HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-04, Page 7} } A MAINSTAY FOR ALL MEN AN A1:HI t1. COSTUME. Designed for Women Who W i,,h Nam igate the .Alt. A London firth has already d signed and had made what it calls an aerial costume; in other woe GERMAN RECLUSEIN INDIA.I ` VIIAT 'NEGLECT 1 to Lived A and -Refused a Fortune DID FOR IIIM lie Had Inherited.. e_ Frum L'angalere conies the itrauge story of a (ierulau recluse words, JAS. F. BR.%V'l' SUFFERED TOR- RENTS FROM KIDNEY DISEASES. Kamal Kasper Schietfmayer, mho ro- lived alono in a tillage near St. in Johu's Hill and was found decd in his room, hating succumbed to a ;hen He Used Dodd's Kidney Pills ;'agseeho Lu ileted o 'telegraph. ,rnchitis, be- sad Ilecun: a 11'e11 Nan -lois F:x• Mr. Schieffurayer went to India Queen, penance a lesson for You, about thirty years ago as a sl►eci- usc Athabasca Landing, Alta., Oct. list in agriculture fur the Govern - (Special). --That Y5 (Special). -That Kidney Diseatut meat of Madras, but as the climate a neglected in its earlier stages, leash did cwt suit him he resigned the these to the most terrible suffering, if n, t uppointment. Proceeding to Ban in death itself, and that the one woe galore, he purchased over forty hues for it in all stages is Dodd's acres, and never left, his estate Kidney ,'ills, is the experience of et en temporarily for the rest of his Mr. Janes E. Brant, a farmer 10- life. Ile occupied a room about siding near here. eight feet square, the only articles Mr. Brant contracted Kidney Die In it being a cot, a chair and a few mel Baso, when a young man, from a cooking utensils. His food con- strain, and, like hosts of others, Fisted of milk and eggs and a loaf neglected! it, expecting it to go away at itself. ods But it kept gradually growing worse, till after thirty years of i.t of creasing suffering the climax came, st and he found himself so crippled per that at times ho could not turn in the bed, and for two weeks at a time it was impossible for him to rise from a chair without putting h:s in Halide on his knees. how- . He could not button his clothes. ec- He was troubled with Lumbago, Gravel and Backache, and tried the medicines for each and all of them without getting relief, till good luck turned hila to Dodd's Kidney ons P111s. Dodd's Kidney Pills started at the is eauee of his troubles and cured his yet Kidneys. With cured Kidneys his other troubles speedily disappear- ed,nctl' and to -day he is a well man. he If you cure your Kidneys with "1 Dodd's Kidney Pills you will never ibare Lumbago, Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Dropsy or Bright's Dia - 'ease. all freadwinnera Who Find Health a dress to bo worn by women aero- nauts. e nauts. 1t. is of the best shc'psk in a beautiful dull raisin red, though of course auy other color Williams' Pink PiHIs. could be chosen. Thnuann•is of men throughout The coat. is cut to come just low the hip line, says the Qu Canada are suffering to -day frons A buttons down tho front acral is cl deplorable failure of strength with- fitting. The buttons are of natur- al. <adored horn; but here again wide diversity is possible, fur horn buttons are now to be had any color to match the leathers. The sleeves are caught in at. the wrist with au elastic band and over these long stiffened gauntlet gloves lard fits of dizziness often adds t are to be worn. The coat is lined is misery. These symptoms denot throughout with a soft thick ca fleece in the natural color. 7 divided skirt is extremely full and is lined with satin and caught• the knee lute) fairly wide ba which go under rho high boots. Declining Should Take Dr; out knowing that they are the vies Rims ef nervous exhaustion. Thq ,.s nre plain. The sufferer cnn- c.t keep his mind on work, passes Trestle: r nights, turns against focal land c•annut digest it, feels exhaust-. led after exertion, while headache's khat the nervous system is weakene 'and insufficiently nourished. Dr, Pink Pilis will promptly! !cure because they enrich the impure 'weak blood and thus give neve strength and tone to the exhaust- For headw•ear the newest type ed nerves. No other medicine can motor bonnet is the style suggc iedr this so promptly and so surely. cd. It is of the cottage she 1 ' Mr. W. H. Hipson. East Pubni- composed of leather to match loo, N. S., says: --"For a number of Suit, and has ratlter a deep front, lyeare I was troubled with violent which is lined with ruched satin headaches. When these spells came. and generally worn folded back on the pain was FO severe that I' front a few inches. It can. h ever, be turned forward when nec- essary essary and makes a capital shade for the eyes from the sun. At rrcck the bonnet. is put into a deep sort of shaped collar which buttons ' over wit i two small horn butt the attacks grew both in frequency at ono ei<ie of .the front. and severity. The pain was terrible � The whole effect of the outfit and with each attack seemed to neat and smart in the extreme, if worse. The only relief 1 could , the protty and becoming bonnet et was from a hot mustard foot gives it a picturesque appears ath, and the application of hot '1 ho entire thing is designed to .water and ammonia to my head; f thoroughly practical and conif il'ould then have to be led to bed table and to take up as little room :where I had to remain until the at- and impede the movements as tack passed away. At this time Dr. tic as possible. 1\\ itlinrns' Pink Pills were broughts, Moreover, it is quite airtight, to my notice, and while I scarcely and owing to the way in which the hoped they would cure me, I decid- collar on the bonnet overlaps that rd to try them. After taking a few on the coat, the gauntlets cover the boxes I found that the attacks were lower sleeve and the high boots pot so severe. and I joyfully con- come over the bands of the divided F.Inucd taking the Pille until I hart skirt at the knee there is not. a ere - Used ten boxes when every symp- vice where the wind can slip in, "tom of the trouble had passed away, ar it would certainly bo apt to do and I was in better stealth than I: when one is whistling through the had ever enjoyed before. It is set._air at the rate of a mile a min- ute. EGYPTIAN HAREM FEAST. jot permanent. This is a plain state; The favorite dish at Egyptian hent of my case, but no words can harem feasts is curious ono. It is II what my sufferings really were a ears to ho n I^mb roas.ed whole, nd I believe that but for Dr. \Vii- j and it is, but there is much more lams' fink Pills I would have here to it than appears on the outside. n my grave, for I could not have. her inside the lamb is a tum key, and dr flood the pain much longer ant doe- inside the turkey is a chicken ; tho tors did not do me any good. I chicken is stuffed with a pigeon, Dr. Williams' Pink fills are aoltll the pigeon with a quail, and a he - my all medicine dealers or may b.9 „dim, said to be the smallest bird a<1 1» mail at 50 cents a box or Fix) known except the humming ••bird, is if.""rxfor $2.50 front the Dr* 1‘'''' at the heart of this curious roast. rons' Medicine Co., Brockville, - ,1, nit. ! .. mre aOF FIRING GUNS. DOCTORS BABY WISELT.3' DIVORCES BY THE MILLION. Experiments have been recently •pow-a.tlays wise tnothers do nnb ---- eamr:ed out with a view to applying floss their children with nauseous, D1:►,6'2i isvucd in the United Slater tl,o ,;nematograph to the use of aping cast p R in arrenly Years. tEared I would lose my senses. At he outset these headaches would rote on about once a week. I doc- Itored for the trouble and did ev- erything possible to get relief, but Without avail, and as time went on oral years since my cure was ef Paled, and as I have not bad r-adache since I feel that the eur • iE WISE ET[Hn� RAN PAST THE SIGNAL. Doctor -"What seems to be the trouble 1" Patient -"My train of thought keeps jumping the track." Doctor -''Ah, nervous wreck!" GOOD NEWS FOR THE DEAF. A celebrated New York Aurist Las been selected to demonstrate to, deaf people that deafness is a dis-1 ease and can be rapidly and easily, cured in your own home. He proposes to prove this fact by sending to any person having trouble with their ears a trial treatment of this new method ab - I ``CANCER, Tumors, Lumps, •t'. tnterwv) lJ and external, cored e1thnns al •e by of mut reatmelr .Writent a .,n on o.Da . atm to Medic t C'•,., Lt 1 , ,'v lln.woo . oat. TYPEWRITERS t ,, Lett,. tp al Ba,g.tin pries, $15 to $Ag, (all makes) of bread supplied to him daily, and taken in exchange for Model to and i the one coolie Nihon' he employed Rcn tons. Misny of these machines show little use. was always sent away before sun- 144 till Remington Typewriter Cemranr. Limited. act. A valuable stock of cows and pigs and sone savage bull terriers were, in fact, all the companions of his life. His peculiar habits de - I eloped to such a pitch that he gave up wearing clothes except %ehen obliged to see some rare 1 isi- tors as came on business. Timis ec- centric way of life was attributed to an early love trouble which was believed to have turned the unfor- tunate agriculturist into a misoga- mist and a world hater. A few months before his death a letter was forwarded to hint from the German Consul at Madras to inform hien that he had conte into a considerable fortune, but the old hermit scorned to acknowledge the conuuunication and died intestate. WHY SUFFER FROM PILES ? Nature's Rem_dy is Zam-Bok. Impressive Cures of Woatea Sufferers. Wherever there is suffering (torn piles, 7.ani-Buk shoui i be applied' There are lots of reasons for this, but one of the hest is that in practically all cases of Oleg where the use of Zan,-Buk is persevered wi h, complete Gun --not merely relief -is the rrauit. MIA. ��,n, Ilughes, of 2s), Ilahelags Steno, l lochelaya, Montreal, says : - "1 suff^red from bbnt, itching, and protruding piles (.r years. Sometimes they were so bad that 1 could hardly bear to move about. The loll unnmethin, the burning sutartiag pain, the throbbing, the aching, the overpowering fed• finis of dulr•ess and dark despair which this ailment brings, the shooting •pas ns of agony --all were so terrible that only sufferers f,om this awful ailment can understand t'• Had as this Mai was, Zant-Huk triurnnhed, and \Ire, Ilughes suffers no l.,nger. It only P"' needed a little perseverance with Zeno Huk, e.,lutely free. We advise all and m the end complete cure resulted. Mrs. E. hoaall, of Scott Street, St. Thomas, says : - 'Fur months w,thout ceasation 1 en• dared great pain from bleeding piles. For as plc who have trouble with three ears to initnediately address 1)r. Edward Gardener, Suite 914, No.man uutnths 1 tne,t everythGrg whrch 1 40 West Thirty-third street, New 'sash w ik s give me ease, bats the h 1 York City, and we wish to assure itii, i 'ted end .till suffering, 1 gave it/ them that they will receive by re- 1 Then it was she heard of 7sr,i•Buk, .ad turn mail. absolutely free, a " Crial 'she adds : --" A11h•►uah 1 feared Zara-Huk Treatment." 'would be like } d' en edirs useless or -oil Or Il atives, nor i o nnnemV instruction in the Italian l!eet. During Lite recent gunnery i:1 the form of 'mottling medicines. ie u tt,ets (,ff Sardlinia, continwus phvpublished mprehensite re to they give them poisonous opiates I TI i' itr I Stoics C'cns is Korean tographs were taken of the work at the guns. and also of the arriv- al ef the shots at the target. and it is believed these will prove of T, rest as•:stan: a to gunnery demon .11 at:'rs. - - ' One trial of Mettle? (;races' 'ort Externs. 'Ater will etrnvin,•C on that it has nm equal a• a worm ncdicine. Buy n ht,ttle and Fee if t does not please you. Kindly mention the name of this Infer is uriling to ami'crlisers. r► .,,-,',11.4...,...:•04,':., j' ir Jr astae+e / •• Caf4JYZAAiOf!', . E#N,j A(AIJ Ratwaye Ready Pt• lief @area the worst Paint 1n from ode .0 twenty minutes �� For Headache loth.±her tick or uerv.r,-i, Tooth- s,•he, Nety-n'rri.s Hhettmat, am. Lumbago. oaths sod w /if in the t,aok. e�.:•,r or ktdnsrs, around the liver, pleurisy. swelling of the Joints_soil paint of all Mode, Rad. way's Healy Relief will la a ilew days nr- font • parRlan-•nt aura 1)r:KT. ''Running into debt," said Uncle Eben, "is a good deal like sailin' u if de wind an' takin' chances on a hard travel gettin' back." The Beauty of a Clear Skin. -The condition of the liver regulates the condition of the blood. A disorder- ed liver causes impurities in the blood and these show themselves in blemishes on the skin. Parnoler's Vegetable Pills in acting upon the liver act upon the blood and a . clear, Healthy akin will follow in telligent use of thio standard medi- eine. Ladies, who will fully appre- i.iAte this prime quality of these pills, can use then with the cer- tainty that the effect be most gra-1 tifying. CONTENTM ENT. Contentment is merely the ability to forget for a while the things that, are beyond our reach. .The micrnseopc in the halals of experts employed by the United States Government has rercalt'd the fart' that a house fly sometimes ear - Hos thousands of disease germs l e i r• ordinary r i (--I am glad it was not. It soon proved itself allaohed to its hairy body. The 'to be very dif -rent. it rapidly taverna relief, continuous use of Wilson's Fly and after a time (-Lied the completes . 1 would Iiia to let all sufferers fres pips now t st Paul sIrc•t rr both the germs and the flies. Cathnine'., ass. s- -•' Fur five yeah 1 suflsred �__ untold agony front piles. At times the pain bad 1 c, Id have /creamed aloud. MORE PROF iTA111.F,. fads trill prevent all danger of in - what, rand thing Ism -1111k ms. reckon from that source by killing Mr. F. Astt,c ge, ;, au (, a .• k has n Zaill • Bak. ;tvitluk dab boa (7. place ,f'.. take the f iso Tablets On r ble t Own Ta t ,Ah •'sO n 1 'c c. 'l h �t (these harsh and dangerous drugs,' port on marriage and divert It ave nye considerable este, and i revered 'and the mother has the guarantee ietostigatiOn nr rho subject was un- with the treatment wee i was cured. 1 wisl, t a government analyst that the dertaken by direction of Congreat I could convince every sufferer from piles of t f a conference in the value of this great herbal balm f ablete are absolutely safe, and end grew out u nil! cure all stomach and bowel Washington between rept esenta So one could go on quoting case. Iter cafe, and it is by wotkmg such cures that 'tam. Ruk • troubles, destroy worms, break up1 •ccs ut ar'en'a religious denomin-ha• earned for awl( its great reputation. colds and make teething easy. Mrs.. miens. The investiaatimtt has ex- Now if you suffe, from this tenthly p^.loful Tuns. Craft, Hin•st•artb, Malt.. sacs : tended oter a period of ucarly file ailment jute be guided by the fo,.goisigease•1 o have used Baby's Own Tablets yrat•s. For Internal piles melt a leak Zam•Huk ftrofor cmnstipntimn and teething n-! "Apparents}' the diturcr, rate. sod thoroughly soak a wad, 'wade of clan like the velocity of a falling bods , lea old Inc.i. then apply to the part. It Wes. and (10 not know of nus tithetthe piles are external, application of 7a,n•Buk medicine that can equal them. IS constantly in'reasing, .1 i a is d e ie •tt4 littee .'title. Dowell, upon re!i,ing. 1M II tlfedl n . re ort, "and it is impossible c u e- Neat ntondog Toa w,l we a s d They are always satisfactory in p II f available' Ra tilt a tura 'lw for cold -sorts 1 at .5 cents a box 'rx'., Wo,d poisoning, enema, a g, taw ' Afcdicino if the rate reached At any ptrticu- worm scalp sores burns, scald., sod all skis Meir results." Sold by medicine tcrmlOe statistically room ar ,ta u • t!ealcrs or by alaidata just what the result° would he sad chapped cracked hands, ulcers, f.stertg t bad from The Dr. Williams 1 !.MI\l\1. OHS I;nV.\TTO\. • Co., Brockville, Ont. 1)i:,: "1)o you know what hear I ----.41- ".. ryt. :. ii The secret of Success lies in doing 11t ! ' Well. she says it is 2G- s0! well shat you ears do and cutting 1• tit.. t l.e the age of deception." I out what )'ml (can't cin. Don't eLperintcnt t'llh unsali'• A Pill for Brain Workers. The facto' % substitutes. itileon's Fly' man whn works with his brains is Tads kill many Hulce more house more liable to derangement of the ries. than an} other known ;Irlicle. digeStite system than tho ratan who 1 works with his hands, because the one calls upon his nervous energy Old Lady - "I want a hatch thatwhile the other applies only his went tick so loud." Clerk -"Tin:5 muscular SI rengt le Brain fag Be- all tisk like this. ma ala: there'' nt, gets irregularities of the stomach other kind." Old l.nd.v- ''(h ' 1 ' and liver. and the best remedy that know better. I've heard of tlienm can he used is f artnelee's Vegetable 'silent watches of the night' ever pills. They are specially sore. Pince 1 kin remember... , putinrled for File)] cases and all those -- i who use them can certify to, their lar time remained constant1n •di•eas-s and Welts.other words, no statistics hearing All druggists and stores .e11 7.sm•Ruk at on this question of the duration Of se,s a b.s, or may be obtsi es) post free from marriages terminated by divorce +tarn -Irak Co , l .fonts, foe price; j boars have been obtained that accurate- for 81.25 You are warned, however. a`aiase cheap ant da.gerout nnlation. m euesirass ly represent present conditions or tl'.rd at Ireigt "furl a wed." conditions at any particular period. ft r the conditions are not static, but 4. dynamic. ' SUPPLIED. The statistics c„ter a period from Mts. smarty Didn't the ladies lefi7 to the end of 1999 and the to who d leave cards; tai number of n,arriages recorded ,lune -ed yle canted to, ma'am, was 1.!.4:12.011. The investigation but I told them you had plenty of -.Lowed than in the twenty yearn; your e•rn, and hotter once, too." cot ered the number of divorces granted was 9l:►,(i i. in the twc:l- t; years from 1RG7 to 1Kg6 the nein- 1)o not let a cold settle nn vont Eve' Rvlielf.e µrrepllaee• F.vl�rH'mx• bur Was ahuut 334.71(;, hardly more lungs. Resort to ilickle'a 'inti- ,l',1,1'11• healn. r.,r I t,t'raitcd i'r. Rrx•Is than one-third of the number re- t'onsumptite Syrup at the first ie. tlurtoe, 50••., by Matt. from All 01onn.•'' rt'.tiled itt the °ecnnd twenty years.,lunation of irritation in the throat The report says that each micros- and prevent disease from lodging in ; One of the congregation of a Tet i sive cite -tear period since iSfi7 has is dente ►c when n day t likes. c A poet To contemplate the setting stem. It's different with the farmer men ; They•d rather see a setting hen. 1t is an Ofl'iecr of the Law of Health. When called in to attend' a disturbance it seamehes omit the' hiding -place of pain. and like nl guardian of the peace. lava handl upon it and east. ..1 ar,r•,t von." Resistance is useless, as the law of health imposes a sentence of per- petual banishment en lair,, and lir. 'fhonias' I:eleetrie (1.! nay origrn- slcd to enforce that sentrnrn. EASY. Stied Cady (at street corner to policenman)--"Could yon see me across the street, officer 1" Policeman -"Sure, ma'am. 1 could ace ye tin time% the distance, Rist'. ( ' ILTERCLOTN w iU clash tour ii:v•rware ar 1 ► other rine metals Ma ma;;lc. N e owlet .r Mtte, a' 1 fey if* iso prepared cl.':h does ..t' q a rp. e , riot.). Ilan iy war Mire vs cent.. pad: .a i ,1t.ial umpl.. Ca.a1a i1lven•1ot1• TO mato r --- STOCK,. 1110 INt}:.TOlin . Tour orders to Nov tee sell Cobalt or other fit••• Ica niil Metve my potent:al ettentlon. (utast an lion (Janda Mining Claims for silo nr e rhnngRe. H If. Mathew.(, Droller. 1 deo Ft . 1'urnrto. FOR SALE. COMTC RFCTT.ATiON 110(11W -Beit rot. let tion entitle/led in Rneli. r tautens/ego Ten cents. Arthur Rice. Grants, O',••. AOENTS WANTED. yr TVR AOESTF MEN OR WOMEN - A wanted to intr.•duc-e high grata h"usehntd speclalti.s into every bow•' quick sales: bag profits; send for free i"samples end estal'o ue. Cockbura Mance nacturing ('o.. Brantford. «7 i, WANT NOW IN }:VERT UNR4• PYF,1:N•l0.D district a rebel agent to s.11 Pei het,. s P••ri.•• fruit a ornament v1 ir,•', Consider 11111. (to pay w,vkty, }:v< lustre territory. Ste guaranteed up t•, rrede and delivered 14 weed condition and all the advantages of selling well.knnwn stock. Write now for ngeney for Fall and Winter months. F•l- ham Nursery Co.. T•r•nte, Ont 11 EN AND WOMEN DON T Rr. ttt1.E� Fhnw sample‘ of our toll!' h!.• • 'nil. fines, ruperb tnliet prernar:,!tor.. i .rtr baking powder, and Favoring et : • • to your neighbors and forward ti,e;r •d••r■ to us 10U ran easily mak• rru'ut to twenty•Ave dollars a week a' re permanent pnstth,n. Goods soli and repeat orders come fast R•, * w In Fueeeew4 and cacti( alare ecu. ea. The Home supply Co.. Dept. 50. Nell in Ruilding, Toronto. Mrs. Robert E. Peary. mere than nine ran ago. favorably cnm,uen•ed ou N•,rin• Family' aforr Eay.er Troubles r.snittng tr nr Measles and Fcarlet F -ver. and later me commended to the famous Esvto•er. tae Tian who Inc returns home Pi tb• Msenv• 'ter of the North Pole t'.,ll. C'ntttng Wind. and Duet esus. Red, Weak, %Vetere "Ts the baby strong '•' "Well, t superior power. lather. Yen 1 nt.it what a treniend- ` - elle tete,• he ha,.' "Ye. •' -Well.' \I:R1:\L S,sIl'(:G1.1\G. he Jif)- that lise r•r sic time+ An 'fhe crossing from France to )0,111*... t ..gland in an air craft. while at : t• ent remarkable and Iintlstia!, tiZ- ! ' esage+ tate day when such flights • mill cease to (arise newspaper men- tion. .