HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-18, Page 6t . • rJ • NOTES AND COMMENTS COMMERCE AND CHARM pert of the outward troubles which 1I+1-1-11-1-4-44-1•41-1-1-11-1-0-111, ---- __.--- R he leaves unspecified. Great ]Iritain found much amuse - By 11 29. Weak,, and I .. . not weak,- $ Fashion symf.nthy, he identifies himself Went in the American descoveries his disciples, and feels for their T pf the north pole, but, nevertheless, is weakness as if it were his own. T T it is just Great Britain in which the Hurn not -With indignation. �� etiert of these discoveries has must 30. I will glory --This is, first, a s H ■ ' • .L vindication Of his "boosting" up to = r heightened interest in further polar this point, inasmuch as he hos glori t♦i t►•tii i i i 1 1 i i i -ti -1.1.1-i-1 N exl,loratien- and has led to renew- cit only iu v.hut he has suffered, not 11, what he has dune -not in F.1SH10\.\till? a1AT}:R1.11.. ed activity in the equipment of ex - "Ever The angle of the situ ""Ever foll'w that which is good." 44f having a share in the world's strength, but in weakness. Tho The rich softness of velvet has -I. These., v. lip. work, this it is that redeems o Ir vel se also looks forward to the next received the watered effect of moire at which impresses the Briton Almost all who think about the faet'es and mills and makes .,f chapter, where, in verse i, and 9, Add at least a quart of water to is that phrased by Conan Doyle as matter at all are agreed that rejig- ear commerce a s,haul of character • he reasserts the tonne principle. the amount customarily taken at 1'y some process evolved in France follows: "There is just one pole alle ought to extend itself through this slesdily sets tlio work and tl u 31. The best explanation of the each meal if you wish to derive the and as a result there is a tnateria� one's life, and that- it is a mat- worker before wages or profits er introduction of this solemn doxul_ maximum efiiriency from your fund. +`{'i,h is wonderfully beautiful for left, and that should be England's R I The water drinking edict has one afternoon gowns, says a Paris let, for the clays of work as well as any other results save the servlcj ogy at this point is that it looks for g g ter. One moire velvet pole. ' fur the day of rest. But the ditlicul- rendered. I ward to the statements about to be forth as the result of tests recent gown hors ty usually is to see just preciselyWhen the light of this ideal is in made, the supernatural ex per slices j;. conducted by C. C. howler and "1"'n the vision of a favored tow Captain Scott, who is having ilii how religion may futretion in the of a man's heart, he finds all living to I f the next chapter, especially, be - 'Illinois. B. Hawk, professor of physiolo-' and met with well-deserved admir- aeults in equipping an antarctic ex- fairs of every dav life, in business, be a course in character furnlrttiun, ing almost incredible. It would be glee! chemistry at the University Af anion. It was of rich amethyst tune, redition, has received so much and social living. He becomesquick,keen in his leer- necessary to call to witness the lin_ 'Illiuuis. with touches of black moire for ' The unanimous opinion of the, trimming. The ornate weave of the money in the last month that he is That the services of the church ceptiuns to judge the mural and ing Cod, who, to him in secret, had I materia[ needed little trinunin tliesured that he can start next Au- arc religious acts is evident. Or spiritual values of experiences. Tho revealed Jesus as Lord. tnrdirul profession has been strong g, I� antagonistic to the taking of and the beauty of line and drapery gust. He figures that he will need at least :they are designed as sncin, temptation to defraud, fur example, 32, 33. (ionises Acts 9. 23 2, water at meal time. The argumentsp��ke u►uch for the suppleness of 'tut how oan you make bookkeep- is keen not -only in the Tight of its and see Word Studies for April 18. 1 p $ u0,000 for one !ear's work, and ing, selling goods, trading stocks, pt•('fsts and possible punishments, This experience was also a part of of the physicians is that water tak- this new velvet. 