HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-11-04, Page 1Gets The Adv(,7.ate and Mail and Ewpit(' or The Advocate and Monti cal Star. Take advantage of oar Low Club Rates TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. J EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1909. The Old Reliable This week we are showing a large stock of UNDERWEAR in Rib, Knit, Plain and Fleece -Lined, extra quality, at 25c, 50c and 75c Ladies' Pure -Wool Stanfield's Knit. in full suit, at $1.00 and $1.25 each. Ladies' Higb•Class Underwear, pure South African wool, woven out with silk warp, extra qu'tlity at $1.75 each. Ladies' Black Underwear, in full suit, at $1.00. Fine Line in Child's and Misses.' at reasonable price. Stanfield's Underwear for Men, as high es $3.50 pet suit, and as cheap as you want. The name of STANFIELD is a household word Special A few pieces of Flannelette, full yard wide, heavy weight, fancy stripe and good colors, regular 12Ic. to clear 1) yds. for $1.00. Alen a good weight at 10c, at 11 yards for $1.00. All Wool & Union Sheeting, full two yards wide, to clear 75c & &)c per yd Millinery Don't forget that we still have a fret -class milliner in the person of MISS MORLOCK, who does our Millinery and will accept trade for tame. Highest Prices Paid for Produce and Poultry, dead or alive! Butter 22c, Eggs 24c. trade; 23c cash. These prices subject to change. Dried Apples 5c Potatoes 50c per Bag, trade or cash CA,RLING BROS.•606000006 Special Sale , Men's 8& Boys' Suits Overcoat. LADIES' & GIRLS' Coats, Furs & Raincoats AT REDUCED PRICES Remember this is where you get the Kant Krack Rubbers "The Best Made " Men's Suits $15.00 Suits for..... $12.01 12.00 "•'10.00 10.00 10.00 " ,• 7.54) 8.04) •• •• ...... 6.50 Boys' Suits $6.00 Suits 5.50 4.75 •' 4.50 3.75 300 2 50 fur 46 ..... $1.75 4.00 3.50 3.25 2.75 2.'25 2011 Men's & Boys' Overcoats $14.00 Overcoats fur.... $11.00 12 00 •' .... 1).50 10.00 " ' • .... 7.50 8.00 ' • '' .... 6.50 7.50 .a 4ti All accounts due Oct. let please call and settle. is We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE PHONE 22 --- ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE rr'siltassl..s1 Cards. DL O. P. &OULr?ON, 4 D. S., D. D. 1. •UWWTIOT Mswbsr of tae L 0. D. S et Ontario sad Nosey OsaflaaW ed Tomato UalverNtr• 0111Ct: Over Dkkase a Ca►Itsg'e Law 00ca, In Vs. Anderson's former Dental Pwlors. �DL A. L KINSMAN, L D. a., D. D. 8.' eser graduate of Tweet* Ualverlety. DENTIST. ilius aslractfd tensest say pals, or say bad fleets Mks ever Citadels/4a Stanbury'e Mace, (tale street fasbr. MN lest ail R BRIGHT, N. D., Y. C. P. a s. HONOR LA. Orodow of Toronto L'alvenity, Two years rssidtot pbtelclao Rose! Alexandra florpi:al, etc. OtLce and Reelda e, Lr. Amo. Old Stand Andrew Street, LIETRR, DR, T. P. YcLACGi1LlN Hes remained pewit,' after opendtn` a year (Col- lege) at 131aa!eb and Continental Ilmrpitals General practice wab special attention to lye, (wttb refrac. Loo) at Nose and Throat. 0111-e: L)ubilood, Oct. Legal. DICKSION a CARLING, BARRi9Tr.k&, POl.iCI tors. Notaries. Conveyancers, t'ommiselcnere Solicitors for Moleone Baal, etc. omit, to Leaf at lowest rates of Interest Oaks", Ya!n street, Cuter, 1. M. Oaaaue, $,A., L H meson MONEY TO LOAN. We bare • lance atn,unt M prirate funds to lean s farm sod sillage properties at low rates of Tater est. (MADMAN 8 *TAN$URT,f Banisters, 8o11Nton,Ysls et., teeter 0. B. S. PHILLIPS, Exirrita. Licossed 8■ctioseer. Sales attended is all parteaatletsrttnn e•earen Ned Cf no pay Terms resat -mobil. . All enders left el Adve. s e OMNI. will be promptly attended to J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. also Fire insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -SL, Exeter. 1:CFNSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANDF..i:‘.'N Lk clewed AY(tioneer for Eu -ac ('oat rty. Terms reasonable. Datta c ar: b ruade at Ire Advo -ate, Exec-. er liter kilter's Office. Cred- iton. HOUSE An 1'OR *ALts An excellent brl'k 'route. rnod,rn and uD ie-da•e st•uate'A 3•1 Malta stere'. Apply at this Office. HERE TO STAY ! Bus and Dray Calls promptly attended to. Horses kept in stock for sale. Telephone 41A Stables at Handford's Horse Exchange WMl. ARNOLD, Prop. FARM WANTED TO RENT. 1011 tit roe. to get pose, ee:o'n in fall. Apply lc SANDERS & CREECH, Exeter FARM TO RENT I3c:r,g Lot 3, con. 14, in the Township of Tuckeramlth, containing 100 acres, on which 1s a new cement house. con talnins 7 rooms, bank barn 35x56.wlth stalling underneath. drive shed, 21132; well watered, 2 wells and a never -fall- ing spring ; 3 acres of fall wheat, fall plowing tartly do It ; 5 acres well man- uned for spring (Top. straw on plate can be had to feed on premises : immed- iate possession wilt be given for doing fall work. Full possession on Nov. 8. 1909. For further particulars apply 3n the premises to D. Ulbb, t.:oprleto:. or B. 8. PHILLIPS, Auctles.aer, Exeter. FARM FOIL SALE. 100 acre farm In Usb rhe, two aid one half chiles from Eteter, .also a brl •k house on Ataln-street, Ewer. and a car- load of green cedar posts. WM. M. BLATCFIFORD FARM FOR SALE. 0,,e of the finest farm. in L'sbOrne t prly to S.\ NDERS & CREECH, Exeter FOR SALE (' ttage and three lots in Exeter. being lots Nos. 55. 56. and 57. on the South side of Simcoe Street. On this property ie a frame cottage (brick foundatlon)con tattling five rooms and a good cellar. Also a good well and a large stable. Good garden at:d fruit trees. The pro- perty Is to be sold to wind up the estate --Apply to GLADMAN & 1TANBURY. J3:arrlaters. Euler. Ontario. YOUNG PROOD SOWS FOR SALE Two esrellent brood sows. bred from pure Berkshire and Tamworth, for sale Apply at this office. Local Items • Try The Advocate Office For W. riding :uuijl:nsi totes Station er\' ullr: Citrate, Pustule. 'Fir ket - Bills. and all kind; r 1 Printing. Type & Styles are the Best e ANDERS tic CREECH Mi. A. Blesett ham moved to Victoria street from Andrew. Rev. Yelland is erecting a turn on hjs property on Carling street. aline Agr:ca \Vhitth:ghanr of Clinton has engaged wit's Mies Violet Treble as dressmaker. A number of Clinton Bowlers play a game with the Ezeter boys on the a1, leya here Friday right. Mr. John Broderick and family have moved from Hay to their home on An- drew street, Exeter. We welcome Mr, Broderick and Ida worthy family as cit- izens. Dr. Chisholm, Conservative M. P. for East Huron has defl.ntely announced that owing to advanced years he will not again be a candidate for re-election to the Commons. Geo. Spotton or Ex- Werden Bowman :nay probably be his successor. ELIMVILLE M. and Mrs. S. Andrew vlaltcd rola uvea in Corrie last week.—Quite a large r:umber from the village and vicinity attended the anniversary services at the Whalen appointment on Sunday and also the Fowl Supper on Monday even- Ing.