HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-18, Page 8THERE'S SOME CLASS
to riot.,,,:allured by us. Doesn't look
like a uniform that everybody is wear-
or light top coat for wear during U:e
cool eve!ti.ge about due. You won't
have to be told about the eupericrlty of
cur clothing when you sea and wear it.
You'll have the feel of beir.g well dress-
ed, which only first -clava tailoring can
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Rosiness locals -- Read Them
1.96 tlae pair for the new filo-Nap-
Blankets. They're good. Stewarts.
TWO FOR 25 CENTS. -For the rcrnark-
ably low price of 25c. we will send the
to the end of 1909. Subneribe now and
get the full benefit of this very low club.
iii, for solid comfort Underwear for
men, worsen and children, Stewarts is
the spot.
WANTED -An experie:.ced housekeeper.
References required. Good wages. Apply
G. W. Harrison, Canadian Bank of Com-
merce. Exeter. -_-
Men's and Boys' Sweaters and Sweat-
tr Coats. new colors and special-raiues-
MONEY FOUND. -A aunt of money on
Saturday. Oct. :loth. Owner can have
sane: by proving ownership and paying
for this nteice, by calling at Carling
'Bros. Store.
Ladies' and Girls' Tailor-Made.Coats
-big stock, Hy values, latest styles -
For style, quality and value in Ladies'
J•'ur-Lined Coats, Stewart has the other
fellows all treed.
When you want any article of mtrchan
dice buy it of a reputable home dealer,
that the profit may rennin to entiett
the community. Send your stoney
abroad only for what you cannot pur-
chase at hon*. Home talent, home la-
bor, home industry, home capital, and
home pleasures are things to be foster
ed. encouraged and patronized.
If you want to see a dandy lot of new
Pinner Sets -about 50 to pick fro►n-
lust drop in to Stewart's.
sUItsCI1113E for the Advocate and
get all the newts.
1'nr genuine waterproof grain Calf
Sehoul and Wearing Boots and Shots,
"Ahrens" can't be beat. Stewart.
CONCERT. -The Concert, which has
been arranged for Friday evening, 26th
Inst.. 1 i the Opera Hoare. under the awe
pices of the choir and officers of Caren
Presbyterian church promises to be one
of the best held In Exeter for sometime.
Not only has the committee been able to
secure Master Douglas Stapbury of Tor
onto. whose singing so delighted the peo
pie o! itoc-.e•ster last month. but they
hove alsoengaged
sweet villianha Elliott
of (!antral,.
yet been ht.trd in public here. In addi-
tion the best favorites of Exeter will be
added to t ie. program, making It one of
epeclal merit. Plan of Hall at Cole's
Drug Store.
all your Dried Apples, Potatoes,
Brlalls, Butter, Eggs and Poultry to
SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and
get all the news.
behind a suit is not confin-
ed to other clothing estate
liebmente. There's a love-
lineee about our garments
that will simply delight all
who come to us -that's so.
For a Nice
Tailor -Made
this shop has a
good reputation
Let us make
Merchant Tailor. E
refer ssWrss�141ssess
A !!:.e kr-I( ia smoke stark Itas bee.. or -
tel at t... creamery.
'U.9Y >li ., :e N'cr,!+ !r eonfh,ei to loci'
roost through illness. Iter many friends
hope for her speedy recovery.
'4r. a• d MIA. F. W. (Ladino:: enter-
tained a number of their friends last
Wedrlevday evening at their horse.
An avaembly with the London Harpers
fun.Istang the moan, was held in Vc-
Donell's Hall o!t Friday night last.
Many Fatter people were Interested in
the marriage that took place in Toronto
recently, when Rev. Dr. McDonagh was
married to Mies Annie M. Ross.
A total eclipse of the noon, visible
tare, will take place on the 27th of
Nov. The eclipse commences at 1.12 a.
:n.. ar,d lasts until 6.38. being total at
Mr. Jacob F'inkbeiner. who has been
off duty at t he Commercial for two
weeks owing to a heavy cold, is spend-
ing a few days at his horse in Crediton
in the hope of recovering.
Mr. L. C. Fleming has been appointed
one of the editors of 'Mural Manhood,"
a Y. M. C. A. Magazine printed hi ,New
York. Mr. F'len,ing's field comprises
'lain, Vermont. Illinois and Ontario.
Mr. George Powell received the news
Friday evening of the serious illness
of his brother John 11. Powell of Wood
stock. with no hope of his recovery. Mr.
Powell left for that place on Saturday.
.The local Y. M. C. A. re -opened their
rooms in Senior's Hall for the winter
Monday night. The resident n11:,is-
tere were present and earn gave a short
address to the members and others who
were present.
The home bred boy le regarded by
his f ldcre as a boy unto he begin.' to
go down the hill of life Ino the sere
and yellow of old age, wnite the strang-
er who conies Into a place 1. often
pushed ahead much faster than toe boy
who l:as grown up with the town,. This
la one reason why bel. ;Ike to leave
their home town.
When the dust is on the counter and
the cobwebs on the shelf, and there's
no one in the store but your own dis-
heartened self, and your stock ie getting
shelf -worn and everything looks stale
and bill. enough are coming In to make
a banker pale. Oh, then's the time a
fellow le a feeling kind o' blue, and is
puzzzied with the thought of the proper
thing to do. In such a situation but
One remedy applies. If you want to get
tee ' •'Vonare you've got to advertise.
The Clifford Express of last week con-
t ,l.. t' a following ;- 'The death took
111.' A• Etc -ter on Tuesday last week
jf all. T!.o9. Snail. stepfather of Miss
An•,, Sander.. our type -setter. On ac•-
cou.it of t`:1. circumstance Miss Sanders
may not return until after New Year,
or not at all. We regret the lose of
the most faithful employe we have ever
had. miss Sanders will also be missed
to the Methodist church where she took
an active part In the Sunday school.
League and choir, as well as by other
The south side or Sanders street be-
tween Main and William has been great-
ly improved by the owners of the pro-
perty alongside, Messrs. J. G. Jones and
W. H. Levett, who have had the ground
outside the walk rounded up and sodded.
Such improvements to our street are to
be commended. as they aaelet a great
gait in beautifying the town and en-
hancing the value of property. Many
other owr.tr$ have also improved the
fronts of their propertite, some of those
particularly noteworthy being the town
clerk. Mr. Jos. Senior. and the chief
oonetabtc. Mr. W. J. Itieee tt,
A pleasant evening was spent on Mon-
day of last week at the home of Mr.
and lairs. W. Sweet, London Road mouth
when a number of the relatives arrd
friends gathered at the invitation of Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Hawks of Prescott.
Wash., Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wallace, of
iVa'tsburg. Wash., and air. and Mrs.Srint
mel of Waitsburg, all of whpnt gave
been enjoying the hospitality of reiatives
In this vicinity for some weeks. The
visitors from the United States were the
hosts and hosteeres of the evening and
everything was done In the real old Am-
erhan style. Mr. and Mrs. Hawks and
51,. and airs. Wallace have since re-
iur e,t to their homes in the West.
Ti a Y. M. C. A. Physical Training In-
eil!ute held In Stratford last Friday was
attended by a good representation of
the countice of Huron and Bruce, and
a moat Interesting and profitable day
le reported. The :naln thence a! tee f ro
grant was the various forma of p ,\ s-
teal .xercioes and games t:1at au be
carried on in a large room without the
use of gymnastic apparatus. Each ohs
whc attended took away with him a
good stock of Ideas and suggestions and
a good list of p'tystcal activities whir!.
they will try to work out in the physi-
cal departments of the lo:al associations
during the coming winter, it is Ex-
pected that similar Institutes will be
held later on for tale Religious. Educa-
rinnal and Social Departments.
%crsary eclvlees of the IIeL,eed.t 'Moh-
o/list r!,urch will be hell on Sunday.
November 20, Rev. It. flicks of Cr.dl-
tort will preach 1n the afternoon at 2 At•
nand in the evening at 7. when a free-
µ ill offerl:tg will be taken , Special
state at totit services Rev. E. A. Fear.
IIIC'K`i' F011F•CASTS.-A reactionary
,:'ornr period is central on the 23. 24
,t id 25. This period embraces the
Noone passage across the equator on
tie 23, and Moon's perigee on the 2",.
Full Moon, or Morn's opposltbOn with
earth and Sun. is only a day or two
later on the 27. Little consideration as
!uts been given to t'ie part the moon
slays in our weather. PS well as other
•e'reettial phenomena, patient and long
,hgervation will convince any unbiased
re rson that our satellite cannot be ig-
,oted. or that some of the most tetti-
fi, perturbatloris of our Earth end air
are closely rel ted to the periodic abas-
es and conditions of the moon. Restless
and threatening weather will .nark fide
reactionary period. Fitful gusts of rain
old winds and occasional sleet and
,nuw squalls will be general results.
Children Cry
Vias Mara returned to iter home .,
Lucan Saturday.
51,. henry Smith was in Whitby ,.
few days ti.la week.
Mr. and 51rs. Shirley Nobler and fac.-
ily spent Sunday in London.
Mr. Norman tlodgcrt of Lo:tdon le
+:Onto o•, a visit, arriving Saturday.
\ire. R. N. Itowe visited her daag. -
ter Miss Ida in St. Maria over Sundai
Mrs. Wilson of Toronto was the guest
of airs. E. A. Folllck Friday and Sat-
Sir. Frani?' 13awde!t of Toronto le here
visiting !.he parents, Mr. and ah•s. 1'.
Ra w den.
Mr. Reg. Elliot, after a short visit at
old home herr, returned Saturday to
Miss Matthews, who has leen visiting
her sister, airs. S. Fitton, fur a month,
returned to Toronto Saturday evening.
Mrs. Livingstone. after spending the
mummer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Hawkel:!:aw, returned to \illver-
ton Saturday.
Mr. Mf Davidson of Mancelona,
after attending the mar -'age of his sla-
ter .1t London, spent Wednesday and
Thursday with old friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dignan and Vr.
and airs. James Dignan attended the
funeral on Tuesday of Mr. William 55.
Dignan, who died at his home to Hay
township on Sunday last.
At tt.e auction sale Tuesday of me
property and effects of air. J. Reodic.
the tome on Andrew street was baug.tt
re Mrs. Wm. Southcott for $1775.
,5rnohe those from a distance
tending the funeral of the late J 1.11.'0
Westcott, were Mrs. Westeotl and soli
('rank and daughter, alto.' Ila of )-l.t:-
1.... Mar.. air. and Mrs. Tilos. Oke of
Mr. Samuel Cobblediek, one of the best
known, and most highly respected resi-
dents of Exeter. passed away at his
late residence, Albert Street on Sat-
urday morning last. Full particulars of
hie lite will he given next week.
The ladles of the churches of town
have derided to tender the banquet to
the Laymen's Missionary Movement Con
ventiou to he held in Exeter Noventber
30th. ALL the ladies willing to assist
are requested to meet at 7.30 Friday
evening ht the Town Hall.
Mfr. Clarence Easterbrook of Ottawa
a former esteemed Eaetet young man
son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Easterbrook,
Huron street, was married on the 9th
Inst. to Miss Minerva Simpson. Mr.
and Mrs. Easterbrook are now un a
honeymoon trip and Hamilton, and be -
:ore returnurg to settle down to the
sterner realities of life will spend a few
days wits relatives and friends here.
The Advocate extends beet wishes and
ro„gratultllorts for their future trappl-
negs and p'•Osi-cii;y.
\\-bile the dust is rolling up in
clouds on other streets to -day, Queee's
Sao ire pre.aente a remarkable contrast.
Tite oil placc3 oil t to road yesterday
is already proving its worth. There Is
'vbgolutcly no duat and the while
square presents a very clean appear-
ance. Toe odor of the .,'l has uintost
completely disappeared and the resl-
dentq of the vieleity are nt)re than
satisfied with the rceui'e of the oiling
test. F'ron, present indications the oil-
ing of the streets in Galt next year
would do away entirely with the street
sprinkling problem -Galt Reporter.
anniversary and tea-rlceting of Janes
street Methodist church, Exeter. will be
hold on Sunday and Monday. November
21st and 2211d. On Sunday Rev. Dr.
Dougall of Qo•1eri:h will preaehat 10.30
a. rt1. and 7 p. ni. Piles Mina Taylor.
soprano soloibt of King street Presby-
terian church, London, will assist the
chelr. Thank offering and collection on
behalf of Trusts^ hoard. On Monday
evening from six to eight o'^lock an ofd
fanhtor•ed Tea. for which the church has
become famous, will be served in the
Lecture room, after which a select pro-
gram v ill he given in the Auditorium.
Dr. Dougall, Miss Taylor and Miss De-
lght Hobbs, Violin Soloist, together
with the resi.lcnt ministers of the town
will contribute to the entertainment.
Tic leets for tea and entertainment 25c.
r'.tllt'ren under 12, 15e,
IBS ONE 1'itICE ExCrElt f3AI:•
GAIN STORE. -The •tore will be :los...1
o n Friday nut. the 19ta. lay of No-
vember in order to arrange t:'.e st 1t k
for a Cleating out batgain sale. AS .vc
ir•tend to sell out the Dry Goods. R.tady-
nmade Clothing and Gent's Furels',.;.g
Stock and open out a Boot and S,.oe
Store ttrlusively. The store will he
open agate at nine o'clock on Saturday
morning when the Great NIS Bargee)
Sale will eontntence ; and this selling
out sale will continue all next week.
REMEMBER the afore will be closed
Friday prepart•,g tot the big • vent,'so
WATCH FOR IT. WAIT t':rlt IT. for
at this yart:rular tint. of the year ev-
erytody requites their winter clouting.
All the stock must be eieared out by
the end of ne-t week to make room for
a Big Stock of Lt(JOTS AND SI(OE3. We
have *leo adopted the One -Price iota -
tem so that a child can buy as cheap
as any customer that comes in the
.tore. Attend the Bargain Sale and
get an Up -To -Date overcoat or a crack-
ing tine quit of clothes.
Exeter, 1eth November. 1909.
ANNIVERSARY. -The Main St. eleth-
odts( church anniversary was held last
Sunday and the services were attended
by large eohgregatlo:,s, particularly In
the evening. The preacher was Rev. Dr.
Rutledge of Winghant. who preached ex-
cellent sermons. Int he evening the sub-
ject was 'flow to Live", the text being
found in Second Timotny. 2.15, 'Siudy
to .hew thyself approved unto God. a
workman that ncedeth not to he asham-
ed." Front this subject he gave a very
excellent discourse. which was highly
pleasing and instructive. Throughout he
made a strong point of man living so
that he himself would b, satisfied with
hie lite. Mr. 3. C. Pink, soloist of Lon-
don. who is no stranger 'o Exeter aud-
ttraes. asafsted the choir. and sang sev-
eral eecellent selections, which were
much appreeisted. Trac receipts were
really 4.t7n•
Pear bleats road Warm
TM Kit Yee Hsn Ahays lased
Bears the
Signature of •,
Wheat 1 02
Barley 48 50
Oats, 34 3n
Peas ,5 80
Potatoes, per bag 50
Hay, per ton 12 00 13 W
Flour, per cwt., family 2 75
Flour, low grade per cw 1 50 1 55
Butter .'•.'
Eggs 24
Live bogs, per cwt 790
Shorts per ton 28 00
Bran per ton 21 00
Wool 17 18
Of Household Furniture.
11. 8. Phillip, Licensed Auctioneer, hu recehed
instructions from Pr. A. F. Malloy to sell lar Public
Auction at
His Residence on Andrew St., on
SATURDAY, NOV. 27TH, 1909,
at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp, the following property, yiz:
2 bedroom suites, 2 bedroom sett. of china, 1 bed•
stead, 2 mattresses, 2 set of bed springs, 1 dining
room table, 1 kitchen fable, 2 dressing tables, 1 set•
tee,1 leather couch, 1 hall mirror, 1 sideboard, 1 set
of dining room chain, 3 rocking chairs, 1 arm chair,
1 lounge, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 chest of drawers, 1
range, 1 base•burner, 1 coal oil stove, 2 linoleum*, 1
parlor carpet, 1 dining root, carpet, 1 stair carpet, 1
suit case, 1 lardlnere stand, 1 lawn mower, 2 galvan-
ized wash tuba, 1 clothes ringer. lamps, dishes, seal•
en and a lot of other useful articles too numerous
to mention.
All roust lie sold as the Dr. is leaving town.
e- P• Phillips Dr. A. P. Malloy
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
Can only be gotten from the best flour
-The following brands are unexcelled
-Try • hundred seat time you bake--
JEWELL (Ontario Blended)
5 ROSES (Lake of Woods)
PURITY (Western Canada Flour leftist
I save your order. or call op
Phone 2.
