HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-18, Page 7!night-attack ck (it wilwindicatex the��VEWtOUNDLAND 'TONIC TREATMENT g FOR INDIGESTIONI Vanle te ofttheir wsraarehtlights-s to `pew by PAYS TRIBUTE Airships, too. are to play a great part in future natal warfare. Of RemEdits That Digest the Food the future of the aeroplane nothing Rill Not Cure the Trouble -- The Stomach lust be Fitted to do Nature's Work. torus' treatment for indiges- tie, dcl:pepsia, catarrh of the bto- wach and gastritis is having re- markable success in curing obstin- Lc cakes and deserves attention wrfrom every sufferer. Its principal is that remedies for Indigestion that digest the food for the stomach give relief for only a short time. Ultimately they unfit the stomach to du its own proper work, because they make its a1= ready weak powers still weaker by disuse, while the remedy that •trcngthens the stomach snakes it cal,able "f digesting the food for it- self. and this benefit is lasting. A remedy that is not only a tonic for the stomach, but for the blood and so rues as well, invigorates the en- tire est -tern and makes recovery from the painful, weakening effects of indigestion rapid and thorough. Every sufferer front indigestion will find in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills just the tonic needed, as they enrich the blood, tone the stomach and thus enable it to do the work nature in- the brain seems softly to seethe and tended it should do. This has been limbs twitch for a long spell after - a' present is definitely known, but every Dreadnought of all the big nations which goes into action in the future will Carey a .•omplete "balloon sectiun" consisting of a captive military balloon with a full staff. This is rendered necessary be the fact that from a great height the sea is absolutely as cleat►• as glass, enabling objects to be seen at a tremendous distance below the sur- face, thus enabling colninanders not only to spot. the enemy's battleships from afar, but also to obtain timely warning Of the approach of sub- marines and other engines of de- struction beneath the sea. How will it end 1 When shall we get to the final chapter in naval construction 1 Tho answer probab- ly is Never, so far as novel engines of war are concerned. Already a well-known naval ex- pert has declared that "the officer of the present era has an average of ten years in which either to clear oat of the service or seek refuge in a lunatic asylum." The reason for this is that the result of every gun practice is to unnerve officers and men for twenty-four hours. The back -blast of the guns is so violent and the concussion so pro- dig;uus that eves swim, ears sing, proved in thousands of cases, and ft is worth the while of every suf- ferer from stomach trouble to give! 1)r. Williams' fink Pills a fair trial. Mr. Edward Chatterton, Campbell - ton, N. B., says have been a great sufferer from indigestion and stomach trouble and although I had treatment from several doctors, I did not find a cure until I began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I can hardly describe how much I suffered at times. Every meal brought with it more or less agony ,y and I seemed to have a complete distaste for food. I had almost bo - wards. If this is so already, what will it be like with the heavier guns which are now being evolved? - Pearson's Weekly. GRE:1'1' S.tLT LAKES OF RUSSIA. Vast Territory Containing Many Rich Deposits. Salt lagoons and lakes are distri- buted over most parts of the Hus- sian Empire and principally in the region of the Black mid the Caspi- an seas. The produ ,lion of salt is one of the rapidly developing indus- gur to think my case incurable tries of the country. In the salt (when I came across a pamphlet ad- lagoons during the dry and warm RAISE CALVES WITHOUT :BILK erertising lir. Williams' Pink Pills, season there may be found the na- and I decided to give them atrial. tiiral evaporation which is so great '] am very thankful that I did so, that from the oversaturated brine jor 1 had not been taking the Pills great quantities of crystals of salt )(mg before I found them helping are precipitated. 'these salt la- me. and in six weeks every symptom goons, marshes or lakes give emitt- edthe trouble had vanished. i can ally as much as 1.00,000 tons, al- ' oat eat heartily almost any kind of though they have been known to t.od, and no longer experience pain field 1,500,000 tons when seasons land discomfort after eating." have been particularly dry and It is because lir. 11'illiarns' Pink a Such work is done principally in Tills make new. rich blood that they theraciness of 'Tauridu Kherson vin's such troubles as indigestion, and Astrakhan. The Basekuuchak Lake, located within the last nameck" '10 THE GRAND WORK DODD'S KIDNEY PII.I.S ARE DOING. Biliousness Fishermen Regard Them as a Bonn to Mankind ---Mr. Frank Bautteld Tells How They Cured Ilia Back- ache. Garnish, Fortune Bay, Ntld., Nov. 8. (Special). --Among the fish- ermen here, who through exposure to wet and cold aro subject to those pains and aches which come from diseased Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pills are looked upon as a positive boon to mankind. They are never tired of telling how their Backaches and their Rheumatism vanished be fore the great Kidney remedy. Among many others Mr. Frank Banfield, after years of suffering, bus found relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills. and here is what he is telling his friends: - "I find Dodd's Kidney Pills the best medicine for Backache I have ever used. I only used two boxes and they cured me of Backache I had for five years. It started through a strain.• My father's back also bothered him, and he got some relief from ono pill I gave him. They were too precious to give him more. All persons suffering from Backache should use Dodd's Kidney Pills." Why do Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Backache? Simply because Back- ache is Kidney ache, and Dodd's Kidney Pills positively cure all Kid- ney aches and ills. This has been proved in thousands of cases in Canada. If you haven't used them Yourself ask your neighbors. NOT BRIGHT TO HIM. "Don't get down in the mouth, old man," said the Optimist. "Look or the bright side of things." "That's all very well," mourn- fully replied the sufferer ; "but what is the bright side of a gum- boil?" rhrumatiftm, neuralgia, headaches Wand backaches, St. Vitus (Sluice, anti other forms of nerve troubles. They cure the irregularities of girl- hood and womanhood, and bring ease. comfort and health to suffer- ers. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $1.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 1'111; I1 Iti:.tl1N(Il'GHIS. What the Battleships of the Future are I.ike. People who have been reading Sheaf the rapid progress which has been made in recent months in the conquest of the air do nut realize that naval development is more than twice as rapid. The Dread - weight of today is the scrap-irun of to -morrow. Britain invented the first Drea(1- neught. She was launched less than three years ago, at a cost of well over a million pounds. To -day Britain has at least six ships of similar design. but which are as great an improvement on the first Dreadnought as she was on the types %t hieb preceded her, whilst Germany, America, Japan, and even Brazil have also "gone ot,e better." And now we hear that Captain Percy S.•ett has invented a means by which one man can fire a broad- si(1e of guns by electricity. Then there is the problem of wireless te- legraphy, with which alt British Dreadnoughts are now equipped, whilst a recording station has been established at the Admiralty itself, enabling the Sea Lords to corre- spond almost instantly with vessels far away at sea. Another startling invention has mien credited to the French. Ile ecrtly secret experiments of great interest were reminded with n new Qct int•h luminous shell which is like- ly to brote a taluahle asset in time of war, The new •hell throws not a ray of Tight wlien it strike, Musing a • 0 Ir 61•I tt h0 'rQT aU gr DRUG# X,` LettePs or postals addressed to he Steele, Briggs Seed Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.," will procure a valuable pamphlet for the farmer, entitled "How to Raise Calves Cheaply and Successfully Without Mit,k," and every farmer should have one. It