HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-04, Page 4!Sitter abuocate,l Sanders & Creech, Props. THURSDAY, Nov. 4, 'o!t The Hlanshard township council us t au Tuesday evening and decided to re- wbrult the C. P. R. Hy -law for bonus of $2'0,000, ort Friday, November 11). 411Tel iELL—A sad and unexpected deatrt tee urted at use hong of Mr. Wnn. A. Cook. Huron Road, west. at ad: o'- .J.a,k Sunda/ morning last, whoa F'rank- :lia J. Ilot Blurts, a young nein 24 yR•trel tri age was called to the great beyond. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Unreserved Auction Sale t)f Farm, Stock and Implements. '2so urienigned Au•,tioneer has been instructed to .ell by public auction at LOT 7. (7ON. 1, HAY Ter., t)`1 SATURDAY. NOV. Oro, 1909 at 1 o'clock p. in. sharp, The following valuable property: HORSES—Heavy draught brood mare, N years oIJ NIU( foal 5 weeks old tn. her nide; heavy draught .filly rising 2 years old. These colts are sired by King Thoctas. Beaty .fraught gelding rising 3 years old. CATTLE—`: cows due to bah a in March, 4 farrow zotvq c hearers rising 3 year, old, ' heifers and 1 steer rising'_ years old, 3 Spring calve,, 1 calf 6 • ameba old. I IIPLEMENTS--wagon, bobsleighs, buggy, cutter, ttnnrL:r, mower, seed drill, sulky rake. manure mtreader, bulky plow, new; walking plow. land roller, ,eltiufor, Iron harrows, spade harrows, scuffler. ..waggon box, gravel box, hay rack 16 tt. long. new; straw cutter, fanning mill, grind stone, root politer, wheelbarrow, set of double harnear, set of single harness( whitllrtree' , ne.•k yoke;, 10•1 sap pails, 'S sugar kett'es, and a lot of other articles too 'nuserreus to mention. Tie above 'tock and implements will positively be sold as the unders101ed is giving up fermsisg. FARM -The farm to be sold is a grass farm, being nt 1 on the 4th con. of Bay, containing 100 acres. The eaubie Rivet runs through the above Cann. U •, ow want a grass tum. enquire about this one. TERMS -OS STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS All imus of 6, and under, cash: over that *mount 16 rannths credit given on furnishing approved joint notes, ordieeount of 5 per cent. per annum off for ,:ash on credit amounts. TERMS of FARM—Seer cent of purchase price t.o tee paid the day ramie. or security for the same, and 15 percent of purchase price to be paid 3 months from date of Ask, the balance may be left on the tams, of which terns will he made known the day of sale. The purchaser shall be allowed 1 month to search the Title at his own expense, and if within .that time, he furnishes the proprietor in writing -wick say valid objection, which he is unable or •-.tnaalattg to remove, the deposit money shall be returned to the pun haler, ?Loxias Cameros Jobs Crum Auctioneer Prtptietor NOTICE TO CREDITORS in tate Estate of Susannah (lower, late of the Township of McGillivray, in (tie County of Middlesex, married Woulan, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that .11 persons hating .•sires against the said estate are to file the same, duty ver 'ed. with Albert Gower, Beratet r fl., out., one of the Executor of the la -t a int :.o.. to,.+• e vent of the •aid deceased, on or before the 20th Day of November, 1909 .wd that after the said date the Executors will die. vailtote the a.—o-t. amongst the parties entitle.) ,tereto. hating regard only to the claims of which n otice ah..11 then have been re eite,l; and that the Ea e•uton will not he liable for the assets so diatribe alto! to any. perwne of whose claim notice shall 11•4 'nave been received as aforesaid. Dated at the Township of Metre' it ray, this 47th st.t,y of s toner, Vett ALBERT Gowtot, Brinaley P. 0., Ont , and ]IAUOAKET IIF.+11.11N. Exeter P. 0., Ont., Rae. ro tion, W. Mt DIARMID, Lucan. Ont., ploliaitors for the Mao -eters, Notice to Creditors of WILLIAM 11. SANDO, of the City of Chicago, in the State of Illi- t)ois(fortncrly of the Township of Stephen, in the County of I1nrotlt Dispatcher. an Insolvet.t. In the matter clan Art respecting Assignments and Preferen-e.. by In,nlvent Persona, R.N.O. (1.97) woad amending Acts, and in the natter of the F<'at•• of Use shote named insolvent, 1(OTII F. is hereby given that the above tushed insolvent has male an Assignment under the shove 4ct,, of all his Estate Rights, Credits and Meets to 11tnry Ed: er, Esq.. M T.P., ot ('reditor, Ont., for the reneral benefit of the Creditor' of the ►aid In• solvent. A mettinv of h4 creditors will be held at the Ones 01' (be said assignee at Crediton. Ontario. on Tuesday, the 20th Day of October, I909 la ! ddo. k p.m., to receive a statement of affairs. to 'appoint Insperton and to fix the remuneration of the said Inspectors and of the Assignee. and for the ardeling of the affairs of the Estate generally. Crediton are rc•:,uired to file their claims with the Meld Assignee, a.• ompanlet by the proof* and par• Headers thereof as required by the said Arte, on or boorr the date rf said meeting And Notre is further given that after the lith slay d January, A.11.1910. the Assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the !neon ent amongst the parties entitled thereto haying regard onlr to the .&aims of which notice shall then hate been received, and that he will not be liable for the *seta, or .*ay part thereof, so distributed to any person sr ,teeadns of whose claim he shall not then hese had notice. Dated at Fatter, the Fourteenth day M Oct Iwr,l>/)) DICKSON & CARLINo, Solrs. for Assignee. Learn Dressmaking at Exeter We teach everything from plainest shirtwaist t 1 the most elaborate toii- e•tte, incl-ldutg coats, ekirte, waists, t'I-Appers, sleeves, children's dresses, Ike. No accomplishment you can ac- quire will prove to you of such every dtl• kfe long value as a knowledge of •lrresutaking. Con:.ider what yon will he Whir' to 'save by being able to stake your own fljr,.rwents, better and cheaper, so why -attend your time in a shop sewing on hooks and eyes which you know all *bout before, and even after do not learn to cut out a dress. You can conte and try for a few days and see for yotreelf, what it's like. As there is nothing to he paid in 'demote, you certainly would not lose - inything by trying. Thousands of ren Is have been taught :(t this way within the peat eight :-toss', and all recommended it very 4ifghly. Charge of fill rower. is only 610.01. to be paid when through. if ertti,Hed, including .the of the most perfect titling tailor systema. which wee teach how to use free. Daytime, Iltours P a. 111 to 5 p. tn. An evening blares will also be taught. in this class vie will teach ,hirtwaiete, sleeves, dressing tracks and rhildren'e drev.es Charge for thi't course. $5.0u. includ Ong the Ideal Tailor System. Boars 7 'Lo 1) o'clock. We will teach at Exeter from Noy, 11th to 1`):h. Ail tx•i•hing to try or for fur( het parti-ttlar• should call at the Central hotel on Sunday, Nov. IOth, P,etwen 10 O'rinek :a. M. and S p m. MiSS STEWART, Inetruetress in i)re, mektu,g SAMPLE BOTTLE CURED HER. DASIIWOOD 0' Eczema ,o,t lie( Bandy N', are always glad of an opportunity to send a sample bottl • of D. D. D. Pro- serlpttoe.. to 611 eczema sufferer, because we are sure 0 will stop the awful. tor- turing Itch at once and start the pat- ient on the road to recovery. But no r:e expects the uece.sartiv slnati yl, bottle to complete the cure. rhat is what 0 did. however. for Ma 1 - am Mathilda Iloudreau, of Am:terns, MagJalen Islands. Writing un June 111 last she ea4s,— '1 was suffe'Lrg with eczeula 0.1 102 hands for about three nt tnths la'lie,t I started usl:rg 0. D. D Prescription,& .1 after I used a sample bottle I was c .- tirely cured. 1 recommend D. D. D. to anybody suffering wills pith' disease." D. D. D. directly attacks the germs in the skin which, cause eczensa—kills them —relieves the torturing itch at once, and restores the skin to a healthy con- dition. leor Free sample bottle of D. D. D. 1'.escrlption write to the D. D. D. Lab- oratory. Department E. A., 23 Jordan `•tt., Toronto. For sale by all druggists. - ZION Death of Thom is (Hero.—The pioneer settlers of this district are fast being numbered among the dead. This week It become:, our sad duty tp record the death of another of our oldest and most respected residents hr the person of Mfr, Thomas Hera, who pissed to his reward Monday, October _' nth. It may be said that deceased was one of tine sturdy and stalwart Wren of the town aft:p and scarcely knew what a day". sickness meant until the past summer, and even then at times he was quite vntart and able to be out around un- til a short time previous to his death. which was brought about by the infirm - Mee of old age. The deceased was a native of England. being born al Ray- town, Devonshire, and together with his wife, who was formerly arias Eliza- beth Manning. came to Canada 59 years ago. first settling to London. where he was engaged for a time on the rail- road. A whorl time after his arrival. however, he moved with Ole wife to the Tawnattlp of Osborne. where to n nga ted in farming, and by his industr 31% ha. 0:ts, he amassed considerable of this world's goods, made a comfortaole resale for himself and fatnile. where t, _ on- tlnued to reside up to the time of his death. in religion he was a Methodist and in politics a Conservative. 115 wife predeceased hint 48 years. Then he married the widow of the late James Stephens. Of the first family there Survive six sone and one daughter. Wm of Hanitota, Man., Henry, Phillip, Thos., John of Usborne, James of Exeter. and Mrs. Garbett of Osborne. Of the second family there survive. George of Bien- , :ard. Lizzie and Mary :at hone. Mr's Cherie., Johns of Osborne. Fred of Wey burn, Sask.. Walter of .Joderieh. Mrs. Janes Beer of Exeter is the only sur giving 'slater. The funeral took p:acc from the late resider ee to Zto 1 cen"- tery on •)••t. 24. six sons rotting as 0111 be,•,•r:1. Thr• sympathy of the ••)nano 41':: is extended to the bereaved. - FARQUHAR (Too late for last week.) 'Ir. Win. 11- ty lost a valuable horse Mont Inflammation on Sunday. He had heel offered $230 for it a week prty- . • t e.—Mr. Jo!u1 Tucker hoe been on -Lick list but Is now on the' , tend.— t:t:hued Passmore has returned from the t\'n't anis specks in ;lowing t.'rntt of tt country.—Mr. Paul Madge •Las also • • rued from hl's t our of the N'este'•n .+ea and can relate many intareeting s• „les of his sights Iii that vast court - .—Our new store keeper. Mr. Camp - ham got fairly settled dox•1 to bus to t.ow, and Mr. Johns an:l fondly ice moved to Ellnnvll:e.—The I:t rs't.lw • revert here last week was falci! well - seeded -- WI NCI I ELSEA `S'. W. G. Meld and wife returned on Welles ail ly of Fast week, after spend i to a few daye with the fornter's tatter at Klnburn --Mr. Geo. Stacey and wife returned to Toronto Wednesday, atter spending a few days with Mrs. A. t'tntm.—Mr. Simon A. Miller ani wife pont Sunday at Andrew Turnbull'&. — '1-. Paul 1.. Dolt lett Tuesday morning f London where he has accepted a p,1lt'at with the F'lavelle Cl).—Mr, C. le - and wife •pent Sunday at W. N'. K"rr'q.—On Saturday while returning :runt St. Marys Alpert Catton had the ml.,fortune to ecp-desire 3 runaway In •whfc't 011 buggy was damages ron,td- 'bly.—On Monday evening when return 'at from the tea at Whalen air. Albert a trew was run Into ani hie buggy upset, the occupants being dragged In •ae overturned top for some distance. when the horse stopping the orcupanta t )t out. but before the horse r'ould he -aught It had started on again. and when at Isat captured the rig was gr"a'- ir dam)ged. The occupant's reeelv••d .t •.0:ober of bruises. — -►- LUCAN NAN 11011RED. 4.14/4.14141.1444, N'nt. Dunlap of Lurtn wa, brought ) the county Jail at London on Atoriday o: Constable Reith to serve a sentence three month's with hard labor for )hblint Dennis Marllhargy of Luran of Ali. On Thursday the two rnen were • ,;ether and Dunlap In an excess of ,endlir,e„ put his ares around the atter and while doing so deftly ab- stracted a roll of bills tram his pocket% tf 1 'argot Boon realized his logs. floe - wer. and within fifteen nttnutes Do - ip hal bee:, arreated. Ninety-one do. - sr, were found oe Dutrlip when he was treated, but hr was abt' t.) account for r:ery cent of It. ,and 0 was feared, that •t'oten money would not be located. :t it ftnelly Constable Ileitis doeermlr,ed make a thorough search. amt at last a •ugly hidden In the too of each boot • t. au Id a roll of bills. mule) tallied • •!y vetth Martihargey'e description e lost money. Dunlap appeared be- • e 3lulre Smith of A1111 Crate. Minn - lay .snd was isentencad to three n:)' - t Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTORIA 111.01(ENSHIRE, DASHMOOD CON1'ET• Et. YNCILE. Deeds Wills, Yottg•ges and an ts Legal Ducuests cserfuily and promptly pnp.rsd (aargeu moderate. tomer of karriege lactase& The last day of October coming on Saturday night this year those feeling disposed to show what they could do in the way of such usual pranks ae are generally performed on such occasions took the liberty to go about their very annoying tricks on Saturday night, and as no one was expecting it they were not at all prepared to cope with the mischief -makers, hence many a garden was pilfered by some old stray cow, who perhaps thought the removal of the gate meant liberty on her part and who, no doubt, enjoyed the con- tents of the garden fully as much as did the lads who had removed the gates. Some people, however, have a very erroneous idea about Hollowe'en and seem to think that anything done on that night is perfectly right and within the limits of the law, but such is not the case, and it would only re- quire a few cases of the perpetration being brought before a J. P. and being subjected to a fine before they would find out that no more liberty was their'& on Hollowe'en night than on any other occasion, and we would ur- gently advise those who suffered any loss on Saturday night by the removal of their garden gates to find out if pos- sible who the guilty parties are, and then give then) a taste of British law. It's the only way to teach some people the way to respect the rights of oth- ers. --Rev. A. D. Gischler of Zurich will occupy the pulpit in the Evangeli- cal Church next Sunday morning.— Mrs. John Orill of Owasso visited among relatives in this community a few days the latter part of last week, and on Monday morning left with her sister, Mre. Oestreicher, to visit their brother, Mr. J. Kellerman, in the hos- pital at London. --Mr. J. K. Goetz was in London on Monday. --The Y. P. A. ot this place sent a beautiful boquet to Rev. L. K. Eidt's family. who, we are sorry to say, are all ill at present. They are being looked after by Mr. Eidt's mother, of Berlin, and Mrs. Eidt's sister, Mrs. Walker, of Milver- ton.—Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edighoffer and diaster Lloyd visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Buswell of Exeter nn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Nadiger are in Pt -es - ton this week on a visit to their daugh ter. Mrs Wn. Henderson. High -Grade PIANOS are always a pleasure to their owners We have sold and are selling n great many high -clans pianos—and Almay.' at reasonable prices. Our Numerous Satisfied (''ustomei'S 1r+ 'hr ettunK"St guarantee of the with et the above assert ion. Our pianos today are the hest that the piano -makers produce and our prices and terms are what you will appreciate. Do not be too quick to believe per- sons who tell you different from the Above for the purpose of selling you cheap and, in some 0 toes, trashy goods at big prices. Call and see 'ie and he convinced that what we say we live up to. S.MARTIN&SON Exeter's Leading Musical Eulporium' Tbeyer, noted for the quality of their goods. Has the reputation of being the lest pra,tieal training school in Canada. Thorough coarses have produced reesulta. Ruainess men say one graduates are the best and they apply to its for office help. Our graduates wc• e«t as none other Three departments Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy Enter at once Write no . for Cott free ata 1 vile. I). A. McLACHLAN Principal. Don't Donkey with that Collgh. Take Howey's WhitePice& Tar Sold only at llowey'e Drug Store in 25c l.ottles. Hunters and Trappers WILL O!T TNa Best Market Price. Honest Treatment. Correct Assortment. Quick Returns. by shipping their Raw Furs and Skins r0 REVILLON FRERES .-.. ere, the old reliable Firm of the Pur Trade. 114 and 1)4 .'1cfl)l !t float M. Ask fete our Free 1904.1910 Pries List. wit PAT "STRESS CRAIG'S. Mari ted. -011 N•edncaday of last week Mrl ,er T. Hklunipp anmasa Awifae By i:era were pronounced man and wife by Rev. A. D. Gischler of Zurich eat the Evangelic..l church o: this place In the presence of over two ltuttdred Invited guests. T'te reception was held at the home of the bride's slater, airs. Clarence Kellerntann. Supper was served from 5.31) to 10 o'clock. after which the ev- ening was Spent in the usual manner. Tire beautiful attay of present• showed Cie esteem and respect In which the young couple are held In this cpntmun- tty. They start In lite with the best wishes of all their friends. May their Journey ever life's uncertain sea be one of peace and continued happiness. They will reside in this village. (Too late for last week.) We are cattet upon to record lite elet:th of Mrs. Stephan, whi. h sad event eccu :ed o;: the morning of Sunday, 17 ot October, at the honie of her daugh- ter, Airs. John Rhode, with whom nhe La I bcelt living fur sometime. She had lived out the allotted spin of Ofe, hav- lttg passed the three -score and ten years. She was always a faithful ad- herent of the Lutheran church of !tris place and was butted under lta rites the following Tuesday. Iley. Thun offir:vt - hMg. She leaves a grown up family of two eons and two daughters. One dough ter and her husband died some years ago. The faintly t,avc our sincere eym- palhy. Antottg (,rose who spent the holiday here we noticed—Mr. and Mrs. Sint Ireland of otratford, J. Broderick and 3. Miller of London, D. McGill and wife and Jae. Iilasett of London, Mise Vio- let Graybeil of Durham, J. W Graybeil of Zurich, Misses Lillian and Theo.11art- letb and Messrs. J. Oestreicher and Mil- ton Pfaff of the London Normal, 0.Gray bell of Arkona, E. Welthn of Stet fa. GREEN WAY. NIrs. Fina Young visited her friend, airs. Jos. Hickey on Wednesday.— Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pollock of Corbett spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Villa Young. •—qtr. and Aire. Robt. English were in London Saturday.—Mtaa Mae Wilson. Mrs. R. W. Russell and babe visited friends in Parkhill a couple days of last week.—Mlas Mabel Hord spent Sat- urday evening at Mr. W. J. Cliffs's. The Women's Institute will hold their next monthly meeting al the home of Mrs. S. Webb, Jr., Corbett. on Tuesday. Nov. 9th. Everyone is requested to bring a small. Inexpensive Christmas Gift. — Mrs. Robert MeLlitchey spent a pleas- ant day with Mre, Fina Young Tuesday. The W. M. S. had a very successful sewing beL- at Mre. C. If. Wilson's on Thursday afternoon. Trouble never tries to dod3e people who are looking for it. LONDON. ONTARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses Catalogue,' Free J. W. Westervelt, J. W. Westervelt, Jr.. C.A.. Principal. Viet•Prinupal. NEW Proizion Store Having purchased the Provision busi- ness of Mr. John Eldt, and moved the ate( k to the premlees opposite the tel - phone office i ant prepared to accept your orders lit the Ilrt' of General Pro - Visions. FLOUR. FEED, STOCK FOOD, SEEDS, GRAINS. ETC. ETC. Tr. ' very best ♦;rade• of f: t it ttways 1 'IW,di drt'•vered to a::Y ptr• )' t. town vitt' your patron.tge and e)acit a call from you TgI,F 1 llt)NE 01 F'I('F.. WM. RIVERS $962 G11 One year ago, Mr. Gen. Wakeman was coining about $100 per year as farm laborer. Sow be is earning at the rate of 806'2 per year. Sit month. training at our Rust- nes* Collette made tee d1Qerenee. V wt. it a good investment + Hs think. so. His alit"! is New 0,. 41, Yon.(,, cast, jjjiii i Foot Cour•". 121 PREPARATORY m COMMERCIAL L�10 STENOGRAPHY TILEORbPIiY Enter any time. Individual le• ruction. Write for putkuhara L e Clinton Business College RrArSF41. ♦RpIr-duri GEO. BPOTTON, PIIUICiPAL CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ERA OFFICE. TORONTO ESTARLISNED IN/ B. WALLER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,0 ALIT JDER LAIRD, General Manger Reserve Fund, - 6,000, 1 I 1 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by telegraph or letter. COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries. t FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States, Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 123 $zeter Branch—G, W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Orediton Unlimited Quantity of Apples Wanted at the Advanced Price AT Exeter Canning Factory S. M. SANDERS, Manager The Grate Pulls Right Out THAT is one of the many bright features found in the IMPERIAL OXFORD RANGE EASILY CHANGED for coal or wood in short no- tice— gee our stock be- fore you buy—you will be interested in our fine ells - play and moderate prices. For sale by W. J. HEAMAN Purchased Blacksmith Business Having purchased the blacksmith property and business of MR. A. E. PYM, near the Town Hall, I am prepared to do a l l kinds of Black- smith Work for the General Public. and respect- fully solicit the patronage of all the Old Cus- tomers of the Shop, and many New Ones. I believe we can give you entire satisfaction. Yours, David Russell 4,410410430-3.416-26,060-3 Wedding Gifts Int your Wedding Gift be adtnired, as it carries your heart iest wishes for hone joys. it Beed not be expensive to he in gond taste. Our qualities are the hest and prices the lowest. Cut Glass Our Cut Glass is of the flneetcutting and perfect white crystal Silver Our Silver Dept, is is brim full of nice goods,dainty designs A. Marchand Jeweler and Optician --- Exeter, Ontario CeeferdOC The Molsons Bank incorporated 18.55 Capital (paid up) Rest Fund - $3,500,000 - 83,500,000 Has 88 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. it GENERAL RANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINCB BANK DEPARTMENT at 311 Bran• -be,. interest allowed at highest curie nt tate. - EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. D10[aoa & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. I1URDON, Yiuipr. • 1 1