—While Mr. and Mrs. Albert Andrew were returning from the Fowl Supper at \Vhak ri on Monday evening they came into a collision with another rig going the opposite way at a rap:d speed. The rrqult was they were thrown into the ditch. The horse ran about half a mile before being rap'ured. The rig was bad- ly broken up but Mr. and Nee. .Andrew escaped with but a few slight l,ru.aes. —Mr. Wm. Veal is confined W the nou•e with a very severe cold. LONDON ROAD. Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman were tight royally received at their home here on Monday t:ight of last week on return - Ing home from their honeymoon trip. About forty friends and neighbors gathered on the scene and the ttvening was most pleasantly spent In games, mush and social chat.—Those who went into raising sugar beets this year have been having discouraging results thus far, the weather being vex y unfav- orable for harvesting of sante. Nearly all the o.her roots have been housed and pitted for winter.—Nearly all the fall plowing has teen done.—Miss Nettie McTaggart returned last week from a visit to Byron and London.—Many of tyre neighbors and friends will regret to know that Mr. John Case `s about to retire from the farm and g to Tor- onto to make his future home. As a friend and neighbor he will be much missed by all, and the beet wishes of all will be his for his future prospc:- 1ty. Ho will hold a sale of his larch. stock and implements ott the 61h.—Mr9. E. McTaggart and mother, Mrs. Thomp- son of Blyth, !ave returned after spend- ing a few days with Mr. and airs. 1'. McTaggart.—Frank Roes spent a few days at London last w'e:k.—Preparations are being made for Vie Rodgervilic Qum Club Annual Shoot. SERVANT GIRL WANTED. Gcod tap..blc g,:•! for general Louse work—good wages. references requl. it. Apply Mrs. A. E. lteaso.r, 62e Lorne. Av London. Ont. DRIVER FOR SALE. A good driver 4 years old—quiet in every way_ Apply at this office. RUG FOUND On the 2nd con. of Stephen, a "•pollen rug. Owner can have same o n proving property and paying for this nonce, by applying to G. Penhale, con. 3, Sttphcn. SALE REGISTER Tuesday, Nov. 2nd On Lot 3, Qon. 14 Tuckcremlth, et 12.30 sharp. Farm Stock and Implements, the property of D. Gibb. B. S. (';fillips, Auctioneer. Thursday, Oct. 28.—Household furtni- ture etc., the property of Mrs. M. J. Fritz. Grand Bend. Sale at 1 o'clock. (I. flosscnberry, Auct. Friday, Oct. 29th—Farm Stock and im- plements. the property of J. A. Coughlin Lot lo. S. H. Stephen, at 1 o'clock. J. Stanley, Auct. FARM FOR SALE 74 acres of farm land in the village of Exeter. 13 acres In fall wheat, fall plowing nearly finished, well fenced. well drained and watered: good 1 1-2 storey brick house. containing 9 living rooms, hard and soft water In the house; good barn, number of fruit trees. situate north of the station road, Exeter For particulars apply to JOHN HAWK- SIiA\V, Proprietor, or D. 8. PHILLIPS, huetioneer. WE WANT For Fel and Winter month. In Eseter and surrounding country an active re- liable agent to take orders for nursery stock. GOOD PAY WEEKLY. OUTFIT FREE. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY Guo ACRES of the cho.rca nursery stock which you sell direct to your customers. This 1* one of the advantages our men have over Jobbers. We guarantee the delivery of trees In GOOD CONDi ION and C'i' TO CONTRACT GRADE. Write for partie- ulars—PELIIAM NCRSERY 1X.. TOR- ONTO. ONT. Please mention this paper. DRESS MAKING i wish to anr.ounce that 1 have op. n - ed a dress making establishment at the home of Mr. Gordon Mann,. Andrew -et. And am r•ow prepared to accept orders. 1 have had a wide eeperience In the Rhe of dresemakl:.g. t,aett g be“, read cutter for the past two years in Brantford. i guarar:tee sat:efactio,..—OLIVE JONES. C1IClteil ltE-OPENING AND VEItSAI1Y ANSI- Itoh:neon of Winchelsea spent Sunday the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Frank . Coate..—Mtas lteta Eesery visited to Lu - can last week.—Niles Minnie Luxton teas gone to Illbbert to work.—Messrs.l'aul and Richard Coates are in New York attending the funeral of their aunt, 'airs. Menhear, who was formerly Miss Fisher, being a sister of airs. Thomas Coates and of the late Frederick and George Fisher. Tnis week the congregation of the Caeca Presbyterian Church celebrated tnc re -opening and anniversary of their church by special services on Sunday and an old-time tea on Monday cvenin.;. During the last few weeks the •'hu: -h 11.10 been undergoing a thoroug.r re- pairing and re -decorating. both wt - gide and inside, and the result is a e tat- !! imp-orel building. The walls and ce;l Ing have been repainted, the seats ps'.nt- ei and varnlalted, new seats of the rp- era style have been placed In the 1 loft, electric light and new and beau'ltul electric fixtures have teen in3tatl d, and lit many other ways the ci,urcr, home has been improved. The choir *eats, the electric fixtures, hat and clock racks, a new communion table .tad a new pulpit bible are among the handsome donations by different mem- bers of the congregation. Large congresatlons attended the Sun- day cervices. the number at the evening service being the largest that the church has ever contained. In fact, scores were unable to obtain admission Rev. 8. F. Sharp, the pastor, conducted the services, and In the evening was assisted by Rev. E. A. Fear of the Maim street church. Mr. Sharp preached two very acceptable and instructive sermons. The choir, aaslstcd by Miss Laura filch e.rd*oll, rendered a number of choice anthems and solos, which added much to the services. • On Monday evening an old-fashioned tea meeting was held, and the ladies are deserving of the greatest praise for the excellence of the menu provided. The attendance, although the night was wet was very large—Ill that could. comfort- ably be acco.n,.,od..ted. At the close of the supper a program of speeches by resident and neighboring ministers, se- lections by the oho:: and Mise Richard- son, violin solos by Miss Delight Hobbs was, given in the church and 'listened to with delight by the large attendance Finncially the anniversary was a grand' success, the receipts amounting to $581.2:t, the Sunday services bringing $389.88 and the tea $142.85. which is a remarkably fine showing. EXETER SCHOOL REPORT • For October 11. S. Department Fo III—Honors, I. Marchand 86.5 L. W toot: 78.7, G. Kestle 77.2; pass. A. 13 74.5, W. Monteith 7:1.7, C.l'ick- .,rd .7, W. Birney 73.5, H. Trlebner . Graesick 72.2, A. Pickard 71.7, L. tier:, 69.5. L. Sanders 69, R. Hooper 66.7, H. Carling 66.7. No. on roll 10. average 29. W. D. Weldenhamnr-r, B. A., Prin. Form 11.—Ilonore. 13. Hogg/nth 80. 11. Sweet 78 ; pass, R Dearing 74. E - Cage 73, C. \Vood 73, 0 Passmore 69. W. Wcdsntiller 69, W Stewart 67, A. Coleman 60, E. Southcott 60. No. on roll 30. average 28. E. M Jtobb, Teacher. Form I.—Honors, C. Pickard 93. It. Wood 90. M. Ilpbklrk 91, M. Mct)ucen Si. M. Carling 83, P. Drown 82, A. Wil- lis 80. M. Acheson 79, 1. Ratline _ e. F. Trlebner 77, V. Geiger 75 ; Pass, A. Brokenshire 7.2, M. Melon 72, F.Welsh 71. S. Geiger 69. 11. May 66, I. Misery 05. 11 McKay 65, A. Morgan 04, 11. G.er,r. 64, S. Southcott 63, V. Hodgson 6_ C. Heywood 61. No. on roll 14. tverage 42.8. Commercial.—Sr. S. Glides 71, Hooper 67. C. Harvey 67. Jr.. 13. At - kiloton 78, L. Rowe 77, M. Jewell 65. .\ M. Johnston, la tilt( r P. N. Department Room iV.-1lpt,ors. J. Seldon 91, I. )fivers 89, J. Davie 87, D. Hall 83, 0. Beverley 81, F. Arnold 79, D. 011lles 79, V. Rowe 76, N. Jones 75. Pass, it. Balkwlll 74, W Snell 73, F. Mc- Pherson 73. F. Dinney 72, G. Penhale 67. G. Bissett 65. C. Could■ 60. Jr. IV.—honors, L. Harvey 88. Irmo Sweet 82. M. Jones 81, E. 13a!kw111 78 11. Quancc 75. Pane. O. !lodger[ 74, F. Rowe 7:1. it. Itowe 7:1, ref. L'latch, ford 611, E. I).ty 60. M. Case 65. 1..}land ford 63, 11. Rivers 62, E. Itaivey 60. No. on roll :19. average :14. C. Vosper, teacher. Room V.-110:nor.. W. Manson 83, L. Heiden 82. M. Heywood 82, E. Ppwie Fin. 13. 11odg••rt 75. J. rollick 73. Anna hell 78, A. Knight 72. H. ltowellf(e 71. L. Kestie 71: Pass, A. Day 67, C. Davie 62. O. Macdonald 63, W. Mack 02 Jr. iIi.—Ilonore, P. Jackson 81, A M Ick 77, ie. Bowey 73, M. $cldon 72, M. Ruston 72: Pass. 1i. Parsons 09. F. Wood 61. E. Davis 60. No. o:. roll :12, average 29. J. Murray. Teacher. Room V1.—Jr., Honors. L. Zuefle i'n' M. Gladrnan 97, M. Vincent 97, K.WeId- 1 :hamper 85, B. Horsey 79, O. Fltto', 76. D. itoulde:, 75; Pass. G. Ford 74. D. Kunz 68. D. While 64, A. Johns! 04. O. Wella 63. Sr.—M. l'ickard 92. M. Hardy 83, M. Walker 78, R. Cornish 75, G. Carling 73. M. Day 73, L. Walker 67 E. Johnna 64. at. Kydd 44, W. Jacobi 01 No. on roll 32. average 29. 13. N. Kinsman. Teacher. Room Vit.—Honors. W. Davis 94, 11. Boyle 82, Nt. Morlock 75: Pass, \'.Swett 71. P. Colltngwood 69, A. Cornish 09. 11. Rivers 67, M. Sharp a A7, 1. Easter brook 66. W. Redden 65, 13. Charlton, On. Sr. Pt. 11.—Honore, B. Jackson 98 O. Harvey 06, M. Hackney 90, V. Jones ea, F. Prbmacombo 84; Pass. M. }lar:- lelb 72. Nt. Marchand 65. A. Sleeth. Teacher. Room Vii.—Honors, Sr. Pt. 1. — v. 1110 95. M. Harvey 83, 1. Davis 80, W. Oillecree 80. E. Magee 79, T. Connor 78. E. Wells 75. Pass. M. Taylor 73. M. Houlden 70, 3. Bowe), 70. K. Hedden 68. C. Salter 67. Jr. Pt. 1. Honore. C. fleana.an 83. M. Iiarvey 82. D. Senior 811. Nt. Vincent 76, S. Sanders 75: Pass V. Rowcllife 70, E. Yellow 69. P. Har - nese 67, M. Wehater 64. F. Vincent 60. H. Pennock, Tear ter. EDEN. Miss Lela Roswell visited under Ihr parental toot on Sunday.—Miss 811a --- BIRTHS Harrison—In London, on Oct. 30th. to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Harrison of Exeter, a son. Bloomfield—In Exeter. on Nov. 1, to \Ir. and Mrs. Fred. Bloomfield, a daughter. Me•ldinger.—On the 14th of flay, on Oct 23rd, to Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Me1d- ingcr, a daughter. Bedard.—On the Sauble Line, Hay, on Oct. 25th, to Mr. and Airs. Joseph Bedard, a son. Thompson.—In McGillivray, on Oct. 23 to Mr. and sire. Geo. Thompson, a son. Cunningham—In Ailsa Craig, on Oct. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. et. Cunningham, •a daughter. Jarrott.