1 guimp• of tuck- at::eady he is planning that after making bricks, handling tools, but in the light of its fruitage in Paul's weakness, in its peril and ig- en in this was .dilutes the digestive ed amethyst chiffon had a subvuke b.. has got this sum completed by building houses, curing fur Fontes his own soul and its effects on the nominy, fur in Damascus ''the per fiuices ciency and ot thosef fluideTheltUni- of ecru latng ce,whichf op ed at, stpt. aa once subscriptions he will call upon all that makes up the life of busi- lives of others. se(•utor because the persecuted. In Luke's account, it is said "the versity of Illinois experiments girdle of black had a scalloped top anada and Australia to provide Hess and all that constitutes our ]'Isis is an age when new stand „ and bottom social living, how can these became arils aro entering into our business Jews watched the galea. But, as however, apparently overthrow the and tiny cuffs held funds for a second and third -•ears' religious acts 1 and commercial life, when we are there were 10,000 of them in Da- deep -routed ideas of many doctors. down the puffed chiffon sleeves at i tuascus, theyYOUNG , the elbows. Billy, with good hope of getting the The answer is really simple; by measuring our eIlleiency not only by could easily influence MAN TS'THE SUBJECT. the skirt fell in straight linea right response. putting into them the same (gull, the product in [coeds and the governor to have the gatesg ••watched, which is the same thing.In a detailed statement iti en out (hat. swept the flour in a round ties which make roligiuus the ser- THE PROFITS IN DOLLARS, by the unieera t authorities rev to"sin• band of black moire edg- The vessel Captain Scott will vices of the church and which give Acetas IV. was king of Arabia front y g eptly it was pointed out that the ed the hem, held in place at the take is the Terra Nova, of .48 tone. their special character to the act,{ but the effects on the lives of the B. C. 9 to A. 1). 40. we call religious. There is just on: workers and bs the telae of the pro- Chapter 12, terse i. 1 moat needs subject of the experiment was a front by a wide, flat bow. Tiny His exploring party will have six element which snakes sacrd an duct to society as a whole. In other glory, though it is not expedient - was man 22 years of age, who amethyst buttons which nestle¢ in members, all British. Ponies andy words,we are reap setting upre- He unwillingly resumes his boast- was normal in all respects and who chiffon quillings followed the back act, whether it. be preaching a ser ! g Rneighed 157 when the loves dogs may be used for transporta- mon, singing a hymn, or mend, ig ligtous tests in business. ing in hos own defense, but is con- g poundsline and ornamented the girdle and -fon, but a new tauter sledge, shod an old garment, and that is that it There is a new conscience in con- scions of certain ,disadvantages in 8 The sleeves. A beautiful gown made ut shall be an expression of one's i'nercial affairs. The banking house such a course. 1, this lovely new material and worthy with hard wood runners fixed in P c•f your notice. search and endeavor for the brat and the factory become stern tea- Visions (things seen) were only I ,f this sort it 'sections on endless bands, is the he conceives for life's highest chers of morals, not simply because one method of revelations' in order that the chemical analysisWhether it be in the undersleevea, main reliance. Experiments have ideals. the law is rigorous, but because we Of the Lord --Christ, here, is the puffs or soft frills, lace Inas attach aro corrin to realize that there can Author of the vision, not, as"in, of the foods may not entail any un- 0(1 itself to the sleeves of our gowns, been rnndr with it in Norway which There is nothing unless us 1h 'thenit be no success that is permanent,other New Testament cases, the One due labor. In this instance the daily raid seems to premise now beauty promise good results. While Cap - soul's church service it is diet consisted of three-quarters ofp1 fain Scott Dupes tp reach the pole, souls aspiration after the highest, nor profit that is worth while, no revealed.q t to our dresses or suits. It appears a reaching after fullness of life, fullness of living except as we ae- I know a roan in Christ -.1 typi a pound of crackers, throe ounces on walking suits in [rills at the he will give much attention to a cept and are dominated by spiritunl cal Pauline expression for a ('bels of corn flakes, two ounces of peanut ion Aeries of scientific. problems. Veri A SEARCH FOR GOD ideals, except as we set character tion roan. Though speaking of hien- butter, yne and one-half ounces of , Sometimes a cascade of narrow i�entiun of the magnetic data ac- and ' conscience before any other self, Paul is to himself as a third sugar, three ounces of butter, one, Ace will fall along rho Doter sesta cunnnlnted by previous explorers is g u lift up their considerations. person. And he treats of himself, quart of milk, nine tenths of a quart of a coat. steers. Thea in the dress. I j the +tst,n+ A than expressos his religion in not as a natural man, nor a delud °f water, and, in addition during ice afternoon costumes lace plays desired. For that Purpose a base that ' y 1 Bei his business whenever he nukes bu-ed man, but as a man having a the water period,• three quarts ad -1 un important part. It is used as will be established q00 _miles east to c 1 things. siness lining the expression of his Christian experience. ditionai of water were added to the I a soft undersleeve, and this fact of that used b)': 'Shackleton and R i neon s3 best thoughts and aspirations, Fourteen years ago -Six or sev daily menu. Of the njne tenths should be hailed with joy by the wo- othe, recent explorers. The fur- 1 whonecer he refuses to be govern - he years after his conversion, when quart of water taken daily during men who contemplate making over the office, wherever the days toil ed by greed or ambition and obeys he was in Tarsus or Antioch. He the preliminary and final periods 1 then c�t,lulation of King Edward be- etle vision of the lite of worthy ser- evidently does not moan to connect three-quarters of it was taken be - VII. land is also op the programme. h vice. His enthusiasm in daily toil it with any other experience ho tween meals." serfs, bound becomes aspiration and the hum of ever had. It is a solitary experi• RESULTS OF WATER DRINKING -�' their industry witle•ut the discord of base ence vouched for as a fact by the After sifting and boiling down In a lecture which he delivered in d base amhttt ,n selfishness rises as an anthem tq.� I their conclusions and translating al different ,laces aloe the line of New York Hudson Maxim. :...,.:.._ be fctrC to+m beaten. I%hether in the body, I know not 6 I R Lee Men may learn to ray by their --The event was thoroughly incorn- them into non-technical language, the sleeve. But there is excellent ped the military. Itrrri a[ the Ger-occupations and to test the vital. prchensible to Paul. He was caught the investigators believe the influ- opportunity to repent, the taco on encs of copious water drinking with the guimpr, and 'at the''same time to than government-witls 100 bomb -car- k t{ I' and tut ivy of our religion by its power to u1, out of himself in a transcendent ring aeroplanes`and•gave thein free glee nohlo aim and worth! uu,tivosnasals to be as follows: vary the regulation aotid.��ect to way -whether bodily, or only in "The water, as it enters the sleeves. 4.•. entry to the atmosphere above Lon- R uo pie vols to bnsigess while we test the values the spirit, he is unable to tell. mouth, comes first into contact White and black sea kiti' eos- Aon. Hr kept the fleet operating II R 1 un f tap et our commerce and toil by its Even to the third Denten It isR iI g fruitage in character and life. idle to speculate as to Paul's con- with the saliva, diluting this fluid tomos are wending their wa} along from Berlin as a base of {lamb sup- ce prion of the heavens. "It acids t'' a marked degree and causing this fashionable promenades. ']'hey are +. HENRY F. COPE. 1 plies pt' one !Pari.�nnc� upon what nothins; ti, speak of nn aeriRl, side -digestive fluid to assume greater di- cut on rather severe linos, and the N�Restive activity than that possessed favorite materials are blanket be etijdered a very liberal allow- T [Wore -If, as a Jew, he is equal 'lu p pose these are meant h by the natural saliva, which is se-' cloths, camel's-hair and diagonal THE SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 Iy Paul; R ince figured out the destruction of to his enemies, as a minister, be we can only think vaguely of the ureted upon food which is digested scrges. One extremely good -look - 110,000 houses.. As 00,000 houses are claims superior authority. As a man in Christ rising through one unaccompanied by water. imp costume of white cloth has a erected in London every year, ho matter of fact, though he speaks of celestial region After another till "Digestion is further accelerated lying coat, crossing to the right side 1N'1'laiN.11'ION.1i, LESSUN, labors and prisons more abundant- and the products of digestion are and fastened by two immense black concluded that the airship method f ly, there is no con arisen, and the ne crime cern nexto the third" (hen more rapidly and completely ab-' and white buttons. A black velvet reducing the city to ruins was not NOV. `_1. apostle neglects tomake any. His resumes, In the two verses he sorbed through the presence of the, cellar drops in a straight line on resumes, dors not repeat, and very promising. �__ service is unparalleled. Paradise (4) signifies a further stage targe Amount of water. ; each side, and between its lower In deaths --- Various occasions to his passage through vast spaces. , "Finally. as a result of the above edges and the buttons there is a Maxim is not an expert aeronaut, Lesson 'III. Paul's Story of Him when he was itt danger of death The ,feeish abode of good souls who t factors, the body weight of the Targe square of black and white ent- bu: he is exceptionally well iniuroi-� Life, ('or. It. 21 l0 1':. 