HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-11, Page 6NOTES AND COMMENTS THE SALVATION OF 1 ne ,t-urtL ,,,,111,1 be sent to Itt.,inoTFOR TilE "NAEP TIMERS" _- - about Erol bcforn 1t Has tltcidt 1 . t.e c,ht►ul'l himself .be sent. Plant v. either prohphets inclade Nor did . . . brethren . . . rep )it the purple shamrack and the wood .tsars, of thea --If they lead any 1.1'1'•1'1.!: CHILDREN IN EtN('.t- sorrel. All the sorrel tribe of tiles t�. report, the fast that the ban up- tiH)ltF: t'.1t''i'Oltlt:S. The Creed `That Saves the World is That e1. the Jews had only recently been soles are especially sensitive to un- -- - - - - - ----- - Val conditions rotldi.ti0us of the weather. If ' i removed (Acts 14. 2) would deter Which Underlies Right Action them, a3 they "Osla have no desire THE BUNTER. O plant e.f the white flowered form t. expose their nation to histile cri C't`t(rnt 116c•rrhy '1'bc•y i:cl Only of sorrel ii put into a saucer and ^ tici,,ItI by calling attention to a' re - enough 1)a�' at S+•bout 11ay I:ycr since Robbin R.:.r.� was old 1i�;lr,ua quarrel. enough to tease for the story of L 0t veIl supplied with :crier it will t'Faith without work is dead."— ter in histury or some theory in ce- 2:;. It is known to us --Evidently Be Abolished. ''Jack, the GiantDiller," I►c had t, indications of fine weather wanted to do +�onlethin whist' other luso,James ii. 20. lestial psychology may have, indeed„ church and synagogue were al ' The movement in Lancashire, boys of }lis a �e could not dc�. Hu alien it leaves ate hrayt•'; expand -The religion of creed has failed the hound of good news to tht•ln. ready distinct at Rome. The ex b England, fur the abolition :::1117.e:r1r3). oto do sumo at • 1 t • d, while during unsettled c'oedi- to accomplish the things it set be-, It means a cheat, and easy escape pulsion of Jews under C'ladiun wait .`half tiuler" -the child robe 8(1'11(.1t -,1(11e3 e, that would tbslto Ill' f‘1111. the delicate leaves are eases fate it ; let the religion of deed I►o from the terrors of the law without probably the cause. l 23.of Cod —The half of his day in the factory and ilproud of hits. .c. t i ied. The difference between the the rigor of justice. The kingdom Mpgether ire west discou3,latc• f.tsl,-half in school—haq been �reati • , two is. tremendous, yet the transi- : That kind of salvation by that Jewish way of speaking of the Met -b i Mien n he was seven ,oars old Un- twosianie hope. strengthened thenad bythe report of the sol:. There arefew of til© podded B cls dam, gave hint a new, shin t tion is not so great aswe some- kind of faith simply buts the moral ��, 1', 1 Inter -Department Committee which reel bowi tiaric•t:i•3 of plants that do not al- tunes think : the one kills an ideal nature to sleep. It makes possible s►• 27. From Isa. 6. 9. Words, recommended that ,artist rxen► o- gun,, and he thought tae ter the ►( ition of the it foliage at its root by expressing it only in the soap ttho is all right in his faith used also by our Lord against the 1 1 tint(, had color fur rtrti�►rt. I b1 t3 g Jews. ; tion from settee' attendance should Ile did not expect to kill a giant erten the weather i.3 dull or unset creed, in theory; the other ear -but all wrong in his woks; who ' i discontinued. According to the - Uncle yarn said there wt+re none; WA, or if cold cenditiuns are like- ries a creed out to its fullness by is sure that he is `'right with Cud," 30 1',+u whole rears—During the, , latest- estimate there aro 34 30e, child ' expressing it in practice. but who is certainly wrong with time he wrote the Epistles to tile, that is, any wild ()roes. to prevail. Ono of the cenln,on_ workers in factories., men ; who is inflexible in creed but Philippians, Colossians, Ephesiana' The "half timer" is a type of But`he did think he n►ibltt shoot Unca the great mint of rt�ligiuus , est cases is the elevor. On a rainystrangely elastic in conscience. and Philemon. For the rest we a panther, 0r',es-.ibly a gorilla. He endeavor ayor was to bring all men to S' must depend on hints in the epistles child quite distinguishable filen the was sure if he I,.:,krd about care aay the leaflt:t+ contract closely to- church adherence to confession, of The things liee believes may be 1 , , 1 boy who regularly attends school fully he could find sante ,yun.lcrfttl to- gether, but their position alters Wine or the other sof the faiths. 11'o right in thcnlsely e • : that is of little aa t" Paul's employment. Such de- must writes a Lancashire correspondent.. ante. speedily if there is Prospect of plea- have been working at that for can- importance compared with the mat- lava of justice were not uncommon.8 In this case, three reasons have up in a strung industrial' So lie proudly shouldered the sant weather. torics, and there remains just about ter of the fruitage of his belief, been given : (1) Ions of papers in the atmosphere, he, at a very early age start red 1►ow gun, took hilt' x aria - _ _ as much real sin in the world as whether his convictions are so real, wreck; (L) non-appearance of ae looks forward to the time ,when he Cr of the very sharpest -pointed ar- 1`tto wood anemone seri in a si- ever; there remains as Much ounce 8�, vital, and so related to life that. cusers; (3) difiteulty of feuding wit_ will be able to contribute to the ex rows, and started over the hill to essary misery, as much injustice their roots going into the depths of , lenses of the household and obtain the poplar n:?1:tr way. 'F1i flowers expand and Krung. The world is far from lois soul, their fruits appear in all passes. With Paul were Luke,a little extra mono • for himself. 1 1 ar grove. fully on bright days, while on ail beingsaved.hi, acts and relations. Aristarchus, Tychicus, Timothy, J The leaves had turned from green , I?l,aphruciitus, Epaphras, Mark, When he does that he considers be tc, yellow, and how back the old Inclement morning they not only The founder of Christianity: THE INSISTENCE. OF Ji?StJS 1)emris, fur lunger or shorter is "a little man." pine stumps looked through them! gather together their petals but taught men to be patient, meek, ! periods. l'N'I'I:ItS :1T '1'11.1:1,1'1:•• I How strange it seemed! The Ar, rip, at times even turning their {'eacentake•rs, pure in heart, neigh- And Other religious teachers on His own hiree! dwelling — Money g tet of dried ,allots n carpet 'beaks en the chilling breeze. The burly, sincere, just, loyal to their faith was not because convictions, was supplied llitn by they Philippi_ A h°y entering thn spinning mill leaves was not half as pretty as the best ideals. His followers could a creed, if you will, some kind of nt the age of twelve, to become tt soft rays and moss that cot•erre asc(irlt�t puilperncel is A conspicuous not content themselves with things 1 alts (Phil. 4. I8) and otitera' piecer will start at once to =et half grass deep seated faith, is final, but be- the ground in St+tntuer, and he cot+lc g 31. None forbidding hits --It ;s t' barometer. 11 is only when the day' as Simple as thew. They sought out cause it is fundamental; it is that generally believed that Paul was re- a crown a week, but very soon he net find even one bunehl,c•rry to ill fair and tile, Aky almost flee. from' subtleties; they taught men to dis- re- froze which tell actietes spring, and leased at this time, and that lie Rn(_ will be jingling 81X shillings Ill 11:4 tell (±f the starry white blossoms it is dead in itself ,without such fc red martyrdom a few years later. pocket, which he takes home to his ( f the spring -disco. soother on "paw" night. The fact, If I could only kill a panther first and foremost, accounts for the now ---no, I mean. if I cent(' ( my eagerness of buys to enter the mill. ace one, course I could kill it. if 1 Of course, thele are many parents found it," thought brave i►ebb:t•. who, through uecessity or the dosi re Then, as he stepped over v. f;:11cn T to save, press their boys into the lug, an animal sprang tip with a trill, and these are the really Ills- terrible hiss. thetic cases. 100 .00.0.0011100.00.0s0.0.000Cisabolasi VOUNO FOLKS elouda that i'sr brilliant little flow- jute over historical and traditional data ; they proclaimed that men fruitage in deed. era iiehold their petals to the light. would be I The creed which burns itself into At the approach of less settled con- SAVED BY FAITH the depths of a pian and forces hits ditions the bleasents promptly shut it metaphysical mysteries. to follow the truth, to serve the tip end e.il net unroll their petals right, to battle erong, to Frtt'cor 1 1 'There retrain to -day many who need, to gi-•e all he has, even life until the weather clears. call themselves preachers of the itself, for 111)10 enols, saves the ---- •t. _ gospel whose good news consists in world. It is the creed so vital that ....- Probation for first offenders or this—that men have only to fore° it is too busy realizing itself ever themselves into mental anaesthes'a r„ have time to analyze itself. ter men who give hope of reforma- to accept this or the other fact, or , . , - tion bids fair, when wisely adminis. Do you b clic yr in aeo<lcss, ri�,llt, tradition, and they will have ac- jt,stice, love, truth, enoutrlr to j tered, to accomplish much for the cemplished the will of the Most choose them when they do not seem wi-F-i-i--1-•i• j -I-1 '+'I"i"+'1i••i-t• 1-1-4-11-; mere effective control of crime high, they will have saved their„, pay ; to prefer death to their un- SEEN IN PARIS SHOPTS. t�i:retlglt court agencies. With it own souls. What a moral universe (kin,- 7 Not, do you admire them, this must be where the cone great but du you rollow thein 1 That is Hat shapes in Paris are innun,er- ehonld be coupled, however, plea- . thing required is that men shouldthe fa ith that saves the world, that able, but they can lie roughly Butes for the stare severe pitnis� believe something they often can pverconle3 wrung and purges front grouped under four or five types. merit of men who have resisted all knew nothing about..gill, and suites real in all human Individual lines, of course, crop relormative efforts and have deli -I 10 tell the liar and thief, the s( clary the life anti ideals cif the out, and extreme styles aro always tllt(:ly settled down to crime ;t.; a' moral bankrupt, and the social tout w red's greatest religious prophet, favored by radical French women, law that the great Judge ref all le- the 11th of Nazareth. lout, as the days go on, the prevail - profession. We recognize the need guires of then nothing more than lug ideas which were launched a of special rmeasttres for dealing with, that they should believe some chap- � HENRY F. COI'E. few weeks ago in millinery form aro Confirmed offenders whenever we i toned down and chastened into less rasa a law providing for a heavier' conspicuous, but just as chic, penalty for a Recon(( offense. But SilNDAY S{.HOOL shore of what is now the Ray of styios. Naples. `'It was the resort of trade this. is only .t beginning of what is from, all parts, notably frurn the One Parisian turban is s folded uecei:,ary. England lees taken a fast, and the corn supplies far tee or swathed hat resembling the pic- lutech fe,ttenr step ie providing for i ea pit al were landed hero.” tures or oriental rulers. This shape iN''ERN.t'IION.t , LESSON, i' worked out in ve vet for street epecial !letting; a•td special penal- 11. Where we found brethren -- wear. The soft t.latet•ial fits the ties fur men wit() can be proved to \t11•• 11• Only thirty years since the death head closely and is held in place at "lead a criminal life." The sta. _ t 1 Jesus, and a Christian churel' ,s the (runt or side by heavy jeweled tute was passed !set year and went 1,(•get(►n •1'11. Paul a i'ri•nne•r - in '•"tabli�:hed in this re,note Place. ornaments. Gauze, lace and tulle Into effect Aug. 1. Jews s were cont_regated here for the are used for theatre wear, and Reale --.tela '_9. 