HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-04, Page 8THERE'S SOME CLASS
10 clothing tailored by us. Doerr,'\ look
like a uniform that everybody le wear -
Ir g
or light top t oat for wear du: Leg the
cool eve:i i.gr about due. You won't
have to be told about inc. superiority of
our clothing when you site and wear it.
Tou'11 have tee feel of being well dress-
ed, which only first-class tailoring can
Merchant Tailor,
Mzeter, - Ontario
Realness Locals -- Read Them
1.96 the pair Jor the new i'slo-\'ap-
Blankeu. They're good. Stewarts.
TWO FOR 25 CENTS. -For the remark-
ably low price of 25c. we will send the
to the end of 1909. Subecrtbe Low and
get the full benefit et this very low club.
Yea, Jur solid comfort Underwear for
nun, women and children, Stewarts is
the spot.
MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye Lige' stie-
eillst, will be at the Commercial lfotel
tee date. Only one day.
Men's and Boys' Sweaters and Sweat-
er Coats. new riders and special.a.ues-
will be paid for goof peeling apples, -
winter stock -at the Cenntng Factory.
Ladies' and Girls' Tailor -Made Goats
-big stock, big values, latest styles-
1 "AP 14.NSA. I t1 I IFfIII,114 Mr. L. C. Fleeting of Clinton was here
over Sunday,
MISS J. J. ALLAN. Eye Light Spec-
ia;iet, will be at the ?ontmerctal Hotel
the date. Only one day.
Take all your pried Apples, Potatoes,
Beane, Butter, F:yu.e and Pc,uttry to
FOIL SALE.-C':o:ce Par :ed Coe kerns
et *Leo e..re. Speak quell. - T. B.
For style, quality attd ralue in Ladies'
Fur -Lined ('oats, Steuart has the other
fellows all treed,
• CHICKEN FOR SALE.-Teoroughbred
Brown Leghorn and P)ytr.out', RockCoc-
kertls. Also laylrtg }:ens ar.d pullets.-
ullets-Apply at this office.
you want to sre a dandy tut of near
Rinner Seta --about 50 to pick front -
/we dr.:p in to Stewart's.
SL'};SCi1111E for the Advocate
get all the news.
For ernuine waterproof plain Calf
School and Wearing Boots and Shoes,
"Ahrens" r an't bs beat. Stewart.
JUSt ARIti\'EL.-A large shipment of
Manitoba w!.e.et to help make our STAR
FLOUR. eo stuck in demand. We have
just received another order from one of
GUI" tovrnsnx•n. W. 11. Trott of Bcame-
viile. lie says, 1 cannot buy any flour
Null to It. have tried several." Why
not have tete best? Its no dearer than
other, aced IA superior In quality.-liAlt-
VEY ititOS.
Thos. SeederP, Pon of Mr. Thomas
Sanderv, Huron street, \net with an
accident while playing at the High
School (:r„nn( . Clinton. Tuesday,
which has necessitated hits to return
to his home here. He fell on his arm.
injuring it quite severely.
behind a shit is not confin-
ed to other clothing e,tath•
liehtuents. There's a love-
liness about our garrnents
that will simply delight all
who come to its -that'll so.
For a Nice
Tailor -Made
this shop has a
good reputation
Let us make
Mflernliset Tailor. Eteter
LoCAI, Doi
a! afkelk AiAA!4ad. elke&
The w., ; ! .11 , ', .. [tore ts.an
a dead to et-.: 1 . ,. , r what It
tr.l:.ke of a t ..
Tree bravery o: sunt; n,c:l is like that %r. Etherlugton of Usborne, who It,
of. a bull dug ; they :leveret sense en -
Bless Ethel Armstrong !:as returned
torte from Lucktow.
Mr. Walter \Westcott returned las'
week from a visit In Hamilton.
Mr. and airs. John Salter leave Sat-
u-dey or a ale months' trip to England.
Mrs. L. Walper Is visiting her father,
oug't to be afraid o: tarty" '"e
Monday was tho first day of squirrel
shooting and many Ezeterites spent
the day in tee woods we!' varyleg au -•-
cess. .
Mr. A. E. Bradwin, formerly props i-
ttar o' the Myth Standard, his purchas-
ed the North Star, Parry Sound, and 1s
!row In possession.
MISS J. J. ALL..N. Eye L1eltt Spet- -
.::l:et, will be at the Commercial lfotel
tee. date. Only one day
'1:.diar. Summer" with its pleasant
u. and waren cheering weather arriv-
ed on Sunday and for a few days gave
us a final taste of what 'Ofd Summer
Time" was like.
A. H. Musgrove of \Wingltant, who
taught ::ere last tont 1s teaching at
Fordwlch, the principal of that ernool,
!.1r. Leggett. having resigned to accept
a position at „ higher salary.
Mr. and `tis. 11. \\. 1'. Beavers. for-
merly of Farquhar, and recently of
Brantford, have moved to '.yen and arc
o cupyirig a part of Mr. A. E. Fuki'e
double house on John Street. Mr. Bea-
vers has engaged with Vr. Broderick
in his •tore.
\t Little•, c•vp -rt with the MrClary
Pandora Range, gave a demonstration in
cooking at Messrs. T. Hawkins' & SOn's
Hardware Store on Monday and Tues-
day of this week. A large number of
ladies and gentlemen called at the store,
watched and dlscussed the process. as
well as enjoyed an excellent cup of cof-
fee and a biscuit.
Mrs. Thos. Coates of Ushor:te receiv-
e -1 the Pad news on Saturd.ty of the
dealt of tier sister, Lovina Fisher, belov
ed wife of Mr. Marlin Mennear, she
having died in Yottkers, N. Y., and was
bur fed on Tuesday. Mrs. Mennear was
a former resident of this neighborhood
rut i tt here about thirty five years
ago. Messrs. Paul and Richard Coates
and \\'flllant Fisher left Monday morn-
ing to attend the funeral.
A fainter had a dream. He dreamed
that he raised a thousand bushele of
wheat and was happy over the fart.
Then he dreamed he sold it for a dol-
lar a bushel and his happiness was
great. But he dreamed that he sold it
to a thousand people, a bushel ib each
reef', and that no body paid hint, andthe
was sad. When he awoke it was broad
daylight, and leaping out of bed he ex-
claimed to his wife; 'Rebecca, 1 had
a solemn warning ead I know the
meaning of it. 1 ant going right off
to town and pay the eeltor that dollar
I owe him for the papsr."
Apple buyers, shippers and packers
are busy just now, a:,d they have had
some unfavorable weather to contend
with. The crop in this district is one
of the best in several years, both ace to
quantity and quality. Some varieties are
entailer than usual. but all are clean
and sound arid or a:i even rotor. The
price paid Is about $1 per barrel for
fall fruit and $1.25 for good wittier
fruit. The heavy crop has made \hr. Jas
Gould and his assistant cooper very
busy. Although they have been working
day and night !ley have not been able
to supply the demand for barrels. Mr.
Gould's assistant turns out an average
of 1(1 barrels an hour, which is gping
HiCKS FOR NOVE4IBEIt.-A reaction
ary storm induct Is central on the 12,
18 and 14. The conjunction of the moon
with earth on tine 12th naturally Indic-
ates that ! Ie't temperature for the sea -
eon, with tow barometer and general
storms are probable on end following
that date. it Is a rate re ntptlon when
riming temperature docs riot attend the
New }loon, and when New Moon falls
on or very close to the rclr.'lal equator
especially In a Venus period and a
storm period, thunder and lightening
are almost certain to attend the stornie.
This fact is well worth contending for.
n thirig we have been dont; tor nein-
than a quarter of a century. Ciange
to very much cooler. with high baronwt-
e r and high north westerly gales will
bring up the west and northwest flanks
of storms, say about the 13th to 15th.
Seismic reports will be timely within
three days of noon on the 12th.
