HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-11, Page 8THERE'S SOME CLASS
to .ace!, 6 tailored by us. Dw•an't look
like a uniform that everybody to wear-
or light top coat for wear during the
cool evenings about due. You won't
have to be told about t'.r superiority of
cur clothing when you alt: and wear A.
You'U have tete feel of Lung well dress-
ed, whir h only first-class inhering can
•� . W. TAMAN
Merchant Tailor,
• Ontario
Isslness Locals -- Read Them
1.96 the pair for the new i'elo-Nap-
Blankets. They're good. Stewarts.
TWO FOR 2n CENTS.—For the remark-
ably low price of 25c. we will send the
to the end of 1909. Subscribe Itow and
get the full benefit of this very low club.
Yes, for solid comfort Underwear for
then, women and children, Stewarts is
the spot.
MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eyc Light Spec-
ialist, will be at the Commercial Hotel
Ole date. Only one day.
1IIen's and Boys' Sweaters and Sweat-
er Coats. new color's and speri'rl ea, ttc$—
MONEY FOUND.—A sum of money on
Saturday. Oct. 30th. Owner can have
same by proving ownership and paying
for this notice, by calling at Carling
'Faros. Store.
Ladies' and Girls' Tailor -Made Coats
—Lig stock, big value's, latest styles—
MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye Light Spec-
ialist, wilt tx at the _ommerctal Hotel
the date. Only one day.
Take all your Dried Apples, Potatoes,
Beans, Butter, E,i,s and Poultry to
MiSS J. 3. ALLAN. Eye Light Spce-
Irtllet. will be at the Commercial }tote)
the date. Only one day.
MONEY FOUND.—A sum of money—
Owner can have same by proving pro-
le rty and paying for advertl•tcntcnts—
Apply In person to holder of Ilox 154
Exeter P. O.
For style, quality and value in l:ndies'
Fur -Lined 1 -'oats, cteaart has the other
jeUuus all treed,
MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye Light Spec-
Ialiet, will be at the Commercial hotel
Inc date. Only one day.
If you want to ste a dandy lot of WIC
Dinner Seta—about 60 to pick from—
lust drop in to Stewart's.
t`JHSCitIIIE for the Advocate and
get all the news.
For genuine water -proof grain (.'alf
School and Wearing Boots and Shoes,
"Ahrens.' can't Lt beat. Stewart.
MISS J. J. ALL:',N, Eye LISht Seev-
itaist, will be. at the Commerct.tl Hotel
the date. Only one day
WANTED—An experienced `.ouaekeeper.
References rcquietd. Good wages. Apply
G. W. Itarrieen, Canadian Rank ot Com-
merce. Exeter.
behind a suit is not confin-
ed to other clothing estab-
lishments. There's a love-
liness about our garments
that will .imply delight all
who come to us -that's so.
For a Nice
Tailor -Made
this shop has a
good reputation
Let us make
lMarahalat Tailor. Exeter
44's4•111^11"."IV7rS Waiter 1orloc•k left Saturday fol.Or
i• + troth.
1 .( WA L 1 )( )1N (1 `. Ed. Ferguson ::as returned f.o:n t'
s ai.i.161As Aszha l4AwaksiliA•J
•'S• �t.g is poly a!x weeds away.
Ma:al Miners is iI, at ntr holne.•
cerde have many of our citizens
• .te grasp.
contractor Jos. La w.10:1 is nailing ill c
,-cis Fhb the dant.
e man who wants the earth le the
•-.•ce.et flicker when 1t conies to paying
Dr. Bright entertained 1:1s Bible Class
of young men at his home on Monday
• ronAtg.
Occasionally you can find a man
lazy Inst he would rather pay
than move.
Workmen are engaged laying water
mains for the waterworks, commencing
at the river.
G. T. R. workmen have palated the
seetfop house, Iruproving the appear-
ance considerably.
A man has to go to a dentist to have
his tooth pulled, but he ea go almost
any x'tere and have his leg pulled.
The new English church Hymn 'Jouk
was used for the first time he the Triv-
itt Memorial church on Sunday last.
It Exeter does not come up to your
standard, ask yourself 1f you have done
and are doing all you could to help it
When a man's wife will let him have
a latch -key It'q a sign he will pretend
down town he's the plaster of his own
Even the most Independent of sten
leeks the counsel of his wife to help
h'm decide when he stltti put o:: tie
heavyweight flannels.
Mrs. \Val. (cooper who suffered a
eartial stroke of paralysis last week,
is milli confined to her bed with her
ronditlo:l but slightly Improved.
