HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-18, Page 5GOLD MEDAL —FOR AIe and Porter AWARDED JOHN LABATT AT ST. LOUIS EXHIBITION 1904. Only medal for Al. fn Canada. mesal Many rue's success Is du' to the fact that he went ahead first and made it right afterwards. Raw Furs aid Skins— WE ARE BUYERS of all kinds of IAx FDS au SUNS Xe Duman& Honest Assort- ment, Hlgbest Market Mess and Quick returns. wits PAT =ream CL*Oss Send ler seer 14=0 MCI UST =MUM mums 1x1 M 104 RAM N» Megan* HO/ BALL nnr�rn� Lorne Scott was lu Toronto' last week.f • -Mr. Donaldson has moved into bliss Butt'. house. -F. E. McDonell utas rent- ed from Miss Sturgeon the residence re- cently occupied by Mr. Donaldson and will trove in shortly.-Mlss Ethel Welsh who had been nursing Janr s Dtacart'tutt for sortie days, has returned to her duties at Wi:nghant Hospital. -La at week Henaall'e rejuvlrtated post office OPERATION way throw . open to the public. It is a credit in internal fitting to tate enter- prise of the postmaster and tate work- men employed it: ^uhatruetlon. The cab- inet. which Is of Cyprus wood with Hard 011 finish , is very beautiful. It is V shored flattened at the pint a.1 tate Cured by Lydia E. Pink -- edictal opinion is that it catatot ire sur- passed for convenience.-aiaa 3tckey of ham's VegetableCompound Pittsburg Las been visiting at Andrew Uohnstavi's. SAINTS13U13. La f led • r r M T u' k • ' I and another told the it was a fibroid ADVISED Canifton, lint.- - "1 had been a ; ren e sufferer for live years. Otte ti' t,.e Die a told e it Wits ulcers of the utero... (s rt Ay .t ew J . t. . r;•• y friends front Exeter rune to visa at itis home. :end at his euggestiott spent A couple of hours in tate woods In the •t-tenicepi. wit the result that four, •hooters got seventeen black squirrels in Roo s tort time, :and but for running short of ammunition (night have had it few more. (Too late. for Li -t week.i Frank \Vasltburn of Arthur is vlsit- ing around here for a few days. -Mr. Morten Madge and two sisters. Mise O1've and Myrte of the Thames Road visited at the Lome of Mr. \VIII. Quinton tier Sunday. -Lorne Derham gave a jolly .1 ince tJ his young friends last week. All report .t gold time. -Mr. and Mrs. J)4. Cre(`ry visited at the home of N. D. Diets !tat Sunday. -The Saintsbury W. A. picked their annual bale for Shinwa Ilona, on Wednesday last. It amounted to about 1:.0. which is much to the credit of t'te ladies of Salntsbury W. A. -Mr. Thonlat Dickens attended the con veett.on in Craig on Monday. -The child- ren of St. Patrtcks are practishtg for t tt•Ir annual Ctristrnte entertainment. GREEN WA T. Mr. atm M s. \V. T. tilers .and t nildren spent Sunday at Mr. Sol. Po11ot•k's Grand 13:`nd.-Mis3 Mattie Stewardeou of Po rkhtll -pent a few days at her itonte nere.-Mii.4 Vine Young visited her friend, Mise Mytta V, icket on Thursday. .-Mr. Robt. McPherson arrived home from the West o;t Thursday and speaks very highly of that country. -Mr. and firs Wtll Brown and children visited relatives in Klrkton this week. -Mrs. Joe Pollock and Miss Maggie Eagleson spent Woodsy with Mrs. Annie flicks. - Mr. and 7fraa. Thos. Ittewardson were in Eieter the pays week attending the fun- eral of \lr. S. Cobbledick.- Marrled.-Mr. Dean Drown. a pros- perous young farmer of this vicinity. was notated on Wednesday last to Miss Jet;tae Steeper of Corbel. Their malty friends wish therm a long and prosper- oua met -tied life. Fullness and Mott ir_;; After Eating? Little Digesters Cure or your money back. At all protests or direct from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Tor.: 2Sc. a box. The general public will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper, Etc. Etc. Etc. All purchases to be delivered to T. HAWKINS & SON'S HARDWARE. EXETER. where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may he left at the same store. where prompt attention will be given. M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont. ays for itseL in fuel saved i)on't aliow a few extra dollars to pre- vent you from taking the perfect -cook- ing, sure -baking, easily -regulated Pan- dora in place of a cheaper stove. In a season or two Pandora will pay the difference in the fuel it will save—and it will keep on saving until it has paid for itself. 20 Pandora special AW construction makes fuel do dot—Mr duty. Wide Are box Is an- other rue1 ecunomlzer. "ii' a stWI oven heats Qui Iter tt anti n $ cast oven, thus saving still more fuel. Further economising eaturea wl- be explained by the 11it:Clary Agent. MC1ar s For Sale by T. Hawkins & Son, Exeter tumor. No t)111• knows what I suf- fered. 1 would always be worse at certain periods, and never was regular, and t h e bearing -down tains were terrible. ' was very i11 it: bed, and thedoctur told the 1 would Itave to have al: operation, and that 1 ,light die during the operation. I wrote to my sister about it and she advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Through personal expe- rience I have found it the best medi- cine in the world for female troubles, for it has cured me, and I did not have to have the operation after all. The Compound also helped me while ing throe h Change of Life."—TZ i.ETiTIA BLAiH, Canifton, Ontario. Lydia E. Ptlakham's Vegetable Com- pound, amide from roots and herbs has proved to be the most successful remedy for curing the worst forms of female ills, including displacements, inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregu- larities, periodic pains, backadbe, bear- ing -down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tion, and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it, and the result bas beenworth millionstosuiferingwomen. MCGILLIVRAY COUNCIL The Couticll stet on the 1st, with all the members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. A large number of accounts were ordered to be paid. Adjournment was made to Monday. November 29th. at ane o'clock. J. D. Drummond. Clerk. The following is tate correct report ot S. S. No. :3. Usborne, for the month' of October. Those whose names are tot - towel by an asterisk were absent dur- ing part of tate examinations: -Sr. IV. -Arlow Copeland (absent). Jr. IV., 11131 40o--Lconard Harris 292, Elea- nor Doupe 291. Sr. III., ,tax. 400 - Janie McCullough 301, Ida Irvine 285, Reggie Doupe 260. Jr. IiI., vitae. 400 - Donald isalfour .:11', Tenn McCurdy 240, Fern Francis 239, May Itodgert 219, Oscar Copeland 122*. Jr. I1.. ,tax. 30') .-Veber Shute 245, Gordon Copeland 173. Lester McCurdy 171, (toy Fletc::er 12)1 •, Geo. lIaratl 67. 1't. ll.. max. 200 -Ikile McCurdy 1:,9, Howard Shier 12:1 Pt. i.. ,tax. 2,m -Maggie McCurdy 120. Primary class. Marguerite Doupe. ira McCurdy. No. enrolled 21 : average ,tt• tendanrc 17. E. M. Creosote Teacher. --AEI.--- How's ThisP We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J CHIENEY as Co.. Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly h.)norsble in all business transactions and financially able to Barry out any obligations muse by !Orem WALDIxe. Ki.vsaa t MAavn, Wh ,lesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Ha11'e Catarrh Cure is taken Internally. acting d rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the s Kem. Testimonials trent free. Price 71 '. per bot• U.. Mold by all Dni tsts, Take Hall's Family Pille for constipation. — —� The followl:.g is t' c report for S. S. N). 5. Usborne. for the month of Oct- ober .-Sr. iV., honors. Rufus Kestle poss. Emma Fisher. Vero Moodie, Ei- mer McFall,. Jr. 331.. Pass. Maggie Moodie. Gannet Mel:ails; Sr. II .,honors. Thelma Ford, Orby Kestle. pass, Harold Moir. Ferrol Biggins : Jr. iL. ('ass Al- bert /loiter . Pt. 11. Pass. Gordon Per- kins. Marne Prout . Pt. L. honors. C. Helfer, Mac Ford, Amy Fisher. E. L. McPherson, Teacher. Iteport of N S. No. 1. Stephen, for the month of Octobers -IV. -Ella Mak- er, Anthony White. Ella Anderson. Clara Jacob. I(ubert White. Madeline Heist. itthea McCurdy. Sr. !If. -Mabel Elliott. Wellie Baker, Ethel Bowden Carrie Davey. Irene McCurdy, Hurbert Nell. Jr. Its. -Milton Jacob, Arthur Robinson Elmer Wilson. Viola Nell, Willie H:alta. '(I. -Leonard deist, James White. Er- vin Jacob. Edna Bowden. Sr. Pt. [.- Cooper McCurdy. Jr. Pt. 1 -Laurette Drown. Freddie Ilowdet:, Guy Jacob, Mabel Brown. D. E. Cooper. teacher. McGILLI\'RAY. The death occurred o:t Nov. mrd. o' ()Avid Lorre Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson. 4th con. For some time past he had held a responsible po- sition: with Re T. Eaton Co.. of Toro:hto as shipper. but atlout a month ago t.e was tnrcel by ill health to give up his work and return home. His death was the result of tubercular trouble. Besides his sorrowing paret,ts he is 'survived by one brother Will and two sisters Lily and Maggie at home and Mrs. \Wai•:- right of Aliso Craig. SIIIPKA Matt. Sweitzer has returned front the West. -John Ratz sand family moved to the village last week. -Mr. and Mrs. G. Harwell. who have spent part ot their honeymoon trip with tee latter's parents Mr. and 1trs C. Baumgarten. rare re- turned to their home In Battle Creek Mich. -Mrs. D. Mclsaar of Merrill ripe:.: A few days last week at Mr. Dugald Mc- tssac's.