HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-11, Page 4El/meter abvocate,
D1 r. aced Mrs. August Hili *Pent last
Sanders & Creech, Props,
THURSDAY, Nov. 11, '09
Mr. Janws Simpson paid a Bye,
visit to friends here last week. -Mrs
Mc\Vtlliant. Mrs. C. Simpson and famil
returned home last week, after a pleas-
ant visit with [deeds here.-efr. Jas.
Dot:ley of Lendost returned home ou Mol
day, after a we,k's visit with his daug!
ter. Mrs. W. J. Hodgins. -Mr. and Mrs
Gee. Carter of Clandeboye visited a
Moses Slmpsoe's on Sunday. -Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Ryan and family spent Sun-
day a: W. J. Hodgins' -Mr. and We
'Geo. Lawson of Credlton spent Sunday
at Jas. Morgan's-C;ulte a ',umber fron
here took in the fowl supper on the :,
at Lucan. All report a good eine.-The
9. W. C. hop On \Vedneaday evening wee
well ante ',tied and an enjoyable time was
spent. -Miss Redmond of Detroit Is
visiting Mrs leartell.-Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Simpson epe:a Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Proue E;lmville.
,day in 'Zurich. - Mrs. Ell Sweet aid
fantlly of Dewberry, Alta.. are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. Sweet.-C,ri.. Beav
4101 daug,tt.. r !?Ila epe:,t Sunday wit!
rie;ds in Dashwood. -11. Eilber, M. I'
P., has returned home after brie
business trip to Manitoba. -Frank Fink
briner left for Londoe Wednes•la
where he has secured a situation In
tailor shop. Ile served an appreticeshi
with Mr. Holtzman of this village ane
was a very faithful and diligent work
or. His many friends wish him every
success. -Quite a number of our boys
t drove to Exeter on Dtonday night and
had several friendly games of bowls
with the Exeter sports. -Inert Clark of
the Royal hotel is having a blue rock
shooting match on the 11 (to -day.)-
There was no advice in the Methodist
church last Sunday morning on account
1 of special quarterly service being held
int Ebenezer circuit.- John Flnkbelner
has bought the piece of land lying to
the east of his property front 1t.Eilber.
-tor. Palmer.Miss Roeszlc•r end Mise
Link of Exeter visited friends at the
Oeretral Hotel last Sunday. -Ezra palet
spent Wedtreaday In LuckIIO•w of busl-
nees.-biles Ella Link and Mise Clara
Itat.t were the guest,' of Miss Oestrelch
ec of Dashwood Last Sunday.-DMrs.Geo
Fanner. who went webt a few weeks
ago, Is reported 111 at \Vtnntpeg. Her
m.tny friends hope she will soon recover
-Quite a number of the youngsters have
taken up roller skating and have become
quite expert at it.-Mlas Ida Ewald re-
turned home Friday front London where
she visited tier sister, Mrs. Treller, for
a few day.. -Garnet Sweltzerz was ap-
pointed Secretary of the Sunday School
fast Sunday to succeed Frank F'inkbelci-
er, who had resigned. -Inspector Tom
of Goderich made an inspection of our
school last week and found everything
O. K. -Having geld out my horse-shoe
leg and bleckent(tlri.7 business. I desire
to thank the public of this district for
the Targe patronage which has been
givenme those many years I have been
doing business with you. Yours sincere
ly. Alonzo Hodgins. -Mr. and Mrs.
Stinmel of Washington State. and ear.
Lewis and daughter of Exeter visited
Mr. and efr4. Jos. Banes a few days
the past week. -Sonne of our boys are
taking advai.tage of the constable' s ab-
sence from town aid have become quite
noisy. Evidently htey believe ti the
lId saying, "When the cat' s away the
mice will play".-Iloward. the infant
child of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver.
severely scalded himself the other day
by pulling the tea-pot off the stove. The
burns are fortunately not as serious as
at first supposed.
I will still be found with my old
friend. Thomas Trevethirk, handling
sur celebrated cutters and sleighs. Our
stock will be complete in a few days.
it will be a pleasure to have you call
of our show rooms and inspect our
ett)"c. We have never shown a finer
• tortment. No trouble to show goods
whether you buy or not. A call solicit-
ed. -A. Hudgins.
"Harry Eilber, M. P. It.. of Crediton
Ott.. was a visitor In town Tueid•ty.
\(r. Either has many friends in alas die-
trlct, all of whom were pleased to es.
tend a glad hand to the genialbet, who :or the past fifteen years :rad
-•elitably fined his office. -Crystal
Clty Courier.
Julio!. Teachers -E. Gast: 7,5. E Tru.'
Hiner 114. M. Brown 39, G. Short 31,
R. Klenzle .17. Jr. 'dat.t'a.ation,-R.
11.1: 31. It Coughlin V, E .McMurray
31. Class 1i.. L. Flnkbelner 04. L.
Geiser 37. M Oestrelelter 47, II. Sulli-
van 44. A. Ftuk'ee'ner 3,3. L. Schroeder
:11. Class 1.. L Itodgl•tt. 9:t. M. Wen-
zel, 54, L. Brown 51. E. Sims 49, S.
F'inkbe'i,er 31. P. Cougalin 24.
C. K. Bluett. teacher
Division i1i.. Claes IV.. honors, E.
Mlluett 83. V. Hollzmantt 93..ii. Halal
79. Pass, M. Chown 7.3. 11. Holtzmain
111. E. Klenzle r.:), el. Clark 00. Class
IIi.. Sr., Honors. V. Motz 77, Pass. 11.
! r.vn 63. Ciase 111„ rr , ra•e C
) ttre!c'ier 64. E. Smith S.
MIAs Kienzle. tea cher.
Division I1 -Class III.. Jr , Ho•rui s. K.
Rwei,ze- Bir. Pass. A. Sambrook 74. L.
ila!,71. L. Bean 74, V. Kestle 72. O
iluett OA. 0. Lamport 69. V. Galter 6
. Wolfe 53. M. Nicholson Oa. Class
i.. Sr.. Honors. A. Gaiser 77. Pass.L. Holtzntann 71, M. Brown 63. N. Sant-
-ook 111. E. \Veurth 60. Class ii.. Jr.
'ase. R. 11111 64. L. Beaver 6e, Pt. It..
'sit, M. King, 4. Benedict, D. Eng -
)a very large number of people at -
'tended the L. 0. L. Oyster Supper and
Concert on Friday night last. The even-
ing was a very pleasant one. the only
drawback being the late arrival of the
oysters, which made the affair later in
'starting and later in clovtng than was
+deelred. however everyone had a good
feed and enjoyed the varied program
afterwards given the •t.',t;,d st church.
Mr. Wm. Johnston occupied the chair
and the program consisted of solos by
Mr. Joenston. a reading hy Miss Gla-
dys Shier of Kirkton, addresses by Revs
Racey, Snell and Vance, and a lecture
on "The Bible and The Reformation" by
Rev. 0. W. Collins of Exeter.
' Titi 011 of Wintergreen Compound Made
His Skin as Pure as Ever.
Mr. Lulloch, of Iron Bridge. Ont., con -
alders the D. D. D. Prescription of oil
of wintergreen. thymol, glycerine, etc., a
wonderful cu -e for skit troubles. Ile tote
good reasun to think so, too, according
'to a letter of Mar. 27, 1909 •
'I have suffered foo years." !te says,
'with eczema, and now through using
'two bottles of your wonderful cure. my
skirt is as pure as it ever was.'
My face was so bad I could not see. I
-could not sleep. I could not rest at all
for the terrible Itch.
Thanks to you wonderful remedies I
am cured."
As e zema Is a germ Disease. and as
-the germs are right In tee skin, dosed
/nedlclne will not cure tt. The only et-
'tective way Is to treat the itch whir' the
-itch i3. la D. D. Yrescriptic:i pencu^area
`the pores 0: tee skin, kills the germs
which cause the Eczema, gives Inetiut
relief front the awful itch and perman
enlly cures.
For free sample oltic of D. D D.
`Pre.scrip'lon w.ite to the D. D. D. Lab-
-oratory Detat::ncu' E. A.. 21 to'dan
'St.. Toronto.
For sate by a:: druggists.
Mr. Joseph Lawson, who has the con-
tract of the Pyne and Muir drain, has
quite a large gang of nten working now
to complete the job ere whiter sets in.
