HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-04, Page 6NOTES AND COMMENTS feet apart, with the plaits one foot apart iu the row. As the trees de - setup they gradually are thinned. When one foot high mann are trans planted into pets and form minia- ture Christmas trees. But for this teletide market the forest plant- ings would have to be made farther apart or the, trees cut out in thin- ning while small woul 1 have to be It is instructive to study the mor - at forces that contributed so large- ly to the Japanese victories. It i3 suffietent to say that religion, call it any other name you like, enters int,: the daily private and public lire of the uhetes nati..0 Boys and gine alike Ar„ bi•uughit sip to treat their parents with honor, -respect, and unselfish devotion, and to re- vere past generations to whom all living men are so much Indebted. The young people aro thoroughly disciplined, lofty ideals arc set be• fore them, and the moral training at home and at school receives oho most careful attention and produces that extraordinary patriotism that is associated with a spirit of self- restraint, patience, unselfishness, and absolute self-sacrifice when oc- casion demands it, these virtues are the cause of other virtues, RO that there is cohesion and perfect dis- cipline in the nation. The people are frugal, sober, and love honor in 1%a I• more than in life. If the influence of religion has weakened In ( liristian countries, it is import- ant to know why, because religion is n mighty- lever in the hands of a general who commands an army of Cud fearing soldiers. poses. II le THINGS THAT REMAI Said that he was a god—Compare .44-1114.4-1.+4-11.441, 1, t i -1 -1 -•t•,1 -Ii the moot; at Lystra (.lets 11. 11), like this, illustrating the popular fickleness of judgment. 7. The chief yuan . . Publiu, - - IBlessed Be the Adversities That Uncover (theerirsiuna show that •'Prot„ i. first man) is the correct techni- cu. title. Malta was part of the Fashion Hints. r T of T pro\ tore of Si:ih', of whose praetor i '0 the Real Riches Life I'ul.lius was legate. Tradit ion says *'111st'• t••1"i••ti••l•'i••i-i •1• -i -e• 1•-1-1 PI lie was the first bishop of Malta, and FADS AND FANCIES afterward became bishop of Atlt- e418. Long sashe3 arc being worn wills 8, 9. Sick of fever and dysentery Coat snits. --Tec•hii 'al deseriFtion such as Paris is offering all sorts of hats Luke, a physician, could be likely except sola!! Dues. t.• tire. This, and the statement White cony will be a leader iu that the rest also that had diseases fur coats fur young girie. value and were cured, i► to bo re- Gold braid wilt figure proncincnt- ceived as the testimony of an ex- Iy As coiffure ornament. pert medical eyewitness. Paul re- Corsets are longer over the l,iplki. inained here throe months. holt cut lower at the top. 10. Honors --Doubtless in the Newest belt buckles and p:us form of money and such thing, as combine mother of pearl and jet. travelers would need, after losing Puffs are still worn, but are small all they had by shipwreck. ( and soft and irregular in shape. The scarab is a leader among de- corations for pins and daiot•y buckles. For fall wear many deub!e voila of contrasting colors aro being of- fered. lied is a brilliant exception to the rule that makes for dull hued col- ors Sleeves in little girls' dresses are fuller, long, and have often one or two puffs. The craze for shawls has brought with it renewed and welcome drap• ings on dresses. The general tendency is away front vivid colorings, and few lue- trous surfaces are seen. e In Japan the yonrg men and wo- - The Dutch and Eton collar: sty men of the nobility and wealil y promghd a n renewed popularity the winter Reason. classes would think it dishonorable Amethyst and wisteria, in spite to devote the hest yours of their or their long vogue, are mill arc.Oag tiles to idleness and the pursuit of 1 «' S S Lock- l l built b t I In the t}ungs beyond t g the fashionable cu'.urs. Dark gray is promised a great po- pularity, selfish pleasure, because they are tc•nuil nut fall [rum us. We learn Oh I'll k them inside!" and a now shade dubbed taught that it is wrong not to work. ti t m • to bless t1 h l th t cried Florence. "I won't let them coal dust" is among the leaders. Too much wcalth, luxury, and case, Buttons are large and whdeore they h i ld go out at all! I can't lose my dear but should he used only w•hcre they and security from foreign aggres- with the Scat and cod of all dais. little kitties. And she stroked tending over an arca thirty miles pilled us to battle with naked fists g g t look as if they are needed to faun 'tion dewelop not favorably the char - against Faith, and hope, and love are and petted the white one and the something. square and having a depth of a mile against the world. theirs. yellow one and the black one -she Street gloves fur autumn are of acter of a nation. Rome was never \Then the true man is left desti- great as when she was fighting would require a good deal of me-' These are the abiding things, the could not have told which she loved chamois, in white and natural col- g g cute it is surprising to ace how much un[xdin• riches, the perennial tilos- best. for her existence against Haruki- chanical effort to set in motion.' remains. The man is there with ,,,pips, the streams that flow forever "It isn't good for them to b� one or, pique two 1>oartli nttd f nseuul with bal. Darwin states that the mind The weight of the atmospl►ere is his will. memory, imagination, his and follow us all through the sea cooped in the house,"replied faculties are generally and justly scone fifteen pounds to the square; power to create and to conquer, to g upp It seems as if the latest foul in cit. 'They aro so easily had that Aunt Gladys. I don't know how hairdressing, the use of filets and inch. Four hundred cubic miles of. make riches of the heart, to sin, the wonder is that any are poor,you can manage." has esteemed of higher value than the it presses down with the weight (,J friends, to enter into fellowship I and he who has them can never Philip slid not say anything. He stay Ifo r aawh len at least. curve to intellectual. This is se in private pg st •ith the spirits of all ages, to alp- t know destitution er be utterly heat. \vas thinking. Later he asked : The most. Ratisfae•to: v stocks just life, but if it is not general!} ob- millions of tons, and all the power t:1eciatc and pos css oho unicersof "Mother, may I have that lung now are made of embroidered lin• served in the army we must admit sunk by human endeavor in (seat. (:i the things that are eternal and HENRY F. COPE. board in the cellar --the ono across Britain's locomotives automobiles, __ __ ._ _ _ _.____ _ __. -___ __ ____- ------ _— the coal -bins?" en and the strong, beautiful Irish that it is infinitely more difficult to lace which is so fashionable. gauge the Moral than the inttellec- and electric power and lightiuc;' T i number is not. excessive, though "That piece of oak that was left The low sash is a featere of frocks works would not be sufficient to give THE SUNDAY SCHOOL' large. There were about six bun- from the dining -room floor? What for children, just as for grownups, tool faculties of officers. 1�'o find dc, yell want of it it 'ugh movement to clear it off' Bred on the vessel on which Jose -but is even more t;trlish on the that all the physical factors, pupa g phos says he was wrecked. "Fpr the kittens," said "'ill'', childish, unformed figure. thrown away. This thinning is con- ••-old now abideth faith, hope,' imperishable. tinuous until the trees have attain- lure." --I. Cor., xiii., 13. Destitution of things is the fate ed a size suitable for sawing pus_ After all, even when it seems that that awaits us all; some tuay know the worst has happened to us, we it often (luring life ; in 'tome mea- conie to know that it is not the sure losses must be in every life,' worst. that there are deeper depths while all must some day lose the The thinnings are used for fork 1 of rnisery and. what is more im- grip on things, trust bid farewell and hoe handles, grapevine stakes, ! portant, that there retrain to us t(• all possessions and carry out -•f hop pules, bean poles, scaffoldings, � allawesions of have lost.alte Th Bstorn is that selves. Itreater than this stage oHe einwellrifor•their if • e ete. The owner therefore does not ' sweep down on us have no power learned to see in this not a despoil- I have to await the maturity of his t•• uproot our trees of life. ing but a discovery of better and forest before. realizing an income Like old Job, we may be thrown greater treasures. from -it. In the economy of culti- nf'on the dung -hill, bereft of cur He would he a foolish pian who eating a forest every twig is saee(l, kin and friends, despoiled of our cared only for the apple blossoms possessions, and racked with pails, and nothing for the coming fruit. and even the loaves 'ere raked up and still the spirit rise victorious We would count hint a fool who con - and sold. Old people "and children ' and memory and imagination dis- tinned in manhood to pour out ex - find useful employment. in doing ('over comforts and resources that elusive affection such light and easy work and adding • Put to rout the pessimisms of the ON CHILDHOOD'S TOYS. to the family income. prosperous and the pain-free. Yet. that is just what many of ❑s y \\'e might never knew the real are doing living for the passing ---ase. - value of life but. for the less of un- and trivial, and so losing the ete•r- Londun fug dispersion perplexi-1 worthy•things we have valued too nal and truly valuable. KiTTEX STltl?ET. ties have stimulated scieutitie and, highly ; we might novel' know Imo Life is just the chance to get rich rich we really are but for the harsh in this way and so to have a self The little kittens had stayed out inventive zeal to such a degree that !rands that despoil us of that which that enriches the ages. Neither overnight. Florence found them scarcely a year passes without, the p we once counted as riches. pain nor poverty nor even death has in the morning cuddled together advertisement of soote new scheme' THE PIERCING SORROWS terrors to those who know how lit- close to the back door. foi removing fog by wind vanes, are the ones that break through the tle any of these can take from hien. "I'm afraid they're taken cold,' electricity, or even explosives. All crust of life and open the worth The secret of life is the discovery she mourned. "But 1 couldn't find thus far haveproved futile. The: tinder the surface. of this life which is eternal because them anywhere last night." above the ills and accidents of time. "1 hunted the yard over," said fog is to. heavy for man to lift. it Many o mgr fends cut what a in The evil days trust come. Happy Philip, "after you had gene to bed. him by losing the things he has put oscura any day which the average about hint or by the sweeping away are they who can view thele with I don't see where they were.". movement- of the air is less than five' of (hose prctectivc walls which good equanimity, because they are rich "You'll have to look out for them miles an hour. Dr. S. fortune is ui about him. n- heir reach ; these cold nights," said Aunt yer has shown by photographs the tak • . nor resource+ ore deweloped, ex- though the barns may be empty and Gladys, "or some morning you will 1 8 I the bank account fail they look find them stiff." en from a balloon that London tog , .within and find quiet thoughts, me- keep YOUNG FOLKS extends as much as 2,500 feet above' seemed so cruel when it thrust us ivory' stretches like a fair land be - the level of the ground. Fog ex- from some sheltered nook and corn- Bind, • and they to communion lation, financial resources, armed for half an hour or half a minute, strength, were manifold higher for ----'•t•- Rnssia than for Japan, but the vie- MUSCULAR RHEI'MATiSM. (orient; Japanese proved that the Many pitysitisos think that the moral forces in war are, as they soreness and aching in the muscles have always been, to the physical as not less than three to one. A 1 1'ER\iTiON.t [. LESSON, (11'. 7. laughing. Pockets, big,ornamental flap af- •39. Knew not the land --Being Florence puckered her face in fairs, are soetimes set low on the close to the shore. and the weather iostity. "What do you mean 1" bong stormy, even the exporiene she begged. -- eri sailors might be deceived about "Oh, you'll see some time! Mo- tile island 1'i. Paul a I'ri•unrr Ihe tile island of Malta, which, to many Cher, may I have its" of them, was, undoubtedly, famil- "1 don't care what you do with which are usually called muscular S;ilpssreck, tel. 27. '_', In 24. rheumatism are really not rheuina- ple}pie al cause, shot and shell, will , tamat all. but neuralgia. Nur this i 10. Golden Text, Pan. :11. '2'2. roduce but a small effect i re.as.c they prefer to call the afh r- { Verse 27. The fourteenth night. F physicaltion by its other name, myalgia' Reckunin from the time of dear• deal. This accounts for the throw• in batjrle, unless it produces also a which • means nothing more than g p "Oh, what l" coaxed Florence. , ore of the lightest possible make of lure from Fair Havens. Since ing over of grain and anchors. "You wait! The kittens may not mural effect, giving rise to a moral muscular pain. It probably belongsfelt. Some of them are turned up then they had been tossed nn a wild Loosing the bands of the rudders take to it. nt all." force that Ina • produce a great phy- nevnrthcless, to the indefinite group sharply at one side the so-called 1 of diseases called rheumatic, for, sea --Ancient ships had two rudders, Florence followed her brother "left side tilt." Si' 5! effect. We should first produce q p I The sea of .tdria---:1n arm .•f the one on each nailer. 1'I►ese had cloven -cellar, cxcitedty eager to find ' it occurs frequently in eraons who; �Icditerr:;peso, ineiudin the en• q j The most noticeable thing annul the moral effect, which in its turn lave other rheumatic or gouty teal• ! g been lifted out of the aster when out what that board could possibly new blouses is the tiny puff in some is the cause of the physical effect. bles, or in whose family t•he'e affect..: tire stretch of waters between the anchors were cast. They are have to du with Icor kittens. 1 o t}1O sleeves. Some are filller ab tionsby • C'rete and Sicily. now nnhi.hcd, and let down into oho 1 ltilip's own room was on the the top,Ino. and hardly any are prevail ; and it is excite.! the same things exposure t'' cold! Surmised -From the change in water again. ground fluor, and he carried the made long or close fitting. liar itself is caused by moral and damp for example • mode- c orients or from the different sound 41. Lumby save (Canthi idge Is and outdoors and set it up against Late Paris faahimis in wraps are 1 ue• indiscretions • • • eating ori �, • i •- . intrudueinn some startling piet'oru sides of coats, breaking the straight, loose litre or finishing a side panel. Marabout flowers will hike. n con- siderable trim - it," Mrs. Maynard replied. "I don't msiderable place among hot 40. Casting off the anchors -- In know of what use it could ever be fact thats this season, in spits ieof the beaching a vessel, lightness of put to." fact they cost ah.,it tvv�,ec as weight. would count for a great "I do," and Philipchuckled. "loch as hast year. Travel hats are already here. and Drees that arise from moral er ►h of the witcPa Bible): • `'TI c little island of tial the side of the house one end rest- siral causes. It would not beun- thinking --that are believed to bring method21Shn nen rent►climes t iso ling monetta forms with the Maltese ing oft the sill of the aide window, effects, designers drawing hien all on an attack of rheumatism in theg ewisl. near Saint Paul's Bay exact- the other on the grass. 'then he periods and all lands in the :Amp - profit nble to consider what have i in the dark. The detnils here have ly Such a position as here describ- ran inside and opened his window ing of cloaks and mantles. been the causes of the greatest wars IuAny of the ncuseles may be the! I:een paned t.► he true to fart. cd. From the sea it appears as about a foot. "Now we'll sec." he This your again there is u fancy neat of myalgia, but those most coni- This point. on the northeast coast though the land were continuous. said, laughingly. ''Bring on the fol the fluff; neck b•,as nr illisien from the siege of Troy to the prey Y R' • Iof Malta is known as Saint Paul's and the current between the island kittens!'' er mnitne, and these fluffs, air mon! effected are the lilUaClPa of Y eat era. The catlins of courage aro the nock of the shoulder and of the ) "\\'hat are you going to do --make how,, tucked heueath the chin, ape them walk that board ?" "We'll teach them to, if we ran," replied Philip. h that determines them t the loins are not infrequently at. i vent it from being dashed on the posing sea, and into this bank was "Oh, I sec now :" cried FIcrence. larked constituting what is known p But at first the little cats did not neet:v neural. 'there is some mys- terious working in the minds of or- dinary teen that gives a force of BAY' and the mainland (of Malta is only loins. In children it often takes! •_'9. Let go four anchors from the seen on nearer approach. This the forte of stiff neck while in perstern--This would keep the, vessel current has raised a mudhank suns of mi(ldlo life the rius.•les of! pointed toward the shore, hit pre- where its force is broken by the op - c character t 11 c c erminei tern o rocks the ahs driven." ignore or control the strong nater• and dreaded by those who have had A% 'shed May be rendered also. i2. Kill the prisoners-- See note think it was nice at all. They had al instinct of sett- presersati.•n and' t rayed." in Word Studies of Jul • 11, nn Acts to be coaxed with dainties and play - I previous nttacks. as lumbago. ( ) (, accept self •lerlfiee more ,r less 1 :t0. Lay out ant hors from (''e fore ie. 27, things for a good whle before they 1• 1 . s When the (heat. muscles are of S•pnthRPreas " ship -This would secure the ship 43. Desiring to naso Paid -Paul's learned to walk en Kitten Street, sm v rel t t fectcd -..r the anr ha ' bewitchingly becoming. The shawl -like drapery of lace nr shimmering fabria which extends from the ehouldora far below the waist line is a decidedly effective finish to the smart evening gown. (• Some of the new sweater oats have large untside pockets Alae J over the hips. These pockets are co 1I.etel • 1 . , 1g u la • fore as well as aft-. In order to do courage and resoureefulnCse, as as Philip named it. But as thee provided n ith flaps which fasten emotion, patriotism, a high sense of stitch in the 'tide," or fplenrodyn•a , this they must lower from the deck hell as his piety, could not fail to were not alloe-e(1 to get in or out tight with snap. hooks, or buttons --the pain may he so acute as to 1 honor and pride are conducive to .the rowboat which had been hoisted have impressed all on board the of the house any of err wet•, inn and buttonholes. simulate pneumonia or pleurisy. in from the atone (verse le few days they woul.l scam per up J the is courage. If the invaders wantonly •fhe chief symptom of mtiscularl I., which they hopeto save )the.!gI'Chapter 29, terse 1. Melita -- and down by day or night, and they ofTealking length1tswrithouta much Provoke Animosity they map give rheumatism is pain in the muscles'splv.es• �::..roc halo tried to identify this never had to etny out in the cold fullness, and is trimmed with per- rise to Ruch a feeling of resentment erre( led, nut usually very severe 31. Said to the centurion Who , v. ith a small island, Mcleda, in the after that. pendicular fold, and jet buttons, a. will inspire a courage that will• when the parts are at test, but: seem. to hate bait a great deal to Adriatic Sea. But this is improb- "I'm glad i've got a brother who but the latter feature is solely with turn the at•nle in war. Ile!igiolrs sometimes excruciating on attempt (l. with the management of the ship. ' able. The present Adriatic ((;elf thinks of niee things:'' nigher] Flo- the taste of the wearer. ed motion. t light touch may hc. le cannel he raved Paul had 4f Venice) is much smaller than the reneP, contentedl •,--Youth's Com - (relict: is a moral cause that pro- ,sinful, while deep ani firm pre",- ) "-"'-`- --- 1 I l assured thein that Clod wonhl help' one so called in ancient titres. The 1•anion. duces an almost irristihle moral • sire Rices relief. i them to safety. Rut he will leave island of Malta is unquestionably force. We need only recall the re- The acute attack usteally begins' nn t.... . revm.... unused. \Yith• the ,r FACTS ABOUT THE rill:i one. HEST AFTER MF.11.'I. A pretty girl )awning a t•rr ligious enthusiasm of the followers su(ldenly, and the pain attain, its (put the practical experience of these 1 Barbarians Not necessarily ribtc sight. of Mo:^s, .ios'1uA, Muhammed full severity at the beginning, grow'- sailors, the manoeuvring, describe 1 uicisilized, but, in the original Hurried eats g of meals, followed Women Id temperament aro wo- ('remvc' noel seoP:' of others. In- ing gradually less in the co„rse tf ed later, would have been impos- ,sense, a peuplc neither Greek nor immediately after by some employ- e.en Of temper. i two or three days or a Reck, decd the Aerates! things have been In the chronic faun there i, rl. ''tiblc. I Roman. They probably spoke a Inert that occupiers the whole alien- All eimt,!e things are best - (•x - :a. This !s for your safety- -Thee! 1 hoelneinn dialect. as ,nest of the lion and takes up all or nearly all sept simp.e women• done by artei'•s of Ood fearing open. most always some smears, and itch aould stand ei chance struggling' inhabitants of Malta came from of the physical energies, is stare to Troth and a woman's age. ne er ing in the affected muscles wor-e in the deep water unless their bad-' Carthage. result in dyspepsia in one feria or ; lies to elle another -eve.% as 1 ley in row, damp weather. ( ass• tea were atrengtlu•ned with food. ileceiscd us a.l--Into Bovie da'el- Another. Sometimes it shows Smelt P The internal treatment i• oho The preceding verse probably does lings. is of course, implied. in excessive irritability. a ante indi- Silence on the part of a woman Chiistlas comes but once a 'car. .ante as for rheumatism of the joints, not mean that they literally (*gird ;t. Paul had gathered a bundle of tion that nerve farce has been epc 1 means euspi�i•�n eti the part of her and the 1;ermana try t.. soak; the which is another argettnent in fa-' for an entire fortnight. but that sticks- Notice all through this story boosted. friends. mart of it. of tho o.o"o.00 famii• sur of the belief that the two faring they had token onIy snatches of the apostle's active participation in' The double draught, in order 1n1 A woman anis• nnderttandl.s •a- are ess.•ntinll•: 1!1' same and de•P t., f„(,d and Kerr to an exhausted con• all that concerned his commies. digest the food and cam en the her t.teal pian is when rhe has mar - the '•f the l�.vie rr'r. crnpi.r^, it it said R the sn1ne ca'1ce• dition. •t viper --it is .aid vipers have l.nstnese. ions been more than nal I tied the other kind. that ,.i,t)O.t'd pelrchase Christmas The pain may be le!iet•ed by 'lr': ad. ;ave t!i.tnks . . . in the disappeared from the island of Mal. tore could stand without being After a gir! hos really decided trees. Thus tree, usually are spruce, heat --the old-fashioned treatment p.,...enee of all --Thi: was an tot of tap but the density of the papula- throan out of balance. Nature to marry aroan she as (lune tertaio wha'ii gree s tip alt harts of (;er. (i lumbago by ironing the hack i. Jewish, as well as l'hri�tisn, piet> . 'tion and the clearing away of for- does not d•, two thing' at a time and to do so. IF she doesn't, elle v. asn t many. The planting and the cot- goof!, although a hot-water hag .•r a' It moa !pare depth' impressed tie! eats are sufficient to account for eh hath well. as a rule. All know dr-cide'l. Iirg of trees is all snider cent rel het brick si!l dip jn-4 as well, wit!i- heathen sailors and aoldiers, andtti(- fact. The creature had been that nlien a force is divided it isl "--' est the disturbance, that the move• (14, a great deal to ins ,ire hens I numbed by the cold, and now, feel- sscakened. If the meal were eaten i (1 the aorernn,ent ofieialp. Anil Inept of the iron cansr•s. t tIt's better to iellrpw nee cent; ('e - with Lend :Evil. 111' the heat, glided forth front the slowh', without preoccupation of ample than it is to set a ,t•>; ,i hist it :s thought that there i3 oat now Per feet real is es;'nt::sl, an,l fL s•• Tr,o hundred threescore and fugets. the mind. and the stomach allowed ones. ab evergreen gr ,wing in t)er:no•oy may "un•etimca h- "P(•11r.••1 by hartl.'aiet,•,v, The numbering at this a. :apnea. or fallen down (lead a: least half an hour's e!,ar,ce l., .I r' fiharpP (sererelti', N•rast auin't the nffectr•d Part s'n ' - t ' Mit sag n. t a►l1ECaily !dented , e.:l.r in t.:e tiar•ra(ive is ;nest na. , stelit'nt% This would flare been tet itt -work v ell undertaken .ly. 1 eon find (oche seven 1•1 ttie- Y oleo's ('e^1p3irir•11 .tee.' f i .*. 111(1 he irl.pnrtAnt to the t•fii c1. spparentls• in a br,ef (i.rc the nervnui force is turned in ',Ili/se Wive • a- A the other fit •. ' ---''$ _•• -' - 1...i!, t..,• t ipt i'll And the centurion , time, 1f the seri cot w ns, es loss Another direction patients SIM( r;n1 1 • 01( (:'I ' 9r••riie)- "Sure, n.uri. In the initial stage the yaline t' t t.(hi w.lt.l►r.•an t:••t n••x: h•:; t • 1.•.•.-s 1•i t'1•c,r b••a• giant ltPa been sonj:•c t•ored. Os 4ai••^ a4 the from dvapr•n;erl ovl!,! he ee••:ieil•i- (: ,''+ ie r.1',...stn nllow'Ancn J• (•.,•- plarlt: are set •n re •5s rollout four a t.1;w eeci,_t. I ti..'; ei:^ rietuu.,tab!e fur. •Ihe'l.tl lith a- , \ is few. r wci(:' are' tear t” g ! •li e• ar i.e Y ti 1