11-31. Golden sake of the trade opportunit'es, and sparkle out in transparent fllrni- The first case under it was re-, these Probably formed the nucleus candy triad. An offender brought 'Text, Rem. 1. 16. ,.= the Christian community. nes, in many audiences. The Cossack turban ij much heav- beforc the l'ulkortone quarter' ses- Verse 11. Afrter three months— Tarry . . . seven days—An evi- itis. and larger, and generally eii►- &iotls for theft was shown to have if the wreck took place in the early 'fall"'of the good impression Patel e record of three sentences to penal Part of November, and the time had made upon the centurion. Fen -Uncle, of sixt( en convictions far reckoned in full, the sailing week! So we carne to Rome—Luke re- occur early in February—rather cords the faet of the c•empletea early for tins igation. But a govern- 3"111.1i"y before taking up, in the ment (►fTt'•ial would be likely to take t:ext terse, a few details. some risk. 15. The Market of .\Pints—A sort • . f Isroneli-town, forty three miles A ship of Alexandria --:1t My ra, south of lielnc, to the fastens high it will be ren,etnhet•ed, thes itad vav built by ;11►l,iiix Claudius, and talon a similar :+hip (Acis `_'7. e.). reaching from Rene! to I3rundisittn,. The twin br'ethcrs---The-e +•• ere ; The Three Taverns—A second de- tester and reflux, sons of Jupiter ; t,ut►itioet of Christians met Paul and Leda. When they tve1e 1ranm- here. The name is derived from the lilted to the sky they because the existence of three intoe where tra%- guardian deities of sailors. Ancient °lets ce111(1 refresh themselves, ships hal such a fig F1 rel eed (sigu)I Took courage --Though he had beth at the boss and at the stern. hardly carne as he had expected 11. Syracuse -One hmndrtot iniles (Rom. 1), here was evidence enough north of Malta, situnted en the east ,' the vitality of the faith he had ceest, and capital of the eastern bilged to preach at Rome to revive half of Sieily. In former times it his heart. Memory, which Is perhaps the eas one of the grandest cities of the la. We :•n;ered int„ iin:e -One mtJo+t primitive of the intellectual Grecian world, and its ki'taa (•rer- hundred and (arty stiles from, I'u- f&ettltiea, is often possessed to an cise+i great power. At the time of teeli. Many notable moron:(•pts of extraordinary degree by persons Paul's brief visit it w as probably the past had been Seen on the wens•, who are otherwise mentally defiei- in decay, the propel t) of absentee but Liike is interested only in the PIA. According to a writer in the inndlerds. sprearl of the gospel. l'Ililadelphia inquirer, they have at Tarried there three days -- They Paid was suffered to abide by Harlswoo(1 Asylum. England, re- must have had a fev+,ral,le +tint) hin:'olf flue 1., the favorable re- Cor'ts (4 irtibecilei Pho cou!(1 not for this 1'etltitrosorl,o journey to pert front Feat us and the good will only repent accurately a ',Age or Se racuse. The delay indicates that ' f the c'(•uturie11, Julius. Aeeer•l- o lere .4 any h:,ok ~ Lich had been the wind 1,.a►1 now shifted and ons mg to cit.te,nt, lie would bo beiied t eal ye:+r+ before, even though it cc ntrary. While waiting fur a snit- , 1•:. a chain (verse te) to the hand f1e►st ft 1„ •.k they did not understand nide wind to carry thein still far.: et the soldier who guarded him. fe the least, but also a record of an ther north it is not probeb'e that ' 17. Called together . . . the chief tvi anti p* rsen who ovula repeat Paul would be allowed to leave the : ' the Jews—Those net already feaekwart what he had just read. ship, as it might Fail at any 1, ('hriktians, so that he mieht make },;irt velvet, the upper part (1 wool - Another carious case is that of mont. I clear ilia position, and thus offset I1 n goods. t;,c,itc}►ing 'narks the line an imbecile who never failed to go 13. Made a circuit --:1s the favor- env false statements whi'•h might where the materials join. This tai church, and en teaching home able wind did not arise, it WAS its- ha,n come to them in letters. French idea ought to give a hint to ()cold repeat, the sermon werd by possible to run a t;traight course 1.1. Desired to set inc at liberty— the, owner of a velvet dress too wc••.1, aa; ing. "Here the minister (Acts 21. 1), and they ira(1 to tack, All his judges were convinced of worn to be used in its entirety. ete•..!ted: here he stopped to blow first northeast. toward Italy, rind his innocence. Agrippa and hestiis (,quaint, chert -length 1t3:30 dress's h!4 nose," and he on. then back to Sicily. had said as inns'', and Felix would are shamming; froc.cs for the debut- ,u named �had2rt (fors!). In runt+ tet case an imbecile f Ruffles of lace over net. std. ems gases below' had beer' tier, tench pug ), for As tl I lone" Riiegiu1,l--Modern Reggio, 111!( have found a rosy tt, free him If the asst for her, and midway in her course1)Ul,py lie efts not easily taught (,}((• Bible so perfectly that, if one miles across from 'Jicasinrt. In the • requisite bribe load been (offered. (enc(' .at the edges with ribbon tc-yard the :tut -face she suddenly tricks. Thr pelacc dogs are kept in Aah,'f1 him %%here such rind such a fifth century a great city, but tie.' 19. Not that i had aught where f ctisilling's, reach from hem to knee.fai+rtecl. The i n beautiful building. with marble ser, wag le lir'mind. he could tell stroyed byDionysius of Symons• t' Accuse my nation --lie had ne Nearly all evening dresses are huc,.t.et crashes} heavily to enc. 11(1°1's ; they have silken cusl,ians to Vithuttt hc•.it,alion and repent the in 11. C. 387. Ily P atll's tirne it had de aiie to put his fell jw-countrytnoa draped in such n wav that long side, her foot caught. in the chain, sleep en and special nttr•ndants. U elel Flet. become once more a nourishing, city, al, 'tomo in g a plight,, and had ap- lines are retained, while soft hill- and she fell backward into the They have regular exercise flint re. Ail these instances are Heli au- aith a mixed Homan and .et k pealed to Caesar sin ply to obtain tress is kept near the lower part`+Ater, head first. The gtilar baths. and there are hundreds elle ,:ieatcd, anti ethers equally population. It was net unu!lul tt his rc lease. of the skirts. immersion revived (►1 de ►s. Tho fashionable ('hiner� shock of Ar.a+lira and true could be added. sailor• to put in nt lihegium in or. 20. iteem's" of the ,lope of Israel Moire, in its soft form, is exceed- her. arta (1100 more she was able to. dog At time was the "ale".c'' Anti jeat as there is one sense which (ler to discharge their vows to the atm hound -Verse 122 shows that ingly popular for long coats. It is. dog, one race is slowly chin clamber into the treacherous bulk A R is +••:nethnes IA end••r fully acute in twin gods. ev understood perfectly that Paul used to cover evening gowns, is et.. Safely above ground again, she , ('ut., as the emntess dowager di :- per,..ns of weak intellect, so, in the A south wind zprang up -- A , a. referring to tet promised Jles- combined with fur for street wear, ! gave vs ay to bove ro n, but cent, at 'liked them. She bated tic i�!► 1s 08.0 cif 1,110(1 {►c(►{►!e, the nesse of favorable ,t ind wa:t tf the utmost iii t and is lovely when, as an outer' ter her as a•ss dnt. that these tiny creatures were tttm- eni,•!1 or hearing is often tart keen. + importance now, in order to make a ! 21. 4eithcr rec9fred letters from coat, it Appears in the same eoler ! ted in their growth by beteg fe•l n One of rho most remark:thee cases safe journey through the strong Ju(l�tna \If lett0I3 were sent, it as the afternoon gown underneath. .� ,i a,cc�ets end wine. 1t k an interest- 08,,,, teeord was that of John 1:race, I currents of the Straits of Mc ;sine, ! would not. be s .range if they W 'o Smart belts of suede and glossy itis :nil curious filet that this re- ts deaf and blind mate, who could) and past tho nt serious whirlpool : is st, a thing that happened often leather are displayed ill little shops. she. -.,.Fred, de roe bcl'eve th^t mineable c.rtrnn, 1111(1 is supposed dist.tig lush t►rc•t.lters and sisters by i cif (hart-btl;s ar►tl the nick of Scyj- i to the note world. Ilut it is in. There are also ntagniflcent met::l the pen is nevi.' • r t';:in t' a 1, foe., never bc-"ri r:vrn':ed by ten. 11,110ll, steal wh•- tee.►ttn+red an•..leely' le. rohahif• that any ship could na,e, ones a ,.ig " (,, f' •','n• •s. used to t -o -nark ttl'tt 1 ( 1 f bnrbarie de , t ns which. til sword Z Fred "Yes. •► I do V. ►I . ah' had r• of 1‘,0f -re by the slrne 1'nteoli--The great remtnereiel arrived item ('riesal•en, I,Pat'ior their jeweled beauty. flash c iit from, never saw anybody sign a clicee: se,' ••• ••t.l tee sttt"It'rt;�:1(1 a1,1'ilals etre!ne least of Italy, lying (. n the not tb tie :•. s, befc'cc Iul'3, especially as white bread.leth walking shits. 1 e ith a sword. did vc.n t" 1►�+'t,.► d� +•.rmr•el :.L .'an's pleasure. ' Fashion Hints. fel. mica and misdemeanors, and of twice being hold under police t+n{►ervision. The judge sentenced him to three y ,ars' imprisonment fer his la.tt theft and added an extra five yeerj for his record as 4 confirmed criminal. Sympathy with the criminal would be entire- ty ntisplaeed because, in addition to his own offense:;, there were in- dlcatious that Ito !lad boen an active instigator •)f crime its others. .t II \ 111; til 11. M t:'1(1 it 11: S. l th+•rile' 1I. hot Conti! do Remark - Able Things. Itis heart stood still and he HIS HARD LIFE.1•>: ked at the crouching animal. The eves blazed, and were fastened When all considerations nave upon him in apparent anger or ter - been weighed in the balance it is rora difficult to understand the desire of `It's just the color Uncle Sant the boy to enter the mill. His said that cougar was out West, ' struggle through the streets --often Itebbie thought, with a look at its ft.r distances of n utile ---on cold aleck coat, "and it's gut a head winter Mornings before six o'clock, just like a cat, t) dear' But it's probably without fond or drink, by too big for a cat, 0 clear me no means fits thin for the arduous Pour Kubbie ! He was not quite day to follow. For Ilii six hours in so brave now. the mill, cleaning machinery, piec- . Ile stopped just long enough to ing twist, and carrying bobbins, see that the animal did not menti must, it is urged, prove detrimen- tt• run away, then dropped ltis new, tal to him when he gets to school red how gun and ran i in the afternoon. Three things he wits quite sure of S1.1•:I:P AT DESKS. that the animal was following him closely—,tie could hear its feet pat- io far is this the case that "half- tering over the dry ltaves,'tl,at the timers" sometimes go to sleep at way home never was so long b(•fere, their desks, and without doubt lag and that ho wanted to see Iii{ nit, - behind in their lessons. Objection tiler. i-, also taken from the physical and Ile reached the top of the hill at moral point of view The sante re- last, and fairly flew dawn the other sults apply to girl "half -timers," side. What a long thee it took to whose work is chiefly in the card- reach the orchard, where John was roost and weaving shed. ! picking the fall apples. "(.)h John!! O mother!" he gasp- 's' ed. and then -- "Med -ow ' ':11e -i -ow !" A 11F:ROiC WOM.1N. "Where did you find Aunt Alarti's Plot" one tnatarial fur the over- ---cat 7 She will he so glad!" cried Fah - tipping crown and another for the a Little Girl Who lead Fal- In��,ther. brine It is favored in an nttrac- len Info 0 Deep Well.. "Is --is that ilii cat?" panted ti%e black and white forst of sea-! One of the most interesting eshi- I►•bhic. ver and v(•lv et. Of c•(�t; rs,� it is. There isn't, sir►- bitlons belonging to England's ju• other cat like hire in Maine. Seo Each designer is turning the bilee year was the Woinen s Kell what 1 beautiful yellow cont lin brim of the three -cornered hat in Maier, containing five hundred has. Ile ik the largest t :t r a different way. Our Paris tail - and eighteen names of heroines 1,eK pussy I liners seont to exploit their (own 1 to the Victorian era. These saw,"and mother took hits in her longing arms to fond a basket to send him tilts, poises mid line.( whet, they' were wonien who had performed to Aust Mitry. send Ont this w ell liked 1,,0(101. A ! some no of self-sacrifice er (levo- "I think he is big.'' answered eider 1riti;rnetl fern) is gaining fa- ! tion, and the brief recent of their 11t•bbie, truthfully, "hitt I never ver. 'These days the cavalier hat deeds furnishes reading calculated•� turns lip less brusquely than in the to stir the mind from its everyday • knew cats were that color. summer time. A long, pudding os- i calm. His voice was beginning 10 be trial) 11.10,0 i.;, perhaps, the most' The 'nest cnn,n1 01)10ce among rel \rid then she walked ()w slly ha -:k popular Internment. These are tho1such actions must have taken the t,, find the new. red bow Rnn, and fav►rit" welkin ; hat k. 1greatest of courage and self -forget- 1,,. sat. on the faller. '1(z a while to Very long ee;1t4 are appearing on f,t, lnesg• thik about it.- 1'e�tth s ('en, ► in- tho boulevard+ these autumn days. Take the case of Mrs. Pumphrey, i()nn. 1: 'they have largo selling collars and a delicate, sits little I�t� woman, whet] cuffs, and hal ds of fur Are used 10 s no one wenld suspect of Intent hero - edge the skirts of the uits. t iant. A little girl of five had fallen EMPRESS 1 LIKED DOGS. some 1'ret:-h modistes insist upon int(° a deep well, and the mother, gi,ing a little stomas n chance, and with t.w'e neighbors, rushed htirri- Tate Enipreio+ Dowager of China odd little sl,ert coat suits have been (•dly to rho brink. Mrs. PlItlinhtev., ex jleitt'd. They are made of two ,one, of the two neighbors, offered at Owned Fie 1 ugs. ninterialo, whichonce to go dawn niter the child, and is a feature of au• 1 'i he late emprf-Qs dowager of Winn ttle(1CS. resolutely stepping int() the crazy Chinn was fon41 of clogs and "'"1 One nled-•1 ham a short-basqued bucket, she was lowered into the some beautiful Pekinese pugs and coat of woollen material, which fits ahygs. At a distance of betaa.,,•n n kind t f Skye terrier. Tho pigs the figure closely. .1 girdle (4 s:11)- thirty and forty feet sl.e touched pre bred '. ith the grnatt't care rind ple black satin is k•totted at t' e water, and 1000.1 oter to grasp thethey are wonderfully intelligent ani - vat eemplete the coat detail.. The Ow bucket overturned, and loft her hack. Velvet buttons, a velvet little girl, already half drove tied mats. anti it i' laid that the 1�inA faced cellar and a black satin eraN,► Sooner had she dale se than Charles spaniels were bred hem the fir -t thine:o pugs hroitgi,t to skirt is in two sections, the lower hangine from the chain, clot• hing 1•.ttrepe. 'lite eutpres% dowager hail , dozens of dugs, but two P1)0c•TAi her precious burden. :1t length a buy of fifteen was let favorites. One was of the Skye (I(►wn by a rope, and be succeeded breed and mora clever at tricks, ly- it, cat rying up the child. Mrs. , erre "dead" at his mistress' conl- Pnmtlhrev then placed one foot mstand and never moving an inch un - the bucket and signaled that she t 1 she bide him. Her other chief NA AIR ready to ascent!. ilut. the mux- pet was a fee n -colored Pckince,