HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-11, Page 71 4 3 re l 'REBUILDING THE WHOLE BODY That is the Constant Business of the Blood. And That is Why a Blood Making tonic Wil Make the Body Well and Keep it So. Pure, red blood is the vital grin• eipal of life, for upon it the fission of the body live. It goes practical ly to every part of the body, car tying nourishment and oxygen, tak- ing up the wastes and so changing them that they can be cast out of the body. As our every act results fu the breaking d"wn of sono of the tissues and the formation of waste materials, the _body is in a constant Ptate of change. To maintain health, strength and life the blood must bo pure in order to replace these tissues with plenty et fresh nourishment and rid the body of its waste material. Men and women who are run down will find Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the best tonic for their con- dition because these Pills aro a certain blood -builder and purifier. They enable the blood to meet the unusual demands of the body and give perfect health. We offer the case of Mrs. John Harman, of Wel- land, Ont., as a proof of the great power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills over diseases. Mrs. Mannan says:— "For several years I lived a life of rain and misery, and even now as I recall that illness it seems awful to contemplate. The trouble began with weakness and loss of appetite. This was followed by headaches and emaciation. At times I had violent palpation of the heart and short- WI:.II.TH IN CHANCERY. Villions Held by the British Pays mailer General. Cash and securities of the value of about £50,000,005, the property of suitors in the Supreme Courts, are held by the British Paymaster -Gen- eral. The cash amounts to £2,304.429 and the securities to £46,92$.096. Of this total £25,029,055 is in Brit• ish Government securities and £7,- 734.022 in British railways. The number of accounts open in the Paymaster -General's books is 37,- 568. In the annua: account of these funds is given a List of boxes, seal- ed packets, and miscellaneous ef- fects which the Bank of England is guarding on behalf of the Supremo Court. In the list are boxes of plate, jewellery, heirlooms, and deeds. A relic of an old Chancery suit is a bag of clipped money, marked ''Jones v. Lloyd, August 20, 17.20.' A sealed envelope deposited at the bank contains certificates for a mil- lion shares in the Mexican Smelting Corporation Limited. In another sealed envelope are two bills of exchange for £500 each. ' dated June 20, 1845, and payable three and six months after date. A sealed packet is "said to contain" l a bill of exchange for £1,000. Eight Ibexes of plate aro deposited at the bank under a Chancery suit begun! thirty-five years ago. "I have been able to do my owe Among "securities of value not work ever since and to -day I ate expressed" is an Exchequer order completely cured. Dodd's Kidney !of £5 a year. The bank holds the Pills gave ine health and I feel like ' certificate, which is in respect of a a new woman. ) life annuity against which elcim It you keep your Kidneys strong ceased to bo made in 1795. and healthy you can never have Backache, Rheumatism or Gravel Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to make the Kidneys strong and well.' THROW AWAY ALL YOUR FEARS BACKACHE, (.RAVEL AND IIHF:t'M.tTISM VANISH BE- FORE DUDD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Proved Once Again In the Case of Mrs. Fred Krieger, Who Suffered From the Worst Forme of Kidney Disease. Patine- Rapids, Ont., Nov. 1. — (Special).