HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-11, Page 3r
Receipts and Expenditures for the fast
Fiscal Year.
A d'spatch front Ottawa says: rence tahip channel, $961,9.39; im-
The public accounts blue book for provemeuts at St. Andrew's Rapids
the past fiscal year was issued on near \Winnipeg, $300023.
1 he total capital expenditure on
tui. ilia was *
The principal items in the total
made public some two months ago, for railway subsidies were :-Cana-
sl:owin, a t ,tat revenue of $85,093,- (1 an Northern Ontario Railway,
401, and a•, expe..daure on consoli- i45-,6.81-1; International Railway
dated fund account of $-l,0i4,2::.2, Company of New Iiruswick, $189, -
leaving a surplus of $1,029,171. The 641,; Grand Truk Pacific, 8367,219;
total capital expenditure was $12,- Atlantic & Northwestern Railway
693,160 Lxpoaditure for railway Company, $160,600
subs d:cs was $1,785.887, and the to- Iron and steel bounties totalled
load bounties, $807,433,
tel b�uuties paid amounted to $2, $1,864,614;
467,303. the net debt at the close ! and bounties on crude petroleum,
of the fiscal year was $323,930,279, $200 C99. •
or an increase of *45,069,419 during At the close of the fiscal year the
the twelve months. deposits in postofli'e and Govern -
Details of the above revenue and 'tient savings banks amounted to
expenditure are ahowt► in the blue ! $53,935,020, a decrease of $2,642,231
book as follows :-Of a total capital I as compared with March 31, 1938.
1 expenditure of $.-5 8'O,18-1 on rail- i The average rate of interest paid
ways, $:4,613,331 were spent on on the gross debt for the year was
construction of the National Trans- i 2.42, us contoured with 2.68 in the
contiuentxl Railway, $3,874,480 on ' previous year, and the net rate of
improvements to roadbed and roll- interest fell from 2.'21 to 1.95.
ing stuck on the Intorcolonial Hail- I
Tho total reve ore of the Inter -
way ; $5;1,206 on the Prince Ed- colonial Railway for the -last fiscal
ward Island Railway; $92,427 on a I year was $8,:27,069, and tho oper-
suryey of the Hudson's Bay Rail- 1 at.ng oxpe•ases totalled 89,328,021,
way, and $6,4.2-1,781 in assuming the , Icaving a deficit of $803 952. The
Indebtedness of the Quebec Bridge I rove:tee from the passenger tragic
Cooep.tny. On canals, the total ca- t stalleJ $2,4'9.034: from freight
pital expenditure was $1,878,868, cf ti fli_•. $5,1S9,C21, and from mails
winch n I the over ono million was and cx')ress, $350,473. This year,
on the now Trent Canal. under the new board of rnanage-
Public works expenditure charged meat, with improving traffic condi-
to capital account totalled $2,832,- tons and with savinus effected by
295; t'o principal it ms being, Vic- recent reforms, it is hoped a net
toria Memorial Museum at Ottawa, betterment in the finances for the
*376,1-67; Port Arthur and Fort road will show that the period of
William harbors, $1f,7.836; Quebec annually recurring deficits itas been
harbor, $297,325; River St. Law- o..ded.
Wednesday. The main figures of
the receipts and expend tures were
'Three of Then on New York's
Board of Education.
Battle Over German Fortress Last-
ed Three hours.
A despatch from New York says: A despatch from Berlin says:
,1s one of the few important official The military aerostats, which aro
acts which fall to Mayor George B. carry'ng on a series of nuuaceuvres
McClellan before his six years' ad- at C• logne, on Tuesday night had
ministration closes o'i Deeember 31 an ferial sham fight. the first in the
he appointed on Wednesday three history of aviation. The battle
women to the Board of Education, lasted for three hours. The ma -
and thereby conceded one of the chines circled above the famous
principal demands of women gaff- fortress of Ehrenbreitst-in, which
rate organizations. It is the first was illuminated with searchlights,
time in more than a quarter of a mak'ng feint attacks and then re -
century that women have gained treating to escape the fire of special
representation on the B, and of Edu- anti-airsh'p guns. Nothing aimu-
cation, and the news, heralded listing explosives was dropped, but
t'roug'h women's suffraie ranks on tl:c Zeppelin airship throw over a
Wednesday night, was w•oleotned bunch of greetings.
