HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-04, Page 31
Enormous Increase in Canada's Business
During Last Year.
A despatch (rem Ottawa says: in letters for local delivery. The
The annual report of the Poatmas- total number of one cent *stamps is -
ter -General cu•.ering the last fiscal sued sat 51,326,000.
year Ahotca that the number of lot -1 the total number of lettere pas--
e through Canadian tnaila dur
tors and postcards handled in the ing the last fiscal year was 411. -
mails during the ...ear increased by 301,000, and of these no less than
19,905,000• or over four per cent., 81,109 were unstamped and were
as compared with the preceding. sent to the dead letter (elites.
twelve months. The number of As usual, 'Toronto heads the list
postof ices increased 858, and theta of cities in volume of mail matter
w•as an increase of 2,0:14 miles in
the extent of the system over which
the mails were carried. The rev-
enue of the department for the year
was $'09.237 in Pecos' of the ex-
penditure. The atatup issue total-
led *9.9111,011. an increase of $e30, -
COO. or a little over six per cent.
The introduction of the one cent
drop -letter rate in cities was re-
sponsible for a very large increase
handled. The gross postal revenue
for the city was *1,513,:110.
Montreal conte.' (text, with re•
ceipts of $903,739, and 11'innipeg
third, with $580,3145. The mail busi-
nese of other cities is shown by the
following figures of gross revenue
for the year :--Vancouver• *205.935;
Ottawa, $199,394; Hamilton, *184,-
740; Loddon, *141.995; Halifax,
*113,555, and St. John, $109,910.
Gloomy Yellow Veil indicates Gi-
gantic Catastrophe.
.1 despateh from London says:
The Journal of the British Astrono-
mical Association, referring to the
changes observed in Mars in Sep-
tember, says these phenoinena are
unparalleled in past records. Tie:
obliteration of the markings on the
surface of the planet by a gloomy
yellow veil indicates some catas-
trophe on a gigantic scale, some
eataelvsnl whieh dwarfs the most
violent. Tellurian earthquake. May
be the abnormal electrical condi-
tions of the sun• which, according
to Sir Oliver Lodge, the noted sci-
entist, caused the recent magnetic
storm on the earth, had a far more
terrible influence on liars. They
may have unloosed forces, whieh, if
Prof. Lowell'e theory concerning
life en Mars is correct, may have
ended forever the Martians' strug-
gle for life.
A despatch from Washington
saes: Prof. Aeha1) Hall of the
Na%al Observatory is of the opin-
ion that no great change has rec-
ently occurred in the planet Mars.
The planet is no closer to the earth
than it has been for fifteen years,
and Prof. Hall has been making
frequent observat.iuns of its ap-
proaches. Prof. Hall has noted
the unusual season marked by melt -
ink snow, but lie does not believe
that any disturbance of an extra-
ordinary sort has affected Mars or
that sun spots have registered their
mark on the planet.
4. ---
Likely to Improve When Trade
Treaty Reconter Effective.
A despatch front Ottawa says:
The Franco Canadian steamship
nerice, which the Allan Tine has
I een performing. is likely to be
greatly improved in consequence of
the impr(.vement in trade which is
expected to follow the French
Treaty becoming effective. :1t pre-
sent the contract calls for fifteen
found trips a year for a subsidy of
two hundred thousand dollar. The
contract is expiring, but will likely
be renewed with the same company
oe the basis of a fortnightly service.
'1'0 SERVE I.-1RI. GREY.
I,:u•I of lancsborough .Appointed
Military Secrelnry.
despatch frs'in London, i'.ng-
land, says: The Earl of I.aneshor•
cue!) has been appointed military
eeeretart to the Governor-General
of Canada, vice Sir John Hanhury-
Wiliilinie, resigned to assume the
Northern military command.
1141t'PI:NZNGS Flit)'! A1.1. OYER
Telegeapltle Briefs from Oar Own
sad Other Countries eft
Reresl Events.
The new gates have been placed
in the Sault Ste. Marie ('anal.
Mr. George J. Desbarats will be
gazetted shortly as Deputy Minister
of Marine and Fisheries.
Ill:POlt'rs 1'RO'! 'rut: I.I:1t)1\G
'rlt.toI: t't:\Titt;S.
Prices of Collie. Crain, Cheese and
Other Dail') Produce at
dont' and .Abroad.
Intends Establishing Fleets of Vessels on
Both Oceans.