tells how to raise three calves at the Inst of one, avoid scours and keep calves heal tky and fat. Tells how to veal calves at about half the usual cost, how to sato the milk and, in fact, bow to make more money out of calves than you ever thought pos- province, gives in favorable reasons bible. enormous quantities, sometimes nearly 400,000 tons. The bottom of this lake consists of thick layers of salt, and the visible supply has been computed at nearly 100,000,000 tons. Another lake, the Elton. contains a larger reserve of solid salt along its bottom measuring forte square miles. Beginning not far from the Sea of Azov, embracing all the orchestra dates from tho time of north and east of the Caspian Sea Alexander I11. in 18S3, who entrust - and extending to the east and ed its formation to Major (,eneral northeast of this is a vast territory. Baron de Stackelherg, himself a larger in area than France, in composer and skillful musician. All which every lake and standing pool the musicians, in addition to their of water is brackish or salt and only i wages, with board and lodging, aro running water is fresh. I entitled on retirement to aJlension. Hundreds of these lakes could be • profitably worked for salt if requir- ed. Many of the lakes contain bo - sides common salt various other compounds embedded in the brine or embedded in the sediments of their bottoms. These compounds are valuable in hydropathy. •1• CZAR'S PRIVATE ORCHESTR:\. • It is not generally known, ob- serves a Paris contemporary, that the Czar has a private orchestra, which nn rare occasions appears its public. This orchestra, we are told, must not be confused with the Im- perial Opera of St. Petersburg. The A MOrIER'S CHIEF OAR% IS HER BABY'S WELFARE The great desire of every mother is that her little ones shall bo Might. good-natured and healthy. Fiery mother can keep her little cnes in this condition if she will give them an occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets cure colic, indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea. worms, teething trou- bles. and other minor ailments. Uuaranteed to contain no opiate or poisonous "soothing tuff." Mrs. If Irvine, North Portal, srtys: • i have used Baby's Own Tablets %then our baby was teeth- ing, and for ether little troubles. and have Suomi them all you claim 1.., them. 1 always keep them in !lie house." Sold at 2:1 cents a box by all dealers, er by snail from The 1)1 Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. -111,UNI)EHUUS. At a court of justice in Australia notch frequented by Chinese a new- ly appointed crier was ordered by Ore judge to summon a witness to the stand. "('all for Ah Song," was the er%nunand. The crier was pris- sier' for a moment. He glanced ..he- ly at the judge, hot found hitn quite grave. Then he turned to the spec- tators. "Gentlemen," he said, "w(uld any .of you favor his lord- ship with a song t" .t town than never gets rid of the idea that he wi.t make a fortune in the poultry business when he has ..acrd np enough to buy a ten -aria n Aa/ Ser rete seers fe O•�f. YJ. L , Nle Wrist Ores 1 Ch•rrt:al CO., Turont•. farm. It is a Liver PAL --Many of the ailments that man has to contend with have their origin in a disorder- ed liver. which is a delicate organ, peculiarly susceptible to the (lis- turbanees that come iron irregular habits or lack of care i•1 eating and drinking. This ace•nints for the great many liver regulators now pressed nn the at ti ntion of suffer- ers. Of these there is none superior to Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. Their operation though gentle is effective, and the most delicate can use them. Kindly mention the name of this paper In writing to advertisers. BRITISH INN NAME. The inn k,lnwn as the "Same Yet- at Prestwich has a curious history, which M . Hack wood re- lates in the London Daily News: "The house originally bore the 'Seven Stars,' brit many years ago it hceaine necessary to have its faded sign repainted. When the 1s certainly one of the most dis- agreeable all t&enta which flesh is heir to. ('.,&ted tongue bitter teens In the mouth titmice dizziness - these combine to matte life • burd• en. The cause