as a victory. In 1881 Mayor William -----4• -
11. Grace first recognized women's ('.►RNEGIE MED.►LS.
rights to be repre-ented on the
Board of Education and np:►ointed Fitly Awards Made by Commission
two members. Mayor McClellan
went one better than th' precedent.
real of English Aviator at French sr: n on Wednesday carne the re-
w•ardirg of fifty persons through-
Meeling• out this country and Canada for
A despatch from Mourmclnn, acts of bravery and illustrious con -
France. says: Henry Farman, the duct called to the attention of the
Eng'is'i aviator, nn Wednesday won e antuission during the past three
the Mi••helin Cup, beating all :tern- m 'nths. One award we•it to a Ca -
plane re:• 'ids for duration and die- nadinn, Bertha Rattenbury, Char-
fence.- He covered a little over 232 lottetown, P.E.I. All the Whore
kilometre•. (141 m lee) in four hours were to persons in the Unite d
t.iv minutes and 23 seconds. The Stoles. Approximately $33.0)0. 23
Previous best record was made by silver and 27 bronze medals were
Farman at Bethany aviation field, awarded by the action of to -day's
Ithcmis, in August last, when he meeting of the commission. Of the
won the Grand i'rix de la (lops- ' fifty hereie acts approved, fourteen
l•acne, travelling 180 kilometres of the persons responsible for them
(111.78 mile.) in three hours four met the'r deaths. In these eases
minutes to; S 5 seconds. next of kin received the awards.
-One Iteci;►ienl n Canadian.
A dearat;h from Pittsburg says:
With the regular fall meeting of
the Carnegie Hero Fund Commis -
Two Foreigners Get Away With Over
Fourteen Thousand Dollars.
A despatch from Niagara Falls,
((nt., sayµ: .% murderous assault
all" r„i)1 err was committed on
di. night, when two mm se-
yrrrl% %s,.:l:11..41 the cashier of the
Canadian 1'.xpre,s Company and got
sa av w ith over $11,0)). sintering
the t nnndian 1' xpreee oche,. at 5
o'cl" c•k, the two met' asked the
ca shier, %Valliant Debual, for a
trunk. and while he was looking
through the hooks stunned him with
a loaded gas pipe and decamped,
taking As ith there n package con-
taining $11.100. The assault took
place just as the 1 55 Grand Trunk
train was waiting to pelt out. The
express r,:e.oet.ger on the train ask-
ed for the po t ifs' of money and
the discovery of the wounded elan
was made when it. 11. Brown. agent
for the compnny went into the a-
fire to find the cause of the delay.
Dobson was lying on the floor in a
pool of blood. .\ hig gash in the
hack of the head was the grins evi-
dence of the severity of the ntt a k,
and a piece of Landed gal pipe eight
inches long. wrapped ails insula
tion tape. the weapon with which
he alai nttaeke•l. lay It;•vi t' Lac,.
lila: 2 .:c ..:i't t . '. 1•f .. t'.c
morin . which was in bits from the
local hanks, lay on the counter, al-
ready wrapped and sea'ed for ship-
ment, and the eash`er was about to
take it out to the express tncssee-
get on the waiting train. Two
foreign -looking mon cisme into the
office and asked for a trunk. 'Ilse
name they gave way a fore $•,-
sounding one, and 11:,bson asked
them to repent it. One man did so,
and the cashier bent. clown to get
his delivery book to see if the name
wam entered. As he stooped down
on( of the men struck him a torribl•
blow on the back of the head, •plit-
t'ng his skull and rendering hire un-
conscis us. •1 minute I (ter 1{. B.