.'t despatch from \I'innil'••g says:
Mr. I). 1). Mann, First Vice-I'resi-
Tur,n.lo, Nov. 2.— Fleur (111- dent of the Canadian Northern
tares wheat 90 per cent. patent{,
$1.!O to *4.30 in buyers' sacks o11 Railway, arrived on Monday, and
track, Termite, and $4.10 to *4.15 tirade a statement that directly ('.
outside in buyer,' sacks. linnitt-ha N 11. steel reaches the Pacific
coast, first-class liners, equal to any
afloat, would be launched on both
oceans, this being one result of the
far-reaching arrangement between
Mr. Mann and the British Columbia
Mr. Mann prophesied that the ef-
fect of Canadian Northern trans-
continental competition would be
as great a stimulus as the original
coining of the C. 1'. It.. He ex-
plained that the resignation of Hon.
Messrs. Fulton and Tatlow, of the
British Columbia Cabinet, was a
flour, first patents, $5.60 on tra-k,
The industrial system of the Cen-
tral Prison has Leen adapted for the Toronto ; second patents, *5.10 to
prised in Pretoria, Tran •fast. $5.20, and strong bakers', $4.90 lc..
M r. John T. Molson gate $10,000 *5 on trick, Toronto.
Alanituba %%'hent --No. 1 Northern
to wipe out the debt on Si. Tho -
$1.03, }toy ports, and No. 2 Nurtl►-
mas' :Anglican Church of \font ern, $11.01%, Ila} ports.
real. Ontario Wheat --No. 2 mixed, $1. -
The body of an unknown Italian
01 to *1.02 outside, and No. 2 white
was found in the woods near Cold and red Winter, kl.o2 outside.
stream, B. C., and it is supposed
Barley—No. 2, 57 to 5Sc outside,
be may have been shot le. hunters. and No. 3 extra, 56c outside.
Isaac Garlough was acquitted by
Oats—No. 2 Ontario white, new,
n jury at Cornwall of the murder 37 to 37',4e outside:. New Canada Ross Brickstend. He fired out West oats, outs for No. 2, and
of a window towards some Ween who
373,ec for No. 3, Bay ports.
Peas -80 to 87c outside.
Ityo—No. 2, 71 to 72e outside.
Buckwheat -55 to 56c outside.
Corn --No. 2 American yellow 69
to 69i,c on track, Toronto.
Bran—$21.00 in bags, and shorts
*23.50 to *24 in bags.
were annoying hila, and Brickstead
was found dead near the place next
American Operates on Imperial in GREAT I3IIITAIN.
Nelson, R. C. Mr. J. M. Barrie, rie, tltc author, is
A despatch from Nelson. B. ('., said to be begging his divorced wife
says: The Imperial Bank here has to wed him again.
been swindled out of $2,000 by a The Unionist, candidate was re -
slick American forger, who gave the
name of .John Woollen. The ;nat-
ter has hen kept quiet for sotre
time in the hope of catehidg the
erinli1' 1!, but the faces are now pub-
lic. \Voeltnn cause here from Se•
attle, was introduced by a local
rancher veined H. S. Johnstone :•n•1
deposited a certified check on a Se-
e.ttle- brink for *2,000. He drew
*10O at over. and shortly afterward•!
:1,900, the latter for payment for a
fruit ranch he said he had purchas-
ed. 'l'hen he went to Ro•>sland and
was traced to Revelstoke, from
which point he travelled east and
disappeared. The bank was advised
turned in the Bermondsey bye -Mee -
teen by a majority of 987.
it is understood that Mr. Iier-
l'ert Gladstone will be offered the
nest of Governor-General of United
South Africa.
Bedfort, who confessed in Loudon
that lie hod murdered Ethel Kin -
nide in Hamilton, has been re-
manded nneo more.
Premier Asquith Announced his
intention of moving for the rejec-
tion of all amendments to the Ir-
ish land bill made by the House of
from Seattle that the certifying' The Iowa suffragettes have deeid-
stanhp was forged and the check: ed to follow in the steps of their
worthless. in Wotlton's grip, militant• sisterq in England. Butter - Pound prints,
found at Rossland by the police, ! Carriage -builders in the United 22' c : tubs and large rolls, 20 to
were a number of stamps for use in State. say that the demand for '_1e; inferior, 17 to 19c; creamery,
marking, cheeks, and it is thought horse-drawn vehicles is greater 20 to 27c, and solids, 21 to 25e per
that %Cooltun was one of a gang than it ever ens. Ib.
who have done some extensiveA woman on her way to join her Eggs --Case lots, 27 to28c
swindling in the west lately. husband, a coal miner. in Alberta,
in the ('. P. R. Yards al Fort Wil-
liam. GENER 1T..
Apples—$1.25 to *3 per barrel,
according to quality.
Beene—$1.00 to $1.75 per bushel
at outside points.
Honey—Combs, dozen, $2.25 to
$3; extracted, 10c per Ib.
Hay—No. 1 timothy, $15 to sale
a tots. on track here, and No. 2, *1.1
to *11.50.
Nt.raw—$8.75 to *9.50.
Potatoes -50 to 55c per bag on
track for Ontarios.
Poultry --Chickens, dressed, 12 to
13e per lb. ; fowl, 9 to 10c; turkeys,
17 to 18c per lb. ; ducks, lb., 11 to
13c; geese, 10 to 12c per lb.
was' ordered deported from New
York to Germany with her two chil-
A despatch from Fort William The Austrian !induct shows a (le -
says: her several months past ear- fieit of over ten million dollars. '.aeon --Long clear, 14% to 14Ne
robbers have been systematically at The death of Prince Ito will not, pet ib. in case lets; meas
work in the C. I . R. yards here in oilier Japan's attitude towards pork, $20
spite of detectives and pnll('e. Dur ('even. to g113.S0; short cut, edium*27.50.
Hams --light to medium, 15 to
in.% three menthe about $1.000 word) The Getman Gnyernnlent hes ea- lac; do., heavy, 14 to 14'c; rol!A,
of package freight has been et,len �'tblished a high school et Tsingtnu, l•t;-, to lee; 1•houldors, 12% to lac;
front cars and sheds, and it was not China. backs, 19 to 20e ; breakfast bacon,
until Tuesday that clue, were se- Australia approved the scheme of 17' , to 18'
cured which warranted arrests. On; exchanging warships with the Brit- (au:I—Tierces, 15,-c; tubs, I5. c;
Wednesday four employee% of the kb navy. tails, I:,'ec.
surprise to hint, happoning after
he left. He lead no eminent. to
make, but he regarded the deal as
reasonable and Hate. Negotiations
began a year ago and had been con-
ducted with the Premier through
Attorney -General Bowser, ie fact
the Cabinet had been seen. Mr.
Mann declared that, while (iu►ern-
ntent assistance was necessary for
transcontinental lines, private capi-
tal could construct braneh lines,
but vast tracts of unsettled country
could not he spanned by companies
unaided. Referring to the construc-
tion on the prairies, he said that
fete hundred guiles of C. N. R. track
had been graded this summer, and
two hundred and fifty miles of btoel
laid. Another hundred would be
completed this year.
MAN R1"BNED TO DE.1'1'll. '1'HI: S'l'id:►)1 OF 11'HEAT.
Supposed lie Set Fire le His iced
While Smoking.
Enormous Volume Pouring Down
to Lake front.
A despatch from Quebec says: :1 despatch from 11'iunipeg bays:
A railway laborer named Irvine, Illspec•h1r Gibbs of hurt 11"illiaul
said to be an Englishman, aged has compiled some interesting data
about 45 years, who recently came ns to the reeeittt, of cars nt the
lc. this nountry, was burned to lake terminals this season, coin -
on Thursday evening in his pared with 1008. From September
boarding house, kept by Mrs. 1 to Oct. 21, 21,771 cars of wheat,
O'Connor, St. James street, Lower 2,030 cats of oats, 1,022 cars of bar-
. The fire originated in the lev, and 101 care of flax reached
the waterfront, nut;cing a grand to-
tal of 25,19t cars, against le,88t
s on for the sane period in 190°1. Of
1111(1 set Inc to the bed, that soon those cars, the C. P. R. carried 10, -
enveloped the upper parts of the 70:', an increase over last year of
house in flames. The fire brigade, 70 per cent., and the C. N. R. 8, -
however, soon subdued the fire, t,Ict
cars, an increase of 41 per cent..
which gutted the upper portion of over last year. Of this enormous
the building, and the charred re- total of cars, only 611 were con-
of Irvine were found later. signed to King's elevator, which is
't' known as the hospital elevator.
This speaks volumes for the condi-
tion of the crop.
$10.000,000 COMPANY.
attic roost, which Irvine occupied,
and it is presumed that, lying down
on his bed to suhoke he fell asleep
Was Used by the Man Who Assas-
sinated Prince 11o.
A despatch frorn Harbin, Man-
churia, says : The assassin of Prince
Ito was identified on Thursday as
Inchan Attlee:), a former editor of %despatch from Montreal save:
a newspaper at Seoul. He said (_'larence I. lie Sola, who is the ('a -
o s, per that he. was one of an organization msdian representative of Swan Hen -
that for fresh, and 25 to 26e for of twenty Koreans who had taken ter and Wigltam Richardson, Lha
storage. an oath that they would kill the big Newcastle shipbuilding concern,
Cheese --12 to 12%c per lb. for Japanese statesman. The assassin stated on Wednesday that the re -
large, and nt 12% to 123. c for used dem-dud( bullets, which had port was quite correct that the
twins. been poisoned with cyanide. company had purehated Ia:ed in the
vicinity of Halifax. Beyond that.
he could not go. It was learned,
however, from another source that
Ship -building
Concern for
company were placed under arrest.' (.rent property damage and. it is
charged with thefts. Their names feared. loss of life were caused
Are Tames Miller. checker; Mike n tednl wave in the Mexican Stet'. \IO\TRE.1L M.1IIl:ET.
Gulehack. Andy 'Zitsk. and Mike! i.f Tnhs'^o. Montreal, Nov. 2. J1an tubi
Duriea, !Vulgarian freight hand -1 The German Imperial (o1ern• spring wheat patents, firsts, *5.70;
lers. ' meat reeeeeted the Federal Gov
ertun'ntt to hasten their report on
PETITIONS 1'011 CLEMENCY. the introduction of an unearned 10-
1 cr'nlent land lax.
Hundred Thousand I'ernns Went Ie
Iin1e 11 rv. Ro1►iuvnn. i 1111\ I:1 IN I'(t l' 1'I'tl l:s.
A despatch from Ottawa any,• --
The clerks of the Department of 'Uhl•% Pat Beller Than Wheat Out
Justice. who have been struggling) West.
with the flood of lettere anti post 1 despatchfr•' 1: Winnipeg Piave'.
cards pouring in Boring the post Farmers with large areas under,
fortnight praying for clemency furls otatoee this year are snaking mere
Mrs. Rubinson, who is under sen- menet. mgt of 1s11•ers then out of
tenee to he hanged at Sudbury next` wheat. although the latter is 11„1h
month, estimate that over 100,000 inprice and pet ateee almorrnallt
persone have now been heard from. low. Onc farmer nt Balmoral se.
The case will cern' before
the ('ab-) cured n yield of eel)htlshe!s tier acre
incl Council in the regular way as, on his ,'itch, which, nt 27 cent.,
soon As the Minister of .Justice hes scat' hen *119 per acre return. Ills
considered the report of the trial ',fee t'heet Was sea reely ogle-fonr 1.
Judge and 11►e full report of the „f that. I'otntees are a remarkably
et ideli '.
heats crop this year.
1 V 1 l l� 11 L 1 11 L 11 V V L1 V stili Purlieu of Porker l ('n.'s 11)e Montreal, Nov. 2.—Prime beeves
Wrecked.1 sold at 5 to 5'e per Ib. ; pretty'
:1 detpntch front Toronto se, good animals from:I1, to 4',e: corn -
John D. Rockefeller Has Given ' w
Eight viten and n bogy were in'2 •i
jured, mon Meek atto '4e per lh., with
en One two of them seri••uslc. •in nn Cxplo-! lent) canners nt about I,';e per lb.
Ifled of gasoline on Thursday in There was a Targe propoi1ton •.1
the cleaning ream, kneel) AS the
s,►ringert among the cows, and
--- - ---- ! henrine room, of R. Parker d• Penh.: "ins ..f them were lean, and a•',I
A despatch (rem New York says: parasite often se lowers the vital., pang's dv' tterke al 791 Yens' t” $6O each. seen I.. *20; n�,1ldeeht c�,fsthcocAl¢esl
A giftgiftof $1,000,000$1,000,000by John U. ity of the.' who are nifeeie'I ns to street. The atrnelure was tinned -
ere grass -fel, and some of then(
Rockefeller to fight tI heek•eornt retard th'ir physical nod uu nl'cl ►'.remnn, was bodily blown threutrh Iran ; they weld at front 3 to le per,
disease etas announced at the of- development, render them more sus- n window and buried 'seder debris
:.: good veal., e to '.,e per lb. 1
fees of the Standard Oil Company ceptible to other diseases, make it an i i.' nt lane. The dm
maq' �Itee(1, 31, Ir, 3'(e nee Ib. ; 11u„I:a
herr late en Detre/lay. A dozen labor lege efficient, end in the set` 'Nne t:, the h+blain an 1 cements nt :,;, to 5',c per Ib. Oon•I 1.,tr of
well kneen edneaters and sci'n- tient where the malady is most pre- wa• nlr.,eit 10.000, githich is fully tut hog+, 8' to 1•',t' per Ib.