—The thousands of Cana- dians who live in daily terror of those terrible forums of Kidney Dis- ease known as Backache, Gravel and Rheumatism, will he deeply in- terested in the story of Mrs. Fred Krieger, of this place. "I was for years a great suffer- er from Kidney Disease, Gravel, Rheumatism and Backache," Mrs. Krieger states. "It all started through a cold, but I got so my head ached, I was nervous, my limbs were heavy, I had a drag- ging sensation across my loins, and I was totally unfit to do anything. "Reading about wonderful cures hs Dodd's Kidney Pills led me to buy some. After using a few I found they were doing me good and this encouraged me to continue their use. Eight boxes made me well. TEN MILES ABO▪ VE THE EARTH Record Flight of a Self -Register- ing Balloon. lrore than ten miles above the earth's surface is the height. at- tained by a registering balloon which was sent up by Prof. Her- t'ess of breath. finally I was coms gosell from the Prince of Monaco's pletely prostrated. 1 was so hag- yacht on Sept. 7, 1906, near 'From- gard that my friends hardly knew see, in Norway. The balloon, with me, and I often thought my last it' instruments intact, has been hour had come. My sufferings : found by Laplanders nn a glacier would follow me into the region of twelves miles north of Skibotten, dreams with such distinctness that ' cn the Lyngefjord. The instrument often times I would awaken shiver- recording altitudes indicated a ing and shaking with sobs, and height of 17,000 metres. the great - scarcely able to realize that I had est even attained over polar re- becn but dreaming. Tho best ef- gions. forts of three doctors at different ' Prof. Hergesell has just worked times failed to help me. Then I ' out all the records taken. and from was urged to try 1)r. Williams' Pink it appears that the lowest temper - Pills. Within one month I felt a attire registered, minus 60 degrees distinct improvement, and nfler centigrade, was not found at the using eleven boxes I was again in ten -mile height, but at a little over the full possession of health and six miles above the earth. At ten strength. Several years have now miles the instrument registered elapsed since this illness and as I minus 47 degrees centigrade. have constantly enjoyed the best of ht alth I ani warranted in saying that the cure its permanent." Dr. Williams' l'ink Pills should be used in alt diseases caused by thin, watery or impure blood, such as nnacmia, rheumatism, stomach trouble, the after effects of la - grippe and fevers, neuralgia, head- aches and the various ailments common to women and growing HANS BREITMAN SAYS: "Ef a strancher vents you to in dorso a cheque, tell 'im you vos vil- ling to vait till der park vos open '' If every housekeeper would nae W llsou's Fly Pads freely during the Summer months the house Ay ireril would soon be a thing of the past. She --''Von here again I" Tramp --"Yes, kind lady." She--" Well, I won't help you again. I don't be- lieve you have done a thing all the year." Tramp "Indeed 1 have, neon; I've just done thirty days." KNEW WHAT WAS WANTED. Miserly --"So that woman ducts r charged you $2 a visit. Well, what did she say I" His wife -"Said I stayed indoors too much. Here's her prescription " Miserly (reading it)—"For extar- nal use only. One nice walking dress. One new hat. One pair gloves to snatch. Apply every of ternoon between three and lite." A Cure for Rheumatism. --A pain- ful and persistent form of rheuma- tism is caused by impurities in the blood, the result of defective action cf the liver and kidneys. The blood becomes tainted by the introduction of uric acid, which causes much pain in the tissues and in the joints. l'arme1ee's Vegetable Pills are known to have effected niany re- markable cures, and their use is strongly recommended. A trial of theta will convince anyone of their 'slue. TOO WELL-PREPARED. Tho young Nova Scotia girl con- fined to her mistress, after a few days, sonic of the trials of her jour- ney from her old home. "Nes an awful time I had on the boat, ma'am," she said, dolefully. '' 'Teas that Iuado me so pato-lo4c- ing when first you saw Inc.'' "You were very seasick, I sup- pose," said the lady. "Oh, no, ma'am, I was not sea- sick at all," said the pretty Lida, "but I lost my sleep. I rend the card about how to put on the life - preserver, and I thought I under- stood it; but most likely I gut something wrong, for when once I got it on Ing, I couldn't find an easy way to lie down, 'twas so clum- sy And I never slept a wink all night, ma'am!" Practically all Canadian drug- gists, grocers and general dealers ecll Wilson's Fly Pads. If your storekeeper does not, ask him why. "Oh, Mr. Slowman," exclaimed a worthy old lady to a minister, "I do like the Sundays when you preach!" "You gratify enc very much, my good woman," answered the latter, who knew he was not popular. "There are few who think as you do. But tell Inc what is the reason of this preferences" "Why, sir, I always get such a comfortable scat," was the ingeniuos reply. Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is agreeable to the taste, and is a A lady writes: "I was enabled certain relief for irritation of the to remove the cornsroot and throat that causes hacking coughs. brunch, by the use o , f Hnll.anIf used according to directions it (torn Cure." Others who lupe tried • will break the most persistent cold, and restore the air passages to their normal healthy condition. There is no need to recommend it to those familiar with it, but to those who seek n sure remedy and arc in doubt what to use, the ad- vice is—try Bickle's Syrup. "You look bad, Jim. Have you been laid tips" "Well. rather. To -day's the first time I've been out beefsteak, so far as is known, was The highest price ever paid for t,f doors for three months." "What crag the matter, old chaps" No- ai Circle ('its, Alaska. The first thin' ; but the judge wouldn't be- bee.fsteak that over reached that licve it." town sold for forty-eight dollars a pound, according to the newspapers Mn. Robert E. Peary. mon than nine or the time. years ago. favorably commented on ]dories Eye Remedy after its applicattnn i- h -r This is the first proof. Prof. Her- it have the same experience.gesell declares, that what is known Kindly mention the name of this es the great atmospherie inversive paper in welting to advertisers. layer, in which the temperature EXPENSIVE IIEE:Fti7'1•:.1K. rises again after having fallen steadily, also exists over the Poles. It was first observed by the pro- fessor himself and the Prince t..f Ten Pound•' Sold for Forty-eight Monaco, in 1905, in the sub-tropi l/ollarx a found. cal parts of the Atlantic Ocean. This warmer layer at or near the girls. These Pills are sold by all Poles seems to be encountered at a sued -ine dealers or sent by mail lower height than at the equator. at 50 cents a box or six boxes for Hergesell's experiments have $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medi- shown that at- the greatest alti- eine Co., Brockville, Ont. tildes of which records are avail- able it is colder at the equator A MODERN SOLOMON. than at the Poles. There was once a young man who met two girls who were constantly 4111++11+♦+11♦++1♦1♦♦+ trgether. Now. lie was an ascntt .t SAFETY FOR CHILDREN. young man, and he desired t•• say something nice and agreeabl. to the ♦ Mothers should clever give ladies, but he knew that if he paid ♦♦ their little ones a medicine 4. a compliment to otic of the 0, no. ♦ that. they do not know to be + matter which one, the other would' ,♦ ♦ absolutely safe and harmless. ♦ instantly be hurt. , . The so-called soothing meth - So he thought rapidly fur a :no- ♦ cines contain opiates that Ment, and then bald: ♦ stupify the child without cur - "And, 1 know why you two girls ♦ inits ailments. An over Ate together." ! r de -se of these medicines may "And why t" asked the two g•r!_ : 1 kill the child. Baby's Own together. + Tablets is the only child's "Because everybody says tau', a ? , medieine that gives the me - hand -eine girl always ch tenses a ; ther the guarantee of a goy - homely one as a companion, s•) Clint.element analyst that it con- ker beauty may Lc enhanced by the tains no poisonous opiate or contrast." harmful drug. The Tablets Either beth girls would he angry , cure constipation, indiges- with hint, or delighted, after such { tion, wind colic, diarrhoea, a remark. ♦ destroy worths. break up And what do you think happened I, colds, and make teething The two girls blushed :lel said easy. Sold by all medicine be was n flatterer, and went li.