-Mr. Jut:n Gower had the mis- fortu:te to receive a kick on the knee from a horse he was attending. It tell. likely lay him up for_some Inc.,r THIS 00llllt! LOOPS TH6 LOOP. Kipper-Alttesi Butt ► and Utility sr now comfortably established On Mei alley's comet will be visible to the new farm. lot 9. con. 4, which he got naked eye about the first of the year. front Wnt. Bowden, Exeter. in exchange Last January it was 500.000,000 miles ror his tarns on the Babylon Lice. Hay. away. Each day It conies 900,000 miles) CLINTON-Hobert Stirling o1 Mill et. closer. It was first seed on this trip pined away Nov. 11, at 10 o'clock at I; r 1YRUCEFIELD.-011 OoL IIRt Dl Mc. September 11 ot this year from a Ger- man observatory. Every six years the comet makes Ire big loop and turns around tete sun like a cow poly around a picket. It will pas■ between the earth and tate sun and will be but 13.000,000 mile. front the earth. As- tronomers are ratter reticent concerning tee appeatauce of the comet. They w:1i slake no predictions as to its probable .J:'111. and as ..1133 `)'fly to.ce 111 .t • U:'.. . life! one os i$al appotra nee is s• . is w•i'I'i:: t'_o r1 X11)11 Of any act- cntlet firing now. For 2,u'),) yeat'a the coater has 'node Its visit to the earth with astronomical ieguierity, each time app..11inz the tartole Intiebitoot ; by its size and fiery aspect. 'at its lust visit ! 'ere In i s:ie it was t'e irty times the MU: of the moon, and o 1 the trip prev- ious to this it was 50 degree's In length, or extendsila arruss about one- fourth of the sky. Naturally, worn it is closest to Ole a art : it will also be clover to the sun than is the earth. It is believed that about 3111U try Ute corn •t will be visible to the nakedeys, grow lug larger and l trger In the evening eky utttll March 23, when 't s pus:tient will ne changed to the tn):.11:14 sky• T'te vomet will return to tate ev1niiig sky 41 ty 1N when It will appear in Ire full :tt.t;.lt: iceire. IS 'riIE COW To BLAME. That tite gentle. patient, seven -days - w -week dairy cow has done !tore to banish romance arid eoclability from country life than all other causes com- bined is the indictment of an Oxford f.. correspondent to The. Farmers Advocate. He puts It strong but 0 must beeadtnit- ted that where dairying is followed as an exclusive specialty. requiring regu- lar nightly and morning attendance of the whole farm force. tn,. chores do be- come too exacting for tate interests of 'society. intellect. or event peyslca► w•_ll- being. A reasonable slumber of cows are it pleasure to handle. but a faint 'entre all the family and employes are tied con stat:tly to the stable Is not the kind to appeal to a •.ell -balanced young man. ',Money -making is not the noblest pur- pose in life. nor Is bovine society a sat- isfactory subs'Itute fur that of fellow 111.1!)13 ?I befogs. No Canadian farm should have so many cows that one or more members of tae family may not conveniently remain away for 't day or (several days. Otherwise the round of ("title's hccetne■ a depressing. .teadeting and narrowing routine. Willi DO MEN ADVERTISE 7 -The than who conducts his business on the t' 'ors that It doesn't pay and he can't afford to advertise, sets up his judgment in oprcettion to Haat of all business men to the world. Says an ezperieneed advertiiing authority . 'a% till a few years' cap, rlence in conducting a small business on a few thousands of capi- tal, he assumes to knew nlprc than thousands whose hourly transactions aggregate more than his do In a year and who gave tttadc millions by pursu- ing it course t hat he says doesn't pay." If advertising doesn't pay, why is it that the most successful merchants of ,'very- town, large or small. are the heaviest advertisers? If advertising dueen't pay, Who does tile tvOst bu3l- nese 7 If it does not pay, business firm. to the world spend millions lin that way. Is it bee tune ter)* watt to donate those millions to the t:ewspaper and magazine publishers. or because they dot.'t know as much atehut busi- :teas as the six -for -a -dollar titer`nont who says money spent for :advertising is thrown away or donated to the man to whom it is paid? Such talk is sim- ply ridiculous, and 0 requires more titan the average patience to discuss the proposition of w•lleteer advertising pays or not with that kind of a uta::. Ilia complacent self-conceit in aesunli:.g *oat he knows more than the whg,le world I:1 laughable. and reminds u3 of the sten who proved that the world doesn't revolve by placing a pumpkin on a itunip awl watching i' all 1:igat. Seatorth-Seaforth's ' centeuartan. in the person of Mr. T.toe. Darwin, Dar- win. died at the residence of his sor' Ntr. J. J. Darwin, on Monday last. t.av- ing reached the great age of 100 year.. 1 months and 2 days. NO LONGER TORTURED A Sergt.-Wheeler In R. C. A. %Finds ('urc fro;, Agonizing Skit Disease. Herat. Wheeler Thos. P. Bennett. R. C. A., who lives at 705 Albert Ht., Ot- tawa, describes he relief he got front D. D. D. Presrriptlons,- it gives me pleasure to recommend D. D. D. to sufferers from skin diseas- es. For three year. / suffered intense- ly from a skin disease whJc.t I develop- ed on the back of my neck. It grew con tlnually and sometimes cast off scale.. Neighbors' advice, prescriptions. naives and expensive blood medicines were lav- Ist:ly used. At last I found relief in D. D. D.. us- ed according to direction.. It required just one bottle to effect a cure. I am :to longer tortured so I have ,no hesita- tion In acknowledging to the world the worth and great virtue of D. D. D." Blood medicines cannot kill the germs Its the skin which cause eczema and oth- er skin diseases. Salves fall bccausc they cannot penetrate. D D. D. goes right Into t^e, pores. kills tee germs and germs. For free sample bottle of D. D. D. Prescriptlo:t write to the D. D. D. Lab- oratory. Department E. A.. 23 Jordan at. Toronto. For sale by all druggists A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All Women : I will send free, with full instructions, my borne treat, ment which positively cures Leucorr, tuna, Ulceration, Displacements, Fall- ing of the Womb, Painful or Irregular Period., t'terinn and Ovarian Tumors or growths, also Hot Flashes, Nervy ouaness, Melancholy. Pains in the !lead, Back, Bowels, Kidney ani Bladder troubles where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. You can continuo treatment at home at a cost of only about 12 cents a weak. My book, " Woman's Own Medical Adviser,"• also sent fres on vest, Writs to -day. Address ]firs. >i mem Dox S4O Windsors Oat. the age of 91 years. The funeral was meld on Saturday at one o'clock and the body was taken to Roderic -11 cemetery for interment. Donald. who hal r.'- the age et da passed away. lie had' been i11 or a tong time. He was for about 50 creels a blacksntith in our village.-eape•te,1 highly by all who knew him. Fr' Lumber of years tie has given up work .alld lived a retired life. Ile le.ves s wife and fivo children. Two children, Mrs. A T. Scutt and Ellen realde here. �JNDERWEAR CALL on a dealer and feel the ' fine, soft texture of Watson's Combination Suits. Notice the remarkable pliability—the won- derful strength—then examine an, other brand, and you will find the difference so great that you will insiut on II . Watson's. Watson's Combination Suits ormfit like a glove - and remain that way—regardless of number of washings. Guaranteed not to stretch nor shrink. We took it all out before the making. For complete comfort, fit, iron -wear and all- round satisfaction. Watson's Combination Suits are unequalled. Guaranteed—that's important. We make many other styles of underwear. Call on your dealer to -day and examine the almost unlimited variety. THB WATSON )IANUPACTCKING e0, LTD., PARIS, ONTARIO. AND CORN • assts r.•)., f Z' '" for that T. 'te e to dell- rupt, about of any ri, purer, u vee r, me in eatest n, and uantity " is put air -tight Brand" ear as purity • Accurate Sporting News If you like a Sporting Page that is always reliable —newsy—full of personal interest—well illustrated— you'll enjoy the "Toronto Daily Star". Our staff of writers includes men active in athletic circles and amateur athletic organizations. Conse- quently our news is first-hand and authoritative. We have fairly earned the reputation of reporting athletic events, wherever they may take place, more fully than any other Canadian paper. Always, and above all,we aim to be fair to everybody. Subscribe now and take advantage of our special rate of $1.50 A Year This ever with* "soma* OfOy Star" together for owe year -12.20. f ereet.N Pewter* Pee veep (tie 50e. oildsd to oboes sabtemMf,sw serve. Toronto Daily Star