudnlore, all of Exeter. Arnt'tage-Cartet-in Plddulph, on i>c•e. 8. Mr. Perry Armitage to Mina Alma Carter. DEATIi8 Fr•ayrte.-ln nit •(r, on Dec.01h. Robert F'rayrie, aged 88 years. to months. Funeral Indefinite. taqu^s.-In t'eborne. Dec. 3rd. Wllllarn ,fa•tu"s, aged 73 years. 6 months, 18 days. lturnsidc.-At ilayfic h, Nov. 24, Thomas Le 'lie Burnside, aged 20 years. Marshall -1n Clinton, Nov. 24. Henry Marshall, aged 77 years. A Big Consignment of g New and Up -to -Date Clothin arrived this week. Some Rare Values. Dressy New Black Overcoats. Swell Tweed and Worst- ed orsted effects. Some good service and dressy Suits, a large assortment. New Shirts, Ties & Caps. Boots and Shoes. The best place in town to buy Christmas Gifts for Men A beautiful CLOCK or WATCH given FREE to our customers. SANDY BAWDEN XMAS STOCK The Most Complete Ever Shown in Exeter Watches Clocks Jewellry Cut Glass Hand Painted China Silverware S. JEWELER FittonOPTICIAN Wedding Rings and Marriage Licenses Our Furniture is the Favorite of Christmas Shoppers Talk as you like, there is nothing sun take the place of Furniture in the esteem of gift -givers. Nothing else is so serviceable -nothing else reminds one of the giver every day in the year as Furniture does. For reasons of newness and variety and all round goodness, we ask you to do your choosing from this stock of outs. You can't buy under our prices for our goods. in all respects this store stands ready to offer you Furniture cert- ainties. Cht istrnas shoppers are requested to make it a point to at least see how well we are prepared to make their shopping satisfactory. To -day isn't a bit too soon to get interested! • 1f JAMES BEVERLEY Leading Undertaker and Embalmer Reliable Stoves and Ranges Big assortment on hand Wool Heaters, new and second hand Coal and Wood Heaters ....from Garland Heaters with Oven Souvenir ° 11 up to $5,00 $15.00 to $17.00- $34 00 to $46.00 Ims. Oxford Ranges e ' s wlth Reservoir. Garland - „ National S. 1IVenirs a • $46.00 .825.0 to . G14. 0 _ 00 3300 •• 46.0°- 32.00 6.0032.00 55.0n0 :;7 .11 - f)0.00 • Also, Second Hand Wood Cooks and Ranges on hand. Axes from 90c to 81.25 " Handles X•cut Sawa complete X -cut M 65c " 1.25 4 25 4 50' Handles, Gauges and Saw Sets. Filed and Wedges. A¢AMAN'S HARDWARE & STOYB STORR Use the Genuine SCRANTON COAL'