Brown. who had been at, •• d n; to
the shipment of express par(;•'a,
found the cashier Tying cn the
floor. The package (.f money w•as
gone. The police were immediate-
ly on the scene, but no trace of the
rubbers could be found. Three ar-
rests have been made, but the pore
tie not think they have got the right
men. Two mels who partially an-
swered the (lest rintien of the cole
hers were err-ote I
bet t',^: a:. the t.. b; in::&. -
(es. '.;.• c .
telegrepele Driets Frew Oar Owe
Aad Other countries e/
Itfreat Events.
Additional rich finds of gold in
Whitney township are reported.
The Government will build a *1,-
500,030 floating dock at Prince Ru-
M r. J. A. McCurdy made success-
ful flights with I!addeck No. 2 near
Baddeck, N. S., on Thursday.
Port Arthur ratepayers carried
the Hydro -electric power by-law by
a vote of nearly three to one.
The Mayor of Berlin informs the
Bureau of Labor that there is a
shortage of labor in certain lines,
both skilled and unskilled, in his
The Dominion Govevnme•at is
making an arrangement with the
city of Ottawa to increase the im-
provement grant from $03,030 to
$100.007 a year, and allow 815,000
a year for munic'pal services, the
city to waive the taxation of civil
servants' incomes. -
The House of Commons passed
' finance bill on its third reading
on Thursday by at vast majority.
The Duchess of Marlborough took
t''e oecason of the annual London
Flower Show to glorify women who
"act" instead of "talk."
A mother and four children were
burned t•., de^ti at Pittsburg.
New York will celebrate the pas-
sing of the old year by an aviation
Fifty Italian laborers were rub-
bed by four armed bandits near
Paterson, N. J.
Tho United States Government
refused to bo drawn into the C'ook-
I'eary polar controversy.
Pelmet children in a Cleveland
high school went on strike because
afternoon sessions were 'mooted.
Korman Hubert of Toronto com-
mitted suicide at Pittsburg, Pa., be-
cause of his inability to secure em-
The United States Tariff Board
views Canada as the most difficult
problem to solve, and fears a tariff
war, according to the official or-,
gan of the l{epuhlican party. 1
'°` "°R`°` "'"rt""`iyOUNG COWARD .SHOT GIRL
Prieea of Cattle, Grain, ('heese and
Other Dairy Produce at
Saute and Abroad.
Toronto, Nov. 9. -Flour - On-
tario wheat 90 per cent. patents,
$4.3') to 81.35 in buyers' sacks on
track, Toronto, and 84.15 to *4.20
outside in buyers' sacks. Manito-
ba flour, first patents, $5.60 on
t rack, Toronto ; second patents, *5.-
l0 to $5.20, and Ftrong bakers', 81.-
90 to $5 on track, Toronto.
Manitoba wheat --No. 1 Northern,
$1.02, Bay ports, and No. 2 North-
ern, $1.0334, Bay ports.
Ontario wheat -No. 2 mixed, 81.-
03 to $1.01 outside, and No. 2 white
and red ‘Winter, $1.04 to $1.05 out-
Barley -No. 2 quoted at 53 to 59c
outside, and No. 3 extra 50 to 57c
Onts--No. 2 Ontario white new,
37 to 38c outside. New Canada West
oats, 39 to 394c for No. 2, .and 36
to 38%c for No. 3, Bay ports.
Peas -R6 to 87c outside.
lire -No. 2, 74c outside.
Buckwheat -55 to 50c outside.
Corn -No. 2 American yellow C9
to 69%s on truck. Toronto.
Bran -$21 in hags, and shorts
$43.50 to *2-1 in bags.
Apples -$2 to $3 per barrel, ac-
cording to cauelity.
Beans -81.60 to *1.75 per bush -
(1 at outside points. .
Honey -Combs, dozen, $2.2:, to : Faye trainers in the Teriskamirg
83: extracted, 10'c per Ib. Mine had a miraculous escape from
Hay -No. 1 timothy, $15.50 to death by falling down the main
$16.50 a ton on track here, and No.
2 at $14 to 81.1.50.
Straw -$8.50 to $9.50.
Potatoes -50 to 55c per bag on
track for Ontarios.
Poultry -Chickens, dressed, 11 to
12c per lb.; fowl, 9 to 10c; turkeys,
17 to 18c per lb.; ducks, lb., 11 to
12c; geese, 10 to 11c per lb.
Tragic Event on Henderson Lvenue'
Toronto. the Other Night.
A despatch frons Toronto says: bring found hiding in Miss Tuck
Enraged because, it. k allege], she et's home at ,i'5 Quern street west.
had tried to take his sweetheart Supported by her companions, th-i
away from him, George A. Neilson, wounded girl was taken to the uf-
a Young man living at 737 King free of 1►r. W. A. 11' •Fall at 163
street west, on Thursday night Beatrice street, and from there re-
shot and seriously injured Esther moved to her home. Drs. (. 1utt..r-
Hnzell of 15 Henderson street, a buck and Wagner were also called
nineteen -year-old girl, firing three in, and the three physicians probsd
bullets into her back and amus as for the bullets. One was located
alio walked along a few net's its the girl's left arm. bet the other
ahead. Tho shooting took place two, ono in her right la'p and mi-
ncer the corner of Henderson and st! sir in her right shoulder. could
Clinton streets, !a stone's throw not be reached. The wound in the
from the gist's hou-e. As the girl hip is the only one that may prove
fell with a► ,roan into the arms of dangerous, as it. is feared it may
her escort, Neilson, who was walk- have penetrated the abdomen. The
ing with his sweetheart, Miss Alma girl was taken to Grace Hosp'tal
Tucker, turned and ran down C'1'n- in the police ambulance after the at -
ton street and into a lane. He tempts made at her home to extract
was c•,pture•l by Detective Moffatt the bullets had failed. Miss Hazels
and Tipton about two hours later, dict not lase consicousness.
troy„ $3 to *1.65 fur the better KlNGI.!a' FEES TO DOCTORS.grades; common cows ran from I
$1.50 to $2.75. Stockers and feed- Large
era, 84.50 for the choicer sort. Milk-
ers and springers steady and un-
changed. Sheep continuo steady.
Lambs, $5.50. Hogs, $7.50 to 87.-
60 f.o.b., and $7.75 fed and watered.
----* --
Five Miners Fall With ('age --- Only
Two Seriously Injured.
A de+patch from Cobalt says:
Batter -Pound prints 22 to 22'/..c;
1 ubs and large rolls, 20 to 21c; in-
ferior, 17 to 19c ; creamery, 21 to
27e and r.olids. 24 to 25c per Ib.
Eggs - Case lots, 24 to 29 • per
dozen for fresh, anti 26 to 027c for
Cheese -12',<c per
The National Geographic 1?osiety ; and 1.2k c for twins.
of the United States has passed up -1 -
.,n Commander Peery's report of HOG PRODUCTS.
t''e discovery of the Pole, and will
a'•ard him a gold medial.
The Court of Appetite of the Dis-
trict of Columbia affirmed the judg-
rno't of the Supre'•"C Court of the
d'ntrict nd'udzin¢ 8-muel (lou►pers,
John Mitehell and Frank Morrison,
alt offieers of the A•neri':an Fedora -
tion of L•rhor, guil:' of contempt of
court in disobeying an injunction:
Ib. for large,
Bneon-Long clear, 11„ to 143-'e
per Ib. in case lots; mess pork, $26
to $26.50: short cut, $27.50.
Hanan -Light to medium, 15 to
16e; do., heavy, 14 to 141/,e; rolls,
111! to 15e; shoulders, 1gz( to 13e;
hocks. 19 to 20e; breakfast bacon,
17 to (°e.
Lard -Tierces, 15',;c ; tubs, 15%c;
pails, 15%c.
The tnurderer of Prince Ito will •Montreal, Nov. 9. -Osis crop oats.
be s on trial at Seoul. No. 2 ('anadian Western, 42! : to
Thhee Italia', Ciuvernme+it has de- 43c; new crop oats, No. 2 Canadian
dried to construct a fleet of diri- \%'ostein, 41V to 42e ; No. 2 barley, t r t 1 with t t 1
giNav' 60 to 07c; Manitoba feed barley, , I▪ ng to i ran in Cunning, an officer >
Naval stores worth millions of 52 to 53e: buckwheat. 5734 t•, 5S'/c. i of the Anieriean Chicle Company. 8'-5'On0 for seven �dnys' attendance
marks have been stolen from Ger- on Marshall Field, tho Chicago
twin shine:arch. Flour-Manitohu Spring wheat pat-40w'Inq to the great demand. the merchant prince.
An aviator rat. Hamburg, Ger-
ents. firsts, $5.70; do., seconds. 1 chicle growers of Yucatan have been The doctors who attended the
many, made a thrilling descent in $5.20: Winter wheat patents, *5.50 tapping the trees too often. and as late President McKinley after he
a hurnin3r aeroplane. to $:,.60; Manitoba strong bakers', 1 a revolt the trees are h^ing de- vies shot at Buffnln presented the
5 ; straight rollers, $5 10 to $5.25; ate.oved at a rapid rate. Unless new
Five sailors, it is rep 'Heti, were l Waited States with bills to the total
k sled and eaten by cannibals on the (M., in bags, $2 40 to $2.:,0. bred- chicle furcal a are discovered Yua a- amount of 1_,5_'0.
Ontario bran. *21 to *2.2; d.,., mid.: tan will have nu chicle to export in 4.
\•t":crush 1s'allrls' (dhotis. $23.54 to $21: Manitoba 1 a few Years. -`
li cr"nule,t. tr•ops in Nicnrn��ua bran, *21: do., shorty, $2:3 to 412.1; --- 10111) 1'l:\T1.\\Il 1'U1' (1\ 111.1
have int'ict^al n crushing defeat on t,nrn tnouille. *32 to *33; mixed
the inFu'ge't forces. mouille. (12.3 to $27. Cheese -West- I's•r.i•Icull) Rework!' 'that Ile will
A eh ,rt^gt• of claewinq gum is erne 11% to 116/. and easterns 11 Good Cargo nt Heel Rs' els'+ Loc:- Succeed Earl Grey.
thof chi e,arcl owing to the destruction , to 11'''%c. Butter ---Finest creamery, dolt from Australia.
, dc,. ,ats:h i,. m London says: 1/
of chide tr. in Yucatan. \
431/ to 21e. i?zas---Selected stock, 1 , , is ,rrsiatently re ►,rted that Lotti
27 to Yee, and No. 1 candled 21 t ► A despatch from London �,a•: s : 1 letrated
2'c per dozen. The arrival of a cargo of rhillcd ; Pentland will sueeeed Earl Grey an
beef from Australia, said to be in
tip-top condition, is heralded here
shaft in the cage on Thursday morn-
ing while going on duty. The
names of the sten were : Claude
Mclsaac, Claris. Davis, William
White, John Smithers and J. Mc-
I)onald. 1).►vis and Mclsaac hoth
had fractures of the leg or ankles.
All are doing nicely except Davis,
who, it is feared, is internally in-
Sums Sometimes Paid for
'Their Services.
The doctor wllo at.tesided
"Lucky" Baldwin, the California
millionaire mine -owner. has just
presented a bill amounting to $100,•
000 for professional attendance over
a period o'. twelve years. Even
should the Courts.uphold his claim,
this sum, large as it is, would not
he a record ono.
King Edward's health has cost a
huge sum. When, as Prince of
Wales, he was seriously ill some
years ago, Dr. \I'illiant Jenner at-
tended him for four weeks and re-
ceived a fee of $50,000. Another
$50,000 was paid to Sir \\'imam
Gull for his attendance on the King
during his serious illness from ty-
phoid in 1971, while the physicians
who attended him during bis se-
vere illness in the coronation year
received fees amounting to $100,•
The famous Professor Zacheri le,
of Moscow, received from the En-
ther of the present Emperor of
- days' attendance. Sir Morels Mac-
-kcuzie received 8100,000 for u few
weeks' attendance on the late Em-
peror Frederick of Germany; and
Queen Victoria's doctors' in her
last illness, received about $10,000
Some time ago Mr. W. K. Van-
derbilt. the American millionaire,
requested his physician to accom-
pany him on u voyage. The doe -
tor hesitated, and remarked that
Itis practice was worth 81,000 a
week. The than of money finally
agreed to give him 810,000 for the
six weeks' trip a :d hay all his other
Blind Dr. Gale. of Bristol, Eng-
land, was paid the stun of $250
V/'OF: FOR GUM ('H1;1WI;]I S. for curing the diseased knee of a.
wealthy gentleman. Senator Ma -
Themof ('Icicle 11ay Forte gee paid Dr. Browning the stupe t-
Thcnt to Slop. dotal fee of 81,090,000 -undoubtedly
A devnnich from City of Mex co the largess fee on record. Tho
says : Woe is in store for the guts late Shah toffee Persia nail Dr. Gale-
zow•ski, of Paris, $25.0'39 for cur -
eve 1►r. Frank Billings claimed
Engineer Killed While Hunting in
New Ontario.
A despatch from North Bay says:
Robert %William Dickie, a C. P. R.
engineer, of Chaldean, was acci-
dentally shot on Wednesday while
deer hunting near I'ogurasing, on
the C. P. R., 135 miles west of
North Bay. The accident resulted
from the gun of a companion being
trailed on the ground, a twig catch-
ing the trigger, and the contents
entering !Sickle's back. causing al-
most instant death. i)e-eased s98
35 Years of ACC. end leaves a willow
anti four chinldren.
NEW lil)I.I) ••1111:1:1\GS."
Di-r•n'eriel Not More Than Fifty
Hiles From Wieleria.
A d••str teb froom V:cterin, D. 0.,
says : ili' h placer die;wings. not f fty
nai'ov fro•n Vietoria-di3gings from
which a nr-e g Id in grains like
wt•ent, with (CC'siunal little nu'r•
acts is hein•r taken -are rep ,rted.
The tnining tied will he shippine its
clo'n-up t•► Victoria bit►ks in the
course cif ('•P nest six months, re-
r►orts Railway (`o'itra-tor M. B.
c'nrlin. The cams) is at Sorhrio
sailer, 9 mysterious stream midway
he' ween the Jordan' nett the San
Juan. w•►'ich debouches lot s an un-
explored cavern of Tita',ic magni-
tude. The g.'l1 is found in tnng-
netis' iron sand. The "pan." t110
ti,, t., "0 (eats each.
1.I'11.W ST11,1. stl.lkl\c.
Geve -nar-General of Canada, that
Mr. Herbert Gladstone, Home See.
on N1'edne•-dav as foreshadowing the t'etairy, %dill go as Governor of the
bl nneap•.lis, No. 9.--1Whent - relief of the British meat market South African i'ed•'ratien, and that
1)ec., *1.00 to $1,0)'; ; May. $I.- from "the clanger of being thretticsI Earl Crewe. . elecre.tary of State for
01% to $1.01;x; cash, No. 1 hard, by the American heel trust." Nevi- tl Colonies, will be appointed
*1.0233 1. t. 1 02'; ; No. 1 Northern, (,115 attempt. to bring chilli's hie 1'acrroy of Inti -a.
$1.02 to $101: No. 2 Northern. $1.- from Amt-alm have fail:ted, the time
00 to *1.t+',': ; No. 3 Korlhetn, 14!1 ef lrnnsportation being so great ft 114'111'\-I 11 111:%11:1WS J PSI.
to 99;.e. I 1 'ur-First patents 4'5.• that the n,c.►t invariably was con -
30 to $5.t0; second patents, 85.10 demned upon its re eipt.
to $5.20; first. clears. 81.15 to 31.• - . - _
Gil seeond e'ears, $3.30 to $3.41 1;1,11 1'11011 101{ 11 1 11111'x.
Bran -in 100 Ih. sacks, *19 50.
B:'ffalo, Nov. 9. ---Wheat --Spring
wheat. unsettled; No. 1 Northern,
car lots, store, 81.061; ; %\inter,
lower; No. 2 red, 81.31; No. 2
white, 81 22. ('ern -higher ; No. 3
yellow, 6c3! jc ; No. 1 yellow. 66e;
No. 3 corn, 05c; No. 4 corn, 61',-e;
No. 3 white, (30 c. Oats --No. 2
w!,ite. 41c; No. 3 white, 13e ; No.
1 v bite, 12c.
1,11'1: «'TOC K M.11RKI:Ts.
11 bile Verity Rain. are ('?inshng M. atrial, Nov.,9.-- Prir,e b e. e{
Damage by 'torrent<. sett! at 4,2 to 5„c per lb. ; prett
y good animals, 3!:, am 4 .e, and the
A despatch froth I; -,nae says: common stork, 2 to 3;,e per Ib.
.\ revere earthquake shock was felt Lean canners, 1' ;e per ib. Spring-
er, Thnrday morning at Aat' ''a. ' ere ranged from 825 to *15 each.
The Phneks were repcate•I at Ns: 'c- Gras -fed calves from 2', to 4!•.:c
m'matc inter%als la!er on, hut s •'r. ler Ib. ; sheep, 3!::i to Alec per lh. ;
not ao strong. Shocks were . lambs. 5'; to 3',C per Ib. Good
felt et Tereme and Terin. It • :' y lot of fat hogs about. S'c 1►er Ib.
rains on the Ve,ti%inn slopes a... Toronto. Nov. 9.--.\ few loads of
0a':sint; damage by torrents .-f ta:usl prime butchers' /steers and heifers
i•: T'oa;';i, 'i'urra 1;t1 Ur:_) and sold at 85 l'► *5.50; ordinary fair
1 to gem' loads et $:.7; t , $:.'.1. ( s
311.0.40 1';rr:,:I•• in Ilonnr 01 I:nlper-
or'. Itis ah.l;ay,
(1 •pates, from Tokio says: A
( a 'n From 1 ul,n'r l're.rtticd i; . •' of tlo' troops was 111•41 on
Ins in honor •.f the l:nttaer-
to Itlt:a%%:1 11r.•.et:.u. ,th<Ins. field Marshal Lord
.1 despatch from Ottawa says: : I. tier, v,hn arriled here en
Mr. Wilson Foster. n well known j'te:, - , s nes onapan:cel Isis Majesty
mining 'slats from the Yukon, hes to tl,• saluting point. The else taste
presented to the National Museum Waft a magnificent one, 30,0::* troops
r: collection cif 10,(0) spe-•in;^us of taking part in the 1,185,'»:lyres.
mineral,' and precious stones oh-
triine.l in the Far Noah. 'land• .•f
the n mete retina in the c n.p- .•i
(.tarrrigne. gnome, n .I otl.r, I irk Highest on
in the Kb udyke. - ways I;sphorer.
(' 17.11 11 1' Distill 1:1{ 1:11.
It1.1:1W t'll'i:\
Robber's .%Remiss to Leol Itailway
Oillee al 4 aniphrllien.
A despatch from ('amphellton. N.
11.. says: Safebreakers east en
Thursday morning Wen' the dn..r off
the safe of the International Had-
a/1y ('o.'s ufli,•r•v. The each-iK,r
WAS eerrie•l off. 1.0 a piss contain-
(' 1 n 0414'111W. 1:.:
\ de,patch from O-l,kosl,,
eonsin, says : Edwatsl Belli Barr,
thr eeplorer, she hes jut rc't.tfled
from Labrador. repel t•: tl.e d's,• .% -
cry '.f a huge waterfall which h; i•.
confident will pro, a the Ihigh•'-t iu
the western hemisphere. The do -
cos cry was made While Darr. %: 311,
Isis party, lens trn•. sling 1►•,• rano('
tip the Caster itive,•. 'J his fel! i•
said (. h:' large, than t:.e (:raa,rl
Call 'a I,:l r.•t:er, 1.':. •'.) i. 3: f. :S
I/70.1 ! 1.,, t ,-.'.