••'i way together, each happy fur het - Pelf and sorry for the other. dealers or by nlnil at 2;, cents i n belt from The I)r. Williams' ♦ Medicine Co , Brock%ille, Ont • "Yes," said the warder. "he was • �1������11��1�11111�♦♦' the coolest and most tlu,uiiitful convict mlio ever broke gaol. Ile -4. left behind behind hint a note to the g.•% , 'I 11 1 \ h 1 NI: '1 111: '1 11' 11 I'1,1:. e rnor of the prison, beginning : 1 - — Iioi.e you will pardon ale for the lib. Quaint 1 Iiinc'e Imperial Decree Re. tit I ani taking.' " cent!) I++ned. The following Chine.• quaint int- I per tat decree was recently issued from the palace in Pekin: "Owing to the scnr.-ity of rain Prince Kung and others have been detailed to I pray nt the 'fakeatien on our be- 1 hell of dedicating incense and ales Prince IQalIts o anti others toilc shill vin -kung and other•temples te pray by dedicating incense and now plenty of rain has conic for which we feel thankful. Therefore e e have to show our thanks t., said temples. We tf us dedicate incense and we detail Puhnng to the Shao- rhengmlo, Tsai Fu to the Yihontino on the same day to dedicate incene.+! and to perforoi ritual service to re- turn thanks for the rain with de-; sires for further rainfall to console the peasants.''- Shanghai Mercury. Poil1.Ntl.4:, 09 There were ten pounds of the steak, which was shipped two hun• dred and fifty miles to Circle City. When the owner of the precious bit of meat reached the camp, the miners turned out in a body to see it. It WAR placed on exhibition and attracted its much attention as an elephant. Everybody wanted a piece of it, and the pieces offered were sueh as would have resulted in a mining -camp qua rred if it had not been decided to raffle the steak off for the benefit of a hospital which llishep Rowe was trying to establish for the miners at. Circle Pity. Bids were started at five dollars a found, rind rose briskly to thiity- five dollars. Finally, in order to avoid complications, it was decided to sell tickets at prices from fifty cents to two (lellnre and a half for the privilege of drawing for a slice. After four hundred and eighty dei tars' worth of tickets had been „old Family for Eye Troubles resulting frac Measles and Scarlet Fever, and later re commended to the famous Ezoln•er, Cie Han who now returns home as the niscnv• ercr of the North Pole. Cold. Cutting Winds and Dust cause Red. Werk. water! }yes. Morino Fye Remedy affords Re. liable Relief. Write Murine Eye Remedy Chicano., for Illustrated E'o Nooks. Murine. 50c., by Matt from All Druggists. Doctor (ex,lnining patient whose knowledge of pharmacopoeia is lim- ited)—"Do you es "r have spasms of breathlessness, my ratan'" Patient ---"No, doctor, 1 never hese any- thing but cod -liter It Lays a Stilling Hand on Pain. —For pains in the joints and limbs and ter rheumatic pains, neuralgia and lumbago, Dr. Thomas' Fclhe- tric Oil is without a peer. Well rubbed in, the skin absorbs it and it quickly and permanently relieves the affected part. It. value lies in its r,ongic property of removing pain fr.,!I1 the bode, and ter that good the (irntling begnn, and to the re- quality it is prized.lief of those in charge of the sale, -- - no trouble resulted. Many it man is will 1''1; to lose a -- —t- ---. — friend to acquire a d..ilai-. Some Hien a re born lints and some are con)p'lIrd to ecgtiire the Kindly mention the nuns of this a1! paper in uritin; to adtrrtlsers. MEAN DEATH OR SICKNESS. Natives of Africa are Afraid to Mo- lest 'turtle. At a place called Kotran 00 the 11enclu Ivory Coast of Africa, the natives believe that to eat or de- stroy a turtle would mean death to the guilty one or sickness in his fa:nily. The fetich men declare that Years ago a man went to sea fishing. 'In the night his canoe was tllr...yn upon the beach empty. Three days afterward a huge, deep-sea turtle came ashore at the same place, with the man on Its back alive and well. It a turtle happens now to be wa:dh- ed ashore there is great commotion in the town. First the women sit down on the beach and start sing- ing and beating sticks; next a small piece of white cloth is placed on the turtle's back. Fond is prepar- ed and placed upon the cloth; this food generally consists of plantains, rice and palm oil. Then, with more singing, dancing and antics of the fetich people, the turtle is carried back into the sea. CURED IN 014E MONTH. It woman, who Das Kidney or Bladder Trouble, could go to Devleville. Ont.. and talk to Hrs. A. Simpson. they would do Just as she did—take Gin Pills and cure themselves. "For 14 or 16 yeare, I had Kidney and Bladder Trouble. guttering at times in- tense pain. I doctored continually but nothing gave me permanent relief until 1 was persuaded to try Gin Pills. Within a couple of days. I received great relief. and after taking one box. I was completely Cured." Write National Drug A Chemical Co.. (Dept. W 1) Toronto, for free sample. LOCATED. "Say," queried the would •be hu rnorist, "where is that place Atoms that so many people are blown tot" "It's just the other side of Efigy, the place in which so many people are hanged," answered the solemn person. A Pill that Proves Its Value.— Those of weak stomach will find strength in Parinelee's Vegetable Pills, because they serve to main- tain the healthful action of the sto- mach and the liver, irregularities in which are most distressing. Dys- peptics are well acquainted with them and value them at their pro- per worth. They have afforded re- lief when other preparations have failed, and have effected cures in ailments of long standing where ether medicines were found unavail- ing. PROOF POSITIVE. Blox—"Theorists are fools."Knox—"Is that your theory I" Blox---"Yes." Knox --"Then we will let it go nt that." It is an undisputed fact that one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads bas actually killed a bushel of house flies. Fortunately no Buell quantity can ever he found in a well kept house, but whether they be few or many Wilson's Ely Pads will kill them all. HELPS BIS MEMORY. Little \Willie—"Say, pa, %%bat is a forget-me-not'" Pa ---"It is a knot in the string a woman tics around her husbald's finger, my son.'' Worms derange the whale sya- : em. Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator deranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer. it only costs 25 cents to try it and be convinced. IMPOSsIBI.I:. LA GRIPPE Arrested, and Consumption Cared Mr. G.D.Colwell,of Walksrvi'k,OnL wu stricken dam.• n with La Grippe io 1905 and u kit him is very balcond.tioa Fie says: 1 wee alln„ down and bordering on Consumption 1 could not sleep at n yhts, had awLI ev,ues. and coughed nemrly the who!. time. 1 his is how I was when 1 bey an to take F'sychine, 1, • tow nervous state ; but from the first b tt'e 1 I•eyen to improve. Itd.J marvel. ler tae andtreeeht me back to health in no cline. rock ins • neve man of me. It forti5r1 the body ega•;nst the attacks of La Ge iiiand is a sure pre- ventative. 1 al we. s take l'sy. h ine if 1 feel • co'd coaxing on and it puts me right is no time." oo WITHOt)r )t8YC 1H NEE Fes Sal b a0 Dreco.• ea Dealers. se.. & 11 p r h.ltie. Dr. T. A. SLOCUM WIITID, TOR014T0 YCHN PRONOUNCED SI -KE' `. FOR SALE. LI ONO ROOK 1'4 FAVORITE rrm, words,, sle, Ten cents like, Granby, Nue. (,.s �r:tip! AGENTS WANTED VyANTED -- LOCAi, AND GENERA. Agents Liberal (^ntTacte to Root' men : apply by letter Continental 14f Insurance Company, Toronto. ('orrtw pondence confidential. EDUCATIONAL. A- BOYD'S SIMPTHAND SCHOOL1Stl Yonge St. 'r, neuro, t,reperee a recent st•nographere in 10 dove by Oa BOYD Sl'L-LA-111C HEATED!. Polito( us - cured. Write for catalogue. STOOKS. To INVESTORS- Your orders to buy et es,^ll Cabal: or other Sto•kt vi 11 r4 Feive my personal attention. ('ol.ait and (low (Janda Mining (lairns for sate o( el- Fban`e. 8. 1.1 Mathew,. Broiler. 4j Scott 8t., Toronto. CANCER, Tumors, Lauf et.', iniernal and exta,ual, cured with ; . • 1) out h-,ne treatment. Write us before 1•,.: tats. DA .ns,.lmtn lie lien l'o„ LL.1 , Colli:,,M .. '1_ font Cosh log Fc011�13 We buy Wing and Tart rke� Feathers. Write kr price' 1,f1. W. Nelson A Co., Toronto, )rite TyPEwRITE Rs Bargain prices, *is to $65, fait reales) taken in exchange tor Model eo ro-d rt Remingtons. Many of these mac hined show little use. Remington Typewriter Cemesnr. lrmll.d, 144 11.1v h111ART. TOM iN 1,1 LEARN Press and Willie! Cutting, Fiifing,, and Putting Togathor by mail in yl.nr spare time at l,t•T,e on ('rsh or Instalment Plan. Ali thinking of taking a COuTPe chi winter write for free particulars a er earl; date Addre's Sanders' Dress Culling School I...e -r ,`13.tarloa Cann.la. 'Fruit Growers I LISTEN. 11 rm. ar« .? I.-' .lr..i .-, Ir.. t 1 , route • • N• Pith and i Ilh. The Fruit • • .ren' Se , 1• h •!•11n4 114 irlft:eth An gin. , • • meati:, r, the Temple nulidingyt. l'ricl!ca: a•tdreries on ad fruits I,y Pr.f. J•doi esti„ C•,rnell I's'.cntty New York: D g Falvey. westAatt. New Y.,rkI (' B Atu.tt 1• .•rville Mlchi,lan;.1.11 cornea. Nc■toi rgh. 4 1 awl 1..01 ef.,10be+1Clator1e sr„wrr.. SPECIAL SINGLE rept t*CUR5t0IS ON ALL PArLWSYS. Exhibition cf Apples Irrarst In Canal*, In. cludiag Oregon sine O..ta,ta ■eyed Prolt. at Innen 1.. tea prat r&norm te ]•. W I,u1,;e!t•, Parilnruent IS.d:Jwa-, Toruut . Facetieue Old Lady (to tramp) --- "You remind me of a piece of flan. nil." Tramp ---"I do- -eh? And w 1►v so, misRus 7" Facetious Old The fanner who spent half a day Lad --'•You shrink from Kasb:n 't getting two fence -posts in line with y g• eneh other has a kindred spirit in the newly enlisted man who. not long ago was ordered to the range for his first target drill. Out of his tewenty-one chances, he made not n single bit. "•Yeu'.e missed that target every time said an officer. "What en earth is the matter 2” "Well, sir," answered the new nsan. "the only reason I can think of is that the person who eel up my target hasn't placed it in a straight line from here." The silent man is more to be feared than the gi nt:olie chap. r. �iTTP COLA) err-► p'.•,1.,%JA,PLIVAttr 11,0'1.4WILt1.1ti( YDilltt! ' When one la-.a,il'M •hrough," ur suffers f u,n 1 j'l,rnatn,a.nbe ler., lntwr y go, •I ,rdr: tea.,s,n- W r .-a r...• \erlr.tt•n1•ma r..:•. lit. in:L-•m.a.wo••••! •.. IS••-1c!.'l.1 T11V1r1. ,r li..., . nn; a Cramp. ,•.. Muss le. ►'suns 01 ant 4...1. use dna .. ere 1(54117 aerie E=•;" MAGISTRATE SPEAKS FOR ZAM-BUK Magislr:.,e ferry, .1 Goldfields, B.C., be:ieves in making • t sed th:n` anown. Writing of Zan} Bok, tine great household bain., he says:—"Atter a very fair trial 1 lia.e proved Zam•fl•.k eminently sattsfectnry. In my case at cured a skin rash ul .ve fearl sanding which no doctor had been able to do any • :awl or. I would certainly encourage any person to keep lam.•Huk uit right. Err n In his home." The magistrate isq t t r1 t Every me needs lam•Bok' t'nequelle.l for tuts, burns,hxuises, arena, blood t.oaoning and all skin Aimee,. All stores and druggists sell it at so Bents a buy. Jre cure for piles. DON'T NEGLECT THAT SORE I A Chicago man hes just died from blood poison- ing arising from neglect of a small sore. Don't neglect a cut, a Estch of eczema, or a1 open 1,,ee of any kind. The air is Cid of poison gems, waiting to start ms thdr 1%il re.n!!s in neglected sore., wounds, etc. In tam Ruk 11 sa(e'y. Lam - flak is so high:}r antiseptic that applied to any 'kinder/sic er injury it snakes blood poisoning i•n possible. In •tong Zane Huk lou have three proteases going on et once for 74m•Buk is healing soothing and ant•.eptic. Try it without delay. A GENUINE OFFER. TEST ZAM-QUR AT OUR EXPENSES We appreciate the position tater, 11 :he roan sr woman se says:—" 1f )our preparation is whetou claim, you should have no objection to letting ns Dy it before trending our money nn U." To every person taking this view we say, vnd one cert stamp(tn pay re•urn postage) and nerve and date of this papts to 7.am Ituk Co , Toronsn, and we will nisi! yon * bee triol bt.,4 of /5,11 Hak. %em• H.:k is purer herbal, saitabte for the deice'. skin of little children, yet ; w enol enough to heal chtwiic totes of long yea's' standing. Ail druggists and stoves, son, per bog, 3 for $1 a s.