HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-04, Page 5Porter L'sdoubtedly the best tatewed on the continent. Proved to be so by aaalysis of four chemists, and b1 awards of the world's great Exhi- bition!, especially CHtcaco 1893, where it received ninety-six points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. Make Each Animal Worth 25% Over Its Cost On 33 of a Cent a Day Nobody ever heard of su .k food" curing the hots or colic, making hens lay in winter. increasing the pear.' of mak hve pounds per caw a day, or restoring run-down animals to plr.mpnc.+and vi.or. When you feed "stock food" to your cow. horse. swing or poultry, you are merely feeding them what yon are growing on your own farm. Your animals do need not mars feed. b .t something to help their bodies get all the goof out of the feed you give them so they can get f't and stay fat all year round: also to prevent dr.ease. cur• ut.ea.e and keep them up to the hoot pp.�>:r. h:e condi:. on. No -to.:1; food" coin do all these things. ROYAL PUR7..E STUCK SPECIFIC can anal uovs. It is "TEE EEL" 'Lod l.ar,re,t Winner •,/ awv pact• on G.an.i Cvcutt, •0v Nota "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SP9CtF1C .ontains no grain.nor farm prtoducts. It increases yield of m !k from three to five Mound; per cow per day before the Specific has been used two weeks. It makes the milk richer and adds flesh faster t^an any other prepa,ation known. Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at sax weel,sold as thea would be when fed with ordinary materials at ten ;reeks. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPF_CIFICbuilds uprun..down animals and restores them to plumpness almost magically. Cure; hots, colic. worms. ski, diseases and d.•h•tit)• permanently. Dan McPwan.the horseman. says: 1 have used ROYAL PURPLr. bTULK bPkCIFIC persistently in the feeding of 'The Eel.' 2.0.1. Iarge.t win,•ee of any pater on Grand Circuit in 1909. and 'Henry Winters,' 2.092. brother of Ailen aVinters,' winner of /USW in trotting stakes in 1908. These horses have never been off their feel since I commenced cuing Royal Purple Specific almost a year ago. and 1 will always have it in my stables." oyalS SPECIFICS One 50c. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal seventy days. which is a little over two-thirds of a cent a sA Most stock foods in fifty e�tt cen ekuk�es last but fifty days and are given three times a day. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC Is given but once a day, aad lasts half again as logos A Sian pail containing four times the amount of the fifty cent package will last 290days. ROYAL PURPLE will increase `he value of your stock 2&4. 1t is an astonishingly quick fattener. stimulating the appetite and the relish for food, assisting nature to digest and turn feed into flesh. Asa hog fattener it is a leader. twillsavemanytimesitscostinveterinaryhills. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SrecI- Ptc is our other Specific for poultry. not for stock. One 50 cent package will last twenty.five hens 70days, or a pail costing 51.50 will last twenty-five hens 250 days. which is four times more material for only three times the cost. 1t makes a "laying machine "out of your hens summer and winter tt1s fowls toning tt • mn h at ms•Crt;rne. and cures poultrydiseases. Every p kage o1 ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC or POULTRY SPECIFIC is guarantt. Just use ROYAL PURPLE on one of your anima'.. and any other preparation on another animal in the same condition: after comparing result; yr' i will sayROYpAL PURPLE has them all beat to deans. or else back comes your money. FREE—Ask your merchant or write us for our valuable 32.page booklet on cattle and poultry diseases. containing also waking receives and full particulars about ROYAL PURPLE STOCK sad POUL- TRY SPECIFICS. It you cannot get Royal Purple Specifics from merchants or agents. we will supply you direct. express prepaid. on receipt of 11.50 a pail for either Poultry Of Stock Specifics. Make money acting as our agent 1n your district. write for terms. Por sale by a ' wat a date merchants. W. L Jenkins C London, Can. 4 For Sale by W. J. Heaman, Exeter, and Hanlon & O'Brien, Centralia IS TOUR STOMACH WRONG? LITTLE DIGESTERS will put it right quickly and surely. Money back if they do not cure. Al all Druggists. 