R. G. Seldon, Exeter
ILA!' ldkrdcikAlbt k
1 Manure litters 1
Beatty Bros.' Feed
and Litter Carriers
Overhead Conveyors. . 10
Beatty Bros.' Steel
Stalls & Stanchions
can be installed as cheap ms
lumber and last forever.
1 Beatty Bros.' Load
Tbeee three things are great
Tabor -savers for farmers and ne-
cessities on a farm.
For sale by
Wm. Gillespie, Exeter
PBons 51
iiswiirmy viler wispier
Here'sood News
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is the old reliable
firm -M. JACKSON & SON -one
door south of the Metropolitan.
Just look at the followiog prices
(no trade and no truck) all CASH:
Rags 75c per hundred
Iron from'60c to 75c
Old Rubber Boots).. 7c per lb
& Shoes
Copper & Brass 9c
Horse Hair 30c "
Lead and Zinc 2 is "
A great •ariet) of iron pipe
always on hand at a resses•
able price, suitable for
M. Jackson & Sons
Is what we give you on tha flour, ques-
tion. if acted on, you'll have fresh.
sweet flour and bread that will build
you up and preserve your health.
at this place is newly vote
feat Al wheat. ar,d Is sold at a
that commends ltstlf. For good
anteed fiour. buy it here.
P. r. W:.eat and Oat. 'wanted.
AOLR 14ANrP.1MTl'RRRA Heail viarterti for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
Ku tr
Cooking •�
a Success
on PANDORA Ranges
on PANDORA Ranges
If you didn't see the Cooking Demonstration
at this store this week, we will be pleased to have
you call and examine the range. We know you
will be delighted with its excellent baking qualities
-but then, that's just the kind of Res we keep.
If you see the Demonstration
tbie week, we will pleased to have
you call examine the know you
be with its excellent baking qualities
-but then, that's just the kind of goods we keep.
Remember the Name ---
Rowe & Atkinson
Bear in mind that at their store is the
place to buy FURNITURE. We have
a fresh car load in now and every-
thing will be found at the RIGHT
PRICE to SUITE the purchaser.
Give them a call .,.
Undertaking and Embalming a Speeality
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Good News For This Week ! Are
You Ready for the Cold Weather ?
No Better Place to Go Than Right Here
For Your Winter Wearables 1
We are well prepared with all the vice, warm goods to keep you com-
fortable for the cold snap that is coming sure. (3et busy, drop in and
see our tempting array.
A $12.50 Ladies' Jacket for $10.00
This is a very "Special " Coat, made of first-class cloth in the
very latest styles. Several cute to pick from and comes in Black, Blue
or Green.
Other Good Coats, $14, $15, $16.
Our Mies's' and Children's Coats are the best we have ever shown.
for the Cold Weather
Nice, Real Down Comforters
with Plain or Fancy Sateen
Coverings in Beautiful Colors.
The very test goods. Cotton
and Wool -filled Comforters, all
colors, for
82 to $3
Blankets Galore!
You sbculd buy your 'ripply
now and be all ready. First -
Class Wool Blankets,
The Best Canadian Makes
from $3 to $7
Shaker Blankets in Grey or
Wbite, all sizes.
Desirable Dress Goods
47c Yd,
54 inrh Panama
('loth. good heavy
weight. colors hl cc k.
blue, brown ,•a may,
Something extra.
50c Yd.
Plain or Striped
`+•.tin nr Venetian
('loth. Tbis is one
t•f ()elf leaders and it
well looking after.
Ise 5.1. bt
75c Yd,
This buys some of
our test Plain or
Striped Suitinge. All
the new goods and
shades shown at this
Good for
Men &Women
We are Sole Sellers of
this Line in Exeter !
The Overalls bearing this
Railroad King ticket are the
only overalls made in Canada
of imported American denim,
fast color and practically non-
Ten Cents a Button
Twenty -fire Cents a Rip
For every button tbatcomee
off one of the Rail -Road King
or Mechanic King Overalls
we will give you ten cents,
and for every rip in a seam
we will give you a quarter of
A dollar, within 30 days from
date of purchase.