10. (Acts 11. 19). await the resurreetii,rn (Luke 18. water drinker was increased two bioidery which offers n ehieldlike eft : s the use of explosives, and 21 33. "TDP must +is id light we 23), env hardly he meant, but "the ',minds. during the five days of wa- decoration. Threeelearter sleeves Aheult be a good judge as' to the Golden Teel. ('or. 12. A. have on the apostolic age and the paradise of God" (Ret. 22), "far tet drinking, a gain which was not have turned -back cuffs that amp Verse 21. i speak- Paul has been apostolic- career." above all heavens'' (F.ph. 4. 10). I subsequently lost." edged with plaitings of white silk. probable effect of Handling them by making a defense of his ministry 21. Of the Jews forty stripes save gip• On behalf f such n oar (a man I F['11TH1.R INVESTIGATING. Worn with this suit is a large hat the aeroplane route. Theorists on (chapters 10 13 comprising the hull one- .t Jewish punishiuent. Only in ('liriet, fourteen years ago, un- 1 Dr. Hawk, in reporting the re- of white ottoman silk, lined with black velvet, on which a black vel DRINK WATER AT MEALS New Standards Are Entering Into Our Business and Commercial Life SCIENTISTS SIV 11"S GOOD FOR 1'01'. Old .tsions knocked On the Head - Subject Drinks %%bile Ile Cats and Grows Fal, tigation was inaugurated. T statement continues: "In experiments , is customary to use a simple diet and goodness, unless here men en•1 women come together t hearts, to look upon i ra . inspire and to yield thomse compulsions for better There is true religion 'n b i and commerce, in the factorZ, a td is made possible by the spirit of ideals andaspiration, where mer. serve, not as slaves ore either to taskmasters or to own ovil lusts an but where theyhave . the vision of a better day, w one feels he is playing his part to make other lives richer le: Religion, service forl the burning of a light within I illumines every heart, the comely ousness of the greatness and glu•,' last year's dresses. A patchwork effect can be avoided if the color of the upper sleeve he patched.Dyed laves will solve this prnbleni. On some radical styles there are tiny preiffs of,: ice which burst .out real, and spiritual heaven, and to the other side %Auld have some ilii- statement) against charges of weak- thirty-nine were given, as a precau- able to May whether in the buds. or milts of the investigation, was care- ficulty n combating his views. In news and cowardice. [y chapter 11 tion against violating the legal disembodied. rapt to the third tut to call attention to the fact that `-et bow appears. he enters the lists against heaven, hearing inparadise things the experiments included tests a Hue pillow mare, a little larger fact, Heir task is not easy es -en in R nst the false number, forty. Luke gives no ac R g , pp- � than an} seen heretofore through - The popular diacueeien. Thr require- teachers of Corinth. They have' count of the five times Paul endured tee `a(•red fur human apt eeh), he 1 on but a single subject. He adds : • glorified themselses before thethis torture (compare 2 Cur. 4, 10). +sill glory: for, the events were net "However, the experiments up to. rut 'leveret seasons of large ones, plentyaffecting the aeroplane are church, and Paul, though deprecat- I It slows how fragmentary is the of his slaking, and belong, there- (late indicate that the drinking of are the order of the day. These in dist it shall he under perfect eon- ing such a course as fulls, to which history found in the book of the fore, to his weaknesses. 11•441 at serious elesations, that the he is only driven by a desire to acts. 7. tA thorn in the flesh was giv- st explesites may bo not only safely rout his adserseries, adopt their 25. Thrice ... beaten with rods - on him in order to keep hire hum - tactics, and begins a forced coin- Roman punishment. Only one is, ble, victorious over the constant teens along similar lines are under fir rollaretle. but effectively handled so that they mandation of himself. Thus he ex- mentioned by Luke, that at Philip- temptation to spiritual pride which way." ► tnny perform their deadly work, such revelations would naturally ,>E The marked departures a in teems poses the emptine'le of the claims ,i (Acts 10. 22). See Word Studies and l rIfdrt skirt and a col - which that there may he seine guar- made by these Judair.ers, and re- for July 11. Rite a man. The main conclusions gownsa ►minds his discipleswhich bate been reached from the A PLAGUE OF BABOONS. largess eoll half -de are not neck. ante of protection for the machines of what they Once .stoned At !Astra, at endless controversies about this semi-deeoiletaxen only The r end their occupants. have forgotten --the independence the instigation of Jews (Acts 11. 19). 11e IYe Crops so Feet Native. Cris al - towed, but commanded by fashion. r and mac rificrs of his service•. upon Thrice I suffered shipw reek Not affliction are these: it was painful ` i In thj¢ eatrcrjnlrntAi prri44(t the which his authority ns an apostle mentioned in Acts, as that drscrib- ann bodily; was connected with his lip Farming. if the neck is coerced at all by the • are hated, special rrs.rlationa: was extremely afternoon dress. it is only by trans- •( ueetion,;of adequate control is by I g se in chapter came after the writ humiliating ((gal. 4. i 1); was re_ In many parte of Nigeria, and parent fabric/I that reset• rifle above • 1)is Disparagement, as though we had in of this epistle. Fine other . ea es pecially amongthe hill regions of the collar line. •Ito metes settled. Skilled opera been weak -Paul waives all tight journeys are recorded in acts, current, it not chronic; was per the northern provinces, baboons 11"omen who delight in dress fmrn • norm have given beautiful exhib]• to the exercise of such Arbitrary Probably there were still others. nutrient ,and cannot racily be idem- art one of the greatest plagues to a stand o p R authority as the (alar n,o, I fitted with such maladies ns head pint of beauty aro armee t ti(,ns in their successful flights, andt 11es have In -the deep Another unrecorded Ache, more ryes, and epilepsy. the farmer and a source of menace jag hints frons the land of hgs•pt jn • -excuse of what they have dune claimed and the Corinthians have experience. Ona raft or piece of to property and even to life. A the time of the Paroah'l. The bean - blandly endured (verse 20). He is wreckage, is meant. 9. He hath said A xolrn►n way , there are the best of reasons for be- willing to concede his own weak(.1 asserting that a final answer to I rotecturate officer %hili engaged Will colors of that land have been there that the t of r ane, like the mess if their high-handed actions 20. The ungrammatical form ('f •]pis prayer has Deem made, ('heist in business is a mountain sillago brought toel the Kest by twentieth �mtomobile, has come to stay. But are the measure of strength. Still, (hie terse shows till. deep emotion of refusing hint freedom from suffer -ells informed by the local queen renfury elevernees, and one may there is n tremendous difference be- though s ells that to speak in Stich the writer. The eightfold repetition irg, but assuring hint of grace (di tbeirlier fnrwinohluwin'llturthetra.ds of gaze upon the dull desert reds, n ' of p. rill indiratl.s that he was se nine hrl , to alert Donnan nerd to•K R n.d+ f green mhado'l. gold and Egyptian toren a trip across the English a way Is feel 'sinless, if they has cure nee here. in his planeyin e I bnhnons. any ground for their hold pecten• R endure it. ) I 1 purples in evening dresses of this Channel, with crossle ratr preensh tions, he has ns much ground. he ate!) had to cross rivers nt the linther glop• in my weaknesses "sr, the absence of the men a season. heads are, used to bring fir.ns et Doth Rhone; ate It asci- 22. Herr the s tnucnq to which he tisk of his life, and its many partaiThan complain t,f than: for thrunRh fes w.'eks previously- these beasts out a sand -colors bdethey nil of dent:. aril A mulch longer journey is compelled begins. His fors rest '.f S ria anti Asin Minor he would , them becomes possessor .•f the pow- had actually corse info the heart of nn evening scarf. and they a border,. their case upon their Jewish rest encounter robhera. The account in • en of ('heist. Thum, his Rloning, 1 the villa a and destroyed the crepe, in conventional Lgeptian border,, Into or above a hostile country, A •gin. Three tern,'l are used in a lits ahminds in the hatred whirl' ah rh he Degan with such diffidence...accordi Ii to the wide• World Maga- which are decidedly oriental in tDia cmintnmen herr him for hiseine. The natives are in constant celorirlg. 