\om the ma,•hines require no light visible from below are' can travel in the dark. their demelnl'- • went would seem to preside nnusu-I r' faeilit les for the smuggler. Ar- ' tisk+ of size and weight would not be at unable. hitt the small and i !,ostly thing., such as diamonds awl 'e,li.er jeeel?. and (ertain drugs.' etc.. oiler 't cargo of grent tattle which eau he carred in hand sat- clmel-. fr.....•••••= '54; 'iso oo pen?. Srtli6: 4 $IgiieltOro& & cre siert ce',!Ttro Na• to. "manes -ad a marked increase in (I number of divorces. When n man hegins to hlow in ]i > n,•,ncy a lot •'1 people get wind 1 \ 1 of it. 1 it in a dinner, t•. the pulmonary orga ns. Neglected a' parish w+ 1• e g tr r. Ids aro the eau" of untold stir- which the celer('d minister was n, 1 feria¢ throngho:it the country. all Cited. The rev. gentleman et 'dent of which could have been present- It• was delighted with eri by the application of this simple - .erveel. end remarked : ' 1)a1 but powerful medicine. Time price, n hertz fine gont.e. tar11here dui t:, rents, brings it within the rearim 1-., get it '• Nov', for •„te ►r,t•,-'1 Of all. ; om other this host didn't like 1!,e queainn, •o he a osn rm*el . ' ' Imre !'H ILOSC)I'HICAL. ser. dot ain't fait. N Ilea you et a berry gouts sermon. do 1 elle' a -k "The man who walks the tloor' sou milers, tett got it from with his baby," said the phlleeo. ! ',her. "is a benetelent institution, I Aard anal soft (-erns cannot the same vote as a free lodging honsc. ' gland Ho1lo'At•'• Corn ('nre : it is! For the proof of this it might he effectual et err time. Get a hottlei well to elucidate that the man with at once and be happy. I"1 I. N41. 44 EDUCATIONAL, you REEOR'T ao Awar palm NOMI to get an •rlocatiue. W • teach you in 7 oat pIpere tIm• it keeplog, Shorthand. Typo. irr,tlog, Arishroove. Cnrnm.relat Law. RnstaM l'orr..pondeoe• M.trieulatl,n, Te.SC•h.-s' Cors• trate,, R•jlun•r's ('nu,... Steamitne.r,.sriat yt•ebsniea Dra..tnr. stick Raising. At•t• ultur•, J,,urnalino. �yorlal anglt.band teoothere•,u-..a, A.h for w h,1 ! o. nee 1 1 snadian (lorreapond.oc• ,lista, J.tw•t.l. Dept ,i, Toronto. t•an. his infant ttarnps the house, while the free lodging place, of course, hou•en the t rnrnp.0 ` Wilson'. Plyly )'.md.. the heat of all Ay killers. kill both the Air• 09 and the disease germs. rill iVd1)1 it Na Loon 1•1 ¢r, hos,. td••it hr !I 1 time to make a fc-a enemies. hindlt mention Ihr • ••' ' linprr in tinting to adimitis"rs. OmArrstens. •lairs 1 s.0a"TY Of -11 OP 3N ro. Si and 14 PEMBROKE STREET. Examinations in Februarl SEND FOR CATALOGUE and SYLLABUS r. H. TORRINGTON. Was. 01r. Cosh log TurKe Fealileri We buy Wing and Tail Turkel' Feathers. Write for prim es. in. W. Nelson A Co., Toronto, Ont. A GREAT DEMAND FOR PAPER STOCK WASTE PAPER OF Ai I. 01t'D}:Q. Also Rage. Iron. Metals, Rubber.. Ftn. E. PULLAH, Adelaide and Maud Sts.4 Toronto, Ont Phone for particulars Mato 461 LEARNPress xnd Mantle{ Cutting, Fitting, t■.."'"'"'"'" and Putting Toget•er by mail in your spare time at burns, en ('ash or Instalment Plan All thinking of taking a course this winter write fir free parttcv'at; air ar early ci.,te. A,dtlr,•,I Sanders' Dress CuttlnS School 111 Et itl,,t Ravages of Consumption AL1. HER RELATIvr!t NAD DIED OF CONSUMPTION In the year I8'X). Id 7)rsrtiq•t. \11' G. S. Gesner, of flelie 1t'e, ra.Q....as in a fast eondtion. All her rel.,,ves had died of recr. to ikon, and there w st r very mak et.os that the was going the tans way. At: hi point het hesb.ndo,71et!edtot(7 Pips het•. 'the doctor who seen:tea said Psychiae was wormhle•s: but it •feted s ondr:i:,l c i••. F_•jhteea years after ,n a Wet f,.a: »s dee August 14, 1908. Mrs. Goon,: sire. "I am iset!er ll and haze Ion f.• every. h1: Inns hare not ',nimble.] me tae•ito-k v -our treat•iitr1. K) pliysicias fold Ise 1 costa eat like ab.11etl•itt)as pSTC'lIttE, a:md l trco^,trend ,1 10 mi wkn am misting from Lucy Trouble sad Gen. oral Debit ty." ret eat. N eI pregxirle Ser A11 Mr bob. Dr. T. A. SLOCUM LIMITED, TORONTO PSYcHINt rPc '!.- SI -KEEN MUNICIPAL re 0,r., anti nantin,MP! y Aa:V re ea. al* attre fir• lief of (' •f .V .4 D /A .V A!i'NI<'II'AL 1)ERB-x-7'1"KF:i• in DEBENTURES ol••Jtw0those r(Nruotiea,(Wit ..7'o•ea. 1h,dr:. t. u AL Cyst o•• -t SeAt"i Qr el1adistp, uII of tckt:A Aare 'vren Po.' st,n.etl owtr4; AS by vs unl% offer case 101-1 Ici-wl (nratiytation. 'ses( Oonole *ie.1 Ole inhaler at pried aid senna A•orn 4 to 5 Per Cent � inionSECU��TIES (DRP(JPRTIC L11 U £ ED z or iry2o I ``CANCER, Tumors, Lumps, •t'. tnterwv) lJ and external, cored e1thnns al •e by of mut reatmelr .Writent a .,n on o.Da . atm to Medic t C'•,., Lt 1 , ,'v lln.woo . oat. TYPEWRITERS t ,, Lett,. tp al Ba,g.tin pries, $15 to $Ag, (all makes) of bread supplied to him daily, and taken in exchange for Model to and i the one coolie Nihon' he employed Rcn tons. Misny of these machines show little use. was always sent away before sun- 144 till Remington Typewriter Cemranr. Limited. act. A valuable stock of cows and pigs and sone savage bull terriers were, in fact, all the companions of his life. His peculiar habits de - I eloped to such a pitch that he gave up wearing clothes except %ehen obliged to see some rare 1 isi- tors as came on business. Timis ec- centric way of life was attributed to an early love trouble which was believed to have turned the unfor- tunate agriculturist into a misoga- mist and a world hater. A few months before his death a letter was forwarded to hint from the German Consul at Madras to inform hien that he had conte into a considerable fortune, but the old hermit scorned to acknowledge the conuuunication and died intestate. WHY SUFFER FROM PILES ? Nature's Rem_dy is Zam-Bok. Impressive Cures of Woatea Sufferers. Wherever there is suffering (torn piles, 7.ani-Buk shoui i be applied' There are lots of reasons for this, but one of the hest is that in practically all cases of Oleg where the use of Zan,-Buk is persevered wi h, complete Gun --not merely relief -is the rrauit. MIA. ��,n, Ilughes, of 2s), Ilahelags Steno, l lochelaya, Montreal, says : - "1 suff^red from bbnt, itching, and protruding piles (.r years. Sometimes they were so bad that 1 could hardly bear to move about. The loll unnmethin, the burning sutartiag pain, the throbbing, the aching, the overpowering fed• finis of dulr•ess and dark despair which this ailment brings, the shooting •pas ns of agony --all were so terrible that only sufferers f,om this awful ailment can understand t'• Had as this Mai was, Zant-Huk triurnnhed, and \Ire, Ilughes suffers no l.,nger. It only P"' needed a little perseverance with Zeno Huk, e.,lutely free. We advise all and m the end complete cure resulted. Mrs. E. hoaall, of Scott Street, St. Thomas, says : - 'Fur months w,thout ceasation 1 en• dared great pain from bleeding piles. For as plc who have trouble with three ears to initnediately address 1)r. Edward Gardener, Suite 914, No.man uutnths 1 tne,t everythGrg whrch 1 40 West Thirty-third street, New 'sash w ik s give me ease, bats the h 1 York City, and we wish to assure itii, i 'ted end .till suffering, 1 gave it/ them that they will receive by re- 1 Then it was she heard of 7sr,i•Buk, .ad turn mail. absolutely free, a " Crial 'she adds : --" A11h•►uah 1 feared Zara-Huk Treatment." 'would be like } d' en edirs useless or -oil Or Il atives, nor i o nnnemV instruction in the Italian l!eet. During Lite recent gunnery i:1 the form of 'mottling medicines. ie u tt,ets (,ff Sardlinia, continwus phvpublished mprehensite re to they give them poisonous opiates I TI i' itr I Stoics C'cns is Korean tographs were taken of the work at the guns. and also of the arriv- al ef the shots at the target. and it is believed these will prove of T, rest as•:stan: a to gunnery demon .11 at:'rs. - - ' One trial of Mettle? (;races' 'ort Externs. 'Ater will etrnvin,•C on that it has nm equal a• a worm ncdicine. Buy n ht,ttle and Fee if t does not please you. Kindly mention the name of this Infer is uriling to ami'crlisers. r► .,,-,',11.4...,...:•04,':., j' ir Jr astae+e / •• Caf4JYZAAiOf!', . E#N,j A(AIJ Ratwaye Ready Pt• lief @area the worst Paint 1n from ode .0 twenty minutes �� For Headache loth.±her tick or uerv.r,-i, Tooth- s,•he, Nety-n'rri.s Hhettmat, am. Lumbago. oaths sod w /if in the t,aok. e�.:•,r or ktdnsrs, around the liver, pleurisy. swelling of the Joints_soil paint of all Mode, Rad. way's Healy Relief will la a ilew days nr- font • parRlan-•nt aura 1)r:KT. ''Running into debt," said Uncle Eben, "is a good deal like sailin' u if de wind an' takin' chances on a hard travel gettin' back." The Beauty of a Clear Skin. -The condition of the liver regulates the condition of the blood. A disorder- ed liver causes impurities in the blood and these show themselves in blemishes on the skin. Parnoler's Vegetable Pills in acting upon the liver act upon the blood and a . clear, Healthy akin will follow in telligent use of thio standard medi- eine. Ladies, who will fully appre- i.iAte this prime quality of these pills, can use then with the cer- tainty that the effect be most gra-1 tifying. CONTENTM ENT. Contentment is merely the ability to forget for a while the things that, are beyond our reach. .The micrnseopc in the halals of experts employed by the United States Government has rercalt'd the fart' that a house fly sometimes ear - Hos thousands of disease germs l e i r• ordinary r i (--I am glad it was not. It soon proved itself allaohed to its hairy body. The 'to be very dif -rent. it rapidly taverna relief, continuous use of Wilson's Fly and after a time (-Lied the completes . 1 would Iiia to let all sufferers fres pips now t st Paul sIrc•t rr both the germs and the flies. Cathnine'., ass. s- -•' Fur five yeah 1 suflsred �__ untold agony front piles. At times the pain bad 1 c, Id have /creamed aloud. MORE PROF iTA111.F,. fads trill prevent all danger of in - what, rand thing Ism -1111k ms. reckon from that source by killing Mr. F. Astt,c ge, ;, au (, a .• k has n Zaill • Bak. ;tvitluk dab boa (7. place ,f'.. take the f iso Tablets On r ble t Own Ta t ,Ah •'sO n 1 'c c. 'l h �t (these harsh and dangerous drugs,' port on marriage and divert It ave nye considerable este, and i revered 'and the mother has the guarantee ietostigatiOn nr rho subject was un- with the treatment wee i was cured. 1 wisl, t a government analyst that the dertaken by direction of Congreat I could convince every sufferer from piles of t f a conference in the value of this great herbal balm f ablete are absolutely safe, and end grew out u nil! cure all stomach and bowel Washington between rept esenta So one could go on quoting case. Iter cafe, and it is by wotkmg such cures that 'tam. Ruk • troubles, destroy worms, break up1 •ccs ut ar'en'a religious denomin-ha• earned for awl( its great reputation. colds and make teething easy. Mrs.. miens. The investiaatimtt has ex- Now if you suffe, from this tenthly p^.loful Tuns. Craft, Hin•st•artb, Malt.. sacs : tended oter a period of ucarly file ailment jute be guided by the fo,.goisigease•1 o have used Baby's Own Tablets yrat•s. For Internal piles melt a leak Zam•Huk ftrofor cmnstipntimn and teething n-! "Apparents}' the diturcr, rate. sod thoroughly soak a wad, 'wade of clan like the velocity of a falling bods , lea old Inc.i. then apply to the part. It Wes. and (10 not know of nus tithetthe piles are external, application of 7a,n•Buk medicine that can equal them. IS constantly in'reasing, .1 i a is d e ie •tt4 littee .'title. Dowell, upon re!i,ing. 1M II tlfedl n . re ort, "and it is impossible c u e- Neat ntondog Toa w,l we a s d They are always satisfactory in p II f available' Ra tilt a tura 'lw for cold -sorts 1 at .5 cents a box 'rx'., Wo,d poisoning, enema, a g, taw ' Afcdicino if the rate reached At any ptrticu- worm scalp sores burns, scald., sod all skis Meir results." Sold by medicine tcrmlOe statistically room ar ,ta u • t!ealcrs or by alaidata just what the result° would he sad chapped cracked hands, ulcers, f.stertg t bad from The Dr. Williams 1 !.MI\l\1. OHS I;nV.\TTO\. • Co., Brockville, Ont. 1)i:,: "1)o you know what hear I ----.41- ".. ryt. :. ii The secret of Success lies in doing 11t ! ' Well. she says it is 2G- s0! well shat you ears do and cutting 1• tit.. t l.e the age of deception." I out what )'ml (can't cin. Don't eLperintcnt t'llh unsali'• A Pill for Brain Workers. The facto' % substitutes. itileon's Fly' man whn works with his brains is Tads kill many Hulce more house more liable to derangement of the ries. than an} other known ;Irlicle. digeStite system than tho ratan who 1 works with his hands, because the one calls upon his nervous energy Old Lady - "I want a hatch thatwhile the other applies only his went tick so loud." Clerk -"Tin:5 muscular SI rengt le Brain fag Be- all tisk like this. ma ala: there'' nt, gets irregularities of the stomach other kind." Old l.nd.v- ''(h ' 1 ' and liver. and the best remedy that know better. I've heard of tlienm can he used is f artnelee's Vegetable 'silent watches of the night' ever pills. They are specially sore. Pince 1 kin remember... , putinrled for File)] cases and all those -- i who use them can certify to, their lar time remained constant1n •di•eas-s and Welts.other words, no statistics hearing All druggists and stores .e11 7.sm•Ruk at on this question of the duration Of se,s a b.s, or may be obtsi es) post free from marriages terminated by divorce +tarn -Irak Co , l .fonts, foe price; j boars have been obtained that accurate- for 81.25 You are warned, however. a`aiase cheap ant da.gerout nnlation. m euesirass ly represent present conditions or tl'.rd at Ireigt "furl a wed." conditions at any particular period. ft r the conditions are not static, but 4. dynamic. ' SUPPLIED. The statistics c„ter a period from Mts. smarty Didn't the ladies lefi7 to the end of 1999 and the to who d leave cards; tai number of n,arriages recorded ,lune -ed yle canted to, ma'am, was 1.!.4:12.011. The investigation but I told them you had plenty of -.Lowed than in the twenty yearn; your e•rn, and hotter once, too." cot ered the number of divorces granted was 9l:►,(i i. in the twc:l- t; years from 1RG7 to 1Kg6 the nein- 1)o not let a cold settle nn vont Eve' Rvlielf.e µrrepllaee• F.vl�rH'mx• bur Was ahuut 334.71(;, hardly more lungs. Resort to ilickle'a 'inti- ,l',1,1'11• healn. r.,r I t,t'raitcd i'r. Rrx•Is than one-third of the number re- t'onsumptite Syrup at the first ie. tlurtoe, 50••., by Matt. from All 01onn.•'' rt'.tiled itt the °ecnnd twenty years.,lunation of irritation in the throat The report says that each micros- and prevent disease from lodging in ; One of the congregation of a Tet i sive cite -tear period since iSfi7 has is dente ►c when n day t likes. c A poet To contemplate the setting stem. It's different with the farmer men ; They•d rather see a setting hen. 1t is an Ofl'iecr of the Law of Health. When called in to attend' a disturbance it seamehes omit the' hiding -place of pain. and like nl guardian of the peace. lava handl upon it and east. ..1 ar,r•,t von." Resistance is useless, as the law of health imposes a sentence of per- petual banishment en lair,, and lir. 'fhonias' I:eleetrie (1.! nay origrn- slcd to enforce that sentrnrn. EASY. Stied Cady (at street corner to policenman)--"Could yon see me across the street, officer 1" Policeman -"Sure, ma'am. 1 could ace ye tin time% the distance, Rist'. ( ' ILTERCLOTN w iU clash tour ii:v•rware ar 1 ► other rine metals Ma ma;;lc. N e owlet .r Mtte, a' 1 fey if* iso prepared cl.':h does ..t' q a rp. e , riot.). Ilan iy war Mire vs cent.. pad: .a i ,1t.ial umpl.. Ca.a1a i1lven•1ot1• TO mato r --- STOCK,. 1110 INt}:.TOlin . Tour orders to Nov tee sell Cobalt or other fit••• Ica niil Metve my potent:al ettentlon. (utast an lion (Janda Mining Claims for silo nr e rhnngRe. H If. Mathew.(, Droller. 1 deo Ft . 1'urnrto. FOR SALE. COMTC RFCTT.ATiON 110(11W -Beit rot. let tion entitle/led in Rneli. r tautens/ego Ten cents. Arthur Rice. Grants, O',••. AOENTS WANTED. yr TVR AOESTF MEN OR WOMEN - A wanted to intr.•duc-e high grata h"usehntd speclalti.s into every bow•' quick sales: bag profits; send for free i"samples end estal'o ue. Cockbura Mance nacturing ('o.. Brantford. «7 i, WANT NOW IN }:VERT UNR4• PYF,1:N•l0.D district a rebel agent to s.11 Pei het,. s P••ri.•• fruit a ornament v1 ir,•', Consider 11111. (to pay w,vkty, }:v< lustre territory. Ste guaranteed up t•, rrede and delivered 14 weed condition and all the advantages of selling well.knnwn stock. Write now for ngeney for Fall and Winter months. F•l- ham Nursery Co.. T•r•nte, Ont 11 EN AND WOMEN DON T Rr. ttt1.E� Fhnw sample‘ of our toll!' h!.• • 'nil. fines, ruperb tnliet prernar:,!tor.. i .rtr baking powder, and Favoring et : • • to your neighbors and forward ti,e;r •d••r■ to us 10U ran easily mak• rru'ut to twenty•Ave dollars a week a' re permanent pnstth,n. Goods soli and repeat orders come fast R•, * w In Fueeeew4 and cacti( alare ecu. ea. The Home supply Co.. Dept. 50. Nell in Ruilding, Toronto. Mrs. Robert E. Peary. mere than nine ran ago. favorably cnm,uen•ed ou N•,rin• Family' aforr Eay.er Troubles r.snittng tr nr Measles and Fcarlet F -ver. and later me commended to the famous Esvto•er. tae Tian who Inc returns home Pi tb• Msenv• 'ter of the North Pole t'.,ll. C'ntttng Wind. and Duet esus. Red, Weak, %Vetere "Ts the baby strong '•' "Well, t superior power. lather. Yen 1 nt.it what a treniend- ` - elle tete,• he ha,.' "Ye. •' -Well.' \I:R1:\L S,sIl'(:G1.1\G. he Jif)- that lise r•r sic time+ An 'fhe crossing from France to )0,111*... t ..gland in an air craft. while at : t• ent remarkable and Iintlstia!, tiZ- ! ' esage+ tate day when such flights • mill cease to (arise newspaper men- tion. .\om the ma,•hines require no light visible from below are' can travel in the dark. their demelnl'- • went would seem to preside nnusu-I r' faeilit les for the smuggler. Ar- ' tisk+ of size and weight would not be at unable. hitt the small and i !,ostly thing., such as diamonds awl 'e,li.er jeeel?. and (ertain drugs.' etc.. oiler 't cargo of grent tattle which eau he carred in hand sat- clmel-. fr.....•••••= '54; 'iso oo pen?. Srtli6: 4 $IgiieltOro& & cre siert ce',!Ttro Na• to. "manes -ad a marked increase in (I number of divorces. When n man hegins to hlow in ]i > n,•,ncy a lot •'1 people get wind 1 \ 1 of it. 1 it in a dinner, t•. the pulmonary orga ns. Neglected a' parish w+ 1• e g tr r. Ids aro the eau" of untold stir- which the celer('d minister was n, 1 feria¢ throngho:it the country. all Cited. The rev. gentleman et 'dent of which could have been present- It• was delighted with eri by the application of this simple - .erveel. end remarked : ' 1)a1 but powerful medicine. Time price, n hertz fine gont.e. tar11here dui t:, rents, brings it within the rearim 1-., get it '• Nov', for •„te ►r,t•,-'1 Of all. ; om other this host didn't like 1!,e queainn, •o he a osn rm*el . ' ' Imre !'H ILOSC)I'HICAL. ser. dot ain't fait. N Ilea you et a berry gouts sermon. do 1 elle' a -k "The man who walks the tloor' sou milers, tett got it from with his baby," said the phlleeo. ! ',her. "is a benetelent institution, I Aard anal soft (-erns cannot the same vote as a free lodging honsc. ' gland Ho1lo'At•'• Corn ('nre : it is! For the proof of this it might he effectual et err time. Get a hottlei well to elucidate that the man with at once and be happy. I"1 I. N41. 44 EDUCATIONAL, you REEOR'T ao Awar palm NOMI to get an •rlocatiue. W • teach you in 7 oat pIpere tIm• it keeplog, Shorthand. Typo. irr,tlog, Arishroove. Cnrnm.relat Law. RnstaM l'orr..pondeoe• M.trieulatl,n, Te.SC•h.-s' Cors• trate,, R•jlun•r's ('nu,... Steamitne.r,.sriat yt•ebsniea Dra..tnr. stick Raising. At•t• ultur•, J,,urnalino. �yorlal anglt.band teoothere•,u-..a, A.h for w h,1 ! o. nee 1 1 snadian (lorreapond.oc• ,lista, J.tw•t.l. Dept ,i, Toronto. t•an. his infant ttarnps the house, while the free lodging place, of course, hou•en the t rnrnp.0 ` Wilson'. Plyly )'.md.. the heat of all Ay killers. kill both the Air• 09 and the disease germs. rill iVd1)1 it Na Loon 1•1 ¢r, hos,. td••it hr !I 1 time to make a fc-a enemies. hindlt mention Ihr • ••' ' linprr in tinting to adimitis"rs. OmArrstens. •lairs 1 s.0a"TY Of -11 OP 3N ro. Si and 14 PEMBROKE STREET. Examinations in Februarl SEND FOR CATALOGUE and SYLLABUS r. H. TORRINGTON. Was. 01r. Cosh log TurKe Fealileri We buy Wing and Tail Turkel' Feathers. Write for prim es. in. W. Nelson A Co., Toronto, Ont. A GREAT DEMAND FOR PAPER STOCK WASTE PAPER OF Ai I. 01t'D}:Q. Also Rage. Iron. Metals, Rubber.. Ftn. E. PULLAH, Adelaide and Maud Sts.4 Toronto, Ont Phone for particulars Mato 461 LEARNPress xnd Mantle{ Cutting, Fitting, t■.."'"'"'"'" and Putting Toget•er by mail in your spare time at burns, en ('ash or Instalment Plan All thinking of taking a course this winter write fir free parttcv'at; air ar early ci.,te. A,dtlr,•,I Sanders' Dress CuttlnS School 111 Et itl,,t Ravages of Consumption AL1. HER RELATIvr!t NAD DIED OF CONSUMPTION In the year I8'X). Id 7)rsrtiq•t. \11' G. S. Gesner, of flelie 1t'e, ra.Q....as in a fast eondtion. All her rel.,,ves had died of recr. to ikon, and there w st r very mak et.os that the was going the tans way. At: hi point het hesb.ndo,71et!edtot(7 Pips het•. 'the doctor who seen:tea said Psychiae was wormhle•s: but it •feted s ondr:i:,l c i••. F_•jhteea years after ,n a Wet f,.a: »s dee August 14, 1908. Mrs. Goon,: sire. "I am iset!er ll and haze Ion f.• every. h1: Inns hare not ',nimble.] me tae•ito-k v -our treat•iitr1. K) pliysicias fold Ise 1 costa eat like ab.11etl•itt)as pSTC'lIttE, a:md l trco^,trend ,1 10 mi wkn am misting from Lucy Trouble sad Gen. oral Debit ty." ret eat. N eI pregxirle Ser A11 Mr bob. Dr. T. A. SLOCUM LIMITED, TORONTO PSYcHINt rPc '!.- SI -KEEN