fists, ge!e. ted in large pert from in• valent ;lents inert• lass the death ,.,,(,,red by iusur11nee. Toronto, Not. •:. The demand ter
aht»tiens of learning in the south, rate from c'tiswnptien, pneumonia, !choice butehcrs' vas strong, with
where the parasite is prevalent, typhoid fever and malaria. it has• 4• th•' ie,n,t that prime picked et`eis
Retkrralled feller' in conference
tiAith 'alit been ;hewn that the lowered vi ' EMI IN 1'0 1'111 N'I'.11\. I'''''1 up 10 *5.25: ether select lots
taIity f tllltllttllllet lull„ attributed1 • •'• sole' at fl:, to P3.10: i t'Iitl,lty
Tuesdat, and as a result of the (lire to malaria :ind climate and :erioii - l Ilk ,i(me0 'Inn „rim int in I'ae,Ii,' ,i lends et P1.51 t„ A1.90. sleek.
enation of the sihlati'•n the Reeke- ly affecting seen-mie development e • and feeders were net it e. • n:•
feller Cemmistien f.'r the Eradica- is, in fa: t. largely tine in some die ' `quare el '101)1re:i1• 1,.13 of 1(anitoh:I feeders stIl''t nt
lion of the Heck werin Disease was mets t'. this parasite. S..Ine f'so 1 de -pat. -i, 11••1:1 \I•.mtrenl ' _. Al. •e. the highest price of tle• ,-ea
(+reenact!. n,illiens 1,f the people u1 the United .1.1 11•.k•,uwn elan sat f ,rid 5. n. Milkers and springet'= 1+(y'e
The heck worm. which. it is lie. State; are infected with the para- (1111 eel to ('ie basin 1.1 11,e ' ac- I, '1 r•-ti't. Sheep were steed) al.•!
1 - •-•1. It at imported fret,) . fries site. and these are Iry n•. ': 'e,, f. ' ntain r•n \%',•r. ..•c- l.11nb- ti rtner, n few est to c ltei. e
I lel•rli A (, rlrl 1'e t
• • , the negreee. lives in the ha- ventit ' I to Ant one 11.1,'.. flee in'I d:;r .,*fist It i`- ''•pl,.r•;',l t1,;it the I !Assaf. -.ening 11,1 to 14,,,rs0. they
1 1•- 1pte-hnnl tract unit feeds up- of suffering and death ie t:,';eel from n'a is a •,. ,..t'; . ,,,,,i flit. i f,'11 !tit„ P7 t.0 teas paid in one or 1'.10 111
('n 1.;.,(•.I nbieh it draws fron) the the iteellieent Bell -to-do as ee:1 as Iht 1,, :-o t 11 • e 1e•• be'lt v. i, tested 5 ii rel. a'::1 *t7.':5. fel and enter.
' to :t' fining of the tract. T1:0 trot., tie ' less fertunnto. 1 sett .:11 It,•;:rs •;ltcieteids. ' e•1 1 ;. I •! - •l4.
\1\I: III Rt IN EXt't0110'
do, neCO11de. *521); winter wheat
patents. *e.50; do., strong bakers', guns•
$i►; straight toilets, $5 to $5.25
do., in brigs, $2.35 to $2.50. Mill -
feed - Ontario bran, *21 to *22 ; do.,
middlings, $23.50 to *21; Mnnit,,-
I,, bran, *21 ; do., shorts, *2:3 tri!
*21:911 pure grain muuille, *32 to 8:13 ;11
mixed uu,uille, *25 to *27. Rolled .1 despatch from Kansas ('ivy
Oats-- Per barrel, *1.70: do., peri 111•• s • Mrs. Indiana Hogan. 104
bag, *2.2); eurntneul, per barrel,' years old, and her son, Levi Hew -
*:'.7o to *3.90. Eggs ---Selected stock ant, 71 yenrs old, shunt ahs charnc-
27e to 24c, and No. 1 candled at 25e
to 30c per dozen. ('heese--IVeet-
e•rns, 11' + to 11",c and eastern/4,
11( to 11' ; •. Butter --Finest Cream-
ery, 2't . to 2 -lc per lb. Pork --
11en1v Canada short cut tness pork,
barrels, eel : Canada short cut back
perk. : heavy clear choice pork
all fat. :1:it : Brown brand. bone-
less pork. n1I fat. $31: heavy cheer
hacks, very heavy, all fat. *32;
Plate l,eef, tierces, *_1.50.
1 s 1) EF.tTIG.1 R1.E 1..1 t' N('Il EB.
pte')arations were being made at
ilritain's Largest .Armored Cruiser Halifax for application to Ottawa
fur a charter for a company capi-
talized at. 1410,000,000 and that the
scheme of this company was nso.tt
comprehensive. A gentleman in
close touch with the situation stated
that the Government's intentions in
Has 27 -knot Speed.
:1 despatch from London says:
The Indefatigable, Great Britain's
largest armored cruiser, was
launched at the Devonport yards
on 1hursdnv. She is an improved the matter would not he announced
vessel of the Inflexible type. She until the op'ning of Parliament.
is of 10,000 tuns burden, with 43,- 'The In•nposal in gtrestion was not
000 horse -power, and an estin�.ated the only one with which the Cher -
of 27 knots an lour. The new
fighter is 570 feet long and has a ernntent would hate to deal.
bean) of 60 feet. She will carry
eight 12 -inch and ttrenty 4 inch
Mrs. Hogan rears 11 111Il Shorten
Iler Life.
I.(1" 1: STOCK MARK 1:'1'S.
terizcs as "my baby,” pa.F•cd
through this eitt en route frets' .1n-
abel, Mn., to the Ozark regions,
where they are ging for the sea's
health. Site has atneked since she
war. young, but regret it now, be-
cause Atte fears it will shorten her
\ l:%T Qt"EItI:(' Ititll)1.E.
(.ore:•nmenl Calling for Tenders
for Removal of Debris.
.\ d••,patch from Ottawa says:
The G.,1,-rnrneut is calling for ten-
ders for the removal of the debris
1 f the old Quebec Bridge front the
south shore where the collapse oc-
curred. This is the first step toward
replacing it with the new and larg-
er struclitre on the plant of which
a board of engineers is now work-
1 011. 1.111\t.
Iluu.lied 1':1ry a !lay Shipp's1 Front
Lilo. Por 11.
A despatch from 11'iunipsg saes:
+1i the present time 1(N) cars of coal
1 ►nan'g (ailuro is always du' to ore being shipped daily from the
the fact that he didn't succeed. lake ports to Winnipeg wholesalers,
_ __ In he distributed throughout Mani-
Loy'•mskin{ may not he as fool- arab; and Snskat.ch^wan. It is ex-
as it nppeart to di„iutereate I+ectcd that this number will he in -
created to leo during the daft nil
N"' • I .'r and December.
Million Dollars.
I)ec:'ense of Nearly 4,000 Hotel Licenses
in Ontario in Thirty Year.
i ' ,.1 "i"oronto Hat %; 1!1• past five years.
Oe :lt •, is am'eillg rapid t,r''5 ess I There Are 11ee' If.) tr:tin,.^.1,.e' • .•g
lot :1111= temper: nue, neverding to to th'• I've. ins' tuttl'r local "e'.
geld 1'9 in which Been sea a: ' t
the• oflicial figures of the Prottii;al
issue1 on (10to1n:eent polies. )'.t
I.iecn4e I►e )artntent.
1 keit! npt:nn Innni'ipailtl•`e l'1CIn."e
This tear there It" 1;1 All 2.::28'U1, in which the b:•-le•s• tent ear.
ii ,n,•r lieen.es tsar it:hout tete ('rov. : ricd under the tie !i'1!,- r•'a'+s.•.
sure,. of ehiel, 2.014) ate tavern. 2J in :1'11 of 1110. total e' +•• •,.. ; '
ails see. e'1 isle tell •h -rale, Ar11 ,- t:••1 1,1 ()testi.. 1 tit! i , e •:,+..•
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