-Rev. Watson was greeted with a very
small congregation on Sunday evening
owing to :t being a very wet night.-
ight:Mr. Joshua Johns has got nicely ste-
tted in his new home and will take a
y'earts rest. He will probably take a
*trip across :he ocean for the benefit of
his health. -Mr. Percy Col left Tues-
day for London. Eng.. to visit hie par-
ents. Percy has spent three years 10
the vice fly of Elimville, and likes fsan-
ada well c•lough to return again in the
spring. •
Children Cry
'In the }.:.tette of So-annali (lower, late
of the Townshiit of McGillivray, in
the C'onnty of Middlesex, married
woman, tit craned.
NOTI(et it herele I1;ten that al person. ha.int
';aims against the said estate are to file the same,
d'r'y tented, with Albert (lower. Itrinsler P 0..
Oa:., one of the Executors el the la.t a ei sat testa•
smelt of the ai•I deceased. nn or before the
20th Day of November, 1909
sad that after the said date the Executors will dis-
tribute the assets amongst the parties entitled
thereto. hat ink re_ard only to the claim. of which
s)ti a shall the•, hate been received; and that the
6aeeators will riot be liable for the assets so distrib-
ute, to any person of whose claim notice shall not
hate been received as aforesaid.
Dated at the Township of McGillivray. this 27th
day of October, tray.
ALBERT GOWER. nrinsley P. 0. One, sat
it AROARF.T IIFAN %N. Exeter P. 0., Ont., Rte•
MielekeIID, Lu,•ao, Ont..
;tors for the Etecutore
Notice to Creditors
of N'ILI.IAM H. SANUO, of the
City of ('hiengtn, in the State of Illi-
nois i(''tneerly of the Totvntthip ref
Stephen. in the Comity of Huron)
1ti•p.itcher, an insolvent.
In the matter of an Act respecting Assignment,
ao 1 rreferen•e', by Inenlvent Parona, R.M.O. (ter)
and amending Arts. aril in the matter of the Estate
of the above named in.olvent,
NOTI( E 1. herel•, riven that the *hose named
lae,hent ha. mute an A.dfnment ender the abort
Arts, of all her Estate Indite. Credita and F.srets to
Henry Either, F 11 P.P., or ('resrtton. Ont., for,
the general bent of the Creditors of the Med te•
eye ent
A meeting or his oreditnes will be held st the emelt
of the aid assignee at Crediton. Ontario. on
TueIdsy, the 213th Day of October. 1900
at t o'clock p.m . to receive a statement of affairs
to appoint Inspectors sod to fit th • rerannerstion of
the saki In.pe•tors and of the Asegnee, and for the
• sudorific of the Misers of the Estee generally.
Credit are are required to file their etaime with the
saA Assignee. a • ttmpanled by the proof. and par.
ti utir. tnereof as required by the said Ants. no or
•before the date of aiel meeting.
And Non's is farther given that after the 14th
•day of January. A.D. 1910, the Assignee will proved
4o dimtr.Mite the tests of the Insolvent amon(.t the
turtles entitles thereto hat 4,r r,irar'I only to the
claims of wbi.'h nXke shall then have been rrvl,'ed,
and that be will not be liable for the
say pan thereof. se dlsteitw,tee t., any pens, or
/person. of "how Plaint he shall not then hate had
s of ire.
10sted at stater. the F.,urteenth •1s. or G t Mr.1v»
i)R IC!+ov
& ('.'RI.IN0,
Stnlrs.'•tt Asaign••e.
I ish.
MIAs Love. Tei- ter.
DIv!'.toe 1 -Class ii. Jr.. Honors. C.
Halit. Page. A. Finkbcincr, V. Hoffman
Ni. L-twion, .'t. Holtzmain. 0. Weiner.
1't. iI.. Pass. it. heist. L. Lawson. 1't.
L. Sr., Ilonor.. 1t. Brown. L. Sam-
's-ook ; Page. L. Iledden. F. 1(111. W.
Appleton. N. Claimer. L. Eilber. G.Weln-
Pt, 1., Jr.. Honors, K. Ilowald, F.
Short. L. Lawson; Pass. W. Snell. 1..
Finkbeleer. A. Sw; itzer, Cl. Sims, C.
Halst. S. King.
Mies Stothers. teacaer.
(Delayed in the Malls)
Joan G. Young. the township tax-col-
Icctar, has beat In Centralia, Shlpka.
Grand Bend and Dashwood collecting
the taxes the past week. -Alonzo Hod
gl is has sold out his business in black-
enething to Daniel Mctsaar, who took
p)ssesslon on Monday. Mr. Mcisaac
hat been working In the village the pant
year and we are sure he will have it
su'-eesstul business steel. -The young
boys got busy Hallowe'en night and
mole gate. and did other minor pranks
but otherwise everything passed off
.mnothly.-Ilenry Silber. M. P. P.. Is
in Manitoba on business.-Sane'I Brown
wra in London on Tuesday. He has
:e:tte1 the Implement shop formerly us -
01 by Walter Clark aril will place a
gt'oltrtc engine In the building to run
his aced cleaning appratus. He expects
to buy seed quite extensively this com-
ets "canon. "Teddy" will b' the chief
engeta:r.-Ter League of the Metho-
dist churre had a seelel eve ting on
*u.'tdey. Lunch was served and all had
t pleasant time.-i(atlo•we'en parties
we -e given at the homes of Mise Kinz-
ie a'•d M1ge Essery Monday night. A
jolly (rowel was ort atte•tltnre and all
had a very pleasant time. -Tee tempor-
t-y o• 1dge at the civ nr nag bee:; remov-
ed and the lumber renuvei to the towt•-
shlp lumber yard. -Miss Ida await.' Ie
t'.,.• : ter elet'r, Meq. Troller of Lo^ -
Children Cry
don for a few days. -Fred Wuerte has
had a wire fence erected around the
property he recently purchased trorn
\Vatter Clark.-Ilertry F'. Etlber lett for
Sarnia on Dfunday, where he will be
for some time engaged tit plumbing with
W. T. England. -Mr. and Mrs. Math-
ew F'i:tkbeiner acid Mr. and airs. Math-
ew Wein are visiting relatives In Iler-
esy and Cloward City. Mich. -Tuesday,
was "Travellers' Day" lit town. Thir-
teen were at litll'e IIo'el. It gives an
idea of the business teat 1s transacted
in this burg. Wait uc,til tee railroad
reaches us.
. filt')6ENstJIt'E, tiAStIWOOD ('oNri y. i a ER. Deeds. Wills, Mortgages and all
• M
Legal Docuutet is carefully- and promptly prepared
Charges moderate. Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Rev. Jolut Miller, Baptist minister,
who many years ago preached at Zur-
ich. and who is at present visiting In
that loc_tlity, occupied the pulpit in
the Evangelical church on Sunday morn-
ing, and Mr. Geo. Sherritt of Ilarpley
In the evening, preaching very accept-
ably. Next Sunday Rev. A. D. Glorifier
of Zurich will preach in the morning
and 1l is expected that Itev. E. H. Dean
or Crediton will preach in the evening. -
The Misses Ella Link and Class habit
of Crediton visited friends in this place
a:n Sunday. -Mr. Peter Iteesenhauer of
\Valkerton was visiting his sister, Mrs.
Wnt. Ehlers. a few days last week.
:etving for home on Monday. lie is
contentplathtg the purchasing of a tarns
in this community. -.\fasters Leonard
and Czar Ieellcrtnatrtt visited their fath-
er at St. Joseph's hospital. London, on
Saturday.-Mr..\lfted Zimmer. who some
Aline ago left for tile \Vest, has again
returned to his home here. -Mrs. It. J.
Donehey of Toronto is at present agend-
a few days here prior to l.er leaving foo
Chicago. where she will if, future reside.
-Mr. Herman Eidt has secured a pos-
itlon as head miller wit:t :Messrs. Hart -
111311 & Ziler ofParkhtll and lett for that
place last week. -Mr. Daniel Vincent has
the dwelling he purc!,ased from Mr.
Goetz moved to his property, where he
will occupy It as a dwelling. -Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Koch, who have been visiting
friends in the States for the past two
weeks. returned to their home here on
Saturday evening. -Mrs. Goodman is,
we are sorry to learn, not enjoying, very
good health these days. We hope soon
10 hear df her being able to ,get, around
again as usual. -The Misses Clara and
ida Ratz of Khlva and Messrs. Oscar
and Wesley Wolfe together with their
sisters, Misses Currie and Lizzzie,
were visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. 1•'. Finkbeit.er on Sunday last. -
The Evangelical Sunday school decided
by vote to again hold a Xmas. enter-
tainment and on Suoday last a program
committee w.ts appointed consisting of
the following; Mr. Godrred Oestreicher,
Miss Ida Goetz, Mise Ethel Keller-
etann. Me'.trlha Oe: ;reicher, Rev. 1..
K. Eldt, Miss Trasa Miller and Mists
Lizzie F'inkhelner. These will tow get
mai), and no doubt this y'ear's pregratn
will eecel anything of tae kind hereto -
:ore held to this place. -The end of the
• t mutt be drawliig 'tear the time
o'f!cc holders will be seeking re-
• -' ,':. as our street lamps. which
t'• ..ave lo•ig since hast; in darkness
a:e g 11.1 belie made use, o: and wheel
is much ap,re:I•ated tee villagers. -
The many friends here qt Mr. James
Doyle will be pleased to learn that at
the Convention on Monday he was chos-
en the Standard Bearer for the Con-
servative party int North -Middlesex in
the coming bye -election. That he will be
elected Is a foregone conclusion.
(From Another Source.)
Mr. Fred \Vlllert sold his valuable
team of sorrel Albions to Thos. Hand -
tor for a goof figure. $5011.-D. Wind-
sor /novel Ids house Saturday. Dan
will have a trice and comfortable home
for the winter -Geo. Schroeder has
now a valuable mare which will stake
the t orses go next summer. Ice dispos
el of his Nortiinc mare for Maud Staun-
ton front Ed. Bossenberry.
Women are Finding Relief at
it doe.t not seam that women have
more than a fair share of the aches and
pains that afflict humanity; they must
"keep up," must attend to duties In
ip:te of constantly aching barks. or
ead'tr'es. dizzy spells, bearing -down:
puna: they must stoop over ver,an to
stoop means torture. They 'must wales
and bend and work with racking palms Don't Monkey with that
W. Harburn has gone to Mu.kpke on
the hunt fur deet. -James McArthur is
Improving rapidly from the effects of
his fall from an apple tree. -Miss Annie
Consltt, who has been home for some
lime owtig to titres anong her pupils,
has resumed her duties Int iter school
In Stephen. -Mrs. Cecil Simpson and
children of Winghant, are visiting her
peret,ts.- Fred Smaltacoritbe shipped
four eats of onlois to turaito last
week. -An old resident o' ru' kersntlt:t
died on Monday. Nov. 1st. In the person
of Mrs. John Stewart. She was 97
years of age. All who knew Iter speak
highly of her kindly disposition. The fun
eral took placo to the llensail :emotery
0', \Vedneaday at,d was largely uttended.
.-The death occurred in Hay on Oet.
_Hilt of Q\_ililani John, sou orf lair, and
Min. John Minty. aged three months
and twenty days. The funeral was held
to the Exeter cemetery on the 30th.
Robert Parson !oet a valuable horse
Sunday Ly locket,.-Itobert Il(ggiits and
wife visited Exeter Sunday.- Thomas
Kite left Saturday for Saukatoon, where
will spend a few weeks. -Dire. Robe.
Lamont and Jamey spent Sunday with
her mother at Bayfield. -'_)n Friday ev-
ening the young men of Heenan gave
a dance i❑ rhe Hall when a good time
was spent. About seventy were present.
-Willlartt Molders, who has been en-
gaged In the foundry for three years,
left Saturday for \Valisburg, where he
has a good position. Ile will be miss-
ed in the Dletitodist churclt.-Geo. Mc-
Ewen left Saturday on a b-usifiess trip
to the Soo.-Gcu. Joynn
t Is runing his
evaporator to full capacity. A large
quantity of apples are corning in. -J. W.
Ortweln is visiting his son In Detroit.
Dente -etre. Shirray has received word
front Detroit of the deata of tier son
Williamof lung trouble. On Friday she
with her son David and two daughters
aitd Mr. it. J. D. Cook left for Detroit
to attend the funeral.
Mrs. T. Coward spent $Yaturt.ty
London on business. -Mrs. M. Winerof Crediton returned home on Sunday.-
Mr. W. Rolfe and Miss Eliza Clements
spent Sunday to Crediton. -Mr. A. Q.
Berry/hill and wife of Blanchard spent
Sunday with \V. Clentents.-Mr. .John
Clements of Mt. Forest Is spending a
few days with !Cls mother. -Mr. W. G.
Medd our popular butter maker. is re-
modelling his house. -Mr. J. E. Creery
had lite misfortune to Lave !tie ti )r ec
run away on Saturday while driving
cattle. The horse took NUMand turf-
ed around out he 1..0 . upsettitlg the
buggy and throwing 1'.,' occupant. nut.
Luckily no one was irtjed. The !Horse
ran for a distance wan Inc buggy. then
cleared itself of the rie end was t'ap-
tured in thechurch shed at SunshSunshine.tote rig being considerably damaged. -
Mr. J. Creery also lost a valuable
cow on Saturday. -Miss Nelia Hey-
wood of St. Marys High Sciool. spelt a
few clays at her home last week.- Mr.
Wattle-toreFrank Wan -tore of Ar, 'u: Is spending
a .',w days '•i.,, Itis trot Tftoitt
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
Catalogues Fre.
J. W. Westervelt, J. W. Westervelt, Jr.. C.A.,
Prenap.I. Vice-Principe!.
ilas the reputation of being the test p' ti,s1
tralnin;c .. honl in Canada. Thorough courses
hate prothe cd re'.ulte. itgsiness men say our
graduate. are the hest and they apply to u• for
oS' a help Our graduate, succeed as none other
Three departments -
Commercial, Shorthand d Telegraphy
Enter at ooee. Write not. far oe:r free ' ata -
and ming meleeea from kidney Ms. Kid-
neys rause more suffering then any oil.
er organ of the body. Keep the kid -
:eye well and h'alt`s Is easily main-
tained. Reid of a remedy for kidney's
only that helps and cures the kidneys
and Is endorsed by people you know.
F. A. Wright of K!ig at.. Exeter. O::t
.says :
"Mrs. \Vrlght had beet a constant suf-
ferer with many annoying and painful
symptoms o' Bright's disease. Her
balk was tender and painful and she
(squid at tines scarceiy get up front a
r'tair without assisting herself with
both hands. There was a dropst:al
swelling around the ankles and under
tete eyes and the urine had shown many
signs of this dread disease at different
an'lyeis and contained murh brick dust
sediment of high rotor. Different pre-
scriptions had failed in giving relief and
we had begun to think nothing would be
of any benefit ; 1 learned of Booth's
Kidney Pills through an advertisement
and procuring a box at Mr. C1,le'e phar-
macy. commenced treatment. The re-
sults were surprisingly good front the
first box. The dropsical swellings be-
gan to decrease. The urine gradually
clearei of the ardlment and rante 10 Its
natural color. The barkacl:e soon had
;on and it was a comparatively short
time before Mra. Wright be;un to Wok
and feel like a new person. Booth's
Kidney- flits gave a very speedy cure
when all ease tailed even to reiL've
and 1 cannot hesitate to recommend
them as an ideal kidney remedy a:,d one
to be relied upon always.
Sold hy Dealers Price 30 ' ei ts. The
R. T. Booth Co.. L't'd. Fort Erie. Ont..
elle Canadian Agents.
Broecltitis. Croup. Coag11s and Colds, or
-tone; ba.:c. S:'d . 3 guaranteed by
Cough. Take
White Pined Tar
Sold only at Howey's Drug Store
in 2.5c bottles.
rorisiou Store
Best :•g purchased the Piovlslon busi-
ness of Mr. John Eldt. and moved the
stock to the premises opposite the te1-
phonc office i ant prepared to accept
your orders In see lin? of General Pro -
Tn..e very best grades of flour always
On hand
Oa s 1e doilvered to any part oft • .1 •
s%'r lesitc your patronage are' see: it a
rat: from you
B. E. WALKER, President ' Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
ALEXANDER LAIR1), General Kansan I Rrserve Fund, - 6,000,000
Branches throughout Canaria, and in the United States and England
Deposits of $1 and ni'wards are received and interest a!!owed at current
rates. :Accounts may be opened in the names of two or
more persons and Withdrawal:; trade hy any
one of than or by the survivor.
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
Mt. Sant Gratton moved here from
Klondike last week. -Dire. Ilse enter-
tained a few of her friends to a quilt-
ing last week. -Mr. and Mrs. E. F'olliclti
of Exeter and Dr. F'olllek visited at
Mrs. M. GM's Thursday. -Mr. McCal-
lum of Exeter Was lir our burg F'riday.-
Ntre. Stephe::s left last week for Roch-
e -get, N. Y.. while Mr. Stephens wilt
go tilts week. They intend residing in
that clty.-Mr. John Young has raised
his house and is ready to have a brick
cellar put under 1t.
- ---
(Too late for last week.;
The anniversary services held here
on Sunday and Monday of last week
were a decided success. Bev. C. J.
Moorehouse preached two very inspir-
ing and powerful sermons to large
congregations. On Monday night the
fowl supper was a feature of delight
to all who attended and the program
was good and very entertaining. The
proceeds were very satisfactory. -A
number from here took in the oyster
supper on Friday night and enjoyed
the music by the London Harpers
very muAa.-Most of the boys who
went west have returned home, and
enjoyed their trip out West very
much. Mr. C. McCarthy bas secured
a job in Winnipeg for the winter. -
Miss Verde Squires spent Sunday
with friends at Exeter. -Mr. Walter
Ballantyne of Stratford and Miss Eth-
el Millson of Lucan visited at her
home here on Sunday.
The report of S. S. No. 12, Usborne,
for the month of October: V -Wm.
Hodgson 124. Gordon Morley 73. Sr.
IV -Hilton Ogden 211, Myrtle Squire
187, Verde Morley 148, Geo. Arksey
137, Olive Gunning 121. Sr. III -Tessa
Gunnin¢ 196, Arthur McCarthy 1'38.
Nelson Squire 105. Clara Motley 104.
Earl Hodgson 155. Jr. 111-Jnn.�t'he.
liban 212, Mel. Gunning 1:30. fi-Wil
trier Brooks 207, Minnie Millrou '284,
Elsie Gunning 213, Patrick Mt Gee
128.- Oliver McNaughton, Teacher.
Revillon Freres
ee7A.LNN.e 1755
The largest dealers in'
Pure ane Skins in the world.
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Honest assortment. Our •k returns
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are just as near perfection as
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struction is an absolute guarantee
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fort. If you want the be;t range
you'll buy the Souvenir. Our
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Send a post card for it to -day.
11 t\MIL.TON .s .
Mon:reel Winnipeg Calgary Yammerer
For Sale by 'X. J. ItEAMAN, EXETER
Thoroughness the Corner Stone
One year ago, Mr. Geo.
Wakeman was eat ning
about $100 per year as
farm laborer. Now he is
earning at the rate of $902
per year.
Sit months' training at our Busi•
nese College made the difference.
Was 1t a good intestmentHe
thinks so. Ilia address is New Os-
goode, Sask.
Four Courses :
Enter any time. indir,Jaal In
µtits for particulars.
Clinton Business College
vriirwrw ' '
High -Grade
are always a pleasure
to their owners
We have sold and are sellintt ti great
many high-class pianos--•inii always
at reasonable prices.
I Our Numerous Satisfied
1 Customers is the strnrlgeet
guarantee of the truth of the
above assertion.
Our pianos to -day are the hest that
the piano•tnakere produce snd out
prices and terms are what yon will
Do nut be too quick to believe I..•r-
sons who tell you different from the,
above for the purpose of selling you
cheap and, in eorne cases, tr;ul•hy gond.
at big prices.
(:all and see us and be convirorn'.
that what we say we live up to.
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.
Thee are noted for the quality of their goods
Wedding Gifts
Let your Wedding Gift be admired. as it carries your heart-
iest wishes for home joys. it need not be expensive to he in good
hints. Our eitelities are the bent and pticea the iowest.
Cut Glass
Our Cut Glass is of
the flne.tcutting and
pet feet white crystal
Our Silver Dept. is
is brim full of nice
goods,dainty designs
A. Marchand
Jeweler and Optician --- Exeter, Ontario