—In Hensall on Oct. 31st., to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Jarrott, a daugh- ter. Johnston—At Hensall on Oct. '2l et to Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston, a daugn'er. Sutherby—At Hensall on Oct. 22nd to Mr. and \ire. N. Suthei by, a daughter. Constable—Inn Ailsa Craig, on Oct. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Constable, a cause ter. MA Rill AGES \1cG111—Solstice-1n Mitchell, c;' frit 27th Oct., by J. W. McIntosh, Jeer.... Loupe, eldest daughter of }tr. ani Mrs. Will. Schafer, to Dr. It McGf(l all of \lllcl:ell. Cameron—Finkel—At Clinton, on Ca 21.1.}t' .u, . second daughter of \Ir. arta' We. Wm. F'Iuker. to It. J. Camecerr:• of Lucknow. Johnston—Johnston—I, Seaforth, an Oct 25, Etta Jounaton of Dungannon. to Harold Johnston, Toronto, son of Mr_ and Mrs. Oliver .Tohratou of Cli::tcu_ Keegan—WIW—A' St. Peter's church. Drysdale, on Oct. 27, Margaret Wild of the Searle Line. Stanley, to F ramie. Keegan of Itayfitid. Atkinson—Irvine—At Toronto. on Ore. 25. Mr. Frank It. Atkinson of Ailste. Cuaig. to Miss 11-vtne of Toron.e. DEATHS Snell. -1,1 Exeter, on Nov. 2nd. Thomas, Snell. aged 69 years, 6 months and 18 days. Shipley—in aloo'eomin. Sask., Oct. 23. John Franklin Shipley. formerly al Clinton, aged 21 years, 111 months. Harmer—In F'ullarton .011 Oct. 26th, James 11.u.ucr, .aged 72 years. 4 the and and 4 days. Morey—In Foliation, on Oct. 27, Ana }turlburt, wife of Merritt Morey, aged 78 years. flushes.—in Seaforth, on Oct. 21, Mret. John Hughes, aged 78 years. Anderson.—In Seaforth, on Oct. 26th Jas. A Anderson aged 65 years OVERCOATS Our overcoats are the swellt'at in town and every nnan's overcoat is here. Does be prefer a new style with the Priiat.An nr College Ulster Collar i' We have theca in every new model and fabric. Does he lean toward something quiet? We have all [.tyles in Blacks, Blues, Lang Coats, Mediums and Shorts. The man thatpasses this store on Overcoats will !tales the BEST OVERCOATS IN TOWN 1 Hats Many new kinks, Curves, Colorings and Shapes, for the Fall Season. Suits Our Special Made•to-Measure Clothing is making A BIG HIT Ready•to-Wear Sults at all prices. A n nv stock of Children's Cloths on hand SANDY BAWDEN Opposite Post Office EXETER, Ontario It's Easv to Go Wrong on the Furniture Question And many and many a housekeeper has done it— Most of them do it by means of the Mail Order Catalogue. In it they see pictures of Beautiful Furniture. along with wonderfal stories of cheapness. And they never stop to reelect thatthings are so fled in this world that much cannot be boughl for little. Furditure, of all things in the world, cannot be satiefat :ut ily bought without an examination. We never tire of explaining all about the goods we sell, and after you have made a selection you can he assured tbvt what you purchase will "MAKE GOOD" in long service. JAMES BEVERLEY, Leading Undertaker and Embalmer Stoves and Ranges The Biggest and Best Display of Stoves and Ranges in Exeter Coal or Wood Cooks Cast Range, with Reservoir National Ranges, with Reservoir Imperial Oxfords Garlands Souvenirs from $18 of. . Spec. $25, good value' from $32 to $5o• 25 " 44; " 38 " 4' " 37 " 44 Don't Miss Seeing Our $25 Imp, Oxford ---The Best Stove. Value Ever Offered ! 30 Days to be Satisfied Remember. we Guarantee All our Stoves & Ranfiet; Jewell. Garlands and .Souvenirs from $35.50 up to $46 Wood Heaters from 82up Wanted ---50 Second Sand Heaters and Wood Cooks HEATERS HEAIAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE