HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-18, Page 125c to JANI '10 (irtu The Advtt^ate and Mail and Empire or The Advocate and Montreal Star. Take advantage of rout Low Club Rates TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. ei) but t EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1909. The Old Reliable WE TOLD YOU SO ! Some time ago in one of our advertisements we told you this would be a BIC SEASON WITH US. We have a right to say so, too. Our store never was in a better position to meet every one's needs than it is this fall. The goods we are showing and the modest prices we are quoting are making people SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE Have you looked over ourgoo& ? Have you asked the prices ? GOOD GOODS and LOW PRICES are the two things that are making us a big store. No matter what you may need, whether DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, GROCERIES. CROCK- ERY, it will pity you to come here. Special This week we are offering a number of LADIES' READY -TO -NEAR SKIRTS AT BARGAIN PRICES -$3.50 for $2.50-$4.00 for $3 00-$4.75 for $3.75-$5.00 for $4.00. A few ODD SKIRTS for $3.00. Highest Prices Paid for Produce and Poultry. dead or alive! Butter 22c, Eggs 24c. trade; 23c cash. Three prices subject to change. Dried Apples Ec Potatoes 50c per Bag, trade or cash CARLING BROS. al gi SELLING OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK GREAT CLEARING SALE Of Our BIG STOCK For Cash or Produce We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE PHONE 22 ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE 1Pstsesaa1.saI Csrde. D., O. F. BOVIATON, L D. S., D. D. It DI TIRT EMbes of Oil 0. D. g. of Ostarto and Honor IsRIsats el Volute tlalvsrslty. tillfIOD: Over Mimeo a Carnegie Law Odie, 1s Ds. A.dnoss's former Deo W Parlors. Di A. 1L 81NSMAN, L. D. IL, D. D. 1.' Nor (ira!!Ww of toxonto Ualvwiity. DENTIST. Dom simnel d without any pals, or any bad demes OMs over Olalaas a Stanbnry's oaks. Els strove Msdlcst ti R 111101IT, Y. D., Y. C. P. a 8 HONOR • Graduate of Toronto Unlyersit Two yea resia.i physician Royal Aiexaodrs Hh Hospital, etc. Otace and Ileaklence, [tr Aron' Old Stand, Andrew Street, giflik DR. A. T. Bout. TORONTO, POT GRADUATE of New York Uraduate College, rnrreMor to r•,-te arnl oft? . r! Dr.r. A F. \Intim Andrew `'t , S r'uter. DR, T. P. lieLAVOHLUN Hu renamed pram?. a atter 'Tending a Sear (Col- lege) et B4`Iat and Continental Il*rtale. (Outfit prar'tlre'edit ere :a1 a'tent:on to Eye, (*lib rsfrac• [loo) gar Nose and Throat. utB. e: Dubwood, Ont. Legit. DroggON a CAR!.!NO, RARRISTRRA, POLIO! Kea Notaries, Conley en, -ere, Commirioner ON1Mtor for potions Bank, it,. Mossy to Loaf at lowest rateeof locative Oa e., Hain street, Exeter, 1. R.Oastas, B.A., L, B. :arson )101111T wO LOArt. --- ere Mn Shove amount of private ford. to loan • taxi and •illase propertree ed low este• ct inter sot. (MADMAN 1 STANRt'RY,1 Barrister., Soli, ttont,ktain et . Exeter Os B. S. PHiLLIPS, Eirr*1t. Llcssse4 Afctlesese, Sales attended le all parte. Sa(isfeelloa gnarn Ned Of no pay �Terme reaaonabls. All order, lett at Advocate Ogee wilt be promptly attended to J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. aleo Fire Insurance in lead - log Canadian and British Compantee. Main -St., Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANDERSON. Licensed Auctioneer for Huron County. Terns reasonable. Dates can be made at tie Advovtc, Bxetcr or henry lilitter's Office, C'ud- Iton. _ 1:1 FAiRM WANTED TO RENT. 100 ac rem, to get possession In fall. Apply to SANDERS & CREECH, Exeter WE WANT For Fan and Winter months in Exeter and surrounding country 80 active re- liable age:,[ to take orders for nursery stock. GOOD PAY WEEKLY. OUTFIT FREE. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY boo ACRES of the choicest nursery stock which you ail) direct to your customers. This in one of the advantages our men have over }Others We guarantee the delivery of trees lu GOOD OONDI'^ION and Ci' TO CONTRACT CIRADE. Write for partlr- ulara-PELT(A\I 1A11. itSERY CO., TOR- ONTO, ONT. Please mention this paper. FARM FOR SALE. t,)0 acre faun in Crib roe, two and one half miles from Exeter, also a brl:k :..,use on Main -street. Exeter, and a car- load of green cedar posts. W11_ U. BLATCHFORD FARM FOR SALE. One of the finest farms in Colborne Apply to SANDERS & CREECH. Exeter FOR RALE Cottagc'and three Iota In Exeter, being lots Nos. 55, 58, and 57, on the South side of Slincoe Street. On this property is a frame cottage (brick foundation/con talning five rooms and a good cellar. AIM) a good well arid a large stable. Good garde[. and frult trees. The pro- perty Is to be sold to wind up the f slate -Apply to OLADMAN A STANRC'RY Par-lsters. Exeter. Ontario. t .O NG 1111001) SOWS FOR SALE Two excellent brood sows, bred from pure Berkshire and Tamworth. for sale Apply at this office. FARM FOR SALE 7.1 a( ret cf farm Land Inn the village of Fleeter, 13 acres 1:1 fall wheat, fail plowing nearly finished, well frrnred, well drained and watered; good 1 1-2 storey brick house. containing 9 living room., hetet and sort water In the hdlase, good barn, number of fruit trete. situate nortn of the station road, Exeter For particulars apply to JOHN HAWK- aliAW Prcp-ictor, or R. R. PH1LLii'9. Nut tioneer. TIIE 1 XETEit COUNCIL The council net nn the office of the clerk on \fu;day evening, Nov, 15t,t, as per call of Reeve. Absent Councillor Julius. Per Luker and Carling -That the statement of Mr. F'arecomb, re engineer costs of sidewalks b laid over. -Carried. The certified certificates from the en- gineer as follows -No. 3 due Jos. Law- son for 4400.00, and No. 1, duq J. N, Cullen for .$510.0i1, waterworks ac- counts, be paid, on motion of Luker and Carling were carried. Per Luker and Carling -That the ac count of R. 0. Seldom for extra. work in connection with the new sidewalks, $14. 45 be paid, lees 42 for extra on Huron street. which amount the commissioner will collect from R. N. Rowe and 1. Arnt ;astrong.-Carried. Per Neaman and Luker -That the De- bentures for the new walks be issued for a loan of 20 years and interest at 5 per cent. -Carried. Per Neaman and Luker -That agree- ment as entered Into by lIr. Farncomb, witic the Barber Company for water wheel at a cost of $400.00 1. o. b. cars Meaford ; and also the Canadian Fair- banks Co. for geating and shafting etc., tae ronflrnted by this countIL-lairried Ttur the offer of Mr. Collin for the erection of hydrants, as submitted id his tender for the excavating and lay- ing of water mains, be accepted, namely $50[1.1)0 each -motion by Neaman -Car- ling. -Carried. The assessment for street watering fort 1909 was fixed at 12c. per foot and the frontage measurements as read ap- proved of, on motion of Carling -Ilea - man. liy-law No. 7, 19119-a by-law to raise, levy and collect $1b,807.47 for municip- al and other purposes for the year, was read and confirmed, and ou ntottou of Beaman -Carling -the same be now read a second and third tint^ and flrtally passed, the Reeve and Clerk signing the same and the seal atta:.aed thereto. - Cart led. Per Hcaman-Carling-That the Reeve and Treasurer b3 empowered to borrow what Honey is necessary to meet bills payable for waterworks unfit debentures ..re said. -carried. . djuurn;neat by Luker. Jos. Senior, Clerk. LCMLEY. [tarry Morton's side won in the spar- row snatch last week by 200 birds. His side succeeded In capturing 1000 and E. Dew's side got 800. Reeve John Moir decided the contest. The losers put up an oyster supper for the contestants at the home of Mr. Dan Dew on Friday night, W. J. Statham of Exeter doing the catering. Needless to say a good time was spent. SITUATION WANTED. An elderly lady wishes a situation In a hone to do light housework for. small wages. References if requited. Apply at this office. ROBE LOST OR STOLEN. A brown Saskatchewan robe was stol- en or taken in mistake from the Centra! Hotel stabler, on Wednesday night. Nov. 3rd. Reward for Information that will lead to its recovery. Leave Information at this office or Central Hotel. e ARM FOR SALE. Crtoice Lur:dred acre farm, being ,jot 3, Con. 1. L'eborne. London Road, :1-4 mile from Centrali.t. ; miles from Ex- eter. On the preintsee there Is erected a good Krick mouse. all cnnvehlences, large bark i,nr„ 9,t'i45, finished to latt•et In.prcved style , drive house, good on!r. rd. Lave: falling water. well In barn .and ',nose. I Y a: tee fall wheat. All prowl: g do::e. 1f not sold privately o , or be:ore the ':rt day of Dec. wilt be sold by public auction at a date to be fixed later. Easy terms of payment. Ft': terms a::d pattlrulats apply to Jau. Ilaudford. prop., Ocnttalta. or to T. Cameron. t-ron. auctioneer. F'atquhar 1'. 0. C'LERK'S ADVERTISEMENT OF COURT iN NEWSPAPER Notice 1s hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to The Ontario Voters' List Act, by Ills Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron at the Towt, [tall on Wetenes- day. the 24t'r day of November, 1909, at 111 o'clock In the forenoon, to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Sturtlrlpallty of the Village of Exeter for 1909. Dated ails 8th day of November, 190A, J. SENIOR, Clerk of the Municipality of the Village of Exeter. ESTRAY CATTLE There strayed from the fifty -acre farm of the urtderslgned. Con. 4. Stephen Tp. about Sept. l:►th, two yearling heifers, roan color, one two-year heifer, white. and one two-year steer, rcd. Reward for information that will lead to their recovery. -FRED KERR. Crediton Eaet. SEIl\ANT GIRL WANTED. Good eap..blc g,r: :az general t.ount work -good wakes. refetei nes requa. '.1. Apply Mrs. A. E. Itcaeo,i, 629 Lorne, Av London. Oat. DRIVER FOR SALF.. A good driver 4 years old -quiet in every way. Apt.y at this office. TENDL'RS WANTED, Tenders will be received up to Friday. Nov. 19th. low.). at six o'clock p. nt., for the construction of about 85 cubic Yard's of concrete foundation for water tank. to be erected at the Town Hall, Exeter. Plane wet specifications at ()l- ike of tee undersigned. The towels, or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. SENIOR[. Clerk. Try The Advocate Office For Wedding ,andjFtusi- nese [Stationery and Cards. Postere. Ticket*, Bills, and all kinds of }'tinting, Type, Styles are the Best. S'ANDERS & CREEtt Local Items Mi. Russell Southcott has been off duty at the bowling alley for several days through illness. At a meeting of the clergy and lay- men held here last Tuesday evening it was decided to hold a conventlon in Exeter In the interests, of the Laymen's Missionary Movement, the convention to ,ik,, place oil the attar of November! and 1st of Decetttber, 1)09, Arrangements are being made to have representative Lay and Clergy take part in the work o: the convention and the following well- k:rowtl and able gentlemen will, it is expected, address the people of Exeter ind the vicinity upon the objects and purposes of the movement. Mr. W. E. Senior of Toronto, Rev. T. E. Shore, as- eletant secretary of Foreign Missions in the Methodist church, Toronto, Mr. Steele of Guelph, Mr. T. 11, Preston, esx-5f. P. P. of Brantford, Mr. N. R. Gordon of Toronto, Canon Tucker. Tor- onto, have been invited. There will be afternoon and evctaag (tensions each day. Full particulars will be given next week. DEATH OF JAMES \VESTCOTT,-Last week brief nlentlott was made of the death of Mr. James Westcott, who pass- ed away at his home In Douglas, Man., or, Wednesday, Nov. 10th, at the age of Bfl years 2 months and 10 days. Dur- ing the winter of 191)8-9 the deceased visited itis many friends and relatives hi this locality and at that time ap- peared to b2 enjoying the best of health and the fulness of life. Ile returned to hie home In Douglas early int the spring of ttri, year :t -r1 had been home scarce- ly two we •a, when he was taken down wtttr heart trouble and from almost the lr,.teptlon of the *Unction his lite has been deep:'Irel of. As time grew ort complications set In and he gradually wasted until the end came. The deceas- e.i was a native of the Township of t'sborne, born on the farm known as the Westcott homestead, now occupied by hie brother, Mr.. Wm. \Vestcott, eon- c•els1011 a. For a number of years the deceased conducted the corner faros now oecuple9 by Mr. Jeff. Fisher, but in the yea' 18!10 he moved with his family to the West, settling in Douglas, and a short distance out from the village conducted a farm. For several yearn after moving f0 the great West the struggle was a strenuous one. but by faithful application to ditty, a keen per- ception and an indomitable will he sur- mounted the barriers and prosperity cru"!ring hie !!torts, he now leaves be- hind hint a comfortable estate. Mr. Westcott took a deep interest itt the sport of shooting. 111. victories at the trap have bean many and few men have a better record of top sco:es to their credit. lie was a ratan o! undouoted in- tegrity. being highly esteemed for his many good qualities and was exceeding- ly generous and kindly in disposition. tie leaves to mourn his demise a sor- rowing wife and live children -two Boars and three daughters -Jesse of Californ- ia; "rank at home ; Mrs. Richard Coates of Csbone Mrs. \\'nt. I crgusorr. Iota, Man- Man., a'rd Miss i la at home. Flo Is also survived by one brother and three sisters-\Villlarm nt Usborne , airs. P. Fisher, Keeter s Mrs. Win. Snell, Ex- eter (now in Winnipeg); \ire. John Del - bridge, Ushorre; Mrs, Chas. Kydd, Wa- pella, Sask. 111. remains were brought here for Interment, the fu::oral taking place from the home of Mr. Itichard Coates. Unborn, on Tuesday tart to the Exeter cemetery. USBORNE. Mrs. Coates 1s Dead. The foregoing words as they were passed on from neighbor to neighbor and friend to friend of the deceased on Tuesday last carried with them a feeling of deep re- gret and !sorrow to all. For several months Mrs. Coates has been aping but het condition did hot take on a serious aspect until Friday last, when 'se was taken down. and gradually weakens, g rhe 'succumbed 'Tuesday morning. ller death was due to no particular ailment. any more than a wasttrrg of vitality 'iad a general breaking up of the system. De ceased was a gative of England, being born In Yorkshire In 18.12, consequent- ly she was in her 68th year. When but a year old she carte to Canada with her parents. and for the greater part of her life she lived in Ushorne Township. iter maiden name was Betty Fisher, and in 1959 she married Mr . Thos. Coates, who predercared her 14 years. Mrs. cbatea was a true Christian woman. of kindly dieposltlon. sympathetic and of n lovable nature. and her demise will be deeply mnourt,ed by a large circle of Gricndq. She leaves to mourn her de- mise six sots-Itichard. i'aul. William. Frock. Charters acrd Alfred, all of wham will have the sympathy of a frost of friend. In their Irreparable lose. The :u ;frill will take plat.• front her late resident. to -day, Thursday. to the Ex- eter cemetery M. C. MACLENNAN iS A DEFAULTER TO TiiE EXTENT OF $3000. Politics ar.d the nee ular life do not seem to have agreed with M. C. MacLennan who some flue years ago was a Pres- byterian preacher stationed at Kippcn and who resigned his pastorate to con- test the riding of South iiuron against Mr. H. Etlber, for the Legislature. The election went against him, and he drifted i tto the insurance business. and later be came manager of the Escelslor Life at Halifax. According to the daily papers of Nov. 12th he seems to have( gone .to the bad altogether about six weeks ago - Ile appropriated the fords of the com- pany. lavished donationations to differ- ent women, held back his returns, and when suspicions had been aroused he forsook his wife and fled with anothet womanfirst raishrg all the money he could on his furrt;tu-e. HI. wife is left almost penniless. On going over the books (1. C. Craig. the superintendant. finds him Short $3000. LIVES LOST BY itAiLWAYS. The annual report of the board of rail- way commissioners states that during the year ending March 31 last, 435 per- sons were killed, and 1,201 were injur- ed on railways in Canada. Tire propor- tions were. -Passengers killed 26; in- jured 227 ; employe. killed 191: injur- ed 7Fti , other persons kttiel 231: in- jured tub. The Canadian Pacific kill- ed 18 paaaei gcrs and Injured 47: the Grand Trunk killed 3 and Injured 111 ; the Canadian Northern killed 1 and In- jured 8. The C. 1'. R. killed 120 em- ployes, and injured 158 ; the Grand Trunk killed 46 and injured 269; the Canadian Northern killed 7 and injur- ed 170, and the ,%lichigan Central kill- ed 3 and injured 142. LUCAN FIRE. Quite a serious fire occ tit red In Lucan at an early hour Friday last, when the long storing stied and stables in connec- tion with the flax null owned by Wil- liam Ward, when burned to the ground. Thefire was not discovered 1111 about 8 a. nt., at which time 't had obtained such headway that nothing could be dors to stop it, and the villagers who had turned out devoted their time to see- ing that other bulydrngs did not take fire (tom the sparks. The cause of the fire to a mystery, as no one had hien near tete building for some hour.. In view of this fact there is a good deal of talk among the villagers that the fire may have been of incendiary origin. \try. Jas. Sweet is confined tient tluougI 111,,e08. BIRTHS It het, --L, Esc ter, on Nov. 16, to sit anal SI's. :Herne McKee, a son. Dorman. -1n McGillivray, Nov. 7th, ar,d Mrs ./toy Donnan, a daugla- tcr, stillborn, MA I111IAGES Graham -Butt -At Clinton, on Nov. lea - Melvin C. Graham, eon of Mr, and Mem.. R. Graham, Clinton, to Mise Carrie Ir_ daughter of Mr. and Sirs, E. Butt. al Goderich Township. DEATHS Coatca.-In Usborne, on Nov. 18tH, Patter Fisher, relict of the late Thomas Mat- es, oates, aged 037 years, 11 months, and,: 1'Y. days. Cobhledick-in Exeter on Nov, 11, Stem uel Cohbledick, aged 87 years, ]to months and 11 days. Westcott-in Douglas, Man., on Nov. 1L - James \\'eatcotl, aged 66 years, a - months and 10 days. Dignan. -In Hay, on Nov. 14th, William:, Waren Dignan, aged 70 years. lupe-In Stay, on Nov. 1:1, Joan l'cttt are.: over 'r) year 8. McGil;ivray, un Nov.3, La. ale Lorre, eon of Thos. Wilson, aged 2't Edmunds --In Seaforth, on Nov. 5, Joao Edmunds. aged 71 years, 2 mof.lt.tr. The fan OUTSIDE and The fan INSIDE BOTH * Know That Our Clothes Are Right ! �. The One Can SEE the STYLE And The Other Can FEEL the COMFORT The STYLES are NEW and the MAKE is CORRE('T Big shoulders; firm unbreakable lapels; never bulky; good appearance.. Many different sorts, many different prices -and both right. Plain and fancy cloths, young men's models and more cn11servutivP ideas for their elders. SEMi-READY READY-TO-WEAR MADE -TO -MEASURE SANDY BAWDEN Boots and Shoes Children's Clothes. It's Easv to Go Wrong on the Furniture Question: Aod many and many a housekeeper has done it - Moet of them do it by means of the Mail Order Catalogue. In it they see pictures of Beautiful Furniture. along with wooderfal stories of cheapness. And they never atop t.-. reflect that things are so Axed in this world that much cannot be bought for little. Furniture, of all things in the world, cannot be satisfactorily bought without an examination. We never tire of explaining all about the goods we sell, and anew you have made a selection you can be assured tbvt what you purchase will "MAKE GOOD" in long service. JAMES BEVERLEY, Leading Undertaker and Embalmer Fine Cutlery Carvers, in pairs 1.00 1.25 and 1.50- " " causes 2 25 2.50 to 4.00) Table Knives and Forks $1.50 to 10.00 do -t:-. De$.q. " " 140 " 9.50 " Table Spoons 2.40 - 5.00 Desi, " 2 00 - 4.50 Tea 90c - 3.50 Butter Knives .25(. Razors, from 75c 1,00 1.25 1,50 and 2.00• u at Try a Carbo Magnetic for an easy shave Razor Strops 25t' to 1.50 Shaving Brushes and Shaving Soaps Toilet Clippers and Horse Clippers Shears (Clause and Wise makes) from 50c to 1,25 Scissors a " 25e 1,00 Pen Knives, Pocket Knives and Jack Knives Everything in Cutlery HEAIAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE ST0Rg.