MISS J. 3. ALLAN. Eye Light Spee•
feet. will be at the Commercial Hotel
the date. Only one day.
sews of tete death of Thomas SneilI
Huron Street. which was circulated on
Tuesday morning, was received with
Keen regret by his many (Heeds in town
and country. It was received also with
• ruch surprise by the greater majority
,ts It was known to comparatively 'ew
t'%.at Mr. Snell was 111. Ile had been
.tppere• fly in his usual health. but on
1' •ursday was taken 111 wit''. pneumonia.
.t td at one o'clock Tuesday morning, sue
umbel to its deadly effects. all efforts
rut forth by medical skill and ministra
tions by the immediate relatives and
irieade proving futile. Deer:lard was
torn in St. Thomas in the ,year 1839,
tonsequentlY he was In his Toth year.
With 115 pereres t:c lived in St. Thomas
for a tcw year,. but the greater part
of tele lite• was spent in this neighbor-
hood, and at one tine he kept hotel at
Rodgervilie ard also at Moray. He
was twice married, his first wife being
Mies Elizabeth Sheere. and the second
the widow of the late Richard Sanders.
1•y w'Co-n he is survived. to tether with
two ao'is and two daugt.t:rs, William of
E -.ter. Frank of Crediton. Mrs. John
Preercator of Stephen and Nira. John
etc -Aro, of Kincardine. He also leaves
o:tr brother. Mr. John Snell. and four
heti t•ret`e-s. Albert and Wesley 3. Ills -
sett of town. ('eerie@ Bissett of Delor-
eine. Man.. and David Bissett of W ind-
eer. His step -tattier. Mr. Thos. Bis -
vett, also survives. He was a good
eeighbor, • kind friend and a worthy
I Ritts, •nd all will deeply regret the
pail event of his rather sudden taking
off. The funeral which )s private, takes
place from his late residence. }furor-st..
On Teteedey to the Ei.te'r cemetery.
Children Cry
Mrs. Robert Cooper of Lo:tdo.t is 'lott-
ing friends and relatives in and aeon:.d
Miss Lilly Robinson ,"rived home
last week from a vlstt of several months
In tee West.
Mr. 11. \fakirs and Mr. John finita
left Monday for Muskoka on a two
weeks' hunting trip.
Mr. O. E. Meeker of New Hamburg
-pent a few days here at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. Browning.
Mrs. Frank Golder and child of Mid -
den -des are visiting the ornic•r's moth-
er, Mrs. John Dew, Ilurondalc.
Mi. Geo. Taylor. wife and child of New
Mexico arc visiting Mr. Taylor's pat-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Alt x. Taylor, Exeter
Mrs. John NicAyoy of Kincardine and
Miss Annie Sanders of Clifford were
cancel here Monday owing to the serious
11lre9q of the (ormer's father.
Mr. and Mrs. Kerslake of Exeter, Ont.
who have been visiting friends in tits
vicinity for *lona. time, left for the cast.
on Friday. -Crystal City Courier.
Mrs. 5. Martin went to St. Marys on
Monday. having received word Sunday
of tate illness of Miss Luiu, whp Is at-
tending High School there. The pat-
ient Is now doing nicely.
Mr. Titus. Prior of }iant.t't, N. 1Lak•.
Ia in town tills week shaking` 'halide
with old friends. Mr. Prior is one of
the many from Ontario wno has prns-
percd in the great \Neat.
Mr. and Mrs \William L. \concur of
Guelph visited the former's parents the
latter part of last week. being on their
honeymoon trip. They returned to their
home it Guelph Saturday evening.
Mrs. John Rendie arrived home last
week front a several months' visit It
the west. We understand that air. and
etre. ftendle will dispose of their pro-
perty here and stove to the coast.
MIAs Matte Sanders, who accompanied
her uncle, Mr. Robert Sanders, on the
trip to British Columbia, Washington.
Oregon. Alaska, and elsewhere, return-
ee to her hone- here Monday evening.
Dr. E R. Voillek of Grand Forks, 11.
C., with his wife and eon, 19 visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs .E. rollick,
and other relatives in Exeter. The glov-
er- Is ,noel takt•n up •.:stet the Province
on the Paclflc Cutlet.
Mies M. E. Brown, who has been vie -
:thee at ter home here for the paat.ntor.-
th, returned to Detroit on Saturday last.
She has been appointed Superior In the
operating room at Harper Hospital, and
entered on her new duties Monday.
Dr. 11. K. Ilyndman and Mies Edit!
Flyndman left Monday morning for Far-
go. North Dakota, being called there
owing to the serious Illness of their
brother. Dr. la. P. Hynd•nt i of einem.
N. D.. following an operate..' t on his
throat at the Fargo hospital.
Mrs. Ed. Joneef is ill at her home.
firm. Veal o! Exeter North has bee:,
taken ill at Niagara Falls.
T. E. Handford shipped a ear of
horses to Winnipeg Monday.
To pynipath)zc with ie woman, cry wire
ter; to sympathize wit". a ,tan, swear
with hint.
Mrs. Jonas Sutton. who has been quite
111 of late. is now pi:owing, sign of
Intprovente:.t we are pleased to note.
MISS J. J. +1.1-.\N. Eye Light Spcc-
lalist. W.,1 to at tike Commercial Hotel
the date. Only one day.
Rev. Hobbs will address the Youne
Merh's Bible Clans lel Mair street chore•
at 1.47. Sunday oe Active Workers for
The Master." Alt young sten invited.
The most digestible way to use cucum-
bers to to remove the peeling. eller
theme ft ago.] with salt. pepper atx1
vinegar, and g:vr them to somebody
MONEY FOUND. -A sunt cf money -
Owner can have sante by proving pro-
perty and paying for advertiftements-
Apply in pereron to tw,lder of Pox 1:,4
Exeter P. O.
HONEY FOUND. -A sum of stoney or,
Saturday, Oct. 30th. Owner can have
Paine by proving ownership and paying
!or them melee. by calling at Carling
1tros. Store.
Reeve MiCtllunn Councillor Heaman
and (Ir. J. A. Stewart were In Ctlntor.
and Goderlrh on Monday Inspecting the
Jackeoe Bros.' Clothing establishments
and were favorably Impressed with the
business. We understand the council
has a proposition front the firm at d
now have It under consideration.
The annual banquet of Toe Huron U,d
Boys of Toronto Is to be held at fire
Prince George Hotel. Toronto, on Nov.
19th. Prominent Old Boys who will
speak are Geo. Tate Blackstock. K. C..
.1. c, \Vlllison and Robert Holmes.. 'x-
11. P. for West Huron. Dr. Stanhu:y
is president of the association this
year, with E. Floody as ,se':retary.
E. KATZ, The Eye -sight Specialist.
we Il
recommended by Good Work. will
be at the Central lfotel. Eieter. Monday
November 8th. and will telt eyes and
guarantee to restore alt refractory er-
rors. Mr. Katz has had 17 years ex-
perience in the optical work. He Invites
all. young and old. with weak eyes. or
cross eyes. or headache trouble. to come
to gee him. Glasses supplied at Half
Price. -E. KATZ.
Rev. Richard }lobbs will deliver his
popular lecture. 'The Tstangular Man-
an"u Ider the auspices of the Epworth
League, in James Street Methodist
Ceurc'.t, Exeter. on Tuesday. November
9th, 1909. at 5 o'clock. No one should
miss this splendid lecture. bristling with
truth. eparkiing with humor, and strong
in its straight -to -the -mark state-
ments. Mark the date. Admission 10
cents. Dr. G. F. Roulston. President
A. E. Buswell. Secretary.
!or Infanta and Children.
Tia KIN Yu Have Always Boast
Bears the
Signature et
Wheat 1 02
Harley 4s 50
Oats, 34 341
Peas 75 So
Potatoes. per bag 75
Hay, per ton 12 00 13 (11)
Flour, per cwt., family 2 75
Flour, low grade per cw 1 b'' 1 65
Butter M
Eggs 24
Live hogs, per cwt 7 55
Shorts per ton $i 00
Bran per ton 2.2 00
Wool 17 18
SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate
get all the news.
Can only. be gotten from the best flour
-The tollowuur brands are unshelled
---Try a hundred next time you lake
JEWELL (Ontario Blended)
5 ROSES (Lake of Woods)
PURITY (Western Canals Flour unto
Leave your orders or ,all alp
Phone 2.
R. G. Seldon, Exeter
The Old Way The New
to Cure a Cold Way : Take
tic Box,
Ora aColl
Howey's Drug Store.
Manure litters
Beatty Bros.' Feed
and Litter Carriers
4 Overhead Conveyors,
Beatty Bros.' Steel
Stalls & Stanchions
4can rte installedsas cheap ns
lumber and Iai forever. /11
Beatty Bros.' Load
These three things are great
labor -savers for fanners and ne-
cessities on a farm.
For sale by
Wm. Gillespie, Exeter
Pions 31
Here'sCood News
The market prices for old )unk
are alive and so is the old reliable
firm -M. JACKSON & 80N -one
door south of the Metropolitan.
Just look at the following prices
(no trade and no truck) all CASH:
Rags 75c per hundred
Iron from'60c to 75c
Old Rubber Boots! 7c per lb
& Shoes
Copper & Brass 9c
Horse Hair 30c -
Lead and 'Linc 2+ic
A great variety of iron pipe
always on hand at a reason•
able prin. suitable for
eons, NAMING h Rot'I.EVARf'I\o
M. Jackson & Sons
Is Muer than no beg at all. Teat's wl,y
we suggest that for a trial. you buy
"a small bag" of flour we veil. We
k:tow what the resui' will be -e xill
be your return to buy
of tee. same ki:.d of flour. it. t o use
experlmenting on flour after you've
tried ours. it beats a:'.v w' know of
a:.d is freahly milled a,.d properly
p7ired. Leave your order. at the mill.
WHEAT wanted at the Mill.
ants MA't'FA(?CRRR5
a Success
on PANDORA Ranges
If you didn't sere the Cooking Demonstration
at this store this week, we will be pleased to have
you call and examine the range. We know you
will be delighted with its excellent baking qualities
-but then, that's just the kind of goods we keep.
Remember the Name ---
Rowe & Atkinson
Bear in mind that at their store is the
place to buy FURNITURE. We have
a fresh car load in now and every-
thing will be found at the RIGHT
PRICE to SUITE the purchaser.
Give them a call .,.
Undertaking and Embalming a Specality
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Dress GODdSmBBIllhIfllI w�►es
Something New Added
To Our Stock
Every Week
Ali the New Goods in the Latent Shades
counters, Come along and see the New Goods.
New Waistings
A beautiful range of Sniped
Delainee just to hand in all the
seasonable colors, 40c and 50c
per yard.
Also a nice line of Fancy
Silks, very suitable for 'tVaiets.
They are real new.
always found on our
Colored Under-
in Silk, Regal Taffeta. Heath-
ert'looni and Sateen. We are
offering some very special values
in Skirts and can give you a
large selection to choose from.
Another Shipment of
Ladies' Jackets
To meet the large demand we are forced to buy another lot of
Ladies Coate. Now is the time for you to get an Exclusive Coat. All
the New Colors and Styles. They tire right tip to the minute and are
@tire to pleai.e you.
Bed Comforters
and Blankets
A large stock for the cold writ-
tber wants. Now is the time to
buy your winter supply while
our stock is so complete.
Winter Under-
For Men, Women and Child
ren. All the nice warm rnakes
ATP found here in Fleece•lined,
('tier and Natural Wool. A
gond tante to buy.
Had to buy again to keep up our stock
This is a (creat Fur Season for ntS. 11 yon need anything in the
Fur Line come and see them.
Scarfs, Stoles, Ruffs Muffs, Caps
and Fur -Lined Coats
We never had a better lot to glow you at such reasonable prices.
Gents' Furnish- Millinery
ings Millinery
WP are headquarters for this This is a Kanner season for ue,
line. Our @tock is always large Be with the crowd and have
and well assorted with all the your hat from the busy et(hre.
swell goods. iL mets {leer
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing