HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-18, Page 3PARLIAMENT IS NOW OPEN!GONSlS
•� Speech From the Throne at the Opening
of the Eleventh Parliament.
A despatch from Ottawa says: French Republic, respecting the
91iId, hazy November weather con- commercial relations between
ditiuns attended the opening of the France and Canada, havingbeen
second session of the eleventh ('a-_' approved by the French legislative
radian Parliament en 'Thursday af- chambers, you will also be asked to
ernoon. confirm it.
As a result of
ar Lament Hill to witness the mill- Western division has been extend-
Telegraph's Briefs From Our OMs
add Other Countries e1
Remit Emits.
TR.tIC ('1:N IRE`;.
('rices of Cattle, Crain. Cheese and
Other Dairy Produce at
Dome and abroad.
More Stringent Laws Are Needed to
Squelch Dishonest Packers.
"We have at present over 7,000,- and as a result a strong industry
000 apple trees in Ontario, bearing has sprung up•
i•► a good season one barrel of pack
ed apples to the tree. Moreover,
this is a very moderate estimate.
Thus Mr. E. U. Smith of Winona make
opened the annual convention of Letter legislation which will serve
the Ontario Fruit -(;rovers' Assuciu- to stamp out the Most prevalent
u enWednesday. s
"Besides this great quantity of ,the inspectors `themselves are not
A company has been totaled to Toronto, Nov, 16. -Flour - On -
manufacture steel by electricity at fano wheat 90 per cent. patents,
1Velland. $1.30 to 84.35 in (posers' sacks un
Port Arthur Catholics have plans
track, Toronto. and 81.13 to $1.20
the nuc weather I The construction of the franscun prepared for a handsome cut -stone outside, in buyers' sacks. \I:upito-
conditio11s an even greater crowd tinental Railway has made substan_ cathedral. baba flour, first patents, L,S.uu on
k n Stic u), recommendation for
ui citizens thin usual gathered on tial adv!+ace during the year. The 1). W. Hines, President of the track, Toronto; second patents,
F 1' H I Farmers' Railway at Prince Albert, $5.10 to $5.20, and strong bakers'tion at Toronto dr eases and pests. In some eases
Lary pageant, and the arrival of r l 66 miles be:und Edmonton, corn- Sask., has gone insane. $4.90 to $5 on track, Toronto.l 1
Rideau Hall. 1 g Port Arthur shippers are pro. Manitoba wheat -No. 1 Northern
HT1 exspeech► from 'Ithe throne coon- west of \Vinnipegtar('ontru is miles
testing heeause one•of the elevators $1.03, Bay ports, and No. 2 Nor-
int00Jpucc saufri'vg�ntsd there are 1 t,- fitted for their work, and a barrel
( is not operated on Sunday. there, $1.01,'!, Bay ports.,and there are of apples which will pass one in
tallied the following clauses: been let for 3.;9 miles in the n►u_.i 1 Ontario wheat -No. •-2 mixed, 81. -
less than 350,000 orchards and specter will not pass another. There
Immigration has poured into the tain division; good progress was The first train of wheat over the gardens," continued Mr. Smith. He• be a school of training for
Eastern National Transcontinental from 03 to $1.04 outside, and No. 2 whiteg
new settlements of the North and node on this work. The I.xs/ern dr- went on to show- that where 25 !tsillieotitill.d,
the West in a copious and well- vision is now open for trafli: from 1Vinnipeg arrived at Fort. \Villiam and red Winter, $1.04 outside. e
on Tuesday. Barley --No. 2, 58 to 59c outside, years ago all fruits in Ontario were! Mr. Smith thought the growing of
ordered stream, drawn from the Winnipeg to Lake Superior June and No. 3 extra at 56 to 57c out- sold to cununission agents in the : Baldwins and Spies should he made
best elements of the British .lsles,'tion, and thence by the (,rued Fort William has been billed forlarge cities, to -day theyare sold a national industry.
the United States, and continental Trunk Pacific branch to ..,e lake *.:,345.50 for costs of the services of side.
Europe. Trade and commerce have l itself. The whole of the work be the militia in connection with the Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, new, directly to the trade throughout the -1 look forward with a groat deal
'recent strike riots. 37% to 38e outside. New Canada Dominiu11• of confidence t.. the future un
made rapid advances in all three- tween Winnipeg and Moncton is nowpr
tions. The revenue has almost corn- under contract. Ioats,39% % , and No. 3 The packing law:: he does not con- leects of fruit tocsin in Ontario.
The steamer Ellwood rammed- a West to 39 cK K
letely regained what it had lost The exploratory surveys for a gate in the American Soo Canal, at 38% to 39c, Bay ports. aider adequate int Ontario. 1Wc have the natural conditions of
In the recent period of depression. railway from the 1Vestern wheat and the locks will probably be clos- Peas -86 to 87c outside.
"Why, in the Western States and soil and climate to product the best
remainder of the season. 2,74c outside. British Columbia they laugh at our apples on the continent." he eon -
bloat remarkable has been the ra-fields to Hudson's Bay were pushed forthe- Rye-No.laws • theirs are so much stricter,
pid recovery from the financial em- led energetically during tow whole! People of Hazleton, B. C., are
Buckwheat -53 to 56c outside. eluded.
barrassrnent which for a short time of last summer. It is hoped that petitioning Premier McBride for . Corn -No. 2 American yellow, 71
was the cause of anxiety amongst in report. of the operation will be constables tt+ protect then, against to 71%c on track, Toronto. 5%c per ib. Good lots of fat hogs
business men. In nearly every placed before you at an early date.poss;•blc troul,le with the Indians. Bran -$21 in bags, Toronto, and sold at 8X to 9c per lb.
branch of business there has been a In order to improve the facilities ' i' rederiek Peterson, a colored shorts at $23.50 in bags, Toronto. Toronto, Nov. 16. -The export
revival of activity which gives as- already afforded the public by the man, was stabbed in the head at a trade was relict. Butchers' of the
aurance of continued progress and Government railways, and to en-' chance in Hamilton, and Charles COUNTRY PRODUCE. choice va i-iety sold as high as at any
prosperity, hence their value as part of the Smith has been arrested on a Apples -$2 to 83.50 time during the past few months.
charge of committing the offence. Pfper barrel, K I
Two members of my Government great transportation system of Can- g' g cc•coeding to quality. ;One load of prime steers sold nt
attended the Imperialstysconference ads, a bill will be submitted to Mvonin
- GIt1:.1'f BRITAIN. Beans -$1.60 to $1.75 per bushel °fD a0• Ordinary good loads sold
called by his Majesty's Government for the purpose of enabling the \lin-' freely at $4.60 to $5. Choice cows
1 et outside points.
on the question of defence. A plan ister of hallways, on the rosea- ! Lieut. Shackleton, the antarctic Hurry ('Dale dozen. $2.25 to were firm at $4.25 to $4.75. Milk -
was adopted, after consultation mendation of the Government- rail- ' explorer, has been Knighted. �3 • extracted, 10%c per lb.
ers and springers were not quite
with the Admiralty, for the organiz- ways managing board, and subject ' Suffragettes made It raid on the Hay -No. 1 timothy $I:, to 3;+.:,o so strong. The top price paid was
ation of a Canadian naval service, to the approval of Parliament, to Lord Mayor's banquet at the Guild and No. 2 at $13.50 to $i 1 oat t I:+: k, '`6f• Sheep and lambs were very
on the lines of the resolution of the lease any line or lines connecting , hall. London. •Toronto. firm and dearer, lambs averaging
House of Commons of the 29th of with the Intercolonial Railway-. . Muntaguc Guest, a close friend of Straw -$8.30 to *9.50. + eo•n5• Hogs quoted at $7.50 f.o.b.,
March Inst. The papers will be im- A measure will be submitted to Kinwith NisEdward,
at Sa►irinile tghan3 -• Potatoes -50 to 55, per bag on and 87•',0+ fed and watered.
mediately brought down and a bill you for the purpose of remlerinb j '•
introduced ace(tr(1ingl%•. more effective the ,resent leoi.ln_ 1 The British (7url►I+►ittet' on the ti -ask fur (711tar'(1li. 1 7_,,,,______
The new convention between• his
Majesty and the President, of the
"\Ve cannot expect assured suc-
cess except through unit •d action,
out only in the townships, but in
the whole Province. We can then
Dramatic ('enscrshi , has :::Ici • cl Poultry--('hrckens, dressed, 11 to ' it.11LIto.tf TO BL.tChsoI 8.11'.
tion, respecting combinations which I 13e per Ib. ; fowl, 9 to tee; turkeys,
Unduly enhance prices. that the censorship be retl+il+ I and
extended to music halls. 18 to IRs per lb.: clucks, ib., 11 to British Goveruuu•►rt Makes Grant
Lord Dundonald advise; the 12: ;geese 4 to lOe. per Ib.
NEW LINES ON THE 1'.1('1lFI('. i towns and_____populous count:es of THE 1).V HY \11tK1:TS.
Britain to purchase estates in the
British Columbia Contracts With colonies on which to pias their tet Cutter -Pound prints 22 to 221/2e;
Canadian Northern. employed. tubs and large rills, 20 to 21c; in-
ferior, 17 to 19c; creamery, 26 to
I'NITED STATES2,e, and solids, 21 to 25c per lb.
The Court of Appeals at Albany Eggs --('ase lots, 28 to 30e per
been made with Mackenzie and (teetclyd that oral betting was not dozen for fresh, and 20 to 27c for
Sentence Imposed on Window.
smashing Suffragettes.
A despatch from London says:
Alice Paul and Amelia Brown, the
window -gnashing suffragettes, on
Wednesday were sentenced each to
A despatch from Victoria, B. C',,
says: The Provincial Government
has announced that a contract has
one mouth at hard labor. Both are Mann for the establishment of illegal. !storage.
members of the Mrs. Emmeline several distinct Pacific steamship Nine rue•n lost thrix lives in an ('hoose 12!.;c per ib, for large,
Pankhurst organization. During lines to act as feeders to the traffic coke, explosion in a colliery at Nandi- taut at 12 a for twins.
the banquet at (:olid Hall in honor of the Northern Railway Co., which coke, Ya. i - •--- 1
of the King's birthday stones were will be extended to the coast. Four Owing to a renunknble boom in 110(1 PRODUCTS. Canadian Government as a part of
the steel trade the Hotntstend steel 1 , rhe all -red !Dote will hr a si
thrown through a window of the passenger steamers will be operat iincon-Lung clear, 14,:� to goal fur
• mills •will run en double time. tie connncnc(•n'eut of the railway."
dining hall, the crash of glass ed in the Japan and Hsmg Kong \man died at Sunu•ryille, \. J., 11 ,e per lb. in cast lots: mess
startling the company and inter- trade. Amu her four -steamer lint while in n hypnotic trance. 1'hc 1,i,rk, 8211.50; short cut, *27.50. _�,_,p•�-_
rupting the speech of the Lord will ply to Australia and Now Zea- hypnotist is cha1,ced with 1111111.
Hams -Light to medium, 15 to
Mayor. The affair proved to be a land ports, while modern vessels , slaughter. i Inc; do., heavy, 1.1 to 1.1%c; rolls, SHOT THROUGH �'1'011.1('Ii.
suffragette demonstration, and the will be placed on the northern run. The defalcntio11s ..f l'. (,. \Wnrri 11 to 111 e; shoulders, 12'4 to 13e;
two 'offenders were arrested. Barclay Sound, the terminus of the ser, Treasurer "f ih.• Iiia lour !'uks, ID to 20c; breakfast bacon,
C. and i&. proposed Vnne"user Is Hailread at t •incintim.. :mount Io 1 •• to 18e.
'1' laiui line, eventually will be the *6.13,000. Lard -Tierces, I5'/.,c; tubs, 15';c;•', COMET SIG II'I'I:I). first. and last port of call itt the Ca- ; ,\ bandit who attempted t,. rob a palls, 16e.
-- nndian North-West. :Application hank at New. A'batty, Ind., killed
Seen for first Time From Cana- will l e made to the Dominion Cloy- the ehashier end seriously wounded
dinn 1)I►sern atni • eminent for trail subsidies for all 'the
the new lines.
I'lV le 'fllol'S.%ND UOMEI,ESS
of i13.i,000.
.\ despatch from London says:
The Government has decided -to
grant £135,000 towards the ('olli�o-
ney & Blacksod Bay Railway. When
this is constructed London will be
only fourteen horns from Blacksod
Bay, from which Halifax is distant
only three and a half days. "With
this decision," prophesies The
Standard, "the early opening of
the all -red route becomes almost
assured. Its recognition by the
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Halley's comet was seen by \I r.
Robert M. Motherwell, observer at
the Dominion Observatory. on Wed-
nesday night, through toe 15 -inch
telescope. The comet came into
view about 10 o'clock. and was still
visible at 1 o'clock in th:• morning.
it will not he visible to the naked
eye until January. This is the first
time the comet has been seen from
a Canadian observatory, F••r its last
appearanee was 73 years ago.
Quebec Government Will ',eine
Their for Pertain .ureas.
A despatch front Qhehec says
The I're%incial Government has
adopted an order -in -(.'Dune it au-
thorizing the Minister of Coloniza-
tion to issue prospecting permits
fur areas of land not exceeding two
hundred acres in extent. The ter-
ritory upon which these permits
will be issued will he determined
by the Miii-ter of Colonization,
iltine a col 1 o•heries.
('harivnri Near Neepaaa. Man..
(las Serious Ending.
A despatch from Neepawn, Man-
itoba, says: 'There was n sad and
almost tragic ending to n eharivari
IIUSINESS .\T MONTI11:.\L. at IW. McI.aughlin's plate, near
e President and another man. Montreal, Nov. 16. -Oats ---No. 2 Glendale, en Tuesday night. when,
The Heading itnilway hats 2a) Canadian !Western, 41'., to .12e. a nraged by the noisy crowd ass:'mh-
tank cars engaged in hauling water i'arlry No. 2, 60 to 67e ; Minit„Ini ' led' following his wedding, Jlc. elution. The beat debts amounted to
to towns nucl collieries in the an feed barley, 52 to 53c; Iniekwheat, Laughlin tired a rills among then!, c my $2r.
thrncitI coal region of I'ennsvlvan• b. t„ 58!.tc. hlour Manitoba and wounded Harry Bosnell, aged '1'
'Typhoon Ganser (:real Ramage In in. 1 Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.70; e'ightcen. The bullet pass:•rl t 11E.1'I' IN ('.111 Nlllt'1'll.
Leland of Panay. - -- do., seconds, $5.20; Winter wheat through his stomach and liver, and --
(lEi\'I:Il:1L. I r although he is still alive and in the (las I:ended Number'2 Northern al
A 'despatch from Manila says: patents, *5.50 to *5.60; Manitoba R
Panay, of the Visayas group, was Franz Ferdinand of Austria and strong bakers', $5; straight rollers, hospital herr, his life is despaired Port Laird.
crossed by a typhoon last Sunday. his wife on a visit to the Kai t?5.16 to 7k3.l5; do., in hags, ret•_ hadof. leen quietly married a tew wheat grown at Fort Laird has
Capiz Province, where many homes - -'1'--- $21 to *22; Ontario middlings 9t•23.• days age, hence the celebration. been received by the Trade and
wore destroyed. hive thousand(' 11.4:11'1' Hort: .ts III: FI:Li.. 5.) to $2); Manitoba bran, *21 :1 _ _ unm ('
Commerce Department from
aro homeless, and crops -- Manitoba shorts, $23 to $21; pure I -______,1,. _ _.._._('nrissioner Perry, of the North West
destroyed. A large, part lit lancouter Workmen !lave Narrow grain nwuillr, $32 to 833; mixed;
RI 4'11 III:t11 11'11'I'I:It. Mounted Police. Fort Laird. on
the island is hooded. Escape Front hearth. mouille, 825 to $27. Cheese ---11'. -
t I I'',c : eafortis i I to I1��,•, Dead Employe of Nen York Res -
A despatch froom ncluer, 11. , Inoratrl Leaves $4911,1100.1100.
says: Jas. '('ail. Missouri. inclo1'av•
fatter Finest creamerv,23to25'-e '
C. 1:. Russell, Vancouver, workmen t•. r.. 11r,.i l+•is, and al 26 to 261•.c in, A despatch from New lurk says:
pianies 'i'hielnuln, for the last ten
• years head waiter at Uelnionico 6
and before that a waiter at the
sxrlle restaurant spice 1472, saved
and invested his trpstso wisely that
on his death recently he left an es-
tate valued at $501.000. 'lois be-
came known on \We:Ine•day when
his widotr applied for letters 1.1 ad-
ministration. in default of a will
Canada Led the World With One
A despatch from Ottawa says:
(luring the decade from 1898 to
1908 Canada led the world, with
the exception of Argentine, in com-
parative increase in trade. During
the preceding decade, from 1897 to
1907, Canada ranked third in re-
spect to trade growth, Argentina
first and Japan second. Japan now
ranks third. This is the must in-
teresting fact brought out in the
annual report of the Trade and
Commerce Department, issued on
Wednesday. For the last fis^al
year the statistics of trade, as al-
ready stated, .show a falling off of
$67,916,28.1, us compared with the
preceding year. The Deputy Min-
ister, in his report, lays stress on
the fact that this decrease was al-
most wholly in imports, tho de-
cline in exports being only $3,446,
586. Compared with other nations.
Canadian trade figures for the year
show that the financial depression
ova$ 'felt'' much less severely hero
than els1 tvheye.
Brockville's Municipal Light Plant
lade Good Showing.
.\ despatch from Brockville says:
After paying all running expenses,
debenture interest, *5,303, and $7,-
597 on the debenture debt of the
plant, the Brockville Light and
Power Department, uwnecl and cun-
treilled by the municipality, finish-
ed the past year's operations with
tl net surplus of 8661. 'fhe depart-
ment had n revenue of $51,915 front
the sale et gas and electricity, and
nearly $1.000 was allowed for depre-
lIrilain Presents Governors' Coe.
employed onthe ii,mini••n frust " jobbing way. Eggs--.Sthcled
re.pundrni e. ten slurry block, corner of Hest- stock. 27 to 28e; No. 1 candled, 25
Ings and Abbott streets, fell from t . ewe per (low.
A despatch from Ottawa says:i
the to
A cnlunhle gift has been made to p store% down the elevator -
Canada I t the British tish l shaft on Thursday 'morning. and UNITED �T.1'fFyl 11 111 h
, rIovernmenl, both are still living. Tait was pick Ituffalo. Noy. l6. \\ h.•;tt -
namely, the complete and original 0(1 ell, from the basement, and ask' S ,tin
correspondence sent by the Gover' c•
c for nglass of enter. He was re ! R vvlicat stronger; \.. 1
nors-General to the British author- - Northern, carloads store, `el.o• ;
moved to the hospital, severely hal- Winter easier. Corn -Firm; No. 3
iltes from the year 1791 to 1810. the tered. Hopes are entertained for yellow, new, 66e. Oats -Easier;
period during which Upper and the re .ivc•ry of both then. They No. 2 white 431.2e; No. •t I 1
Lower Canada were separate pr"v-
River I.airrl, lies 200 miles north of
the rill pnrollcl of latitude and
2, miles cast of the Yukon Terri-
tory. The grain ovns graded as Ni.
2 Nerl.hern,'Worth abort 91 cents it
.111 rlephntif can get up a speed!
rf tweet'• miles an beer. and sus-
tain it f.,r hill a day.
fu ord••r to read intelligently
hooks in their native language. ('Iel-
ne-e pupil: must h• familiar with
(.moo .I�fferetit •-ieot -
were working on a scaffold across 1.
the elevator shaft. when the seat- 1 j. sc ; Ni.N4 white, 41!.,c. Barley - �T Tl i�T ►I 1,�
Gild gave way. Russell's escape is reed to malting, 61 to en
most miraculous. He ways !that t'h'eca qo, No%•. lfi.--Wheat - 1 ash.
while falling he caught hold oG i No. 2'ed. $t.09 to $1.20; No. :3 re•l,
ro pe that he knew ovns hanging in gime t" 41.1:.; rd 2 hard, 1.05;
the shaft and clutched it with his lu ?I.o►; X. 1 haul, $1.(12 to $1.03; j } )
, Lands and legs. The friction burn_ No. 1 Northern, 181.07 fo R1.117t; No. I The Dominion has Adopted a Vigorous
+ 2 Northern, $1.03 to $1.07'2 ; No. :3
eel his hands lis the home. He slid
Ethel and John Arnell Lost Their Lives !down two lir three stories, and was Nrt j 6:ti $1.02 to $I.`;; ` , it
Defence Policy.
i final!% rescued five stories down by ,•
• the other workmen.
n:,., to file: Ne. 3. 631.-e: Nu. e ye•I. -•.
in Hotel Fire at Innisfail., lea. _ _ _ f.____` low, 63',e. Oita - No. 2 while, A dcspaL-h from Wellington says: ( unference as applied to local con•
4)1.;F: No. 3, 371'y ; No. 3 white, The New Zealand budget proposals►ditions. \11 buys between the ages
1.1'NI IIING 1N 11.1.1N111S. 3r', Ic. •Ile: Nu. t whirr, 37 to 39',c• j
selves by jumping- (ill, ..f the , ,iucludo the raising of n lona not ex-
twely • and eighteen will undergo,
boarders named :Munroe. who was flub of 10,000 Persons chin_ I'p standard, 39', to 41;;.,clen►enta y dipision. All yuui,g
also obliged to jump, had his leg ' NeRrn,; wen bleeper' eigliteei and twenty-
-- seeding 02,000.000 at a .. per cent
broken. Other guests eseal►ec1 only A despatch from ('giro, 111., says :
A de., r. from Innisfail, .\Il►cr-
t.1, say • 1 to yc•ung lives were lust
In the fire which destruyed the Ile -
sere Hotel here on Wednesday
tight. and several other persons
had a bare escape from the same
horrible death. 'file victims were
Ethel and John Arnrll, aged. re-
spectively. seventeen and twelve
years, daughter and son ..t the pro-
prietor of the hotel. Three other
children were say ed by the smother
throwing then) from it window of
the se:on.i story t+• firemen• and
bite: end her husband sated tnem-
LiVE STOCK MARKET. for tie fulfillment of the Dread- Hie will undergo tarn years' cnnl-
ier their night -robes. The unfertn- .\ mob of 10,000 persons o;; Thurs. Montreal, Nov. 16.-N}ime beeves weight offer. The naval proposals ' l.ulsoty training on 't•►le,l eveningse
nate girl who perished in the flames day- night lynched Will ,lame., the sold at 1'„ to near 4'e1t per Ih. ; involve the total expenditure of ; loll( (lays and w l••i,• ,io• and mist,
was the victim of de% .,t ion to her negro snsp^rted of being Or. aur- pretty Rood animals, 3'; to 1%0; %250,000 annually, 1,'136,000 towards ; fourteen ,Int s l i seaiI% ie en 11111. .V
little brother, and lost her life inthe cull of a 1)readnoughlt and i vo•t
lrurteet force of 3' 00) meal will
II00,00) as a conlributiun tv lhe'/rise be neri!'tained awl title clubs
,Admiralty to cover the difference will he enrourngecl. 'lite rest ..f
between the imperial and local ; the scheme is estimate:I at Clapt.arrt,
rates of pay. Regarding internal , ohile a further 1:150,000 pill he e C •
defence it is proposed to teergarl- pended 111 a 1►eri0cl "1 three y 'aro
iie the present system our lines al►- nn additional armament and field
iproved by the Imperial Defence ! equipment
f n de rer of Miss Annie Pellet.. He c.,mmen stock, '2 to 3e per Ib. : Iran
noble effort to save him. She rush vas hong up in the largest public canners about 1'p( per II). :\ super -
ed to the window with the intention square m the cit% Thr rope broke icor milker was sold for *75, and two
of jumping to the ground. but on
learning that John had not been
nroise.f, sloe' went back to look for
him and Mas enveloped in the
and hundreds of shots were Loured
into his both . The n►•Jb then drag
veil the hodv throuali the streets
for it mile to the idiee where the
murder was committed
others M $69 each ; other cows and
springers from $30 to $60 each.
Grass fed calves. 2', to 11.,e per
111.; good weals, 5 to 6e per lb.
Sheep 3;; to 31;c, and lambs about