25c. a Res. or direct fres THE COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO The :,ener.al public will take notice that I tent doing business in Exeter in the lire.' of ptttrhtising all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper, Etc. Etc. Etc. All fusers hoses to be delivered to T. HA VK1NM it SON'S HARDWARE, EXETE1t. Where the ca,h will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap tsars); he left at the rushee store, where prompt attention will be given. M. W E X LE R, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont. AIM mery rod and Towel drier—found Only on Pandora MCjai'ys Rftnge When a knife is dull a Pandora owner never wastes time hunting for a "steel." She just walks over to the emery rod attachment to Pandora, gives knife six or eight passes over the high-grade emery, which puts on the keenest kind of an edge. Ttls combined emery r y 1 and towel drier Is a patent- ed attachment )ou cannot secure on any other range Just one of the many im- provements that go to make Pandora the handl•st range you can b'3y. 14 For Sale by T. Hawkins &, Son, Exeter A POSITIVE CURE FOR INDIGESTION If you nave Indigestion, your fool fer- ments 1 t the stomach and bowels. It does tttore: 1t decays. and the t,utri'ious natter which should go to melte .few blood decay• wttn it. and this leads to ea topoverished condition of the 1 food, to :lervousnese. biliousness, const'pati yn sick headache, bad breath which dis- gusts your friend*. and other .tis.a4r•"- able and u;tpletsant conditions. And all this trouble is caused by the food that doesn't digest. but ferments and oftlntos rote In the stomach. And fermentation 1s caused by tete stomach not being strong enough and energetic enough to thoroughly mix the food with the digeetty. juices. M -1 -0 -N -A la responsible for tette of thousands of cures. in fact, it Is such Is positive cure for Indigestion and all stomach troubles that it is guaranteed by %V. S. Cole to cure or stoney backs Tne price of a large box of Mi-o-na tab lets Is 50 cents, and they are sure to promptly relieve the worst case of Indi- gestion or gastritis. Try theta. (Amit listiD ,y,VN O -ML% CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croep, Coughs and Colds, or matey back. Sold and guaranteed by a1'. S. COLE. 1 1— L1ENSALL KIRKTON. Niles Irene Robinson 1e vieltIn; at Blyth.—Rev. B. Snell vielted at fort Huron last week.—Mr. Harvey Vick - ore of London visited his home here last week.—airs. Rev. Shell and daughter Mise Blanche, spent Thanksgiving in Woodstock.—Mtlas 1I. lforney, who has been visiting her slater , Mrs. A.Spen- cer, returned to her !home in Exeter last week.—Rev. R. clicks of Crediton preach ed a very lntetesting sermon on Thanks giving in the Methodist church on Sun- day evening of last week.—Mrs. Vickers and daughter Clara of Mitchell visited at the homo .ot S. N. ;Shier laal week.— Antong those wtto spent the holiday in our midst we;c—Misses Elia and Annie Doupc, Vera Hazelwood and Rachel Kirk and tfessra. Ilugh Hazelwood, Alvin Doupe and Melville Hoskins.—Mies Ann Leigh lett on Friday for Toronto where she will undergo a very critical oper- ation on one of her eyes. Her sister Miss haggle, accompanied her. How's ThisP We oder One Hundred Dollars Reward for any (sae of Catarrh that cannot be cure, by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY a Co., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to Barry mut any obligations made by his firm. Wat.Dnte, KIwssN k Yaavix, Wholesale Drugghet.e, Toledo, 0 flail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7Se. per bot- tle. sold by all Pruggiste, Take Hall's Family PUB for constipation. SAINTSBUItT Mr. Francis Davis, Sr., who had his leg broken a couple weeks ago, 1s do - Ing nicely. notwithstanding his advanced age.—A number front here attended the anniversary services of the Methodist church at Whalen on Sunday. and also the fowl supper on Monday evening.— Mrs. W. J. Davis v'.slted at Sunshine last week.—Mr. Alex. McDonald of Lon- don spent a few daya h•,re during the tveek.—Meaara. Robert Sanders. C. H. Sanders of t',,' Advocate. and Miss Liz- zie Sanders were guests at Mr. James Isaac's on Sunday.—Mr. and Niro. Fred Davis and Mr. itlr :. Iiodglns and daugh ter. Ruth. attend» -d the funeral of •! e IateTho.. Shoebottont at Southgate o:n Saturday.—Mr. Wni Dabbs returned last week from the West.—Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Berry visited at Mr. Nassau Davis' last week.—Mr. and Mrs. henry Hamilton of tlrirtsley visited at Mr. Turner's on Sunday. (Too late for last week./ Mr Derham who sold his tarns last we it. l t cotnpa.ty with Irl s friend. Lahti - man C H. McLeod of Toronto. who ' ls- Ited here last week. *111 leave for the Old Country in the near future, whore ey have atrepted positions with the Mark to etch hand. We all join In wish [nee thent a safe journey across the At- Ioitttc. and every success in their new hom' of the other side.—Mr. Alex. Ker- rigan, who for the past two years has worked with Mr. T. W. Derham, tett last Tuesday for London, where he will !spend a few days before leaving for Toronto where he will accept a 1,381310:: on the C. P. k. as fireman. GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. Canning moved to Clan- deboye Monday.—Mr. C. Fritz of Zur- h•k .pent a few .days here last week. —Mess Revery of Crediton spent Sunday here.—Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Brenner and ,airs. Fritz, and E. Brenner and wife were In Exeter Saturday on bysiness. In connection with the transferring 01 the hotel license to E. Brenner, who will make a popular host.—Mr. 11111 of Cred (ton event Sunday here.—Miss Pomeroy visited her parents In Fullerton for a few days last week.—Nulte a number of tricks were played around here o, Hallowe'en night.—Several hunters arriv- ed here last week from Attie Craig a:.d are camping on the old river.— That wr.lc;n might have been a serious ace: - dent happened to Wm. Oliver Wednes- day evening, while he was crossing tl:e road in front of Httnner's hotel. A hall jatorm was raging at the time at:d he not notleing a rig was knocked down and trampled upon. Ile got a severe shtkit:g up and has since been arable to work.—The At Home to the Meth- odist church Thursday was quite a suc- cess. the church beteg well filled and the program good. The League deserves credit for getting up such a good Pro- gram. Proceeds were $l1.—Mr. Walter 9tatten Is having 1:11 house raised to put a cellar underneath.—Mr. E. flren ver took possession of the Brenner Houle Mo^da.:. We welcome Ezra to our mldat..—Mr. Ted 11se aper.` Su. day Ir. Dashwood.—Mrs. Brokenshire spent Sunday `ere with her s'e'-. Mrs. Can- ning. pettttun, .akin; for ti,e repeal of the Local Option by-law, will be presented to ri.e Ccunl11 at the neat regular nt^,tt-I lets. This means another season or at ik • between the liquor and temperance Interests.—Charley Kerr. wino has been 111 of tyahold !e'er at Otkvlll •. is recov- erIng.—Geo. Sterling has purchased J. Johnstone meat market business and is asking 'ot your patronage.— Colin Hudson had hard luck with tits potatoes Oda year. He had an acre planted on Isaac Jarrott's place near Klppen and on plowing them out last week he found that ere drub c: destroyed all but fou: bags.—White picking apples Jantea Mc- Arthur had the misfortune to fall from the tree and was rendered unconscious. Ile received a bad shaking up but no bonds were broken. Death. Tete death took place on Oct. :tutee of Mrs. Kendrick, nee Della Bon- titron. from lung trouble. She had been 111 for some months but was not ger- 'ously so until a few days pripr to her demise. Mr. Kendrick Is it s:tutor on the lakes and at the time of writing, he had not been tnfornt'd of his wife's passing away. ZURICH Mrs. C. Ft HZ visite! fr'ends and rela- tives in Listowel last week.—leirvcy Col laky left last week for Blyth, having -eu ed a job in L. Charlesworttt'a hard wire .tore.—Dr. Gunn of Clinton and Or. Campbell of town pertornied an oper anon for tupture on Miss Agnes Kaer- cher last week —A young man front Stanley named Armstrong borrowed a rig front Llayter's livery recently with the promise to return the next day, but up to the time of writing he had not returned and a warrant has been Issued for his arrest. The horse le grey In color,- recently clipped and hag three brand marks, while the bu,rgy le black and has a top. Armstrong Is described as fair, 15 years o'd, 3 feet. 8 inches. and weighs 130 pounds.—Mrs. William Fritz Inas moved to tow:! from Grand lend.—Gideon Koehler, eon of Henry Koehler 1s employed in Preeter's store as apprenttce.—Revs. Hobbs and Gra- ham delivered addresses in the Town 11011 Tuesday evening fn the interests of Local Option.—Mess Laura Fuse, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Con- rad Fuss, was married on Oct. 27 at tete home of her parents, to air. \Vin. ,Reichert, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Reichert. of near Hlllsgreen. WOODi1 kM Meas Mitchell of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sawyer of London spent Th.u:ksgiving Day with friends here.— Miss Abbic Dole of West Lorne. is here visit:lig Mrs. Itev Vance.—N. Doupe has is.:: engaged as teacher for the coming year.—Mr. and b1rs. S. Ford have (re- turned home after a three months' visit at Vancouver, San rranctsco, Denver, and other places.—Mr. John Sawyer has returned home from the west where rte has been spending the summer.—Do not forget the Grand Oyster Supper and concert under the auspices of the L..0. L. next Friday. Nov. 1th. The program will consist of addresses. Music Will be furnished by the London Harpers. Seaforth—Johanna Duggan. relict of tate late John Hughes. died last week at Seaforth, aged 79 years. She was one of the pioneers of McKillop. Heart dis- ease was the cause ot death. Site was a native of Ireland and came here when 18 years of age. Six sows and four daughters survive. Seaforth--Jas A. Anderson, aged 01 years, a resident of Seaforth for thirty years, died on Oct. 28th. He was for ntany years street and drain foreman, and he was a thorough workman. The :ancient Order of Narraters, of which he was a member, attended the fun,ral In a body. Clinton.—After an illness of over .t year, although only four weeks I;t bed George Doherty, an old resident, died o;, Oct. 17th. Cancer o,1 toe lip was :e rause. One daughter. Mise Dais)'. of the Stratford Collegiate Staff. and one son, Lew, of Goderlch, survives. He was a resident of Clinton for 228 years. HAYFIELD—On Wednesday afternoon Oct. 27. Miss Maggie Wild. one of the most popular young ladies In this part a: the county. was united in ntarrlage to Mr. Frank Keegan of Hayfield. The ceremony was performed In St. Peter's church, Drysdale, by the parish priest Rev. Ratner Lolsette. and at Its conclu- sion the Itapb,y couple drove to the home of the sister of toe bride. Mrs. Grw. Wier of tete London Road, near Bruce - field, wltere the wedding dinner wag par taken of and In the evening Mr. and firs Keegan returned to their handsome I'onte on the Sauble line. a short distance South of Hay field. CENTR.tLIA School Report for October.—Sr. IV— H. Anderson. E. Nell. NI. Hanlon. F. Fairhall ; Sr. IIi.. M. 'Iceman. R. Hanlon : Jr. (11., L. Abbott. L. Dayn- ham. D. Drooks, E. Culbert, G. llar.- 10::, II. Elston. S. McFall.: Or. 11.. K. Mills. 11. Revery, F. 1tustable, L.Htcks V. Davis: Jr. i1.. G. Culbert, A. ilack- : cy. W. Drown. i, Alexander ; .L't. 11.. W. Huxstable, A. Iflrks. I. Taylot ; Sr. 1^. 1.. D. Hackney. L. Ella'.. M. itrown. Jr. Pt. I.. V. Boyce. C. Colwell. tt.Netl, F'. Elston. E. Abbott, M. Ellae, C'. Cul- bert.—Elsie M. Pomeroy. teart.er. TR( AERATED OVEN practically places the Souvenir in a class by itself. Ordinary ovens burn ilio she tritious elements out of Grid; bit the free circulation of pure air in the oven' ,f The Family Souvenir assures sanitary and wholesome essttitag. Our free b.e k, giving the facts you ought to kn)w, mailed on reeiuest. OUINBY. TILDEN a CO.. LIMITED HAMILTON , rt Meetnal Miuii.g Colgan T'saMevse For Sai' by '.V. J. [SEAMAN. KXETEIt t. L( Merys.—John W. Forrester. M. A. S11TCELL—)teas „haste Schafer, eld- st•lence master of this St. Marys Culleg-feat daughter of Mr. cud Mrs. Wnt, Scha- iat • [:,stlture, and Miss Crrietlns ROA'. fee, waw married el high sort Wed::es• 1,u.lhtcr of Dr. a,td 'Ire. J. 1,. t(. Witt- day. at the home of tate br'de's parw:te Wats, of Cardinal. Ont.. were married I to Dr. >tcOtI. wtw has a large de;;tel Oct. 21st. practice lot town. Perfect Underwear -Fit Means Perfect Gown -Fit ANY woman knows that no gown can possibly look well if fitted over ill-fitting underwear. Watson's Underwear overcomes this weakness most common in most other underwear. The r1 graceful, snug and perfect fit of Watson's is knitted into the Un - de wear in themalun , instead of being stretched in aftelarda. This wonderful glove -fit is per- manent. regardless of washings. 00 VripailtirjA is skillfully mads of the finest materials, in a sanitary factory, by clean people. The lovely softness and smooth - noes of Watson's affords Underwear -Comfort you never even dreamed of. And the wearing qualities of Watson's is worth about two suits of ordinary underwear, yet Watson's costs you no more. Ask to sea some of the many different Watson styles. 7 Tait WATaON MANI FAC'Tt'RINtl CU., LTD., PARIS,o5T For Every Meal At breakfast with porridge "Crown Brand Syrup" is delicious. Used with plain puddings or made up with pastry, odd scraps of cake, etc., it makes a delightful after dinner dessert. At supper it is just the thing to cat with bread and butter, toast or biscuits. "CROWN BRAND SYn 1 :oat -ti nrap heal Ind �,elicious an w olnsonie form• It is prepared inap•r:„ t manner from abscl::t :lS• Mire ingredients. It iS far Sliced of all other kin !t in deliciousness of favter :end perfect wholesoulcn•• -- dQn't you think it's •,'vertu while insisting on "'.-'down Brand Syrup? " Your dealer has it for • ,et in 2, 5, to and Jo 11) air -til;' t • n. with lift-off lids. Order coon • to -day The Edwardsburg Starch CO. LIsalled aSTABLISHHD 1858. tw Worts: CARDINAL, Oat. Oakes. MONTIlIA L. TORONTO attd BRAN IPOR I) A Newspaper Not AR "Organ" The man who wants an open-minded discussion of politics, the steady support of right, justice, and decency, without cant or bitterness, and an unpre- judiced, common-sense treatment of public affairs, will thoroughly enjoy the Toronto Daily Star The Star is not tied to any party or any "interest." It has definite opinions of its own on political, social, and moral questions—but it recognaz" the right of others to hold exactly opposite opinions without necessarily being scoundrels or fit subjects for abuse. The Star's editorials are broad-minded, honest, as keen and clever as some of the be.,t writers in Canada can make them, and always Fair. The Star it published for fair-minded, intelligent people who take an active interest itt Canada and the wort'' Consequently It Has More Readers Mae Any Other Paper In Ontario. $1.50 A Year This paper one the TONOHTO DA/L), STAR !op04P hot 0170 year, fl. 20. Guorontood Fountain Pen Or lift far 50o. added to above subscription prices.