Saturday last was Mr. Canlptre1''s
!set stage trip to Mitchell. The route
r.as row been taken over by Mr. Gibb,
who has moved to Exeter North.
Mr. Sidney Davis has engaged with
air Frark Wood 'n trio butchering buai-
Hess, Mr Pendle h9v'eg resigned to
prepare to leave fee t n- I ac'flc Coir[
la reside.
Mr. John Qitlesp:e has had the driver's
seat of his bus lowered, and the Improve
ment gives a better appearance to the
rig as well as a great convenlenre to
the driver.
Ilea. D. W. Collins opened a serge of
we.k-n:ght services in the Trlvitt Ment-
o la! elmu:ch on Sunday night last. These
services ptomlee to be interesting and
Auction Sale on Saturday 01
!arm and effects of Mr. John Case,
;t was sold to Mr. Wnt. Ker-
.., ,'t,• Thames Road, for $12750.
a , excellent pasture farm and
t le price paid.
A Y. M. C. ,%. Physical Training instit-
ute Is to be held in Stratford on Nov. 12
As a result of the visit of "Blgt Mason"
the Y. M. C. A. evangelist, to Huron
40 young men have committed them-
selves to Personal Evangelism for the
Are are in receipt from The Primrose
Music & Rook Concern, Toronto, of a
copy of the new song. "Canadian Flag -
song" by Katherine Hall, music by J.
W. Carvin. The song Is well worded
with a strong patriotic tone, and the
mush. has a fine eaten/ ring about it
that Is most enjoyable.
The continuation anniversary e(rviccs
were held In Citven t'rrehytctlan church
Sunday when Rev. Richard Hobbs of
Jan.ee Street Methodist c.:urch peach-
ed In the morning and 'rev. McL. Snaith
of Herman In the evening. Rev. S. F.
Sharp, the pastor, occupied the lamefi
street pulpit In the morning.
"The Triangular Man." the Ice ture
given by Rev. Hobbs In thy James street
church Tuesday evening. drew a large
crowd and was thoroughly enjoyed.
Van was considered from the Spiritual:
Mental and Physical standpoints. Ilev.
(rot-te Is a notable lecturer and he er-
cclled himself Tuesday evening.
At Osgoode hall In Young vs. Ete-
ter Canning Company. W. I'roudfoot, K.
C., for plaintiff, appealed from the
judgment, of elute, 3., dated Oct. 3, 1909
F. W. Madman, Exeter, for defendant.
The plaintiff, an Insurance agent at God
erich, sued for a retutn of $1,730 paid
on account ot 100 shares of the stock
of the defendant company, on the ground
that '.le eubscriptlo:t for stock Is void
t•y rea.o:: of Ito:[ -compliance by the coin
Jany with the statutory requirements
gover:ttrg eontpaefes. .\t the trial Judg
meat was given dismissing the action
with costs. t'iaintlff'e appeal there-
from argued and dl.nnlssed with costa.
LOCAL OPTION—It would seem that
the Local Option petilloh as presented
to the council and considered at their
tact meeting has placed the council
In an uncertain posmttom, owing to the
Gut that the petition Is signed by only
a very few more tnan the required num-
ter, 25 per cent., and several of these
arc not qualified voters. while others
who were not able to write have placed
their nark on the list. bu' such marks
have not been attested to by witnesses.
The council has received the petition but
'Las not yet accepted It, and is awaiting
verification of the "mark" signatures.
as these, we u..deretand, If mat accepted
are suffitlent In number to cause the pet
(tion to be insultkiently signed.
IIICKS' FORECASTS—A regular storm
is central on the 19. From Tuesday
t'tc 16. to Sunday the 20, 1s a time of
vast storm probabilities. especially on
oicans and the great lakes. Toss IP a
period in which Dorcas will make a
utubborit tight for domination In most
rails of the northern hemisphete. Ear-
ly blizzards of ',now and sleet need not
surprise any reader of these forecasts
In ncrth and northwest before t` a final
windup of this storm period. These
storms will be followed closely by a
rurthing t.igtt barometer out of the north
west, causing high gales and season-
able cold to push rapidly far into the
south and east. Many heavy ocean
storms will be encountered. both on the
Atlantic and Pacific during this and
atter November periods. it your farm
And orchard and garden products are
not safely housed before these Mid -
November, Venus storm., you will suf-
fer great discomfort and heavy loss.
The sailors' who dare to brave the op-
en lakes wl:l do so at the periltof their
ships and live',.
Children Cry
Miss Lulu Martin is home from St.
Miss Effie Treble visited 1n Lo..don
this week.
Mt 1t. S. Lang of St
over Sunday.
Mrs. Frank brrcet hoe colonel from
visit it L0.JL•rt.
'1:s. Jane Fnti-h ha. Warred frat'.t a
vise to Vic t: r n Ilarba•
Mr. George Cudrnotc returned from the
West on Friday last.
Mr. harry Jackson of rorerito is vis-
iting at his home here.
Miss Maude Elliott has returned from
visit In Marlette, :Alen.
Mr. Fred Elliot of Cobalt al nivel be re
Saturday on a short visit.
Mrs. Graham of Godericn is visiting
her daughter, %1rs. Ch. Linden'cit.
Mrs. Smote left Saturday for Oxford.
Mich., to visit her son for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Kerslake have returned
from a pleasant trip to the West.
\lr. John Kers?akc left Monday fur
the Old Country to spend some tmontllH.
Mr. Geo. Hawkins Inas returned halm
from a two -months' trip through the
Canadian West.
Mr. Reg. Elliot of Norwich Is visiting
here. on his way home from a hurting
trip in Muskoka.
Mr. Ed Powell left last week for Mt.
Clements to spend a few weeks for 1lie
good of his health.
Mr. Wm. Pollen returned from the
West on Saurday last. Ile to much
pleased wit!1 the West.
Mr. Geo. Crawley of Luran was here
Tuesday and Wednesday. He Is now
agent for \fassey-llarrls.
Mr and '•:t s John ialtee left Sat-
urday mnotnine co' Cornwall, Ent:., :o
.pend the winter will the iattcr's bro-
Mrs. Eli Snell and her daughter, Miss
Bertha, who have been visiting for sev-
eral weeks in Oshawa, returned home
Dr. I}. K. Hyndntan and Niles Edith
Hyndmau returned Monday. from North
Dakota where they went last week to
see their brother, Dr. G. 1'. Iiymdman,
who 1s still very 111 at his home to
t.linot. N. D.
Mr. Donald McInnis arrived home
Saturday evening from a trip of two
months through Western Canada. Mr.
McInnis says the people of the Nest
are highly pleased with the season's
crop and the new a1 ttlers are delighted
with the chances in that country.
Mr and Mee. John Delteidge arrived
•:o:nt Tuesday morning from a trip of
several weeks through the Canadian
West. Like all those who go out to
visit that part of Canada he believes it
Is the ideal place for the young man.
lie visited many of the old Huron peo-
ple and found them all doing well and
pleased with tate country. He reports
Mr. James Westcott and Mr. Frank
Snell as being very ill with little pros-
pect of ultimate recovery.
Read it. N. itowc's S.,'cial "Sc fling
Out" advertisement this week. lir pro -
Poses clearing out everything.
Nit. 3 S. Whiteford has purchased a
no -acre farm in fliddulph, about a :alio
from Granton, and with his fanmily has
moved there. We wish them success.
Parties having copies of the Advocate
for July lst and Sept. 23, 1909, will
confer a favor by handing same into
this office that we may complete our
files. '
Mr. Newton Baker and family moved
to town last week. and aronow comfort-
ably settled In their new home on •%t.d-
rew street, recently purchased from Mr.
Richard Snell. We welcome them to our
Our boys are having a big spa: row
match this week, front Monday to Fri-
day night, to wind up with an Oyster
Supper at the expense tf Gu' losing .id:
El Dew and Harry Horton are .'n.
captains. with seven an tact side.
The fire brigade had a run to Stnrx
street Frtday evening about 7.31), when
it was found that the stable ole the pro-
perty ren'ed by Mr. Wm Rrlmacombe
and owned by Mr. John 3outt.rott, was
on fire. The flre tad gained such head-
way that nothing could be dune to save
the 'chiding. Lops about 450.
Five Clrritoll bowies'' were here t' i lday
night lout and playe.l a game with the
Exeter boys who were let CNnto,n Pottle
t•+eo weeks previously. The result was
another victory for the Exeter bowlers
the local players being 196 pins to the
good on the nlgnt's play. Hoover of
Clinton made the highest average and
atgo the highest one gams score, which
was 175. The bowling of any of the
hone boys except Murray was not up
to their average. The score follows—
Norry 150 125 11 n— 396
Murray 149 157 162— 469
Brintnell 137 139 130— 406
Anderson 115 170 143— 4'29
White 117 159 145— 110
694 749 695-2139
Hoover 175 166 143— 494
102 125 101— 328
Fair 136 82 114— :112
McTaggart 166 113 130— 409
Graham 119 147 133— 399
6- 99 6:13 621-197,2
Crediton and Exeter played three gantrs
on the alleys here Monday night, Exeter
winning by 109 pins. Crediton made
a very creditable showing for playere
who have bowled but little. The scorc—
Bluctt 114 115 99— :1'27
Clark 120 172 120— 412
Guettingcr 120 112 136— ::71.
106 140— 33::
Brown 121 159 140— 41'4
562 663 636-1961
Brine loll 160 1:13 118— 411
Carling 1431 119 145— 409
flawden 152 1211 139— 410
Acheson 109 93 96— 289
Palmer 158 144 150— 452
72- 5 608 637-1970
,Maryr was :.cte
For Infanta and Children.
Tit KW Yu Hire Always Bosibt
Peas the
Signature of
Potatoes, per tag
Hay, per ton
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per cw
Live hogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
12 00
1 50
1 tr2
13 00
2 75
1 55
7 66
xi 00
21 00
17 18
SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate
get all the news.
Can only he gotten trent the teat flour
—The following brands are unexcelled
--Try a hundred next time y'ou bake--
JEWELL (Ontario Blended)
5 ROSES (Lake of Words)
PURITY (Wteter• Caha•la Flour Mi:le)
Learn your orders or rail tip
Phone 2.
Z R. ( . Seldon, Exeter
The Old Way The New
to Cure a Cold Way : Take
Cnn aC1I
35: Box, Howl-y's Drug Store.
sesAs>rikAs aeksecALALAs
Manure Litters
Beatty Bros.' Feed
and Litter Carriers
Overhead Conveyors.
Beatty Bros.' Steel
Stalls & Stanchions
can he install.d as cheap as
lumber end last forever.
Beatty Bros.' Load
These three things are great
labor -savers for farmer•s and ne-
cessities on a farm.
For sale by
Wm. Gillespie, Exeter
IFIWrIrmis lirIF4.
Here's Good News
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is the old reliable
firm -111, JACKSON & SON -one
door south of the Metropolitan.
Just look at the following prices
(no trade and no truck) all CASH:
Rags 75c per hundred
Iron from'GOc to 75c
Old Rubber Boots} 7c per lb
& Shoes f ' .
Copper & Brass 9c
Horse Hair 30c u
Lead and Zinc 2ic a
A great variety of iron pipe
alss's on hand at • reason-
able price, suitable for
M. Jackson & Sons
is what we give yea on the flour ques-
tion. 11 acted on. you'll have fresh.
sweet flour and bread that will build
you up and preserve your health.
at this place is newly ground.
best Al wheat. and le sold at a
t!1at coranrends itself. For good
antetd flour. buy .3 h,rr
1', g. Wn.eat ard Oates warted.
a Success
on PANDORA Ranges
If you didn't see the Cooking Demonstration
at this store this week, we will be pleased to have
you call and examine the tang.. We know you
will be delighted with its excellent baking qualities
—but then, that's just the kind of goods we keep.
Remember the Name ---
Rowe & Atkinson
Bear in mind that at their store is the
place to buy FURNITURE. We have
a fresh car load in now and every-
thing will be found at the RIGHT
PRICE to SUITE the purchaser.
Give them a call ...
Undertaking and Embalming a Speoality
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Mss GOSdSmIIIllhIfllI wca►ea
Something New Added
To Our Stock
Every Week
All the New C400ds in the Latest Shades always found on our
counters. Come along and see the New Goods.
New Waistings
A beautiful range of Striped
Delaines just to hand in all the
seasonable colors, 40c and 50c
per yard.
Also a nice line of Fancy
Silks, very suitable for Waists.
They are real new.
Colored Under-
In Silk, Regal Taffeta, Heath-
erblooni and Sateen. We are
offering some very special values
in Skirts and can give you a
large selection to choose from.
Another Shipment of
Ladies' Jackets
To meet the large demand we are forced to buy another lot of
Ladies' Coate. Now is the time for you to get an Exclusive Coat. All
the New Colors and Styles. They are right up to the minute and are
sure to please you.
Bed Comforters Winter Under -
and Blankets
A Large stock for the cold wea-
ther wants. Now is the time to
buy your winter sltpply while
our stock is so complete.
For Men, Women and Child
ren. All the nice warm makes
are found here in Fleece -Tined,
1'ni1,n and Natural \\'ool. A
good time tit buy.
Had to buy again to keep up our stock
This is a (creat Fur Season for us. if you need anything in the
Fur Line come and see them.
Scarfs, Stoles, Ruffs Muffs, Caps
and Fur -Lined Coats
We neeer had a better lot to show you at such reasonable prices
Gents' Furnish-
We are headquarters for this
line. Our stock ie always large
and well assorted with all the
swell goods.
This is a banner season for us.
Be witb the crowd and hare
your bat from the busy store.
It costa less.
HARVEY BROS. Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing