HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-18, Page 4r zetev abocate, Sanders & Creech, Props. THURSDAY, Nov. 18, '09 at Ailsa Craig oto the lith the tee. errs!• in tee:Motion chose John Slot." -oil o' i'ark'.ill to contest tee riding :)t tee Legislature, against J. W. Doyle. c: a Ceneervattvc re:tete� D. C. Rosa. Liberal, was elected in 'West Middlesex by 155 of a majority, to eruected a Lite.rat. and Oliver J. Wtl- ci,x, Conservative, was elected in North Kssex by 75, succeeding a Liberal, who fast year was elected by 551. Thus the eeetnservattves made a gain of use lu two eltje-electfone. Let '+ e yo'a' g nth r about town out ;tf a job try a yeer or, the farm. I'Iow- ic-g will give elm a new co tititutio:t, reske tee kinks out of his head. the frog ant o: his throat, the gee oft his stom- ach, tete wearieese out of hip legs, tI'e . •oeres oft his toes. and give hint a good appetite, a:- heeest living and a eight xz feaven. &r. Goldwln Smith, the veteran writer '.tn, the newspapers over the naive of ily- tiresieder, tae retired front Journalism ow- ing to extreme old age. Ile Itae contrth a:bed a wonderful amount of correapoed- ,.rce to newspapers in his time; not all It agreeable, but all forceful arid *Me result of strong conviction on public .• taestions. December eoth has been fined as the date of the North Middlesex bye -election to the Legislature, to fill the vacancy .eaused by the reslgnatlo,t at D. t'. Ilona who was last week elected to the Hawse of Conenens for Wee( Mlddleae'.o Doyle, who contested the riding for the Slismtnons ie 19(111. has been chosen as otbe Conservative candidate. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S -CASTO R 1 A DASIIWOOD EY. 6ROiteNSHIRE. DASHWOOD CONVEY - . ENCER Della, Wills. weaves. awl all ";.,Wal Documents carefully andppro�prepared i,.•'k •aaxee moderate. Ismer s1 Marring• Licenses --- Kr. Jacob Kellerman°, who has Aileen for some time a patient in St. .I'oeeph'a Hospital, came home on fist- •utday to spend Sunday with bis fain- viLy. hut unfortunately was not permit - eked to do so, scarlet fever having Swot. •,en out in his ,family just that day. Re left again on Monday morphs/ for the hospital for further treatment. - /lees. A. D. Gischler of Zurieb preached -in the Evangelical Church last Sunday .navrrning and Rev. E. H. Bean in the evening, -Oars. R. J. Donebey, tt t.a has been visiting at her hotne here, left for her future home in Chicago on Friday taut. -Mr. Levi Hamacher Le .emcting %a stable on his property, op pasite the' Grist Mill. -Mr. George •Situr has had 11 - house resided. .irbirb V�wtly implores its .pp..t,s•ance,- es. C. Welk,r• ••f Mtivvi ,,. who hie been visiting st the home of her sister, Mrs. L. K. Eidt, l. -ft for bar home on •Thur -day. -On Friday evening at S -tclock Rev. A. Y. Heist will preach is the Evangelical Church and on Sun- day at 2:30 and at 7 p.m. After the attiternoon service he will administer the Lord's Supper to the members and friends of the church.- Our street tights seem to be giving good satisfac- tion tinder the new management. - Mir. Henry Truemner received as a .present from his son Arthur a fine large deer. which the son had shot in tete northern woods. It is needless to *my Henry is somewhat elated over the gift. -Miss Emma ('allfas spent Sunday with friends on the Goshen Line. -Mr. Wm. Ehlers shipped re car toad of floor on Saturday. -Mr. arid Mee. Godfreid Nadiger, who have herr' visiting friends at Preston and Water - lay for some time. came home last week. -O,1 Thursday night a number of young people gathered at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Meyer and /heat the time in dancing till the small hours of the morning. -Mr. and Mrs. •Frank Jeremette of brand Bend visit- ed friends in the village on Saturday. --Mr. Sant' Hey was in the village on Saturday evening. He left Monday to work at Exeter. -Mr. Richard Baker is at present conflned to his bed ttllrougb illness. We hope soon to see taim around again as usual -Mr. Gus .Kluge of Washington, Micbii sn, came no this village on Monday evening to visit friends for a few days. QiAT1L-Thio week we must record *bedsatb of Mr. John Pope, who lived on the 16th concession of Hay. 24 miles wrest of this place. He bad been around osseous' on Saturday, but during the eaksbt took ill of heart failure and. npite all that medical skill could do. be passed away before morning.He had @reached the alloted span of ife, being mast the three score and ten mile•etone in fife. The funeral was conducted on Tuesday afternoon to the Grand Bend eCe. etery, Rev. S. C. Carriere officiate , esg. We extend to the bereft ones the •.wncere sympathy of the community. The Exeter Evap- orator will accept no more apples this season. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA CRSDITON. l'CIICHASED BLACKSMITH DUSI- NESS.-Having purcResed tete Black- smith Mosinee* from Mr. Alonzo. Hod- gins. I am prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith Work for the general pub- lic and reepet tfully solicit the patronage of all the uld customers of the shop and many new one.. 1 ant sure we can give you entire satiefac•tio11. Horse Shoeing a lepec•lalty.-DAN MacISAAC, Crediton. Ontario. Ira Brown le to Dashwood for a fee days asstet'ng Mr. Siebert in his store. -Mini Susie Kuhn has returned home :rant Tor,,- . . she ties been en- g-tged ay past seaport. - Arrartgene 'i are betrtg made for rhe Xmas let oe . r t1 to be held el the, Evangel Ica! churc r 0.1 C-trt3Unes Eve. Tite can- tata. 'The Celine of Silver Bells" will to rendered. This cantata was given 8 years ago and at gust time proved to be the beat ever glvett in ctrl• vicinity. The officers of t`+.• Sunday School con- eidered 0 would stand repeating. We are sure those who attend will not be dieieppoteted.-John Finkbet•ter and son Flee visited relative. in Seefotttt NVed- reiday.-Feldle Winer of Hanover spent a few days with hid grandparents. Sir. and Mrs. Matthew Winer. -Mr. August Kuhn of Stratford Sundayed at home. - Joy. Lawson hair finished the cement floor of the new bridge on the Exeter Side itoad. Ile was fortunate in being able to do the work during the fine days Wit weeK.-Rev. Dean returned tonne from Decile last Saturday. -H. Eilber, Geo. E11ter. Paul Shenk and Ct.ae. Wolf went to the fiend on Wednesday on a duck hunt. -Iter Graham spent Sunday with friends in Exeter. -Our bowlers have been taking advantage of the fine weather and quite a few i',tereating gtrite3 have been played. -Mrs. Krein has returned from Pigeon, Mich.,where she has been v1s'ting friends for a law months. She was accompanied by her nice. Miss Effinger, who will visit here for a few weeks. -Bert Clark's shoot- ing match last Thursday was not large- ly attended. Sides were chosen by F. Kerr and W. Yearley, with the following result -F'. Kerr 9. D. Mawhinney 7, R. (,ttawhiniey 5, F. Smith 3, Total 24: W. Yearley 9, H. Smith 7, W. Mawhin- ney 4. G. Mawhinney 5, Total 25. KIRKTON. The people in the villages of Kirkton and Woodham and in the neighborhood have already ■ubscribed $251 00 toward paying the costs and expenses of the Township of Blanchard In connection with the bonus by-laws to the St Mary■ & K eater\ Ontario Railway Co , on the final passing of the by-law by the roun- cll. The by-law is again to be voted upon on Nov. 19th. Concert. --Under tate. auspic•ea of Kirk ton Agricultural Society a grand con- cert will be given in Aberdeen Hall, in Klrkton. on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd. The Play entitled 'Dot, The !Liner's Daugh- rre or 'One Glass of Wine" will be put on under the management of Mr. W. W. Kerr of Winchelsea. Tito •e who have seen It have been greatly delight eel and t :ere is a treat in stole :o: all w ; attend. Concert commences at 9 aft ` e Adtnisstoct 35c. and 25c. FARQUI(AR Mr. John Tucker and family 'save :n r7- wI to their new hone in Blintville.-Mr. J. E. Tom. inspector of schools. visit- ed our school last week and gave a very satisfactory report.-Meesre. Mc - Collie & Nolce of St. Marys have just completed drilling a well for Fred Stew- art. having secured an abundant supply if water. They are now at work for Mr. Trus. Rundle. CENTRALIA Invitations are out for the wedding .t' Miss Gertrude Glavin o: Meiiilllrray. to ltr..teustue Hennessey of Otis place, t -Ifo event to take piece on Nov., 23rd. Iter. W. 11. Vance of Woodham occup- .e 1 the pulpit of the Methodist church in Piece of the pastor who conducted re- optning services at Cooper's church near St. Marys. --Mins ".aura Dutt assisted at an entertainment on the Dunganou circuit on Monday evening. -Mrs. Spen- n.': of St. Thomas is visiting her mother Mrs, Anderson• -The Parsons -Davis Co. etre doing a big business In poultry at p.esent, shippiig large quantities from ":ere. Nearly a Fire. -Mr. W. Moffatt's ho- tel had a narrow escape early last week from befog destroyed by fire. The blaze it is understood otiginated from the oil stove In lite barber shop and burned its way up the Inside of the veneered wall to the second storey window, and had started In the teed clothing in one of the rooms when It was noticed by a servant• The alarm was emmidtatelt give:" and t few pals of water were applied ;ust in time to save the building. A minute or two more and the tire would have been beyond control. - WNDON ROAD. etre. Robt. Noss and Mfrs. Dr. Ross wee drove up from London one day last w.•ee have returned home. -A meeting of tee memb• re o' the Bodgervtlle Oust Club A.14 eeld e' the how of Mr. Henry Dou gee test week eche': It wet decided to r, t01 •Cllr annual shoot on Tuesday. the ▪ Offices were fleeted as follows - Norman Je-rott fres.. and W. MrF.wert Sec.-Treas. The shoot a• usual will consist of live pigeons and at the; con- clusion the usual oyster supper will be partaken of. A !food time pity be looked tarward to. -Elwin White. we are sorry to 'tate. has been indisposed for sever- al days. -Mrs. Geo. Upehall and tee of Wincheisra visited at N. larrott's over Sunday. W18R AND OTHERWISE Idleness 1st he master key to poverty. Even a deaf man never overlooks an invitation to take sonaettting. When a man begins to blow lois mon- ey a (01 of people get wind of 1t. The secret of success Iles in doing well what you can do and cutting out what you can't do. HAY. Death of Mfr. Dizieti .-On Sunday last tee death of William Warren Dignan, aged 7,1 years, occurred at his home, con. 6. The deceased has been a tong and patient sufferer. Four years ago toe was strlckea down with paralysis from welch Its only partly recovered. In February last he Buffered another stroke which rendered hire speechless and from that time to his demise has been in a very feeble state of health. The late Mr. Dignan was highly esteem- ed for his many good qualities as a friend and rtelgttbor. Ile ai:d i,is wife steered the hardships of the pioneers and his palming removes another of the men. who many, main' years ago. with strong hands and stout heart entered the forest to stake a home for hitneelf. The funeral took place to the Yansville cemetery on Tuesday. Besides his ,tor - rowing partner in life he leaves a grown up family of four sons and five( daugh- ters. four of whom are In the West and the rest st01 reside in this town- ship THE HURON INDIANS Those who fancy that the Huron Ind- ian has di.-tpptarcd front this locality are greatly ,nisttke,n, for this Is what the writer received not long ago. - 'On the '28th day of the Moon, loth !eolith. a grand pow -wow of Huron Indians will be held in the wlgwant of that mighty hunter, Chief Wait -for -Snow when other great chiefs, such as Ram- iro -the -Fare, (irong-Pipe, Spotted Tail, Hunt -the -Moose, Catch -the -Pike and sev- eral others will smoke the pipe of peace and speak of great days gone by, when thousands of their tribe assembled on the banks of the .lux Sauble to trade with the white poen. By order o1 Chief Walt -for -Snow you will be allowed to attend. Consider this a great honor to white Wan." -Scribe Look -tor -Sun." After such an invite I could not well refuse, so arming myself with a long and strong pipe, .tnd donning some buck skins, and putting un mocasains, and taking some firewater in case of weari- ness and cold, 1 set off, and Chicle Spot ted -Tail and Strong -Pipe came with the. The wigwam was pitched to one of the most picturesque spots on the old Sauble River. six mile from Port Frank and Grand 13eud. When 1 reached the wigwam 1 was received with great honor One chief offered me pemmican. another salt fish, auuteer dried muskrat, err. I then entered the wigwam and having die permed tobacco, we had a few puffs. and teen my address carne. 1 will cut it Ignore- 'Mighty Chief of Muton in - diene, at your commend i, a solitary welt° man have dared to enter your vancturn s-,m"orium. 1 trust the great Spirit has grantel you luck in (att-roles :l•enterl3 tp:ke) and shooting the wily ''flab-e (rabbit). etc.. etc." The ch;e: tee i expressed his desi-e to stake me a chief, and I was accordingly installed and named Cole: 84i'i-t to -Mink. Great was the talk and It lasted until the ittoon wtl in its full glory. Then a seerce wan ,rade for 'White Dog" so we could cook hire and have grand feast. but he had disappeared: however some Indian had discovered a peculiar food celled 'Limb of the Burgher". This mixed with dry corn and washed down with Lagareen. a decoction front wild re's, was great. The next day a great hunt was order- ed and awful was the slaughter of the wabishaa and ecartlnka (the black s luirrel). I distinguished myself by shooting off the tall of one wabtsha and nearing an owl. The latter was a great feat and showed i had good tunes. Ctlef Spotted Tail was in great feather as tie killed one siska (chlpmonk) Chief Strong Pipe searched in vain for basKa- reen (wild duck) but only found them several miles on Lake Huron, where the canoe could not reach on account of rough water. No squaws, young or old. were precut'''. so we had one big• 'Injun me time". At night we were enlivened several dances given by various chiefs and the tom -totes were beaten in great shape. Nett morning my time having been used up, attended by Spotted Tail, rod Strong Pipe to act as guides, adieu. leaving only Walt -for -Snow and Rain -in -race to guard the wigwam int"1 rougher weather drove in the wild ducks. Sed was the parting, but Spotted Tail l:ke.1 the wigwam so well he wilt rewrn until snowfall. , Now, Mr. Editor, guess who we arr. Chief Skin-the-Mietk. N11 -O -N A Relieves Stomach Miser: Alntoet mediately. AN INSPIRING PICIfURE. Tee beautiful picture, "Tne Soul's Awakening," 'row being distributed amongst subscribers to the "F'ant11Y Herald and Meekly Star." of Montreal. wits the admiration of all who ire- 0. it 1s so vastly superior and dlffeiei t to the ordinary preniiunt picture, that one wondete how the publishers of that great weekly paper can afford to give it free with a year's subscription. "The Soul's' .\waiteuing" is 19 by 2% inches, all ready for framing arid fit tae occupy a plate on the walls of any hcnte in the Dominion. ."try home pos- sessing a copy will be much the better of 0. A dollar sent now for a year's subscription to the " Family Herald acid Weekly Star." of Montreal, will bring you a cop) of tee picture free. Do not watt until the crowd ahead of you la too big. Ti.ore is an enormous demand, and delay may mean inlesittg this great treat. f -. IIURONDALE Harry Itot tort sold a pair of sit - month old colts to a gentleman in for- est. for whit'" he realized $25(1. Tires were hougr,t (oi btcedieg purposes and were shipped this week. They are a fine pair. one taking first at Exeter Fair. 4 Particular women sell the Sou- venir Russ "Tins best *wilds/ &marstes is (',awn.-• Nssdsssw is appw.a••. away best Sloss sat/ balln is traders. The 3..vesie is all "has, sal its sassy •:- slash, f.MrN slits k is • Wass by hull. Ow kis book gives .saga tests yogi ought t. balm. A soft carol will brim/ it. GURNEY. TILDEN & CO. Led H•ailtsa Moskva, wi•.ise/ Calgary Vassoaver 15D1 For Salt by W. J. IltEAMAN, EXETER LONDON. ONTARIO Business & Shorthand su$JncTs Resident and Mail Courses Cassini... nue ;. W. West.rvett. J. W. Wermnrek, Jr.. C.A., Prieeip.l. Vice-Priseipsl. Has the reputation of toeing the heat practical training school In Canada. Thorough coitses have produced results. business men say our graduates are the test and they apply to to for office help. Our graduates sumeed ae none other Three departments Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy Enter at once. Write no:o for our free cats logue. D. A. McLAOHLAN Principal. IN GIVING Kindness Magnifies Small Gifts A Dainty Christmas Postal, though inexpensive, can carry much joy to some friend who does not expect it. We have Christmas Cards & Booklets at from 2 for 6c to 10c. EL IIWET, N.L lm- Chemist and Optscian ISZETER Phone 50 sr Bee Fancy Xmas Bones of Writing Paper in Window. If tare food you ate at your last .„meal did not .algesi, but laid for a long tante like lead on your stomach, then you have Indigestion and quick action should be taken. • Of course there ale many other syrup - terns of indigestion. such as belching up of 'our food, heartburn. dizziness. ,etortness of breath and foul breatl.. and If you hive any of thcm•cybur e'Onc- ac:e to out of order and 'Mould be cor- rected. MI O• t,i t giblet s have eured thousands if cases of I•idigeatioe and stomach troutte. It you heave any stomach dis- tress. M1 -o -iia will relieve instantly. But Mi -o -:a unlike lutist so-called dys- p •csi % remedies, does more than relieve . t permanently cures dypepsia or any stomach trouble by putting energy and WHALEN .trctigth Info tae walls of the stonier* weer, the gastric juices are produced. K large box of Mi•o-tta tablets eosin et' and airs. .I V. %tiliere. were vIa•aa���t ,, 51) cents at W. 3• P'ule's and are a at Moue( Pleasant 8. 8. tact So. ba k t t en behalf of the 8. 8. almociitio t • c Sunday tI . Urquhart ani Stin- e at Klrkton wilt visit this 601001. - ▪ convention In coneerllon wit`" the e ."Wipe tied lllanshatd S. 8. associa• will 5' held here on Thursday next h 25. Afternoon and evening eres- a ..-Our W. M. Society- went teGran .sat Tr ut.day and tu)K the meet- , ; tesldee visiting with the tuxtiiary • t at piece. -Large quantities aptlea .r riser tweed int t ols vicinity 01 Latin and 8t. Marys buyers. -Mr. John l�.,ny well known to many ar,uod re 1s(' . idt week for l?' 4;21'A ' 0 .t/ will ala ,,J I•.r whiter. quirenteed to care or stoney t' • When others fail M1-o-na cures. 1t Is a producer of flesh ween the body is thin 1' deaf s's th' CO notch and towels purities the blood and makes rich red !Wood. E - Orimaras N ,oNl) CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Cold% or mossy back. Ssld and guaranteed by NEW eusion Store Having purchased the Provision busi- ness of Mr. /oho End', and moved the stock to the premises opposite the tel - phone office 1 ani prepared to accept your orders In tee line of General Pro- visions. FLOUR. FEED, STOCK FOOD SEEDS. GRAINS. RTC. ETC. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE MAO Olyllcie TORONTO IISTAIL I*SI D 111117 IP. E. vvALKXR, ere i intI Paid-up Capital, $10,0001 ALEXANDRA LAIRD, General >raaasst Reserve Fund, - 6.000, TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a molt convenient way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations of $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Swedes and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries they are payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every oaks of the Bank- uta ei Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Orediton The very best grade/ of t:ma' .eweys on land Geode delivered to any part of '•.e town We levlte your patronage ar.l at.: i' a call from You OPPOSITE TF•LYa'llt)NF, t)t'I WM. RIVERS $962 Thoroughness the Corner Stone One year ago, Mr. (leo. Wakeman was earning about =100 per year as farm laborer. Now he is earning at the rate of $9622 per year. Six months' trading at our Busi- ness College made the diiferenta. Was It a good investment' He thinks so. His address is New Or goode, Seek. Four Course*: PREPARATORY COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHY TELEORAPEY inter soy time. Individual In ruction. Write for particulars Clinton Business College 0E0. $POTION, PRINCIPAL High -Grade PIANOS are always a pleasure to their owners We have sold and are selling a great many high-class pianos -and always at reasonable prices. Our Numerous Satisfied Customers is the strongest guarantee of the truth of the above assertion. Our pianos today are the beet that tbe piano -makers produce and our prices and terms are what you will appreciate. Do not be too quick to believe per- sona who tell you different from the above for tbe purpose of selling you cheap and, in some cases, trashy goods at big prices. Oa11 and see us and be convinced that what we say we live up to. 8. MARTIN &SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. They are noted for the quality of Owl, goods Wedding Gifts Let your Wedding Gift be admired. 48 it carries your heart- iest wishes for borne joys. it nem not he expensive to he in good taste. Our qualities are the best and prices the lowest. Cut Glass Our Cut Glass is of the flnestcuttingand perfect white crystal Silver Our Silver Dept. is is brim full of nice goods,daintydesigns A. Marchand Jeweler and Optician --- Exeter, Ontario :tee e eeeee The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital (paid up) - $3,500,000 Rent Fund - - - $3,500,000 Has 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Mire in the World. A SEPURAL RA/1E1M 1118151189 TRAi18ACTate. SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. interest allowed at highest current tate. ▪ EXETER BRANCH - Agent. at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DIciteoer & CARLING, Solicitors. • N. D. HURDON, Manager, Purchased Blacksmith Business Having purchased the blacksmith property and business of MR. A. E. PYM, near the Town Hall. I am prepared to do all kinds of Black- smith Work for the General Public. and respect- fully solicit the patronage of all the Old Cus- tomers of the Shop, and many New Ones. I believe we can give yon entire satisfaction. Yours, David Russell 1