is a disordered liver the sure Dr lforse's Indian Root Pills. They en straight to the root of the trouble. put the liver right. cleanse the stomach and bow• els, clear the tongue •nd take away the bitter taste from th• mouth. At the first sign of bilious- ness tats D r. nd Ian Morse's Root Pills W HO 1 If it is proven That Mars is dry, Who'll want to visit Thera by and by 1 Only those who have had experi- ence can tell the torture corns cause. Pain with your boots on, pain with them off -pain night and day ; but relief is sure to those who use Holloway's Corn Cure. HEAVILY HANDICAPPED. "Sir, I wish to marry your daugh- ter," faltered the young man." "You do, eh 1" exclaimed the fond parent. "Well, I have been rather expecting this, and to be thorough- ly orthodox, I shall put a few ques- tions to you. Do you drink?" ,. "No, sir. I abhor liquor," "You do, eh? Smoke?" • "I never use tobacco in any form." "Well, I didn't suppose you ate it. Do you frequent the race tracks?" "I never saw a horse -race in my life, sir." "Um -m -m. Play cards for mon- ey?" • "Emphatically no, sir." "Well, young man, I must say you are heavily handicapped. My daughter is a thorough society girl, and I can't for the life of me see what she is going to do with you. However, it's her funeral, and if she wants to undertake the job, she can risk it." It Retains Old and Makes New Friends. -Time was when Dr. Tho- mas' Eclectric Oil bad but a small field ofdistribution, but now its territory is widespread. Those who helping my brother men, and if the first recognized its curative quali-! publication of my experience of ties still value it is a specific, and Zam-Buk will lead other sufferers while it retains its old friends it is to try it, I should be glad." ever snaking new. It is certain that Zam-Buk also cures burns, cuts, whoever once uses it will not be ulcers, blood poisoning. ringworm, without it. scalp sores, chapped hands, cold sores, and all skin injuries and dis- SAYS MCGOWAN : eases. Rubbed well on to the chest in cases of cold it relieves the tight ness and aching. All druggists and stores sell at 50c. box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. fur ,price, 3 boxes for $1.23. ITNCLE EZRA SAYS: "The only way a blacksmith kin ever git a raise is to strike while the iron is hot." A Cure for Fever Disturbance cf the liver always precede er and ague. showing derangement of the digestive organs and deterior- ation in the quality of the blood. Ji, these ailments Parnlelee's Vege- table Pills have been found most ef- fective, abating the fever and sub- duing the ague in a few days. There are many who are subject to these distressing disturbances and to these there Is no better preparation procurable as a means of relief. NO GRAMAPHONES THERE. lo St. Petersburg They are Ban- ished from the Public Fars. St. Petersburg has been groaning colder the tyranny of the gramo- phone. Rosiness men, students, writers deluged the Prefect of the city with letters imploring hila to sate them from the torture of its metal voice. Thanks to the fact that St. Petersburg is under that form of martial law known as extraor- dinary protection he was able to help them. An order was issued that gram.. phones were only to be played be- hind closed doors and windows. But the remedy was useless. Moro letters were showered on the Pre- fect explaining that the machines employed by the devotees of mecha- nical music were so powerful that nothing short of suppression would meet the case. The Prefect has now forbidden the use of gramophone@ in the entire central district and in other parts of the city frequented by business men. After all, martial law has its ad- vantages. ECZEMA AND PILES CURED. 111agistrale and School Commission. er Healed by Zam-Buk. Zam-Buk by its healing power has earned the praise of men and wo- men in the highest stations of life. One of the lastest prominent gen- tlemen to speak highly in Zam- Buk's favor is Mr. C. E. Sanford, of Weston, King's Co., N. 15. Mr. Sanford is a Justice of the Peace for the county, and a member of the Board of School Commission- ers. He is also deacon of the Bap- tist Church in Berwick. Ide says: "I had a patch of eczema on Priv ankle, which had been there for over twenty years. Sometimes al- so the disease would break out on my shoulders. I bad taken solution of arsenic, had applied various oint- menttt, and tried all sorts of things Ss: obtain a cure, but in vain. Zam- Buk, unlike all else I tried, proved highly satisfactory, and cured the ailment. "I have also used Zam-Buk for itching piles, and it has cured them completely also. I take comfort in "More nein are kilt be in-growin' laziness th'n he over-wurruk." A cough is often the forerunner of serious pulmonary afflictions, yet there is a simple euro within the reach of all in Bickle's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup, an old-time and widely recognised remedy, which, if resorted to at the inception of a ccld, will invariably give relief, and by overc•orning the trouble, guard the system from any serious conse- quences. Price 25 cents, at all dealers. N EV ER DONE. Young H ushand-You mark me! .\ woman always manages to get what she wants. Old Husband -I wouldn't mind that so much, but the worst of it is. as soon as she gets it she wants something else. Mrs. Robert E. Peary, mars than nine Eea: s ag',, f+votab'y comru aced on Murlee ye Remedy after It. &PO:ration t • b•r Parody for Eye Troubles resulting Inn.) Measles and Srarlrt Fever, and later re- commended to the fatn•'u•, gl,,loter tae Man who now ret,ana home as the Dternv• erer of the North Pole `'old, (tutting Winds and Dust rause Rod. Week, •tory Eye+ Murine Eye Remedy •f/orate Re- liable Relief. Write Murine Eve Remedy ('n , Chicago., for illustrated F.1a Rooks Monne, 50c., by Vail from All Druggists. Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing to advertisers. ---•p. TRASH FOR Di.tMONDS A Surprise on Opening a Jewel Box After Three Pears. The substitu'.ion of worthless stones and refuse in a sealed box for very valuable diamonds was -as in a former celebrated ease --the gravamen of a charge at Westmin- ster, London. England, against Al- bert Challoner, aged a:. The story disclosed he Mr. Stanley Walter, painter asked the litntllord what he the prossetilor's manager, was that was to put on the board he receiv d in the beginning of VW the prison - tile answer 'Tho same yet.' And er took in pledge from a customer. the man took him at his wort?." '1 N 1' under a special egret rnent, three pieces of dinmond jewelry. ill l) was advanced. The customer a fee. weeks later te,leemed the diamentt', paying the stns advanced and .t1 ss. interest. Challoner, it was alleged. t.•..k the whole of that money. He re fastened the hoe which had con- tained the jewelry and repleted it in the safe. For three years the in- terest, amounting to £30, was re- gularly paid by the prisoner. but after leaving Mr Masters' service he got trite dill'tcult:es and the pay- ments were not continued. A few (lays ago, as the interest wa, sigh teen months in arrear,, the jewel box was opened and nos retold to contain only n few pebble, it,.nt the rond. The prisoner was sentenced to three months' imprisuiRment 112 1 c' 11: NO. 46 0ll the seeund division.• and Ague. - stomach and attacks n! fe'v- Teacher "Now, children, who Can tell me what 'obedience" is derived from?" Pupil-"1''rom get fico •ere• of land with t a>r std •' osis, tin' caned, Iniss:" I very pretty plan. fiver it tees ,•f . r.r k. Twenty ITA' dollars an e. • A).plt A 8. ' Towle, Corhranr. .Ubett: 1' COUGHS & COLDS LOAD TO CONSUSI T1ON Colds are the rnoet dikagereus of all forms of disease. A noise told leech to Brci:!:its, Consumption. moor•. " Coughs.' are the result of irrbsts Droa. eke' tate. "fSYCHINE"su•aeough by remov:nr the irrlaling particles mad heslit.g the inflamed membrane. ft is a runlet& and destroys the tubercle germ. It is • teak that strengthens the luau, the liver, and tante.. up the system. it makes for better health in all emaciation. of Auntie. ity. Get strong am) the cough w;ildisappear. "PS YCHI NE" makes weak people strong. ft cares coughs of iliac moat obdu- tate kind mai breaks up • cold in a lc iv hours. "1 Writs for Free l easple. Fes fab le all Dias • W sa 4i Diatsrs s1<. s II par bete Dr. T. A. SLOCUM LIMIT kD. T31 S?0 SYck I PRONOUNCED SI-KCEN AGENTS WANTED, )ER\IANl NTI7KI'RE:sENI 71'11 "- •.% AN r- ed ever?) where. A I.Ctr\ n \., , 1 1..I11 ''latoring Extracts rate e,.n• .,.•r- - 14.0 profit to &gents. on!) thos. i._ec.,n• •t,.. in apply. Park Salsa Co., London, nut • AOEN'rB WANTED -TOR PUE:I'.7R \TIO Cued in every household. Situ ent. profit. For free samples sed o Logue, address Cockburn Yaaur.esiuI -Co.. Brantford. RELiABLE DISTRICT AND LOCAL eats for "Near" incandescent Man Lamps. Manufactured in C ada. 1 Caudle power. (lenrratea (tae m ordi ary Coal 011. Odorless, smoke Na, ab lutely pale. Write quirk t9r earticula and open territory. Star 11114. Co.. Ma. ning Ar, ode. Toronto. EDUCATIONAL. 17TwENTY•FOrR ROrRR iN EVERY qliji What do you do with tl•study T►{TTt sot nee some of the time in ' 1 ,each yott at home Bookkeeuing, 'hart• land, Penmanship, Arithu.etie, Letter.? writing. ('nrnmerciai Law. Public • hoot(• tourers, High Nohool Stip 0ets. hats., ulal iton, Teachers' Cert irn•ite•s, Civil Se:,tc4r Arricutture, ':took -raising. Special Ens. ties. Stearn Engincerinr. .lover+nlism, Mee lhanieal Drawing. Hou,, -hold Seieoee L k about what interests s.•,t. ('r,nadiett respondence ('allege, l.itnitrd, Dept K. Toronto. Canada. -- jnetxpere'+a tb41�thraltitOi4404 • A ffILIAl10N WITH Ute1VeRlifY Cr ToeJNTo 12 and 14 PEMBROKE STRFET. Examinations in February, (END FOR CATALOOU! and SYLLABU$.1 F. H. TORRINGTON, Mus. Dir. British-AmericC rt Business College ESTABLISHSO Y.M.C.A. Bldg., TORONTO. One the r•n.t up -t,. -dote a .1 r rq "p ped +r?n.,,ts lu 1'ana113, 77 vit. f . o.Joytne T. V wA-1'(0: T' .,'.a1. FOR SALE. CONI(' RECITATION Enna( r .• . rt. lection pnhli.hol to F. • • ' •u . ; Ten rents. Arthur Rite. .1- •, '•.. q ,. STOCKS. To INVESTORS YOUR (`: 1r '' • TO buy or Pell Stocks w11t ,. • my personal' attention. A. 14. Mat! •. ltte►- er, 4.t Strait Rt., Toronto. FARM WANTED. j!.IRV WANTED iN Fxt•RAN(i5 TOR ll 6x1 acres unimproved l+ontbern Al- herta Fall Wheat land. Pewtres,, IN Don 'Mil1s R'd . Toronto. FARM WANTED. One of the greatest blessings to ph►'cnts is Mother Graves' Worm PHRENOLOGY. E5►terminator. It effectually expels worms and gives health in a marvel- lous manner to the little one. eaton, Ont Stn, sly reliable • �F.t.r.ci-Irt'BF. 57MINI rise ANIS 5t•1't•F:Stt( Se, life ,si„ahle ■,)',', 111, once Send PC to It .1 Kavanagh. t hart' "I don't beliete in that doctor." "Why 1" "He didn't tell inc ev- erything I wanted to cat was bad for me!" • .3(1471(4, W 84,4 ,ILL PitVJ&WA(n f laaaasmattea of rukidneys, of the ladder, of the @wets, of the `..q n gt. Clore Throat Brom hills. Difficult Breathing, Ca- tarrh. infturura, Fiend. &Ma. d- anhe. ra.tha-hp, Nen ratan.. Itheomatism. ('old ('nliia, Ague ('trills, (hta. blame, Yrastbtte. .u.c y eared by Mats Mogi Mis! • CALVES Rats• Tn•rn ., i•rtNlt]ee•ut Ilua H • 1 `SANOCR, Turo r•. t.empp.. et .. in'•rnil li and •t:•.nat, rnred with o11 pain br our rape trea'.ne•it writ• u. bet ,re 1,.' We. ttr. rase 11..1'• •I Cn, I.1 1 Colhngworst. lint Cush for IufN2y Feathers We hilt; ‘Ping and 'fail 1" rkey heather, 1l rite for price*. M• W. Nelson St Co., 1 oronto, Ont„ NO • T. ►r C►awi Cr.rer•t •ad arssia• {verso Pearl ns Ras•tl.E rn Re), eek flet Opt 11211 Rus -Sit ..t) 5 8.54.. Iaa2 M••r1-6sr.•...•11.4.5,4.M••ties S-ilaase AM.. air (116,11•4•4 b.. r /444 �swim 1.01 p .esil w ne.,M .I pies. Woo seismal Siert hl •• • It,'.Ra• "•^ ' , I : t f. re9t••,:'),t •ruvr Gsa•r .t5 • Ib.5 M•e• •f �•s/ ., PARK SALES COMPANY fes 117 LOROOR, ONTARIO MONO\ SOLID GOLD WATCH PUZZLE BauaT o•ria ST a arsPORSIBL, rise. tT COSTS YOU ROTHIRO TO TRY. f• •.• nal.0 .ate ra- ••.r•ir rr• c•rr•rt sa1••• tl:c.* twa WO tue.n roe„.. •adteialt ^.. it,•.., �s M,.. ••.a.. w. ,t ‘0. :so I•R,, 105T114010 WA !et r.d• 1•-4...A ►,,n,s ,..t•n.,.a,r +,-Rp.d. er • ran MT tr..w ••tea« ... e...,ec•re re c•.t• ape ,;.r •11...rt .4 • 108.1 .7 paper Somas@ .tta •t.•,•• .4• •w4 •. ••1•) • Ser r0•4. •• rata LOl• • 54 It s•'na.. 11/.•.1 .tr-0•.1. s,.. •:.,rt... ser:•.J Tt. Wes*, 's.••• .11. r„r1•.• • elm,. hes •. 1. .•N .70 .. •• •. •, .• .f ea•. ••••t .•.1 a. .ea..•.•• It .. • •..r1 •A Yr s•rr•.8l ,• ••,. W • 11 1t •..•,r.,•, . t . ,M. a, i r•Itc�l , sowi I'6101s1•!-vsr 1