'flits near( shoeld ne- eurnrp of tunny miles And many ti,inR scale. Hebrew, rt fres t-, turns out to be to the honor (f teaching, And shown how thec stir Christ, fur the exaltation of his dread of therm and continually fear ro►npany a gown whjeh is egtptj- aorrlurn trip lwithoutnlnnd essa g. 1 Klreatn +s(of itheirItogether Intl+rnlr red the (;ratites to violence. Hard-weaknesmes brings tett in contrast lar the safety of their relatesn. n.r in its q�nrral idea pan!ie looks est to hear. And ao last rnentiunrcl• flit strength i Sir 11" -plant Wallace relates that es ially well alien wrapped over r milting. however, that this may be litre are implied the peculiar pris.i 5155 the A pestaas• of false brethren i R n of his Lord. I 1 fifty to a hu', p pi•et i I h.� has wren dense, r'a white upper neat n po 1 poaaihle, I�r effective use t'f exit" kg, of a people called (est s (Noe 3. Ips). I -- --•.a dred of the -e animals all in singlePI i n %lli••h tv R (las ed a soak hrncelrt.. (compare Rm. 9. 1. :,). Seed f . Labor and travail In I Thes+. i 11"aver that ha, stood overnight ftl(, and that latels he himself shot Egyptian headdress it shine's e: t Sivca fie r n the moving object in the \brnhnni is A way of describing the q tl and 2 The„. 3. M. these same itt new pine, s)tuiild never b(' use, tee rt1e1111 tistit brutes i 1t hA Wesel fr.pni rj w of hale 111e I!f mini pie would still present a moat seri- direct tir8 exclitsive inofrost ,'f (110 t words are used fogether in refer- . for drink for in cooking. The rain- Ri inninn nt him fleet shy cliffs. The.. - over d -corded and line, is l a,'° h c" problem, al►ile there can be no1 I ring to his plying his trade. He cent matter in ordinart drinkingotter a nerve shattering and berth' (,ter each ear, and el litter - d• the that the w•eleenne from all ises (Jelin S. 39). Pride of race -was worked at tent junking by night as e bark. 8 n,• „f the a39). txi mark, of thess.h water forms an insoluble coating en ' ing heal. or jewels curve down in Rorty of military devices On the nlq, ,'f`, fled it is with hrk of the i hie watching', *5 1ihlndR, 1, hieten, Inaythieh i1 one tn he interior of water -pipes in tlir defemir( av, 1 alwns�Rhave ular �eiRnalers circles Oftenf a the upnerlucre disks. ground below would he much toe He says "yo asp i' to mien who i know hr Rata alp hi, else p for' cp•nne of a few weeks, however. out t" wAteh for the a , tench u a ung sleerr, of a s.:arf• 8, Arm for the aeronaut's comfort. 'charge him with Lein faithless to 1 And thus prevents flit are contain I p f like ho dr . (.t gold incrusted genre R preaching and prayer (Acts 20. 31 ; possible enemy. These smuts are will Ito dra til over one Ar:l. while 1'ortunntely, however, the volae of tis natural prP,ogati+e+. p i1 1twee. 3. foe inatien. alwa!a the biggest monkey,, and the other ^tjl be loft barn. Geld is the invention d•pes net depend alt Y3. Ministers nI Christ Paul di,es . 24. Resole. those things that ars Len' pipes should not hr used in thio signal by harks to their rem ttenrilt+d ,lion Ranee to shine over pn its rill plrynlenl In nl.htal'n ° net admit the( they are, bill. al; seithollt - The second reading of the sunsets, for rain -water 15 desold nt lad,•, hen strangers aro approach- a neutral (egndatiol and t•, echo p• ti ev rate themselves as Awl', he ill margin. "the things that conte out mineral matter.--1•euth'a ('o►npan i"g, the glitter f jewelry. 'rations, while the warlike st-•t•eu willing to snake a c•,m pan+on, even ion. i of eonn,e" gives the clearest mean lotions concerning it are helpful in' 11 1 is has does seem like that of ing as we rro„Ill sae : -Net to Lot' .'f n,unrt•mnkinc( hints are 1 s 's encouraging experiments and irn•'e vase, bereft of his aen•e• t•he+ide I Dent waste time in tieing to rine. speak of id'nt:.:a: mattrrv. The written by men who are unahlr to cines n farm laborer that There is Maus a White fns '+ Damien is yro' emcuts. 1 l,lm>:eIf). ' perils he has mentioned are only a make good. an) thing romantic about farming. made up 44 taxes and life insurance. large talcums of water with steals Itnx, fox and 'pis+um are especi- is most beneficial from the stand.' ally handsome : but an exolusive int - point of health. Other investiga- i porter has shown a most diminutive round sealskin muff and queer lit-